Year 5 – Lunch Club : Spanish Fairytale Project Signed

December 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian
Monday Lunch Club : Spanish Fairytale Project
Our Year 5 pupils are invited to join an enjoyable and fun Spanish project which takes
place in school. The club will cater for 15 pupils, who will be selected at random.
This short session runs on Monday lunchtimes, for half an hour between 1.00pm and
1.30pm. The project involves translating a story into Spanish and using powerpoint and
Ipads. Our partner schools in Barcelona and Alicante have already done some work on a
similar project, and children from all the schools will have the chance to see each
other’s presentation.
The group will meet from Monday 11th January 2016 until further notice.
If your child would like to join this fun project, please complete and return the slip
below and return it to the School Office by Wednesday the 6th January.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Brennan
Club provider –
Mrs Rosa Bonsor
Spanish Teacher
Please return this slip to the School Office
Year 5 – Lunch Club : Spanish Fairytale Project
Name ………………………………………………………………..……………. Class ………………………………………………….
would like to attend the Monday lunchtime Spanish Translation project.
Signed ………………………………………………………………….. Date ………………………………………………….