Fall 2015, Volume 17, No. 2 Published biannually The Shalom Spirit A Newsletter from Shalom Spirituality Center INSIDE From the Director 12th Annual Shalom Shenanigans Dinner, Auction & Raffle 2014 Caring Contributors 2015 Fall Programs/Retreat Days Advent Eve for Women ­— Dinner & Program Beatitudes & Leadership Book Discussions Breakfasts — Fall & Winter Celebrating the Holidays in a New Way Grief Support Dinner & Program Centering Prayer & Taize Prayer Compassionate Acceptance Contemplative Practices Days of Quiet & Prayer Embracing Life After the Death of a Spouse or Significant Other Evening of Advent & Christmas Music & Readings – Dinner & Program Faith Sharing (Thomas Merton book) 12th Annual Grieving the Loss of a Loved One Images of God Italian Feast Knots on a Counting Rope Legacy of the Heart Friday, October 23 5:30-9:00 pm The Real Christmas The Sacredness of Christmas Shalom on the Road T’ai Chi Chih Classes Event Tickets: $50 per person Seating is limited, so be sure to register early. Register/prepay by Oct. 16. Veterans Retreat Yoga Classes / Yoga Lunch & Learn Yoga Retreat (See back flap for raffle tickets.) 2016 Retreat Directors Joe Chinnici OFM Paula D’Arcy Don Goergen OP 1 Carolyn Osiek RSCJ Diarmuid O’Murchu MSC Nancy Sylvester IHM Photo by Sister Phyllis Manternach, OSF FROM THE DIRECTOR “To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.” —Mary Oliver Dear friends and benefactors of Shalom, If you are like me, I can walk through a day performing routine tasks and not be aware of what I’m doing. An example is when I brush my teeth in the early morning while thinking of my plans for the day. It is an ongoing task for me to be present to what I’m doing. Being mindful of the present and attending to our present experience is a gift and a work of art. But it can be learned and practiced. Mindfulness is a current meditative practice, but one that was also practiced eons ago. We can use mindfulness in a prayerful way. What does this have to do with Shalom Spirituality Center? Our mission statement reads: Founded in the Franciscan Tradition, Shalom Spirituality Center is a sacred place in a peaceful environment calling people to God and fullness of life. We welcome all wherever you are on your spiritual journey. Welcome to our space where you can deepen relationships with God and one another. To do this, we provide spiritual programs and retreats to meet your needs. (Perhaps becoming more mindful.) Some of our unique offerings this fall are: Veteran’s Retreat Weekend; Leadership Retreat focusing on the Beatitudes; Legacy of the Heart Retreat Weekend focusing on ways to pass on our values, life lessons and wishes for the next generation in our families; Mindful ways to Heal Life’s Wounds; Reflections on a Franciscan Pilgrimage at the Italian dinner; Images of God, and a Grandparents Evening. In addition, we offer many other events that we hope will be of interest to you. Jan Novotka, a well-known composer and musician, will lead us in a Friday evening concert and will conduct a retreat weekend. We hope you will attend this very fine musical event. Shalom and all good, Sr. Marci Blum, Director and the Staff of TAIZE PRAYER in the Shalom Chapel 1ST THURSDAY EACH MONTH • 7:00–8:00pm Monthly Musicians: Jim Brimeyer, Carol Hemesath OSF & Marie Therese Kalb OSF. Guest musicians TBA. Thursday, Sept. 3 “As Darkness Falls” Thursday, Oct. 1 “Come & Rest a While” Thursday, Nov. 5 “We Pray for Those Gone Before” Thursday, Dec. 3 "My Soul in Stillness" Rhonda Miska (Photo by Wendy L. Wareham Photography) Rhonda Miska will be joining our Shalom staff beginning August 10! Rhonda will be assuming a new position entitled Coordinator of Programming and Development. Rhonda Miska is originally from Middleton, WI. She holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, a Master’s degree from the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, and was trained in spiritual direction through the Open Door in Charlottesville, Virginia. She served as a Jesuit Volunteer in rural Nicaragua; in parish ministry in the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia; and as coordinator of Innisfree Village (a community with adults with intellectual disabilities) and as a retreat leader for returned missioners with Franciscan Mission Service. She is also a freelance writer and contributor to the book Catholic Women Speak: Bringing Our Gifts to the Table which will be published this fall by Paulist Press. Rhonda is delighted to be joining the staff at Shalom Spirituality Center, 2 and is excited to be back in her native Midwest after many years away. Includes sung repetition of short refrains centered around a monthly theme, a Scripture reading, intercessions and shared silence around the cross. People of all faith traditions are invited. Registration not required. Free will offering. CENTERING PRAYER Mondays, Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16 7:00–8:00pm Facilitator: Marilyn Dansart Join others in quiet, meditative prayer, discussion and support. Registration not required. Free will offering. Fall 2014 Programs & Retreats FALL 2015 PROGRAMS & RETREATS EMBRACING LIFE After the Death of a Spouse or Significant Other Saturday, Sept. 12 8:30am–3:30pm Team: Jon Brachman, Barbara Meloy Callahan, Diane Fasselius, Gary Schulte, Pat Pierce, & Marci Blum OSF Gather with others who have lost a spouse or significant other and share experiences of loss, grief and healing. Topics include: coping with loss, making adjustments, dealing with fears, surviving and thriving. Offering: $40, includes snacks and lunch. Register/prepay by Tuesday, Sept. 8 . RETREAT WEEKEND VETERANS WEEKEND RETREAT Friday, Sept. 18, 4:00 pm to Sunday, Sept. 20, 12:30 pm Presenters: Fr. Conrad Targonski OFM and Gregory Masiello Retreat weekend is designed to offer healing insights from St. Francis of Assisi who was a prisoner of war facing hardships and challenges before undergoing a profound religious experience. Participants will examine, from various perspectives, the challenges confronting veterans in light of St. Francis. We will look Fr. Conrad at servant-leadership and what this Targonski entails in a veteran’s life. OFM Offering: Overnight $130. Commuters: includes 2 dinners & 2 lunches. $110. $10 early bird discount if registered by Aug. 18. $50 DEPOSIT. Nonrefundable. Register/prepay by Monday, Sept. 14. Gregory Masiello DAYS OF QUIET & PRAYER (four monthly sessions) BOOK: Sacred Fire by Ronald Rolheiser Wednesdays, Sept. 23, Oct. 21, Nov. 18, Dec. 16 9:30am–2:30pm (9:15am – continental breakfast) Facilitator: Eileen Miller OSF Come for a relaxing, reflective day away each month. We open each session with a short prayer, spend much of the day in reading and reflection, have lunch, and close with a group discussion of the reading followed by prayer. In Sacred Fire: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity, Fr. Ron Rolheiser, with his trademark acuity, wit, and thoughtfulness, shows how identifying and embracing discipleship will lead to new heights of spiritual awareness and maturity. He writes, “The intent of this book is to try to address… (the) questions: How can we live less self-centered, more mature lives? What constitutes deep maturity and how do we reach that place? And, not unimportantly, what constitutes a more adult, Christian discipleship and a truly mature following of Jesus?” Offering: $85/4–session monthly series. Includes book, program, materials, lunch and private room. Register/prepay by Wednesday, Sept. 9 (so books can be ordered). SHALOM FALL BREAKFAST Autumn: A Season of Beauty & Reflection Thursday, September 24, 7:00–8:00am Mass at 8:15am Presenter: Carol Hoverman, OSF, Retired Editor of The Witness Celebrate the season with a great breakfast and some spiritual nourishment as well. Autumn is filled with crisp air, color and beauty, nostalgia and anticipation. Join Carol as she muses on this season of reflective beauty. Offering: $9. Register/prepay by Monday, Sept. 21. 12th Annual Friday, Oct. 23, 5:30–9:00pm LIKE US ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/shalomretreats 3 Social • Fine Dining • Silent Auction Entertainment • Raffle For details, see back cover. (NOTE: See inside back flap for raffle tickets.) Shalom Spirituality Center • 563/582-3592 • www.shalomretreats.org RETREAT DAY WISDOM OF THE BEATITUDES AND LEADERSHIP Saturday, Sept. 26, 9:00 am–3:00 pm Facilitator: Dan Ebener This retreat will allow for personal reflection and small group interaction, as well as presentation and large group interaction. We will begin with prayer and reflection centered around the parable of the Sower and the Seed. This parable will be the focus of personal reflection on preparing our own personal soil to hear the word of God and to act upon it (Mt: 13:23). The retreat will continue with reflections on the eight Beatitudes (Matt 5: 1-10), applying these bits of wisdom from Jesus to the practice of leadership in the church and society. Offering: $40 that includes lunch, snacks and Ebener’s book, Blessings For Leaders. Register/prepay by noon, Sept. 23. BRIDGES TO CONTEMPLATIVE LIVING Mondays, Sept. 28, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 7:00–8:30pm Facilitators: Marci Blum OSF Using the booklet, "Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton," we will focus on the theme, “Traveling Your Road to Joy.” Through reflection on our ordinary experiences with the writings of Thomas Merton, we will dialogue with others in the group on living contemplatively in the midst of our busy and active lives. Offering: $40 includes booklet, beverage, and snacks. Register/prepay by Tuesday, Sept. 22. ITALIAN FEAST FOR BODY & SPIRIT The Joy of Pilgrimage Tuesday, September 29, 6:00–8:00pm Presenters: Renae Hohensee OSF & Marion Huettner A year ago, as part of our 25th Anniversary, Shalom issued an invitation for a pilgrimage to Italy, with a special emphasis on Assisi, the hometown of Sts. Francis and Clare. This evening’s speakers were among the approximately 20 people who accepted the invitation to pilgrimage. After we have enjoyed a feast of Italian-style food and drink, Marion and Renae will share how the journey affected their spiritual lives and what unraveled in them during the trip and after, as well as some of the laughter that is inevitable in joyous adventures. Offering: $24. Register & prepay by Friday, September 25. 4 SPECIAL YOGA EVENTS LUNCH & LEARN: Chair Yoga — Better Breathing Wednesday, Sept. 30, 12:00–1:00pm Join Deb May, Certified Yoga Instructor, for a Chair Yoga practice, with focus on releasing tension from your body to open your lungs for more complete breathing. We’ll also explore using breath as a mindfulness tool. Register & prepay by noon Monday, September 28 SUPPER & STRETCH: Walking Yoga Tuesday, Oct. 6, 5:30–7:00pm We will walk through a few Yoga poses to center and stretch, then a short walk during which we will apply yoga techniques to help us become more aware, more grateful and stronger. After the walk, a nutritious supper will be waiting for us in the Shalom dining room. Register & prepay by Friday, October 2 LUNCH & LEARN: Chair Yoga — Balance Wednesday, Nov. 4, 12:00–1:00pm Balance is an essential element for good health. Learn some gentle, effective Chair Yoga stretches to ease tension, build strength, increase focus and improve balance in body, mind and spirit. Offering for each program: $13, includes meal Register & prepay by noon Monday, November 2 YOGA FOR HEALTH & WELL-BEING Deb May, Certified Yoga Instructor, over 15 years experience NEW students – First class is FREE YOGA – MIXED LEVEL Beginners welcome! WEDNESDAYS, 9:30 – 10:30am Sept. 9 – 30, 4 classes, $32 Nov. 4 – 18, 3 classes, $24 Oct. 7 – 28, 4 classes, $32 Dec. 2 – 16, 3 classes, $24 WEDNESDAYS, 4:30 – 5:40pm or 6:00 – 7:10pm Sept. 9 – 30, 4 classes, $36 Nov. 4 – 18, 3 classes, $27 Oct. 7 – 28, 4 classes, $36 Dec. 4 – 16, 3 classes, $27 FRIDAYS, 9:30 – 10:30am Sept. 11 – 25, 3 classes, $24 Oct. 2 – 30, 5 classes, $40 Nov. 6 – 20, 3 classes, $24 Dec. 2 – 11, 2 classes, $16 YOGA FLOW – Basic yoga experience required. MONDAYS, 9:30 – 11:00am Sept. 14 – 28, 3 classes, $30 Nov. 2 – 30, 5 classes, $40 Oct. 5 – 26, 4 classes, $40 Dec. 7 – 14, 2 classes, $20 TO REGISTER email: yogacaredbq@gmail.com or call Deb at 563/556-7141 www.yogacare.net CONTEMPLATIVE PRACTICES Saturday, Oct. 10, 9:00–3:00pm Facilitators: Sr. Carol Hemesath OSF, Sr. Mary Hauber OSF & Sr. Marci Blum OSF We hear the word spirituality used often, notably, our name Shalom Spirituality Center. A spiritual life is natural to each of us. Everyone has a spiritual life expressed in different ways. A spiritual life is a life lived in love—in God’s love extended to all. It is how we interact in loving relationships with God, others and creation. Contemplative spiritual living is a loving presence, reflecting on and connecting experience to God’s presence within us. We will experience ways or practices of contemplation in singing, praying with Scripture, walking meditation, art and silence. Our day will include several films for inner reflection. We quiet our mind, open our heart, release stresses, enhance creativity and center ourselves. Offering: $40 includes lunch, snacks, handouts and space for quiet time. Register/prepay by noon, Oct. 7. KNOTS ON A COUNTING ROPE An Evening for Grandparents & Grandchildren Tuesday, October 13, 6:30–7:30pm Facilitators: Deacon Steve & Kathy MacDonald Retired Teachers and Active Grandparents Throughout the centuries a sacred relationship has always existed between grandparent and grandchild. However, in today’s fast paced world it may be difficult for them to connect as often as they would like. This evening will celebrate the special bond between children and their grandparents. There will be stories and a choice of age appropriate activities in which both generations can share. Suggested age: children 3 to 12 and their grandparents or other senior relative or friend; however, all ages are welcome. Offering: $6/person or $5/person for three or more. Register & prepay by Monday, October 12. WISH LIST LEGACY OF THE HEART RETREAT Friday, October 16, 7:00pm to Sunday, October 18, 1:00pm Facilitators: Joanne Station What we have is little compared to who we are. The greatest gift we can leave behind is the essence of our self in this lifetime. More than anything material, it is our values, insights, life lessons and wishes for those we love that become the legacy that lives on in the hearts and minds of generations to come. Joanne Through exploration of what holds Station true meaning to us, this retreat helps bring clarity and expression to that which is held in the core of our being. It culminates in a legacy letter for sharing the wealth of our lifetime experiences. Offering: Overnights for 2 nights and 5 meals: $186.50. Commuters for 3 meals: $172.50. $10 early bird discount if registered by Sept. 16 $50 DEPOSIT. Nonrefundable Register/prepay by Monday, Oct. 12. Please note: this event is limited to 12 participants! Shalom's Annual Evening for Those GRIEVING THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE Tuesday, Nov. 3, 7:00–8:30pm Presenter/Facilitator: Mary Potter Kenyon After a warm reception last year, Mary has graciously agreed to come again this year to present/facilitate this program. She intimately knows what it is to face grief. In the space of three years she lost a mother, a Mary Potter husband and a grandson. Mary will speak of finding hope and healing Kenyon in the midst of the darkness of loss, and share excerpts from her book, Refined by Fire: A Journey of Grief and Grace. After the presentation, those present will be invited to share, in small groups, as much as they wish of their own stories. The evening will close with a short memorial prayer service. Free will offering. Register by Monday, Nov. 2. • New or gently used digital display alarm clocks LUNCH AND LEARN: Yoga — Balance • Volunteers to assist with yard work • 18–20 cubic ft. energy efficient refrigerator • Two laser printers for Shalom office staff use — one with color printing capability, one black ink only Wednesday, Nov. 4, 12:00–1:00pm 5 See details on page 4. Shalom Spirituality Center • 563/582-3592 • www.shalomretreats.org READING THAT MATTERS Book Discussions – a continuing series Facilitator: Eileen Miller OSF We continue discussions of books that can impact how we look at our world and the people in it. All are welcome to join us in discussing the books we have read. Offering: $6/session. Register by the Monday before each discussion. Books for the fall and the discussion dates are: BOOK: An Invisible Thread: The True Story of an 11-Year-Old Panhandler, a Busy Sales Executive, and an Unlikely Meeting with Destiny by Laura Schroff & Alex Tresniowski Tuesday, Oct. 6, 7:00–8:30pm It could have ended with a passing glance. He could have been just another panhandler, and she could have been one of many New Yorkers who simply walks on by. Instead, Laura Schroff stopped and bought lunch for eleven-year-old Maurice. From that day, their unique bond evolved into a profound friendship that changed the course of their lives in ways neither could have imagined. BOOK: Wild by Cheryl Strayed Tuesday, Nov. 17, 7:00–8:30pm Cheryl Strayed writes of the redemptive nature of travel. For three months she hiked 1,100 miles alone along the Pacific Crest Trail, a continuous wilderness undulating from Mexico to Canada over nine mountain ranges. She did it, she says, "in order to save myself.” After the long and difficult trek, she came out on the other side stronger in every way and is better able to cope with her divorce, her past drug abuse and her mother's death. FORMING FAITH DISCOVERING IMAGES OF GOD Thursday, November 12, 7:00–9:00pm Presenters: Emily Kahm, Adult Faith Formation Director, St. Joseph the Worker Parish How do you imagine God? While all images of God are incomplete, we are affected by the images that are most prominent in our tradition, like "Father" and "Lord." This program delves into our scriptural tradition to unearth imagery of God that can speak to us in unexpected ways, like God as nature, light, animals, maternity, and so on. We will explore which images push our imagination and help us encounter God with renewed energy. Emily Kahm is a young, enthusiastic and very knowledgeable presenter. Offering: $10. Register & prepay by Tuesday, November 10. 6 YOGA RETREAT THE GIFT OF GRATITUDE YOGA RETREAT Friday, November 13, 7:00pm to Sunday, November 15, 1:00pm Presenter: Michelle Watters, Certified Yoga Instructor Give yourself the gift of a yoga retreat weekend. The weekend will include asana (physical poses) practice, breath work and spiritual practices. This experience will create opportunities for the participant to move from “doing” yoga to “being” yoga. Spiritual topics include gratitude, meditation, setting intentions, attuning to the spirit within and breath awareness. There will also be time for personal reflection and selfcare. Participants are encouraged to bring a journal. Offering: Overnights for 2 nights and 5 meals: $170. Commuters, including 3 meals: $150. $50 DEPOSIT. Nonrefundable. $10 early bird discount if registered by October 13. Register/prepay by noon, Monday, November 9. COMPASSIONATE ACCEPTANCE: A mindful path to healing life’s wounds Friday, Nov. 20, 5:30pm to Saturday, Nov.21, 4:00pm Facilitator: Tom Roberts, LCSW We all carry with us a store of life’s hurts, betrayals, and traumas. Much of the impact of these experiences resides deeply in our nerves and cells of our bodies, to be relived repeatedly throughout our lives. Too often, we develop a type of aversion to these hurts; a kind of wishing they would go away. Deep healing occurs only Tom when we soften our self aversion and Roberts, begin to accept and relate wisely with LCSW deep compassion to those parts of ourselves that need healing. This retreat will provide a spacious and safe place to work on bringing mindful and compassionate acceptance to these difficulties. Through the exploration of contemplative and meditation teachings and healing practices, you will be able to reach a kind of healing based on acceptance and compassion that is often overlooked. This depth of healing is integral to deepening the spiritual path.. Offering: Overnight: $140. Commuter $120 includes Friday dinner & Saturday lunch. $10 early bird discount if registered by Oct. 20. $50 DEPOSIT. Nonrefundable. Additional overnight with breakfast $42. Register/prepay by Monday, Nov. 16. CELEBRATING THE HOLIDAYS IN A NEW WAY: Dinner, Sharing and Prayer for those who have Lost a Spouse or Significant Other Thursday, Dec. 3, 5:00–7:00pm Facilitator: Barbara Meloy Callahan & Marci Blum OSF Holidays can be a difficult time for those who have lost a spouse or significant other. In a supportive group, life is shared and made anew. Join friends or find new friends while enjoying a festive meal and sharing stories. Offering: $24. Register/prepay by noon, Monday, Nov. 30. ADVENT EVENING FOR WOMEN An "Advent-sure" Monday, December 7, 6:00–9:00pm Presenters: S. Ruth Jackson SVM and "Lydia" Ladies, welcome to our annual Advent evening designed just for you! Join with other women of faith in taking sacred time to become more deeply aware of Advent’s riches. We’ll share conversation and friendship around a relaxing social and meal, followed by a prayerful and inspirational celebration of the season in our chapel. Invite your friends to join you for this gentle and lovely evening. Offering: $24. Register & prepay by Wednesday, Dec. 2. SHALOM WINTER BREAKFAST Praying through Advent with Poems of Darkness and LIght Thursday, December 10, 7:00–8:00am, Mass at 8:15 Presenter: Rhonda Miska, Shalom Staff Join us before sunrise for our winter breakfast, complete with the wonderful foods our dietary department always offers. Then, if you haven’t already done so, meet our speaker and new staff member, Rhonda, as she reflects with us using poetry fitting the season. Offering: $9. Register & prepay by Monday, December 7. THE SACREDNESS OF CHRISTMAS & THE SWEETNESS OF ITS MUSIC Monday, December 14, 6:00–9:00pm Presenters: Carol Hemesath OSF and your favorite Dubuque Area Musicians With happy hearts, we gather to enjoy a bountiful meal. Then we nourish our spirits with the music of the season, interspersed with readings and prayer. Join us for a joyous evening that will hopefully open our hearts and minds to the message of Jesus. Offering: $24, includes dinner. Register/prepay by Wednesday, Dec. 9. PRIVATE RETREATS/SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Private or directed retreats for individuals are offered year-round. The length of the retreat is flexible, and spirtual direction can be arranged. THE REAL CHRISTMAS Christmas Manger Evening for Families with Young Children Shalom provides a comfortable and peaceful setting for spiritual direction. Spiritual Directors are available for ongoing spiritual guidance. Suggested Offering: $30/session. For more information, call Sr. Marci Blum at 563/582-3592. Tuesday, December 8, 6:30–7:30pm Facilitators: Deacon Steve and Kathy MacDonald, Retired Teachers and Active Grandparents This evening is especially designed for families with very young children, although all ages are welcome. The focus will be on infants, toddlers, preschool age, and primary grade children. Bring your family’s manger scene in a bag or box and gather as a family to enjoy an evening of simple stories, explanations, and activities about the first Christmas. If you do not have a manger scene one will be provided. Don’t worry if your children are noisy and active. Jesus was once a very young child himself. He’ll understand and so will we. Offering: $6/person or $15/family. Register/prepay by Monday, Dec. 7. 7 Lower level of Shalom MASSAGE SERVICES by Licensed, Certified Therapists Appointments: 563/690-0506 Lisa Schmidt LMT, Sharon Hoppenjan LMT & Amber Sisler LMT Mary Benedict LMT Appointments: 563/580-7024 COUNSELING SERVICES AFFINITY CENTER 563/213-8502 — Kim Kali-Schultes LISW, CCDP-D — Psychotherapy for adults, couples & professionals facing emotional, physical & spiritual challenges Many health insurance plans accepted. Shalom Spirituality Center • 563/582-3592 • www.shalomretreats.org THANK YOU TO SHALOM'S 2014 CARING CONTRIBUTORS Donors listed contributed to Shalom Retreat Center in 2014. Listing the names of donors is one way to show appreciation to the many friends who support our ministry. We have made every effort toward accuracy. If, however, we have overlooked any information or if your name has been misspelled or omitted, please accept our apologies and advise us by calling Shalom at 563/582-3592. INDIVIDUALS Allen, Betty Alt, Joyce Alt, Peter & Cindy Althaus, Linda Ament, Michael & Mary Pat Anderson Jr., Bob & Deborah Andresen, Mary Ann Arensdorf, Joann Avery, Harvey & Mary Ann Balek OSF, Michelle Bamrick, John & Eunice Barbieur ANG, Mary Barta, Msgr James O Barta, Rev. Ardel Bartz, Jack & Cheryl Bauerly, Dr Donna Baum BVM, Carol Marie Bechen, Jane & Tom Berger, Judy Beringer OSF, Jean Berkley, Jon & Kate Besch OSF, Carol Bessey, Linda & Tracy Bigler OSF, Mary Lou Billmeyer, Cyndy Blaedel, Deborah Blouin, Mike & Suzanne Blum OSF, Marci Bluml, Carol & Don Boeckmann, Doug & Suzanne Bohr, Arlene Bonert OSF, Bertha Bowar, Nell Bragg, Mary Rae Breitbach, Larry & Fran Breitbach, Mike & Angie Bricker, Verabeth Brunkan, Bob & Frances Brunkan, Dave & Marian Lueck Burkle OSF, Marge Calcari, Judith Cavanagh, Ross & Mary E Chidley, Janet Christ, Jodi Cicciarelli, Frank & Theresa Clemen, Jane & Roger Colling OSF, Ramona Conlon, Kathy & Jim 8 Connors, Tom & Joyce Cornelius, Steve & Kathy Cosgrove, Mike & Connie Covey, Dr. Brian & Michelle Cowan, Ronald & Jeanne Culbertson, Kent & Kathy Curran, Bernie & Phyllis Curran, Patrick & Mary Sharon Curran, Phyllis & Bernie Dalsing, Mary Jo Dansart, Bernie & Marilyn Davis, Harold & Linda Takes De Sotel, Margaret Debettignies, Elizabeth Hochstatter Deppe OSF, Julitta Dobucki, Kenneth & Mary Ann Dodds, James & Dorothy Doerr, Pat Dole, Karen Domeny, Rose Marie Donahue OSF, Liz Douglas-Beck, Milton & Margaret Duffy, Margaret & Stan Dunn OSF, Ann Marie Dunphy, Marlys Eichler OSF, Bev Einck OSF, Marian Eisbach, Nancy & Pete Elsbernd OSF, Ruth Emge, John Ernzen, Florence Errthum OSF, Alice Ervolino, John & Mary Even, Larry & Joyce Fangmann, Dale & Arlene Feagan OP, Christine Feldmann, Bob Fitzpatrick OSF, Kathryn Fontaine, Robert & Carol Forkenbrock OSF, Kay Foster, Susan Freiburger, Don & Ellie Freking OSF, Angie Freking OSF, Carole Freking OSF, Edwardine Freking OSF, Marilyn Frick, Dorothy Friedell, Rev. Ronald G. Friedl, Msgr. Francis P. Friedman, Larry Friedman, Terry & Paula Friedman OSF, Madonna Frommelt OSF, Nancy Frommelt OSF, Sally Frost, Wayne & Barbara Frueh, Mary & Leo Funk, Francis & Rita Mary Funke, Ken & Margaret Gabrielson, Richard & Connie Gansemer, Ed & Ruth Gansen, Ron & Shirley Garcia, Marlene Young Gassman, Jane & Stan Gassman, Margie Gaul, Rev. Richard Gaul, Sandy Geary, Rev. Patrick G. Gebhart, Dave & Ann George OSF, Annette Giese, Deb & Dennis Giese, Tom & Paula Giesen, Jim & Judy Ginder OSF, Edna Glaser OSF, M. Assumpta Glaser OSF, Teresine Goblirsch, Germaine Tressel Godwin, Carol Goings, Ruth Goldsmith OSF, Mary Beth Golinvaux, Leanne Gordon BVM, Jean Gore, Susan Gosche, Jerry Gossman, Theresa Govern, Jean Marie Gray, George & Dorothy Grebinec, Mary Green OSF, Rita Groetken OSF, Ella Habel, Bob & Marlene Halbach OSF, Edith Halverson, Jim & Charlotte Hanson, Bradley & Marion Harris, David & Becky Hartman, Heather Hatt, Vince Hauber OSF, Carol Ann Hauber OSF, Mary Haverkamp OSF, Janet Hayek, Betty Hayen BVM, C. Jean Hayes, Tim & Ann Hebig OSF, Bona Joan Hedrick, Anne Heenan, George & Lucille Hefel, Dennis & Sharon Hefel OSF, Laurinda Heiar, Dave & Jane Heim, Norm & Helen Heim, Wayne & Connie Heinz, Catherine Heitzman, Robert Hemann OSF, Camilla Hemann OSF, Mary Kenneth Hemesath, Carol Fransen Hemesath OSF, Carol Henkel, Cynthia Hennessey OSF, Gwen Herrig OSF, Lavonne Herzog, Justine Heuer OSF, Pat Hickson, Bill Hilby, Bernadette & Doug Hillary, Betty Hirsch, Meridith Hoffman, Kay Hoffmann, Tom & Joan Hohensee OSF, Renae Holles BVM, Harriet Homan OSF, Jeanette Honkamp, Joyce Hosch OSF, Jane Houselog, Kenny & Amy Hoverman OSF, Carol Huber, Ron & Marge Hughes, James Huinker, Art & Ann Ivis OSF, Susan Jack, Tom & Joanne Jacobs, Marilynn Johnson, Andrew & Maureen Jorgensen, Jerry & Mary Jungers, Dan & Phyllis Jungers OSF , Theresa Kahle, Dr. Donald & Erm Kalb, John & Deb Kalb, Shirley Kalb, Steve & Sharon Kalb OSF, Marie Therese Kamentz OSF, Shirley Karnik, Rev George Kelley OSF, Elvira Kennicker, Jacqueline & Karl Kilburg OSF, Lou Ann Kinsella, Michael Kirkpatrick, Marilyn Klauer, Bob & Judy Klein, Merlyn & Jan Klein, Rick & Marilyn Kleitsch OSF, Ruth Klostermann OSF, Marian Kluesner, Mary Kotz, George & Kathleen Kouba, Terry & Juliana Kreber OSF, Janet Kremer, John & Connie Kruse, Barbara Kunkel, Kim Kuntz, Theresa Kutsch, Rev. Eugene C. Kutsch OSF, Corinne Lambert OSF, Eleanor Lang OSF, Madonna Lange, Kurt & Kim LeGrand, Ron & Carol Leinen, Robert & Janice Leisen, Vince & Karen Leuenberger OSF, Millie Linden, Donald Link, Allan & Alice Link, Delbert & Lucille Link, Joe & Connie Link, Loras & Tammy Link-Dolphin, Nancy Lochner-Dodds, Diane & Dan Lohrman OSF, JoAnn Lonergan, Mary Longo, Carmela Loosbrock OSF, Davida Lucid BVM, Joanne Luedtke OSF, Martha Ann Lyon, Ruth & Randolph Maahs, Dee Maiers, Terry & Rae Ann Mallie, Leo & Rosemary Maloy, Geri & Michael Manternach, Janaan Manternach OSF, Anna Marie Marsh, Gregory Martin, Elaine & Dennis Mauss, Bill & Darlene McAllister OSF, Dolores McAlpin BVM, Sara McAndrews, Dave & Mary Schiffer McCarthy, Joy McClean, Msgr. John R. McCoy, Robb McCullough, Jack & Lynn McGeeney, Pat De Maio McHugh BVM, Dolores Meis, Peter & Klista Meyer, Donna & Daniel Meyer, Tom & Judy Meyer OSF, Joan Meyerhofer OSF, Nona Michael, Mary Jo & Jim Miller, Frank & Mary Anne Miller, Robert & Susan Miller, Rod Mooney, Joleen Morgan, Judi Morrison, Jo Ann Graf Mosle BVM, Mira Nachtman OSF, Mildred Nauman, Kenneth Nebel, Anita Brewer Nelson, Steve & Peggy Nemmers, Julian & Ruth Ann Nigg, Randy & Doris Nilles, Gwen Carr Nilles, Joe & Jeanette Nilles MD, Joan Nolan, Holly Noonan, Jean A. Oswald Nugent, Owen & Mary O'Brien, Ann O’Brien, Terry & Delores Olberding, Shirley Olds, Dan & Phyllis Otting, Sarah Ouderkirk, Rev. Lloyd Paul Paisley, Fr. Jack Pancratz, Mike & Jim Pankow, Vi Pape, Terry & Janet Parrett, Sandra Pellegrini, Debbi Peraud, Mary Sharon & Joe Peterson, Richard & Annette Pfiffner, Katie Pickart OSF, Romaine Pickus, Linda Pitts, Sheila Popowski, Dennis & Char Powers, Sharon Purdy, Patricia Quirk, Rose Rea, Dave & Gerry Ready, Bonnie Briggs Rech, Bev Recker OSF, Doris Rediger, Bill & Liz Reicks, Jill & Henry Reif, Lou Rhomberg, Janet Roberts, Larry Robertson, Cathy Roddy, Mary Rodham, Stephen & Kris Rogers OSF, Susann Rolling OSF, Theresa Ronek, Lyle & Linda Rosemeyer OSF, Rebecca Rosman OSF, Janice Rubly OSF, Lene Ruff, Edmund & Barbara Sanner, Rosemary Schaefer, Audrey Theisen Schaefer OSF, Alice Schafers OSF, Veronica Scherner, Joyce & Paul Scherrman, Don & Cookie Schlader, Mary Deckert Schmid, Mary Schmidt, Erna Schuster Schmidt, Lisa Schneider, Mark & Sue Schope, Dr Ronald & Charlotte Schott, Rev. Timothy Schroeder, Richard Schuetz OSF, Bernice Schuster, Dixie Scott, Sandra Selinsky ANG, Mary Jo Seney, Sharon Sherman, Francis Shippy, James & Bonnie Slabinski SFCC, Josephine Smith OSF, Maureen Soppe OSF, Antonita Spalla, Nancy & Tom Stabenow, David & Eva Staudt OSF, Marge Staudt OSF, Mary Arnold Steckel, Bryan & Heather Stoffel OSF, Joan Stoll OSF, Dorothy Strausse, Donald Streng, Lloyd Streng OSF, Clara Streng OSF, Denise Strilko, Christine Swenson, Jim Takes, Betty Teunissen, Elizabeth Theisen, Jim & Marita Thielen, Helen Thilges OSF, Alda Thirtle OSF, Carolyn Thomsen, Rev. Penny Tigges, Roger & Stella Toale, Rev. Thomas Tranel, Bert & Ann Tremmel, Mary Jo & Anthony Tschiggfrie, Dave & Deb Van Cleve, Gary & Tammy Vanderah, Dave Vaske OSF, Rosemary Voss, Mary L Wagner OSF, Mary Ann Wahlert, Bob & Donna Walsh, Marmion Watters , Michelle Watters & Nancy Knipper Welu, Tom & Cinda Wertz, Ann Wertz, Diane & Michael Wetjen, Ron Whitty, Richard & Susan Wichman RSM, Mary Cephas Wickham, Tom & Brenda Wiebmer, John & Nancy Willenborg, Dan & Joyce Wingert OSF, Mona Woerdehoff, Valorie Wolfe, Jack & Sharon Zugenbuehler, Mary Witterholt 9 GRANTS Crawford Company - North Dubuque Old House Enthusiasts Dupaco R.W. Hoefer Foundation Loras College Archbishop Kucera Center for Catholic Intellectual & Spiritual Life Pauline Stolteben Foundation Sertoma Club Wahlert Foundation IN-KIND GIFTS Applewood I & II Apartments Bertsch, Diane & Jeff Brimeyer, Jim & Kay Casel, Jeanette & Paul Einck OSF, Marian Freking OSF, Carole Friedman, Carolyn Goedken OSF, Rita Hauber, Mary & Jim Hauber OSF, Carol Ann Haverkamp OSF, Janet Holy Spirit Parish Knepper, Karen & Robert Miller, Frank & Mary Anne O'Neill, Dr. Ed Ridge Road Nursery & Landscaping Schmitt, Valorie & Kevin Weber, Jim & Jane Willenborg, Joyce BUSINESSES, FOUNDATIONS & ORGANIZATIONS Affinity Center AY McDonald Manufacturing Charitable Foundation Dubuque Bank & Trust Dubuque Old House Enthusiasts Flynn Family Foundation Fuerste Eye Clinic Hoffman Planning Design & Construction Inc. ICA Alumnae Association John Deere Classic Birdies for Charity Klauer Family Charitable Foundation Meineke Car Care Center New Melleray Abbey Premier Bank Sinsinawa Dominicans Inc. Sisters of Charity BVM Sisters of St. Francis Sisters of the Visitation St. Matthew Lutheran Church Weber Paper Company HONORARIUMS ✩ Bradley, Sally -Huber, Ron & Marge ✩ Dbq Franciscan Community -Streng OSF, Clara ✩ Franciscan Community -Freymann, Don & Jan ✩ Gottsacker, James -Gottsacker OSF, Edith ✩ Habel, Bob & Marlene 50th wedding anniversary -Coleman, Art & Shirley -Coleman, Mike & Angie -Sabers, Bob & Cathy ✩ Hanus, Archbishop Emeritus Jerome 74th Birthday -Link, Joe & Connie ✩ Kalb OSF, Marie Therese -Friedman, Larry ✩ Kalb OSF, Marie Therese & friends who started Shalom -Ouderkirk, Fran & Arlene ✩ Jungers, Margaret OSF -Swenson, Jim ✩ Rosemeyer, Rebecca -Fuerst, Paul ✩ Ruden OSF, Frances family -Hayes, Ann ✩ Schemmel, Scott & Maria wedding -Schemmel, Scott ✩ Schulte, Jane -Schulte, Gary ✩ Singh, Joyce -Witte, Sue ✩ Walz, Rev. Dean 60th anniversary -Huber, Ron & Marge MEMORIALS † Althaus, Levon Hannig -Bequest † Basinger, Bill - Franciscan associate -Basinger, Jean † Bird, Germaine C. -Petitgout, Carol & Marty -Streng OSF, Clara -Streng OSF, Denise -Barry, Frank & Anna Mae -Gillies, Gene & Deb -Knepper, Karen & Robert -Grevas, Margie & Paul -Barry, Merlin & Eunice -Huber, Ron & Marge † Bivens, Muriel C. -Bivens, Gordon † Brahm, Earl -Brahm, Velma † Brandon, Martha & Lee -Ludescher, Jack & Barb † Brown OSF, Gertrude Ann -Green, Bette Clemens -Davis, Betty † Calcari family -Calcari, Judith † Callahan, Charles E., Sr. -Callahan, Barbara Meloy † Carney family -Smith, Florence Carney † Carr & Connolly family -Carr, Bob & Rosie † Domeny, Steven & Rose -Domeny, Rose Marie † Douglas, Eugene -Douglas-Beck, Milton & Margaret † Drees OSF, Wilma -Jorgensen, Jerry & Mary † Engler OSF, Mary -Hall, Brenda † Gantenbein, Dan -Gorman, Renee & Gary † Godwin, Lacy -Godwin, Carol † Gottsacker, James H. -Gottsacker OSF, Edith † Green, Dick -Green, Susan † Hansen, Mary -Hansen, John & Nancy Lager † Heber, Dorothy -Heber, Dick † Hebig, Adrian -Hebig OSF, Bona Joan † Heiderscheit, Richard A. -Heiderscheit, Elaine † Herrig, Eldon T. -Herrig Charitable Foundation † Hrubes, Donna -Hrubes OSF, Jan † Huppenbauer, Walter -Wandrey, Anne M † Jochum OSF, Marian -Beeson CHM, Rachel † Jungers OSF, Margaret -Jungers, Arnold & Roberta -Mooney, Joleen -Gardner, Linda -Pape, Marlene -Lechtenberg OSF, Mary † Kass, Adele -Kutsch OSF, Corinne † Kingsley, Bob -McGhee, Dave & Alice † Klein, Clarence G. family -Gasper, Matthew & Shirley † Lager, John -Hansen, John & Nancy Lager † Ludescher, Ruth & John -Ludescher, Jack & Barb † Massey Virginia -Gorman, Renee & Gary † McGovern, John J. -McGovern, Rosemary Friedell † Meyerhofer OSF, Virginia -Meyerhofer OSF, Nila -Meyerhofer OSF, Nona † Michel, Margaret -Junk, Rocky & Kathy † Mother of -Nilles MD, Joan † Norpel, Richard & Janaan -Norpel, Mary † Oakley, Bud & Thelma -Kenniker, Judy † Pfeifer, Carl J. -Manternach, Janaan † Portz, Merlin J. (Bud) -Portz, Madonna † Portzen, Nick & Kate -Johnson, Mary Kay & Tim † Reed, Mary Jo Hagedorn -Hagedorn CHM, Elaine & Marilyn † Rettenmeier, Tom -Rettenmeier, Mary † Rhomberg, Jack -Rhomberg, Alice † Schlueter OSF, Carolyn -Jorgensen, Jerry & Mary † Schmidt, Michael -Schmidt, Ora Miller † Schulte, Gerie -Schulte, Gary † Steele, Frances K. -Jacobs, Marilynn † Tebbe, Alfred Jr. -Tebbe, Gladys † Tully, Mary -McGhee, Dave & Alice † Van Natta, Tony -Van Natta, Larry & Linda † Wahlert, Mr. & Mrs. R.C. -Wahlert, Bob & Donna † Whalen, Alice & LJ -Vaske, Dave & Ruth REGISTRATION & REFUND POLICY • NOTE: Please observe the registration deadlines. • Send check made payable to Shalom Spirituality Center and include the event title, attendee(s) name, address & phone to: Shalom Spirituality Center, 1001 Davis St., Dubuque, IA 52001. • Pre-register by calling 563/582-3592, emailing info@shalomretreats.org, or clicking and completing the pre-registration link at www.shalomretreats.org. Then mail your payment. NOTE: Your registration is not confirmed until payment is received. • Refunds* will only be given if a request is received three days before the event. A $5 handling charge will be subtracted from the refund amount. * Retreats require a nonrefundable deposit. The deposit may be transferred to another retreat within the same calendar year. Shalom Spirituality Center • 563/582-3592 • www.shalomretreats.org 2016 RETREATS & CONCERT Cool Comfort – now offering zoned central air conditioning TO REGISTER, send deposit to Shalom Spirituality Center. This secures your reservation and is credited to the offering for the event. DYING WITH CHRIST, RISING WITH CHRIST Ash Wednesday Option 1 — 1 Day Feb. 10, 9am – 4pm Option 2 — 3 Days Feb. 10, 9am to Feb. 12, 1pm Lent is an opportune time to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ. What does new life in Christ mean for us? Lent prepares the way. Easter celebrates the gift. If we do not die with him, we will not be raised with him. We gather to contemplate the mystery together. Includes daily Eucharist. Fr. Goergen is a Dominican priest, teacher, lecturer and author. He currently teaches at the Aquinas Fr. Don Institute in St. Louis, MO. He has given retreats in Goergen O.P. Asia, Africa, and throughout North America. Fr. Goergen has published many books and articles. His most recent will be “St. Dominic: The Story of a Preaching Friar,” to be published in 2016 by Paulist Press. OPTION 1 – Ash Wednesday Retreat Day Offering: $50, includes lunch. No early bird discount available for one day retreats. OPTION 2 – 3-Day Retreat Offering: Overnight $140.Commuter $105, includes 3 lunches & 2 dinners. $10 early bird discount if registered by Jan. 10. $50 deposit. Nonrefundable. Registration deadline: Feb. 5. Additional overnight stay with breakfast: $42. MYSTICISM FROM A COSMIC PERSPECTIVE Tues., June 21 9:30 am to Thurs., June 23, 7pm The rediscovery of the sacredness of creation, and how we encounter the sacred within God’s creation, requires a fresh look at the wisdom of mysticism, and the awakening of the mystic in the spiritual experience of many people today. Retreat closes with Eucharistic service. • Member of the Sacred Heart Missionary Order in Fr. Diarmuid England O’Murchu • Social psychologist • Workshop leader and group facilitator • Ministered in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, India, Africa • Author of 16 books Offering: Overnight: $250. Commuter: $175, includes 3 lunches & 3 dinners. $10 early bird discount if registered by May 21. $50 deposit - nonrefundable. Registration deadline: June 16. Additional overnight stay with breakfast: $42. 10 10 PERFORMING ORDINARY THINGS IN EXTRAORDINARY WAYS Monday, June 27 5:30 pm to Saturday, July 2, 9:00 am This retreat will explore the theology and daily practice of the Gospel way of life in the footprints of Francis and Clare of Assisi. Building on the Joy of the Gospel, themes will focus on the humanity of Christ, practice of the virtues, the Lord’s presence, and the Franciscan way of life in the contemporary world. Daily Eucharist. Fr. Joe Chinnici OFM Fr. Joe is a Franciscan friar of the province of Saint Barbara. He is currently President of the Franciscan School of Theology, Oceanside, California, in affiliation with the University of San Diego. He has written extensively on the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition and the evangelical life in the contemporary world. A specialist in the history of Catholicism in the United States, he tries to be, first of all, a human being. Offering: Overnight: $450. Commuter: $425, includes 4 lunches & 5 dinners. $25 early bird discount if registered by May 27. $75 deposit. Nonrefundable. Registration deadline: June 22. CONTEMPLATIVE EXPLORATION INTO EVOLUTIONARY CHRISTIANITY Sunday, July 17, 5:30 pm to Friday, July 22, 9:00 am One’s cosmology shapes one’s theology. Many of us, having embraced an evolutionary cosmology, still stumble in terms of how it shapes our theology. Come and be part of this retreat rooted in communal contemplation and dialogue to explore our experience of being evolutionary Christians and the theology that is taking shape within us. Nancy is the founder and president of the Institute Nancy Sylvester IHM for Communal Contemplation and Dialogue. She is past LCWR President; past vice-president of her congregation, the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monroe, Michigan; and a former researcher, lobbyist and national coordinator of NETWORK, a national Catholic social justice lobby. She is an author and known speaker having addressed diocesan conferences, university institutes, assemblies of women religious and major national and international conferences. For more information visit www.iccdinstitute.org. Offering: Overnight: $450. Commuter: $425, includes 4 lunches & 5 dinners. $25 early bird discount if registered by June 17. $75 deposit. Nonrefundable. Registration deadline: July 13. 2016 RETREATS & WORKSHOPS – continued GREAT LESSONS FROM THE JOURNEY IMAGING GOD: DEEPENING OUR PRAYER Friday, August 12 5:30 pm to Sunday, August 14, 1:00 pm Friday, September 16, 5:30pm to Sunday, September 18, 11:00 am Paula will reflect about how we each must “find our way,” including the lessons that have mattered during her own journey and the great challenge in these times for all of us to deepen and begin to live every moment of life with awareness of life’s sacredness and preciousness. The journey brings to mind the lines from Paula D’Arcy a poem by Mark Nepo: “The secret of life, somehow/ always has to do with the awakening/ and freeing of what has been asleep.” Sunday Eucharistic liturgy. Paula D’Arcy is a writer, playwright,retreat leader and conference and seminar speaker. In 2001 she established Red Bird Foundation, which supports the growth and spiritual development of those in need throughout the world, including men and women in prison. The foundation has sponsored two international gatherings of women known as WOMENSPEAK, conferences which honor the woman’s voice as a force of peace and healing for the world. A former psychotherapist, Paula survived the loss of her husband and young daughter in an accident in 1975. She was three months pregnant at the time. Among her best-selling books are Gift of the Red Bird, Waking Up to This Day, and When People Grieve. How we imagine God influences how we relate to God and discover God in our lives. Explore some of the foundational ways in which the tradition has called on God and how to make them your own. Includes Sunday Eucharist. Carolyn is a Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) and Charles Fischer Catholic Professor of New Testament emerita at Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian UniCarolyn versity. She previously taught for twenty-six years at CTU Osiek RSCJ in Chicago. She holds a doctorate in New Testament and Christian Origins from Harvard University, and is a former associate editor of The Bible Today and former New Testament Book Review Editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly. She is one of four editors of Silent Voices, Sacred Lives: Women’s Readings for the Liturgical Year (Paulist Press, 1992) and author of many books on New Testament topics. Currently, she serves as the archivist for the Society of the Sacred Heart, United States-Canada Province and continues to lecture, give retreats, and lead pilgrimages in areas of biblical interest. OFFERING: Overnight: $175. Commuter: $155, includes 2 dinners & 2 lunches. $10 early bird discount if registered by July 12. $50 DEPOSIT. Nonrefundable. Registration deadline: Aug. 7. OFFERING: Overnight $160, Commuter $140. $10 early bird discount if registered by Aug. 16. $50 DEPOSIT. Nonrefundable. Registration deadline: Sept. 12. SHALOM ON THE ROAD – Outreach Programming NOTE: There is a requested offering for each program plus mileage, if travel is required outside of Dubuque. Call 563/582-3592 for details. FACILITATOR / PRESENTER: Eileen Miller OSF, Shalom Program Director • The Miracle of Mindfulness • The Crazy Quilt of Our Lives — a Retreat Day for Women • Writing Life Stories • Living Gratefully • Sabbath: Honoring Our Need for the Rhythm of Rest FACILITATOR / PRESENTER: Meg Gemar OSF 11 • Ecological Spirituality FACILITATOR / PRESENTER: Marci Blum OSF, Shalom Administrator • Living a Spiritual Life • How Can We Discern Directions in Life? • Ways to Pray Using the Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment • Generational Spirituality: How Generations View God, Self and the World • Retreat Day: Living Like Francis Today • Retreat: Walking the Labyrinth For topic details, please visit http://shalomretreats.org/private.html. 1001 Davis Street • Dubuque, IA 52001 www. shalomretreats.org RESERVE OUR FACILITY OR ATTEND PROGRAMS & EXPERIENCE . . . • Life-giving events & warm hospitality! • Quiet, peaceful space • • • Delicious home-cooked meals! Reasonable rates, zoned central air conditioning & free Wi-Fi 4 conference rooms and several small space meeting rooms • • Opportunities to build relationships with God, self and others Programs, retreats and gatherings to support spiritual growth for people of all faith traditions Shalom’s atmosphere of spirituality and peacefulness attracts many religious, non-profit, business, civic and educational groups/organizations. The facilities, along with the service provided by Shalom’s hospitable staff, offer an ideal setting for workshops, meetings, staff/board retreats, group development, quilting groups, spiritual gatherings, funeral dinners and more. Additionally, "Shalom on the Road" outreach programming is available. For more information regarding facility rental or outreach programming, call Sr. Marci Blum OSF at 563/582-3592, email: mblum@shalomretreats.org or visit: www.shalomretreats.org. Tunnel Replacement Project at Shalom A water pipe was replaced at Shalom during four weeks this summer— a big project. The circle driveway will be paved in September. Fr. Diarmuid O’Murchu will return in 2016 after he attracted a sold-out audience for the 3-day workshop he led at Shalom in 2014. Our gratitude to the Holy Spirit Pastorate CEW group who painted our kitchen walls, ceiling and pipes on Saturday, July 11. Superb job! Jane & Kelly O’Hea; Jeff, Kim & Cody Schmidt; Jeff, Libby & Emily Streinz; Rob & Lesley Foley; Leon Feldman; Becky Seymour; Terry Pape; and John Jackson. 12 Shalom Shenanigans Raffle Tickets – $5 each or 5 for $20 12th Annual Shalom Shenanigans Raffle October 23, 2015 Suggested Offering: $5 per Ticket or 5 for $20 Name_________________________ Address________________________ ____________________________ Need not be present to win. 2nd Prize: $500 cash Nook Tablet $100 value 12th Annual Shalom Shenanigans Raffle October 23, 2015 Name_________________________ Address________________________ ____________________________ Need not be present to win. Name_________________________ $500 cash Nook Tablet $100 value 12th Annual Address________________________ ____________________________ Need not be present to win. $500 cash Nook Tablet $100 value 12th Annual Suggested Offering: $5 per Ticket or 5 for $20 Name_________________________ Address________________________ ____________________________ Need not be present to win. Suggested Offering: $5 per Ticket or 5 for $20 Name_________________________ $500 cash Nook Tablet $100 value 12th Annual Address________________________ ____________________________ Phone_________________________ 13 Need not be present to win. FitBit $100 value Thank You 3rd Prize: $100 gift card for your Support! 4th Prize: FitBit wireless activity tracker $100 value Thank You 3 Prize: rd $100 gift card for your Support! 4 Prize: th FitBit wireless activity tracker $100 value No purchase necessary to participate in this drawing. 2nd Prize: Shalom Shenanigans Raffle October 23, 2015 4th Prize: $100 gift card Raffle Drawing – October 23, 2015 GRAND PRIZE! Phone_________________________ Support! wireless activity tracker No purchase necessary to participate in this drawing. 2nd Prize: Shalom Shenanigans Raffle October 23, 2015 for your Raffle Drawing – October 23, 2015 GRAND PRIZE! Phone_________________________ 3rd Prize: No purchase necessary to participate in this drawing. 2nd Prize: Shalom Shenanigans Raffle October 23, 2015 Thank You Raffle Drawing – October 23, 2015 GRAND PRIZE! Phone_________________________ Suggested Offering: $5 per Ticket or 5 for $20 No purchase necessary to participate in this drawing. GRAND PRIZE! Phone_________________________ Suggested Offering: $5 per Ticket or 5 for $20 Raffle Drawing – October 23, 2015 Thank You 3rd Prize: for your Support! 4th Prize: FitBit wireless activity tracker $100 value $100 gift card Raffle Drawing – October 23, 2015 No purchase necessary to participate in this drawing. GRAND PRIZE! 2 Prize: $500 cash Nook Tablet nd $100 value Thank You 3 Prize: rd for your Support! 4 Prize: th FitBit wireless activity tracker $100 value $100 gift card Fall 2015 Events and 2016 Retreats Your Center for hospitality, prayer, sacred space & spirituality Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 477 Dubuque, IA 52001 1001 Davis St., Dubuque, IA 52001 PHONE:563/582-3592 WEB:www.shalomretreats.org EMAIL:info@shalomretreats.org YOU'RE INVITED TO GO GREEN Stay in touch with Shalom by signing up to receive the Shalom Spirit newsletter and/or a monthly e-newsletter via email. To sign up, visit www.shalomretreats.org/contact.html. SCAN SHALOM'S QR CODE Scan this code with your smartphone to go directly to Shalom's website. Please send the newsletter electronically. Please take me off your mailing list. Please note the address change. We receive duplicate mailings, please send only one to this address. You may send this by mail, email: info@shalomretreats.org or call 563/582-3592. If mailed, please include your address label. Social & Dinner 12th Annual MENU: Garden Salad & Dinner Rolls, Steak, Twice-baked Potatoes, Vegetables, Dessert and Assorted Beverages. Entertainment Mike Reise and Lisa Schmidt entertain with guitar and vocal music from the ‘60’s. Silent Auction Numerous services and experiences to bid on. Preview items at: www.shalomretreats.org or at Shalom beginning October 9. 5:30 – 9:00 p.m. Raffle GRAND PRIZE! $500 cash 2nd Prize: 3rd Prize: Nook Tablet FitBit $100 value 4th Prize: wireless activity tracker $100 value Raffle tickets: $5 each, five for $20. Need not be present to win. $100 gift card To participate, see raffle tickets on inside back flap of this newsletter. 14 Friday October 23 Event Tickets: $50 per person Seating is limited, so be sure to register early. Register/prepay by Oct. 16.