Reflective Journal – Tuesdays With Morrie

Reflections – Tuesdays With Morrie
For each reflection the interactive, students must respond to the prompt and reflect on its
personal meaning for them. They must also express a life application that is drawn from
the reading and prompt.
Entry #1, 8/19
pgs 1-17
Reflect on what you have learned about Morrie and Mitch.
Entry #2, 8/26
pgs 18-29
Discuss Morrie’s approach to death.
Entry #3, 9/2
pgs 19-45
Entry #4, 9/9
pgs 46-59
What is Mitch’s focus in life?
What life lesson does Morrie teach (or attempt to teach) him?
What are Morrie’s thoughts about love?
What are Morrie’s thoughts about self-pity?
Discuss Mitch’s realization at the end of this passage.
Entry #5, 9/16
pgs 60-72
Respond to the following quote: (page 61)
“Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have
to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other
people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too –
even when you’re in the dark. Even when you’re falling.”
Discuss Morrie’s views on a meaningful life.
Do people talk too much and act too little?
Entry #6, 9/23
pgs 73-87
Explain Eva’s influence on Morrie’s life.
Briefly comment on someone who has had a similar influence
on your life.
Respond to the following quote: (page 80)
“Everyone knows they’re going to die, but nobody
believes it.”
Respond to the following quote: (page 82)
“Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.”
Entry #7, 9/30
pgs 88-99
Entry #8, 10/7
pgs 100-121
Entry #9, 10/14
pgs 122-140
Discuss Morrie’s views on family.
Explain Morrie’s lessons on:
Respond to Morrie’s comment that “we put our values in the
wrong things.”
Discuss brainwashing.
Respond to the following quote:
“Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone.”
Entry #10, 10/21
pgs 141-149
What are Morrie’s thoughts on marriage?
What are your thoughts on marriage?
Entry #11, 10/28
pgs 150-179
Why are people mean when they are threatened?
Respond to the following:
“Forgive yourself. Forgive others.”
Comment on Morrie’s approach to death.
Entry #12, 11/4
pgs 180-193
What lessons have you learned from Morrie?