EHIBC Barcode & ISO

EHIBC Barcode & ISO
best solution for supply chain management
_^__^_____^_^_^_^____^____^_____^_^_^_^______^_____________^______ _ _ _
manufacturer distributor
Doctor, Lab, Hospital, ...
1 Foreword
by Heinrich Oehlmann, EHIBCC TC
Why the HIBC system is the best Barcoding system could be explained very short and clear,
but it might be interesting as well to learn, what the benefits might be in the different
application sectors. HIBC Bar Code was developed 1984 as a solution for world wide product
tracking. That time Code 39 was the best symbology available for carrying alpha numeric
data. It was easily recognized that automatic data capture by Barcode avoids errors and
speeds up logistical processes. Light pens have been used for scanning the code, but the
moment where Laser beam scanners have been developed, very fast Barcode entered in
new dimensions of wide spread use. CCD-scanners and powerful thermo printers supported
the growth of HIBC solutions. Now in the century 2001 not only Barcode is in use, but other
innovative technologies are available, such as 2-dimensional symbologies and RFID as well.
The good news is, that HIBC as a safe data structure is very capable in using such new data
carrier without any change of the structure itself. Best experienced data Carrier became ISO
standards in the meantime such as Code 39, but also new developments as Code 128 and
Matrixcodes for smallest labels. HIBC adopted such ISO standards fully as carrier for the
standardized HIBC data. With it, HIBC meets meet all requirements of modern tracking &
tracing applications for all kinds of products but specially for Health Care products, which is
Uniqueness, Compactness, Safety, Compatibility. Today HIBC seems to experience a phase
of a second spring being refreshed by innovative features, such a small label solutions for all
kinds identification tasks in a supply chain management system. Unique transport labeling is
solved as well under the same scope of unique company identity as for the products, using
the relevant ISO standards. It is a pleasure to see, that HIBC labels are not only attached to
medical devices, pharmaceutical products, X-ray films, chemicals, dental products,
documents, gold and silver plates, but also to items of electronic industries and on many
other industries items. Please take the services of EHIBCC and its supporting associations
for use of the HIBC system for supply chain management solutions. With today’s HIBC
solutions you will full fill the legal requirements of tracking and tracing and documentation for
all relevant data from manufacturing up to the point of use. This brief approach includes
elements out of the HIBC Application Guidelines.
Why is HIBC the best system
2.1 Which systems exist
There are different way's to write an information by help of Barcode fonts, but the best
solution is to use standards for building tracking and tracing systems in open supply chains.
Fortunately the ISO teams developed only one standard for relevant data syntax for marking
products and loads. This is ISO 15418 where the practiced syntax fit in, the ANSI/FACT,
ANSI/HIBC and UCC/EAN data structures. The ISO standards make them compatible by
rules of maintenance for the specifications. Off course there are some differences in features
of each syntax, which is the reason for the existence of each. Where EAN supports just a 5
digit product code, HIBC supports it variable and alpha numeric. FACT DI´s help to build
internal uniqueness, all 3 are systems with specific features. It is very much appropriate to
compare them, before choosing one or the other, where any combination would work as well.
2.2 HIBC: The Best.
Comparison HIBC, FACT, EAN
The table below shall high light the outstanding features of HIBC by comparison between features
of its associated global FACT structure, EAN structure and a "no standard structure"
compatible with each other
carries tracking data
product code alpha/num., variable
Data Carrier independent
compressed, space saving & save
without a
The HIBC system is optimized for unique product identification as a part of the ANSI/FACT
Data Identifier Standard.
Key outstanding features are:
1. World wide unique since 1987
2. Compressed data structure for unique product identification
3. Symbology independent, capable for standard Barcode, 2D and RFID
4. Capable for users product alpha numeric codes up to 13 characters
5. Maintained by EHIBCC Technical Committee and its industries members
6. Used in several market segments such as Health Care, Precision Mechanics &
Optical Industries, Chemical Industry, Electronic Industry, etc.
For manufacturers and labellers it is of vital importance for implementing a tracking system to
use the existing numbering scheme rather than to change product codes which would need
changes at the marketing side as well as with the customers. The best system is the system which
is easiest and cheapest to implement. Implementation of Barcode shall not course costs but shall
be a tool for optimisation gaining benefit. The HIBC system is designed not to change a numbering
system but just as a medium to carry information for safe automatic data capture.
2.3 Who supports HIBC solutions
Selection of organizations supporting HIBC bar code
American Normalization Institute
Association for Dental Trade, Europe
German Normalization Institute
European Health Industry Business Communication Council
European Association Medical Devices
European Association for Precision Mechanics & Optics
Association of Dental Industries, Europe
Association for Precision Mechanics & Optics, Germany
Health Industry Business Communication Council, USA
Health Industry Distributors Association, USA
Hospitals of Europe Association
Association of Dental Industries Germany
Association of Dental Laboratories, Germany
2.4 Decision chart for finding the most suitable system
The use of "no standard" in terms of no global data syntax, will never enable uniqueness of
anything in open supply systems. So, first decision going global should be to go with a
standard rather than to stick to non identified numbers. Next decision should be, whether to
stick to a "5-digit only" product code for all of the products. If this is the case, the EAN
structure would do it as HIBC or FACT would do it. But if not, the EAN system would fall out
of the choices.
Marking products uniquely
for Tracking & Tracing management
Product Code
Label Type
-5 digit
numeric only
1..13 a/n
EAN 128
Code 128
-5 digit only
+small & safe
compatible to each other with
common reference to ISO/IEC 15418
If product codes are not 5 digit but variable or alpha numeric, than the FACT and HIBC
system applies. But FACT data elements are discrete elements and need some space for the
code. Optimization is offered by HIBC only with its compressed representation of the data.
This is the real reason, that HIBC is the best system for unique product marking.
Furthermore 2-dimensional symbologies are recommended for HIBC for small or smallest
labels. Even electronic RFID labels for invisible labeling are capable to carry HIBC product
HIBC Barcode for product manufacturers and labelers
Selection criteria for product manufacturers for the HIBC are easy to define. The key issue is,
that nor manufacturer nor distributor nor user has to change the numbering scheme just for
using Barcode. No mapping is necessary to another numbering sequence as it is the case
with the EAN-System. HIBC is just a carrier, which keeps a product code as it is. The HIBC
system compresses the data to keep the code as short as possible. Furthermore HIBC is
proved for the traditional Barcodes as for small inventions of 2-dimensinal symbologies.
The outstanding advantages for the manufacturer to choose HIBC against EAN system are:
Easy integration: Manufacturer keep its original product code which can be numeric or
alpha numeric and up to 13 characters.
Cost saving and customer friendly: Manufacturer nor customer don’t need to map to a
second alternative number, because product code and product number in the Barcode
keeps the same.
The Code is kept small due to HIBC data compression.
HIBC for big to smallest products: Manufacturer can adjust the Code to the given product
or label size under the scheme: As big as possible, but as small as necessary.
Some samples of product codes
for tracking & tracing purposes
where the HIBC Barcode is
adjusted to the given product
and its label size.
Source: VITA, Bad Säckingen
Source: Ethicon Europe
Source: Heraeus-Kulzer Europe
4 HIBC for Transportation
Securing identification of goods during external transportation is one of the features of the
HIBC concept.
When manufacturer products are packed into transport units, the product labeling is no
longer visible. It is therefore necessary to mark the transport units uniquely as well.
Since the transport units can contain different products, it is necessary to have one clear and
superior mark for the dispatch unit.
The HIBC code of the manufacturer can not only be used on the product but also on the
Transport unit. This is embedded within the specifications of the European Multi Industry
Transport Label EN 1572 (MITL).
The construction of a Unique Identification Number for a Transport Unit (License
Plate) by use of the HIBC Labeler Identification Code (LIC):
The technical basis of a Unique Identification Number for a Transport Unit is the Norm EN
1572 referring to the Data Structure according to EN 1571, where the appropriate Data
Identifiers are listed. The Data Identifier for a License Plate is a „J“. According to the
specification of EN 1572 it is followed by the Issuing Agency ID, followed by the individual
serial number issued by the labeler. In addition to it 4 optional categories of packing levels
are considered as with or without reference to an EDI message. This hierarchical structure
enables uniqueness, it shall be illustrated in brief as follows:
„J“ is the protected Identifier for a License Plate,
options 1 to 4 are specified to mark different categories of units
lowest packaging level (unbreakable unit)
highest packaging level, consisting of more than one sub packages (1J´s)
3J: as 1J, but referencing to an existing EDI message for more information
4J: as 2J, but with reference to an EDI message
]C100 is the Identifier for License Plates using EAN ID´s, as an additional option for building
fixed length License Plates, based on EAN Location Codes.
Illustration of the hierarchical structure of a License Plate:
Identifier for a License Plate
according to EN1571
Code, registered
with NNI, e.g.:
1J lowest packing level
LH: Health Care
2J highest packaging level
LE: Electronic Ind.
3J lowest l., associated with EDI LF: Transportation
4J highest l., ass. with EDI
QC: Chemical Ind.
]C100 ID for a EAN LP number 0-9: EAN members
Registered ID
number of the
issued by the
organisation B
Serial No. of the
Unit, issued by
Labeller, add by
labeller C
4.1 Example of constructing a „License Plate“ for a Health Care supplier.
First step is the selection of „1J“ identifies for an unbreakable shipment units without relation
to an EDI message (versus „3J“ ID for relation to EDI). The following Issuing Agency Code
“LH” specifies the organization, which is EHIBCC in this case,
“E999” is a Label Issuer Code, registered with EHIBCC. Now it follows the serial number of
the transport unit, where the labeler is responsible for finally.
Data Identifier
Serial number of Transport Unit
Interpretation of the Unique Number of a Transport Unit in Barcode, where the HIBC Labeler
Identification Code (LIC) is used:
A „License Plate“
with relation to an EDI message would read:
Example of a full Multi Industry Transport Label (MITL)
The License Plate is the mandatory data element of a multi industry transport label. It takes
care for unique identity, making it unambiguous among others.
But there are additional segments necessary for functionality’s required, which is human
readable information, destination code and optional code for the content of the transport unit.
All of the elements are specified with the Norm ISO 15394. The example shows the different
sectors of the label, where the License Plate sector is clearly separated. Another optional
sector shows informative data safely encoded in the 2-dimensional option of Code 128,
CODABLOCK. Optional routing information for the transporter is shown in the upper sector of
the label where Quick Response Matrix Code (QR Code) is used for fast scanning in
automatic processes.
Fine Medicine Ltd.
Best Health Products Co
90 Megahertz Lane
512 Megabyte Drive
Note to Receiver:
This is a sample of a shipment
label for a (3J) transport unit.
(Lowest level Packaging)
(3Q)Gross Weight
17 kg
(P) Part Number: AJ4327891234
(K) Order Number: 210197013B
(Q) Quantity:
Detailled information
Content related, encoded
optionally as Code128-2D
3J Licence Plate -
Illustration of a Multi Industry Label applied with all elements necessary for international
business and communication: A) The License Plate for Unique ID, human readable text for
users information, optional 2D Barcode for shipment data and optional routing code for the
The example above shows, how the HIBC codification scheme fits in global solution for
open supply chain management. The HIBC Labeler Identification Code is uniquely
embedded in FACT Data Identifier structure forming the License Plate and carrying the
complete data content of the shipment. The sample shows how the „3J“ Code specifies a
License Plate of a lowest transport package, where a EDI message exists related to it. A
transport unit build of several sub „3J“ units would be marked with a „4J“ identifying highest
packaging level. In addition to it further information is encoded using specific identifiers for
the appropriate data elements as „Q“ for a Quantity element, „3Q“ specifying weight, „P“ part
number and „K“ customer reference. The 2-dimensional stacking rules of Code 128 allow
concatenating of complete messages to safe space. Another optional symbology for this
purpose is PDF 417. Also the forwarder may need specific information for routing the units.
Adequate symbologies are needed for automated processes of fast sorting. The example
shows the squared QR-Matrix Code being designed for fast scanning. Another option would
be the symbology MaxiCode. Those options require agreement between the shipment
partners involved in the process to achieve full functionality, but the mandatory information,
the License Plate alone, takes care for the uniqueness required.
HIBC Barcode for distribution and trade
While for the industries marking of individual products and tracing of the packing units is the
most important aspect, distributors and dealers will have to cope with an extremely flexible
concept. Here, the main emphasis is on the movement of the goods, i.e. the delivery from
industry to dealer as well as the material flow within the company, from storage to dispatch to
the consumer. What adds to the aspect of flexibility is the fact that the products do not
necessarily originate exclusively from the local industries, which already decided in favor of
the HIBC code, but from all over the world including different market sectors like the
pharmaceutical, electronic, chemical industries and others.
Automatic identification of
- product
- packaging unit
- handling unit consisting of different, sometimes individually marked products
- dispatch unit
will in future be of vital importance for all, for distributors as dealers which have to guarantee
trouble-free order processing (and possible complaints).
Therefore, it would make sense for the dental dealers to start examining the possible
symbologies and data structures of the barcode early.
The common goal is a consistent optimization of all administrative and logistic relations
between all parties involved to make the decisive step to cost-saving processes. The
information flow accompanying the goods along the logistic chain of the dealers will sooner
or later need to be connected to an industry-wide information exchange system, like the EDI
project (Electronic Data Interchange).
Prerequisites for a safe system are:
The barcode accompanying the goods
• is clearly readable
• can be processed error-free on an electronic basis
• works without bilateral agreements
• works without manual intervention
• works across company borders
The interest of distributors and includes:
• scanner-based control of incoming goods, making it possible to automatically compare the
incoming goods to the corresponding dispatch notes which could be transferred via EDI,
for example.
• Integration of the external transport system (carriers...).
• The precise and automatic inventory control including control of expiry dates
• The precise and automatic commissioning of customer orders and possible delayed
HIBC also offers valuable support in building up a quality management system. Since dental
dealers are becoming more interested in systematic quality management systems, the
corresponding goals will be easier to reach with an automatic marking system.
Main goals for optimization of distribution processes are:
Increasing the reliability of deliveries
reducing transport and delivery times
eliminating mistakes
high transparency of current status of goods
fast processing of complaints
The HIBC offers important prerequisites to guarantee a complete information flow along the
logistic chain.
6 HIBC for Laboratories
It is of vital importance for a laboratories that the right result is associated with the right
probe, errors are prohibit. This works perfectly with Barcode, specially if probes will be
supplied from different areas. By help of the unique data structure of HIBC with associated
FACT DI´s, all processes can be managed in a unambiguous and safe way.
Was ist Wann – Wo
Klinikum A
For probes, linear Barcode easily becomes to big, but 2D solutions help to carry the data
even on smallest surfaces: Code 128 – if enough space if given, CODABLOCK F if smaller,
but Matrix Code for smallest items.
7 HIBC Barcode for the Hospital
The HIBC Barcode concept includes product identification, which is mostly the responsibility
of the supplier, Transport identification, but also Barcode for the internal processes of a
Hospital. This is patient tracking, archiving, material management, probe tracking and any
kind of automatic identification applied with documentation and control. The HIBC concept
considers the situation as well, that it never will happen, that only one Barcode system will
cover everything, the variety of already installed systems are to much. Therefore the HIBC
concept integrates in existing systems taking care for uniqueness and identity in those areas
where already installed systems are not sufficient enough. The HIBC Provider Standard is
dedicated for the internal processes of hospitals, but do to the fact, that HIBC co-operates
with the FACT Data Identifier concept, any solution could be realised to build tracking and
tracing concepts under supply chain management aspects. This would included blood banks
as laboratories, which have special requirements in each area.
*Patient care
The chart may illustrate the variety of codes appearing in a Hospital in addition to internal
codes. The HIBC concept includes them all as long each code is autodiscriminating, which
means uniquely identified. A Tracking and Tracing system just needs to link the data content
to each other, which is done in a data base any way and not in the Barcode.
Barcode is appropriate at all points where product data, movements, services, results, etc.
need to be captured safely in order to transmit the data to a computer. This is from goods
entry to patients or even operation room.
HIBC Barcode
for the internal processes
prepared to be carried by appropriate standard symbologies
By HIBC Barcode Supplier and Provider Standard in conjunction with updated Data
Identifiers supports all internal processes. Automatic Identification via HIBC takes care for
data safety and accuracy through out the whole system. It enables to identify
the proper item at the proper time at the correct location, as the task for to days systems.
Compatible symbologies are available, which fit to the individual items.
Klinikum A
The selection of the proper code might follow an easy guideline: As large as possible, but as
small as necessary for labelling
document, product, probe, instrument and even person & location.
*1, *2) linear Barcode (Code 39, 128, EAN) for standard items
for scanning with standard scanners
*3) stacked Code 128 2D for increased density (CODABLOCK F)
for scanning with standard scanners and portable devices
*4, *5) Matrixcodes (DATAMATRIX, QR-Matrix)
for scanning with High Tech equipment.
Linear and stacked symbologies are still the most used symbologies due to best
price/performance relation and best availability. But Matrixcodes will come in step by step,
specially for smallest items, where is no solution for the above.
Just the data structure is the key to make items unique, such as the optimised HIBC
structure. Other structures as EAN, PZN, EUROCODE are compatible to it, applied to
Radio Frequent Identification (RFID) technology might be mentioned as well, as an optional
data carrier for HIBC data. This applies to all applications, where normal labels do not fit, as
with implants or other items. The choice might be made according to application.
Scanning instead of manual data entry in all areas:
What is When - Where
Klinikum A
What is When - Where
Barcode secures that the information will
enter the data base error free for correct
documentation. Such data enable
qualified Tracking & Tracing
„What is (was) When Where“
Klinikum A
Stock & Station
What is When - Where
X ..........
Y ..........
Z ...........
Klinikum A
All areas working with Barcode
contribute to traceable processes according to the
requirements of any Quality Management System.
are the data once in the system, any
tracing can be done.
Barcode for supply chain management
Logistics is steered by information. The more precise and error-free this information is
available, as correct and safe are the processes steered by it. A barcode-marked product
can be identified quickly and clearly anytime and anywhere. Identification works via
electronic devices and thus excludes human errors.
What can be clearly identified any time can also be traced back along the logistic chain
anytime. This process is called tracking and tracing and describes all advantages an
automatic identification system for steering and tracing can offer. Barcode is presently the
optimal solution for the constant availability of data all along the logistic chain.
Barcode meets all marking requirements resulting from legal regulations in the health sector,
including expiry dates. The integration of quantity details permits the steering of individual
articles as well as complete batches or transport units. Finally, by using barcode, it is
possible to integrate further information like batch or serial numbers in the product marking.
This leads to advantages during the control of incoming and outgoing material, as well as for
the correct steering of return shipments.
Advantages for the complete logistic chain through the use of automatic identification are:
1. correct and error-free data recording
2. direct communication between electronic unit and physical unit (product, receipt,...)
3. real time reaction
4. batch steering
5. steering of transport units
6. control of expiry dates
7. easier control of incoming and outgoing materials
8. steering of return shipments
The barcode marking can start at any point within the logistic chain. To reach the optimum
output of the system it is necessary to start as early as possible in the material flow. Ideally
this would be the automatically readable marking of the raw materials. When entering the
production plant a product can be marked with a barcode which identifies it during the
process from storage to dispatch.
Examples for successful use of barcode can be found in the pharmaceutical, electronic, car
and chemical industries as well as the consumer goods industry. Here, the use of barcode is
limited to manufacturer and part numbers, since this industry uses EAN as a barcode
10 EDI within the logistic chain
There is a direct connection between Barcode and EDI if messages refer to logistical
processes, they can support each other. Therefore the EDI-system is described briefly in this
EDI is the abbreviation for Electronic Data Interchange and stands for the electronic
interchange of messages and information of any kind. An international standard called
UN/EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange For Administration Commerce and Transport) is
available for structured and recurrent business transactions like orders, order confirmations,
dispatch notes, invoices and many more. The objective of using EDIFACT is the direct
transfer of messages between the operating IT-systems of customers and suppliers without
any manual handling of data and without using paper in between the process. The messages
are available immediately for further data processing and the possibility of mistakes in
information transfer is reduced dramatically.
XML will be a complementary solution to EDIFACT for transmitting the information to
partners electronic mail boxes.
Avoidance or at least automation of non value adding activities in the supply chain leads to
cost savings and to better ratios in the administration of processes.
Product master file
Despatch Advise
Shipment / Material
Components of EDI
As mentioned above EDI and barcode complement one another as shown in the following
An order is transferred electronically to the supplier and starts the order processing.
An order confirmation is resent to the customer in order to make a first electronic order-check
possible. Only exceptions have to be handled.
The shipment of the order is advised electronically. This enables the customer to check the
details again, to plan the receiving capacities, and to organise the warehouse. The dispatch
advise ideally contains detailed information about lot numbers, expiration dates of the
shipped products and detailed packing information.
The Barcodes on the boxes and on the products themselves make the information about the
physical shipment easily electronically available. The connection of both - barcode and EDI
information guarantees highly automated degree of the receiving process at the customer’s.
The transaction is finished by the electronic invoice what makes another automation step
possible to avoid manual work.
The reference between such a EDI message and shipment is the so called „License Plate“
as the Unique Identity of a Transport Unit (see chapter 16, Multi Industry Transport Label).
The unique reference to a product is a Product Code, build according the HIBC rules and
consisting of manufacturer ID and article number. Both „License Plate“ and Product Code get
a data element identifier for transmission via EDI. The Bar coded data element being
scanned and transferred to the EDI interface acknowledges the physical transaction for
quality data processing.
11 Appendix
The approach “HIBC Barcode is the Best” is worked out on the basis of the Guidelines for
Barcode in Health Care, available from the associations having contributed to. Some
excerpts of it are included as the “Decision chart for finding the most suitable system” and
the section 10) EDI within the logistic chain and other key elements of the approach. In order
to illustrate the topic “Supply Chain Management (SCM)”, elements out of current
standardisation efforts on ISO level have been inserted by the author.
11.1 Contributing institutions and firms:
Association of Precision Mechanics & Optics, F+O, Cologne
Association of Dental Manufacturers, VDDI, Cologne
Associations of Dental Dealers, BVD, Cologne
Eurodata Council Stichting, Naumburg
European Health Industry Business Communication Council, EHIBCC, The Hague
ELMICRON, System House for Automatic Data Communication, Naumburg
HIBC Working Group Barcode & EDI
11.2 Glossary
Code 39
Code 128
Data Identifier
EAN 13
EAN 128
HIBC Provider
HIBC Supplier
License Plate
Matrix Codes
Computer readable symbology, consisting of black & white bars
Alpha Numeric Barcode Standard
Alpha Numeric Barcode Standard with numeric compression
Stacked Code 128 for space optimisation and increased capacity
Data Identifier flag the data content of a Barcode for multi sectorial use
Health Industry Business Communication Council, issuer for unique
labeller identification Code under ISO, maintains the HIBC Guidelines.
European Article Numbering Association, issuer for the EAN- Labeller
Identification Codes under ISO, maintains the EAN code.
Article Numbering Code, based on a 5 digit only product code
Code 128 system, where the EAN 13 is embedded
Electronic Data Interchange for intra business communication
Barcode structure for Blood products
Data Identifier Standard for Barcode & RFID, where the “+” is the Code
referring to HIBC in conjunction with the list of Data & Application ID´s
Health Care Bare Code, a unique structure to carry product data safely
Standard for Hospital internal use
Standard for unique product labelling
Unique Identification of Transport Units under ISO rules (ISO/IEC15459)
Computer readable symbologies, build out of a dot matrix
Multi Industry Transport Label Standard, ISO/IEC 15394
Radio Frequency Identification, micro chip based labelling technology
11.3 HIBC Hotline and source for Information
EHIBCC Secr., Jozef Israelsslaan 3, NL 2569 Den Haag, +31 703244754, fx. +31703242522
EHIBCC-TC, Kösener Str. 85, D-06618 Naumburg, +49 3445 78114 0, fx. +49 3445 770161