Essential Management Skills Duration: 3 Days – with a month in between each one Benefit: This workshop will equip line managers with the essential skills and knowledge to transition to and perform in their role. Homework and reflection tasks will be set inbetween each workshop to enable the newly acquired skills to embed, with time allocated at the start of each session to review, clarify, develop plans and provide feedback. Objectives: On completion of this course, attendees will be able to confidently perform as a manager, set objectives, manage performance, prioritise work, develop their people and delegate effectively. Level: Basic – Intermediate. This course is designed for those newly appointed to a management role who wish manage individuals effectively or those who have been in their role for a short time and wish to build upon their skills. Day 1 Managing Performance - Definition of Management performance management - The impact good managers have - The differences between management and - purpose statement for the team The mind- set transition required from - employee to manager their goals. The importance of the ‘golden The 4 areas of management responsibility: thread’ approach to goal cascading. How Planning, organising, controlling and to write effective goals and how to track motivating - them. The management duties that are included - in each area - The 3 perspectives a manager needs to have: individual, task and team - Job and behavioural expectations: How to write and communicate the rules of What success looks like in each of these engagement for the team. The importance areas and self-assessment of current focus - Goals and targets: Why goals are important and why so many people fail to achieve The Key Responsibilities and Tasks - Mission: Who we are and what we do, Creating a compelling and aligning leadership - Introduction to the 5 point star model of of clarity in roles and responsibilities - Performance Feedback: What is feedback and the reasons behind our response to it. Task prioritisation – deciding which tasks to Feedback tools, Action Impact Do, SOAC focus on and the ABC model - Differentiating team members: Situational leadership based on the skill/will matrix. Setting and reviewing appropriate authority levels Spectrum House Dunstable Road Redbourn St Albans Hertfordshire AL3 7PR 01582 620326 Day 2 Day 3 Review of action plans and progress to date Review of action plans and progress to date High Performing teams – the team stages Developing your team - The benefits to you in developing your team - The Drexler- Sibbet team stage model - The key Learning methods – both formal - How to assess where the obstacles are for your team and how to move them onto the and informal - next stage How people learn – how to ensure that Effective communication with individual team members learning is embedded - Creating robust and engaging personal development plans – the necessary stages - - of your team to help structure more The Grow coaching model – how to coach effective communication with them effectively - Mapping the Communication styles of each Delegation: the art of empowerment. Why managers find it so difficult and how to do it effectively Spectrum House Dunstable Road Redbourn St Albans Hertfordshire AL3 7PR 01582 620326