UNITED STATES Fact sheets are updated biannually; June and December General information Capital: Land area: Official language(s): Population: Currency: Washington DC 9,147,420 sq km English 319.1 million (2014) United States dollar Head of State and Head of Government President The Honorable Barack H Obama 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 14,964.4 48,309.5 14,964.4 48,309.5 2.5 -442.0 -3.0 1.6 9.6 15,517.9 49,725.0 15,517.9 49,725.0 1.6 -460.4 -3.0 3.1 8.9 16,155.3 51,384.0 16,155.3 51,384.0 2.2 -449.7 -2.8 2.1 8.1 16,663.2 52,607.9 16,663.2 52,607.9 1.5 -376.8 -2.3 1.5 7.4 17,348.1 54,369.8 17,348.1 54,369.8 2.4 -389.5 -2.2 1.6 6.2 17,968.2 55,904.3 17,968.2 55,904.3 2.5 -460.6 -2.6 0.1 5.3 Economic indicators (a) GDP (US$b) (current prices) GDP per capita (US$) GDP PPP (Int'l $b) GDP per capita PPP (Int'l $) Real GDP growth (% change yoy) Current account balance (US$b) Current account balance (% GDP) Inflation (% change yoy) Unemployment (% labour force) Australia's trade and investment relationship with United States (b) Australian merchandise trade with United States, 2014-15 (A$m) Exports to United States 13,378 Imports from United States 30,397 Total merchandise trade (exports + imports) 43,775 Major Australian exports, 2014-15 (A$m) Beef, f.c.f. Aircraft, spacecraft & parts Meat (excl beef), f.c.f. Alcoholic beverages 3,233 913 791 465 *Includes A$1.4b of confidential items, 11% of total exports. Total share 5.2% 11.3% 8.3% Rank 4th 2nd 3rd Major Australian imports, 2014-15 (A$m) Passenger motor vehicles Telecom equipment & parts Measuring & analysing instruments Medical instruments (incl veterinary) Growth (yoy) 25.9% 8.7% 13.4% 2,431 1,158 1,150 936 *Includes A$3,334m of confidential items, 11% of total imports. Australia's trade in services with United States, 2014-15 (A$m) Exports of services to United States 7,117 Imports of services from United States 13,684 Major Australian services exports, 2014-15 (A$m) Professional, technical & other business services Personal travel excluding education 2,310 1,088 Total share 11.3% 19.2% Rank 2nd 1st Major Australian services imports, 2014-15 (A$m) Personal travel excluding education Professional, technical & other business services Growth (yoy) 10.3% 2.2% 4,155 3,179 Total 575,514 758,153 FDI 136,248 163,410 United States' principal import sources, 2014 1 China 2 Canada 3 Mexico 19.9% 14.8% 12.5% Australia's investment relationship with United States, 2014 (A$m) Australia's investment in United States United States' investment in Australia United States' global merchandise trade relationships United States' principal export destinations, 2014 1 Canada 2 Mexico 3 China 15 Australia 19.3% 14.8% 7.6% 1.6% 32 Australia 0.4% Compiled by the Economic Diplomacy, Trade Advocacy & Statistics Section, DFAT, using the latest data from the ABS, the IMF and various international sources. (a) Economic indicators data is from the IMF WEO where available, the EIU or other reputable source. Data may include forecasts or projections for recent years. GNI may be shown in lieu of GDP for countries where GDP data is unavailable. (b) Merchandise trade data is based on published and unpublished ABS data. May exclude confidential items of trade. Totals may not add up due to rounding. Investment data is stocks as at end December. All data may be subject to future revisions. GDP - Gross Domestic Product PPP - Purchasing power parity GNI - Gross National Income na - Data is not available np - Data is not published .. - Data is not meaningful Primary - Primary goods STM - Simply transformed manufactures ETM - Elaborately transformed manufactures Other - Other goods including non-monetary gold f.c.f. - Fresh, chilled or frozen nes - Not elsewhere specified