Back Matter - Mershon International Studies Review

Mershon International Studies Review
A window on current trends and research in international studies worldwide, the Review publishes
analytical essays along with reviews of new books. In its own way, each and every article will synthesize
scholarship, clarify debates, provide new perspectives on research, identify new directions for the field,
or provide new insight into scholarship in various parts of the world. Each and every issue will engage
scholars, educators, and practitioners in the kind of assessment, dialogue, and debate that will shape the
future of international studies.
We invite everyone with an interest in international relations to get involved in the Review as an
author, a monitor of the field, or simply as part of our attentive public.
Authors: Three types of articles appear in the Mershon International Studies Review.
Reflection, Evaluation, and Integration. At the heart of each issue of the Review will be 2 or 3
extended essays that explore research on topics of current interest, theoretical and methodological
debates, recent advances in core sub-fields or research trends in particular countries. Anyone inter­
ested in writing an extended essay is invited to submit a short proposal (2-5 pages) to the editorial
staff indicating the literature to be synthesized, the significance of the review, and a brief overview of
its content. In addition to the proposal, individuals should send a current vita and indicate the time
frame for completion of the essay. All essays for the Reflection, Evaluation, and Integration section
will be externally reviewed.
Book Reviews. Approximately 25 individual books will be reviewed in each issue. Reviewers are
chosen from our international panel of specialists. If you are interested in becoming part of this
network, send a current vita and an indication of your interests and fields of expertise to the
editorial staff. Members of the Panel of Reviewers will be asked to write no more than one book
review per year.
Discussion, Reaction, and Debate. You can also contribute to making the Review a source of lively
and stimulating debate by proposing special topics for the Forum section. Contributions to the
Forum section can take a variety of creative forms including roundtable or panel discussions,
reactions to particular books or assessments of key concepts and trends from various perspectives.
Monitors o f the Field: To serve as an effective window on the field of international studies, we
need the help of international studies scholars around the world. You can help us monitor the field by
suggesting topics for extended essays that are, or will be, particularly timely. Include a brief oudine of
the topic and literature to be reviewed, reasons for doing the essay at this time, and if possible the
names of potential authors.
Similarly, if you engage in research or are in contact with scholars outside North America, do you
know of books that should be brought to the attention of a North American audience? Please send us
information about the book, publisher (with address, telephone and fax if possible), and the names and
contact information for potential reviewers. Reviewers should be part of the scholarly community within
which the book was originally published, but they should also be fluent in English and familiar with
North American social science.
Finally, the Mershon International Studies Review tries to publish reviews of books within a year of their
publication. Let us know about new books on the horizon that we should consider for review, including
your own books and books emerging from the dissertations of your students. Send a brief abstract of the
book, including the working title, the expected publication date, and the publisher. (Please include the
name of the editor in charge of the project if possible.)
For more information about the Review or to get involved contact:
Mershon International Studies Review
Mershon Center
The Ohio State University
1501 Neil Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43201-2602
International Studies Association
The International Studies Association is a multidisciplinary
organization that promotes collaboration among specialists
w h o se in terests are focu sed on in ternational, cross­
n ation al, or transnational p h en om en a. It prom otes
interdisciplinary approaches to problem s that cannot
fru itfu lly be exam in ed from the co n fin es of a sin g le
discipline. ISA seeks to foster the growth of an international
community of scholars, to encourage both theoretical and policy-oriented research on
topics in international studies, to develop channels of com m unication betw een
academics and policy-makers, and to improve the teaching of international studies.
Membership in the Association is open to scholars, professionals, and students of any
nationality. More than fifty countries are represented in the current membership. In­
formation on individual, regular, and student memberships is available from the Ex­
ecutive Officer, International Studies Association, University of Arizona, Social Sci­
ences 324, Tuscon, AZ 85721, USA.
Mershon Center
The Mershon Center is a multidisciplinary unit at the Ohio State University that
explores critical issues of war and peace through problem-oriented research and
creative education. Established in 1967, the center is named for Ralph D. Mershon,
an 1890 graduate of Ohio State w ith life-long interests in national security and civilmilitary affairs.
Mershon faculty associates from Ohio State and other higher education institutions
bring their academic expertise to bear on dozens of contemporary problems. Their
studies and instruction, though eclectic in intellectual approach, share
com m on com m itm en t to a d d ressin g the in tern a tio n a l
problems of peace, security, and freedom in a more just
ust world,
The resu ltin g sch olarsh ip striv es to ach ieve a better
id its
understanding of the role of collective violence and
avoid an ce, and to further our k n o w led g e about
m ilita ry and n o n -m ilita r y m ea n s o f co n flict
avoidance and resolution in world affairs.
T h e Ohio S ta te University