2000+ Living the New Millennium

Bill Finley
Living the New
She: Isn’t this just perfect?
He: (He is reading a book) Yuh.
She: We couldn’t have picked a more
perfect spot.
He: Ah huh.
She: We are so lucky to be able to
afford a whole week here.
He: You bet.
She: Just look at that water, have you
ever seen those colors?
He: Nuh.
She: This sand is perfectly white,
it’s like sugar.
He: Yeah.
She: Wasn’t dinner last night just
He: Sure was.
She: You did have a little too much
to drink, but I know you’re celebrating.
He: Huh?
She: Well, your promotion last week
was a big step up.
He: Guess so.
She: It’s so great that you love your
job, a lot of people don’t.
He: Yeah.
She: Have you noticed that the ten
pounds I lost make this bikini
fit better?
He: (Glancing her way for a millesecond) Sure.
She: I hope the kids behave while
we’re away.
He: I’m sure.
She: The concierge said the sailboats
are free, can you remember
how to sail?
He: Sure.
She: Want to try one out this afternoon?
He: Maybe.
She: You noticed our cottage has
its own tiny pool, all very private ?
He: No.
She: Later, we could go skinny dipping, like we did in college.
He: Maybe.
She: We haven’t had much time to
be close lately, you’re so busy.
He: Seems so.
She: This could be like another honeymoon.
He: Sure.
She: They said some of the beaches
are totally private, if you know
what I mean?
He: No.
She: I mean we could take a picnic
lunch and swim naked in the
ocean, it’s so calm.
He: Oh?
She: Just because we’ve been married eighteen years doesn’t mean
we can’t be romantic.
He: OK.
She: I’ve never complained but we
haven’t had much loving time
for a while.
He: Oh?
She: Seems this is the perfect place
for really getting back together, emotionally, I mean.
He: What?
She: This is a perfect paradise, we
can be alone, do what we want,
eat and sleep when we want,
no phones, no faxes, no Internet.
He: Oh? Sure.
She: Are you paying attention to anything I said?
He: What?
She: (Angrily) What in that book is
so goddam interesting that you
can’t even listen to me?
He: Oh, my secretary gave it to me,
for the trip, you know, it’s titled
“How to Enjoy Life.”
Bill Finley is a Futurist, Urban Planner,
Gerontologist and Author. Letters should be
mailed to “2000 Plus,” c/o Boomer Times &
Senior Life, 1515 N. Federal Hwy., #300, Boca
Raton, FL 33432 or email: srlife@gate.net.