
Prior Learning Assessment




Get UBIS University Course Credit for professional experience, industry certification and more.

UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch



UBIS is committed to respond to the need for lifelong learning opportunities by providing adults with a specific service: the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA).

PLA is defined as university-level learning acquired through the following kinds of activities:

non-credit courses and workshops

career/work experiences/training

volunteer work

community services

leadership roles in associations and organizations

industry certification

In order to apply for the Prior Learning Assessment you need to prepare a PLA portfolio. The portfolio is a compilation of materials to describe and document prior learning as well as to stress the skills and competences developed.

Preparing a portfolio that documents learning from life and work experiences is in two ways rewarding: the award of credit for documented university-level learning and the personal growth that may accompany the preparation of the portfolio.

UBIS recognizes 18 credits ( 6 courses ) for Graduate level programs and 45 credits ( 15 courses ) for Undergraduate level programs. In recognizing that learning takes place not only in a university classroom but also in other places, UBIS has designed a process for awarding university-level credit, where applicable, for comparable knowledge. University-level credit is not awarded simply for years of experience but for the quantity and the quality of knowledge and skills.

This guideline describes this process and provides you, our future student, with the necessary information about the preparation of your PLA portfolio.

UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch


Developing a Portfolio Guideline

Applying for credit through the portfolio implies a structured method. Students must be accepted to UBIS in order to apply for credit through portfolio assessment.


Begin by addressing to the Academic Advisor at UBIS in order to determine how credit for prior learning fits within degree requirements.


Examine the course offerings in the UBIS catalog. Please note that the portfolio development may be permitted in any course where you can transfer your prior learning in credits.


Obtain a list of competencies of the course for which you are seeking credit and set portfolio objectives. If you and the Academic Advisor agree there is merit, proceed to the next step.


Once you and the Academic Advisor have agreed to proceed, you will be asked to sign the Application for Assessment (see Appendix I). Once this document is signed, you will be asked to pay the nonrefundable portfolio fee of 200.-CHF. Provide a copy of the paid receipt to the Academic Advisor. Portfolio will not be evaluated if the fee is not paid in full.


Work with the Academic Advisor in order to prepare a draft of the portfolio. This will be reviewed according to the PLA Guideline. Revise as necessary and complete the portfolio.


Submit completed portfolio, Authenticity Statement (see Appendix II) and Credit

Request Final Portfolio Assessment (see Appendix III) to the Academic Advisor.


The Academic Advisor will assess competencies presented in the portfolio and make a determination of whether credit is to be awarded or denied or whether additional documentation is required. The determination is submitted to the Dean’s validation.


Once the Dean validates the Academic Advisor’s determination, you will be notified as to the results of the evaluation.


Credit will be placed on the transcript by the Registrar upon completion of an accepted portfolio.

UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch


Portfolio Format and Structure

The Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio must be completed using the indicated and approved format. Portfolio that does not follow this format will not be evaluated. Hence, please read carefully the following information.

The completed portfolio consists of several components: a) Forms:

The Application for Assessment (Appendix I)

The Authenticity Statement (Appendix II)

The Credit Request Final Portfolio Assessment (Appendix III) b) Other documents:

The chronological record (For a sample, see Appendix IV)

The narrative description of experiences and competencies/ skills (For a sample, see

Appendix V)

Validation letters

Credit Request:

The Application for Assessment (see Appendix I) is the first document to appear in your portfolio. It clearly sets forth your petition for academic credit based on your prior learning presented in the portfolio.

Chronology of significant life experience:

The purpose of this is to give you the chance to list all your life experience through previous activities as for example: non-credit courses and workshops; work experience and/or volunteer work; community service activities and service organizations; industry certification.

For more details, please see Appendix IV.

UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch


The narrative of experiences and competencies/ skills:

This section refers to the learning achieved as a result of significant life experiences and asks you to identify what you know, what you can do and what valuable attitudes you developed.

Hence, it is essential to exhibit your best work in a precise way: specific to learning, concisely stated, clearly and logically developed.

In order to determinate what knowledge and abilities you have that might be worthy of UBIS credit, please consider the following questions:

Do I have mastery of knowledge or a skill greater than mere ability?

Can I apply the knowledge or use skill elsewhere?

Can an expert objectively measure and evaluate it?

List the experiences that provided opportunities for learning and make sure to include dates and location where the learning took place. Then list the knowledge or skills acquired or developed during each of the significant experiences that you had.


Experience: Copyright Department, XYZ Company, 2000-2005

Knowledge/Skilled learned: - library research skills in preparation of copyright applications

- proofreading and editing of research manuscripts

- preparation of research abstracts

Once you have noted the knowledge or skills resulting from experience, you may find that some of the same components appear in several areas of your experience background. Hence, you should cluster these components to see if they result in learning outcomes or competencies.


Library skills: - knowledge and use of reference sources

- familiarity with the Internet

- skill in reference search methods including appropriate database

- computer skills

UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch


As you identify areas of competencies, please look for specific UBIS courses designed to give similar knowledge/skills or that closely approximate the competencies you possess. Please refer to the UBIS Course Catalogue.

For more details about the narrative description of the experiences that leads to the accomplishment of the course objectives, please see Appendix V.

Validation letters:

Documentation of learning from experience is essential to the award of credit as it’s the process by which you verify that you have had the experiences and acquired the competencies that you claim. The verification is to be done through the validation letters of third party (e.g. former supervisor).

A validation letter is more than a traditional letter of recommendation; it has a specific structure and requires specific data:

It states the position that you had within the organization

It specifies the period of time you worked under the supervision of the person who’s doing the validation letter

It describes the particular duties you were required to perform

It describes the learning involved in performing these tasks

It evaluates your general level of performance

A Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio represents, both in format and in content, your request for academic recognition to UBIS hence it should respect the following criteria:

It should be properly word processed

It should be well organized

It should be well written, correct with respect to grammar, spelling and punctuation

When your portfolio is ready in its final form, you can submit it along with the Application for the Assessment Form (see Appendix I). Upon review of your portfolio, UBIS will make one of the following determinations:

UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch


Credit is awarded without any further preparation

Award of credit is contingent upon further preparation

The PLA Portfolio is reviewed in accordance with the following criteria:

Credit is appropriate to demonstrated learning outcomes/competencies

The documentation is adequate

Portfolio is properly processed and organized

The explanation of learning outcomes and course request is referenced with specific supporting documents

UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch


Appendix I

Application for Assessment


Academic details:

Student Full Name……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Program enrolled in…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Personal details:





Email address……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Student Signature………………………………………………………………….Date……………………………………….

Academic Adviser Signature…………………………………………………..Date……………………………………….

UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch


Appendix II

Authenticity Statement

I, ……………………………………………..the undersigned, hereby certify that I have compiled and written the attached PLA Portfolio documenting learning from experience without assistance from anyone except UBIS Academic Evaluators. This work is solely my own and I am solely responsible for the content, organization and construction of this Portfolio.

I further certify with this statement of authenticity that the documents referenced in and submitted as evidence for the learning documents are authentic, and I agree to submit originals for examination upon request by the UBIS Academic Evaluators.

I also hereby acknowledge that I have read the instructions for preparation and submissions of the PLA Portfolio and that it has been prepared in compliance with these instructions.

I understand that UBIS Academic Evaluators might contact me for additional material or to schedule a personal interview.

I hereby accept the evaluation of UBIS Academic Evaluators as the final determinate of the credit award.

Student Full Name and Signature…………………………………………………………Date…………………………

UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch


Appendix III

Credit Request Final Portfolio Assessment


Credits Requested for Evaluation of Portfolio:

Number of courses………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Number of credits…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Credits Granted:

Number of courses………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Number of credits…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Portfolio not accepted for Credit:

Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….








UBIS Academic Evaluators

Full Name and Signature…………………………………………………….......................................................................


UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch


Appendix IV

Chronological Record


1978: Graduated with honors from…High School. Began working as…with…Company.


1981: Promoted to…for the Office Manager.


1984: Married and moved to….


1985: Went to work for…Company.


1985-1988: Took … lessons once a week at …; completed … and received my certification as ….


1989: Attended seminar/training … in …


1992: Took a class of … at …


1995: Took a course of … at …


2000: Entered the … Program at …


UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch


Appendix V

Narrative description of experience and competencies


Course Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Course Objectives:…..........................................................................................................................................................











Knowledge/Skills Acquired:…………………………………………………………………………………………………..






Learning Outcomes:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………






UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch


UBIS University of Business and International Studies

Avenue Blanc 46, CH-1202 Genève

Tel. +41 (0)22 732 6282 Fax. +41 (0)22 732 6283 http://www.ubis-geneva.ch

