2010 spillback distributions for Natixis Funds

2010 spillback distributions for Natixis Funds
Each year, in addition to year-end distributions, some Natixis Funds may be subject to an additional distribution, commonly
referred to as a spillback. Spillback distributions are distributions of ordinary income and/or capital gains from the previous
fiscal year that were not distributed by the end of that year. Spillback distributions are normal practice for mutual funds with
fiscal years ending December 31. View answers to frequently asked questions below.
Natixis Funds paid 2010 spillback distributions in April. The bulk of 2010 ordinary income and capital gains were paid in
December 2010.
Which funds had spillback distributions?
See the table below for distribution amounts on a per-share basis:
• Record date: 4/11/11
• Ex-dividend date: 4/12/11
• Pay date: 4/12/11
Natixis Funds spillback Distributions
Fund Name
ASG Global Alternatives Fund – Class A, C & Y
Hansberger International Fund – Class A, B & C
Harris Associates Large Cap Value Fund – Class A, B, C & Y
ASG Diversifying Strategies Fund – Class A, C & Y
Loomis Sayles Absolute Strategies Fund – Class A, C & Y
Loomis Sayles Multi-Asset Real Return Fund – Class A, C & Y
Natixis Oakmark International Fund – Class A & C
Vaughan Nelson Small Cap Value Fund – Class A, B, C & Y
Westpeak ActiveBeta Equity Fund – Class A, C & Y
1 Any ordinary income spillback distributions for this fund would have been paid out on the March 24, 2011 Ex-Date.
u This material must be preceded or accompanied by a prospectus.
For current performance, other product information, or to obtain a prospectus, please visit our website at
ga.natixis.com, or call 800-225-5478.
2010 spillback distributions for Natixis Funds Q&A (continued)
What are spillback distributions?
How will shareholders be notified?
• Spillback distributions represent ordinary
• Shareholders who take distributions in
How will it appear on the quarterly
income and/or capital gains from the
cash will receive checks along with a
On the Fund Transaction Detail section,
previous fiscal year that were not
brief explanatory insert shortly after the
detail of each fund transaction will be
distributed by the end of that year –
payable date.
shown as follows:
in this case, December 31, 2010.
• Shareholders who reinvest distributions
What are capital gains distributions?
will receive a confirmation of the
• A capital gain is the increase in value
reinvestment on their normal quarterly
of an investment above the original
purchase price or basis of the investment.
• Distributions of capital gains are taxable
to shareholders in taxable (mainly non-
When did the Funds pay these
• See the record, ex-dividend and pay
dates above.
retirement) accounts.
• Capital gains are classified as either
short- or long-term:
What effect do these distributions
have on a fund’s share price?
– Short-term capital gains are gains
• When the distribution is paid, the
realized from the disposition of
fund’s net asset value per share (NAV)
investments held for less than one
is reduced by the amount of the
year, and are currently taxed at
distribution. For example, if a fund’s
ordinary income rates.
NAV is $5 and the fund pays a $1
– Long-term capital gains are gains
distribution, the fund’s NAV would drop
realized from the disposition of
to $4, assuming there was no other
investments held for more than one
market activity affecting the share
year, and are currently taxed at a
price. Shareholders who reinvest their
maximum rate of 15%.
distributions would receive additional
– Taxes on distributions of capital gains
are determined by how long a fund held
the investments that generated them,
rather than how long a shareholder has
owned his or her shares.
•Shrtterm CG Rein or Shrtterm CG Cash
•Cap Gain Reinvest or Cap Gain Cash
•Income Reinvest or Income Div Cash
In addition, a shareholder’s quarterly
statement will contain a message
explaining the transaction.
What other information should
you know about tax-year 2011
•Spillback distributions are taxable in 2011,
even though they represent ordinary
income and/or capital gains earned by
the funds in 2010.
•Spillback distributions will be reported
to shareholders on Form 1099-DIV,
which will mail to shareholders in
January 2012 (February 2012 for AEW
Real Estate Fund and Natixis Income
Diversified Portfolio Fund).
•Fund distributions are taxable currently
fund shares equal to the amount of
whether shareholders receive them in
the distribution. As a result, the
cash or reinvest in additional fund shares,
shareholder’s total account value
unless fund shares are held in a tax-
would remain the same.
advantaged account.
•Shareholders should consult their tax
advisor regarding the necessary filings
with the IRS.
Before investing, consider the fund’s investment objectives, risk, charges, and expenses. Visit ga.natixis.com or call
800-225-5478 for a prospectus or a summary prospectus containing this and other information. Read it carefully.
The mutual funds referred to in this material are offered and sold only to persons who are eligible to purchase U.S. registered investment
funds and are offered by prospectus only.
Not FDIC Insured • May Lose Value • No Bank Guarantee
Natixis Distributors, L.P. (fund distributor) is located at 399 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116. 800-862-4863 • ga.natixis.com