Course Syllabus - Columbia Business School

Columbia University School of Law
Fall Semester 2015
Strategic International Commercial Transactions
Mark Vecchio
This course is designed to introduce the student to several of the most frequently
encountered types of strategic international business arrangements -- including mergers
and acquisitions, joint ventures and strategic alliances, project finance, intellectual
property licensing, and international private equity and venture capital transactions. We
will compare and contrast deal elements common to international transactions regardless
of type. In addition, we will look at how specific elements of the U.S. regulatory
environment and foreign regulatory environments affect international transactions and
will consider what kinds of barriers -- legal, financial, cultural, commercial, practical, and
ethical -- businesses face in cross-border deals. What are the elements which make a
transaction truly international? How do international transactions differ from purely
domestic ones? What is the role of the lawyer in international transactions? This course
is targeted to 2L, 3L, LLM and Business School students who are contemplating a career
in international corporate law or business. We will be taking a decidedly hands on,
practical approach to international deal-making, which will include close scrutiny and
examination of actual deal agreements and related documents. Students will be
responsible for weekly reading assignments, class participation, and preparation of an 8 10 page client memo. In lieu of a final exam, students will be expected to prepare,
individually, a 25-30 page research paper, or at the student’s option, jointly with one
other student (i.e., in groups of 2), a 35-40 page research paper, in each case on a topic of
international business law as agreed upon with the instructor. A select number of
students will have the opportunity to present the results of their research to the class.
Minor writing credit granted upon completion. LLM writing credit granted to those
preparing individual papers upon completion. Enrollment limited to 40 students.
Reading Materials: Various handouts, articles, sample agreements and other
documents to be made available by the Instructor.
Week 1
September 14, 2015
 The Role of the International Business Lawyer
 Doing Deals Abroad
 Representing Foreigners in the U.S.
 The Building Blocks of International Commercial Relations -- the Alphabet Soup
of Commonly Encountered Domestic and International Business Entities (Inc.,
LLC, S.A., A.G., GmbH, S.a.r.l., Societas Europeae, etc.)
 The Importance of Perspective: How Cultural Differences Affect Business
Ralph H. Folsom; Michael Wallace Gordon; John A. Spanogle, Jr.; Peter L.
Fitzgerald, & Michael P. Van Alstine, International Business Transactions, A ProblemOriented Coursebook, Twelfth Edition, Thomson West (2015), pp. 11-26.
List of Company Extensions (
Eric Cafritz, James Gillespie, "The Societas Europeae, Thirty Years Later,"
New York Business Law Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Spring, 2005), pp. 14 - 19.
Week 2
September 21, 2015 International Mergers and Acquisitions (Part 1)
Stock Deals v. Asset Deals
Structuring Transactions -- Forward and Reverse Triangular Mergers
Dissecting the Documents: Covenants, Representations and Warranties,
Conditions Precedent, Indemnification
Lou R. Kling & Eileen T. Nugent, Negotiated Acquisitions of Companies,
Subsidiaries and Divisions, Law Journal Press (2014), Volume 1, Chapters 1 and 2.
ABA Model Stock Purchase Agreement, Second Edition, Ancillary
Document B -- Letter of Intent.
Sample Stock Purchase Agreement.
Sample Asset Acquisition Letter of Intent.
Sample Stock and Asset Purchase Agreement.
“Break-up or Termination Fees,” Practical Law Company, Practice Note 6382-5500.
“Reverse Break-up Fees and Specific Performance” Practical Law
Company, Practice Note 8-386-5095.
Week 3
September 28, 2015 International Mergers and Acquisitions (Part 2)
See readings from Week 2.
Week 4
October 5, 2015
Joint Ventures, Strategic Alliances and
Foreign Direct Investment
Choosing a Local Partner
Pro's and Con's of Going it Alone
The Importance of Due Diligence
Difference Between Mature Markets and Emerging Markets
"Contractual" versus "Entity-Type" Joint Ventures
Shareholders' Agreement as the Magna Carta of Deals
Timeline of Joint Venture Establishment
Financial Issues (GAAP versus IFRS)
Business Realities of Dealing in Different Geographical Markets
Helen Deresky, International Management: Managing Across Borders and
Cultures (Sixth Edition, 2008), pp. 203 – 240.
Peter D. Ehrenhaft, “International Joint Ventures: Setting Them Up, Taking
Them Apart,” 23 Int’l Quarterly 3 (July 2011).
Ralph H. Folsom; Michael Wallace Gordon; John A. Spanogle, Jr.; Peter L.
Fitzgerald, Principles of International Business Transactions, Trade & Economic
Relations, Thomson West (Third Edition, 2013), pp. 731 - 787.
Sample Joint Venture Agreements.
Delaware LLC .
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Similarities and Differences: A Comparison of
IFRS and US GAAP (October, 2014).
Week 5
October 12, 2015
Project Finance and Privatization
Areas of Application
Exploitation of Natural Resources
Power Generation
Transportation and Infrastructure
Recourse v. Non-Recourse Financing
Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) and Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT)
The Various Players
Private Banks
International Financial Institutions and Regional Development
Suppliers and Other Contractors
The Interrelationship Between Debt and Equity
Government Incentive Programs (EXIM, COFACE, SACE, etc.)
Political Risk Insurance (OPIC, MIGA)
Special Considerations Regarding Privatization and Public - Private
Understanding the Role of the State in Overseas Jurisdictions
Ralph H. Folsom; Michael Wallace Gordon; John A. Spanogle, Jr.; Peter L.
Fitzgerald, & Michael P. Van Alstine, International Business Transactions, A ProblemOriented Coursebook, Twelfth Edition, Thomson West (2015), pp. 981- 1052.
Week 6
October 19, 2015
Entering the U.S. Securities Markets
Special Rules Relating to Foreign Issuers
Regulation S
American Depository Receipt Programs (ADRs)
Exempt Offerings (Regulation D and Rule 144A)
PIPES and Registration Rights
Entering the United States Securities Markets: A Guide for non-U.S.
Companies, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Publication (2005).
Edward F. Greene, Edward J. Rosen, Leslie N. Silverman, Daniel A.
Braverman and Sebastian R. Sperber, U.S. Regulation of the International Securities and
Derivatives Markets; Tenth Edition, Aspen Publications (2012), pp. 2-7 – 2-36; 5-3 – 558.
Sample Equity Offering Memorandum.
Week 7
October 26, 2015
Private Equity and Venture Capital
What is Private Equity?
Who are the Major Players
Fun with Funds
LBO's and MBO's
Mezzanine Investments
Convertible Preferred Stock
Investors' Rights Agreements
Co-Sale Agreements, Tag-Alongs and Drag-Alongs
Liquidation Preferences
Antidilution Protection
Down-Round Financings
Pay-to-Play Provisions
Pro-Investor v. Pro-Entrepreneur Cultural Environments
Steven N. Kaplan and Per Johan Strömberg, Leveraged Buyouts and
Private Equity (June 2008), available at
Sample venture capital deal documents, with annotations.
Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation
Series A Preferred Stock and Warrant Purchase Agreement
Amended and Restated Investors’ Rights Agreement
Right of First Refusal and Co-Sale Agreement
Voting Agreement
Week 8
November 2, 2015
Hedge Funds
What is a Hedge Fund?
Hedge Funds vs. Private Equity
Illustrative Investment Strategies and Styles
Legal Structures
Disclosure and Documentation
Regulation of Hedge Funds
Staff Report to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission,
Implications of the Growth of Hedge Funds, September 2003 (Excerpts).
Sample Hedge Fund Private Placement Memorandum.
Sample Hedge Fund Limited Liability Company Agreement.
The Billion Dollar Club – U.S. Hedge Funds Managing Over a Billion
Dollars Worth of Assets as of the Beginning of 2010.
Week 9
November 9, 2015
Licensing Intellectual Property
"Hard" IP v. "Soft" IP
Relevant International Conventions and Treaties (Paris, Berne, Madrid,
Rome, TRIPS, etc.)
Protection of Intellectual Property at Home and Abroad
Aaron Xavier Fellmeth, The Law of International Business Transactions,
Thomson West (Second Edition, 2011), Chapters 2-4 (pp. 25-206).
Sample Cross-Border Trademark License.
Week 10
November 16, 2015
U.S. v. Foreign Taxes
Transfer Pricing
Foreign Tax Credits
Withholding Taxes
Tax Havens
Bilateral Tax Treaties
International Tax Issues
Jerold A. Friedland, Understanding International Business and Financial
Transactions, Fourth Edition, Lexis Nexis (2014), pp. 343 - 377.
U.S. - U.K. Bilateral Tax Treaty.
Week 11
November 23, 2015
The US Regulatory Environment
Export Controls
Boycotts and anti-Boycott Legislation
Trading with the Enemy Act; Helms-Burton
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
Catherine L. Razzano, “U.S. Economic Sanctions Laws: Practical
Implications for European Companies,” 35 DAJV Newsl. 128 (2010).
Court E. Golumbic & Robert S. Ruff III, “Leveraging the Three Core
Competencies: How OFAC Licensing Optimizes Holistic Sanctions,” 38 N.C.J. Int’l L. &
Com. Reg. 729 (Spring, 2013).
Margaret L. Merrill, “Overcoming CFIUS Jitters: A Practical Guide for
Understanding the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,” 30
Quinnipiac L. Rev. 1 (2011).
Nikul Patel, “Suggesting a Better Administrative Framework for the
CFIUS: How Recent Huawei Mergers Demonstrate Room for Improvement,” 38 N.C.J.
Int’l L. & Com. Reg. 955 (Spring, 2013).
James A. Barta & Julia Chapman, “Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,” 49 Am.
Crim. L. Rev. 825 (Spring 2012).
Philip Urofsky et. al., “How Should We Measure the Effectiveness of the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act? Don’t Break What Isn’t Broken—The Fallacies of
Reform,” 73 Ohio St. L. J. 1145 (2012).
“FCPA Snapshot – 2012,” available at, (March, 2013).
Week 12
November 30, 2015
Resolution of International Disputes
International Arbitration (ICC, AAA, LCIA, ICSID, Stockholm
Chamber of Commerce)
Arbitration v. Litigation
Choice of Law, Choice of Forum
1958 New York Convention on the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards
2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements
S.I. Strong, “Navigating the Borders Between International Commercial
Arbitration and U.S. Federal Courts: A Jurisprudential GPS,” 2012 Journal of Dispute
Resolution 119 (2012).
Gilles Cuniberti, “Beyond Contract—The Case for Default Arbitration in
International Commercial Disputes,” 32 Fordham International Law Journal 417 (2009).
Shahla F. Ali, “Approaching the Global Arbitration Table: Comparing the
Advantages of Arbitration as Seen by Practitioners in East Asia and the West,” 28
Review of Litigation 791 (2009).
Week 13
December 7, 2015 (ALL PAPERS DUE) Presentation of Papers
Week 14
Date around December 7, 2015, to be determined
(Make-up Class
Due to Credit Hour Requirement) Presentation of Papers (N.B. This session is a
make-up class required in order to be able to take a 10-minute weekly mid-session