Notes: Scientific Investigation Name: 1. Observe natural phenomena

1.3 Scientific Investigation Notes: Scientific Investigation
Name: _______________ Scientific Method--Most will agree that the “Scientific Method” is a
Part 3: Re-read the
highlighted information
in your notes.
Construct quiz
questions using this
information. Write the
questions next to the
paragraph where the
answers can be found. series of steps that a researcher goes through to answer a question.
1. Observe natural phenomena
Ø An observation is what you can SEE.
Ø Observations are not OPINIONS ; they must be correct
because they have been witnessed.
2. Formulate hypothesis
Ø A hypothesis is a PREDICTION or an EDUCATED GUESS
that explains the observation.
Ø A hypothesis Can also be called an INFERENCE
Ø An inference is what you THINK happened or what would
explain the current observation.
3. Test Hypothesis via rigorous experiment
Most experiments contain the following:
Ø Constant: Something that STAYS THE SAME and offers a
standard for comparison
Ø Independent Variable: Something that the researcher
chooses to CHANGE in the experiment.
(Independent-“ I ” change, or “ FREE ” to change).
Ø Dependent Variable: Something that changes as a result
of the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE; we do not control the
It is important to note that it is normal for a hypothesis to be incorrect. If it is,
a new ____________and __________ must be created.
4. Establish Theory based on repeated validation of
Ø Experiments should be repeated to insure the results are
Ø Over time, similar experiments or related data might result
in the creation of a THEORY.
Ø A Theory is an explanation based on REPEATED
experiments or data collected over a LONG TIME.
Ø A scientific theory is likely to be TRUE. It is different than
the casual, everyday use of theory like saying “I have a
Part 2. Re-read your notes. Highlight the most important information