Wellness Ways

Wellness Ways
Issue 5
September 2011
The Harms of Late Night Snacking
By: Megan Tirabassi
Though many of
us enjoy the late-night trips
to the refrigerator for our
favorite nightly snacks,
there are things we don’t
know about this habit that
we should all learn. This is
actually a terrible cycle to
get into, and should be
avoided at all costs.
There are multiple
reasons people might reach
for a midnight snack.
Stress throughout the day,
loneliness, or even boredom
can trigger this dangerous
desire. Unfortunately, once
you start to indulge, it gets
very hard to stop. A person can lose track of how
much food they have actually taken in while snacking; especially if they do
not use a plate or bowl.
A person’s weight
is dependent on how many
calories they take in that
day, and also how many
they’ve burned. Obviously,
snacking or eating a small
meal soon after eating
dinner will increase, if not
double the number of calories consumed. So even
just by cutting out the midnight snacks, or making
healthier choices when
standing before the open
refrigerator, can make a
significant difference in
your weight loss and
So, here are some
general tips to prevent
forming these late-night
1) Eat a bigger breakfast
and lunch. By doing so,
this will increase the calorie
intake throughout the day,
making you less hungry at
2) Keep a Food Diary.
With everything a person
has eaten in the day written down, this visual can
drive a person to realize
they are not actually hungry and do not need that
midnight snack.
3) Make that late-night
snack a healthy one. If this
is already a bad habit,
there is no reason to go
“cold turkey” if that doesn’t
sound appealing. Instead
of taking the whole bag of
chips to the couch with
you, prepare yourself a
more health-conscious
snack and do not ignore
the proper portion sizes.
4) Distract yourself. Go for
a walk, do a chore, or reward yourself with some
personal pampering, like a
bubble bath, for example.
There are many
other healthy options that
taste good, rather than the
typical junk food that everyone tends to lean towards. Something with a
low fat content is an ideal
snack, such as microwave
popcorn, a fudge popsicle,
hard candy, milk, or fruit.
Other healthy choices include yogurt, peanut butter on crackers, or a slice of
whole grain bread.
There are many
reasons people snack at
night, but there are many
more sensible reasons to
steer clear of this habit.
Hopefully, by reading this
article, late-night snacking
can be lessened or even
all together.
Russell, Terri, Initials.
(2011, July 26). Late
night snacks and weight
gain. ABC News/Health,
Retrieved from http://
In This
Page 2
Chocolate milk after
Energy Boosting
Page 3
Overactive Bladder
Eat this Instead!
Page 4
Tips for exercise success
Page 5
Are You Including Some
“Super Foods” in Your
Page 6
Surviving College:
Healthy Lifestyles
Movie Theater Popcorn:
Delicious Snack, Right?
Page 7
Clean brush for a
clean Mouth
Beating the Freshman
Page 9
Women and Weights
Penguin Pre-party
Burn & Earn Incentive Program Begins
Safer Sex Week
Carb Loading Table Talk
Fitness Clinic:: Workouts You Can Do At Home
Penguin Pre-Party
Wellness Ways
Chocolate Milk After Exercise?
ous exercise it is important to
replenish your body with the
fluids and nutrients that has
been lost. Glucose (or glycogen)
is one of the most important
nutrients that needs replaced.
Glucose is your muscles main
source of energy, so without
this replenishment your muscles
may feel fatigued and tired.
So how does this relate to chocolate milk? The research study
performed on elite male runners showed that drinking fatfree chocolate milk after exerA recent development cise increased the muscles gluhas been brought to scientific
cose concentration to a higher
researcher’s attention: Could it extent than that sports drinks.
possibly be true that chocolate The runners were divided into
milk works just as well, if not
two groups; one half drinking
better, than sport drinks as
milk and one half drinking
energy replenishment after
sports drinks. Biopsies perworking out? A study pubformed on the runners after
lished in the International Jour- exercise showed that the group
nal of Sport Nutrition and Ex- who drank the chocolate milk
ercise Metabolism reveals this
had better protein synthesis
may actually be the case.
and building of muscles post
We all know that after strenu- work-out. This is a positive
By: Nicole
“To succeed, we
must first believe
that we can.”
-Michael Korda
finding in that having the ability to replace the body’s main
source of energy to a higher
level will help athletes in their
future performances.
So why not choose chocolate
milk instead? It’s less expensive,
it contains the carbohydrates
and proteins needed for muscle
refueling, it contains the key
nutrients of calcium and Vitamin D that sports drinks do not
and it was supported by the
National Dairy Council and
National Fluid Milk Processor
Promotion board.
Next time you need replenishment 30 minutes after a workout why not choose fat-free
chocolate milk?
Laino, Charlene,
Initials. (n.d.).
Chocolate milk refuels muscles after
workout. Retrieved
from http://
Energy Boosting Snacks
Yogurt: Yogurt is a great
snack when you find yourself
Feeling sluggish today? feeling tired in between meals.
With classes starting up, you
It is packed with protein to give
may find yourself reaching for
you energy and keep you feelthat caffeinated beverage or
ing full longer.
counting down the hours until
your afternoon nap. However, Popcorn: Popcorn is a high
eating a healthy snack may just fiber snack which will help you
give you that energy boost you to feel full and it is also a whole
were looking for! Eating a
grain so it is healthier than chips
snack full of nutrients can help or pretzels. The low-fat microkeep you
wave popcorn is quick, easy,
and low in calories so you can
snack guilt-free!
the day.
Here are
Half of a Turkey Sandwich:
some ideas
Not a traditional snack food,
of what to
but turkey on whole wheat
pack for a
bread gives you energyfull day of activities!
boosting carbs. It will also keep
you full longer so you won’t feel
Bananas and Apples: Both hungry in between meals.
bananas and apples are filled
with vitamin C, antioxidants,
Red Pepper and Hummus:
fiber, and good carbs which will Vegetables have good carbs
give you a quick energy boost. and fiber and are filled with
Other fruits such as oranges and vitamins and nutrients. Snackberries have the same effect so ing on red peppers is a great
you are able to pick your faway to add more vegetables
By: Krista Johnson
Nutrition Counseling
Call 330-941-2241 to
make an
Appointment today!
into your diet! If you aren’t a
fan of red peppers, switch it up
by eating asparagus, mushrooms, or zucchini. Hummus
comes in a variety of flavors
and has protein so you can stay
energized the healthy way!
Almonds and Walnuts: These nuts are packed with good
fats, fiber, and omega-3s. A
small portion will be enough to
keep you feeling full and energized!
Soy Crisps: Craving something
salty? Soy crisps are a good
alternative to chips or pretzels.
They are made of puffed soy
protein and will satisfy that
craving and give you a quick
energy boost!
Kovalovich, L. (2005, December). 11
energy-boosting snacks. Fitness Magazine, Retrieved fromhttp://
Overactive Bladder
gests sugary foods, including
those that contain honey, corn
Incontinence or invol syrup, and fructose, can aggra
-untary urination can happen -vate your bladder. This does
to anyone although it is more not mean you have to cut
sweets out of your diet, just
likely to affect women than
make it part of a balanced
men. “Mild urinary leakage
affects most women at some diet.
time in our lives,”says Mary
Rosser, MD, PhD, an assistant Cranberry Juice-professor in obstetrics and
Cranberry Juice is often used
gyne-cology at Montefiore
to help con-trol urinary infecMedical Center in New York
tions and blad-der infections,
City. “Although it is more
but it is wrong to assume it
common in older women,
can help with an overactive
younger women may experi- bladder, too. When it comes
ence leakage as well.”
to urinary inconti-nence,
The following things can
cranberry juice
make urinary incontinence
can actu-ally
worse and should be limited
make sympor avoided if you have this
toms worse,
due to its acidic
Sugar-Spicy Foods-Controlling
Studies have sug-gested that
your sweet
spicy food can be triggers for
tooth may
people with urinary incontialso help connence or overactive bladders.
trol your bladThese are common irritants
der. Some
for women according to Krisevidence sugBy: Audrey Davidson
ten Burns, an adult urology
nurse practitioner at Johns
Hop-kins Hospital in Baltimore.
Chocolate-Due to the caffeine content,
chocolate may cause problems. It does not matter what
kind it is,
dark or
milk chocolate, hot
or chocolate milk,
they all
about the same amount of
caffeine as a regular cup of
Burn& Earn
Program Begins
September 12th
Kristin Koch. (2010). Health.com. In 10
Things That Can Make Inconti-nence
Worse.. Retrieved September 22,
2010, from http://www.health.com/
Eat This Instead!
By: Karli Rupert
Diet. It’s quite possibly one of the single words in
the English dictionary that
can make someone cringe.
Why? The word “diet” for
some people means they
have to give up those nights
out to dinner with family or
friends, no longer being able
to have late-night Taco Bell
runs, and fighting the urge to
indulge in a plate full of delicious pasta. However, according to the book Eat This,
Not That! it’s possible to go
on a diet and still be able to
eat at your favorite restaurant on a Friday night! Here
are some of the “Top Swaps”
for 2011:
Eat This: Applebee’s Buffalo
Chicken Wings, Southern
660 calories, 35 g fat (9 saturated), 1,070 mg sodium
NOT That: Uno Chicago
Grill 3 Way Buffalo Wings
1,290 calories, 105 g fat (24
saturated), 1,410 mg sodium
French Fries:
Eat This: KFC Potato Wedges
260 calories, 13 g fat (2.5
saturated), 740 mg sodium
Eat This: Panera Bread
Asian Salad
500 calories, 27 g fat (4.5 g
saturated), 1,290 mg sodium
NOT That: Applebee’s Original Grilled Chicken Salad
1,240 calories, 77 g fat (12 g
saturated 2.5 trans), 2,000
mg of sodium
For more of these dieting tips
purchase the book Eat This,
Not That! The No-Diet
Weight Loss Solution.
NOT That: Wendy’s Medium
French Fries
410 calories, 19 g fat (3.5 sat- Zinczenko, D. 2010. Eat This, Not
urated), 350 mg of sodium
“Energy and
persistence conquer
all things.”
-Benjamin Franklin
Wellness Ways
By: Shannon Kushnereit
“Put your
heart, mind,
intellect, and
soul even to
your smallest
acts. This is
the secret of
Before beginning an
exercise program, first assess
the barriers you may encounter. For example, if you believe that time is going to be
your biggest obstacle on your
journey, sit down and make
an exercise schedule for yourself. Keeping yourself on a
schedule will help ensure success because you are able to
physically see when you can fit
exercise into your day.
7:00 P.M.
Discovering your barriers to exercise will help you
realize what obstacles are getting in your way of a healthy
exercise habit. After assessing
your barriers to exercise, give
yourself a self assessment. In
your self assessment you
should include: exercise goals,
how you are going to achieve
your goals, are you willing to
make your goals happen and
how you may destroy your
exercise plan.
Once you are ready
to begin your exercise plan,
choose exercises that are easy
and most enjoyable to you.
Not everyone wants to incorporate a five mile run into
their exercise program and
that is okay! Remember, select
exercises that are most enjoyable to you. If you do not select
exercises that you enjoy, your
fitness plan has the potential
to not be successful. When
selecting your simple, enjoyable exercises be sure to incorporate aerobic, strength and
stretching activities.
For aerobic activity,
walking or jogging is the simplest form because it does not
require any equipment. All
you need is tennis shoes and
you are ready to go! However,
if you do have access to
equipment you will have more
variety in your activities. Additional aerobic activities that
require the use of equipment
are: swimming, walking/
jogging on a treadmill, cycling
or using an elliptical trainer.
You can also engage yourself
in a game of basketball, football, hockey or any other sport
you enjoy that is aerobic. Aerobic activity that is moderately intense should be conducted
five days a week for 30
minutes or three days a week
for 20 minutes if the aerobic
activity is vigorously intense.
When looking to do
strength activities, try to stick
with bodyweight exercises because they keep your strength
training simple. Such bodyweight exercises include: pushups, crunches, pull-ups, squats
and lunges. By including those
five simple
exercises, you
are working
most of the
major muscle
groups in
your body.
training can
be made
very simple
yet extremely
affective by including those five exercises into
your routine. When doing your
strength training exercises, do
eight to ten exercises, eight to
12 repetitions of each exercise
twice a week.
The best part about
stretching exercises is that they
can be done at anytime and
performed anywhere. If you
have an exercise mat that is
great, if not, using a towel
works just as well to perform
your stretches on. Find stretches that work the following
muscle groups: upper and
lower back, chest, triceps,
shoulders, neck, quadriceps,
hamstrings, inner thigh, hips,
gluteals and calves. Yoga is a
great way to stretch your entire body. Most gyms offer
yoga classes throughout the
week. Get a group of friends
together and take a yoga
class together once or twice a
week if your schedule allows.
Now that you have the tools
for exercise success, get
out there and get active!
American College of Sports
Medicine. (2008). The keys to
exercise success. Retrieved
Are You Including Some “Super Foods” in Your Diet?
By: Chrys Zellers, RD, LD
Spinach is a “Super Food “ for
so many reasons. It is one of those leafy
You have probably noticed that greens that are so low in calories that it
can be considered a “free” food. It is a
most health and fitness magazines periodically come out with their list of “super source of vitamin C as well as other antifoods” and you might be wondering how oxidants important to eye health ( acts
a food gets put in this category. Actually like a “sunscreen” for
your eyes) and conthere are many foods that qualify and
tains Vitamin K for
most magazines could come up with a
bone health. Spinach
new list every month. When nutritionist
is an important vegrecommend specific “healthy choices”
etarian source of
they look for foods that are “nutrient
dense” which means that they are packed iron. Side effects of
adding spinach to
with vitamins, minerals , antioxidants as
your diet may include healthier hair and
well as fiber, healthy fats or protein. We
want you to get the most benefit for the nails as well as strong bones. Add to salads, or omelets. Use fresh spinach in salcalories you are spending on that food.
We all know that calories add up quickly, ads, omelets, as a sandwich topper inso think of it as getting the best value for stead of lettuce or on veggie pizza.
the least amount of calories. You don’t
Dark Chocolate:
The good news about
want to waste your daily calorie allowance on too many “empty calories” that
chocolate, besides its great flavor, is its
have little nutritional value.
heart healthy antioxidants called flavoHere are some “Super Foods” and why
noids. have been linked to improved
they belong in this special group!
blood pressure and circulation. But here's
the issue. Chocolate is a high calorie food
All berries in general are a high in fat and sugar. To get the health
benefits of chocolate it should be dark
good fruit choice. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries as well as blueberries are chocolate with at least 70% cacao(cocoa)
low in calories, low in fruit sugar, and high and not processed with alkali. Dark chocolate that fits these guidelines is usually
in fiber. The blue color in blueberries
comes from flavonoids, powerful antioxi- labeled as 70% dark. At 150 calories per
dants that have been linked to improved ounce, it can be a
satisfying healthy
memory function. We could all benefit
snack. All other
from this as fall semestypes of chocolate
ter begins. The high
are treats that
water content of bershould be treated
ries helps us stay hyas a dessert.
drated with better
looking skin as a side
Red Bell Peppers:
A little known fact:
one red bell pepper has twice as much
vitamin C as an orange.
Vitamin C is a powerful
antioxidant that helps
Canned sardines are truly an
clear your body of free
inexpensive source of protein and healthy
radicals and keeps your
fats. If you can handle the canned sarskin and blood vessels
dines with bones(they are edible) you get
healthy and strong. The
a calcium boost as well. They are “super “
vitamin C in bell peppers may also help
because of the omega-3 fats they proprevent arthritis or slow the progression of
vide. Omega-3’s are protective of heart
function, but are not a big the disease. Red bell peppers also deliver
part of our American diet. beta-carotene and lycopene, two more
We need about one gram antioxidants that have been associated
per day. If you like canned with decreased risk of eye diseases like
tuna, try sardines packed cataracts. And, thanks to their high water
in heart healthy olive oil or content, bell peppers of all colors are a
high-volume, low-cal food that's very
canola oil.
figure-friendly. We know that citrus fruits
are good sources of vitamin C, but some
vegetables are also "super sources. A red
bell pepper has two times the vitamin C
of an orange.as well as two other antioxidants, beta carotene and lycopene. Add
this low calorie vegetable to omelets, veggie pizza, salads or vegetable trays.
Egg Whites:
Egg whites are a versatile low-calorie, fat
-free, high-quality
protein choice. For
only 17 calories you
get 4 g of protein
per egg white —
talk about lean
protein! Egg whites
can help you maintain strong bones, muscles, nails, and hair.
Plus, all that protein will help you stay
satisfied for hours after a meal. Egg
whites can be eaten hard-boiled on their
own, enjoyed as a topping for salad, or
substituted for whole eggs in egg salad;
they can also be used as the base of a
vegetable omelet or in place of whole
eggs in baked goods.Egg Whites have so
much going for them. They are cholesterol and fat-free, low in calories at 17 per
egg white, and a good source of protein.
Two egg whites have about the same
amount of protein as an ounce of meat.
Replacing whole eggs with egg whites can
lower fat and calories while providing
Pistachios: All nuts are a good source of
healthy unsaturated fats as well as fiber
and small amounts of protein. Pistachios
are also a good source of phytosterols,
special fats that can help to lower total
cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the bad
one). What make pistachios a "super"
food is the fact that they are lower in fat
and calories than most nuts. Twenty-five
pistachios are only 100 calories. If you buy
them in the shell,they can help you stretch
your snack time
and your snack
Chrystyna Zellers RD, LD
Adapted from www.Joy Bauer.com
Wellness Ways
Surviving College: Healthy Lifestyles
By: Angela Giancola
“Be sure you
put your feet
in the right
place, then
stand firm.”
Fitness Clinic:
Workouts You
Can Do At Home
September 28th
As a college student,
it’s hard to maintain a
healthy lifestyle with all of the
stress and pressures we have
to deal with everyday. It’s
easy to lose focus on how we
should be taking care of ourselves during college since
there are other obligations we
have to worry about. For a
college student, it is important
to maintain a healthy and
balanced diet. It is important
to eat breakfast, fruits, and
vegetables because it will
provide you with the energy
you need to finish your day. If
you find it hard to find ways
to eat healthy during your
time as a student, the recreation center provides you the
opportunity to seek help by
visiting with a nutritionist in
the Wellness Center. This
could be extremely beneficial
to those who know little
about what they should be
eating and where they stand
with their eating habits.
To maintain a
healthy lifestyle, it’s also important to incorporate physical activity in your everyday
life. Physical activity can help
you in numerous ways to benefit your health. As a student,
working out can help you to
relieve stress and emotional
There a plenty of
opportunities at the recreation center to help you fit
physical activity into your
busy schedule of classes and
working. There are programs
offered such as Zumba and
Spinning that help you free
yourself of the negative energy that could be around you,
and put you in an environment that will give you a
proper workout while having
fun at the same time. Coming
soon will be an incentive program, available to anyone
interested that will result in
prizes for participation. It’s a
great way to stay motivated
and to stay committed to
physical activity.
Other ways to help
survive the school year could
include staying hydrated by
drinking water, taking vitamins if your lacking nutrition
in your diet, getting plenty of
sleep, and maintain mental
health. All of these things will
better your performance academically and physically.
Since it’s easy to lose your
motivation and drive to finish
the semester, altering simple
things in your lifestyle could
help you stay on your “AGame”. Buddha (2011) once
said, “To keep the body in
good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to
keep our mind strong and
Health and Safety for College Students. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention. Retrieved
College Health. Medline Plus. Retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/
Movie Theater Popcorn:
Delicious Snack, Right?
to the theaters to get popcorn
as a snack while watching a
movie, but in reality they are
Everyone’s favorite
consuming more calories than
snack at the movie theaters
a large meal. In some, cases,
many be hurting your body
more than it is satisfying your depending on the type of butter and salt used, you could
stomach. Who would have
be eating your recommended
even thought that the popdaily intake of calories.
corn you are eating at the
theaters could be so unWhile the calories
healthy for you? When the
may be very high, that’s not
Center for Science in the Pub- the only thing you should be
lic Interest did a recent study, worrying about when chowthey found that eating a me- ing down on popcorn. Movie
dium popcorn and soda
theater popcorn has enough
would be just as bad for you
grams of fat in it to equal
as eating three Quarter
what you should consume in
Pounders from McDonald’s
three days. Even a small pop(CBS News). Most people go corn has almost 700 calories in
By: Taylor Garland
it and your daily amount of
fat. Next time you go to the
movies and crave popcorn,
get a small and split it with
the people you are with. Also,
drinking water instead of soda with the popcorn will help
you to fill up and eat less popcorn.
Movie popcorn has shocking calories,
fat. (2009, November 19). Retreived
from http:// www.cbsnews.com/
Clean Brush for a Clean Mouth
By: Brittany Stout
land on the bristles. Try storing your toothbrush in a on
the counter farthest away
from the toilet.
Don’t share: Many people
think kissing and sharing a
toothbrush is the same concept. Toothbrushes, if not
cleaned properly, contain
food particles, plaque, blood
Brushing your teeth on a daily and other bacteria on them.
basis is essential for a healthy Swapping toothbrushes can
transfer these in your mouth.
smile. Hundreds of bacteria
live in your mouth at one
time, including plaque. In or- Let it dry: Keep your toothder to keep fewer bacteria
brush stored in an upright
position in an open environand plaque crawling in your
ment. If a toothbrush is kept
mouth, be sure to clean and
store your toothbrush proper- in a closed space the bristles
will remain moist. Bacteria
ly. Follow these steps to ensure your toothbrush is clean: enjoy living and breeding in
moist areas.
Common sense: Don’t store
Rinse well: When you are
your toothbrush next to a
toilet. When a toilet is flushed finished brushing, Instead of
water is sprayed into the air. If just running water over your
toothbrush and tapping it off
a toothbrush is next to the
the sink to remove excess watoilet water droplets may
ter, try taking a clean finger
to the bristles to remove excess toothpaste, plaque, saliva
etc. Toothbrush sanitizer cannot kill all the bacteria.
Replace regularly: Be sure
to replace your toothbrush
every 3 to 4 months. After a
while your toothbrush begins
to wear down. Also try to replace your toothbrush after
being under the weather or
you drop your toothbrush.
Toothbrushes will always contain some bacteria. Most bacteria on your toothbrush are
harmless; not following these
steps may invite more bacteria in. With flu season around
the corner we all want to try
to keep germs at a minimum!
“You only ever
grow as a
human being if
you’re outside
your comfort
-Percy Cerutty
Beating the Dreaded Freshman 15
By: Jennifer Johnstone
2. Eat at regularly scheduled mealtimes. Avoid
As a new school year late night snacks.
begins and freshmen are "on
Adding unnecessary
their own" for the first time,
calories to your daily allowstudents tend to get lost in the ance will add to those unfreedom to eat whatever they wanted pounds. If you are
want. When the all you can
hungry between meals try
eat dinners, the plethora of
eating some raisins or other
penguin points, and Latefruits to tie you over until
Night Christman snacks began your next meal.
to take their toll on the scale,
this can become very stressful 3. Avoid drinks full of
on the students. Here are
some healthy tips to avoid the
Try drinking water
freshman 15.
or non-fat milk.
1. Avoid eating while
studying, watching TV,
and when stressed.
When stressed, food
can seem like a comfort to
college students. Try to avoid
these things by having a glass
of water or chewing a piece of
4. Avoid going up for
second servings.
Second servings will
add to unnecessary calories. If
you are still hungry after a
meal eat some fruit, or keep
healthy snacks in your dorm
5. Exercise!
Exercise will not only
help you avoid that extra
weight gain, it's a great stress
reliever, and a great way to
meet new people.
Beating the freshman 15. (2010, July).
Table Talk:
Carb Loading
September 21st
Retrieved fr
om http://kidshealth.org/teen/
Wellness Ways
Women and Weights
By: Alex Chang
“Happiness is
ready made.
It comes from
your own
-Dalai Lama
Join us at one of
our many
Group -X classes
offered daily!!
Amongst all the talk you
can hear between patrons in
the gym, one of the most
common comment comes
from the female gym-goers.
“I want to tone my ”insert
portion of the body here”, but
I don’t want to lift weights
and get bulky.” The purpose
of this article is to debunk the
aforementioned myth; yes
that’s right ladies, it is a myth,
and believing in it may have
already slowed down your
fitness goals to lose weight or
tone up! It’s never too late to
make a change for the good,
and hopefully, I’ll be able to
convince some of you to join
your testosterone-filled counterparts.
Let’s start off on a positive note; lifting hard will enhance a woman's shape, and
unless you are taking extreme
measures in your diet, training
and supplementation, it will
not add massive bulk to it.
Women simply just do not
have the levels of testosterone
present in their body to
achieve enormous muscle
In truth, even most men
in the gym who are just trying
to get huge, find that every
little bit of muscle they gain is
a struggle. In truth, a lot of
the size they put on is ironically fat from the heavy influx of
calories they take in.
Heavy compound movements could benefit women
since these exercises increase
the metabolic rate substantially, creating a greater capacity to burn fat. Most women will never see the type of
results they could be enjoying
because they don’t train with
weights! You cannot shape
your body by doing hours of
cardio or throwing around
tiny weights week in and
week out. You are not reaching your anaerobic threshold
and thus, you are not pushing
your body to make significant
Studies from the American College of Sports Medicine
found that intense weight
lifting decreased symptoms of
depression dramatically and
that effect was not dependent
on aerobic response. What this
means is that if you are doing
solely cardio and not seeing
significant improvements, you
can get easily discouraged
and quit very quickly. By
adding in weightlifting, you
can battle the depression and
not only gain the benefits of
muscular activity, but also
have the motivation to keep
training towards your goal!
In writing this article, I am
not suggesting that weightlifting is superior to cardio while
you are achieving your fitness
goals. Both forms of exercise
burn calories and are important to looking great, but
only weight lifting builds muscle to create an overall leaner,
attractive feminine physique.
So ladies, next time you
come down to the Rec center,
instead of doing two hours of
cardio, try splitting that time
up between cardio and
weights. Who knows? You
might really like it!
2010. American College
of Sports Medicine. www.acsm.org
Interested in Personal Training?
Campus Rec’s Personal Trainers can help you
reach your fitness goals!
For more information visit the Wellness Resource Center or go to www.ysu.edu/reccenter
Quiz: Fitness fact or fitness fiction?
Answer TRUE or FALSE.
7. Abdominal exercises will flatten
your stomach.
1. When you exercise, go for the
intense burn in your muscles.
8. Aerobic exercise permanently
speeds up your metabolism.
2. Aerobic exercise is all that really
9. Exercise can put the spark back
into your sex life.
3. Women who strength train are
bound to bulk up.
10. The more you sweat the more
fat you'll lose.
“Live your
beliefs and
you can
turn the
4. Exercise helps you sleep better.
5. Exercise has to be strenuous to be
6. You can eat whatever you want if
you exercise enough.
1. F
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. F
6. F
7. F
8. F
Interested in Intramurals?
Campus Rec offers numerous Intramural
sports to get you involved on campus!
For more information visit the
Administrative Office or go to
comes easily.
hard work is the
only way to
results that
-Hamilton Hilt
Department of Campus Recreation and Student Programming
(330) 941-3488
Wellness Resource Center
(330) 941-2241
Fall Hours
Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center
Monday—Thursday…………………………………...….…6:30 am—10:30 pm
Friday…………………………………………………….……..…..6:30 am—9:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday………………………………….….....10:00 am—6:00 pm
November 11
Andrews Closed
November 23
Andrews Closes at 6:00 pm
Novermber 24-27
Andrews Closed
December 16
Andrews Closes at 6:00 pm
December 17
Andrews Winter Break Hours Begin
December 26-30
Andrews Closed
Participant must have a
valid YSU ID card to use
the facilities, equipment,
services, and programs
offered by the Department
of Campus Recreation.
Visit Our Website for
More Information