2nd DRAFT on 08-10-09 INDONESIA MONITORING COMMITTEE ASSESSMENT STATEMENT FOR ASEAN ARCHITECT INDONESIA MONITORING COMMITTEE Ministry of Public Works, Block B-1A, 7th Floor Jl. Pattimura No. 20, Jakarta 12110 Indonesia Phone : (62-21)-722799238 Facsimile : (62-21)-7395063 Website : www.mc.or.id Email : sofie ishak 2/8/11 4:42 PM Deleted: October 09 February 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................1 1. The ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Architectural Services ......................1 2. ASEAN Architect (AA) .................................................................................................................1 3. Registered Foreign Architect (RFA) ..............................................................................................1 4. Privilege and obligation of a Registered Foreign Architect (RFA)................................................2 5. Purpose and operation of Assessment Statement ...........................................................................2 PART A: THE PROFESSIONAL REGULATORY AUTHORITY AND MONITORING COMMITTEE ................................................................................................................................3 6. The Professional Regulatory Authority in Indonesia .....................................................................3 7. The Monitoring Committee in Indonesia .......................................................................................3 8. Roles of the Monitoring Committee (MC) .....................................................................................3 9. Authorization to work as Registered Foreign Architect (RFA) .....................................................4 10. Requirements for registration as ASEAN Architect (AA) .............................................................4 PART B: ASSESSMENT MECHANISM ...............................................................................................6 11. Accredited or recognized architecture program .............................................................................6 12. Eligibility for Independent Practice................................................................................................6 13. Experience Requirement ................................................................................................................6 14. Responsible charge of significant architectural work ....................................................................7 15. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) ...............................................................................7 16. Code of Ethics and Professional Conducts ....................................................................................7 17. Records for continuing mutual monitoring ...................................................................................8 PART C: REGISTRATION PROCESS ..................................................................................................9 18. Guide to Application for AA Registration ....................................................................................9 ATTACHMENT # 1 MEMBERS OF INDONESIA MONITORING COMMITTEE ON ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES ................................................................................................10 ATTACHMENT # 2 APPLICATION FOR ASEAN ARCHITECT (AA) ...........................................11 ATTACHMENT # 3 SUMMARY ON THE ACCREDITATION BY NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AGENCY FOR HIGHER EDUCATION ON ARCHITECTURE PROGRAM ..................................................................................................................................16 sofie ishak 2/8/11 4:42 PM ATTACHMENT # 4 APPLICATION FOR ASEAN ARCHITECT (AA) REGISTRATION .............18 Deleted: 17 ATTACHMENT # 5 SIGNIFICANT ARCHITECTURAL WORK APPLICATION FOR ASEAN ARCHITECT REGISTRATION .................................................................................................19 Deleted: 19 ATTACHMENT # 6 DECLARATION FOR ASEAN ARCHITECT (AA) APPLICATION ............23 Deleted: 20 ATTACHMENT # 7 ASSESSOR’S REPORT......................................................................................24 Deleted: 24 ATTACHMENT # 8 MONITORING COMMITTEE SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ON THE APPLICATION FOR ASEAN ARCHITECT REGISTRATION ...............................................26 Deleted: 25 ATTACHMENT # 9 APPOINTMENT OF AA ASSESOR .................................................................27 Deleted: 27 ATTACHMENT # 10 CPD....................................................................................................................28 Deleted: 28 sofie ishak 2/8/11 4:42 PM sofie ishak 2/8/11 4:42 PM sofie ishak 2/8/11 4:42 PM sofie ishak 2/8/11 4:42 PM sofie ishak 2/8/11 4:42 PM sofie ishak 2/8/11 4:42 PM sofie ishak 2/8/11 4:42 PM Deleted: 29 INTRODUCTION 1. The ASEAN Mutual Architectural Services 1.1. The governments of member countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations (collectively referred to as “ASEAN”, and comprising of Brunei Darrussalam, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Union of Myanmar, the Republic of the Philippines, the Republic of Singapore, the Kingdom of Thailand, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam) have agreed on the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Architectural Services which aims to: (a) (b) (c) (d) Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on to facilitate mobility of Architects ; to exchange information in order to promote adoption of best practices on standards of architectural education, professional practice and qualifications; to conform to the spirit of ASEAN co-operations based on fair distribution of resources and benefits through collaborative researches to encourage, facilitate and establish mutual recognition of Architects and set up standards and commitment of technological transfer among ASEAN Member Countries. 1.2. A copy of the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Architectural Services which was signed on 19 November 2007, is available at ASEAN website, at: http://www.aseansec.org/21137.pdf 2. ASEAN Architect (AA) 2.1. Under the MRA, an Architect or practitioner who holds the nationality of an ASEAN Member Country and who possesses qualifications and experience that complies with the requirements specified in Part B of this Assessment Statement may apply to be placed on the ASEAN Architects Register (AAR) and accorded the title of ASEAN Architect (AA). 2.2. An AA shall practice architecture only in the specific discipline or disciplines where he/she has been adjudged to be competent under this arrangement. 10/9/09 8:28 AM Deleted: in which 10/9/09 8:28 AM Deleted: 3. Registered Foreign Architect (RFA) 3.1. An AA who wishes to provide professional Architectural Services in another participating ASEAN Country shall be eligible to apply to the Professional Regulatory Authority (PRA) of a host participating ASEAN Country to be registered as a Registered Foreign Architect (RFA). 3.2. A Registered Foreign Architect (RFA) will be permitted to work in collaboration with licensed/registered Architects of the host country, but subject to domestic laws and -1- regulations and where applicable, not making submissions to statutory authorities of the host country. 4. Privilege and obligation of a Registered Foreign Architect (RFA) 4.1. A Registered Foreign Architect (RFA) shall not be eligible to work in independent practice in Indonesia, unless specifically permitted by the Indonesian Professional Regulatory Authority (PRA). As the Indonesian PRA has statutory responsibility to register a practitioner so as to protect the safety, health, environment, and welfare of the community within Indonesian jurisdiction, it may require a RFA seeking the right to independent practice to be subjected to some form of supplemental assessment which aims to determine the RFA: (a) (b) (c) 4.2. understand the general principles behind applicable codes of practice and laws in Indonesia; has demonstrated a capacity to apply such principles safely efficiently; and is familiar with other special requirements operating within Indonesia. A Registered Foreign Architect (RFA) shall provide Architectural Services only in the areas of competence as may be recognized and approved by the Indonesian PRA. He/she shall also be bound by: (a) (b) codes of professional conduct in accordance with the policy on ethics and conduct established and enforced by the country in which he/she is registered as an AA; and prevailing Indonesian laws and regulations . 5. Purpose and operation of Assessment Statement 5.1. This Assessment Statement provides a framework for the assessment of Architects or practitioners for emplacement on the ASEAN Architects Register (AAR) by the Indonesia Monitoring Committee on Architectural Services. 5.2. This Assessment Statement shall be reviewed and accepted by the ASEAN Architects Council (AAC) before the Indonesia Monitoring Committee is authorised to operate the ASEAN Architects Register (AAR) -2- PART A: THE PROFESSIONAL REGULATORY AUTHORITY AND MONITORING COMMITTEE 6. The Professional Regulatory Authority in Indonesia 6.1. The Construction Services Development Board (CSDB) or Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi (LPJK) is the Professional Regulatory Authority in Indonesia 6.2. The CSDB is a statutory body under the Construction Services Law No 18/1999 and Government Regulations No. 28/2000 that issues and administers registration of professionals in construction services including architects. 7. The Monitoring Committee in Indonesia 7.1. The Indonesia Monitoring Committee (IMC) on Architectural Services is assigned by the Minister of Public Works as the competent body to exercise the functions to develop, process and maintain an ASEAN Architects Register (AAR) in Indonesia. 7.2. The MC comprises of representatives of The Construction Services Development Board (CSDB) and the Ministry of Public Works. Name of the members of the MC are listed in Attachment # 1. 7.3. The contact person is: Indonesia Monitoring Committee on Architectural Services Ministry of Public Works, Block B-1A, 7th Floor Jl. Pattimura No. 20, Jakarta 12110 Indonesia Telephone : (62-21)-722799238 Facsimile : (62-21)-7395063 Website : www.mc.or.id Email : 8. Roles of the Monitoring Committee (MC) 8.1. In assessing compliance with the qualifications and experience set out in the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Architectural Services for registration as an ASEAN Architects, the MC shall adhere to the criteria and procedures in this Assessment Statement. 8.2. The MC on its ASEAN Architects Register (AAR) shall: (a) ensure that all Architects registered as ASEAN Architects (AA) by the ASEAN Architect Council (AAC) Secretariat comply fully with the requirements specified in The MRA on Architecture Services, and that a substantial majority of these Architects have demonstrated their compliance through the primary procedures and criteria; -3- (b) ensure that Architects registered by the ASEAN Architect Council (AAC) Secretariat as ASEAN Architects (AA) apply from time to time for renewal of their registration, and in so doing, provide evidence that they have complied with the Continuing Professional Development policy of the Country of Origin at a satisfactory level; (c) ensure the implementation and execution of the amendments agreed as directed by the ASEAN Architect Council (AAC); (d) withdraw and deregister the said national ASEAN Architect (AA) from the ASEAN Architects Register (AAR); and (e) issue Certificates of ASEAN Architect (AA) registration and provide advice on the particulars of any registered ASEAN Architect (AA) on request. notify ASEAN Architect Council (AAC) and Monitoring Committee (MC) of Country of Origin of non AA practicing architect in host country. (f) 9. Authorization to work as Registered Foreign Architect (RFA) 9.1. Applications by an ASEAN Architects (AA) from another participating ASEAN Country to work as a Registered Foreign Architect (RFA) in Indonesia shall be submitted to CSDB. Upon the acceptance and payment of a prescribed fee, the Registered Foreign Architect (RFA) will be permitted by CSDB to work in collaboration with licensed/registered local Architect. The Registered Foreign Architect (RFA) will not be eligible to work in independent practice to certify architectural works which is required by any written law to be signed by an Architect. 9.2. CSDB shall monitor and assess the professional practice of Registered Foreign Architects (RFAs) to ensure compliance with the MRA. CSDB may prepare rules, which shall be in accordance to the provisions in the MRA, for the purposes of maintaining high standards of professional and ethical practice in architectural services. 10. Requirements for registration as ASEAN Architect (AA) 10.1. An Architect or practitioner who meets the following qualifications, practical experience and conditions is eligible for registration as an ASEAN Architect (AA): (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) completed an accredited or recognized architectural programme; is a registered architect by CSDB acquired practical and diversified experience of not less than ten (10) years of continuous practice of architecture after graduation, of which at least five (5) years shall be after licensure/registration and at least two (2) years of which shall be in responsible charge of significant architectural works; complied with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) policy at a satisfactory level, and agrees to be bound by code of ethics and professional conducts. indro 10/7/09 10:55 PM Deleted: d indro 10/7/09 10:55 PM Deleted: me indro 10/7/09 10:59 PM Deleted: been indro 10/7/09 11:00 PM Deleted: to practice indro 10/7/09 11:00 PM Deleted: ure indro 10/7/09 11:00 PM Deleted: in the Country of Origin indro 10/7/09 11:00 PM Deleted: the PRA -4- 10.2. Details of each of the above qualifications, practical experience and conditions are described in the ensuing paragraphs. 10.3. An application for registration as an ASEAN Architect (AA) shall be made in the format prescribed in form APP 01 (Attachment # 2) to this Assessment Statement. -5- PART B: ASSESSMENT MECHANISM 11. Accredited or recognized architecture program 11.1. An applicant for registration with the MC as an ASEAN Architect (AA) is required to complete an accredited architectural program or an accredited higher education by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (NAAHE) or Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BANPT) established by Ministry of National Education. The summary of the accreditation process is outlined in Attachment # 3. 11.2. The education for architects should be no less than five (5) years or four (4) years plus one (1) year duration delivered on a full time basis in an accredited program in an accredited/validated university in the Country of Origin while allowing flexibility for equivalency; 12. Eligibility for Independent Professional Practice To be eligible for independent professional practice, the applicant shall be registered as an Architect with CSDB for architectural services. 13. Experience Requirements; 13.1. An Architect or practitioner is eligible for registration as an ASEAN Architect (AA) if he/she has at least 10 years of relevant practical work experience after graduation, of which at least five (5) years shall be after licensure/registration. The Architects should have participated in a range of roles and activities appropriate to the practice of architecture. Assessment of practical work experience shall be carried out through: (a) (b) 13.2. submission of a report describing the type, significance and level of responsibility of the practical architecture work experience attained over a period of at least 10 years since graduation (using form APP 02 in Attachment # 4). The report shall demonstrate that the candidate has engaged in professional practice which, directly or indirectly, calls upon his architecture knowledge, skills, experience and judgment, and has a significant influence on the technical direction of architecture projects or programs; and a professional interview to review the practical work experience claimed and assesses the relevance and adequacy for registration whenever it deems necessary. The professional interview shall be conducted by a panel of at least two (2) Assessors. During the interview, the candidate shall be prepared to answer questions on knowledge of advisory and pre-design, design, contract administration, and/or other architectural services, such as the preparation of promotional material and presentations, preparation of as built drawings, constant site representation during the construction phase, provision of operating manuals and the Architect’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. 10/9/09 10:33 AM Deleted: s -6- 14. Responsible charge of significant architectural work The work shall require the exercise of independent architectural judgment. The projects or program concerned shall have been a substantial in duration, cost or complexity. The Architect shall be personally accountable for the im2plementation of the projects. In general, an Architect shall be justified to have responsible charge of significant architectural work when he/she has: (a) planned, designed, coordinated and executed a project of reasonable complexity; or (b) undertaken part of a large project based on an understanding of the whole project; or (c) undertaken novel, complex and/or multi-disciplinary work, as specified in Attachment # 5 (Format 1,2 and 3). 15. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) 15.1. ASEAN Architect is required to engage in CPD to the extent that meets the prevailing norms prescribed by IMC on Architecture Services for the renewal of registration as an Architect. 15.2. The objectives of CPD program is to reinforce the need for lifelong learning and to provide a framework through which Architects could systematically maintain and enhance competency to do a job in their area of expertise. MC’s requirement on CPD is attainment of a minimum of 120 professional development units (PDUs) over a three-year renewal qualifying period, of which 45 PDUs must be in structured activities. The requirements and determination of PDUs for the grant of annual practicing certificate to Architects under MC's mandatory CPD program. 15.3. ASEAN Architect (AA) shall be required to submit evidence on compliance with the CPD requirements. 16. Compliance with Professional Conduct and Ethics 16.1. . All Architects seeking registration as ASEAN Architects (AA) must also agree to be bound by local and international codes of ethics and professional conducts with the policy of ethics and conducts established and enforced by the Country of Origin and by any other jurisdiction within which they are practising. Such codes include requirements that Architect place the safety, health, environment, and welfare of the community above his/her responsibilities to his/her clients and colleagues, practice only within his/her area of competence, and advise his/her clients when additional professional assistance becomes necessary in order to implement a program or project. 10/9/09 10:43 AM Deleted: Code of Ethics and Professional Conducts -7- 10/9/09 10:43 AM Deleted: Codes of Ethics and professional conducts Monitoring Committees (MC) are required to certify that, at registration, the candidate has signed a statement of compliance with such applicable professional codes. 16.2. Accountability. ASEAN Architect (AA) shall also agree to be held individually accountable for his/her actions taken in his/her professional work, either through requirements imposed by the licensing or registering body in the jurisdictions in which he/she works and through the legal processes of such jurisdictions. 16.3. In his/her practice of architecture, ASEAN Architect shall not have any record of serious violation on technical, professional or ethical standards, either in Indonesia or elsewhere. 16.4. ASEAN Architect is bound by the Code of Ethics and Professional Conducts to practice only in areas which he/she is competent in. 17. Records for continuing mutual monitoring 17.1. In order to facilitate mutual monitoring, verification of the operations procedures and information exchange, the MC shall keep a set of all successful applications for registration on ASEAN Architect Register (AAR), which shall include: (a) (b) (c) 17.2. a copy of the report describing the practical architecture work experience attained over a period of at least ten (10) years after graduation, of which at least five (5) years shall be after licensure/registration; a report describing the completion of at least two (2) years significant architectural work in which Architect or practitioner was in responsible charge of; and evidences of participation in CPD program. The MC will carry out annual random audits of at least 5% of the records in the ASEAN Architect Register (AAR) to determine: (a) (b) declarations of participation in CPD; and continued compliance with the conditions of registration. -8- indro 10/7/09 11:03 PM Deleted: e PART C: REGISTRATION PROCESS 18. Guide to Application for AA Registration 18.1. General This section describes the procedures involved in application for and renewal of registration with the MC as ASEAN Architects (AAs). 18.2. Application process (a) (b) (c) (d) 18.3. Application for registration shall be made on the prescribed application form APP 01 in Attachment # 2 and submitted to the MC. The documents, initial registration fee and renewal fee are listed in the application form. MC may appoint an Assessment Panel to review and assess the application whenever it deems necessary The decision on applicants will be informed by the MC in written A certificate of registration will be issued to the successful applicant. The term of registration shall be one year from the date of registration. Registration shall be renewed on a yearly basis. Assessment Panels MC may appoint Assessment Panels each of which comprising a Lead Assessor and an Assessor to review the applications and carry out a professional interview to assess suitability for registration on ASEAN Architect Register. The Assessment Panels shall make recommendations to MC on whether a candidate should be placed on ASEAN Architect Register. 18.4. Assessment Report and Decision Assessment Panels shall prepare and submit its recommendations to be checked by MC to ensure that there is no discrepancy and inadequacy in the assessment procedures. 18.5. Notice of the Results MC shall inform all candidates the results of its assessment, including the reasons for failure where applicable. 18.6. Availability of Assessment Report MC will ensure that all documents containing information on its assessment of applicants for registration on the ASEAN Architects Register shall be made available when requested by the ASEAN Architect Council (AAC) for purposes of review as required under the MRA -9- ATTACHMENT # 1 MEMBERS OF INDONESIA MONITORING COMMITTEE ON ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NAME Dr. Bambang Soemardiono Endy Subijono Mochammad Natsir Jimmy S. Juwana Anita Tambing TITLE Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Member Member INSTITUTION CSDB CSDB MPW CSDB MPW Contact Address: Indonesia Monitoring Committee on Architectural Services Ministry of Public Works, Block B-1A, 7th Floor Jl. Pattimura No. 20 Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta Indonesia 12110 Phone : (62-21)-722799238 Facsimile : (62-21)-7395063 Email : Website : www.mc.or.id indro 10/7/09 11:06 PM Deleted: awaludin.mc@yahoo.com - 10 - ATTACHMENT # 2 APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR ASEAN ARCHITECT (AA) CONTENTS PAGE 1. Objectives 12 2. Scope 12 3. Reference Document 12 4. Abbreviations / Terminology 12 5. Responsibility 12 6. Flow Chart 13 7. Details 15 7.1 Start 15 7.2 Receive Application 15 7.3 Check Application for Eligibility 15 7.4 Eligible / Sufficient? 15 7.5 Insufficient / Rejected Application 15 7.6 Process Application 15 7.7 Appointment of Assessor by the Committee 15 7.8 Assessment Process 16 7.9 Pass Assessment? 16 7.10 Result Endorsement 16 7.11 Inform Candidate 16 7.12 End 16 - 11 - 1. Objectives This procedure is applicable to the verification requirements of architects who apply to be registered with the IMC on Architectural Services. This is to meet stipulated requirements of the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Architectural Services as ASEAN Architect (AA). 2. Scope It encompasses the application procedure for registration of AA. 3. Reference Document ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Architectural Services signed in Singapore - 19th November 2007. 4. Abbreviations/Terminology REG AO AA MC IMC RFA AAC 5. Registrar Administrative Officer ASEAN Architect Monitoring Committee Indonesia Monitoring Committee Registered Foreign Architect ASEAN Architect Council Responsibility Monitoring Committee is responsible for implementing and maintaining these procedures. - 12 - indro 10/7/09 11:11 PM Deleted: P 6. Flow Chart user 10/8/09 3:12 PM Deleted: <sp> user 10/8/09 3:12 PM Deleted: <sp> - 13 - 7. Details Action Responsibility 7.1 Start 7.2 Receive Application Receive application from the registered Architect AO 7.3 Check Application for Eligibility Check on the application based on the following criteria and the following documents are in order and complete: (i) Practical Experience as stated in Article 3 of the MRA (ii) Form APP 01 (application letter) (iii) Form APP 02 (portofolio) (iv) Form APP 03 (declaration) (v) Architect Registration Letter (vi) Copy of Degree AO 7.4 Eligible / Sufficient? (i) If eligible/sufficient, follow step 7.6 (ii) If not eligible or insufficient documents submitted, follow step 7.5 AO 7.5 Insufficient / Rejected Application (i) Inform the candidate by writing that his/her application is insufficient / rejected. (ii) Application end.(7.11) AO 7.6 Process Application Admin. Officer forward application for MC Committee’s consideration: A brief summary of the candidate’s experience. AO 7.7 Appointment of Assessor by the Committee AO & MC 7.7.1. MC appoint two (2) Assessors to examine the applicant. 7.7.2. Sent letter of appointment to the Assessor together with the following documents: (i) Guidelines on AA (ii) Instruction to Assessors (iii) Question on “Code of Ethics and Professional Conducts” (iv) Form IMC 01 (letter of appointment) (v) Form ASR 01 (assessor’s report) (vi) The Candidate related information - 14 - Action 7.8 Assessment Process Liaise directly with the candidate to conduct the assessment. Responsibility ASSESSOR 7.9 Pass Assessment? (i) If yes, follow step 7.10 (ii) If no, follow step 7.11 AO 7.10 Result Endorsement MC Committee will consider the result of assessment: The Committee’s recommendation will be presented to the MC for endorsement. MC 7.11 Inform Candidate Inform the candidate of the result by writing REG 7.12 End - 15 - ATTACHMENT # 3 SUMMARY ON THE ACCREDITATION BY NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AGENCY FOR HIGHER EDUCATION 0N ARCHITECTURE PROGRAM Function and Tasks The National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (NAAHE) – Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BANPT) has the function to assess periodically the quality and efficiency of all higher educational institutions, which covers the curriculum, the quality and number of educators, the learning environment of the students, the performance of the learning process, the educational supporting facilities, the academic administration, finance, employment and office management. In performing the above-mentioned functions, NAAHE has the task of formulating: The accreditation criteria The Assessment policies and criteria The implementing organization And performing: Periodical assessments on the quality and efficiency of the higher education institution carried out by NAAHE as the basis for the recommendation given on the study program / higher education institution. And aiding/supporting Higher education institutions shall conduct their self assessments Scope and Objectives Study Program / higher education institutions assessed by NAAHE consist of: Study Program Institutions of higher education in Indonesia are categorized into two groups, as they offer two different path of education, namely academic and professional. The curriculum of the study program shall be based on the national curriculum, which the objectives of enabling the students in mastering the knowledge, skill and attitude. Higher Education Institutions : Higher education institutions are categorized as : Academies, Polytechnics, Pre-college and Colleges, Institutes and University. For each of these institutions, different method of assessments will be applied. - 16 - Accreditation Accreditation is the recognition given to a higher education institution in maintaining quality standards of the graduates in terms of admission to higher specialized program or professional practice which covers institutional accreditation as well as their study programs. Components to be assessed The assessment of quality and efficiency of study program / higher education institutions covers the following components: • • • • • • • • • Curriculum and Syllabi Quality and number of lectures / professors Learning environment Academic performance Educational facilities Administrative management Human resources development Financial resources and management Campus facilities Assessment Criteria The criteria for the assessment of higher education institutions, e.g.: • • • • • Administrative and legal adherence Properness of academic performance Market demand relevance to educational programs Learning-teaching condition Managerial performance The criteria for the assessment of study programs, e.g. : • • • • • • • Administrative and legal adherence Conformance of program with rules and regulations Market demand relevance to educational program Educational facilities Efficiency of program implementation Program productivity Quality of graduates - 17 - APP 01 ATTACHMENT # 4 APPLICATION FOR ASEAN ARCHITECT (AA) REGISTRATION (To be completed by Applicant in BLOCK LETTERS) Name of The Applicant (As written in Passport) : ……………………………………………. Country of Origin : ……………………………………………. Qualification Obtained : ……………………………………………. Place and date of the issued qualification : ……………………………………………. Architect Registration No. (Country of Origin) : ……………………………………………. Architect Registration Date : ……………………………………………. ASEAN Architect Register (AAR): Certified Compliance with ASEAN Architect Criteria: Completed an accredited or recognised architectural program, or assessed recognized equivalent Is assessed within their own country as eligible for independent practice indro 10/7/09 11:18 PM Deleted: Been Gained a minimum of not less than ten (10) years of continuous architectural practice after graduation, of which at least five (5) years shall be after licensure/registration Spent at least two years in responsible charge of significant architectural work Complied with the Continuing Professional Development policy of the Country of Origin at a satisfactory level Confirmed signature on statement of compliance with codes of ethics Signed : ………………………………… Assigned Officer : ………………………………… Indonesia Monitoring Committee on Architectural Services Date : ………………………………… Meylina Hasbullah 9/14/09 2:56 PM Deleted: *delete whichever is not applicable - 18 - APP 02(alternative) ATTACHMENT # 5 Format 1 SIGNIFICANT ARCHITECTURAL WORK APPLICATION FOR ASEAN ARCHITECT REGISTRATION Receipt No. : …………………………………………….. Name of Applicant : …………………………………………….. : …………………………………………….. : ……………………….., ….../..…/….…… Architect Registration No. : …………………………………………….. Date of Issued : …………../…………../…………………… Qualification : ……………………………………………… Mailing Address : …………………………………………….. (As written in Passport) Title (if any) (eg. Mr., Mrs, Ms., Ar., Dr., etc) Place and Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) (DD/MM/YY) Postcode : ……………………………….. Country : ………………………………. E-mail address : ……………………………………………. Present Occupation : …………………………………………….. Office Address : …………………………………………….. ……………………………………………... Postcode : ………………………………… Country : ……………………………….. Phone/Fax No. : …………………………… I wish to be placed on the ASEAN Architect Register (AAR) and apply as described below in accordance with the provision that defines two (2) years experience in responsible charge of significant architectural works. - 19 - APP 02(alternative) List of significant Architectural Work Experiences (describe in retrospective order, beginning with the most recent one.) Attestant's Column Work No. Starting Date/ Ending Date/ (months) Name of Organisations/ Position/Title Name of Work Signature Relationship of Attestant to Applicant Tel/Fax Note: The attestant above shall be, in principle, the representative of the organisation under which the applicant executed his architectural work. - 20 - APP 02(alternative) Format 2 Detailed Description of Significant Architectural Work (Describe, in detail, each work listed in the preceding page.) Work No. Position in Architectural Work Contents of Work (Describe the contents and significance of the work, the applicant’s role, and the degree of the applicant's responsibility. Using about 50 words.) Note: Make a copy of this sheet when an extra sheet is needed. - 21 - APP 02(alternative) FORMAT 3 Examples of Project Categories of Responsible Charge of Significant Architectural Work No 1 Project Categories Commercial 2 Industrial 3 Residential 4 Public Buildings 5 Master Planning Example of Projects Size Shopping Complex of area about 10,000m2, Hotel of unit numbers about 100 rooms, etc. Industrial building of area about 4,000m2 Apartment blocks of units numbering about 200 units Public buildings of area about 4,000m2 Mixed development of size about 10 hectares To Indonesian Monitoring Committee on Architectural Services, I hereby declare that the above descriptions are true to the best of my knowledge. Signature : ………………………………… Architect Applicant's name : ………………………………… Date : ………………………………… - 22 - APP 03 ATTACHMENT # 6 DECLARATION FOR ASEAN ARCHITECT (AA) APPLICATION I hereby declare that: YES NO I am an Architect I meet the entire requirements as specified in Article 3 of the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) No disciplinary action have been taken against me I am not bankrupt Others: ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ……… ……… ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ……… ……… ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ……… ……… Yours Sincerely, ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… Name: ……… ……… ……… ……… Identity Card No.: ……… ……… ……… PE Reg. No.: ……… ……… ……… Date: ……… ……… ……… ……… Note: Please tick (√) in the relevant box. - 23 - ASR 01 ATTACHMENT # 7 ASSESSOR’S REPORT Date of Assessment : Branch of Architecture: Candidate’s name : Position of employment: Age: ….. ASSESSOR’S REPORT 1. DOCUMENTS: Report (training and experience):.......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. CPD: .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. 2. INTERVIEW: Office Design Experiences (amount and quantity’) .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. Field Workshop Experiences (amount and quantity) .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. 3. ASSESSOR’S RECOMMENDATION: Please tick (√) in the box where appropriate. PASS FAIL - 24 - ASR 01 If fail, candidate’s weakness lies in the following: Design/Office Experience Field Experience Others, please specify: ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. Elaboration of reasons for failure: ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. Assessors: (1) Signature: ………. ………. ………. Name: ………. ………. ………. (2) Signature: ………. ………. ………. Name: ………. ………. ………. - 25 - IMC 02 ATTACHMENT # 8 MONITORING COMMITTEE SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ON THE APPLICATION FOR ASEAN ARCHITECT REGISTRATION Name of Applicant : ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. ………. Qualification, and place and date obtained: ………. ………. ………. .......... ………. Architect Registration No. (Home Country): ………. ………. ………. .......... Date of Issued (Home Country) : ………. ………. ………. .......... Certified Compliance with ASEAN Architect Criteria: Completed an accredited or recognized architecture program, or assessed recognized equivalent Been assessed within their own country as eligible for independent practice Gained a minimum of ten years practical experience since graduation, of which at least five (5) years shall be after licensure/registration Spent at least two years in responsible charge of significant architecture work Complied with the Continuing Professional Development policy of the Country of Origin at a satisfactory level Confirmed signature on statement of compliance with codes of ethics and professional conducts Signed ………. ………. ………. Assigned Officer Indonesia Monitoring Committee on Architectural Services - 26 - IMC 01 ATTACHMENT # 9 Ref. No: ……… ………. Date: ………. ………. (Name and address of assessor appointed) Tel. No.: … … … … … … Sir, APPOINTMENT OF AA ASSESSOR Referring to the subject above, the Indonesia Monitoring Committee (IMC) on Architectural Services appoints you as the Assessor to evaluate the application for AA. (Name of the Assessor) Yours sincerely. (………. ………. ……….) Indonesia Monitoring Committee on Architectural Services P/s (Name and address of the Assessor) - 27 - IMC 01 ATTACHMENT # 10 CPD CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) CPD is systematic maintenance and improvement of knowledge, skill and competence, and the enhancement of learning, undertaken by an individual throughout his or her working life. CPD, in the context of lifelong learning, is vital in our increasingly networked world, where the growing use of information and communications technologies continues to dissolve boundaries. Indonesia Monitoring Committee on Architectural Services defines CPD as the acquisition of knowledge, experience and skills, as well as, the development of personal qualities. It contains both the acquisition of new skills, to broaden competence, and the enhancement of existing skills to keep abreast of evolving knowledge. CPD is the core of life-long-learning of professional architect at all levels of proficiency. It is a prerequisite for the maintenance of high professional standards throughout an architect’s professional life. CPD enables the employability and mobility of individual architects. It enhances their career in the fast moving world of technology and strengthens their professional satisfaction and well-being. CPD may act as a personal job assurance in the turbulent global job market. CPD is ultimately the individual’s personal responsibility. However, it has to be planned and it requires the cooperation, encouragement and support of employers, as well as, professional and academic institutions. CPD is of crucial importance for sustaining the competitiveness of ASEAN industry in the global market, where competitive advantage can be gained from the application of high-end skills to leading edge technologies. The CPD Committee: Offers a strong debate platform and permanent source of information on CPD for the National Members and ASEAN Members Organizes structured Committee meetings throughout the year Contributes regularly to the AAC News, and the Professional Publication Offers a strong debate platform and permanent source of information on CPD for the National Members and ASEAN Members Organizes CPD workshops and/or participates actively in workshop / seminar / academic session in connection with the AAC. Acts as a possible contributor when the National Members are defining their CPD policies or creating CPD related member events and services CPD GUIDELINES FOR THE NATIONAL MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS IMC encourages all National Member Organization and their affiliated organisations to - 28 - IMC 01 Include the promotion of CPD as an important element of the organization’s mission Establish a CPD policy and communicate it to relevant national institutions and authorities, highlighting the key role of qualified professional architects for the development of the economy and society. Encourage companies, universities, professional organizations and others to invest in CPD for architects. Encourage defined quality in CPD as well as innovative practises in learning. Support individual architects in their personal CPD e.g. by establishing a national CPD committee to promote CPD. Communicate Best-Practise in CPD among the National Member Organisations. Follow the initiatives on competence recognition, mobility, employability and accreditation of education and CPD e.g. ASEAN and National Qualification Framework. Make the organisation’s CPD policy, along with the AAC Guidelines on CPD for Architects in ASEAN, available to their members. GUIDELINES ON CPD FOR ARCHITECTS IN ASEAN To maintain and develop their professional competence, individual architects are encouraged to: Recognize the importance of CPD for their career, employability and mobility, as well as, their professional satisfaction and well-being at all ages and stages throughout their career. Take active ownership of their professional and personal development and invest in CPD. At personal level, establish a Competence Development Plan and a broad idea of a Career Goal. With the employer, negotiate a CPD plan which is realistic and in a systematic way builds competences ensuring good execution of tasks and enabling career development. Actively work towards realising the CPD plan. Systematically record their CPD activities and achievements so that maintaining and/or developing professional competence can be demonstrated, and if needed, the competence acquired may be assessed and acknowledged. Strive for quality in their personal CPD, as well as, the use of a variety of methods e.g. formal courses/programs, academic studies, professional visits, on-the job-learning. Keep informed of and respond to the CPD mission, policy of their professional institution and/or National Member Organization. Use the CPD related services offered by the National Member Organization. Objective CPD activities are designed to extend or update your knowledge, skill or judgement in your area(s) of practice, and enable you to: • • • Maintain technical competence Retain and enhance effectiveness in the workplace Be able to help, influence and lead others by example - 29 - IMC 01 • • Successfully deal with changes in your career Better serve the community. CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) POLICY 1. APPLICATION 1.1 This policy applies to: members of accredited architect organizations Registrants on the Construction Services Development Board (CSBD) 1.2 Registrants on the CSBD, are bound by this policy as a consequence of a declaration made by each individual, as a condition of their inclusion on the registers. 2 OBLIGATIONS 2.1 CSBD expects qualified members and registrants to maintain records of CPD activities that extend or update their knowledge, skill or judgment in their area or areas of architectural practice. CSBD expects that these activities will enable the individual to: maintain technical competence; retain and enhance their effectiveness in the workplace; be able to help, influence and lead others by example; successfully deal with changes in their career; and better serve the community. 2.2 CSBD expects qualified members and registrants to be able to demonstrate an active participation in their area or areas of architectural practice during the three (3) years prior to an audit. CSBD makes allowances for individuals who have taken a period of leave from the workforce of over 6 months but less than three (3) years 3. CPD RECORDS 3.1 An individual’s CPD records must demonstrate a minimum of 120 hours of structured CPD in the last three (3) years. 3.2 Of the 120 hours: at least 40 hours must relate to the individual’s area of practice; at least 8 hours must cover risk management; at least 12 hours must address business and management skills; and the remainder must cover a range of activities relevant to the individual’s career. 3.3 In addition, architectural academics/teachers must demonstrate at least 40 hours industry involvement in any three (3) year period. 3.4 An individual who has worked predominately in a part-time capacity (less than 24 hours a week) over the three (3) years prior to an audit may demonstrate the required minimum of 150 hours of structured CPD over the last five (5) years rather than the last three (3) years. - 30 - IMC 01 3.5 CSDB makes allowances for individuals who have taken a period of leave from the workforce of over six (6) months but less than three (3) years. 4. STRUCTURED CPD 4.1 For the purpose of audit, CSBD will accept as evidence of compliance with this policy, CPD records of participation in the following activities providing that they meet the objectives of 2.1: a) formal post-graduate study leading to an award or individual tertiary courses or units; b) short courses, workshops, seminars and discussion groups, conferences, technical inspections and technical meetings, c) learning activities in the workplace that extend a member’s competence in their area of practice; d) private study which extends a member’s knowledge and skills; e) service to the architectural profession; f) the preparation and presentation of material for courses, conferences, seminars and symposia; and g) any other structured activities not covered by a) – f) above. 5. AUDITING OF CPD RECORDS 5.1 The Chairman of IMC is authorized to conduct CPD audits and may delegate this responsibility. 5.2 An audit may be undertaken on a random or periodic basis: if the individual has been the subject of a complaint; if the individual is working in a high risk area of practice; to meet requirements set down in legislation; or to meet other requirements or priorities set down by CSDB from time to time. 5.3 The decision to select a particular individual or group of individuals for audit is not an appeal-able decision. 5.4 The Chairman or member of IMC is to consult as appropriate with relevant units of Indonesian Architects in the conduct of audits. 5.5 An individual who has received an audit notice is required to respond within three (3) months by submitting the required CPD records and a statement of participation in their area or areas of architectural practice. 5.6 An individual who is unable to provide the information within three (3) months may seek an extension of time to comply. A reasonable explanation must be provided at the time of the request for extension. - 31 - IMC 01 5.7 An individual who is no longer in architectural practice and intends to o remove themselves from the CSDB Registers must respond to the audit notice by advising of this decision. 5.8 An individual who has received a notice of an unsuccessful audit outcome may be given a further twelve (12) months in which to comply, at the discretion of the Chairman of IMC, who may delegate this authority. - 32 -