DUCK (Anas platyrhincos Borneo) CULTIVATION IN HULU SUNGAI UTARA SOUTH KALIMANTAN (OVERVIEW OF MARKET, HUMAN RESOURCES AND FINANCING) M. Riza F, Ade Adriani, A. Yunani, Akhid Yulianto, Antonius G.S, Syahrituah S. Abstract This research aims to describe the duck (Anas platyrhincos Borneo)cultivation in Hulu Sungai Utara South Kalimantan. The variables are aspect of finance, market and human resource. This research is performing qualitative research using domain, taxonomic techniques and also net present value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback period. Many informants are involved such as the breeder and also government agency. The results are as following. Firstly, aspect of financing indicates that the business is feasible and profitable especially in large scale. Secondly, Market needs more innovation in creating product related. Thirdly, aspect of human resource explain that regeneration still a problem and also managerial matter such as planning, quality standardization in all phases. Key word: alabio duck, finance, market, human resource Introduction The development of excellent product is important for improving the economy of the region and also the people especially in South Kalimantan. This claim can be derived from the characteristics of the excellent product such as labor intensive, local content and culture compatibility. Labor intensive is related to the absorption of labor force in the region. Local content is indicated by multiplier effect of the product in developing production stability and complementary to other industry. Culture compatibility guarantees that the culture supports and suitable for the product development. All is significant to contribute in poverty alleviation of South Kalimantan. Hulu sungai utara (HSU) is one of the regency in South Kalimantan that has potential. The potential is duck cultivation. The duck is local duck namely Alabio Duck (Anas platyrhincos Borneo). This fowl is cultivated and cared due to tradition and soil structure. The tradition of duck husbandry is rooted from ancestor. HSU has many people that competence in choosing egg and identifying sex of the duck (age1-7 days) for breeding matter. HSU actually can be categorized as valley 89%. Two characteristics are suitable for duck husbandry as habitat and natural competence. Also it is an opportunity to improve economy from such fowl. Alabio duck is producing egg and meat poultry. The meat is derived from duck that had stopped producing egg. So continuity and improvement of such business is really contributing to the economy especially poverty alleviation. 1 There are many products than can be created from the duck besides egg and poultry. The other products are as follow salted egg, boiled egg, duck jerky, shredded and sausage. Handicraft is also possible from eggshell. Feces of the duck also can be a fertilizer. Duck rice restaurant business is also rife in the area of South Kalimantan. It means that many opportunities are exist whether to sell directly or next production. Problem that face the husbandry is also still existing. Rohaeni and Rina (2011) mention problems expensive feed and fluctuation of its availability and price, disease and seed. More Saleh (sentraukm, 2012) adds problems related such as traditional care, superior seed, knowledge of livestock. Suryana (Deptan, 2011) specifically categorise problems as follows seed standardisation, quality stud down, weak recording of production and inadequate post-harvest handling. Previous describe at least three main problem market, human resource and financing. Market is related to the potential and supply side. Human resources is covering traditional care, managerial skill and anticipation of desease. Financing is conected to the expensive feed and fluctuation of seed and feed price. Financing also exist due to lack of collateral of the breeder. Therefore it is necessary to verify and evaluate the duck business in Hulu Sungai Utara. The result will be important to increase the business and consequently the people economy. Methods This research is a qualitative study using descriptive verification. The goal is a portrait of the phenomenon in general with the hope of many important things that have not been optimized to be found. The population is a whole duck farmers in the HSU district. However, the informants are some key people with purposive sampling. For comparison the lower and middle level farmers will be taken as an informant. Saturation level factors will determine the number of informants that included The types of data used are primary and secondary data. Primary data associated with the data directly from the informant. Informant is evaluated in term of education, revenue, skill and related. Secondary data derived from many research results, official documentation and local government programs. The data collection technique is documentation as well as interviews and focus group discussion (FGD). Documentations relate to official program implementation and outcomes, also external research. In-depth interviews were conducted with key informants, and community related. FGDs were conducted with key people in the Department of Animal Husbandry. The technique used is the domain analysis and taxonomic. Domain is associated with the basic dimensions of selected aspects. Taxonomic associated with the selected criteria. Validity is verified by constantly evaluating the dimensions of the field and its additional issue. Key informants are crucial regarding additional issue. Reliability is 2 done by triangulation. Various key informants statements are compared with other evidence. Various general opinions from various fields will be used to strengthen the analyses of the aspects discussed. Aspects of Market seek to identify the current state and future potential. Current condition is important to see the extent of penetration of products. Potential future provides identification of possible opportunities. The aim is the continuity of the product and the future development efforts. The results of the market review is in the form of products of existing and future potential, the potential and the development of demand and supply, and position the product in its life cycle. Marketing is an important aspect. Rate of interest is understood through the understanding of aspects of consumer behavior both now and in the future. Knowledge of complementary products or product substitution is also a range of identification. Marketing mix consists of product, place, promotion, price was also evaluated. This means that marketing will be easier to determine a strategy for the product to be widely accepted. Human resources are an important source. Creation, innovation and anticipation of the constraints and opportunities is only done by humans. Aspects of expertise, empowerment, and synergy are the three key points in the business is trying to be seen in this study. Hopefully all could be a force to maintain and grow existing business. Financing aspect is urgent because it is the blood of business. Identification of some models of financing is essential to cope with sudden or long-term purposes. Patterns of coordination and synergy of various stakeholders in the financing is needed. Funding to support business continuity and development will be an important task of identification. Financial feasibility analysis is used to explain the potential of duck farming financing aspects, which saw the level of cultivation of breeding ducks in delivering profitability, revenue and added value for farmers. Financial Analysis (Financial) is an analysis that compares the costs with revenues generated, in order to determine whether a business will be profitable. Financial feasibility analysis use cash flow (cash flow) over the life of the investment (the cage, tools, duck productive). Appraisals are in 2 ways: 1. Using discounted criteria (criteria discount): NPV (net present value) and IRR (internal rate of return) 2. undiscounted criteria (non-discounted criterion), does not include time value of money (time value of money): R / C (revenue cost ratio), and IFC (income over feed cost) Net Present Value (NPV) NPV is the difference between the present value of the benefits and the present value of the costs. An otherwise profitable venture if the NPV value is greater than zero. NPV is zero, meaning no profit or loss of business. The business is loss when NPV lower than 3 zero. The formula to calculate the NPV is as follows: n Bt - C t NPV = ∑ -------------------------t-1 (1 + i)t NPV n t Bt Ct i = Net Present Value until year-t = effort period (year) = year = Revenue year -t = cost year-t = Interest rate/ year Criteria : NPV > 0 ; the business is feasible and profitable. NPV < 0 ; the business is not feasible. NPV = 0 ;the business is zero profit. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) IRR or internal rate of return is the discount rate when NPV is zero. IRR indicates the profitability of a business each year and demonstrates the ability of the business to restore lending. If the IRR of a business is greater than or equal to the discount rate, it can be said to be well worth the effort. If the IRR is less than the applicable discount rate, then the effort is not feasible. Seeking IRR formula is as follows: NPV IRR = I1 + ( I2 – I1 ) X --------------------NPV1 - NPV2 IRR I1 I2 NPV1 NPV2 = Internal Rate of Return = lower interest = higher interest = Value of NPV higher (positif) = value NPV lower (negatif) R/C (revenue cost rasio) Revenue-cost ratio or the ratio of revenues and costs of a venture capital invested demonstrate the ability to generate revenue. If the value of R / C is greater than one, indicating that the business is profitable. If the value of R / C is equal to 1, then the business is not profitable and no losses, and the edge value R / C lower than 1, indicating that the loss of business. 4 Formulas R / C is as follows: R/C = Revenue ---------------Cost PBP (Pay Back Period) PBP is to calculate how fast the time required to recover the investment and working capital planted in a business. Venture is feasible if the value of PBP shorter than the time required. Meanwhile, if PBP longer than the required activities is not feasible. Results and Discussion HSU with an area of 892.7 km2 is one of the districts in South Kalimantan Province, where the total area that is mostly made up of low-lying land was flooded by the stagnant swamp either monotonically or are flooded periodically, with a general form of river waters and swamp 54 129 2323 Ha. HSU as the location of the research, preservation ducks has led to the development of specialized models, i.e. nurseries (hatchery), breeding and egg consumption (laying) and business enlargement drake for broiler / dara duck (rearing) . Consumed eggs produced are marketed through merchants associations that are in the market. Hatching eggs usually hatched by incubator machine and traditionally to meet the needs of seeds and a small portion is sold to farmers in the vicinity. The resulting ducklings were selected and maintained as the egg producer. One type of duck is often cultivated types laying ducks are Alabio ducks (Anas platyrhynchos Borneo). Ducks Alabio This is one kind of poultry native to Indonesia which is a commodity with high egg production and need to be preserved as a source of plasma nuftah to be further developed to support people's income (South Kalimantan Provincial Livestock Office, 2012). Ducks Alabio by the farmers in the district of HSU is the name of the local ducks "duck(itik) banar" which was developed in accordance with the marketplace of the ducks, the Alabio market the capital distric of Sungai Pandan but it also is one of the genetic resources of the famous as a superior type of laying ducks in the area of South Kalimantan. Duck rearing in HSU initially preserved in swamps, rivers or rice paddies. Traditionally duck alabio preserved swampland that is widely available in South Kalimantan province, particularly in the HSU preservation system called Lanting system. In the marshy area that purports feed ducks alabio obtain water snail (pronounced kalambuai in Banjar language) as a source of protein and sago or bran as a source of calories. But now keep pace with the world's livestock, the duck rearing had been left in the district and Upper North River preservation duck done with intensive and semi-intensive rearing scale from 500 to 5,000 pieces / breeder. According Setioko (2007) duck raising efforts can be generally grouped into three, namely 1) a small scale, the ducks are kept less than 500 head with traditional 5 maintenance system or removed in wetlands or fields, 2) moderate scale, with the number of ducks are kept 500-5000 tail / breeder, and 3) a large scale, with the number of ducks that kept more than 5,000 head / breeder with system maintenance intensive. But there is also a breeder in HSU ducks maintain a semi-intensive, with the scale 25200 tail / head of the family. Ducks are released and feeded with additional food such as snails / kalambuai and dried fish to improve egg yolk color. In intensive care, the scale ranges from 200-7000 ownership tail / head of household with feeding 2-3 times a day. Feed consists of commercial feed, mixed bran, rice, sago, dried fish, snails / slugs / kalambuai, and marsh vegetation / algae / water hyacinth. Duck in the district HSU has a very important meaning for the community because it not only as a source of protein, but also as a source of income and employment opportunities. Duck population in 2011 reached 1,339,202 HSU District tail with a growth of 4.37% (from the year 2010 amounted to 1,280,591). Duck population in North River Hulu spread over 10 districts (Table 1) where duck populations were highest in the South Amuntai sub (HSU Department of Animal Husbandry, 2011). Table 1 Population of Poultry Ducks At Hulu North River year 2011 No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. District Total Ducks Danau Panggang 187.411 Paminggir 4.206 Babirik 194.834 Sungai Pandan 209.157 Sungai Tabukan 102.173 Amuntai Selatan 280.533 Amuntai Tengah 201.477 Banjai 51.050 Amuntai Utara 63.712 Haur Gading 44.649 Jumlah 1.339.202 Source : Dinas Peternakan Kab. HSU, (2011). (%) 14 0,3 14,5 15,6 7,63 20,9 15 3,81 4,75 3,51 100% Duck eggs produced than is used for consumption are also used to produce ducklings as seeds. Duckling production centers in the South Kalimantan Mamar village, District of North Amuntai, HSU. Ducklings produced ranges between 50000-60000 / week Alabio marketed in the market every Wednesday. Ducklings produced to meet consumer demand in almost all areas of South Kalimantan, some even brought out of the province such as Central and East Kalimantan Contribution Alabio ducks in supporting the economy, particularly the duck farmers in the province of South Kalimantan Alabio including its role as a provider of poultry eggs and meat as well as seeds, were significantly increased in recent years (Department of Animal Husbandry Reg. South Kalimantan, 2012). This has become a material consideration in the potential success of development efforts alabio duck. Data from the Animal Husbandry Department of South Kalimantan (2012) showed that in 2011 the 6 contribution of duck eggs to egg production poultry in South Kalimantan at 40.85%. As for the contribution to the total production of duck meat poultry meat production in 2011 in South Kalimantan by 3.46% and the contribution of meat production to total production of duck meat (large livestock, small and poultry) of 2.82%. According to Zuraida (2004) contribution to the total revenue alabio duck family duck breeders alabio by 58%, and 46.81 to 52.80% is the main livelihood Alabio duck farmers, particularly in the district of HSU, Hulu sungai tengah (HST) and Hulu sungai selatan (HSS) and 47.50% in the district of Tanah Laut. The role of ducks alabio not only as a source of food that produces faster (quick yielding) (Solihat et al, 2003) but more importantly it is a source of income breeders (Hamdan et al, 2010), create jobs and increase the consumption of animal protein for farmers and communities (Jarmani and Sinurat, 2004) Aspect of Market: Seen in the above table an increasing number of duck populations are maintained by farmers. Despite the increasing number of population but the field interviews indicate that farmers who do a seed hatcheries are still not able to meet consumer demand for child nursery. This means that the request (demand) seedlings ducks (DOD) is still higher than the offer (supply), so the potential demand for duck eggs and seeds are still wide open. Table : Duck Population in HSU Year 2008 - 2011 Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 Year 2011 1.216.197 1.254.252 2.280.591 1.339.202 Source : Dinas Peternakan Pemprov Kalsel Development: how to avoid a lot of duck jerky, duck meat in cans technologies (such as beef cornet), use duck feathers for pillows. In the future there is no duck certification; this time selling out of the area should be quarantined. Breeders are facing difficulties regarding administrative quarantine heavy. Additional cost will exist when handed to the other. If enough education, there would be no problem for administrative affairs like this. For PLC ducks are in the adult stage early / growth maturity (Fandy, 1998). It can be seen from the following characteristics: First, the relatively stable sales topped sales. This is reflected in the large number of more demand than supply, thus allowing other kinds of ducks to duck Alabio meet demand. Ducks another type that acts as a substitute of the ducks is ducks Alabio Serati, Peking duck, and ducks Bali / Java. Consumers want a duck Alabio but because no stock they want then they end up taking another duck that Peking duck, duck Serati, or duck Java / Bali to fulfill their wishes are. Second, competitors are numbers. Most residents in the village of Mamar for example, participate in conducting hatching. Eggs Raising developed in almost all districts, especially in Sub Babirik, Sungai Tabukan and Sungai Pandan. Raising enlargement developed in the sub Babirik, Pandan River, River Tabukan, Bake Lakes and Northern Amuntai. Nurseries developed in the South Amuntai district, Sungai Pandan, Sungai 7 Tabukan. Processing developed in the sub-region and Central Amuntai Sungai Pandan. Besides, there is also a breeder who lives in Barabai Hulu Sungai Tengah not as much as in the HSU. Third, the price of duck in this situation is very elastic, so the price is a little drop will result in a huge increase in demand for commodities this duck. Aspect of Financing Potential duck farming financing aspects of the review carried out with financial feasibility analysis will be used to view and explain the level of cultivation of breeding ducks in delivering profitability, revenue and added value for farmers. Calculation of the financing aspect for value Internal Rate of Return (IRR) in this study draws for were maintenance intensive duck with a large scale with the number of 10,000. From the calculation of the financial aspects it is clear that duck farming alabio feasible at a commercial rate, which a positive NPV, the value of Benefit / Cost ratio is equal to 1.87 means that these investments have the benefit of the revenue obtained 1.87. The results of the calculation of Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) the rate of 17.1% which is greater than the interest rate on bank deposits 12 months, amounting to 6.25%. This means that investment in more profitable businesses duck when the funds deposited in the form of deposits. By using the parameters of financial payback period (the period of taking stock) breeding ducks in HSU also suggests criteria feasible, capital was able to return at the end of the 4th year or exactly 4 years 1 month. The results of field observations to the duck farmers in the HSU district shows that in terms of capital already present capital assistance through the Food Security and Energy Credit (KKP-E) Livestock, which investani credit or working capital funds provided by the Bank executing the farmers / ranchers through livestock farmer groups by executing distribution patterns and sources of funding 10% of the banks and the risks borne by banks, and for the HSU district executive bank is Bank Rakyat Indonesia Branch Amuntai Food Security and Energy Credit (KKP-E) The ranch has a very low interest rate, which is the interest paid by the farmer participants CTF-E is only 6% per year with a credit period adjusted for the business cycle or a maximum of 3 (three) years. Loan size / maximum ceiling for each breeder Rp.50.000.000 and is intended also for other businesses outside of duck farms Requirements to access CTF-E Ranch is also very easy to include at least 21 years farmers or was married and had identity cards (KTP), registered and active as a member of the livestock farmer, owning a farm that commodities financed LTO-E, do not have a loan from any party and has collateral in the form of certificates / BPKP / Physical Mastery certificate. In 2011, according to the Secretary of Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries HSU (as informants) venture capital strengthening activities through KKP-E Ranch running properly and smoothly. KKP-E were distributed in 2011 was Rp 1,445,845,200, - (one billion four hundred and forty-five million eight hundred and 8 forty-five thousand two hundred). Recent data suggest that the Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) provides assistance through loans of 2.5 billion Food Security and Energy (NOAE) Livestock to 16 groups of farmers / livestock with 1-year return period Another aspect of potential capital financing is the presence of the activities of the Institute for Self-rooted in society (LM3) Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Department of Agriculture in the Upper North River District, which in 2011 had allocated capital facility agribusiness duck on Ikhsanul Charitable Foundation Alabio sungai sandung village of sungai Pandan district stumbled Rp 100,000,000, - (one hundred million rupiah) (Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries HSU County Government, 2012). Social assistance funds transferred directly into account LM3 then managed as the business capital for Business Plan Activities (RUK), ie for the purchase of cattle alabio duckling alabio females and males, the manufacture of cages and equipment, purchase of concentrate feed, medicines medicines, vitamins, vaccines, and other expenses. Therefore existing duck cultivation still no problem in term of revenue and financing. However connected to the market penetration it is clear that large scale is really urgent. From this perspective there is inconsistent with the length of credit common and also the amount of credit that committed. Aspect of Human Resource: Human resources duck farming businesses in the District of HSU potential both in terms of numbers and skills and expertise. Actors duck farms are divided into several activities, namely: a. Incubation b. Egg Farming c. Enlargement d. Nursery e. Processing Each of these activities are spread in several areas of cultivation as follows: a. Incubation in Mamar village b. Egg farming almost in all district, especially in Babirik, Sungai Tabukan dan Sungai Pandan c. Enlargement in Babirik, Sungai Pandan, Sungai Tabukan, Danau Panggang dan Amuntan Utara d. Nursery in South Amuntai, Sungai Pandan, Sungai Tabukan 9 e. Processing in Central Amuntai Tengah dan Sungai Pandan The quality of human resources seen farm businesses of formal education is still low because the majority of farmers only graduated from elementary and junior high school education, only few have high school education. Government's efforts in improving the quality of human resources and insight improvement and development are to do training and development both individually and in groups. Counseling is done mainly to increase the human resource capacity in dealing with livestock diseases, and increase the ability of livestock product packaging. Other processed products can be duck jerky, crackers and shredded duck. This product is still weak in quality and product diversification, weak marketing and less competitive prices. Although the quality of formal education is still low, but seen from the skills and expertise in their farming activities have a powerful hereditary skills. It's just that their skills more in aquaculture hatcheries, breeding, fattening and cultivation of duck eggs, but they did not master the ability to farm product processing, marketing and access to capital in order to develop business So the problems are perceived farm businesses are capital and technology uptake. The desired direction of development of the broader access to capital is not only KKPE (Credit Food Security and Energy) which is channeled in 2012 reached USD 1.5 M in August through BRI. And direction of development in the future also be pursued with certified nursery Based on surveys and interviews with duck farming businesses, it can be seen in the following table: Revenue/ Revenue/ No Name Education Age Dependent Age Week Month 1 Muhaimin SLTA 35 2 10 1.500.000 6.000.000 2 Idi SLTA 40 3 10 1.650.000 6.600.000 3 Hawari SLTA 40 3 5 1.500.000 6.000.000 4 Barkati SD 38 5 15 1.155.000 4.620.000 5 Ratna SD 40 3 10 3.300.000 13.200.000 6 Anggraini SLTA 35 2 5 2.475.000 9.900.000 Total Average 228 38 18 3 55 9 11.580.000 1.930.000 46.320.000 7.720.000 Overview of human resources based on the results of the survey and interview respondents the quality of human resources is a good enough high school education were 67% below the rest of high school education. This is consistent with the results of 35 interviews that describe the active in the cattle market by 50% had a high school education because education is a high school under the old businesses. The average age of farm businesses is 38 years old and almost all of them are productive ranged between 30-40 years. Dependents of the respondents on average 3 people with business experience on average 10 9 years. Respondents generally carry on a family business that was very experienced and highly skilled in the field of breeding ducks. Income they handful of duck farming business is quite diverse namely Rp.4.000.000, - to Rp.15.000.000, - per month. The magnitude of the average income of the respondents is Rp.7.720.000, - indicates it is well worth the effort and the potential to become the foundation of the HSU, either as incubator, laying, fattening and processed farm. Based on the depth interview can be drawn that almost the entire population of the village of Mamar (90%) are farmers who incubate the eggs with an income ranging between Rp. 5.000.000, - to Rp. 15.000.000, - within 40 days. Hatching success rate of 1000 seeds is 80% (800 x Rp.7500, - = Rp 8.000.000, -) minus Rp. 2.000.000, - for operational costs (seeds egg Rp 1.500.000, - and auxiliary materials Rp 500,000, -) means it can generate USD. 6.000.000, - in 40 days is very promising results. Similarly, farmers who keep laying ducks are also very worthy because if farmers maintain 400 ducks were able to produce about 300 eggs per day then a week can produce 2100 eggs a price of Rp. 1650, - per seed, it can generate sales revenue of Rp. 3.465 million, per week. Meanwhile, if you look at the sales revenue of ducks that have been rejected and the young ducks to eat the home can generate income of Rp. 1.5 million per week as net profit because of the sale of 500 head x Rp. 30.000, - per head (Rp.15.000.000 sale purchase of Rp. 13.5 million, -). HR coaching they get from the local government or other agencies is lacking, especially in terms of marketing training and capital. Judging from the technology and expertise of the farmers is very adequate. To increase the productivity of farmers in the region Alabio ducks source stimulus it needs to be given capital assistance, facilities and infrastructure and the need for the race and the cattle breeding business competencies so that there is a healthy and improve quality. The need for fodder development assistance in terms of quantity and quality as well as the development of alternative feed quality. In ducks Alabio maintenance costs of feed production reaches 65-70% (Setioko and Rohaeni, 2001). Ability to maintain duck duck breeders Alabio adjust to conditions and the presence of local wisdom is one factor of success in the business of breeding ducks, so avoid feeding difficulties and limitations of the condition of the farm. Contribution Alabio duck farms in supporting the economy of the people can be seen in the role of provider of eggs (40.85%), meat (3.46%) and significant duck seedlings. Alabio duck farmers as the main job and contributed 52.80% of the total family income of 58% of a farm duck shows the magnitude of economic contribution in supporting the family. The main constraint is the supply of quality seeds, post-harvest handling is not optimal and sustainable food availability. The advantages are as duck duck Alabio endowment (dual purpose) as laying and broiler potential with peak egg production reached 92.70% with a fixed power reaches 79.48% (Suryana and Tiro, 2007) the results of previous studies showed its validity based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers in the research survey conducted on November 7, 2012 in HSU. The existence and role of the Association of Duck Farmers and Merchants should be 11 increased. institutional and role so as to encourage acceleration of technology transfer and improving the quality of human resources, supported by the ability and experience and local wisdom in farm business activities. In order to face the free market then need germplasm protection for duck Alabio that is special and distinguishes: 1. Higher egg production 2. Lower mortality 3. lower meat stench 4. High egg hatchability Recommendations in the development of duck Alabio on HSU is : 1. Breeding policy targeted and structured to maintain the availability of sustainable seed 2. The existence of a good duck breeding guidelines 3. Developing centers of ducks Alabio 4. Increasing the supply of quality seeds ducks Alabio 5. Optimization of institutional and human resource nursery How to overcome the shortage of human resources in the field of breeding ducks can cooperate with vocational agriculture to open department / special subjects duck farms, or hold a short course of duck. Practical lessons about the business also need to be given as business planning, entrepreneurship, marketing, innovation, finance / accounting basic, practical knowledge of modern business and others. Participants also delivered not just duck farmers, but also include those who have a child aged 17 years or older to attend courses / education brief in order to increase their levels of knowledge and the establishment of the business in the future cadre of successors. It is also to foster interest in young people to manage their businesses with scientific and modern touches. It is understood that young people tend to be less interested in continuing the business when their parents are still traditional nuance. In this way is expected in the long run both in terms of human resource quality of formal and informal education owned by farmers could increase Taxonomic of the Cultivation After previous discussion the taxonomic of the cultivation is presented. It is really important in summarize the situation and elaborating solution in term of public policy. The public policy regarding the cultivation must be careful and balance. Interpretation too liberal (focus on capital and free market) can destroy economy of the low level of people. Interpretation too focus on subsidiary matter can make moral hazard. So the balance between the subsidiary and competition principles must be carefully examined 12 in the future. The taxonomic are traditional scale, low sustainability, low innovation and low management. Traditional connect to low skill and low scale. Low sustainability connect to the regeneration youth, unconnected between the credit and feasibility and high competitors. Low innovation connects to the low variation of the product and focus on only egg and poultry. Low management connects to the face the business as routine activity, low process, low marketing and low control (record and standardization). Such mean that the cultivation needs more diversification in product, more management touch and establishing factors that handling competition. Conclusion Aspect of financing shows that the business is feasible and profitable. This conclusion can be working when the scale in large. However credit is still shorter than payback period. Problem of collateral for such low scale business is common. Aspect of the market in the short term is relatively not so problematic because demand is higher than supply. For the longer-term innovation and product variety of processed products derived from duck. Examples of products that still have not been developed as a pillow of feathers duck, duck meat in cans, creative products from duck eggshell, HSU souvenirs, such as T-shirts illustrated ducks, key ring, carvings, ornaments, etc.. Integrated long-term innovation capability will increase with increasing levels of education and knowledge of the breeder. Aspect of Human Resource is in problem related to the regeneration. Many youth can be improved the involvement through education and vocational matter. 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