BUS 362 Human Resource Management


HCA 462 – Quality Management in Health Care


Objective : The purpose of this syllabus is to guide the participant in the requirements, demands, logistics and expectations of this course.

Getting Help :

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Academic Instructional Technology Help Desk

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Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

(719) 587-7371 ascwebct@adams.edu

The problems are with the system, and the system belongs to management.~ Edward Deming

Introduction Video

About the Professor

Professor : Dr. Linda Reid, D.B.A.

Office Phone : 587-7576

Office : Room # 212

WebCT Access : https://webct.adams.edu

E-mail Address : lwreid@adams.edu

Office Hours : By Appointment


Dr. Reid is in her fourteenth year as a tenured professor in Business Administration at Adams

State College. Prior to pursuing a career in academia, Dr. Reid worked as a supervisor and then assistant brewmaster for Stroh's Brewing Company in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. There her accomplishments included managing forty employees and implementing a quality control program for the company. Dr. Reid has also worked as an alcohol fuel consultant and trained many companies in the production and use of alternate fuels.

Dr. Reid holds a D.B.A. from Nova Southeastern University, an M.B.A. from Wake Forest

University, a B.S. in Business Administration (Accounting emphasis) from Adams State College, and a B.S. in Medical Microbiology from Colorado State University. Dr. Reid holds a current

C.P.A. license in the state of Colorado and is a certified Associate Business Manager. Dr. Reid also holds an International Computer Driver's License and is a WebCt Product Specialist.


HCA 462 – Quality Management in Health Care






To order textbooks or obtain information about book titles you may go to www.exstudies.adams.edu

and click on the “ASC Bookstore” icon.

Use Section Number: 1149 to order books from Bookstore site.

Required Texts:


Applying Quality Management in Healthcare: A Systems Approach (2nd Ed ).

By Diane

L. Kelly. ISBN: 978-156793260-7.


Medical Dictionary. By editors of Heritage Dictionaries. ISBN: 978-0-395-88409-6

Other Required Materials:

You will need access to the Internet, to log on to the WebCT site

( http://webct.adams.edu

) for this class.

Course Objectives:

Quality is an important aspect of health care: indeed, for most people, it is the most important aspect. Quality of care must be a part of both the process and the outcome of healthcare, whenever possible. This course will provide students the opportunity for learning some methods to address the problems and future challenges of the system for which they are the responsible agents. Applying the principles and techniques in this course is essential for any organization's continued existence.

This course serves as an introduction to the process of quality management in health care organizations. Principles of total quality management and guidelines for implementing total quality in health care will be discussed. Differentiation between quality assurance and quality management will also be presented.

At the completion of the course, the student will be able to:


Explain the concepts of quality management.


Define the terminology associated with quality management.


Apply the three principles of total quality.


Utilize the different types of improvement tools and patient safety tools.


Apply the systems perspective of quality management.


Utilize the systems models available for health care managers.


Explain the role of policy in health care management.


Progress in achieving this objective will be measured by scores on exams and major assignments.


Submit exercises for selected chapters in the textbook.


Score a “C” or better on all combined course requirements.


HCA 462 – Quality Management in Health Care


Computer-Based Skills – The student will utilize a course management system, E-mail,

Web-based conferencing, World Wide Web resources, and word processing software.

Communication Skills – The student will demonstrate written communication skills by completing written exercises and the major assignments.

Problem Solving (Critical Thinking) – The student will use conceptual thinking and problem solving skills to discuss and analyze quality management case studies.

Ethical Issues in Decision Making and Behavior – The student will develop an appreciation for maintaining integrity in the management and leadership of quality management.

Personal Accountability for Achievement – the student will complete the required assignments.

Grading Distribution:

Syllabus Quiz

Exercises (6)

Major Assignments (3)

Final Comprehensive Exam

20 points

20 points each

100 points each

100 points

20 points

120 points

300 points

100 points

A total of 540 points is possible.

Grading Scale:

90%-100% A

80%-89% B

70%-79% C

60%-69% D

59% and Below F

Point Scale:

485 – 540 points = A

430 – 484 points = B

380 – 429 points = C

325 – 379 points = D

Below 324 points = F

Requirements for the Course:

Syllabus Quiz:

Read through each section of this syllabus and related general information carefully. If you have any questions, please post your questions in the Getting Started Forum in the discussion board


HCA 462 – Quality Management in Health Care located in the Discussions tab. Please refer back to the information contained in this syllabus anytime you have a question regarding the basic course information. You can access a printable version of this syllabus by clicking the link "Printable syllabus ". There is a required quiz in the Assessments area to ensure your understanding of all parts of the Syllabus. This quiz should be taken at the beginning of the class.

Reading and Other Assignments:

Each student should begin the course by reviewing the module’s archived introduction video.

This video will discuss your responsibilities and assignments.

You are responsible for completing any assigned readings and PowerPoint slides (see Learning

Modules in the left-hand navigation bar). Your understanding of these topics will be assessed in the written assignment and exams. Deadlines are listed in the "Suggested Course Outline" found with this syllabus. Required reading assignments must be completed prior to completion of written assignments and exams.


Students will be able to earn points during the semester (6 exercises for a total of 120 points).

These assignments will be fun and informative. The exercises should be submitted through the

Assignments tab.

All assignments are to be completed in a word processing program and saved in a .doc or .docx format. These assignments should not be taken lightly.

Major Assignments:

Three major assignments are required and students will read and answer the required questions as thoroughly as possible. The three major assignments are worth 100 points each, for a total of

300 points.

The assignments are to be completed in a word processing program and saved as a doc or .docx format. A minimum of four pages is required.

The assignments should be submitted through the Assignments link. Review the Major

Assignments Rubric for grading.

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense. Avoid the consequences of academic dishonesty by citing all sources that you use in your work. Your papers are subject to plagiarism detection programs (see ASC Academic Honesty Policy ). Any documents that match more than 10% will be examined for plagiarism.

Final Examination:


HCA 462 – Quality Management in Health Care

The final exam will consist of essay questions and will cover the assigned readings from the textbook and PowerPoint slides.

The final exam will assess the students understanding and comprehension of the materials. You may use your class materials and textbooks to answer these questions, and you will have three hours to complete the exam.

Major Assignments Assesses Outcomes 1-9:



(20 points)


(0 - 7 points)


(8 - 15 points)


(16 - 20 points)

- The student understood and followed the instructions given at a fair level. given at a good level.

- Between 70% and 90% of

- Between 50% and 70% of the assignment was

- The student understood and followed the instructions the assignment was completed.

- The student understood and followed the instructions given at an exceptional level.

- 90% or more of the assignment was completed. completed.

Content & - Content is incomplete.

Development - Major points are not

(20 points) clear and/or persuasive.

-Does not contribute professional, personal, or other real-world experiences.

- Content is not comprehensive.

- Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.

- Major points are addressed, - Major points are stated but not well supported.

- Research is inadequate or does not address course clearly and are well supported.

- Research is adequate, timely, and addresses course concepts. concepts. - Content and purpose of the

- Content is inconsistent with writing are clear. regard to purpose and clarity of thought.

-Applies substantial relevant professional, personal, or other

-Applies relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences. real-world experiences.

Organization - Organization and

& Structure

(20 points) structure detract from the message of the writer.

- Paragraph is disjointed and lacks transition of thoughts.


(20 points)

- Structure of the paragraph is not easy to follow.

- Paragraph transitions need improvements.

- Structure of the paragraph is clear and easy to follow.

- Paper lacks many elements of correct formatting.

- Paragraph is inadequate/excessive in length.

-Does not include a list of

- Paper follows most guidelines.

- Paper follows designated guidelines.

- Paper is over/under word length.

- Paper is the appropriate length as described for the

-Includes a list of references. assignment.

-Includes a list of references

(numerous high-quality


HCA 462 – Quality Management in Health Care



& Spelling

(20 points) references.

- Paper contains numerous - Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation, grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. and spelling errors.

- Language uses jargon or conversational tone.

- Language lacks clarity or includes the use of some jargon or conversational tone. sources)

- Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.

- Spelling is correct.

- Language is clear and precise.

- Sentences display consistently strong, varied structure.

Academic Integrity/Academic Dishonesty

Most students will feel many types of pressure as they undertake their studies; self-imposed pressures, pressure from parents or spouse, pressure from peers and siblings, pressures to maintain scholarships, gain access to majors, get the best grades, get the best campus jobs, etc.

Pressure to achieve can result in desperate or careless judgments while in college. If you cheat while you are a student at Adams State College, you jeopardize your own education and the reputation of the College. You owe it to yourself to read, understand, and respect the College’s policy on Academic Dishonesty. You owe it to yourself to respect your education.

Read, sign and email this document back to your instructor. Academic Integrity.pdf

Technical Requirements

A complete overview of the technical requirements, software for this course and WebCT tutorials is available in the Student Support Module, located in the Course Content tab.

Information for receiving technical assistance is also included.

