Our Tutorial Videos, Transcribed for You | PERRLA Support
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APA PERRLA is in use all over the world. We’re going to show you why so many people rely on APA
PERRLA and how it makes the APA writing process as simple as a few clicks of the mouse. With APA
PERRLA, we take care of the APA for you.
After installation, the yellow APA PERRLA pencil icon will be on your desktop. Just double-click the
yellow pencil icon to get started.
Note that APA PERRLA runs inside Microsoft Word. If you launch Microsoft Word as normal instead of
double-clicking on the yellow APA PERRLA pencil icon, you will not load the APA PERRLA software. So,
when you’re working on APA formatted papers, always remember to double-click the yellow APA
PERRLA pencil icon to start your writing session.
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We’re going to start a new paper and show you how easy it is.
Click on the “Start a New PERRLA Paper” menu choice (as shown above) and APA PERRLA will prompt
you for the name of your paper and the running head and page header will be created automatically.
Notice that your name and the name of your institution are already in place. So click OK and you’re on
your way.
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Let’s look at how APA PERRLA set up your title page automatically, formatted the margins, and chose
the correct font for you.
Now let’s start typing.
We’re ready to enter a citation. We can go to the toolbar or the built-in APA PERRLA menu and click on
Create Citation.
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The current paper’s references are shown (see above). Here, since it’s a new paper, we need to click on
the New button to create a new reference.
Using one of the three “tabs” in the Select Reference Type screen, we can select the reference type by
clicking on the various reference types, by searching for a particular reference type, or by selecting one
of our recently used reference types.
We’re going to select a reference type of Book Chapter. Now the PERRLA reference wizard begins.
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Note that as we go forward APA PERRLA will only prompt us for information that is needed for this
specific reference type. Each step of the way has detailed and specific help to assure that the
information is entered exactly the way APA requires. Clicking the Finish button takes us to the Citation
Location screen where we can enter the page number where the information can be found.
Now, here’s where it’s magic…
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As you can see, we have a perfectly formatted APA citation in the text and, if we scroll to the end, you’ll
see that the Reference page has been created automatically without your having to think about it.
We could stop here. It’s that simple. We’ve created a properly formatted APA-compliant paper with
title page, citation, and reference. But let’s look at another way that APA PERRLA can save you lots of
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We often use the same references in paper after paper. With APA PERRLA, enter the reference once and
you can put it in any paper you like. To see how simple it is click Edit References on the APA toolbar or
menu and then click the Reference Database button.
You’ll see a list of all the references you’ve entered that are not already in this paper. Select one or as
many as you like then click the Select button… and that’s it.
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Those references will be automatically added to your reference section. Notice that they’re properly
formatted and alphabetized as required by APA.
If we’d like to create a citation for one of these, it’s easy. They’re already in the list.
Simply click on Create Citation, select the desired reference, enter the page number, and we’re done.
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As you’ve seen here, APA PERRLA takes care of APA simply, elegantly, and most important; accurately. It
lets you concentrate on the content of your paper. With APA PERRLA, learning how to create properly
formatted APA papers is something you can cross off your worry list.
Hopefully you now understand why APA PERRLA is so popular and is recommended by so many faculty
members and institutions.
And now, within just a few minutes, you can download and start writing a paper in correct APA format.
We look forward to having you join our long list of satisfied customers.
To purchase APA PERRLA and start writing your masterpiece, visit us on the web at:
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