Tuesday 3rd December 2013 Issue 8 Al Amanah College Al Amanah College Newsletter 2013 Success Through Knowledge NEWSLETTER “Our Vision for 2014 is to sustain our achievements by providing a stimulating environment with a technology orientation across the College curriculum. Maximising students’ potential at all levels and preparing them to meet the future challenges.” From the Principal's Office Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Al Amanah College; Welcome to our final Al Amanah College newsletter for 2013. In this edition we continue to share with you the achievements of our students, as well as provide you with some important information about the start of the 2014 school year. During this term Year Ten students had their graduation in a traditional Al Amanah College style with a whole school assembly and presentation morning. Year Eleven students had their presentation during week 4. Year Seven, Eight and Nine students have continued to work at their studies this term and have also enjoyed participating in various school and sporting events. Our Year Six students from both campuses attended an open day as part of their transition program to gain some insight into High School, they spent the day at our secondary school and participated in team building activities and met some high school staff in readiness for 2014. I also extend my sincere thanks to the teaching and support staff at Al Amanah, who throughout this year, have worked together to provide Al Amanah students with good teaching and learning programmes. The successes and achievements that our students enjoy would not be possible without the partnership between the school and home. Thankyou to our parents and caregivers for your ongoing support of Al Amanah College. We value it and look forward to continuing to work alongside you to help and support your child in 2014. We look forward to the continued partnership and strong ties between Al Amanah College, its friends and associates and the community that has been a part of our school’s enrichment and success throughout the past years. Furthermore, as the holiday period approaches, I wish you all a time of happiness and relaxation and look forward to working with you in 2014. Regards, الحمد هلل رب العالــمين والصالة والسالم على رسول هللا وعلى ءاله وصحبــه ومــن وااله يقول هللا تعالى فى كتابه العظــيم ﴿إال تنصـــــروه فقد نصره هللا إذ أخرجــه الذين كفروا ثانى اثنين إذ هما فى الغار اذ يقول لصاحبه ال تحزن إن هللا معنا﴾ ســــورة 04/التوبة Kindergarten Orientation Dates to Remember أهالينا الكرامFriday 6th December الهجرة النبوية لم تكن هروبا من قتـــال وال جبنـــا عن ولكن،مواجهة وال تخاذال عن إحقاق حق أوإبطال باطل هجرة بأمر هللا تعالى أعد فيها النبى القائد سيدنا محمــد صلوات ربى وسالمــــه عليه الـــعدة وهيـأ الجند وعـاد أوذى رســول هللا صـــلى هللا عليـه،بـهم إلى مكة فاتحا وسلــــم وأوذى أصحــابه الكـرام فى مكـــة وصــبر ءال ورسول هللا كان يدور فى المواسم،يـاسر فى سبيــل هللا التى يجتمع فيهاالناس ويقول لهم “أيها الناس قولــــوا ” ال إله إال هللا تفلحوا أما تفســير اآلية ﴿اذ يقول لصاحبه ال تـــحزن إن هللا فهذا الصاحب هوالصديـــق04/معنا﴾ سورة التوبة رضى هللا عنه وليس معناه هوأن هللا موجودمعهمـــا ألن عقيدة أهل اإلســالم أن هللا موجود بال،فى الغــار بل المــعية هنا مـعية النصرة أى هللا هو الذى،مكان حمى هللا تعالى حبيبــه محمــد،ينصرنـا ويحمينا بأوهــن البيوت وأوهن البيوت بيت العنكبــوت وأرسل حمامة باضت على فم الغار فأعمى هللا تعالى أبصار المشركين عن رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم اماالمـــؤمنـــون فينتظرون فى المدينــــة المنــــورة حبا وشوقا وصول الحبيب المصطفى صلى هللا عليه ويتــوافدون إلى مشــارف المدينة من ناحية،وسلم طـــريق مكة وبعضهم يتسلق األشجار وينظر إلى بعد عله يــرى أثرا لقدوم رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم وذات يوم والناس فى انتظار بلهف وشوق وقدانتصف النهار واشتد الــحر إذا برجل ينادى بأعلى صوته “هــا قد جــاء من تنتظرون ياأهل المدينة” فتأتى الجموع الستقبال الـحبيب المصطفى صلى هللا عليــــه :وسلــــــــم والحب يســـبقها ولســـــان حالهــــا يقـول من ثنيات الوداع Years Seven to Nine pupil free day Thursday 12th December Primary S.R.C. excursion to A.M.F. bowling Monday 16th December Secondary end of year excursion Monday 16th December Years Six Graduation Tuesday 17th December Years Seven to Nine end of year presentation 9:00 am - 10:30 am Wednesday 18th December Years Kindy to Five end of year presentation Wednesday and Thursday Uniform sale 15th and 16th January 2014 Tuesday 23rd January Year Seven orientation Tuesday 28th January Year Twelve first day of Term One 2014 Wednesday 29th January Thursday 30th January Years One to Eleven first day Kindergarten first day طلع البدر علينا اللهم أعد علينا هذه الذكرى العظيمــة المبــاركة باألمن واألمان يارب العالمين Ayman Alwan Deputy Principal Please do not throw this paper in dirty places as it contains religious informationشرعا ال ترم ِهذه الورقة فى القاذورات ألنها تحتوى على كلمات معظمة Newsletter 2013 Al Amanah College Kindergarten’s Excursion to Calmsley Hill City Farm On Tuesday the 19th of November, Kindergarten went to Calmsley Hill City Farm by bus. The students saw and patted a lot of native and farmyard animals. They were very excited to have a go at milking the cow. The best part was the tractor ride; it was very bumpy! They also enjoyed a variety of exciting shows and exhibits such as the stock whip show, the working dog show and the sheep shearing show. It was a wonderful day! Mrs El Hawat Kindergarten Orientation 2013 > 2014 This year Al Amanah College carefully planned a successful and valuable Kindergarten Orientation programme. The sessions helped to make the transition from home to school enjoyable and exciting for both the children and their parents. The next generation of kindergarten students received a special invitation with their parents to join in the fun at Al Amanah College for Orientation. The kindergarten teachers organised interactive activities for the students to enjoy and opportunities to socialise over three sessions. This gave the future students the opportunity to interact with their peers and become accustomed to ‘big’ school and the classroom setting. A parent information session was held while the children were in the kindergarten classroom. The information sessions served as an opportunity to understand the school’s policies, procedures, general school information, information specifi- cally regarding kindergarten students, their learning opportunities and how long to support them at home, as well as a chance to meet the staff and other kindergarten parents. Furthermore parents also greatly benefited from informative sessions with our teacher librarian Mrs Abas, Liverpool Safety Officer Rachel Paerlo and Mecca Laalaa from South West Health Service. Our new students happily took home several mementos including a brightly coloured Al Amanah College balloons and dazzlingly decorated hats. They also received a special plant as a gift from Al Amanah College to represent the growth that we will see in these students in the years to come. Parents who attended the sessions did not go home empty handed, receiving a special Kindergarten Orientation Gift Bag with a long list of inclusions and ‘goodies’ such as information pamphlets, several activity booklets for their children (Arabic and English), name tracing cards, pencil case full of stationary, story 2 book, Islamic calendar, starting school calendar and a CD of children Islamic chants. We enjoyed welcoming new and current families to our school and would like to thank all the parents who attended Kindergarten Orientation. We look forward to sharing your child’s educational journey and working together to empower our new students to Al Amanah College. Reminders for start of the school year for kindergarten students and parents: First Day of Kindergarten: 30th January 2014. ‘Tea and tissues’ morning tea event for the parents on the first day of school. A photographer will take pictures of your child’s first day at Al Amanah College. Mrs Tabbara Al Amanah College Newsletter 2013 3 Newsletter 2013 Al Amanah College Year Eleven Presentation The Year Eleven cohort of 2013 graduated on Friday 8 th November. It was a busy and eventful morning for everyone, with many special guests, including Liverpool mayor Mr Ned Mannoun. Speeches were read, awards were given out and the S.R.C. were announced. Congratulations to Ayyah Al Ayoubi for receiving the Principal Award and the conditional scholarship for U.W.S. Also congratulations to Mahmoud Ismail for receiving the Principal Award and the sports award. Arvie Avianto for receiving the sport award and a special award presented by the Mayor. A big congratulations to the S.R.C. for 2013/2014 : - School Captains : Amina Saad and Mohamed Zahab - School Vice Captains: Reem Haddad and Edris El Shafie - S.R.C.: Rayanne Elmasri and Arvie Avianto Overall it was a successful morning and we wish the Year Twelve students all the best for the year ahead and for the H.S.C. Arvie Avianto Ayyah Al Ayoubi Mahmoud Ismail The Year Ten graduation The Year Ten graduation ceremony was an event that celebrated the successful achievements of students' diligent efforts throughout the year. The most anticipated announcement of the ceremony was the principal's awards which were awarded to three highly capable and dedicated students. They were Abdulla Kakkat, Moses El Saj and Shavin Saleh. Well done to all the highly deserved recipients of this prestigious award. Also, congratulations to the winner of the Caltex All Rounder Shanice Manirath. The announcement of sports age champion for under 16 boys went to Moustafa Karich and under 16 girls went to Maya Chamseddine. The ceremony ended with memories recapping on the year from students and teachers. Congratulations to all the award recipients and to all graduating year ten students. Wishing you all the success for your future educational endeavours. Mrs El Dana’s Devotion to Serving the Community Wins her the 2MFM 2013 Excellence in Ethnic and Multicultural Award On the 16th November 2013, the 2MFM Muslim Community Radio was awarded the Excellence in Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasting for a Human Project by the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (C.B.A.A.). Excellence in Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasting was awarded to 2MFM for actively seeking and involving ethnic, multicultural and new/emerging communities at their station, in the last twelve months. The Head of the Arabic and Religious Studies at Al Amanah College Mrs Faten El-Dana OAM, who coordinated the human project on the Muslim Burial crisis, accepted the Award on behalf of 2MFM at the annual C.B.A.A. Conference of 2013. Her acceptance words touched the hearts of many and were representative of the deep humble- ness and commitment of 2MFM for serving the wider Muslim community and ultimately improving their quality of life. “We believe that it is through our ongoing commitment to community engagement and participation that important multicultural issues, like the burialcrisis project, and other similar projects will receive deserving attention, to inform and meet the needs of multicultural communities.”, Mrs El Dana Said . The Chief Executive Officer of the community media training organisation Nicola Joseph delivered the following congratulatory words: “I think it is a mark of the wonderful achievements that have happened and the fact that you put so much energy in making sure that the broadcasters and producers (at 2MFM ) are not only engaged with the community but are really doing programmes at the highest level of excellence. In particular, I think the award that was around the difficulty that people 4 have for the Muslim community in finding burial sites, I actually listened to that whole program and it is just a revelation for me, it is just an amazing insight into what it is like to be a Muslim Australian.” The Deputy principal Mr Ayman Alwan congratulated the Muslim Community Radio for this prestigious award win and commended Mrs El Dana for the success of yet another influential community project aimed at building cohesive and harmonious multicultural communities. Al Amanah College Newsletter 2013 The Year Six Open Day The Year Six students from both Liverpool and Bankstown campuses inwarded to take journey into the reality of high school. The day started off with a wonderful speech by Year Seven students Adam Hawchar and Merhde Khazma who explained the exciting moments of entering high school and the friendships that will develop as a result. The students were teamed up with Year Eight and Nine S.R.C. leaders who engaged them with various ice-breaker and ball game activities. The students also enjoyed morning breakfast with their groups and then took a tour of high school to familiarize themselves with their new learning environment. A big thankyou to the dedicated S.R.C. members for their assistance on the day. We wish all Year Six students the best of luck for entering Year Seven in 2014. Miss Baker Year Twelve Modern History Excursion The Year Twelve Modern History students undertook an excursion to Macquarie University and the Australia Museum. They completed a variety of activities that involved examining primary sources of World War One memorabilia and they even watched an archival footage video from W.W.I. Students were lectured on how to respond to W.W.I. source analysis questions in the exams, in order to maximize their marks. Students are able to utilize this information in their upcoming half yearly and H.S.C. examinations. I wish the girls all the best of luck in their final school year. On a final note, the Museum officer commented on how well behaved the students were and how knowledgeable they were on the W.W.I. content. Well-done girls, very proud of you all! Miss Baker 5 Al Amanah College Step-a-thon! Newsletter Alteach Amanah College Step-a-thon is a national campaign for primary school2013 children to help them the importance of making every step count. Obesity is on the rise in Australia and Sept-a-thon aims to teach children the value of making every step count, by encouraging them to keep active and supporting research that keeps children everywhere healthy and active. Did you know ? Obesity is on the rise in Australia One in ten school kids suffer from a food allergy Aussie children are most at risk of getting type one diabetes Heart disease is the cause of one third of childhood deaths Every week three Australian children will die form cancer Murdoch Children Research Institute is working towards finding prevention and treatments for hundreds of common and rare childhood illnesses, so that children everywhere can have a health future. Students and their parents can register at http://selptathon.org.au.au/ The first 25,000 primary school kids to register will receive a pedometer to make counting steps easy. More information stepathon.org.au ? Reminders - Reminders - Reminders - Reminders Lost Property Uniform Purchasing 2014 Term One No responsibility is taken by the school for lost articles. Parents are more than welcome to check for lost items in the lost property collection. We make every effort to have lost items claimed but unmarked, unclaimed items left at the end of each term will be sold as second hand garments. All lost property is housed in boxes located in the reception area. Parents wishing to Tuesday January 28th Year 12 purchase a uniform may Wednesday January 29th Years 1 - 11 do so on Tuesdays only. Thursday January 30th Kindy Glimpse of the Month Kindy Students’ Arabic Work Samples Liverpool Campus 55 Speed St Liverpool NSW 2170 Ph: + 61 2 9822 8022 Fax: + 61 2 9822 8011 Bankstown Campus 2 Winspear Avenue Bankstown NSW 2200 Ph: + 61 2 9708 1220 Fax: + 61 2 97906660 facebook: facebook.com/AlAmanah.College twitter.com/AlAmanahCollege or @AlAmanahCollege email: admin@alamanah.nsw.edu.au website: www.alamanah.nsw.edu.au