Alternative Research | India DAILY REPORT | 17 August 2015 Deals Report ` BUY , Between 12/08/2015 ‐ 13/08/2015 LGB Auto Products Pvt Ltd has bought 28312 shares of L.G.BALAKRISHNAN & BROS.LTD. On 31/07/2015 Arun Jain has bought 50786 shares of Intellect Design Arena Ltd On 11/08/2015 ‐ 12/08/2015 Future Corporate Resources Ltd has bought 25,00,000 shares of FUTURE RETAIL LTD. SELL On 13/08/2015 Ramesh Chandra Daga has sold 58615 shares of Vegetable Products Ltd On 11/08/2015 ‐ 12/08/2015 Karmav Real Estate Holdings LLP has sold 48000 shares of SRF LTD. On 8‐12‐15 Aparna Goenka & PACs has sold 550000 shares of ORIENTAL CARBON & CHEMICALS LTD.‐$ On 11/08/2015 Manav Investment & Trading Co Ltd has sold 40000 shares of KESORAM INDUSTRIES LTD. Please refer to Disclosures and Disclaimers at the end of the Research Report Page 1 Alternative Research | India | Deals Report NSE Bulk Deals Date Symbol* Buy / Sell Quantity Traded Security Name Client Name 14‐Aug‐15 EMKAYTOOLS Emkay Tap & Cut. Tool Ltd HEM FINLEASE PVT. LTD. BUY 400 14‐Aug‐15 EMKAYTOOLS Emkay Tap & Cut. Tool Ltd SOURABH CUTTING TOOLS PVT LTD BUY 21200 332.94 14‐Aug‐15 HDIL Housing Development and I SHAASTRA SECURITIES TRADING PRIVATE LIMITED Housing Development and I SHAASTRA SECURITIES TRADING PRIVATE LIMITED BUY 2618417 81 53 81.53 14‐Aug‐15 JUBLINDS Jubilant Industries Ltd PACE STOCK BROKING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED BUY 145834 197.56 14‐Aug‐15 NITINFIRE Nitin Fire Protection Ind AMITABH HARIVANSHRAI BACHCHAN BUY 1500000 42.99 14‐Aug‐15 SASKEN Sasken Commu Techno Ltd GHI LTP LTD BUY 200000 260.08 14‐Aug‐15 SUBEX Subex Limited ADROIT FINANCIAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED BUY 1001787 14.45 14‐Aug‐15 UNITECH Unitech Ltd ADROIT SHARE & STOCK BROKER PVT. LTD. BUY 22142129 7.07 14‐Aug‐15 EMKAYTOOLS Emkay Tap & Cut. Tool Ltd HEM FINLEASE PVT. LTD. SELL 20000 333.07 81.59 Price ** 332 14‐Aug‐15 HDIL Housing Development and I SHAASTRA SECURITIES TRADING PRIVATE LIMITED SELL 2618417 14‐Aug‐15 JUBLINDS Jubilant Industries Ltd Jubilant Industries Ltd PACE STOCK BROKING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED PACE STOCK BROKING SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED SELL 10814 199.79 14‐Aug‐15 JYOTISTRUC Jyoti Structures Ltd MAHESH DINKAR VAZE SELL 662536 18.22 14‐Aug‐15 RUSHIL Rushil Decor Limited JINALI KALPESH SHAH SELL 14‐Aug‐15 SASKEN Sasken Commu Techno Ltd FOREFRONT CAPITAL MANAGEMENT PRIVATE LIMITED SELL 14‐Aug‐15 SUBEX Subex Limited ADROIT FINANCIAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED 14‐Aug‐15 UNITECH Unitech Ltd ADROIT SHARE & STOCK BROKER PVT. LTD. Security Name Client Name 72000 144 135344 260.41 SELL 950055 14.46 SELL 22120129 7.11 BSE Block Deals Date Symbol* Buy / Sell Quantity Traded Price ** 14/08/2015 511630 SAMBHAAV BARUN MORE B 1000000 4.18 14/08/2015 511630 SAMBHAAV GAUTAMBHAI M PATEL GAUTAMBHAI M PATEL S 1000000 4.18 Page 2 Alternative Research | India | Deals Report BSE Bulk Deals Date Symbol* Security Name Buy / Sell Client Name Quantity Traded Price ** 14/08/2015 531731 AARYAGLOBL HITESH SURESH BHATTAD S 3236 14/08/2015 531731 AARYAGLOBL HITESH SURESH BHATTAD B 224241 7.6 7 14/08/2015 532870 / / ANKITMETAL MAVI INVESTMENT FUND LIMITED S 762000 3.08 14/08/2015 523019 BNRSEC RAHUL SHARMA S 16472 32.04 14/08/2015 523019 BNRSEC RAHUL SHARMA B 26081 31.87 14/08/2015 531276 BOMSS MERIT CREDIT CORPORATION LTD B 26000 136.5 136.49 14/08/2015 531276 BOMSS K K SECURITIES LTD S 26505 14/08/2015 531276 BOMSS K K SECURITIES LTD B 510 134.07 14/08/2015 531458 BOSTONBIO SURYANSH STOCK AND SHARES PRIVATE LIMITED S 36702 14 14/08/2015 531458 BOSTONBIO SURYANSH STOCK AND SHARES PRIVATE LIMITED B 34060 14.36 14/08/2015 531358 CHOICEIN KAMAL PODDAR B 100000 33.21 14/08/2015 531358 CHOICEIN VINITA SUNIL PATODIA B 100000 33.3 14/08/2015 538542 GOLDCOINHF RONAK ASHWIN CHOKSI S 12774 54.41 53.68 14/08/2015 538542 GOLDCOINHF RONAK ASHWIN CHOKSI B 27013 14/08/2015 538542 GOLDCOINHF ILA PRAFULCHANDRA BHAGAT S 25000 53.7 14/08/2015 533602 LESHAIND RAJ KUMAR SAIN S 60800 15.25 14/08/2015 533602 LESHAIND RAJ KUMAR SAIN B 60800 15.25 14/08/2015 534422 LOOKS HARISHBHAI KESHAVLAL PATEL B 49600 36.1 14/08/2015 500284 LORDSCHLO ABLE INFRASTRUCTURES PRIVATE LIMITED S 155100 23.2 14/08/2015 539178 PELTD MUKESH COMMOTRADE LTD S 25680 45.73 14/08/2015 539178 PELTD BHAVIK P VORA S 40000 39 14/08/2015 539178 PELTD JITENDRA POPATLAL KACHHIYAPATEL S 4275 43.24 14/08/2015 539178 PELTD JITENDRA POPATLAL KACHHIYAPATEL B 125938 39.68 14/08/2015 539178 PELTD MINAKSHI INDER SINGH . S 29000 35.3 14/08/2015 512217 PRISMMEDI JAYESH RAWAL B 10000 30.24 14/08/2015 512217 PRISMMEDI NUMISMA FINANCIAL ADVISORS PRIVATE LIMITED B 55000 29.11 14/08/2015 512217 PRISMMEDI ITHICA FISCAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED B 55000 28.65 14/08/2015 512217 PRISMMEDI EMERALD CORPORATE ADVISORY PRIVATE LIMITED B 60000 29.62 14/08/2015 512217 PRISMMEDI NARANBHAI MOHANBHAI MALANI S 30053 28.19 14/08/2015 512217 PRISMMEDI ARUNA DINESH SHAH S 40364 28.6 14/08/2015 512217 PRISMMEDI ARUNA DINESH SHAH B 25626 29.51 Page 3 Alternative Research | India | Deals Report * Symbol: NSE Symbol / BSE Code ** Price: Trade Price / Wghtd Average Price Page 4 Alternative Research | India | Deals Report This is a technical / derivatives / alternative research report prepared by our analysts based on their study of certain charts, statistical data and their interpretation of the same. Accordingly, the views and opinions expressed in this document may or may not match or may be contrary at times with the views, estimates, rating, target price of the other research reports / materials issued by PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd. This report is issued by PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd. which is regulated by SEBI. PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Phillip (Mauritius) Pvt. Ltd. References to "PCIPL" in this report shall mean PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd unless otherwise stated. This report is prepared and distributed by PCIPL for information purposes only and neither the information contained herein nor any opinion expressed should be construed or deemed to be construed as solicitation or as offering advice for the purposes of the purchase or sale of any security, investment or derivatives. The information and opinions contained in the Report were considered by PCIPL to be valid when published. 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Important: These disclosures and disclaimers must be read in conjunction with the research report of which it forms part. Receipt and use of the research report is subject to all aspects of these disclosures and disclaimers. Additional information about the issuers and securities discussed in this research report is available on request. . Certifications: The research analyst(s) who prepared this research report hereby certifies that the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the research analyst analyst’ss personal views about all of the subject issuers and/or securities, securities that the analyst have no known conflict of interest and no part of the research analyst’s compensation was, is or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific views or recommendations contained in this research report. The Research Analyst certifies that he /she or his / her family members does not own the stock(s) covered in this research report. Independence/Conflict: PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd. has not had an investment banking relationship with, and has not received any compensation for investment banking services from, the subject issuers in the past twelve (12) months, and PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd does not anticipate receiving or intend to seek compensation for investment banking services from the subject issuers in the next three (3) months. PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd is not a market maker in the securities mentioned in this research report, although it or its, employees, directors, or affiliates may hold either long or short positions in such securities. PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd may not hold more than 1% of the shares of the company(ies) covered in this report. . Suitabilityy and Risks: This research report p is for informational p purposes p onlyy and is not tailored to the specific p investment objectives, j financial situation or particular requirements of any individual recipient hereof. Certain securities may give rise to substantial risks and may not be suitable for certain investors. Each investor must make its own determination as to the appropriateness of any securities referred to in this research report based upon the legal, tax and accounting considerations applicable to such investor and its own investment objectives or strategy, its financial situation and its investing experience. The value of any security may be positively or adversely affected by changes in foreign exchange or interest rates, as well as by other financial, economic or political factors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance or results. Sources, Completeness and Accuracy: The material herein is based upon information obtained from sources that PCIPL and the research analyst believe to be reliable, but neither PCIPL nor the research analyst represents or guarantees that the information contained herein is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. Opinions expressed herein are current opinions as of the date appearing on this material and are subject to change without notice. Furthermore, PCIPL is under no obligation to update or keep the information current. Page 5 Alternative Research | India | Deals Report Copyright: The copyright in this research report belongs exclusively to PCIPL. All rights are reserved. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. No reprinting or reproduction, in whole or in part, is permitted without the PCIPL’s prior consent, except that a recipient may reprint it for internal circulation only and only if it is reprinted in its entirety. 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