Highly Multiplexed, Quantitative Single Cell Proteomics for

Highly Multiplexed, Quantitative Single Cell Proteomics for Fundamental and Clinical
Applications in Oncology
Jim Heath
NSBCC Cancer Center and
Caltech Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
MC 127-72 Pasadena, CA 91125
Over the past few years we have developed an enabling microfluidic technology called the
Single Cell Barcode Chip (SCBC). For this platform, single cells are isolated into 1-2 nanoliter
volume microchambers, and each microchamber is equipped with a miniaturized antibody array
in the form of a barcode. The platform permits up to 20 cytoplasmic, membrane, and/or secreted
proteins to be quantitatively assayed from individual cells, with up to 1500 single cells analyzed
in parallel. We have applied this technology in multiple settings, and I will discuss a clinical and
a fundamental application. The clinical application involves separately profiling the engineered
and acquired immune responses in melanoma cancer patients participating in an engineered
adoptive T cell immunotherapy trial. For this study, we have characterized the functional
performance of several tumor-antigen-specific T cell phenotypes. The resultant analysis
provides deep insights into the therapy, and those insights are being utilized to redesign a followon phase 2 trial. For the fundamental application, we have investigated the transition from
normoxia to hypoxia in individual cancer cells. A theoretical analysis of the single cell
proteomic profiles, within the context of a maximum entropy thermodynamic framework,
indicates that the transition from normoxia to hypoxia is actually a second order phase transition
that occurs near 1.5% O2 pressure. This result has a number of ramifications, including
implications for therapeutic resistance, that haven’t been previously considered.