AP Biology Research Paper Guidelines & Rubric

AP Biology Research Paper
Objective: To compose a 5-7 page research article based on four to five scientific
studies found in scientific journals. You will use only one review article as your
source, and the rest will be primary articles found in your reviews references.
Points possible: 100, Due: Friday June 8, Period 1, 9:11am
Late papers and benchmarks will be deducted 30% per 24 hours late regardless
of reason. Papers will gladly be accepted prior to due date.
A review article is a summarized version of a primary study. Most review articles
are titled “review”
This is what every primary article contains:
Title and Authors
Abstract (a brief description of the study)
Introduction of the topic (Opening, that "hooks" readers, may include a
general problem statement)
Research Questions (clarifying all the variables that would be studied)
Research Hypotheses (if they have any)
Significance of your Study (So what? How is the study important?)
Literature review (Background material)
Research Design and Methods {description of subjects, participants,
setting/sites, type of study (qualitative, quantitative, mixed), instruments that
will be used to measure the variables, statistical procedures that they would
use or have used if you have completed the study, details about how you
actually implemented your study etc}
Results (Data analysis, detailed explanation of what they found out in with
analysis provided.)
Discussion (What do the results mean? how are your results impacting the
field or practice, future research ideas)
Conclusions (summarizing the entire study, a kind of closure)
References (all the articles that have been cited within the paper should be
written in APA style)
Link to APA Style Crib Sheet (these links are active on web version of
APA Style Guidelines, download here.
Your finished product will contain the following sections:
Abstract (including significance of studies)
Summary of Research and Hypothesis
Designs and Methods
Scoring Rubric with deadlines:
Date Due
Friday May 25
Present all articles to be
used in paper. Entire article
must be printed or
photocopied. You must have
a maximum of 1 Review, and
3-4 primary articles.
Friday June 1
Outline of Research paper
accompanied by all articles
with highlighted portions to
be used in paper.
Friday June 3 10:30am
Final Draft of Research
Paper in APA format
accompanied by all source
articles with highlighted
sections showing references
to paper. Each section will
earn 10 points.
Point Value
20 points
20 points
60 points
-Abstract (including
significance of studies)
-Summary of Research and
-Designs and Methods
-References in (APA format)
Good Luck, and don’t be afraid to e-mail me your questions and progress for feedback
throughout the process! EdN