Exhibit G 2013 Greenbelt User Survey Results of 2013 Greenbelt User Survey Prepared for Boise Parks and Recreation The findings, opinions, suggestions, and conclusions presented in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Boise State University nor the Boise Parks and Recreation Department. Prepared at the request of the Boise Parks and Recreation Department. 2 Table of Contents List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................ 4 List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 6 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Observations about users on the greenbelt ................................................................................................. 9 Characteristics of respondents ................................................................................................................... 14 How do people get to the Greenbelt? ........................................................................................................ 16 What do people use the greenbelt for?...................................................................................................... 18 How often do people use the Greenbelt? .................................................................................................. 20 How much time and how far?..................................................................................................................... 21 Potential improvements ............................................................................................................................. 23 Differences between bicyclists and pedestrians......................................................................................... 25 Conclusions and discussion ......................................................................................................................... 27 Appendix 1: Frequencies of Total Responses ............................................................................................. 29 Appendix 2: Responses Tuesday versus Saturday ...................................................................................... 38 Appendix 3: Frequencies of bicyclists versus all others .............................................................................. 46 3 List of Figures Figure 1, Survey location at Julia Davis Park ................................................................................................. 7 Figure 2, Location of survey stations and traffic counters............................................................................ 8 Figure 3, Marianne Williams, Eastbound and Westbound counts on Tuesday and Saturday .................... 10 Figure 4, Pedestrian Bridge, Eastbound and Westbound counts on Tuesday and Saturday...................... 11 Figure 5, Broadway Bridge, Eastbound and Westbound counts on Tuesday and Saturday....................... 12 Figure 6, Veterans Memorial Park, Eastbound and Westbound counts on Tuesday and Saturday ........... 13 Figure 7, Proximity of respondents home to the Greenbelt (n=1025) ....................................................... 17 Figure 8, Differences in use between Tuesday and Saturday ..................................................................... 19 Figure 9, Differences in frequency of use between Tuesday and Saturday (n=1045) ................................ 21 Figure 10, Time spend of the Greenbelt on Tuesday and Saturday for this trip (n=1028) ......................... 22 Figure 11, Distance respondents travel on the Greenbelt (n=1015) .......................................................... 23 4 List of Tables Table 1, Surveys collected compared to actual number of bikes and pedestrians ...................................... 9 Table 2, Information about respondents (n=1038) .................................................................................... 14 Table 3, Characteristics of Greenbelt users at different locations ............................................................. 15 Table 4, Proximity of respondent’s home to Greenbelt (n=1025).............................................................. 16 Table 5, Transportation mode to Greenbelt (n=1039) ............................................................................... 17 Table 6, Locations were respondents parked their vehicle (n=269)........................................................... 18 Table 7, Use of Greenbelt for this trip (n=1057) ......................................................................................... 19 Table 8, Frequency of Greenbelt use (n=1045) .......................................................................................... 20 Table 9, Amount of time respondents spend on the Greenbelt for this trip (n=1024) .............................. 21 Table 10, Distance respondents indicated they will travel on this trip (n=1015) ....................................... 22 Table 11, Improvements that respondents would like to see (n=1057)..................................................... 24 Table 12, Importance of improvements (with 10 being extremely important) ......................................... 25 Table 13, Differences in access point for bicyclists and pedestrians .......................................................... 25 Table 14, Differences in the characteristics of bicyclists and pedestrians ................................................. 26 Table 15, Differences in desired improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians ......................................... 27 5 Executive Summary This year’s Greenbelt survey was administered at four different locations on the greenbelt on Tuesday, September 17, and Saturday, September 21, 2013. There were a little over 1000 usable surveys and we also received detailed information about the amount of people on the Greenbelt from a traffic count that was performed by the Ada County Highway District (ACHD). The general results are very similar from last year. Users are unanimously happy about the Greenbelt and see the Greenbelt as an important asset for the community. People feel safe and almost 75 percent of the people that were surveyed use the Greenbelt three times a week or more. Just like last year, there were more bicycles on the Greenbelt than pedestrians. Our sample consisted of 44 percent pedestrians and 56 percent bicycles but the ACHD traffic counts show that the actual numbers are probably closer to 35 percent pedestrians and 65 percent bicycles. By far the most important improvement that both user groups mention is improvement of the surface of the Greenbelt. This year’s survey gave some more detailed information about differences in use between Tuesday and Saturday. Particularly interesting was to see that while the Greenbelt serves more of a typical recreational function over the weekend, there are also quite some people that use the Greenbelt to run errands. During the week there is a clear transportation function for commuters but there are less people that use the Greenbelt for errands. The survey shows that about 25 percent of the people that use the Greenbelt drive their car to the Greenbelt but the majority of those people access the Greenbelt through one of the major city parks. An interesting finding is that 50 percent of the users live within a mile from the Greenbelt and almost 40 percent live within half a mile of the Greenbelt. 6 Introduction The City of Boise Parks and Recreation Department requested the Department of Community and Regional Planning at Boise State University to assist with a survey intended to be able to provide a glimpse of the use of the greenbelt on a typical week and weekend day during the fall of 2013. Greenbelt users were interviewed at four different locations on the greenbelt on Tuesday, September 17, and Saturday, September 21. The weather on both days was good with mostly sunshine although around 5 pm on Saturday, the wind suddenly picked up and the temperature dropped significantly. The locations were chosen by Boise Parks and Recreation in collaboration with the Department of Community and Regional Planning at Boise State University to represent two “park destinations” in Veterans Memorial Park and Julia Davis Park, and two “pathway locations,” one on the south side of the Boise River, just west of the orange pedestrian bridge near the Warm Springs Golf Course and one location further to the east near Marianne Williams Park. Figure 1 shows the locations of the survey sites. Veterans Memorial Park was the only location that was identical to last year. There was some hesitation about including this location this year since the greenbelt was closed just west of Veterans Memorial Park but it was decided to keep the location in order to better be able to compare data over multiple years. It is important to include this exact location again next year so that we can see if the construction west of this location had an impact on both user counts and opinions. Figure 1, Survey location at Julia Davis Park The surveys were administered by volunteers from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., on iPads using the SurveyGizmo application. All volunteers received training on how to approach respondents and administer the survey. With the exception of the survey location at Veterans Memorial Park (which was shaded) all locations were set up with a canopy and a table. Greenbelt users were made aware of each 7 location by sandwich board 500 feet ahead of the survey location. Survey locations typically had two or three volunteers working at each give time. Although the surveys were designed to be administered in about 5 minutes, it would take a volunteer typically about 10 minutes per respondent. Consequently, there were times during which we could only survey a small percentage of people that passed by a survey location. Those people that were not able to fill out the survey while on the greenbelt were provided with a business card containing a link to an online version of the survey. Figure 2, Location of survey stations and traffic counters In addition to the surveys, traffic counts were conducted by the Idaho Transportation Department. The locations for the traffic counts were in close proximity of the survey locations and provided insight in the intensity of use at different locations during the day. They also provided us with an opportunity to estimate the percentage of people that filled out the survey at each survey location. On Tuesday, September 17, a total of 470 usable surveys were completed on the greenbelt. An additional 36 surveys were filled out online by people who went directly to the survey link on the card. On Saturday, September 21, a total of 459 usable surveys were completed on the greenbelt, and 57 surveys were filled out online. We had expected that there would be a higher number of surveys filled out online on Tuesday; the lower number is probably due to a glitch with the online link that was not resolved until about noon on Tuesday. Since the people that are most likely to fill out the survey on-line are commuters that are in a rush to get to work, it is likely that this has given us an underrepresentation of commuters on Tuesday morning. 8 Table 1 shows that for all locations there were more users on Tuesday than on Saturday (the exception being Julia Davis Park, where there was a major running event on Saturday morning), which is the opposite of what we found in 2012. While it is impossible to give the exact percentage of users that were surveyed at each location, our best estimate indicates a range from a low of 14 percent for Marianne Williams Park on Tuesday and Julia Davis Park on Saturday, to a high of 31 percent for Veterans Memorial Park on Saturday. The percentage of users that were sampled was higher on Saturday than on Tuesday. Since our limiting factor was the amount of surveys we were actually able to administer at any given time, this simply reflects the fact that there were less people on the Greenbelt on Saturday. Marianne Williams Pedestrian Bridge Julia Davis Park Veterans Memorial Park On-line Total Surveys Tues Sat 123 99 85 109 150 141 135 122 36 57 529 528 Actual traffic Tues Sat 1715 963 1090 842 1845 1980 1331 786 Sample Tues Sat 14 % 21 % 16 % 26 % 16 % 14 % 20 % 31 % Bikes Tues Sat 1202 611 608 436 1199 858 939 451 Pedestrians Tues Sat 513 352 482 406 646 1122 392 335 5981 18 % 3948 2033 4571 23 % 2356 Table 1, Surveys collected compared to actual number of bikes and pedestrians 2215 1 Observations about users on the greenbelt Figures 2 to 5 show the actual hourly amount of pedestrians and bicycles for each of the four locations. Each figure includes a differentiation between eastbound and westbound traffic as well as pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The graphs show that with regard to both pedestrian and bicycle traffic, there is a clear difference in user activity between Tuesdays and Saturdays, between the different locations and between bicycles and pedestrians. In contrast to last year, there are no clear commuting patterns. At the same time, the data is very similar with regard to pedestrian usage during the week. Pedestrian usage consistently peaks in the morning which could indicate that during this time of the year people working out during the relatively cool hours of the morning. Bicycle usage on the other hand is more likely to peak towards the middle of the day. 1 The total number of surveys in this table includes those with missing answers to some of the survey questions. The total numbers shown in later tables are therefore typically different from this table. 9 Bikes Tuesday Pedestrians Tuesday 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Bikes East Ped East Westbound Bikes Bikes Saturday 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Ped West Pedestrians Saturday 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM Bike East Bike West Ped East Ped West Figure 3, Marianne Williams, Eastbound and Westbound counts on Tuesday and Saturday The Marianne Williams location was chosen to reflect a location relatively far away from downtown in a setting with relatively low density residential development. In contrast to what we expected, there were not only a large number of bicyclists but also a large number of pedestrians that used the greenbelt at this location. Maybe even more surprising was there were almost twice as many people using this part of the greenbelt on Tuesday compared to Saturday. We had expected that this area would especially be used by bicyclists and pedestrians during the weekend as part of extended hikes and bike rides. 10 Bikes Tuesday Pedestrians Tuesday 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM Bike East Bike West Ped East Bikes Saturday Ped West Pedestrians Saturday 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM Bike East Bike West Ped East Ped West Figure 4, Pedestrian Bridge, Eastbound and Westbound counts on Tuesday and Saturday The pedestrian bridge location was chosen as an area where the greenbelt offers an almost continuous view of the river. It is quiet and scenic but also provides a good bicycle commuting option for anybody coming from the residential area near Bown Crossing as well as people living in Surprise Valley. The usage was higher on Tuesday than it was on Saturday, which we expected for this stretch of the Greenbelt. The difference between Tuesday and Saturday use was less than for the other areas which might indicate that this stretch of the Greenbelt is part of people’s daily activities. In other words, people do not seek this part of the Greenbelt out for specific activities, rather they use it as part of their daily routine. 11 Bikes Tuesday 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Pedestrians Tuesday 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM Bike East Bikes West Ped East Pedestrians Saturday Bikes Saturday 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Ped West 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM Bike East Ped East Bikes West Ped West Figure 5, Broadway Bridge, Eastbound and Westbound counts on Tuesday and Saturday The Broadway Bridge location in Julia Davis Park was the most central location. As we expected the amount of users at this location was the highest with almost 2000 users on both days. The pedestrian counts for Saturday morning are extremely high due to the FitOne race that was held that morning. Most of these runners were not included in the actual survey which explains why the survey sample at Julia Davis Park was only 15 percent, compared to 20-31 percent at the other locations. It also explains why Julia Davis was the only location with more users on Saturday than on Tuesday. 12 Bikes Tuesday Pedestrians Tuesday 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM Bikes East Bikes West Ped East Ped West Pedestrians Saturday Bikes Saturday 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM Bikes East Bikes West Ped East Ped West Figure 6, Veterans Memorial Park, Eastbound and Westbound counts on Tuesday and Saturday Last year, the bicycle counts showed a clear commuting pattern for this location. This year we do not see the same pattern but this is most likely due to the closure of the greenbelt. Interesting enough, the total amount of traffic in this location on Tuesday was similar to that last year but the total amount of users on Saturday is half of last year. This might be an indication that temporary closures have limited effects on people that use the greenbelt on a daily basis but a significant effect on weekend users. The traffic count for Veterans Memorial Park shows a significant increase between 6-7 pm, our data actually shows that there was significant use of the greenbelt at this location extending until 2 am with an additional 448 people using this stretch of the greenbelt. We suspect that there was some kind of event in the Park Saturday night. 13 Characteristics of respondents A total of 1057 usable surveys were collected over the two day period. All descriptive statistics are included in the appendices to this report. In the next couple of pages, we will summarize the findings and highlight some of the results. Table 2 provides some general information about the respondents. The survey seems to provide a representative sample of those people that use the greenbelt, but we potentially under sampled people that were in a rush to go to work and dedicated athletes. Neither one of these groups was likely to stop to take the survey. We tried to capture these respondents by providing them with an opportunity to fill out the survey on-line but a comparison of the surveys that were filled out on-line with those that were filled out on the greenbelt does not show any differences between the compositions of the two groups. Table 2 shows that 90 percent of the greenbelt users are residents of Boise, 56 percent of the respondents were males and the vast majority of users are over 35 years old (76 percent). The sample consisted of 44 percent pedestrians and 56 percent bicycles. Based on our observations on the greenbelt, we think this is probably representative of the people that use the greenbelt. Information about respondents Total Tuesday Saturday Residency: 10 % 90 % 56 % 44 % 1% 6% 15 % 38 % 39 % 3% 4% 8% 92 % 60 % 40 % 1% 7% 14 % 38 % 41 % 3% 6% 12 % 88 % 52 % 48 % 2% 6% 17 % 38 % 38 % 3% 3% 15 % 15 % 14 % 7% 36 % 28 % 7% 44 % 56 % 10 % 35 % 24 % 7% 41 % 59 % 5% 36 % 32 % 7% 47 % 53 % Gender: Age: Education: Mode of Transportation: Visitor Resident Male Female Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-54 55 and older 12th grade or less High School or equivalent Some college, no degree Associates degree Bachelor’s degree Graduate degree Ph.D. Pedestrians Bikes Table 2, Information about respondents (n=1038) 2 2 Percentages might not add up to 100 percent due to rounding issues. 14 This year we added a question about the educational attainment of respondents and the results show that greenbelt users are highly educated with 75 percent of the users having completed a college degree. For the City of Boise, the actual percentage of residents that have completed a college degree is about 37 percent. Just like last year, there was a significant difference between the number of residents versus visitors between Tuesday and Saturday. This indicates that the visitors during the week were mostly tourists, while the weekend visitors include people from the larger Boise region. If that assumption is correct, it would mean that about 8 percent of the users are tourists, which means that the greenbelt is a significant asset for them. For the downtown location, it would mean that we had about 150 tourists that were using the greenbelt on Tuesday. This year’s survey design allowed us to explore differences between users at different locations. Table 3 shows the results. The percentages in bold indicate that there is a significant difference. Information about respondents Visitor Veterans Memorial 10 % 13 % Julia Davis 14 % Ped. Bridge 9% Marianne Williams 6% Resident 90 % 87 % 86 % 91 % 94 % Gender: Male 56 % 60 % 48 % 58 % 61 % Age: Female Under 18 44 % 2% 40 % 1% 52 % 1% 42 % 2% 39 % 2% 18-24 6% 4% 12 % 5% 2% 25-34 15 % 16 % 17 % 14 % 11 % 35-54 55 and older 12th Grade or less High School or equivalent 38 % 39 % 3% 4% 39 % 39 % 4% 8% 36 % 35 % 2% 5% 36 % 43 % 3% 2% 37 % 47 % 3% 2% Some College, no degree 15 % 18 % 19 % 16 % 8% Associate’s Degree 7% 8% 11 % 6% 3% Bachelor’s Degree 36 % 30 % 37 % 34 % 41 % Graduate Degree 28 % 27 % 21 % 28 % Doctoral Degree 7% 5% 6% 10 % Table 3, Characteristics of Greenbelt users at different locations 3 32 % 10 % Residency: Education: Total Given the relatively small sample size it is difficult to identify significant differences between the users at different locations. The results do indicate that there are some differences between who uses the greenbelt in each location. The first significant difference is the small amount of visitors at the Marianne Williams Park location. Given the distance from downtown and the lack of a “destination” at the Marianne Williams location, it makes sense that very few visitors would make it out to that location. 3 Percentages might not add up to 100 percent due to rounding issues. 15 Another significant difference is the high percentage of female respondents at the Julia Davis location. We do not think this is representative of the regular users at this location and that can completely be attributed to Saturday’s FitOne race. At that same location, we see a significantly higher percentage of respondents in the 18-24 age range. Given the proximity of that location to one of the main nonmotorized entrances to Boise State University, the survey location sampled a high percentage of Boise State students. Finally both the Pedestrian Bridge and the Marianne Williams location captured a very high percentage of respondents with a Ph.D. Most likely these are people that are working at Boise State University. How do people get to the Greenbelt? This year a question was added that asked respondents how far they lived from the Greenbelt. The question was intended to see how far people were willing to travel to use the Greenbelt. Table 4 shows the results of this question. It is clear from the table that the majority of Greenbelt users live in very close proximity to the green belt. The table shows that overall, just over 50 percent of the respondents live within a mile of the Greenbelt. How far is your home from the Greenbelt? Less than .5 miles 0.6 to 1.0 miles 1.1 to 1.5 miles 1.6-2.0 miles 2.1-3.0 miles 3.1 to 4.0 miles 4.1 to 5.0 miles More than 5.1 miles From out of town Total Tuesday Saturday 38.4 % 12.2 % 7.8 % 7.8 % 6.6 % 4.4 % 4.3 % 15.5 % 2.9 % 38.4 % 13.7 % 9.2 % 7.4 % 6.8 % 5.0 % 3.6 % 14.1 % 1.8 % 38.5 % 10.8 % 6.5 % 8.2 % 6.5 % 3.8 % 4.9 % 16.9 % 4.0 % Table 4, Proximity of respondent’s home to Greenbelt (n=1025) Figure 7 makes this relationship even clearer. In this graph we have plotted the data in the form of a line indicating the percentage of respondents within a given distance of the Greenbelt. This representation is not completely correct but gives a good illustration of what the data indicates about who is using the Greenbelt. 16 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Tuesday Saturday Figure 7, Proximity of respondents home to the Greenbelt (n=1025) Even though about 50 percent of the respondents live within easy walking distance of the Greenbelt it is important to know how many people actually drove to the Greenbelt and consequently had to park their car. Table 5 shows the respondents’ mode of transportation to the Greenbelt. The table clearly shows that the most popular mode of transportation to the Greenbelt is by bike. At the same time the second most popular is by car. In addition, the table shows that the percentage of respondents driving their car to the Greenbelt is significantly higher on Saturday. This supports the notion that the Greenbelt is more of a destination park during the weekend. What was your mode of transportation to the Greenbelt? N=1039 Bike Car Foot Skate/longboard Bus Other Total Tuesday Saturday 48.9 % 25.9 % 23.7 % 0.6 % 0.5 % 0.5 % 53.8 % 21.6 % 22.5 % 0.4 % 0.8 % 1.0 % 44.1 % 30.2 % 24.8 % 0.8 % 0.2 % 0.0 % Table 5, Transportation mode to Greenbelt (n=1039) Table 6 shows for those respondents who indicated that they got to the Greenbelt by car where they accessed the Greenbelt. The table shows that about 60 percent of the people that came by car parked at one of the major City parks. Given the limited number of cars that people park over a variety of locations, it does not seem that parking along the Greenbelt is a major issue. 17 Location Number of Respondents Percentage 62 40 20 16 13 13 11 10 9 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 12 23.0 % 14.9 % 7.4 % 5.9 % 4.8 % 4.8 % 4.1 % 3.7 % 3.3 % 3.3 % 3.3 % 3.0 % 2.6 % 2.2 % 1.9 % 1.5 % 1.1 % 1.1 % 1.1 % 0.7 % 0.7 % 0.4 % 0.4 % 4.5 % Veteran's Memorial Park Julia Davis Park Ann Morrison Park Municipal Park 8th Street Americana Blvd. West Parkcenter Ave (Beacon Street) Baggley Park Broadway Ave (RAM) Eckerd Road Glenwood Bridge Bown Crossing Warm Springs/Granite Way 13th Street BSU Marden Lane/Natatorium MK Nature Center/Idaho Fish and Game Riverside Hotel/Joe's Crab Shack Surprise Valley/Barber Park Barber Park Shilo Inn Lake Harbor Leadview Ave/Riverview Apartments Other Table 6, Locations were respondents parked their vehicle (n=269) What do people use the greenbelt for? Table 5 shows for what activity respondents were using the greenbelt for when they filled out the survey. The table shows that the vast majority of respondents use the Greenbelt first and foremost to exercise and workout. On Tuesday, there is also a significant amount of respondents that use the Greenbelt for commuting purposes. The table shows that there are significant other differences between Tuesday and Saturday. The most interesting shift that seems to happen is that although there are much less commuters, the Greenbelt still plays an important transportation role but it shifts to people running miscellaneous errands. 18 What are you using the Greenbelt for on this trip? Exercise/workout Work Commute Enjoying Nature Going to Event/Restaurant/Shopping Sightseeing Hanging Out BSU Student Use Park Access Hiking Other Total Tuesday Saturday 61.3% 13.9% 13.7% 8.6% 5.7% 3.8% 3.3% 2.0% 1.5% 12.8% 52.6% 23.1% 9.8% 3.4% 3.6% 2.8% 4.9% 0.6% 0.9% 14.2% 70.1% 4.7% 17.6% 13.8% 7.8% 4.7% 1.7% 3.4% 2.1% 11.0% Table 7, Use of Greenbelt for this trip (n=1057) 4 To get a clearer picture of the difference between the uses of the Greenbelt during the week versus the uses over the weekend, we collated the uses in three main categories: transportation, exercise and recreation. Figure 8 shows that during the weekend the Greenbelt becomes less important as a transportation corridor and much more important as an active park for recreation and exercise. The figure shows that the percentage of respondents that use the Greenbelt for exercise increases from about 50 to 70 percent. At the same time the percentage of respondents that use it for recreation doubles from 18 to 36 percent 5. 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% Tuesday 30.0% Saturday 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Transportation Exercise Recreation Figure 8, Differences in use between Tuesday and Saturday Finally, the response to this question indicates that respondents are more likely to use the Greenbelt for multiple activities during the weekend. While there was no difference between Tuesday and Saturday with regard to the percentage of people that used the Greenbelt multiple times day, there does seem to be a difference between the amount of different activities that respondents do. This makes intuitive 4 The total percentage exceeds 100 percent since respondents were allowed to provide more than one answer if they planned on using the Greenbelt multiple times that day 5 See footnote 4 19 sense since a weekday commuter uses the Greenbelt multiple times a day (twice) but only for one activity. During the weekend “multiple times a day” is more likely to mean for a variety of activities. How often do people use the Greenbelt? Just like last year, the survey included three questions that asked people about how often they used the greenbelt, how much time they spend on the greenbelt, and how far they travelled on the green belt. Table 6 shows that over 26 percent of the respondents use the Greenbelt every day. In addition, about 42 percent of respondents use the Greenbelt 3-5 days a week. The combined results show that about 75 percent of the users are on the Greenbelt at least 3 days a week. How often do you use the Greenbelt? 6 Every day Six days a week Five days a week Four days a week Three days a week Two days a week Once a week A couple of times a month Once a month A couple of times a year Just this one time 26.5 % 5.6 % 14.8 % 12.5 % 14.9 % 8.0 % 6.2 % 3.9 % 1.8 % 2.6 % 1.6 % Table 8, Frequency of Greenbelt use (n=1045) Figure 9 provides a more detailed picture of the frequency of use and shows the difference between the respondents on Tuesday and Saturday. The graph shows that the samples on both days are clearly different in the frequency of use of the Greenbelt. It is particularly noteworthy that over 30 percent of Tuesday’s respondents use the Greenbelt every day. 6 Included in the category “Every day” is 5.6 percent of the respondents who answered “multiple times a day”. The total is slightly below 100% since some people indicated “other.” 20 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% Tuesday 10% Saturday 5% 0% Figure 9, Differences in frequency of use between Tuesday and Saturday (n=1045) 7 How much time and how far? Table 7 shows that just over 35 percent of the respondents indicated they would spend one to two hours on the Greenbelt for this trip. The table also shows that over 65 percent of the respondents stated they would spend between 30 minutes and two hours on the Greenbelt on their trip, while only about 10 percent of the respondents indicated they would spend more than 2 hours on the Greenbelt. The total amount of time that respondents indicated they would spend on the Greenbelt during the day was even higher, with only about 12 percent of the respondents spending half an hour or less on the Greenbelt. How long will you stay on the Greenbelt? 1-15 minutes 16-29 minutes 30-59 minutes 1-2 hours 2-3 hours More than 3 hours This trip Total 11.6 % 12.7 % 30.0 % 35.3 % 7.2 % 3.3 % 4.4 % 7.9 % 30.2 % 40.2 % 11.6 % 4.5 % Table 9, Amount of time respondents spend on the Greenbelt for this trip (n=1024) 7 Included in the category “Every day” are those who answered “multiple times a day”. The total is slightly below 100% since some people indicated “other.” 21 Figure 10 provides some additional insight and shows differences between Tuesday and Saturday. The graph shows, just like we found last year, that people tend to spend slightly more time on the Greenbelt during the weekend. 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% Tuesday 10% Saturday 5% 0% Figure 10, Time spend of the Greenbelt on Tuesday and Saturday for this trip (n=1028) Finally, we asked people how far they planned to travel on the Greenbelt. Last year the results of this question were somewhat unclear since we combined distances into categories. This year we simply asked people about how many miles they planned on traveling on the Greenbelt. Table 8 gives the detailed results. How far will you travel on the Greenbelt? Less than 1 mile 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 25 and more Don’t know yet Total Tuesday Saturday 2.8 % 11.8 % 19.8 % 15.5 % 9.3 % 10.4 % 6.0 % 4.4 % 5.2 % 1.5 % 5.7 % 5.4 % 2.4 % 3.2 % 14.4 % 19.6 % 14.4 % 9.7 % 9.3 % 6.9 % 4.0 % 5.6 % 1.6 % 4.4 % 6.4 % 0.8 % 2.4 % 9.2 % 20.1 % 16.5 % 8.8 % 11.4 % 5.1 % 4.7 % 4.9 % 1.4 % 7.1 % 4.5 % 3.9 % Table 10, Distance respondents indicated they will travel on this trip (n=1015) 22 An interesting result is the percentage of people that indicate that they do not know how far they will go yet. Less than one percentage stated that they do not know yet on Tuesday, while it is close to 4 percent on Saturday. This result is confirmation that the Greenbelt sees more recreational use during the weekend. Figure 11 provides a more detailed graph for this data. The graph clearly shows that there are no differences between the distances that Greenbelt users travel on the Greenbelt during the weekend versus a weekday. This result is somewhat counterintuitive and is contrary to what we found in last year’s survey. Finally, the graph shows that there is a clear peak between 2 and 6 miles. 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% Tuesday 10.0% Saturday 5.0% 0.0% Figure 11, Distance respondents travel on the Greenbelt (n=1015) Potential improvements In the survey, we asked respondents what improvements they would like to see on the Greenbelt. Similar to last year, we asked them first in an open ended question. We added another question, in which we listed a series of potential improvements (based on the results from last year’s survey) and asked respondents to rate the importance of each. Table 9 shows the improvements that people would like to see on the greenbelt. Just like last year, the overwhelming number one on this list is “surface improvement” with about 48 percent of the people raising this as an issue. Last year, the only other issue that was brought up by more than 10 percent of the respondents were “additional restrooms.” In contrast to that we had 5 additional issues that were brought up this year. The most significant addition was the issue of “Greenbelt Extension,” which was brought up by 21 percent of the respondents. 23 The table shows that there were no major differences between the responses on Tuesday and Saturday. The results do seem to indicate that there are more recreational users on Saturday with a generally higher percentage of respondents on Saturday mentioning improvements in “trail amenities.” This result is the opposite from what we found last year when we found that respondents were more likely to mention “trail amenities” on Tuesday. For comparison, we added a column with the results from last year, which shows that the percentage of respondents that mentioned “surface improvements” is almost identical. However, while one in five respondents mentioned extension of the Greenbelt this year, last year it was only mentioned a total of 22 times in the comment section at the end of the survey. The same was the case for “more drinking water fountains” and “lighting.” The results this year might be somewhat different because we added the survey location in Julia Davis Park which probably added more “recreational users” to the sample. At the same time this is a park without a lot of amenities. What improvements would you like to see on the Greenbelt? Improve Surface Greenbelt Extension More Drinking Fountains Restrooms Lighting Weed Control Trash Cans More Access Points to Green Belt Bike Racks Animal Waste Dispensers Access to River Interpretive Signs Benches Shelters Total Tuesday Saturday Last Year 48.2% 20.8% 12.0% 11.8% 10.0% 9.8% 5.4% 5.4% 5.3% 4.4% 3.4% 3.3% 2.3% 0.8% 47.3% 18.5% 10.0% 10.2% 9.1% 8.9% 5.7% 4.5% 4.2% 3.6% 2.5% 3.2% 1.7% 0.6% 49.1% 23.1% 14.0% 13.4% 11.0% 10.8% 5.1% 6.3% 6.4% 5.1% 4.4% 3.4% 2.8% 0.9% 47.5 % --13.8 % 7.5 % 7.5 % 8.1 % 6.1 % 7.1 % 3.6 % 4.9 % 2.7 % Table 11, Improvements that respondents would like to see (n=1057) As mentioned before, we added a question in which we asked respondents to indicate on a scale of 1 to 10 how important each of a list of potential improvements was to them. The intent of this question was to see what Greenbelt users felt about some of the suggestions we heard in the comment section last year. The results were rather surprising with potential improvements scoring much closer in importance than we would have expected based on the open ended question. It seems that the answer of this question provides some insight in the kind of improvements that respondents would support, the open ended question probably gives more insight in what the priorities for improvement are among the respondents. 24 How important is the following potential improvement to you? Improve Surface Greenbelt Extension Lighting Weed Control Bicycle Rack More Access Points to Streets Information Kiosks Food Vendors Total Tuesday 7.3 7.1 5.3 5.2 4.5 4.0 3.7 2.3 Saturday 7.3 6.9 5.1 5.2 4.3 3.9 3.5 2.6 7.3 7.3 5.4 5.2 4.7 4.1 3.8 2.1 Table 12, Importance of improvements (with 10 being extremely important) Differences between bicyclists and pedestrians Last year, the survey indicated that there were significant differences between bicyclists and pedestrians. This year we decided to compare the two groups in a little more detail. First we looked if there was a difference in the locations that pedestrians and bicyclists used to access the Greenbelt. Table 13 shows that pedestrians were significantly more likely to have entered the Greenbelt from Julia Davis Park, Veterans Memorial Park, West Parkcenter Boulevard (Beacon Street) or Broadway Boulevard. In general bike access was more evenly distributed over access points and bicyclists were more likely than pedestrians to use locations that were either further away or locations that provide access to other areas in the city. Where did you access to the Greenbelt Bicyclists today? 8 Significant more bicyclists: Glenwood Bridge 7.4 % Bown Crossing 5.5 % BSU 5.3 % Surprise Valley/Barber Park 4.6 % Eckerd Road 4.3 % 36th Street Footbridge 4.3 % Marden Lane/Natatorium 3.8 % Significant more pedestrians: Veteran's Memorial Park 11.0 % Julia Davis Park 3.3 % West Parkcenter Boulevard (Beacon Street) 1.7 % Broadway Ave (RAM) 1.0 % Table 13, Differences in access point for bicyclists and pedestrians Others 1.7 % 3.0 % 3.3 % 1.5 % 2.8 % 1.5 % 1.7 % 15.7 % 10.2 % 6.3 % 3.7 % Table 14 shows the characteristics for which we found a significant difference between bicyclists and pedestrians. The table shows that almost two-thirds of the bicyclists are males, while the pedestrian 8 Bicyclists (n=582) , Others (n=460) 25 users are almost perfectly split with regard to gender. The results also show that visitors are more likely to walk on the Greenbelt than ride a bike. While it should not come as a surprise that bicyclists travel a much longer distance on their trip than pedestrians, both groups travel relatively long distances on the Greenbelt. Bicyclists do tend to spend a little less time on the Greenbelt than pedestrians and they are more likely to use it for transportation. Characteristics of respondents Gender: Age: Residency: Average distance on Greenbelt: Time spent on Greenbelt for this trip: 9 Total time spent on Greenbelt today: 10 Male Female Resident Visitor This trip Total for day 1-15 minutes 16-29 minutes 30-59 minutes 1-2 hours 2-3 hours More than 3 hours 1-15 minutes 16-29 minutes 30-59 minutes 1-2 hours 2-3 hours More than 3 hours Bicyclists Pedestrians 62.6 % 37.4 % 47.5 % 52.5 % 91.1 % 8.9 % 8.5 miles 10.4 miles 13.9 % 15.2 % 28.4 % 32.6 % 6.6 % 3.3 % 4.9 % 7.9 % 30.6 % 40.6 % 9.5 % 5.5 % Using the Greenbelt for: Exercise/workout 53.1 % Work Commute 22.7 % Going to Restaurant 4.5 % 11 Distance of home to Greenbelt: less than .5 miles 38.74% 0.6 to 1.0 miles 14.66% 1.1 to 1.5 miles 9.42% 1.6-2.0 miles 8.38% 2.1-3.0 miles 6.46% 3.1 to 4.0 miles 4.01% 4.1 to 5.0 miles 3.32% more than 5.1 miles 11.69% Table 14, Differences in the characteristics of bicyclists and pedestrians 9 Significant difference between bikes and pedestrians for 1-15 minutes and 16-29 minutes Significant difference between bikes and pedestrians for 2-3 hours 11 Significant difference between bikes and pedestrians for .6-2.0 and >5 miles 10 26 87.8 % 12.2 % 4.9 miles 5.4 miles 8.4 % 9.7 % 31.4 % 39.3 % 7.9 % 3.4 % 3.6 % 7.9 % 29.9 % 39.3 % 14.6 % 3.4 % 72.8 % 3.0 % 0.7 % 37.87% 9.30% 5.90% 6.80% 6.58% 4.99% 5.67% 20.41% Table 14 also shows some interesting differences with regard to the distance of the respondent’s home to the Greenbelt. We typically assume that a distance of .5 miles or less is easily walkable and we do indeed not find any difference between bicyclists and pedestrians when their home is within half a mile. We do find a difference between bicyclists and pedestrians once a respondent’s home is further than half a mile with the respondent more likely to be a bicyclist. However, somewhere around 3 miles or so, the relationship reverses, probably indicating that at this distance people start driving their car to the Greenbelt. Finally table 15 shows the difference between bicyclists and pedestrians with regard to desired improvements to the Greenbelt. The results show that although pedestrians also rank “surface improvement” and “greenbelt extension” as their number one and two, they typically rank “amenities” much higher than bicyclists do. Bicyclists are more interested in “weed control,” which is most likely related to the goat heads that cause flat tires. They are also more interested in additional access points to the Greenbelt which is most likely related to the fact that almost 27 percent of the bicyclists that use the Greenbelt for transportation purposes rather than to workout or exercise. What improvements would you like to see to the Greenbelt? Bikes (n=582) Others (n=460) More important for bicyclists: Improve Surface 60.7 % 33.5 % Greenbelt Extension 23.5 % 17.8 % Weed Control 11.2 % 8.0 % More Access Points to Greenbelt 6.7 % 3.7 % Bike Racks 6.4 % 4.1 % More important for pedestrians: Restrooms 8.3 % 16.1 % More Drinking Fountains 9.6 % 15.2 % Trash Cans 2.9 % 8.7 % Animal Waste Dispensers 2.9 % 6.3 % Access to River 2.8 % 4.4 % Benches 1.6 % 3.0 % Table 15, Differences in desired improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians Conclusions and discussion It is clear that people that use the greenbelt see the greenbelt as a resource to themselves and the community. The majority of respondents use the greenbelt frequently and for a variety of different uses. They feel safe and regardless of how they use the Greenbelt, their main concern is improvement of the surface. This year’s results are similar to last years but due to improvements in the survey design and the survey software, we were able to provide some additional insights. The inclusion of a question about the distance of the respondent’s home to the Greenbelt was especially revealing and the proximity of the respondent’s home to the Greenbelt seems to show that the Greenbelt is less of a destination park than we thought. 27 This year’s results shed some more light on the differences between the use and needs of pedestrians and bicyclists. One of the more interesting findings here is that they seem to access the Greenbelt in different places. 28 Appendix 1: Frequencies of Total Responses What are you using the GREENBELT for today? (mark all that apply) N=1057 Exercise/workout 61.31% 648 people Work Commute 13.91% 147 people Enjoying Nature 13.72% 145 people Other 10.79% 114 people Sightseeing 5.68% 60 people Hanging Out 3.78% 40 people BSU Student Use 3.31% 35 people Going to Event 3.12% 33 people Going to Restaurant 2.84% 30 people Going Shopping 2.65% 28 people Park Access 1.99% 21 people Hiking 1.51% 16 people School (Other than BSU) 0.57% 6 people Going to Playground 0.47% 5 people Having Lunch/Picnic 0.47% 5 people Fishing 0.47% 5 people What other purposes do you use the GREENBELT for? (mark all that apply) N=1057 Biking 46.2% 488 people Walking/Hiking 38.4% 406 people Exercise/Workout 36.5% 386 people Enjoying Nature 32.4% 342 people Going to an Event 23.2% 245 people Going to a Restaurant 19.1% 202 people Work Commute 18.8% 199 people Sightseeing 16.8% 178 people Park Access 15.0% 159 people Hanging Out 14.6% 154 people Other 14.1% 149 people Going Shopping 12.4% 131 people Having Lunch/Picnic 10.4% 110 people Fishing 5.3% 56 people BSU Student Use 4.9% 52 people Going to a Playground 4.8% 51 people School (Other Than BSU) 1.3% 14 people 29 What improvements would you like to see to the GREENBELT? N=1057 Improve Surface 48.2% Bike Racks 5.3% Access to River 3.4% More Access Points to Green Belt 5.4% Animal Waste Dispensers 4.4% Restrooms 11.8% Benches 2.3% Shelters 0.8% Trash Cans 5.4% Interpretive Signs 3.3% More Drinking Fountains 12.0% Lighting 10.0% Weed Control 9.8% Greenbelt Extension 20.8% Other 22.0% 509 people 56 people 36 people 57 people 46 people 125 people 24 people 8 people 57 people 35 people 127 people 106 people 104 people 220 people 233 people How far is your home to greenbelt? (in miles) N=1025 less than .5 miles 0.6 to 1.0 miles 1.1 to 1.5 miles 1.6-2.0 miles 2.1-3.0 miles 3.1 to 4.0 miles 4.1 to 5.0 miles more than 5.1 miles from out of town Total 38.44% 12.20% 7.80% 7.80% 6.63% 4.39% 4.29% 15.51% 2.93% 100.00% 394 people 125 people 80 people 80 people 68 people 45 people 44 people 159 people 30 people 1025 people 30 Where or at what location did you use to gain access to the Greenbelt today? N=1057 13th Street 1.89% 20 people 36th Street Footbridge 3.03% 32 people 8th Street 5.49% 58 people Americana Blvd. 3.22% 34 people Ann Morrison Park 3.31% 35 people Baggley Park 7.85% 83 people Barber Park 1.04% 11 people Bown Crossing 4.54% 48 people Broadway Ave (RAM) 2.18% 23 people BSU 4.64% 49 people Eckerd Road 3.78% 40 people Glenwood Bridge 4.82% 51 people Julia Davis Park 6.24% 66 people Lake Harbor 0.95% 10 people Lander Street 0.57% 6 people Leadview Ave/Riverview Apartments 1.04% 11 people Marden Lane/Natatorium 2.84% 30 people MK Nature Center/Idaho Fish and Game 2.08% 22 people Municipal Park 3.88% 41 people Riverside Hotel/Joe's Crab Shack 1.42% 15 people Shilo Inn 0.66% 7 people Surprise Valley/Barber Park 3.31% 35 people Veteran's Memorial Park 12.96% 137 people Warm Springs/Granite Way 4.73% 50 people West Parkcenter Ave (Beacon Street) 3.69% 39 people Willow Lane 0.85% 9 people Other 7.47% 79 people Not sure 1.51% 16 people Total 100.00% 1057 people 31 Where or at what location will you use to exit the GREENBELT today? N=1057 13th Street 1.80% 19 people 36th Street Footbridge 2.37% 25 people 8th Street 6.24% 66 people Americana Blvd. 3.88% 41 people Ann Morrison Park 2.84% 30 people Baggley Park 7.57% 80 people Barber Park 1.04% 11 people Bown Crossing 4.73% 50 people Broadway Ave (RAM) 3.03% 32 people BSU 5.68% 60 people Eckerd Road 2.74% 29 people Glenwood Bridge 4.35% 46 people Julia Davis Park 6.05% 64 people Lake Harbor 0.76% 8 people Lander Street 0.57% 6 people Leadview Ave/Riverview Apartments 0.85% 9 people Marden Lane/Natatorium 2.46% 26 people MK Nature Center/Idaho Fish and Game 2.08% 22 people Municipal Park 4.54% 48 people Riverside Hotel/Joe's Crab Shack 1.23% 13 people Shilo Inn 0.57% 6 people Surprise Valley/Barber Park 2.74% 29 people Veteran's Memorial Park 12.30% 130 people Warm Springs/Granite Way 4.73% 50 people West Parkcenter Ave (Beacon Street) 3.78% 40 people Willow Lane 0.57% 6 people Not sure 4.07% 43 people other 6.43% 68 people Total 100.00% 1057 people 32 How far do you travel on the GREENBELT for THIS TRIP? (in miles) N=1044 Less than 1 mile 5.46% 57 people 1 mile 6.70% 70 people 2 miles 11.97% 125 people 3 miles 10.92% 114 people 4 miles 9.29% 97 people 5 miles 10.54% 110 people 6 miles 6.51% 68 people 7 miles 3.45% 36 people 8 miles 5.27% 55 people 9 miles 1.15% 12 people 10 miles 6.42% 67 people 11 miles 1.15% 12 people 12 miles 3.16% 33 people 13 miles 0.96% 10 people 14 miles 1.72% 18 people 15 miles 3.54% 37 people 16 miles 0.86% 9 people 17 miles 0.19% 2 people 18 miles 0.96% 10 people 19 miles 0.10% 1 people 20 miles 4.12% 43 people 25 miles 1.44% 15 people More than 25 miles 2.68% 28 people Don't Know Yet 1.44% 15 people Total 100.00% 1044 people How much time will you spend on the GREENBELT for THIS TRIP? N=1028 1-15 minutes 11.58% 119 people 16-29 minutes 12.65% 130 people 30-59 minutes 29.96% 308 people 1-2 hours 35.31% 363 people 2-3 hours 7.20% 74 people more than 3 hours 3.31% 34 people Total 100.00% 1028 people 33 How far will you travel on the GREENBELT for TODAY? (in miles) N=1015 Less than 1 mile 2.76% 28 people 1 mile 3.94% 40 people 2 miles 7.88% 80 people 3 miles 9.56% 97 people 4 miles 10.25% 104 people 5 miles 7.68% 78 people 6 miles 7.78% 79 people 7 miles 3.15% 32 people 8 miles 6.11% 62 people 9 miles 1.18% 12 people 10 miles 9.16% 93 people 11 miles 1.67% 17 people 12 miles 4.33% 44 people 13 miles 1.48% 15 people 14 miles 2.86% 29 people 15 miles 3.45% 35 people 16 miles 1.77% 18 people 17 miles 0.30% 3 people 18 miles 1.18% 12 people 19 miles 0.59% 6 people 20 miles 5.12% 52 people 25 miles 2.07% 21 people More than 25 miles 3.35% 34 people Don't Know Yet 2.36% 24 people Total 100.00% 1015 people How much time will you spend on the GREENBELT TODAY? N=1024 1-15 minutes 4.39% 16-29 minutes 7.91% 30-59 minutes 30.18% 1-2 hours 40.23% 2-3 hours 11.62% more than 3 hours 4.49% Don't Know Yet 1.17% Total 100.00% 34 45 people 81 people 309 people 412 people 119 people 46 people 12 people 1024 people Do you feel safe using the greenbelt? N=1042 Yes 90.4% No 9.6% 942 people 100 people How often do you use the GREENBELT? N=1045 Multiple times a day 5.60% every day 20.90% six days a week 5.60% five days a week 14.80% four days a week 12.50% three days a week 14.90% two days a week 8.00% once a week 6.20% A couple of times a month 3.90% Once a month 1.80% A couple of times a year 2.60% just this one time 1.60% Other 1.50% Total 100.00% 58 people 218 people 58 people 155 people 131 people 156 people 84 people 65 people 41 people 19 people 27 people 17 people 16 people 1045 people What was your mode of transportation to the GREENBELT? N=1039 bike 48.89% skateboard/longboard 0.38% scooter 0.10% roller skate/inline skate 0.19% bus 0.48% foot 23.68% car 25.89% other 0.38% Total 100.00% 508 people 4 people 1 people 2 people 5 people 246 people 269 people 4 people 1039 people Status on GREENBELT. N=1042 Bike Walk Run Skateboard/Longboard other Total 582 people 307 people 132 people 6 people 15 people 1042 people 55.9% 29.5% 12.7% 0.6% 1.4% 100% 35 Observation of respondents? N=1057 Children 4.32% Dog 9.40% Stroller 1.44% Bike helmet 30.52% Trailer 1.25% Recreational 15.6% Athletic 16.4% Commuter/Professional 6.5% 45 people 98 people 15 people 318 people 13 people 165 people 173 people 69 people How many people in the party. N=1031 1 67.7% 2-5 32.0% 5-10 0.1% 10+ 0.2% Total 100% 698 people 330 people 1 people 2 people 1031 people Gender? N=1035 Male Female 55.8% 44.2% 578 people 457 people Age? N=1002 Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-54 55 and older 1.50% 6.49% 15.37% 37.62% 39.02% 15 people 65 people 154 people 377 people 391 people 2.6% 27 people 4.0% 14.0% 7.0% 33.8% 26.8% 6.7% 1.0% 4.2% 100% 42 people 148 people 74 people 357 people 283 people 71 people 11 people 44 people 1057 people Education attainment. N=1057 12th grade or less Graduated High School or equivalent some college, no degree associate degree Bachelor's degree Graduate degree Ph.D Prefer not to answer Missing Total 36 Household income. N=1057 less than $25,000 $25,000 to $34,999 $35,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $124,999 $125,000 to $149,999 $150,000 or more Prefer not to answer Missing Total 7.4% 6.3% 7.9% 15.9% 11.6% 9.9% 4.5% 10.6% 18.4% 7.4% 100% 78 people 67 people 84 people 168 people 123 people 105 people 48 people 112 people 194 people 78 people 1057 people Are you a resident or a visitor? N=1038 Visitor Resident 10.3% 89.7% 107 people 931 people 37 Appendix 2: Responses Tuesday versus Saturday 12 What are you using the GREENBELT for today? (mark all that apply) Tuesday Exercise/workout 52.55% Work Commute 23.06% Enjoying Nature 9.83% Other 11.91% Sightseeing 3.59% Hanging Out 2.84% BSU Student Use 4.91% Going to Event 0.57% Going to Restaurant 1.13% Going Shopping 1.70% Park Access 0.57% Hiking 0.95% School (Other than BSU) 0.95% Going to Playground 0.38% Having Lunch/Picnic 0.38% Fishing 0.57% What improvements would you like to see to the GREENBELT? Tuesday Improve Surface 47.26% Bike Racks 4.16% Access to River 2.46% More Access Points to Green Belt 4.54% Animal Waste Dispensers 3.59% Restrooms 10.21% Benches 1.70% Shelters 0.57% Trash Cans 5.67% Interpretive Signs 3.21% More Drinking Fountains 10.02% Lighting 9.07% Weed Control 8.88% Greenbelt Extension 18.53% 12 BOLD INDICATES A STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE 38 Saturday 70.08% 4.73% 17.61% 9.28% 7.77% 4.73% 1.70% 5.68% 4.55% 3.60% 3.41% 2.08% 0.19% 0.57% 0.57% 0.38% Saturday 49.05% 6.44% 4.36% 6.25% 5.11% 13.45% 2.84% 0.95% 5.11% 3.41% 14.02% 10.98% 10.80% 23.11% How far is your home to the GREENBELT? (in miles) Tuesday less than .5 miles 38.35% 0.6 to 1.0 miles 13.65% 1.1 to 1.5 miles 9.24% 1.6-2.0 miles 7.43% 2.1-3.0 miles 6.83% 3.1 to 4.0 miles 5.02% 4.1 to 5.0 miles 3.61% more than 5.1 miles 14.06% from out of town 1.81% Total 100.00% 39 Saturday 38.52% 10.82% 6.45% 8.16% 6.45% 3.80% 4.93% 16.89% 3.98% 100.00% Where or at what location did you use to gain access to the Greenbelt today? i.e. street or pathway Tuesday Saturday 13th Street 1.70% 2.08% 36th Street Footbridge 3.78% 2.27% 8th Street 6.43% 4.55% Americana Blvd. 1.70% 4.73% Ann Morrison Park 3.21% 3.41% Baggley Park 6.24% 9.47% Barber Park 0.57% 1.52% Bown Crossing 3.59% 5.49% Broadway Ave (RAM) 3.02% 1.33% BSU 5.86% 3.41% Eckerd Road 3.40% 4.17% Glenwood Bridge 4.16% 5.49% Julia Davis Park 6.99% 5.49% Lake Harbor 0.76% 1.14% Lander Street 0.57% 0.57% Leadview Ave/Riverview Apartments 0.95% 1.14% Marden Lane/Natatorium 3.40% 2.27% MK Nature Center/Idaho Fish and Game 2.46% 1.70% Municipal Park 3.59% 4.17% Riverside Hotel/Joe's Crab Shack 1.13% 1.70% Shilo Inn 0.95% 0.38% Surprise Valley/Barber Park 4.73% 1.89% Veteran's Memorial Park 13.04% 12.88% Warm Springs/Granite Way 4.54% 4.92% West Parkcenter Ave (Beacon Street) 3.59% 3.79% Willow Lane 0.95% 0.76% Other 6.81% 8.14% Not sure 1.89% 1.14% Total 100.00% 100.00% 40 Where or at what location will you use to exit the GREENBELT today? i.e. street or pathway Tuesday Saturday 13th Street 1.32% 2.27% 36th Street Footbridge 2.84% 1.89% 8th Street 6.81% 5.68% Americana Blvd. 1.51% 6.25% Ann Morrison Park 3.02% 2.65% Baggley Park 6.62% 8.52% Barber Park 0.38% 1.70% Bown Crossing 3.40% 6.06% Broadway Ave (RAM) 4.16% 1.89% BSU 8.32% 3.03% Eckerd Road 1.70% 3.79% Glenwood Bridge 3.40% 5.30% Julia Davis Park 5.67% 6.44% Lake Harbor 0.76% 0.76% Lander Street 0.19% 0.95% Leadview Ave/Riverview Apartments 0.95% 0.76% Marden Lane/Natatorium 3.02% 1.89% MK Nature Center/Idaho Fish and Game 2.65% 1.52% Municipal Park 3.97% 5.11% Riverside Hotel/Joe's Crab Shack 1.13% 1.33% Shilo Inn 0.76% 0.38% Surprise Valley/Barber Park 3.59% 1.89% Veteran's Memorial Park 12.29% 12.31% Warm Springs/Granite Way 5.67% 3.79% West Parkcenter Ave (Beacon Street) 3.40% 4.17% Willow Lane 0.38% 0.76% Not sure 6.05% 2.08% other 6.05% 6.82% Total 100.00% 100.00% 41 How far do you travel on the GREENBELT for THIS TRIP? (in miles) Tuesday Less than 1 mile 6.78% 1 mile 8.33% 2 miles 12.79% 3 miles 12.02% 4 miles 9.50% 5 miles 9.11% 6 miles 6.20% 7 miles 3.29% 8 miles 5.62% 9 miles 1.16% 10 miles 5.04% 11 miles 1.36% 12 miles 2.91% 13 miles 0.78% 14 miles 0.78% 15 miles 4.07% 16 miles 1.16% 17 miles 0.19% 18 miles 0.78% 19 miles 0.00% 20 miles 3.29% 25 miles 1.74% More than 25 miles 2.33% Don't Know Yet 0.78% Total 100.00% Saturday 4.17% 5.11% 11.17% 9.85% 9.09% 11.93% 6.82% 3.60% 4.92% 1.14% 7.77% 0.95% 3.41% 1.14% 2.65% 3.03% 0.57% 0.19% 1.14% 0.19% 4.92% 1.14% 3.03% 2.08% 100.00% How much time will you spend on the GREENBELT for THIS TRIP? Tuesday 1-15 minutes 15.40% 16-29 minutes 14.60% 30-59 minutes 31.20% 1-2 hours 31.60% 2-3 hours 5.20% more than 3 hours 2.00% Total 100.00% Saturday 7.95% 10.80% 28.79% 38.83% 9.09% 4.55% 100.00% 42 How far will you travel on the GREENBELT for TODAY? (in miles) Tuesday Less than 1 mile 3.16% 1 mile 4.94% 2 miles 9.49% 3 miles 11.07% 4 miles 8.50% 5 miles 6.72% 6 miles 7.71% 7 miles 3.36% 8 miles 6.32% 9 miles 0.79% 10 miles 8.50% 11 miles 2.37% 12 miles 4.55% 13 miles 1.78% 14 miles 2.17% 15 miles 3.56% 16 miles 1.98% 17 miles 0.20% 18 miles 1.38% 19 miles 0.59% 20 miles 3.75% 25 miles 2.77% More than 25 miles 3.56% Don't Know Yet 0.79% Total 100.00% Saturday 2.36% 2.95% 6.29% 8.06% 11.98% 8.64% 7.86% 2.95% 5.89% 1.57% 9.82% 0.98% 4.13% 1.18% 3.54% 3.34% 1.57% 0.39% 0.98% 0.59% 6.48% 1.38% 3.14% 3.93% 100.00% How much time will you spend on the GREENBELT for TODAY? Tuesday 1-15 minutes 6.20% 16-29 minutes 9.69% 30-59 minutes 33.33% 1-2 hours 38.76% 2-3 hours 8.72% more than 3 hours 2.91% Don't Know Yet 0.39% Total 100.00% Saturday 2.56% 6.10% 26.97% 41.73% 14.57% 6.10% 1.97% 100.00% 43 Distance to home Tuesday 38.35% 13.65% 9.24% 7.43% 6.83% 5.02% 3.61% 14.06% 1.81% 100.00% Saturday 38.52% 10.82% 6.45% 8.16% 6.45% 3.80% 4.93% 16.89% 3.98% 100.00% How often do you use the GREENBELT? Tuesday Multiple times a day 5.80% every day 25.92% six days a week 6.58% five days a week 18.96% four days a week 12.96% three days a week 12.57% two days a week 6.96% once a week 4.84% A couple of times a month 1.74% Once a month 0.77% A couple of times a year 0.77% just this one time 1.35% Other 0.77% Total 100.00% Saturday 5.30% 15.91% 4.55% 10.80% 12.12% 17.23% 9.09% 7.58% 6.06% 2.84% 4.36% 1.89% 2.27% 100.00% What was your mode of transportation to the GREENBELT? Tuesday bike 53.79% skateboard/longboard 0.19% scooter 0.19% roller skate/inline skate 0.19% bus 0.78% foot 22.52% car 21.55% other 0.78% Total 100.00% Saturday 44.08% 0.57% 0.00% 0.19% 0.19% 24.81% 30.15% 0.00% 100.00% less than .5 miles 0.6 to 1.0 miles 1.1 to 1.5 miles 1.6-2.0 miles 2.1-3.0 miles 3.1 to 4.0 miles 4.1 to 5.0 miles more than 5.1 miles from out of town Total 44 Do you have any of the following with you today? Tuesday Children 2.65% Dog 9.45% Stroller 0.57% Bike helmet 34.59% Trailer 0.95% Saturday 5.87% 9.09% 2.27% 25.57% 1.52% Gender? Male Female Tuesday 60.12% 39.88% Saturday 51.55% 48.45% Tuesday 1.22% 6.53% 13.88% 37.76% 40.61% Saturday 1.76% 6.45% 16.80% 37.50% 37.50% Tuesday 8.77% 91.23% Saturday 11.81% 88.19% Age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-54 55 and older Are you a resident or a visitor Visitor Resident 45 Appendix 3: Frequencies of bicyclists versus all others 13 What are you using the GREENBELT for today? (mark all that apply) Bikes (n=582) Exercise/workout 53.09% Work Commute 22.68% Enjoying Nature 12.89% Other 12.54% Sightseeing 5.67% Hanging Out 3.78% BSU Student Use 3.44% Going to Event 3.44% Going to Restaurant 4.47% Going Shopping 3.26% Park Access 1.72% Hiking 0.34% School (Other than BSU) 0.69% Going to Playground 0.69% Having Lunch/Picnic 0.34% Fishing 0.17% What improvements would you like to see to the GREENBELT? Bikes (n=582) Improve Surface 60.65% Bike Racks 6.36% Access to River 2.75% More Access Points to Green Belt 6.70% Animal Waste Dispensers 2.92% Restrooms 8.25% Benches 1.55% Shelters 0.69% Trash Cans 2.92% Interpretive Signs 3.44% More Drinking Fountains 9.62% Lighting 9.79% Weed Control 11.17% Greenbelt Extension 23.54% Other 21.31% 13 BOLD INDICATES A STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE 46 Others (n=460) 72.83% 3.04% 14.78% 8.70% 5.87% 3.70% 3.26% 2.83% 0.65% 1.96% 2.17% 3.04% 0.43% 0.22% 0.65% 0.87% Others (n=460) 33.48% 4.13% 4.35% 3.70% 6.30% 16.09% 3.04% 0.87% 8.70% 3.04% 15.22% 10.43% 8.04% 17.83% 23.04% How far is your home to the GREENBELT? (in miles) Bikes (n=573) less than .5 miles 38.74% 0.6 to 1.0 miles 14.66% 1.1 to 1.5 miles 9.42% 1.6-2.0 miles 8.38% 2.1-3.0 miles 6.46% 3.1 to 4.0 miles 4.01% 4.1 to 5.0 miles 3.32% more than 5.1 miles 11.69% from out of town 3.32% Total 100.00% 47 Others (n=441) 37.87% 9.30% 5.90% 6.80% 6.58% 4.99% 5.67% 20.41% 2.49% 100.00% Where or at what location did you use to gain access to the Greenbelt today? i.e. street or pathway Bikes (n=582) Others (n=460) 13th Street 1.20% 2.83% 36th Street Footbridge 4.30% 1.52% 8th Street 5.67% 5.43% Americana Blvd. 3.95% 2.39% Ann Morrison Park 3.61% 3.04% Baggley Park 7.90% 8.04% Barber Park 0.52% 1.74% Bown Crossing 5.50% 3.04% Broadway Ave (RAM) 1.03% 3.70% BSU 5.33% 3.26% Eckerd Road 4.30% 2.83% Glenwood Bridge 7.39% 1.74% Julia Davis Park 3.26% 10.22% Lake Harbor 1.20% 0.65% Lander Street 0.52% 0.65% Leadview Ave/Riverview Apartments 1.37% 0.65% Marden Lane/Natatorium 3.78% 1.74% MK Nature Center/Idaho Fish and Game 1.55% 2.83% Municipal Park 3.44% 4.57% Riverside Hotel/Joe's Crab Shack 1.55% 1.30% Shilo Inn 0.86% 0.43% Surprise Valley/Barber Park 4.64% 1.52% Veteran's Memorial Park 11.00% 15.65% Warm Springs/Granite Way 5.50% 3.48% West Parkcenter Ave (Beacon Street) 1.72% 6.30% Willow Lane 0.86% 0.87% Other 7.90% 6.96% Not sure 0.17% 2.61% Total 100.00% 100.00% 48 Where or at what location will you use to exit the GREENBELT today? i.e. street or pathway Bikes (n=582) Others (n=460) 13th Street 1.37% 2.39% 36th Street Footbridge 3.26% 1.30% 8th Street 7.04% 5.43% Americana Blvd. 4.81% 2.83% Ann Morrison Park 3.44% 2.17% Baggley Park 7.90% 7.39% Barber Park 0.34% 1.96% Bown Crossing 4.64% 4.13% Broadway Ave (RAM) 1.20% 5.43% BSU 6.70% 4.35% Eckerd Road 2.92% 2.17% Glenwood Bridge 6.87% 1.30% Julia Davis Park 3.26% 9.78% Lake Harbor 1.03% 0.43% Lander Street 0.34% 0.87% Leadview Ave/Riverview Apartments 1.20% 0.43% Marden Lane/Natatorium 3.44% 1.30% MK Nature Center/Idaho Fish and Game 1.89% 2.39% Municipal Park 5.15% 3.91% Riverside Hotel/Joe's Crab Shack 1.03% 1.52% Shilo Inn 0.69% 0.43% Surprise Valley/Barber Park 4.12% 1.09% Veteran's Memorial Park 10.14% 15.22% Warm Springs/Granite Way 5.67% 3.48% West Parkcenter Ave (Beacon Street) 2.23% 5.65% Willow Lane 0.34% 0.87% Other 6.19% 6.52% Not sure 2.75% 5.22% Total 100.00% 100.00% 49 How far do you travel on the GREENBELT for THIS TRIP? (in miles) Bikes (n=580) Less than 1 mile 2.93% 1 mile 3.62% 2 miles 8.10% 3 miles 8.45% 4 miles 7.76% 5 miles 10.34% 6 miles 5.52% 7 miles 3.28% 8 miles 6.03% 9 miles 1.55% 10 miles 9.66% 11 miles 1.55% 12 miles 4.48% 13 miles 0.86% 14 miles 3.10% 15 miles 5.52% 16 miles 1.55% 17 miles 0.34% 18 miles 1.03% 19 miles 0.00% 20 miles 6.55% 25 miles 1.90% More than 25 miles 4.48% Don't Know Yet 1.38% Total 100.00% Others (n=453) 8.83% 10.38% 16.78% 14.35% 11.26% 10.38% 7.73% 3.75% 4.42% 0.66% 1.99% 0.66% 1.55% 1.10% 0.00% 1.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.88% 0.22% 1.10% 0.88% 0.44% 1.55% 100.00% How much time will you spend on the GREENBELT for THIS TRIP? Bikes (n=574) 1-15 minutes 13.94% 16-29 minutes 15.16% 30-59 minutes 28.40% 1-2 hours 32.58% 2-3 hours 6.62% more than 3 hours 3.31% Total 100.00% Others (n=443) 8.35% 9.71% 31.38% 39.28% 7.90% 3.39% 100.00% 50 How far will you travel on the GREENBELT for TODAY? (in miles) Bikes (n=567) Less than 1 mile 1.59% 1 mile 1.76% 2 miles 2.47% 3 miles 5.11% 4 miles 6.70% 5 miles 6.17% 6 miles 7.58% 7 miles 2.47% 8 miles 6.53% 9 miles 1.06% 10 miles 13.58% 11 miles 1.94% 12 miles 6.17% 13 miles 1.76% 14 miles 4.94% 15 miles 5.64% 16 miles 3.00% 17 miles 0.53% 18 miles 1.23% 19 miles 0.88% 20 miles 7.76% 25 miles 3.17% More than 25 miles 5.64% Don't Know Yet 2.29% Total 100.00% Others (n=438) 4.34% 6.62% 14.61% 15.53% 14.84% 8.90% 7.99% 4.11% 5.71% 1.37% 3.65% 1.37% 2.05% 1.14% 0.23% 0.68% 0.23% 0.00% 0.91% 0.23% 1.83% 0.68% 0.46% 2.51% 100.00% How much time will you spend on the GREENBELT for TODAY? Bikes (n=569) 1-15 minutes 4.92% 16-29 minutes 7.91% 30-59 minutes 30.58% 1-2 hours 40.60% 2-3 hours 9.49% more than 3 hours 5.45% Don't Know Yet 1.05% Total 100.00% Others (n=445) 3.60% 7.87% 29.89% 39.33% 14.61% 3.37% 1.35% 100.00% Do you feel safe using the greenbelt? Bikes (n=577) Yes 91.68% No 8.32% Others (n=453) 88.52% 11.48% 51 How often do you use the GREENBELT? Bikes (n=580) Multiple times a day 6.03% every day 20.52% six days a week 6.21% five days a week 15.00% four days a week 12.41% three days a week 14.66% two days a week 7.59% once a week 6.38% A couple of times a month 3.62% Once a month 2.07% A couple of times a year 1.90% just this one time 1.72% Other 1.90% Total 100.00% Others (n=454) 5.07% 21.37% 4.85% 14.98% 12.56% 15.20% 8.37% 5.73% 4.19% 1.54% 3.52% 1.54% 1.10% 100.00% Do you have any of the following with you today? Bikes (n=582) Children 4.64% Dog 2.41% Stroller 0.00% Bike helmet 51.55% Trailer 1.89% Others (n=460) 3.70% 18.04% 3.26% 3.26% 0.43% Gender? Male Female Bikes (n=572) 62.59% 37.41% Others (n=453) 47.46% 52.54% Bikes (n=562) 1.42% 6.23% 14.77% 36.83% 40.75% Others (n=429) 1.63% 6.99% 16.32% 37.53% 37.53% Bikes (n=575) 91.13% 8.87% Others (n=452) 87.83% 12.17% Age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-54 55 and older Are you a resident or a visitor Resident Visitor 52