J Am Soc Nephrob DISEASE OF THE MONTH Hyperkalemia: A Potential I. DAVID Division WEINER Gainesville, Hyperkalemia ical perkalemia pathophysiologic well understood, are forward. Clinical pseudohyperkalemia, and institution requires and silent, The of Gainesville and potentially factors and management assessment the therapy. of the etiology Veterans Affairs dinto Medical plements, medications treatment of recur- blood pressure eta) Pathophysiology sium Hyperkalemia sium develops intake and extracellubar tassium vast ports potassium lular space, total body body the and (1). The from its potassium potassium extracellubar suggest is present extracellular Na-K-ATPase space ebectrochemical fluid that in the renal icines is present into the gradient. intracellular is supplied trans- U). space, of of total with 2% in Pen-Vee in usual taut. Citrate salt, or as primary means Although all foods potassium differ highest primary of 1 summarizes enteral dietary food nutritional will may close patient and for frequent failure patients for with reevaluations Another a number of total fre- is also The a com- potassium hyperalimentation renal may insufficiency; be necessary via potassium uli, absolute the sufficiently cause to Gainesville, 1046-6673/0908- FL 32610-0224. 1 535$03.00/0 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Copyright 0 1998 by the American Society of Nephrobogy the Because of if one attention potassium does to the certain potassium, not monitor type of citrate collecting duct. potassium tassium cell although stim- secretion is is not hot lost climates in sweat a little and may with be signif- to hypokalemia. elimination Although is regulated potassium even levels (12,13). to the in the mechanisms potassium, Figure filtered in by the of filtered potassium is and the loop of Henbe distal face predominantly is freely 90% tubule delivery constant secretes physiologic quantitatively in of potassium is the Although secretion contributes (9), approximately by the proximal transport by potassium is for (7,8). potassium Sweat lead 1). Potassium relatively cipal may potassium excretion colonic inadequate homeostasis of potassium is responsible is regulated of elimination, and colon potassium secretion that potassium 80 to 90% The magnitude the amount icant, (10,1 of renal conditions, excretion. hyperkalemia. exertion Renal HypertenP.O. Box renal low of glomerulus reabsorbed 100224, close of the remaining colonic the Charles S. Wingo, Division of Nephrology. University of Florida College of Medicine, 2 summarizes amounts develop potassium Excretion majority population. Correspondence to Dr. sion, and Transplantation, pay Table impor- salt, preparation. eliminated supplements fluids. and a sodium barge may salt, the potassium preparations. provide The second component excretion. Under normal chloride receiving can potassium Potassium supplements. of Potassium recommended excessive monitoring this hyperkalemia. nutrition content renal of serum as an alternative to be clinically salt. hyperkalemia and the overlooked substitutes. nutritional (1). to have potassium salt of hyperalimentation usually be with enteral food amounts tend A commonly is enteral Patients develop concentrations the relative vegetables many potassium through is through substitutes; of the sources. component fluids is salt potassium support quently and of potassium. constituent source intake potassium, Fruits source Table for contain greatly. potassium is the mon of potassium concentrations dietary preparations is likely per 1,000,000 1.7 mEq as either citrate This Other common medand citrate. Penicillin G is insufficient of various potas- frequency potassium G is available a sodium-potassium (6), increasing K is also a potassium doses be supplied content significant Intake The may potassium (2,3). oral and skel- balance if serum (supplying penicillin in- decreases in the future. monitored. are penicillin salt other of the women with hypokalemia potassium Although present mineral to receiving In view of hyperkalemia as a potassium sodium citrate Potassium supply be supplementation prescribed as a sup- administered also improve not carefully If necessary, form. intracel- 98% that in the Estimates approximately be po- body. potassium may may are frequently may in postmenopausal for conditions other than to increase the incidence function are medicines supplied is potassium to hyperkalemia. and and potasintra- 1 summarizes in the body ubiquitous the against between between Figure movement of total fluid regulation distribution is disturbed. majority intracellular the or the potassium distribution The when excretion obvious potassium metabolism supplements those most who that (4,5) calcium These predispose evidence Most recognizing The KCI. Medicine, of potassium. but diuretics that creasing rence. as receiving of Florida. source salt, is important. such patients another as a sodium salt College Gainesville, are are prepared Florida of Center, potassium exclusion of for treatment, prevention University Medications hy- is straight- Long-term and S. WINGO Transplantation, bead treatment 1998 Killer and lethal that requires of the urgency appropriate identification CHARLES Hypertension, Florida, is a common, condition. and of Nephrology, Silent 9: 1535-1543, convoluted of widely 2 summarizes in the whereas collecting the tubule varying the is systemic major duct. intercalated The poprincell I 536 Journal of the American Society GI J Am Soc of Nephrology Intake (-100 mEq also mEq) regulating regulate to yield also present. In addition mEq) (2500 reabsorbs Liver (250 mEq) possess mEq) Renal Excretion (90-95 1. Summary Figure Adapted of potassium reference I. from Table Potassium 1. content Supplement Ensure Ensure intake and excretion nutrition apical H-K-ATPase (33). of nism variety mechanisms. supplements the relative Under conditions, tities normal of which Potassium Sodium Osmobality (mEq) (mEqIL) (mosmollkg) potassium. serum 1.00 40 40 375 partments Osmolite Pulmocare I .06 1.50 26 49 27 57 300 490 sium Suplena 2.00 29 34 615 potassium 1.06 41 41 310 lecting duct 1.00 20 20 630 The colon due content of various citrate excretion. which Potassium (mEq/ml) Bicitra 2 subtle 1 1 The 1 2 solution) (14, transports potassium against the peritubular space Under most the buminal apical mechanism 15). potassium may Whether this parallel K and NatKATPase the principal cell cellular potassium its electrochemical channel also basobateral its electrochemical into circumstances, fluid, down A (17,18). contribute mechanism An apical to potassium represents Cl transporters a KCI gradient receptor, from cytoplasm (16). is secreted into gradient, via an KC1 cotransport secretion ( plays be due number quanof KC1, usual daily intake, by less than 1 mEqfL in- if and extracellular to impaired to either renal nephron units of that corn- renal potas- insufficiency, available impair the rate for of cob- secretion. small which to the kidney. amounts this Some of potassium. occurs are regulation particularly amounts and in renal of potassium cotransporter a central or cell potasvia binding role can difficult majority membrane cause less of colonic secretion The well defined, potassium insufficiency, adverse effects to those that to detect of these intracellular mEqIL, in stim- whereas approximately 4 resting membrane lular to extraceblular cellular potassium lular to extracellular in resting important I 9,20). is unknown. Several factors are known to regulate principal sium secretion. The minerabocorticoid aldosterone, to the mineralocorticoid large although remain low. effects are rebated potential that are to effects or voltage. range from life-threatening. The of potassium primary deter- minant of cell membrane potential in most cells is the ratio of intracellular to extracellular potassium concentration. Nor1 20 potassium basolateral Effects mally, reabsorbs the intrain part, secretes occurs, by a activity potassium excretion mechanisms all conditions, hyperkalemia not at beast may through on cellular 1 This 400 mEq of the or to factors also Adverse (mEq/ml) Acid 2 Polycitra also cells Citrate/Citric Sodium (mEq/ml) (Shohl’s than and can excrete between potassium Hyperkalemia Pobycitra-K duct exit. ingestion on average the secretion, secretion preparations This decreases the absolute Preparation is (27-30). apical the kidney greater is related, but similar Potassium is intercalated pump of the daily potassium to redistribution mechanisms 2. collecting reabsorption is determined apical HtKtATPase renal function is normal and are intact (34). Under almost Glucerna Table rates insufficiency duct to potassium The is severalfold creases 470 690 TEN the ion permeabilities transporters 37 49 Vivonex flow oliguria across the apical membrane via a barium-sensimost likely a potassium channel, or exit across membrane, also via a barium-sensitive mecha- barium-sensitive 40 54 Ultracal Urine renal Collecting Net potassium factors, including 1.06 1.50 Plus (2 1-23). signaling however, unless potassium, (26). an and of enteral Calories/cc mEq/d) (5-10 to secreting (24). (25); hyperkalemia potassium either recycle tive transporter, the basobateral GI Excretion mEq/d) secretion secretion 1998 transporter uses ATP as an energy source for proton secretion and potassium reabsorption (3 1 ,32). Potassium that enters can 7 Bone (-300 potassium potassium insufficient Muscle 9: 1535-1543, ulating cortical collecting duct potassium secretion Arachidonic acid metabolites are an intracellular per day) molecule RBC (-250 Nephrol potassium concentration extracellular mEqIL. potential potassium The contribution is related to this membrane potential. in all electrically rate (35-38). myocardial of repolarization. concentration is of potassium to ratio of intracel- potassium; thus, small changes in extracan result in large changes in the intracelpotassium ratio, and hence barge changes Resting membrane potential is active cells, including neurons, voluntary muscles, and involuntary muscles. The most prominent effect of hyperkalemia cardium decrease is approximately is on the myo- Decreases in resting membrane potential cell conduction velocity and increase the The decreased conduction velocity leads J Am Soc Nephrol 9: 1535-1543, Clinical 1998 Peritubu/ar Lumen space the progression lemia from benign is unpredictable, and Aspects of Hyperkalemia to lethal arrhythmias the presence in hyperka- of any EKG Na of hyperkalemia should be considered a medical Treatment methods are described below. C1 Skeletal resulting Hyperkabemia also affects muscles are in increased rebated to the contraction importance to cause severe cells muscles. hyperkalemia; throughout Smooth for muscles has depression the body. hyperkalemia, This may potential hyperkalemia respiratory findings emergency. sensitive to and fatigue. of membrane of skeletal sitive other particularly weakness 1537 are been be normal also sen- reported to (39). H Evaluation The evaluation perkalemia vitro verity measurement of needed, H of hyperkabemia is present HCO3 not condition known 2. Summary principal concert cell with porter may bated secretes basolateral also cell of potassium potassium via Na-K-AIPase. be present (A cell) transport and in the collecting an apical the B-type cell. peritubular channel. barium-sensitive mechanism, most An apical barium-sensitive transporter, allows recycling interca- (B cell) of the The most lysis, and level pink tinge the cells necessary. age. increases complex ization known in the interval and the (EKG). width The rate leads to an increased height as “peaked” T waves. A slowed especially in the chance that sudden death. sion from presence to severe hyperkalemia, associated with waves, otherwise Mild system an increased by progressive Under ciently sine-wave so with delayed the interval flattening extreme that pattern. of the EKG may be conditions, it merges However, conduction and eventual the development findings and can 34% of frequently of the hyperkalethe T His- with the the complex T wave, correlation resulting between in is not precise, and depends patient sensitivity and the of hyperkalemia. Unfortunately, noted (e.g. can release due the tourniquet more other and than specimen the red leak- surrounding closing a hand) 2 mEqIL (40). than to a of hemoglobin formed predisposes beading to potassium tight cells is hemo- red blood can cells or platelets (44lead to pseudohy- degree of severity at clinically with between elevation of the of serum leukocytosis frequent reactive levels and is a family rare are It has which history potassium reports been and leads pseudohyperkalemia Pseudohyperkalemia to excessive exhibit between the count (47). is important or if conditions or thrombocytosis are from in association and mononucleosis (49). red blood cell membrane platelet I ,000,000/cm3 of pseudohyperkalemia described is of thrombocytosis; of hyperkalemia extreme beukocytosis unnecessary treatment. either or thrombocytosis, thrombocytosis 500,000/cm3 of can 70,000/cm3, also can arthritis (48) have abnormal ity, artificially laboratory Centrifuging opening , by from in the from cells. greater than 1 ,000,000/cm3, patients There a blood (41-43), than associated with present to avoid causes. absolute of numbers occur if there suffi- to clot, release pseudohyperkalemia, with a significant correlation degree of pseudohyperkalemia and the platelet Verifying that pseudohyperkalemia is not present of the P waves. widens that has been allowed the serum. Potassium Excessive The counts unpredictable. a levels resulting potassium to the but progres- through absence QRS related in some levels, pseudohyperkalemia. perkalemia. to ventricular myocardium, resulting in and a longer QRS interval, followed potassium levels and EKG findings on a number of factors, including rapidity the observed, to and PR between is often leukocytes 46), greater hyper- high of pseudohyperkalemia blood release treatment potassium t’ivo in se- Potassium an excessively plasma cause of hy- bevel. easily extremity that led to the be artificially in clot has completely to membrane damage, Potassium also the beading 6.0 mEq/L, is more a balanced increase in the height known as “tenting.” More severe is associated QRS repolar- increases develop, hyperkabemia 5.5 the of the T wave, also conduction velocity, may correlation of hyperkalemia of increased T waves, fibrillation A rough mild Purkinje of peaked ventricular and the degree mia PR on electrocardiogram rapidity that elements cause red Alternatively, increase may potassium is usually an exercising to cellular to the plasma before blood a the actual in blood to obtain common likely a potassium most likely a potas- with the this the as “pseudohyperkalemia.” serum damaged in concert when both any elevate from H-K-ATPase potassium A-type cell potassium channel, The intercalated reabsorb sium via an apical potassium channel in apical KCI cotrans- An in the principal from duct. The determining condition(s) reflect are measured typically and then centrifuged Figure and the potassium and of the potassium), hyperkalemia conditions an artifact serum correcting kalemia. The plasma verifying is not (and of the and involves in vivo with Occasional potassium potassium leakage excluded by families permeabilrates (50-52). can be other rheumatoid simultaneously and 1538 Journal measuring of the plasma Plasma can specimen, syringe.” perkalemia should more be than be tube a heparinized and 0.3 then mEqIL, on all the Several classification methods of “true” based on the mechanisms utilizing between the inadequate from intra- examination A is sufficient Excess fluid careful to differentiate hy- and most causes. or physical potassium hyperkalemia above, lents ingestion without other the normal kidney potassium daily of excretion or produce other receiving perkalemia potassium (53). of potassium enteral nutrition products administration of potassium or 200 100 intake of studies estimate related to potassium mEq of 40 approximately that 100 of 50% mEqfL all mEq cases supplements of vast majority of total intracellular fluid compartment; between intra- result in marked ditions are dosis, if due trast, metabolic acid hyperkalemia mineral (58,59). acids in cellular or on plasma potassium Mineral acids acid, The contrasting potassium release. Many or more; can result per day. increased a ing are lular acidification in membrane potassium completely dissociated undissociated state are attributed In contrast, conaci- responsiveness, increase as such acid, and uptake, organic relatively across membranes. as f3-hy- cause of organic and but not cause intraceb- which results gradient for are in- acids permeable This such insulin, do results and may distribution lular fluid potassium or glucose lead to cell in sterone lack with caused con- Mannitol is the whereas or hyinsulin cause. by The effective increases intra- potassium cross exit. plasma presence and of do memsufficient not with bead diabetic significant to ke- increase in response the hormonal between compartments. increase which to the occurs of potassium The when potassium to the in hyper- of insulin. interfere is increased can (65). associated that direct is hy- caused rapidly result- hyperkalemia stimulates in the be related the reflect insulin shrinkage, hyperkalemia in part, distribution agonists. that urea osmolality the intake those as may, Drugs and not The toacidosis gic are ammonia- endogenous shrinkage, duct by ammonium when concentration hyperkalemia. it may osmole, common to cell to and sufficient osmolality, osmoles branes, in most is attributed potassium Ineffective re- of is the glycemia lactic potassium exogenous absence due (64) (66-69). the in extracellular extracellular to differences favorable and HC1 or In con- or more and collecting extracellular administered in potassium osmolality, increase 1 to 2 mEqIL commonly osmoles, extracellular of cellular in solution cell can most include infrequent effects a more in extracellular osmoles, perglycemia, or of redistribution-induced Increases the be channel by effective by inhibit may pertonicity. centration decrease reabsorption potassium stimu- respiratory ammoniagenesis, secretion, apical cause should effect potassium of the can in clinical acids, such hyperkalemia. an proton and exit. regulation cellular dissociated by electrogenic conductive and is causes largely depolarization in the This to and and intracellular acidosis of collecting duct apical levels of sodium for and in addition (P0) ammonia inhibition gradient dietary basolaterally metabolic acidosis, probability secretion. mediated in- membrane, whereas exit secretion Both intracellular open extraceblubar potassium in Some changes acids, potassium stimulates (54). apical reabsorption, reabsorption. cause is the loads (33) inhibits potassium mecha- potassium potassium which These Hydrochloric acid, are reabsorption potassium enhances exit membranes the (62,63), common to organic lactic f3-hydroxybutyric lease. the due or potassium across acidosis osmoles.” due to mineral associated with net restriction acidosis dietary Chronic compartments anesthetics, acidosis droxybutyric small Several to “effective Metabolic acidosis NH4C1, is commonly decreasing Increased exits of hyper- potassium basolateral recycling potassium development and channels is located redistribution. membrane-depolarizing hypertonicity acid even to cause thereby Another and extracellular hyperkalemia. known potassium (27,28,30). if potassium to the secretion. hyperkalemia potassium intake. increases membrane to regulate apical reabsorption acidosis reabsorption known a significant potassium apical contribute at the crease (46,55-57). body distribution potassium the than of collect- to by potassium Redistribution The prior and potassium can factor membrane HtKATPase across hyperkalemia complicated contributes hy- KCI products One and 10 to 13 mEq develop of cel- potassium-reabsorbing in the apical secretion of A the per tablespoon such are acid and present whether more much load. cells, in net Acidosis as 4% membrane conductive are decreases supplements contain mlIh many contain results lating can the predomi- molecule, prevents 1998 and step determine acid reabsorption nisms insuffi- intake As salt substitutes per gram, renal of hyperkalemia substitutes. chloride Typical potassium potassium causes salt described renal drugs, excess Common and As of of milliequiva- if through then cause factors. hundreds of kalemia. infrequent However, whether causes, supplements patients contributing (34). hyperkalemia. potassium an can excrete is impaired, ciency, is This the Stimulation basolaterally, Intake Excessive of intercalated potassium compartments, that is present duct (31,32). redistribution history ing uptake which to acidosis nature component schema, intake, extraceblubar excretion. is homeostasis, In this excess that to protons acid of a neutral the factors HtK4ATPase for the one potassium principles. either and renal developed recommend govern clinical results been We that common perkalemia have hyperkalemia. the dissociation unaffected, in response just 9: 1535-1543, exit. In practice, value. evaluation potassium Soc Nephrol this diffusion is largely occurs plasma subsequent Because involves lular potassium the with (60,61). potential the pseudohy- of base nantly exceeds further basis uptake weak or in a “blood-gas is abnormal and made cellular concentrations. by obtaining diagnosed, should potassium potassium potassium by measurements serum J Am of Nephrology in a “green-top” serum potassium Society be measured either If the plasma but and potassium blood American The are normal synthesis, intracellular that intra- to increased potassium extracel- that and and regulate and hormones aldosterone, response aldosterone the major insulin, systems the regulate 3-adrener- potassium increased content. aldo- Inhi- J Am Soc bition Nephrol of cant 9: 1535-1543. aldosterone 1998 production hyperkabemia, at atrial natriuretic peptide zyme inhibitors, and angiotensin inhibiting cellular hyperkalemia bution of adrenal production. Drugs any through Inhiband en- aldosterone of these action classes alterations can in the cellular a mEq/L (77), mild (77-80). increase and in with insufficiency when receiving cell basolateral with digitalis its analogues, (83,84) even in the at the (85). This by cause impaired distri- deaths occurring inhibiting the elderly may conventional doses been digoxin, both can sodium may with of a cardiac renal uptake glycoside excretion of potassium. and that have to Some to bufadienolides, steroids cause reabsorption cause hyperkalemia in end-stage renal failure, impaired attributed cardioactive Na4KtATPase as ingestion to both cellular have and such of toxic relate extrarenal soning of potassium. absence may hyperkalemia (81,82). principal and 1. I averaging in severe even of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim the 1539 potassium, results renal hyperkalemia Inhibiting of Hyperkalemia serum occasionally Those develop Aspects and potassium secretion. Digoxin predisposed patients, such as those syn- thereby a mineralo- aldosterone causes hyperkalemia inhibit synthase, Spironolactone, inhibits from in part affect aldosteis regulated in antagonists, aldosterone antagonist, level. cellular II receptor adrenal abdosterone to signifi- angiotensin-converting stimulation inhibits receptor lead to decreased angiotensin II production. as 3-adrenergic antagonists analogues, Il-mediated corticoid can due drugs in common use Abdosterone synthesis part by renin-stimubated of renin secretion, such Heparin action in part, large itors thesis. or least potassium uptake. Many rone synthesis or action. angiotensin Clinical poi- naturally digoxin-like effects (86). Renal Potassium The kidney large Secretion possesses amounts Obstructive such a remarkable of potassium that chronic that via potassium affect those secretion potassium due collecting ducts) renal failure, and a significantly number collecting duct potassium tassium distribution. or secretion. Any effect in clinical interact Aldosterone of its effects that with interferes inhibit collecting duct potassium their necessity acid metabobites for secretion. an po- potassium This important may potassium be due and in cob- in part to mechanism collecting duct reabsorption essential sodium reabsorption. increases potassium nal electronegativity, gradient for potassium thereby secretion. inhibit apical sodium sodium reabsorption channel. ride and triamterene channel (70). More The acid metabolite P, thereby decausing potassium Collecting hyperka- increasing Several duct the drugs blocking azole to treat Pneumocvstis carinii hyperkaleto several up of the obstruction. for hyperkalemia the cardiac uptake potassium, and can effects that be divided into of hyperkabemia, by cells those resulting those those that in a decrease remove potassium that induce in plasma from Blocking Cardiac Effects Intravenous calcium admini stration specifically the on myocardial effects of hyperkalemia on myocardial way to treat and most rapid normocalcemic used is sodium lumi- gluconate the repolarization the body. Calcium and can conduction Calcium is the is effective even be administered in as either with pneumonia, sulfamethoxroutinely 10 mm. Because calcium mic potentiate patients infusion because that CaCO3 precipitation occurs during rapid digoxin Potassium second fastest potassium distribution or ,-adrenergic toxicity should 20 to 30 mm Cellular The insulin be administered the myocardial taking over not to avoid Uptake way to treat by increasing agonist with of the EKG ab- intravenous con- can occur. Seccalcium infusion of digitalis. be given via administration in solutions it should may cell apical (74-76). to with First, use sodium and 5 be given calcium. cell of this trimethoprim and should should be the initial treatment for individuals normalities related to hyperkalemia. Several precautions should be observed principal amilo- chloride, be given if no effect is seen within rapid onset of its effect, intravenous taming NaHCO3 ond, hypercalcemia diuretics or calcium antagonizes (89). hyperkalemia, patients. electrochemical in common the potassium-sparing frequently secretion by increasing are specific inhibitors recently, the antibiotics trimethoprim, uropathy-induced for periods of is (87,88). an intravenous route. Effects can be documented on the EKG within 1 to 3 mm, and last for 30 to 60 mm. A second dose may pentamidine have been found to block the principal sodium channel (71-73) and lead to hyperkalemia High-dose or is unclear calcium secretion by that occurs nonsteroidal potentially for renal of minerabocordeficiency channels; lemia. A third nephritis a degree a receptor Arachidonic reduce arachidonic potassium channel secretion role is hyperacido- release. of renin regulate drugs decrease potassium play stimulation also anti-inflammatory production and creasing metabolites relief potassium system acid have this but (87,88). The with metabolic inon aldosterone duct after Therapies with directly independent drug will use patients whether to the interstitial minimize have to hyperkalemia, Therapy renal of hyperkalemia. secretion, Arachidonic lecting risk These resistance; weeks potassium function leads Many patients with obstructive mia will remain hyperkalemic ducts is directly insufficiency or renal frequently is incompletely understood occur either in association or separately. sis related into to impaired uropathy the mechanism kalemia may ticoid of functioning leads impaired of medications potassium creases production secretion. with is factors be classified of active or chronic, Patients greater A large impairment is al- secretion potassium duct, (number number of collecting filtration rate, renal acute secretion. can mass intrinsic whether potassium generally nephron secretion. Because the related to the gbomerubar potassium regulates in the collecting excretion to reduced to excrete hyperkalemia most impossible to produce unless renal impaired. Because the kidney primarily excretion ability Hyperkale- calcium as a slow hypercalcemia. hyperkalemia cellular administration. is to alter uptake with Insulin either rapidly 1540 Journal stimulates of the cellular marily and should be administered sistent bioavailabibity, levels within 10 to 20 and will mm, by with extrarenal (90,91). Ten and con- serum lasting potassium for 4 to 6 h (91). to avoid due to hypertonicity-induced effective administration. lates treatment potassium uptake approximately nous use used, however. of 0.98 mEqIL, and can 1 mEqIL (92), United States. in the dose albuterob, Albuterol, 10 or 20 mg, is not an at 90 to 120 mm therapy include intravenously and patients may when given decrease abysis albuterol by administered kalemia, by metered combined effective and dose therapy than Bicarbonate when the dose nebulizer either in to or to 33% severe albuterol Table 3. Potassium treatment worsen hypertension hyper- may be and not chronic, bicarbonate may be a prefer- than normal saline be cause EKG sodium for of either loop or thiazide is generally the rate Most of not patients condition with with elimination sulfonate. contrib- 4 h for the the use resin exchanges gastrointestinal In removes full close contin- is with This general, approximately tract, 1 g 0.5 effect. When given Dose Calcium effects gluconate, solution, 10% 10 ml iv. of sodium to 1 .0 mEq It can enema. requiring orally, sodium Onset Duration 1 to 3 mm 30 to 60 mm 30 mm 4 to 6 h 30 mm 2 to 4 h 1 to 2 h 4 to 6 h Immediate Until over 10 mm Cellular potassium Insulin Regular iv., uptake 50 insulin, 10 U with dextrose, 50%, ml if plasma glucose is <250 Nebulized /32-adrenergic agonist Potassium removal Sodium sulfonate polystyrene Kayexalate, 20% mg/dl albuterol, 10 mg 60 g p.o. sorbitob, Kayexalate, retention in or 60 g per enema, without sorbitol Hemodialysis a iv., dialysis completed intravenously: p.o., postoperatively. of thereby of potassium in exchange for 2 to 3 mEq of sodium. administered either orally or per rectum as a retention The rate of potassium removal is relatively slow, approximately re- as obstructive in association elimination. sulfonate factor If a rapidly be adequate. polystyrene in hyperkalemia such of the underlying potassium opti- excretion with is identified, may treated a contributing of diuretics. level diuretics potassium as of potassium potassium polystyrene stimulation potassium mode sodium of hyperkalemia, failure observation cases, mild effectiveness treatment of the In selected for treatment insufficiency of renal then removal. of 3 summarizes be adequate adequate. the removal is Table may with renal a resin, Therapy Calcium membrane sodium options’ Mechanism Antagonize metabolic dextrose 5% hyperkalemia potassium excretion limiting A second show bicarthe may With will uous dose for elimination underlying uropathy, either /3-agonist administration or insulin. Recent studies that the changes in serum potassium with intravenous bonate are small and inconsistent (98-100). Moreover, load mEqIL 1 L D5W) individual. because allowing less options observation that the for hyperkalemia versible than sodium with 1998 failure. At bicarbon- hyperkalemia, rehydration affected Acute (101), hemodi- the diuretics have of effective associated for with usually (97). is probably 150 in suffice. mally albuterol times from potassium may nebulized In and of bicarbonate potassium renal bimigiven is 2 to 8 times 100 (96). insulin alone 20 subsequent required addition solution hyperkalemia. at a primary when administering 50 the available renal of action In addition, inhalers with administration (93). The tachycardia the be by 0.62 onset during mistake by can potassium (93,94). with of sodium potassium intrave- by nebubizer response removal A frequent given of by nebulizer is underdosage; usually more lack potassium (95). for immediate and maximal effect tations of ,-agonist (92) potassium ,-agonists serum with rehydration volume Potassium Removal The definitive treatment stimu- serum administered decreases rapidly approved Nebulized with depletion, and able intravenous solutions. is n-agonist mg, decrease but when respectively, 0.5 9: 1535-1543, potas- for hyperkabemia Intravenous In patients acidosis, (3 amps redistribution. A second ate for hyperkalemia. solutions hypoglycemia, to hyperglycemic individuals. Glucosecan lead to further increases in the concentration Soc Nephrol ute to the development of acute congestive heart present we do not recommend routine use of sodium pri- of insulin rapid to affect effects cells, units to ensure begin coadministered but should not be given induced hyperglycemia sium uptake myocytes J Am of Nephrology intravenously is generally potassium Society potassium hepatocytes Glucose American be J Am Soc Nephrol polystyrene bitob 9: 1535-1543, sulfonate to avoid Clinical 1998 is generally constipation. use of sorbitol may suggest an association sodium polystyrene administered If given with as an enema, 20% sor- avoiding Animal models suggest the colonic perforation, possibly related due to mucosal lumen Dialysis sium removal serum be considered when renal the primary function is absent and is the most If a potassium-free may decrease plasma potassium the of 0 or 1 mEq/L dialysis but is the rapid Specific hyperkalemia. in with tract example, many may be latter may potassium is used, to treat in certain of Fab digitalis hy- treated the rate be 0, Kbose potassium with relief variable, frequent of Orloffi, in RD., provided the information National by the excretion metabolism. edited In: by GB, man. 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