SAVING THE PLANET IS FOR LIFE I pledge to make at least one change to my lifestyle. I understand that I need to make this a permanent change in order to help sustain and safeguard the planet and everything on it. I will use the car less each week – fewer miles or fewer days …… I will buy less meat and/or buy British, Freedom Farmed or organic products …… I will waste less food by shopping more wisely and not be taken in by 2-for-1 offers I don’t need. …… I will buy better quality food, preferably local, organic, Fair Trade or with as few food miles as possible. …… I will reduce use of plastic for everything. I will take my own bags for shopping ( if I leave them in the car I should remember to use them.) I will reduce use of disposables – nappies, razors, wet wipes etc – and use permanent versions instead …… I will think more about all the products I buy. Perhaps British to support our producers and reduce fuel miles? Is it from a sustainable source – cod, wood etc? Does it harm the environment – tuna, trawling, factory farming? I will no longer buy bottled water I will switch off the tap when cleaning my teeth, and not use running water for cleaning (hands, veg etc) I won’t fill the kettle with more water than needed I will limit time in the shower to 5 mins to save energy and water …… …… …… …… …… …… I will rethink how we flush the toilet ( ie fewer times, Hippo bag, fit Interflush etc) …… I will get a water meter if currently unmetered …… I will turn off the TV, DVD, printer etc at the wall, or I will get a Powerdown …… I will turn down the central heating by 1 – 1½ degrees I will turn off lights when not in use I will only use washing machine, dishwasher etc when there is a full load …… …… …… I will try and re-home unwanted stuff rather than take it to the tip. Or I’ll give it to Give & Take Days, Freecycle, charity shops etc. ( see …… I will recycle everything I can, inc foil, drink cartons, cardboard etc, that is not collected at the curbside. I will compost waste food so that my bin bags are as empty as possible This space for anything else I can think of which you have forgotten to tell me about! …… There is no need to return this sheet – it is for you to chart your progress. Only you know how much of a commitment you are prepared to make. For further copies email contact@transitiontownchristchurch,org ……