SPEECHES ! Speech Topic: due Fri., January 10 Speech Presentations: very early February ! It’s that time of year again....time for speeches. This is not meant to be a stressful time for anyone, although we certainly understand that some students speak more comfortably in front of an audience than others. This is totally expected and is taken into account. This is why choosing a speech topic is so important. A student does best finding something to talk about that he either knows a great deal about, or that interests him. A child shouldn’t do a speech on “Poisonous Frogs” if that topic doesn’t interest her in the least. Just as in any type of writing, a speech can be to entertain, to inform, or to persuade. It is perfectly okay to mix them up a bit also. For example, if you are writing a humourous speech to entertain your audience, you still will want to intersperse some facts throughout. If you are writing an informative speech to educate your audience about cats, for example, you can add any personal experiences you have had with cats. Christian perspective must be clearly evident in the speech. This may include telling how being a Christian influences how they feel about, view, or react to their topic. It could also be discussing the topic from a creationist viewpoint. We will begin writing our speeches IN CLASS the week of January 13. Ideally, I would like the research or information gathering done at home, and we will use our writing class time to collate our information and write the speeches. Please have your child bring anything he/she needs to class (books, papers printed from the internet, etc.) by January 10, and we ask that it STAY at school for the most part… Not every speech requires information gathering, since the topic may be something the child is intimately familiar with, ie. Camping With My Family -the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly....or My Mom -- the Greatest Chauffeur on Earth. It will still require “idea gathering” though, and it is good to come prepared with ideas you’d like to touch upon in your speech. Here are just a few speech topic ideas, but these are only suggestions and you do not have to pick something from this short list. ! The History of the Guitar The Wonderful World of Puppies The History of Snowmobiles The Duck Dynasty Craze Why My Cat is Crazy Why Do Stars Twinkle? How Eyes Work My Incredible Hobby Our Trip to.... Things Parents Always Say Why Winter Is Way Cooler than Summer A Day in the Life of...(a potato, a pencil, a puck) Camping With Our Family My Passion -- Soccer (or Hockey, Singing, etc.)