
Curriculum Vitæ
Aaron Christie
#4 - 61 Cartier Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K2P 1J4
Research Interests
Algebraic Geometry, Rigid Analysis, Group Representation Theory, Langlands Program.
2012 Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. Thesis: “Galois Actions on Q` -Local Systems and Their
Nearby Cycles: A Geometrization of Eigendistributions of the
Fourier Transform on the p-adic Lie Algbebra sl(2)”, supervisor:
Dr. Clifton Cunningham.
2006 M.Sc. in Mathematics from the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. Thesis: “The Adic Drinfeld Space for GL(2)”, supervisor:
Dr. Clifton Cunningham.
2004 B.Sc. with Great Distinction in Mathematics from the University of
2010-2011 Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship, awarded by Faculty of Graduate Studies and Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Calgary.
2008-2010 NSERC Post Graduate Scholarship — Doctoral, awarded by
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario.
2008-2009 Dean’s Research Excellence Award, awarded by the Faculty of
Graduate Studies, University of Calgary.
Dean’s Research Excellence Award, awarded by the Faculty of
Graduate Studies, University of Calgary.
NSERC Post Graduate Scholarship — Master’s, awarded by
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario. Extended through the 2005-2006 academic
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award, awarded by
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. Supervisor: Dr. Shelly Wismath, University of Lethbridge.
Louise McKinney Scholarship, awarded by the Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund.
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award, awarded by
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. Supervisor: Dr. Shelly Wismath, University of Lethbridge.
Employment/Teaching Experience
Instructor, University of Ottawa
• Fall 2013 — MAT1308 (Introduction to Calculus)
• Winter 2014 — MAT1302 (Mathematical Methods II – Linear Algebra
for Business)
• Fall 2014 — MAT1341 (Linear Algebra) item Winter 2015 — MAT1302
(Mathematical Methods II – Linear Algebra for Business)
Teaching Assistant, University of Calgary:
• PMAT 249 (Calculus I)
• PMAT 331 (Honors Linear Algebra)
• PMAT 315 (Abstract Algebra)
• MATH 353 (Calculus IV)
• MATH 221 (Linear Algebra for Science and Engineering)
• MATH 311 (Linear Methods II)
• MATH 349 (Calculus III)
Student marker for MATH 2000 (Mathematical Concepts), University of
Lethbridge, during the Spring and Fall semesters of 2003. Instructor: Dr.
Shelly Wismath.
Reference: Prof. Clifton Cunningham, University of Calgary. Supervisor through Master’s and Ph.D. programs. Office Phone: (403) 220-6888.
A. Christie Q. Wang S.L. Wismath “Minimal Characteristic Algebras for kNormality”, Scientiæ Mathematicæ Japonicæ (SCMJ), vol. 61, no.3, 2005,
A. Christie Q. Wang S.L. Wismath “The Inflation Class Operator”, Algebra
Universalis 50 (2007), No.1, 107-118.
A. Christie. “Fourier Eigendistributions of Waldspurger’s Basis”, arXiv eprint (1411.1037), 2014. (submitted)
2013 December
Some Geometrization in the Context of the Langlands
Program, CMS Winter Meeting (Harmonic Analysis on
Groups over Local Fields Session), Ottawa, Ontario.
(missed due to illness)
2012 December An Example of Geometrization in the Context of the
Langlands Program, CMS Winter Meeting (Number
Theory Satellite Session), Montreal, Quebec.
2012 December Geometrization of Some Fourier Eigendistributions on
the p-adic Lie Algebra sl(2), Lie Seminar, University of
Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario.
2011 May
A Thing Or Two About Local Systems, Young Researchers’ Conference, University of British Columbia,
2009 December Kummer Local Systems and the Langlands Dual, CMS
Winter Meeting (Lie Groups and Automorphic Forms
Session), Windsor, Ontario.
2006 September The Adic Drinfeld Space for GL(2), Automorphic
Forms Seminar, Dept. of Math. & Stats, University
of Calgary.
2006 March
An Introduction to Adic Spaces, Discrete Math Seminar,
Dept. of Math. & Stats, University of Calgary.
Conferences Attended
2014 June
2014 June
CNTA XIII, Ottawa, Ontario.
Mini-Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Geometric Langlands Program, Toronto, Ontario.
2013 December CMS Winter Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario.
2012 December CMS Winter Meeting, Montreal, Quebec.
2012 March
Workshop on Galois Represenations, Shimura Varieties, and
Automorphic Forms, Fields Institute, Ontario.
2011 May
Young Researchers’ Conference, PIMS/UBC, Vancouver,
British Columbia.
2010 June-July Berkovich Spaces Summer School, Institut de Mathématiques
de Jussieu, Paris, France.
2010 May
Pacific Northwest Number Theory, PIMS, Vancouver, British
2010 April/May Alberta Number Theory Days, PIMS/BIRS, Banff, Alberta.
2009 December Canadian Mathmematical Society Winter Meeting (as
Speaker), Windsor, Ontario.
2009 October
Dedekind sums in geometry, topology, and arithmetic,
PIMS/MITACS/BIRS, Banff, Alberta.
2009 April
ABC Algebra Workshop, PIMS/UNiversity of Calgary, Alberta.
2008 October
AMS Western Sectional Meeting, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.
2006 April
Alberta Conference for Young Researchers in Mathematics,
PIMS/MITACS/University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
2005 April
Alberta Conference for Young Researchers in Mathematics,
PIMS/University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta.