Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience The Donnan equilibrium: I. On the thermodynamic foundation of the Donnan equation of state This article has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text article. 2011 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 194106 (http://iopscience.iop.org/0953-8984/23/19/194106) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: The article was downloaded on 28/04/2011 at 09:35 Please note that terms and conditions apply. IOP PUBLISHING JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONDENSED MATTER J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 194106 (11pp) doi:10.1088/0953-8984/23/19/194106 The Donnan equilibrium: I. On the thermodynamic foundation of the Donnan equation of state A Philipse and A Vrij Van ’t Hoff Laboratory for Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands Received 18 January 2011, in final form 28 February 2011 Published 27 April 2011 Online at stacks.iop.org/JPhysCM/23/194106 Abstract The thermodynamic equilibrium between charged colloids and an electrolyte reservoir is named after Frederic Donnan who first published on it one century ago (Donnan 1911 Z. Electrochem. 17 572). One of the intriguing features of the Donnan equilibrium is the ensuing osmotic equation of state which is a nonlinear one, even when both colloids and ions obey Van ’t Hoff’s ideal osmotic pressure law. The Donnan equation of state, nevertheless, is internally consistent; we demonstrate it to be a rigorous consequence of the phenomenological thermodynamics of a neutral bulk suspension equilibrating with an infinite salt reservoir. Our proof is based on an exact thermodynamic relation between osmotic pressure and salt adsorption which, when applied to ideal ions, does indeed entail the Donnan equation of state. Our derivation also shows that, contrary to what is often assumed, the Donnan equilibrium does not require ideality of the colloids: the Donnan model merely evaluates the osmotic pressure of homogeneously distributed ions, in excess of the pressure exerted by an arbitrary reference fluid of uncharged colloids. We also conclude that results from the phenomenological Donnan model coincide with predictions from statistical thermodynamics in the limit of weakly charged, point-like colloids. earlier by Bayliss [12] who found that the osmotic pressure of Congo-red solutions drops significantly by the addition of sodium chloride. Bayliss [12] attributed the decrease in osmotic pressure to the aggregation of Congo-red molecules. Donnan and Harris [3], while not excluding the possibility that ‘some such aggregation may occur’ [3], concluded that the effect of added salt has a different origin. They showed that the osmotic pressure decrease is related to the unequal distribution of sodium chloride on both sides of the membrane (a relation that is further explained in sections 2 and 3). This distribution is surprising given that the membrane itself is perfectly permeable to both Na+ and Cl− ; for good reason Donnan and Harris [3] refer to the salt gradient as a ‘near and hitherto quite unsuspected phenomenon’ that, nevertheless, is ‘thermodynamically necessary’ (this necessity is demonstrated here in sections 3 and 4). Moreover, Donnan and Harris [3] also observed that the equilibrium salt distribution is such that the NaCl concentration is higher ‘on the side of the membrane, opposite to that in which the Congo-red solution is present’. In other words, Congo-red is the charged species that cannot permeate the membrane, and its presence leads to the expulsion 1. Introduction One century ago [1] Frederic Donnan (1870–1956) first published on a thermodynamic equilibrium involving ions and poly-electrolytes that now bears his name: the Donnan equilibrium. Donnan was inspired by earlier work of Wilhelm Ostwald [2] who discussed two electrolyte solutions separated by a porous wall, freely permeable to most charged species but impermeable to at least one of them. Ostwald’s ‘halbdurchlässige Wände’ [2], that is, semi-permeable membranes, turned out to have peculiar consequences, including the existence of an equilibrium electrical potential difference across the membrane, and the unequal salt concentrations at both sides of the membrane. These consequences were investigated in a number of papers by Donnan and various co-workers [3–7]. Salt partitioning, for example, was carefully studied by Donnan and Harris [3] for solutions of Congo-red (the di-sodium salt of diphenylbisazonaphthylamine-sulphonic acid) separated by a semi-permeable membrane of parchment paper from a sodium chloride solution. These dye-solutions had been studied 0953-8984/11/194106+11$33.00 1 © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK & the USA J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 194106 A Philipse and A Vrij Figure 1. Simple instance of the Donnan equilibrium in which membrane M separates two salt solutions of equal volume. Initially (left) the salt concentration is the same in both volumes. However, addition of a sodium salt with a monovalent anion A− that cannot permeate the membrane induces a salt imbalance, see equation (3). textbooks usually do not address. These issues also lead us to re-examine both the assumptions underlying the Donnan equation of state, as well as its thermodynamic foundation, which forms the main topic of this paper. An important clue to this thermodynamic foundation is the insight, already reported by Vrij [10, 11] and Stigter [23], that knowledge of the salt adsorption by charged colloids, in principle, suffices to calculate their osmotic pressure. To our knowledge, this type of calculation has not been reported yet for the Donnan equilibrium. In section 3 we rederive Vrij’s equation for the salt dependence of osmotic pressure and demonstrate in section 4 how it leads to the Donnan equation of state. Further discussion on the latter’s interpretation is given in section 5, followed by conclusions and outlook in section 6. of salt, in later literature also referred to as ‘negative salt adsorption’ [8–11]. Interestingly, Donnan’s main inspiration for investigating membrane equilibria came from physiology [4, 7]. Donnan believed that these equilibria were relevant to understand the functioning of biological cell membranes [1]. Moreover, the membrane potentials could, perhaps, also account for electrical nerve impulses [1], a speculation also made earlier by Ostwald [2]. Donnan, nevertheless, was well aware that biological membranes might be much more complex than the passive porous walls in his experiments [6]. Donnan [6] noted that his membrane equilibrium in any case constitutes a relatively simple model system, as a first step towards explaining salt or electrical potential gradients in biological systems. In this spirit, the Donnan equilibrium is still employed in textbook treatments [13] of the physics of living cells and their membranes. Though Donnan’s membrane equilibrium is conceptually quite simple (it neglects all ion correlations) it nevertheless entails a non-trivial, nonlinear expression for the osmotic pressure (see section 4). This Donnan equation of state accounts for a many-body system of colloids and ions that are all coupled to the Donnan potential, that is, the constant electrical background potential. This makes the Donnan model an interesting reference for charged colloids dispersed in organic solvents with very low ionic strength [14–17]. The usefulness of the Donnan approach to analyze such systems, is illustrated by the recent discovery [18–21] of a macroscopic electric field in the sedimentation–diffusion equilibria of charged colloidal spheres at low ion concentrations; the existence of this field can be explained in a straight forward manner via the Donnan equation of state [22]. Such findings confirm that the Donnan equilibrium deserves more attention in the physics of charged colloids then it has received over the last decades. To call attention to this point is one motivation for this paper and, consequently, the paper will be self-contained, for readers encountering the Donnan equilibrium for the first time. We therefore start in section 2 with an informal treatment of the Donnan equilibrium, in which we also point to a few puzzling issues (such as the interpretation of the nonlinearity in Donnan’s equation of state and the presumed ideality of colloids) that 2. Nut-shell Donnan model The essence of the Donnan equilibrium can be explained in a nut-shell, with a simple example that, after its introduction by Donnan [1, 6], was later incorporated in various classical textbooks [24–27]. Consider a sodium chloride solution with salt concentration ρs , divided by a membrane M into two regions i and R with equal volume (figure 1). The membrane is permeable to Na+ and Cl− such that regions i and R can exchange salt molecules, that is, pairs of Na+ and Cl− ions. The probability for such an exchange is proportional to the product of ion concentrations such that at equilibrium: i i R R ρNa +ρ − = ρ Na+ ρCl− . Cl (1) Here ρ i and ρ R are ion number density in, respectively, region i and R. When in both regions only NaCl is present, of course, all ion densities in (1) equal ρs . We now add an electrolyte NaA to region i that fully dissociates into Na+ and A− , each with concentration ρs . The anion A− cannot pass the membrane because, for example, it is simply too big or because it is irreversibly adsorbed on a surface or any other large carrier. The added NaA produces an initial surplus of Na+ ions in region i so part of these excess ions will diffuse to region R, each accompanied by a Cl− ion to maintain electro-neutrality, leading to an imbalance in salt concentration between i and R. Since only neutral salt is displaced, the electro-neutrality 2 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 194106 A Philipse and A Vrij (see section 4) the Donnan equation of state is a nonlinear function of the concentration of colloidal species that cannot permeate the membrane; the linearity in (5) is a fortuitous result for the choice of concentrations and volumes in figure 1. The question is then whether this nonlinearity is consistent with the assumption of colloids obeying Van ’t Hoff’s law, the latter stating that pressure depends linearly on colloid number density ρc . Apart from this issue of consistency, one can question why Van ’t Hoff’s law has to be invoked anyhow in the Donnan equilibrium. For the equilibrating salt molecules the assumption of ideality is convenient to obtain the simple expression (1) for their equilibrium concentrations. However, the A− solutes in figure 1 are not involved in any equilibrium: their only role in the Donnan model is to be non-diffusive and to produce counter-ions. Given this role, it is not evident why one should assume (either out of convenience or necessity) the validity of Van ’t Hoff’s law (4) for these solutes. To address these and other issues we next investigate thermodynamic foundation of the Donnan equilibrium in sections 3 and 4. condition itself allows any salt distribution between i and R; the additional constraint, of course, is that the salt distribution is the equilibrium one. Suppose that in equilibrium (see figure 1) the salt concentrations in i and R have changed, respectively, with an amount L s and −L s , then the equilibrium condition (1) yields: (2ρs + L s )(ρs + L s ) = (ρs − L s )2 , (2) with the solution L s = − 15 ρs . (3) Thus, due to the presence of the ‘non-diffusing’ ions A− , salt is expelled to the reservoir R that is devoid of A− ions. This expulsion, also referred to as ‘negative salt adsorption’, corresponds, in the particular setup of figure 1, to a substantial 20% decrease in region i of the initial salt concentration. This negative salt adsorption also changes significantly the osmotic pressure difference across the membrane. If we would totally ignore the presence of salt and assume that is only determined by the dissociated electrolyte NaA, then Van ’t Hoff’s law yields [28]: = 2ρs , kT (4) 3. The relation between salt adsorption and osmotic pressure where k is the Boltzmann constant and T the absolute temperature (note that ρs is a number density). However, taking the salt partitioning between i and R in figure 1 into account we have: Any net amount of salt transferred from an osmotic cell, such as a red blood cell, to the surrounding salt reservoir changes the balance in concentrations of thermal ions and, consequently, changes the osmotic pressure difference between cell and reservoir. In section 2 we already found in equation (5) a simple instance of the relation between osmotic pressure and salt adsorption. We will now derive a general differential equation for this relation, reported earlier by one of us elsewhere [11, 29], to show in section 4 how it entails the Donnan equation of state. Instead of the finite reservoir in figure 1 we consider a large electrolyte reservoir that fixes the chemical potential ρs of the salt (figure 2). To find the relation between negative salt adsorption and the osmotic pressure difference across the membrane, we start from the fundamental thermodynamic equation to clearly identify all required assumptions. This fundamental equation for the change in internal energy U of the cell with entropy S is given by [30]: dU = T d S − P dV + μ j dn j . (6) 6 = 2ρs + 2(ρs + L s )− 2(ρs − L s ) = 2ρs + 4 L s = ρs , (5) kT 5 which implies a 40% reduction of the osmotic pressure in comparison to (4). The origin of this reduction is clear: if in figure 1 L s salt molecules are expelled then 2 L s thermal ions migrate from i to R such that the difference in ion number density—and hence the difference in osmotic pressure—across the membrane decreases with 4 L s . The results (3) and (5) for the simple setup of figure 1 seem quite straightforward but, nevertheless, raise a few issues that require the more extensive treatment of the Donnan equilibrium in later sections. The choice of the non-diffusing ion A− in figure 1, for example, is rather special: it is monovalent and happens to have the same number density as the salt ions. The obvious question is how the osmotic pressure from (5) will look like for non-permeating anions with higher valences and other concentrations. In addition, the volumes of i and R in figure 1 are equal and so we could inquire what happens to the osmotic pressure if solution R is actually a very large salt reservoir that fixes the salt’s chemical potential everywhere in i and R. Any effect of reservoir size is also of practical importance: in a concentrated dispersion of red blood cells the extra-cellular solution is certainly a finite reservoir in comparison to the total volume of the blood cells. However, for a very dilute suspension of charged colloids, the background electrolyte solution will constitute an almost infinite reservoir. A third issue relates to the linearity of the equation of state in equation (5). Since equation (5) assumes Van ’t Hoff’s law for ideal, non-interacting solute molecules, this linearity seems at first sight quite plausible. However, in most cases j Here V is the cell’s volume, P is the cell’s pressure, μ j is the chemical potential per particle of species j in the cell and n j is the number of particles of species j . We restrict ourselves to the following species: colloids (label c), solvent (label o), monovalent cations (label +) and monovalent anions (label −). Thus: dU = T d S− P dV +μc dn c +μo dn o +μ+ dn + +μ− dn − . (7) This equation is formally correct but, nevertheless, should be modified because only salt molecules, i.e. pairs of cations and anions can leave or enter the cell to maintain its electroneutrality, that is, dn + = dn − = dn s , where dn s is the number 3 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 194106 A Philipse and A Vrij obtain a relation between osmotic pressure and salt adsorption from (13), we first need to eliminate the solvent chemical potential μ0 . The required second relation for μ0 follows from the Gibbs–Duhem relation for the reservoir which relates variations in chemical potentials of solvent and salt: d P R = ρoR dμRo + ρsR dμRs = 0, (14) taking into account that the reservoir pressure P R is kept constant. For the pure solvent, osmotic equilibrium between cell and reservoir requires that: μRo = μo , (15) whereas the equilibrium condition for the salt is: Figure 2. An osmotic cell with pressure P and volume V is in equilibrium with a very large reservoir with pressure P R and volume V R V . Colloid c cannot pass the membrane which is only permeable to solvent (subscript 0) and small solute molecules (subscript i); in the reservoir solute molecules carry the superscript R. Cell and reservoir are at the same constant temperature T . μRs = μs . (16) Using conditions (15) and (16) the reservoir’s Gibbs–Duhem relation (14) becomes: ρoR dμo + ρsR dμs = 0, of transferred salt molecules, for example the neutral salt NaCl. The chemical potential of the salt is a linear combination of individual ion potentials weighted with their valency [26]. Thus for a 1:1 electrolyte μs = μ+ + μ− and equation (7) becomes: dU = T d S − P dV + μc dn c + μo dn o + μs dn s . which can now be combined with the Gibbs–Duhem relation (13) of the osmotic cell to eliminate the solvent chemical potential: d P = ρc dμc + L s dμs . (8) KNaz → K + + z Na . L s = ρo (9) (10) Thus in (7) the term μs dn s guards the cell’s electro-neutrality with regard to ion exchange with the reservoir, whereas any dissociation inside the cell (be it from colloids or simple electrolyte) must obey (10). We now return to (7) and integrate it for given values of the intensive parameters T, P and μ to obtain: U = T S − PV + μc n c + μo n o + μs n s . = −μc dρc + L s dμs , ≈ ρs − ρsR , (19) (20) where we have substituted in (18). Taking the derivative of (20) with respect to the salt chemical potential μs , for given colloid number density ρc , we find: ∂P ∂μc − ρc = Ls. (21) ∂μs ρc ∂μs ρc (11) Cross-differentiation in (20) yields the Maxwell relation: ∂μc ∂ Ls − = , (22) ∂μs ρc ∂ρc μs (12) For constant temperature we obtain from (12) the Gibbs– Duhem relation for the osmotic cell in the form: d P = ρc dμc + ρo dμo + ρs dμs , d(P − ρc μc ) = d P − ρc dμc − μc dρc Taking the differential dU and equating it to (7) yields the Gibbs–Duhem relation: 0 = S d T − V d P + n c d μc + n o d μo + n s d μs . ρs ρR − sR ρo ρo quantifies salt adsorption, relative to the imbalance in solvent concentration between cell and reservoir. For dilute, incompressible solutions ρ0 ≈ ρ0R , allowing the simplification indicated in (19). We are interested in the osmotic pressure for a given colloid concentration, so in (18) ρc should be the variable instead of the colloid chemical potential μc . Therefore we consider the variation in P − ρc μc rather than the pressure differential itself: The dissociation can neither violate the cell’s electro-neutrality so inside the cell it must be the case that: n + = zn c + n − . (18) Here the parameter The requirement that only neutral entities can enter or leave the cell, of course, also holds for the colloids. Suppose a neutral colloid K is added to the cell which dissociates to produce z sodium cations: −z (17) which on substitution in (21) yields the equation that was first reported in [11] (see also [29, 31]): ∂P ∂ Ls = L s − ρc . (23) ∂μs ρc ∂ρc μs (13) where ρ = n/V is a number density; ρs is the number density of salt molecules in the electrolyte reservoir. To 4 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 194106 A Philipse and A Vrij Since in the osmotic pressure difference = P − PR , the pressure PR of the large reservoir is a constant we may also write: ∂ ∂ Ls = L s − ρc . (24) ∂μs ρc ∂ρc μs From (28) and (29) we obtain the differential equation ρi dμi = kT dρi , with the solution: μi = μi,0 + kT ln(ρi /ρi,0 ), where μi,0 is the chemical potential at some reference number density ρi,0 . The salt chemical potential μs = μ+ +μ− follows from (30) as: ρ+ ρ− ; ρs2,0 = ρ+,0 ρ−,0 . (31) μs = μs,0 + kT ln ρs2,0 The practical implication from this equation is clear: take a large salt reservoir with constant salt chemical potential μs , and measure or calculate the salt concentration in the cell, namely L s in equation (19), as a function of colloid concentration ρc . Then the RHS of (24) is known, and subsequent integration yields the osmotic pressure as a function of ρc and ρs . It should be noted that (24) is a rigorous consequence of the fundamental equation (6) applied to neutral bulk phase. The question is now which additional assumptions are needed to extract an analytical expression for from (24). It turns out that, to find such an expression, we only have to assume that the salt dissociates into ideal ions. Applying expression (31) to salt molecules in the osmotic cell (no superscript) and the reservoir (superscript R) we readily find from the equilibrium condition (16): ρ+ ρ− = ρ+R ρ−R , To obtain the osmotic pressure from (24) we must further specify the salt adsorption L s and its dependence on the colloid concentration ρc . A charged colloid1 in the osmotic cell expels co-ions (i.e. ions with the same charge sign as the colloids) to the reservoir, and since each of them is accompanied by a counter-ion we can write for the negative salt adsorption L s by negatively charged colloids, see equation (19): ρ− = ρs . ρ+ ρ− = (ρsR )2 = constant, ρ− = −y + 1 + y 2 ; R ρs (25) (26) zρc . 2ρsR ρ− − ρ−R L− = = −y + 1 + y 2 − 1, R R ρs ρs (34) (35) whereas for the cations (see also equation (26)): L+ = y + 1 + y 2 − 1. ρsR (36) The anion adsorption (35) is the salt adsorption to be inserted in equation (24) which we first rewrite to: 1 L− ∂ L − /ρsR ∂ = R −y , (37) ρsR ∂μs ρc ρs ∂y μs (27) The differential di equals the corresponding variation in hydrostatic pressure Pi at constant chemical potential μ0 of the solvent: d Pi |μ0 = kT dρi . (28) which then together with (35) leads to: ∂ 1 1 = − 1. R ρs ∂μs ρc 1 + y2 On the other hand, d Pi must also satisfy the Gibbs–Duhem relation (cf equation (13)): d Pi = ρ0 dμ0 + ρi dμi . y= Here y is the ratio of ions produced by the colloids, zρc , to the total ion concentration, 2ρsR , in the salt reservoir. The (negative) adsorption of anions follows from substitution of (34) in (25): These conditions, incidentally, are a re-iteration of earlier neutrality conditions: no new assumption is introduced here. To find ρ− we need, in addition to (26), a second equation in ρ− which we obtain from the equilibrium condition for the salt in (16). We derive here the chemical potential μs of salt in a pure solvent from Van ’t Hoff’s law for ideal ions, a law that was already used in section 2, equation (4). For a number density ρi of species i the differential osmotic pressure is according to Van ’t Hoff [28]: di = kT dρi . (33) is the additional equation for ρ− we were looking for. Equations (26) and (33) lead to a quadratic equation for the anion concentration ρ− with the positive root: Note that the anion density ρ− in the cell equals the salt concentration ρs in the cell. To calculate the anion adsorption L − , we again make use of the electro-neutrality condition, which for the reservoir reads ρ+R = ρ−R = ρsR and for the cell: ρ+ = zρc + ρ− . (32) which is precisely the equilibrium condition for NaCl stated without proof in equation (1). For the large reservoir in figure 2 the salt concentration remains constant, in contrast to the finite reservoir in equation (2). Therefore 4. The Donnan equation of state L s = L − ≈ ρ− − ρ−R ; (30) (38) We have already assumed that ions are ideal, so the chemical potential of the salt, set by the reservoir, follows from substitution of ρ+ = ρ− = ρsR in (31): (29) 1 In fact, the entity that cannot pass the membrane can be any charged object or surface, and is not necessarily a diffusing colloid. μs = μs,0 + 2kT ln(ρsR /ρs,0 ). 5 (39) J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 194106 A Philipse and A Vrij From equations (38) and (39) we obtain the differential equation: 1 1 zρc R d = 2ρs − 1 d(ln ρsR ); y = R , (40) kT 2ρs 1 + y2 root term, purely due to ions, is the term calculated via the Donnan equilibrium; this equilibrium does not (and cannot) specify the osmotic pressure of colloids in their uncharged state. Thus (y = 0) relates to uncharged colloids of arbitrary shape and, in principle, arbitrary concentrations. (y = 0), for example, could be the Carnahan– Starling equation of state for uncharged, hard spheres [29]. Nevertheless, in the present derivation the colloid volume fraction is still restricted to small values because otherwise the assumption in (19), that solvent concentrations in cell and reservoir are equal, does not hold. A finite colloid volume fraction also decreases the available solvent volume for ions which will also affect the Donnan equation of state. We will deal with these topics in more detail in a future paper, and focus in the remainder of the discussion mainly (see, however, appendix) on the Donnan equation of state (45) for ideal colloids. It is noteworthy that in most treatments of the Donnan equilibrium (see f.e. [6, 22, 24]) equation (46) is postulated, and then (45) is derived as its consequence, without noticing that the assumption of ideal, uncharged colloids is actually not required. It is also custom [1, 8, 9, 22, 24, 26], as we have also done in section 3, to employ a semi-permeable membrane for describing the Donnan equilibrium. However, thermodynamically speaking, this membrane setup is merely a chosen path to gauge a change in a state parameter, in this case an osmotic pressure difference. In essence the Donnan model pertains to a suspension of charged colloids in equilibrium with an electrolyte reservoir devoid of these colloids. To monitor this equilibrium the only requirement is that—on the experimental time scale—colloids diffuse very much slower in (or into) the salt reservoir than ions. This time scale requirement can be realized in various ways. For example, one could choose colloids large enough to make them inherently very sluggish in comparison to ions, such that the ‘salt reservoir’ is simply the background electrolyte in which the charged colloids are dispersed. One could also apply an external field that acts on the colloids but not significantly on ions; a recently studied example is a gravitational [17] or centrifugal field [19] that confines colloids to the bottom of a vessel, allowing the very much lighter salt molecules to equilibrate with a supernatant electrolyte solution. Another option is to introduce a porous medium which excludes colloids via a steep (hard-core) repulsion, whereas ions and solvent can diffuse through the medium. This porous medium, of course, is the semi-permeable wall in the case of membrane equilibrium experiments as sketched in figures 1 and 2. Thus, the wider significance of the Donnan model is its resultant thermodynamic, osmotic equation of state for charged colloids, that is independent of the mechanism that makes colloids ‘non-diffusible’ relative to ions. with the solution: = const. + 2ρsR [ 1 + y 2 − 1]. kT (41) The integration constant follows from the boundary condition that for z = 0 (thus y = 0), the osmotic pressure reduces to the pressure (y = 0) exerted by uncharged colloids. Thus our final result for the osmotic pressure from the Donnan equilibrium reads: (y = 0) = + 2ρsR [ 1 + y 2 − 1]. kT kT (42) Using the expressions (35) and (36) for the adsorption of anions and cations we can rewrite (42) as (y = 0) = kT kT + ρsR [−y + 1 + y 2 − 1 + y + 1 + y 2 − 1] L− (y = 0) R L+ + ρs + R , (43) = kT ρsR ρs which on substitution of L ± = ρ± − ρ±R yields: (y = 0) = + ρ+ + ρ− − 2ρsR . kT kT (44) In case the reference fluid of uncharged colloids obeys Van ’t Hoff’s law for ideal colloids, (y = 0) = ρc kT , (42) simplifies to: = ρc + 2ρsR 1 + y2 − 1 ; kT y= zρc , 2ρsR (45) such that = ρc + ρ+ + ρ− − 2ρsR . (46) kT Equation (46) is the usual expression for the Donnan pressure, namely the pressure exerted by ideal colloids and ideal ions in an osmotic cell, in excess to the osmotic pressure = 2ρsR kT of the large salt reservoir. 5. Discussion 5.1. Generality of the Donnan equation of state We have identified here the thermodynamic foundation of the Donnan equation of state, namely equation (24) that is exact for a homogeneous, electrically neutral bulk phase, supplemented with the assumption of ideal ions. Equation (24) not merely entails the usual formulation (46) of the Donnan equation, valid for ideal colloids and ions but, instead, the more general equation of state (42). The latter comprises the pressure (y = 0) of an uncharged colloidal fluid, supplemented with the square root term when the colloids are charged. This square 5.2. Salt adsorption We continue the discussion of the Donnan model by inspecting the two limiting cases for an electrolyte reservoir with, respectively, low and high salt concentration. First we consider salt adsorption, to continue in section 5.3 with osmotic 6 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 194106 A Philipse and A Vrij 5.3. Osmotic pressure pressure. When the salt concentration is much lower than the counter-ion density ρc z , the negative salt adsorption from equation (35) vanishes as: ρ− − ρ−R L− 1 ; = ∼ −1 + ρsR ρsR 2y y= zρc 1. 2ρsR In section 2 the question was raised how the simple equation of state in (5) for the setup in figure 1 would change for a salt reservoir that is large enough to fix the salt chemical potential. The latter situation modifies the equation of state into (43) with a form that is quite different from (5). Nevertheless, the outcome for the osmotic pressure changes little: in figure 1 we have monovalent colloids (z = 1) and ρc = ρsR such that y = zρc /2ρsR = 1/2 and equation (45) yields: 5 = ρs 2 − 1 ≈ 1.236ρs , (54) kT 4 (47) At very low salt concentration in the reservoir, in the limit y → ∞, (47) yields ρ− → 0: in this limit the osmotic cell is completely salt-free. On the other hand, at sufficiently high salt concentration such that ρsR zρc , the salt adsorption from equation (35) can be expanded as: ρ− − ρ−R L− 1 = = −y + y 2 + · · · , R R ρs ρs 2 y= zρc 1. 2ρsR (48) a pressure that is only slightly larger than the pressure /kT = 1.2ρs obtained from (5). The difference is indeed due to the finite reservoir size in figure 1: salt expulsion by the colloids raises the salt concentration in the reservoir which diminishes the osmotic pressure difference relative to an infinite reservoir with constant salt concentration. We now consider the same limiting cases (low and high salt concentration) for the osmotic pressure, just as for the salt adsorption in section 5.2. First we remind that the square root term in (45) and (42) is solely due to ions and that this nonlinearity originates in the coupling of ion densities in the osmotic cell via the electro-neutrality condition (26) and the salt equilibrium with the infinite reservoir that leads to (32). Thus the limiting cases that follow address the purely ionic contribution to the osmotic pressure. This contribution can be seen most clearly at low ionic strength where the counterion density outweighs the ion concentration in the reservoir. Then (45) asymptotes towards: Retaining only the linear term in (48) we obtain ρ− = ρsR − 12 ρc z, (49) showing that at sufficiently high ionic strength, charged colloids—or any charged objects for that matter—expel precisely half of their counter-ions in the form of salt molecules to the salt reservoir. Interestingly, this result does not only follow from the phenomenological Donnan model: (49) can also be obtained via a statistical approach, as further discussed in section 5.4. Here we continue with writing down the equivalent of (48) for cations, obtained from (36): ρ+ − ρ+R L+ 1 = = y + y2 + · · · , ρsR ρsR 2 y 1. (50) ∼ (z + 1)ρc ; kT The sum of equations (48) and (50) equals the total ion concentration in the cell of figure 2, in excess to the salt concentration in the reservoir: L+ + L− = y2 + · · · ρsR y 1, y= zρc 1. 2ρsR (55) This familiar result [18, 22] shows that in the low salt (strictly speaking: no salt) limit, the osmotic pressure is solely due to the z -valent colloids plus their ρc z counter-ions. Equation (55) is the pendant of the negative salt adsorption in equation (47); the latter indeed confirms that in the limit y → ∞, no salt is present and therefore no anions are available to accompany counter-ions to the reservoir. Then all counter-ions contribute to the excess osmotic pressure, making (55) the maximal excess pressure a Donnan equilibrium can generate. The assumption of point-like colloids in (55), incidentally, strictly implies that z is of order unity. However, replacing points by (even fairly large) spheres will have little effect on the osmotic pressure at low colloid densities, if the pressure is dominated by the much larger number of counter-ions, as has also been experimentally found for charged silica spheres in ethanol [19, 21]. At sufficiently high salt concentrations that ρsR zρc the square root in (45) can be expanded with the result: z 2 ρ 1 z 4 ρc 3 c =1+ − ρc kT 2 ρsR 4 2 ρsR 1 z 6 ρc 5 zρc + ···; y = R 1. (56) R 8 6 ρs 2ρs (51) from which we find that this total excess ion density depends quadratically on the concentration of colloidal particles in the cell: z2 L + + L − = R ρc2 . (52) 4ρs The thermodynamics in section 3 already demonstrated the close connection between salt adsorption and osmotic pressure. Indeed, on substitution of (52) in the osmotic equation of state (43) we find: (y = 0) (y = 0) z2 = + L+ + L− = + R ρc2 , (53) kT kT kT 4ρs showing that, at high salt concentration, the first-order contribution from ions to the osmotic pressure of uncharged colloids, is a quadratic in the colloid density. This quadratic will be further discussed in section 5.3 on osmotic pressure. 7 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 194106 A Philipse and A Vrij The ρc2 term was also found via the excess ion density L + + L − in (52) and (53); the further expansion in (55) shows that in the next terms only even powers of z appear, as a consequence of the Taylor expansion of (1 + y 2 )1/2 . We define coefficients Dn via the series expansion: =1+ Dn ρcn−1 . ρc kT n=2 adsorption by the charge on the sphere. For the limiting case of weakly charged, point-like colloids equation (60) simplifies to: ∞ p ∼ 4π ur 2 dr ; for u 1 and σ → 0. (61) ρsR 0 Since the potential u is small, it would be obvious to substitute in (61) the Debye–Hückel potential (equation (A.9) in appendix). However, the value of the integral in (61) can be found, without specifying the potential u , from the requirement of overall electrical neutrality for the point colloid and its surrounding ion profiles: ∞ z(−e) + 4π(−e) [ρ− (r ) − ρ+ (r )]r 2 dr = 0. (62) (57) The first two ‘Donnan coefficients’ in (56) are: D2 = z2 ; 4ρsR D4 = −(D2 )2 1 . 4ρs (58) We avoid here the terms ‘virial expansion’ for (57) and ‘virial coefficients’ for (58). First, a pressure virial series where odd concentration powers are missing, as is the case in (56), seems rather unphysical. Secondly, equation (24) is completely general and anyhow does not assume the existence of a virial expansion for the pressure; thus neither does the equation of state (42). There is, nevertheless, a connection between the coefficient D2 in (58) and the osmotic second virial coefficient B2 of charged colloidal spheres: for weakly repulsive colloids D2 coincides with B2 when the colloid diameter σ is much smaller than the Debye screening length κ −1 . This limiting coincidence will be further investigated in section 5.4. 0 Here (−e)[ρ− (r ) − ρ+ (r )] is the net charge density at a distance r from the point colloid. We now invoke the second requirement: the ion distributions ρ∓ (r ) are Boltzmann distributions of ideal ions. Since the reduced electrical potential u = eφ/kT is small, this second requirement yields: ρ∓ (r ) = ρsR exp[±u] ∼ ρsR (1 ± u + 12 u 2 · · ·), (63) where ρsR is the ion density in the reservoir where u = 0. From (63) and (62) we find: ∞ ze + 8πρsR e ur 2 dr = 0. (64) 5.4. Small, weakly charged colloids 0 Thus to satisfy electro-neutrality, the integral must be equal to: ∞ −z ur 2 dr = , (65) R 8 πρ 0 s The treatment of the Donnan equilibrium in sections 3 and 4 clearly identifies its two pillars: first, the requirement of overall electro-neutrality and, second, the requirement that ion distributions are equilibrium distributions of ideal ions. We will now show that results from statistical thermodynamics, subject to the same two requirements, coincide with results from the phenomenological Donnan model, in the limit of weakly charged, point-like colloids. The term ‘point limit’, incidentally, does not refer to a colloid that shrinks in an absolute sense to a point; the term is merely used here for brevity’s sake to denote a colloid with diameter σ that is much smaller than the Debye screening length κ −1 such that κσ 1. First we consider the salt adsorption by a charged sphere with diameter σ , with a total surface charge equal to z(−e). Let p be the number of salt molecules that the sphere expels to the surrounding electrolyte solution with constant salt concentration ρsR : ρ− − ρsR p= . (59) ρc which on substitution in (61) yields: p = − 12 z, for σ → 0, (66) or in view of the definition of p in (59): ρ− = ρsR − 12 ρc z, for σ → 0. (67) This result is identical to equation (49) obtained via the Donnan model. A recurrent theme in this paper is the close connection between salt adsorption and osmotic pressure: thus the limiting result (67) for the adsorption must have its pendant for the osmotic pressure. To find this pendant we consider the osmotic second virial coefficient for two charged spheres [29, 32]: ∞ 2 3 U B2 = πσ + 2π 1 − exp − (68) r 2 dr. 3 kT σ Here ρc is the number density of colloidal spheres and ρ− is the (average) salt concentration in the vicinity of an individual sphere. Stigter [37] (see also [10]) derived that: ∞ π 3 p eφ . (60) = σ + 4 π (1 − e−u )r 2 dr ; u= R ρs 6 kT σ/2 Here U is the double-layer interaction free energy between two colloids at a center-to-center distance r σ . The first RHS term in (68) is the second virial coefficient of uncharged hard spheres; the integral is the contribution of charge to B2 . For the limiting case of weakly charged, point-like colloids (68) simplifies to: ∞ U 2 U r dr ; 1 and σ → 0. B 2 ∼ 2π for kT kT 0 (69) Here φ is the electrical potential at a distance r σ/2 from the sphere center. The first RHS term in (60) is the salt expelled by an uncharged sphere; the integral is the contribution to salt 8 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 194106 A Philipse and A Vrij Just as for the adsorption p in (61), the second virial coefficient in (69) can be found without specifying the potential in the integrand. In (61), this potential is the electrical potential φ around a point-like colloid with charge z(−e); in (69) U is the work needed to bring a second point-like colloid to a distance r from the central colloid: φ U = z(−e) = −zu. kT kT Thus the second virial coefficient becomes: ∞ −z B2 ∼ 2π(−z) ur 2 dr = R p, 2 ρs 0 for u 1 and σ → 0, 6. Conclusions and outlook A neutral bulk fluid containing charged colloids in equilibrium with a large salt reservoir, satisfies an exact differential equation between excess osmotic pressure and salt adsorption. Its integration, under the additional assumption of ideal ions, yields a general equation of state containing the sum of ionic osmotic pressures and the pressure of the uncharged colloidal fluid of, in principle, arbitrary concentration. In the limit of ideal, uncharged colloids this equation of state reduces to the classical Donnan result. The conclusion is that the Donnan osmotic pressure, peculiar as its nonlinearity at first sight may seem, has a rigorous thermodynamic foundation. The quadratic colloid density term in the pressure equals the osmotic second virial coefficient in the limit of weakly charged colloids that are much smaller than the Debye screening length. In that limit—where also the salt adsorption calculated from the Donnan model and Debye–Hückel theory coincide— the colloids experience only homogeneously distributed ions subject to overall neutrality and equilibrium with the salt reservoir, precisely the only two pillars of the Donnan model. The Donnan model is probably the simplest approach to a many-body fluid of unscreened colloids and ions in (organic) solutions of very low ionic strength—and deserves for this reason some more attention in the literature on charged colloidal fluids. In this respect it is clearly of interest to further refine or generalize the Donnan equation of state; an obvious extension is the inclusion of regulation of the colloid charge which is usually kept constant [1, 8, 22], also in this paper. In addition, the size of the salt reservoir, usually taken to be infinite, should also be taken into account via a generalization of the Donnan equation of state to arbitrary reservoir volumes, with both equations (5) and (42) as special instances. (70) (71) where we have used equation (61) for the salt adsorption. Equation (71) is another clear illustration of the tight connection between osmotic pressure (here in the form of B2 ) and salt adsorption. From (66) and (71) we obtain B2 = z2 , 4ρsR for σ → 0, (72) which is identical to the second Donnan coefficient in equation (54). As mentioned above, the point limit merely denotes colloids that are much smaller than the Debye length; in the appendix the second virial coefficient is derived for weakly charge colloids of arbitrary size. We note here that various authors (see f.e. [10, 11, 32, 33]) have derived the limiting result (72), though not via the brief reasoning given here via equations (68)–(72) The following comments may further elucidate the coincidence, in equations (67) and (72), of results from the phenomenological Donnan model and the statistical approach. In the Donnan model all ions are coupled in the sense that they jointly determine the average electrical Donnan potential experienced by all charged species in the cell of figure 2. This coupling does not depend on the thermal motion of the colloids: their fixation (at arbitrary positions) diminishes the osmotic pressure in (42) with (y = 0), and in (45) with ρc kT , but leaves the nonlinear term intact. This term manifests a salt imbalance between cell and reservoir that is maintained by thermal as well as static point charges. A similar salt imbalance is generated by two adjacent colloids that are each surrounded by an electrical doublelayer. The region of double-layer overlap contains excess ions relative to the surrounding reservoir solution (these excess ions, it should be noted, are the origin of the DVLO-repulsion [35]). However, in contrast to the homogeneous Donnan cell, the distribution of excess ions is inhomogeneous, which is why B2 generally differs from the second Donnan coefficient D2 . Only in the limit of a very dilute solution of very small colloids, each colloid inhabits a large Debye cube κ −3 in which ions are homogeneously distributed, subject only to electro-neutrality and salt equilibrium. What equations (67) and (72) express is that the point-like colloids could hardly distinguish such a large Debye cube from an osmotic Donnan cell as in figure 2. Acknowledgments Mrs Marina Uit de Bulten-Weerensteijn is thanked for her help in the preparation of the manuscript. Dr Ben Erné, Dr René van Roij and Dr Mircea Rasa are acknowledged for various discussions on the Donnan equilibrium, within a collaboration that lead to [21]. Appendix. Second virial coefficient B2 for colloids of finite size To include finite colloid size in the second virial coefficient we start from (42) and consider dilute, uncharged hard spheres with an osmotic pressure given by: (y = 0) = ρc + B2HS ρc2 ; kT B2HS = (2/3)πσ 3 , (A.1) where B2HS is the second virial coefficient of spheres with diameter σ . Substitution of (A.1) in (A.2) and expansion of the square root term up to order ρc2 yields: = ρc + (B2HS + D2 )ρc2 ; kT 9 D2 = z2 . 4ρsR (A.2) J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 194106 A Philipse and A Vrij We remind here that only the coefficient D2 follows from the Donnan model whereas the appearance of B2HS is solely due to our choice for the pressure of uncharged colloids in (A.1). For charged spheres the usual osmotic second virial coefficient [29, 32] in the virial expansion up to order ρc2 = ρc + (B2HS + B2DL )ρc2 , kT Substitution of this dimensionless DLVO-repulsion in (A.5) yields: 2 ∞ 2κ z2 DL B2 = R exp[−κ(r − σ )]r dr 4ρs 2 + κσ σ 2 z2 κσ = R 1− (A.12) . 4ρs 2 + κσ (A.3) Thus B2DL factorizes into a term z 2 /4ρsR that merely stems from electro-neutrality plus salt equilibrium, and a term that depends on the Debye screening length. The latter term vanishes when κ −1 approaches zero (κσ → ∞) where B2DL in (A.12) also vanishes, as it should. In the other limit of the colloid size approaching zero, (A.12) reduces to: contains a contribution B2DL from the electrical double-layer of charged spheres: B2DL = 2π U r 2 dr, 1 − exp − kT ∞ σ (A.4) that depends on the double-layer interaction free energy U between two spheres at a center-to-center distance r . For weakly charged spheres, or sufficiently high salt concentration, the double-layer repulsion is weak at all distances such that: B2DL ≈ 2π ∞ σ U 2 r dr ; kT U 1. kT B2DL ∼ (A.5) πε0 εr σ 2 φ02 exp[−κ(r − σ )]. r (A.6) Here φ0 is the surface potential of the spheres, ε0 εr is the dielectrical constant and κ −1 is the Debye screening length: κ −2 ε0 εr kT = . 2e2 ρsR ∞ σ/2 ur 2 dr = −z ; 8πρsR eφ , kT (A.8) where the lower integration boundary is now the colloid radius σ/2. For u we take the Debye–Hückel potential [35]: u = u0σ exp[−κ(r − σ/2)] ; 2r u0 = eφ0 , kT (A.9) for which the integral in (A.8) can be solved to yield the result, also given in [35]: ze = πεo εr φ0 σ (2 + κσ ). (A.10) Combining (A.6), (A.7) and (A.10) we obtain the double-layer repulsion in the form: 2 z2 U 2κ exp[−κ(r − σ )] = R . kT 4ρs 2 + κσ 2πr (A.14) [1] Donnan F G 1911 Z. Electrochem. 17 572 [2] Ostwald W 1890 Z. Phys. Chem., Stoichiometrie Verwantschaftslehre 6 71 Semi-permeable membranes, it should be noted, were already pioneered by Thomas Graham (1805–1896) in a number of extensive diffusion studies, see: Graham T 1854 The Bakerian lecture: on osmotic force Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 144 177 [3] Donnan F G and Harris A B 1911 J. Chem. Soc. 99 1554 [4] Donnan F G 1917 Scientia 24 282 [5] Donnan F G and Garner W E 1919 J. Chem. Soc. 115 1314 [6] Donnan F G 1924 Chem. Rev. 1 73 [7] Donnan F G 1929 Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution p 309 [8] Overbeek J T G 1953 J. 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