SPEECH I – WEEK 1 2nd semester Mr. Pautz DAY 1 *Intro self *Assignment – Bring notebook, writing utensils, folder *”Get to know you” game… DIRECTIONS… 1. Hand out 3 X 5 cards 2. DO NOT put name on card 3. Reveal something about yourself that NO ONE else in this class knows about you, but you’re willing to share with class. GIVE EXAMPLES. 4. Turn over card when finished and sit quietly. 5. Collect cards and hand out square sheets. 6. I will read a card… You write info in any square on sheet – some squares may be empty. 7. When sheets are filled, move around classroom and ask fellow students if they’re the ones in squares. You may only ask a classmate once and must move to someone else before going back to that person. If you’ve been figured out by someone, write your name on that person’s square and move on. NO GROUPING OR TELLING – Answer Yes or No! DAY 2 *Hand out COURSE OUTLINE – READ THRU! *Hand out “Who Am I?” sheet guidelines and READ THRU *Hand out Think Sheet *Give students in-class time with books of names and think sheets *Speeches due tomorrow – REMEMBER TO MIX UP INFO IN SPEECH! DAY 3 *”Who Am I?” speeches DAY 4-5 *Finish speeches *Begin MANNERS UNIT