Chem 2300 Notebook /Informal Reports Grading Procedure: Total : 20 points For an informal Report, I will collect the duplicate pages from your notebook on the date indicated in the syllabus. REMEMBER—YOUR INFORMAL REPORT IS YOUR NOTEBOOK!!! START OFF RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING BY ORGANIZING YOUR NOTEBOOK AS DIRECTED BELOW!!!! 1 point 1.) Title Give the title of the experiment, the date performed, the date due your name and the name of any partner. Should be on a fresh page in the notebook. Blank pages before this page should have an X through them. 2.) References: 1 point Use the following form for all references. For example the textbook is: Harris, D.C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis,7th ed., WH Freeman and Company, Inc., NY, 2007, pp.xx Author. Book, Publisher, Place, Year, Page numbers used. 2 point 3.) Purpose: In your own words, state concisely the reason for doing the experiment. 4.) Pre-lab FLOW CHART 2 points See the sample flow chart for how to do this. You must do this before coming to lab so that you are ready to start! Do the CALCULATIONS for preparing any solutions! 4a.) Addendum to Outline: Note any changes to the procedure when you get to lab. 5.) Data Collection: 2 points Take your data neatly. Record ALL raw data. Note any problems that come up while doing the experiment. Note all observations. SIGNIFICANT FIGURES COUNT! 6.) Data Analysis and Statistical Analysis: 6 points Show one sample calculation for every calculation used. Perform statistical analysis (show a sample calculation of the statistical calculation, such as the average and the standard deviation etc.) of the data. Remember to use the correct number of SIGNIFICANT FIGURES in your final answer!! 7.) Results and Discussion: 6 points Restate your results +/-std. dev and 95% confidence level. Explain and discuss what you learned in the laboratory. DRAW A CONCLUSION! For example answer the following questions: What did you expect to find, and did you find it? What did you determine your unknown to be? What is your accuracy? your precision? What errors were made?