Latin Prefixes and Suffixes for Science These are prefixes and suffixes that are commonly found in science-related vocabulary words. Each week you will take a vocabulary quiz. We will start with list #1 and continue until we finish. For the quiz, you will be expected to write down the definition of the prefix/suffix, give an example of a word that uses it, and define the word. Check the website/calendar for quiz dates. List #2 biolife carnmeat, flesh catabreaking down cephalhead chlorgreen chrom-, -chrome color cyto-, -cyte cell deremoval of ditwo dia- (Greek) through keltumor or swelling kerathorn -ium List #1 without/not to, towards both away refers to man against ancient joint self two person who deals with part of body gastrogengeogyn-, -gynous haploheme-, -hemo herbherphyperhydroleio-less lignlin- List #4 stomach beginning earth female single blood plants snakes, reptile above, more water smooth without wood line List #5 hypobelow, less heterodifferent homo-, homeo- same, alike (Greek) ichthyfish interbetween intrainside isoequal leuc-, leukwhite lyso-, -lysis break apart lingutongue lipfat lith-, -lite, -stone petrify macrolarge List #6 mammbreast margborder, edge oo-, ovul-, ova- egg osteobone path-, -pathy disease periaround photolight phyto-, -phyte plant plasmo-, -plasm basic substance polymany postafter, behind prebefore loc-log lumenmesomicromillimonomorphmultimyomalacmalleneuroophthalmomni- List #7 place word, speech light middle small 1/1000 one form, body many muscle soft hammer nerve eye all List #8 mastbreast medmiddle megmillion, great mela-, melanblack, dark -mer part prifirst pro-, protofirst, before pseudofalse reagain rhizroot, rootlike somat-, soma-, -some body spermat-, -sperm seed stoma-, -stome mouth, opening subbelow List #9 necrodead retrobackwards sym-, syntogether, with supra-, superabove, over tel-, teledistant tetrafour thermheat transacross, through trithree trophfeed -tropic responding to unione -cid-, -ciskill, cut, fall zoo-, zo-, -zoan animal a-/anadamphianaanthropoantiarchearthrautobi-ist diplodisendoectoepierythroeuexexoextrakilokinelachrylact- List #3 two away from inside outside above red proper, real away from outer beyond, outside thousand move tear milk caud-derm -hydrate -itis -ology -meter -osis platy-phase -phage -phyll -pod, -ped rhino- List #10 tail skin, layer involving water inflammation, infection study measurement condition, disease flat stage eater leaf foot nose List #13 andromale -al having the character of -oid similar to boreal northern australosouthern echin-, echino- spiny, prickly methwith 1 carbon ethwith 2 carbons propwith 3 carbons butwith 4 carbons anterantho-ap-, -aphapo-, apaqu-ary, -arium aster-, astr anther-ation atmoaudiaur- List #16 front flower touch away from water denotes a place for something star fatty deposit noun form “the act of” vapor hear ear List #19 centihundredth centrcenter cerathorn cerebrbrain cervicneck chirhand chrontime -chym juice circa-, circum- around, about cirruhairlike cowith, together coccseed, berry List #11 -ase enzyme avibird, flying chondricartilage (ribs) coel-, -coelom cavity, space w/in body lat-, -lateral side chemochemicals cheli-, chelaclaw, pincer glycoglucose mycofungus phycoalgae -phile, -philic attracted to, likes -phobe, -phobic fear of repulsion List #12 change chromosome split extreme, beyond the usual range -parous, -partum birth, to produce zygjoined together parthenovirgin karyonucleus oncocancer nephrkidney enterointestines, gut List #14 abaway from out from -able capable of acto, toward -aceous of, pertaining to acou-, acoushear adengland adipfat aeroair agrifield, soil albwhite aig-, -algia altoambiamebamniamylanemoangangi- bacter-, bactr barbbarobathbene-blast brachibrachybradybranchibrevbronch- List #17 bacterium, stick, club beard weight depth, height well, good arm arm short slow fin short windpipe List #20 glue cone against body outer layer world, order, form cotylcup counteragainst craniskull cresc-, cretbegin to grow crypthidden, covered collconicontracorpcort-, corticcosmo- muta-ploid schizoultra- ante- caccalorcapillcapitcarcincardicarpcarpal-cell cen-, cenecente- List #15 pain high both change, alteration fetal membrane starch wind choke, feel pain blood, vessel, duct ahead of time, before List #18 bad heat hair head cancer heart fruit wrist small room, chamber now, recent perce List #21 diminutive, small heaped skin blue ring, circle sac, pouch, bladder dactylfinger decaten decitenth deliquescebecome fluid -cul, -cule cumulcuticyan-cycle -cyst demidendrdentdia- (Latin) digitdindormdorsdu-, duo-duct dynamodys- List #22 half tree tooth day finger, toe terrible sleep back two lead power bad, abnormal, difficult List #25 carry, bear, produce -glen eyeball -glob ball, round glosstongue glutbuttock gnathjaw -gon angle, corner -grad step graph-, -gram writing, record gravheavy -gross thick gymnonaked, bare gyrring, circle, spiral -gest List #28 between, along, after mortdeath nasnose neonew, recent noct-, novnight -nom, -nomy law, ordered knowledge ocul-, opteye odontteeth oligofew, little ornithbird otoear oxysharp, acid, oxygen met-, meta- ececo-elle -ernia -en encephalentom-eous -err -escent esoeury- List #23 out of, away from house small blood made of brain insects nature of, like wander, go astray becoming inward, within, inner widen List #26 -hal, -hale breathe, breath halosalt hectorhundred -helminth worm hemihalf hepar-, hepatliver hexsix hiberninter hidrsweat hipphorse histtissue holoentire, whole homo man, human (Latin) pachypaleopanpermea-phore, pherpleurpneumopulmorenventrvit-, vivxanthxyl- List #29 thick old, ancient all pass, go bear, carry lung, rib, side lungs, air lung kidney belly, underside life yellow wood List #24 bear, carry, produce ferroiron fibrfiber, thread fiss-, -fid divided into, split -flect, -flex bend florflower flu-, fluctflux, flow folileaf fractbreak gammarriage -fer List #27 garden moist, wet weaving, web sleep womb, uterus person afflicted with disease -iasis disease, abnormal condition -ign fire in-, il-, im-, ir- not, toward, into invery, thoroughly -ine of, pertaining to infrabelow, beneath -ism a state or condition horthygrhyphhyphnohyster-iae List #30 sugar flesh partition, seven infection, putrefaction somnsleep sonsound spir-, -spire breathe sternchest, breast toxicpoison trachewindpipe saccharsarcsept-septic