Synthesis of Alkenes I Reading: Wade chapter 7, sections 7-9- 7-11 Study Problems: 7-38, 7-39, 7-40, 7-41, 7-45, 7-46, 7-48, 7-53 Key Concepts and Skills: • Predict the products of dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides, dehalogenation of dibromides, and dehydration of alcohols, including major and minor products. • Propose mechanisms for dehalogenation, dehydrohalogenation, and dehydration reactions. • Predict and explain the stereochemistry of E2 eliminations to form alkenes. Predict the products of E2 reactions on cyclohexene systems. Lecture Topics: I. Synthesis of alkenes via E1 and E2 mechanisms A. Unimolecular Elimination (E1) •The E1 reaction is a first-order process that has the same slow step as the SN1 reaction a rate-limiting ionization step to produce an intermediate carbocation. • E1 reaction usually takes place in a good ionizing solvent like alcohols and water without a strong nucleophile or base present. •The alkyl halide substrate is usually a 2° or a 3° halide •The carbocation intermediate can undergo a deprotonation by a weak base to form an alkene or it may undergo substitution by that weak base acting as a nucleophile. • Rearrangements are common when carbocations are intermediates H CH3 Br EtOH heat CH3 H H H SN1 E1 CH3 CH3 hydride shift E1 E1 CH3 CH3 E1 CH2 SN1 CH3 OEt OEt 5 products! B. Dehydration of alcohols Dehydration of alcohols is an acid-catalyzed reversible process occurring by an E1 mechanism with a carbocation intermediate water- a good leaving group H H H OH H2SO4 O O H H H H fast slow carbocation intermediate fast Reverse process, hydration of alkenes, provides a practical synthesis of alcohols To drive the equilibrium in the direction of alkene production, less volatile alkene is distilled from reaction mixture to shift equilibrium + H3O+ •again, rearrangements are possible, since carbocations are intermediates: H2SO4 OH + CH3 heat + CH3 CH3 CH2 C. E2 elimination E2 elimination provides a more practical synthesis of alkenes. • alcohols can be used either as precursors of alkyl halides via their aryl and alkane sulfonates, which are good leaving groups. Alternatively, alkane/aryl sulfonates can be used in place of alkyl halides for SN2 and E2 reactions O Cl S good leaving group O Tosyl chloride OH O O S O pyridine NaI OTos OTos Ar I acetone NC- CN I NaI OTos (CH3)3CO- + • Alkyl halides must be poor SN2 substrates (2° or 3°) for E2 elimination to predominate. • Concerted mechanism: strong base abstracts a proton from a neighboring carbon atom as the leaving group departs; excellent yields are obtained with bulky halides: OH H H3C HO- H H 3C CH2 H 3C H 3C CH2 H3C Br H3C Br + H2O + Br- •For 2° halides which are prone to SN2 substitution, a bulky base can minimize the amount of substitution; large alkyl groups hinder its approach to carbon, yet it can still attack a proton E2 bases: CH3 H N O- H3C N H 3C N N CH3 N CH3 t-butoxide ion diisopropyl amine Br triethyl amine 2,6-lutidine H2 N diisopropylamine DBU Br- + Thus, bulky bases can abstract protons, but are too large to undergo SN2 substitution D. Dehydrohalogenation: Saytzeff vs. Hoffman elimination Steric hindrance on an alkyl halide substrate will prevent abstraction of the proton leading to the most highly substituted alkene (Saytzeff product) when a bulky base is used. In this case, the Hoffman product (less highly-substituted alkene) predominates. Hoffmann Saytzeff H H CH3 H2 C CH3CH2OH + Br more hindered H 71% H CH3 H2 C 27% (CH3)3COH + Br least hindered 28% Saytzeff E. E2 eliminations are stereospecific 72% Hoffmann •E2 elimination requires a coplanar arrangement of orbitals in the transition state. Remember: anti coplanar arrangement is lower in energy than syn-coplanar arrangement due to both steric and electrostatic repulsion. B: B: X H H R R' R H RR X 180° anti H-X steric and electrostatic repulsion H R' 0° syn H-X staggered eclipsed low energy conformer high-energy conformer • E2 elimination is stereospecific: different isomers of the starting materials produce different isomers of products: -OCH 3 Ph NaOCH3 H H Br S CH3 Ph Ph CH3 H Ph trans phenyl R -OCH 3 H H Br Ph Ph CH3 H NaOCH3 CH3 Ph Ph R cis phenyl R F. E2 reactions in cyclohexanes A trans-diaxial arrangement of H-X is preferred for elimination, which means that both H and X must be axial on the chair. Example: CH3 NaOCH3 CH3 CH3 + Br 96% 0% Br CH3 CH3 Br H CH3O- CH3 CH3 Trans-decalin ring systems are rigid and therefore cannot undergo a ring flip. Explain why the anti bromo-methyl isomer below can undergo elimination, while the synbromomethyl isomer cannot: H Br NaOCH3 CH3 H H H H3C Br CH3 -OCH 3 H H NaOCH3 no reaction Br H H3C CH3 Br G. Dehalogenation of Vicinal Dihalides Dehalogenation of vicinal dihalides by iodide ion occurs stereospecifically and concertedly via an E2 mechanism. An anti-coplanar arrangement of both bromine atoms is required: IBr NaI H Ph H H Ph Ph Ph H acetone Br IBr R R' R H Br 180° anti Br-Br staggered Reduction of vicinal dibromides by zinc metal proceeds by way of oxidative insertion of Zn(0) into a C-Br bond, producing an organozinc species which undergoes dehalogenation: Zn(0) CH3 CH3 Br H 3C H 3C BrZn H 3C H 3C Br CH3 CH3 H 3C Br H3C CH3 CH3 + ZnBr2 ZnBr H 3C H 3C CH3 CH3 Br H. Dehydrogenation of Alkanes Dehydrogenation of alkanes is an entropically favored but enthalpically disfavored process Thus, at room temperature, the reverse reaction predominates; at 500°C, however, the forward reaction takes place to give an industrial synthesis of alkenes. H H catalyst + H2 ΔS>0 ΔH>0 Additional Problems for practice: 1.) Predict the major alkene product from each of the following eliminations: EtO- CH3COOH CH3 H3C Br H3C Br H 3C CH3 EtO- CH3 Br H 3C H 3C (CH3)3CO- CH3 Br H3C heat H 3C 2.) Show the structure and stereochemistry of the alkenes that result from elimination of the following 3-phenyl-2 butanol tosylates: CH3 H 3C CH3CH3O- H H OTos 2R, 3S CH3CH3O2R, 3R CH3CH3O2S, 3R CH3CH3O2S, 3S 3.) Optically active 2-butanol slowly racemizes on standing in dilute sulfuric acid. Propose a mechanism to account for this observation 4) Account for the different outcomes when menthyl chloride is subjected to the following conditions: NaOEt EtOH, 100°C H3C H3C Cl EtOH 160° + H 3C H3C