NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD June 9, 2015 ASP #5000000300 U.S. Equity Manager According to the provisions of ASP #5000000300, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) intends to provisionally place the following in a pool to be eligible to receive an award at a future date: Firm Name Product Name Large Value AJO, LP AJO Managed Volatility AJO, LP AJO Large Cap 1000 AJO, LP AJO Large Cap - Absolute Value 500 Brandywine Global Investment Management, Classic Large Cap Value LLC Brandywine Global Investment Management, Diversified Large Cap Value Equity LLC Bridgeway Capital Management, Inc Bridgeway Large Cap Value Chicago Equity Partners Large Cap Value Columbia Management Investment Advisers, Columbia Disciplined Large Value LLC Columbia Management Investment Advisers, Columbia Seligman Large-Cap Value LLC Donald Smith & Co., Inc. Large Cap Concentrated Value Herndon Capital Management, LLC Large Cap US Value Equity INTECH Investment Management LLC INTECH U.S. Broad Large Cap Value J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. J.P. Morgan Equity Income J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. J.P. Morgan Intrepid Large Cap Value O'Shaughnessy Asset Management, LLC Market Leaders Value Robeco Investment Management, Inc. Boston Partners Large Cap Value Equity T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. US Value Equity Strategy The Boston Company Asset Management, High Dividend Income LLC Todd Asset Management LLC Intrinsic Value Opportunity Wellington Management Group LLP Value Equity Income Large Core AQR Capital Management LLC US Enhanced Equity ASB Capital Management, LLC. ASB Large Cap Core Equity Columbia Management Investment Advisers, Columbia Contrarian Large Cap Core LLC Dana Investment Advisors, Inc. Dana Large Cap Equity Eagle Asset Management, Inc. Equity Income Fiera Capital Corporation Fiera Capital US Equity Fiera Capital Corporation Fiera Capital US Equity ESG Glenmede Investment Management LP Large Cap Equity Glenmede Investment Management LP Equity Income J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. J.P. Morgan Analyst Large Cap Core J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. J.P. Morgan Intrepid Large Cap Core (America) Manulife Asset Management US Large Cap Core Numeric Investors LLC Core Numeric Investors LLC Large Cap Core Rothschild Asset Management Inc. Rothschild U.S. Large-Cap Core Sit Investment Associates, Inc. Sit Dividend Growth Product The London Company of Virginia Large Cap The London Company of Virginia Concentrated Large Cap Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. Core Equity Small Growth Apex Capital Management, Inc. Apex Small Cap Growth Axiom International Investors LLC Axiom US Small Cap Equity Fund Emerald Advisers, Inc. Emerald Diversified Small Cap Growth Geneva Capital Management LLC Geneva Smallcap Growth Granahan Investment Management, Inc. Small Cap Focused Growth GW&K Investment Management (Gannett Small Cap Growth Strategy Welsh & Kotler, LLC) LMCG Investments, LLC Small Cap Growth Peregrine Capital Management Small Cap Growth Small Value Delaware Investments Small Cap Value Equity Horizon Asset Management Institutional Small Cap Institutional Composite J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. J.P. Morgan TMV Structured Small Cap Value Numeric Investors LLC Small Cap Value NWQ Investment Management Company, LLC Small Cap Value Pzena Investment Management, LLC Pzena Small Cap Focused Value Snow Capital Management, LP Small Cap Value Westwood Management Corp. SmallCap Value Large Growth BMO Asset Management Corp. BMO Disciplined Large-Cap Growth Boston Advisors Large Cap Growth Equity Chicago Equity Partners ClariVest Asset Management LLC Delaware Investments DSM Capital Partners LLC Federated Investors, Inc. Geode Capital Management, LLC Glenmede Investment Management LP J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. Morgan Stanley Investment Management Pioneer Investments Pioneer Investments The Boston Company Asset Management, LLC Voya Investment Management Co. LLC (formerly ING U.S. IM) Wells Capital Management Incorporated Large Cap Growth Equity ClariVest Large Cap Growth Large-Cap Growth Equity DSM Large Cap Growth Equity Kaufmann Large Cap Growth Equity Composite Geode Large-Cap Growth Large Cap Growth Equity J.P. Morgan Intrepid Large Cap Growth Large Cap Growth Advantage Pioneer Disciplined Growth Equity Pioneer US Concentrated Growth US Large Cap Growth Equity Voya Large Cap Growth Heritage Premier Growth Equity Small Core BlackRock Russell 2000 Alpha Tilts Dimensional Fund Advisors LP US Small Cap Equity Strategy Northern Trust NT Structured Small Cap Strategy Numeric Investors LLC Small Cap Core PNC Capital Advisors, LLC Small Capitalization Equity Pyramis Global Advisors Small Cap Core Rothschild Asset Management Inc. Rothschild U.S. Small-Cap Core Mid Value Iridian Asset Management LLC Iridian Private Business Value/Mid-Cap Equity Principal Global Equities U.S. Mid-Cap Value WEDGE Capital Management, L.L.P. Mid Cap Value Mid Growth Chartwell Investment Partners Mid Cap Growth Congress Asset Management Company, LLP Mid Cap Growth D.F. Dent & Company Mid Cap Growth Eagle Asset Management, Inc. Mid Cap Growth Institutional Federated Investors, Inc. MDT Mid Cap Growth J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. J.P. Morgan U.S. Mid Cap Growth Mid Core J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. J.P. Morgan Intrepid Mid Cap All Cap Value Eagle Asset Management, Inc. All Cap Equity Hotchkis and Wiley Capital Management, LLC Value Opportunities River Road Asset Management, LLC Dividend All-Cap Value Silvercrest Asset Management Group LLC Equity Income All Cap Growth ClearBridge Investments, LLC ClearBridge Multi Cap Growth J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. J.P. Morgan Growth Advantage Kornitzer Capital Management, Inc. Kornitzer Discovery Equity Morgan Stanley Investment Management Multi Cap Growth Wellington Management Group LLP Dynamic Growth Wells Capital Management Incorporated Fundamental All Cap Growth Equity All Cap Core D. E. Shaw Investment Management, L.L.C. D. E. Shaw All Cap Core Active Strategy Lazard Asset Management LLC US Equity Concentrated Neuberger Berman Multi-Cap Opportunities O'Shaughnessy Asset Management, LLC All Cap Core Putnam Investments Putnam Equity Spectrum Fund TOBAM Anti-Benchmark US Equity Fund Two Sigma Investments / Two Sigma Advisers Two Sigma U.S. All Cap Core Equity Wellington Management Group LLP Disciplined US Equity This Notice of Intent to Award is not to be considered a binding commitment by CalSTRS. Any protest of this award must be received via email, courier or delivered in person no later than 3 PM on June 16, 2015, addressed to: Poua Moua Central Procurement Analyst CalSTRS 100 Waterfront Place, MS-30 West Sacramento, CA 95605 For inquiries, call (916) 414-4880. Please review the Award and Protest section of ASP #5000000300 for the procedures and basis for filing a protest with CalSTRS. Thank you for your continued interest in helping CalSTRS fulfill its mission of service to its members.