306 Somerville, NJ July 20, 2015 BOROUGH OF SOMERVILLE COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Monday, July 20, 2015 7:00 P.M. LOCATION: COUNCIL CHAMBERS – POLICE HEADQUARTERS 24 SOUTH BRIDGE STREET, SOMERVILLE, NJ 08876 1. Roll Call 2. Salute to the Flag 3. Approval of Minutes a. July 6, 2015 4. Departmental Reports & Important Notices a. June Summons Report b. June Monthly Housing Report c. 2ND Quarter 2015 Department of Technology Report- Paul Allena 5. Discussion a. Second Hand Dealer’s proposed ordinance 6. Committee Reports 7. Meeting Open to the Public 8. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION 2475-15-0720 AMENDING CHAPTER 166 SECTION 43 SCHEDULE II OF THE BOROUGH CODE ENTITLED NO PARKING CERTAIN HOURS TO INCLUDE THE PARKING SPACES ON WEST MAIN STREET, WEST OF UNION STREET AND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET 9. ORDINANCE FOR PUBIC HEARING AND ADOPTION 2472-15-0706 AMENDING THE BOROUGH CODE BY TO INCLUDE THE SCHEDULE OF PROPERTIES WITHIN THE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REFERRED TO IN SECTION 148-1 2473-15-0706 AMENDING ARTICLE XIV CHAPTER 166 SECTION 42 SCHEDULE I ENTITLED “NO PARKING” OF THE BOROUGH CODE TO REFLECT NO PARKING ON A PORTION OF GREEN STREET 2474-15-0706 AMENDING CHAPTER 80 ENTITLED FIRE PREVENTION; LINE SAFETY ELIMINATING ARTICLE I & ARTICLE II OF THE CHAPTER AND REPLACING SAID ARTICLES WITH SECTIONS 80-1 a. THROUGH SECTION 80-1 m. 10. CONSENT RESOLUTIONS (Resolutions 15-0720-250 thru 15-0720-263) 15-0720-250 AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ISSUE FUNDS FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT – DESAPIO PROPERTIES 15-0720-251 AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ISSUE FUNDS FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT – SOMERSET DEVELOPERS LLC 15-0720-252 AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ISSUE FUNDS FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT – JSM LANDMARK 15-0720-253 AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ISSUE FUNDS FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT – 40 HAYNES STREET REDEVELOPMENT LLC 15-0720-254 AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ISSUE FUNDS FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT – VMD ASSOCIATES LLC 307 Somerville, NJ July 20, 2015 15-0720-255 APPROVING THE USE OF BOROUGH OWNED EQUIPMENT OPERATED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ON AUGUST 1, 2015 AT LANOKA HARBOR 75TH ANNIVERSARY PARADE AND OCTOBER 3, 2015 BEACH HAVEN PARADE 15-0720-256 APPROVING THE NEW JERSEY STATE FIREMEN’S APPLICATION FOR BRENT HUREVITCH 15-0720-257 APPROVING THE NEW JERSEY STATE FIREMEN’S APPLICATION FOR JUSTIN BIGELOW 15-0720-258 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY SCHEDULE 5697519 FOR THE LEASE OF TWO 2015 FORD INTERCEPTOR SEDANS WITH POLICE PACKAGE IN THE AMOUNT OF $73,851.00 15-0720-259 AUTHORIZING A BLOCK PARTY EVENT RECOGNIZING DEPARTURE OF RESIDENT LEAVING FOR UNITED STATES NAVY ON SPRING STREET FROM GROVE STREET TO WALNUT STREET 15-0720-260 APPROVING THE NEW JERSEY STATE FIREMEN’S APPLICATION FOR NICHOLAS FABIANO 15-0720-261 APPROVING RENEWAL OF TAXI DRIVER LICENSE FOR CANDIDO ORTIZ 15-0720-262 APPROVING A BLOCK PARTY FOR VAN BUREN STREET BETWEEN EASTERN STATES PARKWAY AND THE EASTERN TERMINUS ON AUGUST 15, 2015 FROM 2:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M. 15-0720-263 REAFFIRMING SITE CONTROL OF PROPERTIES CONTAINED WITHIN THE STATION AND LANDFILL REDEVELOPMENT AREA - BROWNFIELD DEVELOPMENT AREA 11. BILLS AND VOUCHERS 12. ADJOURNMENT 308 Somerville, NJ July 20, 2015 The second regular meeting of the Somerville Borough Council for the Month of July 2015 was convened on Monday, July 20, 2015 at 7:00 pm prevailing time in Borough Council Chambers 24 South Bridge Street, Somerville, New Jersey. Clerk-Administrator Sluka read the open pubic meeting statement and advised that the meeting was properly noticed in the newspaper and at Borough Hall. Upon call of the roll, the following Borough Council members were present: Mayor Brian Gallagher Presiding, Council President Jane Kobuta, Councilman Jason Kraska, Councilman Thompson Mitchell, Councilman Dennis Sullivan, and Councilman Ken Utter. Councilman Robert Wilson was excused from the meeting. Also present was Borough Clerk-Administrator Kevin Sluka and Borough Attorney Jeremy Solomon. The pledge of allegiance was recited by those in attendance. The minutes of the July 6, 2015 meeting were presented in writing for approval. Councilman Utter made a motion and was seconded Councilwoman Kobuta to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was approved by the following vote: Carried unanimously Discussion a. Second Hand Dealers Ordinance Councilman Utter provided an overview of the South Jersey Communities that he contacted regarding the implementation of the proposed ordinance. The program has been well received in these south jersey communities. Brick Township recommended that the Borough consider the Rapid program. Mayor Gallagher commented that he feels that it might be a good thing for the DSA to vet this through the downtown merchants. Clerk-Administrator Sluka commented that this system is very highly used in Ocean County. He has identified around five or six merchants in the downtown which might utilize this system. Committee Reports: Councilman Sullivan reported that tax bills will be going out on time. The average overall tax increase for all three taxes (municipal, county, schools) is $160. Councilman Sullivan reported that Somerset County has approved the Borough’s 2015 capital improvement authority funding. Councilman Kraska reported on the safety improvement to the intersection of Grove and Cliff Street. The new larger LED stop signs have arrived and will be installed by next week. Councilman Mitchell commented on the upcoming merger of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and St. Barnabas Medical Center and the possible taxing impacts. Councilman Mitchell commented on traffic issues on Mountain Ave near the laundrymat across from Immaculata High School. Councilman Mitchell reported on an upcoming special farmers market at Somerville Senior Citizens. Councilman Utter reported on the first Emergency Services Facility working committee meeting which was held on Monday, July 13, 2015. Councilman Utter reported on the YMCA summer camp tour of the Somerville Fire Museum. Councilman Utter reported on the recent trip to the Fire Expo in Baltimore by members of the Board of Engineers and Emergency Services Facility Committee. Councilman Utter reported on the DSA Downtown Somerville photo contest which is underway. Councilwoman Kobuta commented on the 2nd Quarter Technology Report. 309 Somerville, NJ July 20, 2015 Open to the Public: Ms. Sara DeJesus, 6 Sommer Dr, Somerville, commented on the new stores coming into downtown Somerville. She also commented on the inconsistent opening and closing hours of the stores. Mayor Gallagher replied that this is an issue that the DSA has been working with the store owners on. Ms. DeJesus also commented on the timing of the Farmers Market on Division Street. She asked if it was possible for the Market to be on Saturday mornings. There were no comments and the public session was closed. Ordinances for Introduction: ORDINANCE NO. 2475-15-0720 AMENDING CHAPTER 166 SECTION 43 SCHEDULE II OF THE BOROUGH CODE ENTITLED NO PARKING CERTAIN HOURS TO INCLUDE THE PARKING SPACES ON WEST MAIN STREET, WEST OF UNION STREET AND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET BE IT ORDAINED that the following amendment be made to the Somerville Borough Code, Chapter 166, Section 43 Schedule II 166-43 Schedule II: No Parking Certain Hours.1 [Amended 4-7-08 by Ord. No. 2257] Name of Street West Main St. Side South Hours Thurs-Sat 4pm to midnight Location from a point 49 West of Union St. to a point 116 therefrom BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that if any section or provisions of this ordinance shall be held invalid, the same shall not affect the other section or provisions of this ordinance, unless such section or provision is inseparable from the remainder. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. This Ordinance shall take effect twenty (20) days after publication in accordance with applicable law. Colin Driver commented that this formalizes the valet parking area in front of Wolf Gangs Steak House on West Main Street. This also now allows for enforcement of this parking restriction. Mayor Gallagher opened the meeting for comments on Ordinance 2475-15-0720 There were no comments and the public portion was closed. Councilman Utter made a motion and was seconded Councilwoman Kobuta to introduce Ordinance 2475-15-0720. The motion was approved by the following vote: Ayes: Councilwoman Kobuta, Councilman Kraska, Councilman Mitchell, Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Utter Nays: None 310 Somerville, NJ July 20, 2015 Ordinances for Hearing and Adoption: ORDINANCE# 2472-15-0706 AMENDING THE BOROUGH CODE BY TO INCLUDE THE SCHEDULE OF PROPERTIES WITHIN THE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REFERRED TO IN SECTION 148-1 Mayor Gallagher opened the meeting for comments on Ordinance 2472-15-0706. There were no comments and the public portion was closed. Councilman Utter made a motion and was seconded Councilman Mitchell to adopt Ordinance 247215-0706. The motion was approved by the following vote: Ayes: Councilwoman Kobuta, Councilman Kraska, Councilman Mitchell, Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Utter, Nays: None ORDINANCE NUMBER 2473-15-0706 AMENDING ARTICLE XIV CHAPTER 166 SECTION 42 SCHEDULE I ENTITLED “NO PARKING” OF THE BOROUGH CODE TO REFLECT NO PARKING ON A PORTION OF GREEN STREET Mayor Gallagher opened the meeting for comments on Ordinance 2473-15-0706. There were no comments and the public portion was closed. Councilwoman Kobuta made a motion and was seconded Councilman Utter to adopt Ordinance 2473-15-0706. The motion was approved by the following vote: Ayes: Councilwoman Kobuta, Councilman Kraska, Councilman Mitchell, Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Utter Nays: None ORDINANCE NUMBER 2474-15-0706 AMENDING CHAPTER 80 ENTITLED FIRE PREVENTION; LINE SAFETY ELIMINATING ARTICLE I & ARTICLE II OF THE CHAPTER AND REPLACING SAID ARTICLES WITH SECTIONS 80-1 a. THROUGH SECTION 80-1 m. Clerk-Administator Sluka provided a brief overview of the ordinance. He asked that this Ordinance take effect 20 days after publication. He would like to have the new fee structure take effect on January 1, 2016. Mayor Gallagher opened the meeting for comments on Ordinance 2474-15-0706. There were no comments and the public portion was closed. Councilman Utter made a motion and was seconded Councilman Kraska to adopt Ordinance 247415-0706. The motion was approved by the following vote: Ayes: Councilwoman Kobuta, Councilman Kraska, Councilman Mitchell, Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Utter Nays: None 311 Somerville, NJ July 20, 2015 Resolutions: The following consent resolutions were presented: RESOLUTION 15-0720-250 AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ISSUE FUNDS FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT – DESAPIO PROPERTIES WHEREAS, the Land Use and Development Ordinance of the Borough of Somerville requires a performance guarantee deposit be made for various projects, and WHEREAS, a deposit was received from DeSapio Properties and deposited into our Developers Escrow Account, and WHEREAS, it is determined that $66.50 be paid to DeCotiis, FitzPatrick & Cole LLP (Invoice 166923 Period ending 6/30/15) and $1,029.00 be paid to Driver Associates, LLC (Invoice 2015-7 Dated July 14, 2015) for services rendered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Finance Officer be instructed to issue a check in the amount listed above from the balance of the escrow deposit on file for DeSapio Properties #7763733738. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-251 AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ISSUE FUNDS FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT – Somerset Developers LLC WHEREAS, the Land Use and Development Ordinance of the Borough of Somerville requires a performance guarantee deposit be made for various projects, and WHEREAS, a deposit was received from Somerset Developers LLC and deposited into our Developers Escrow Account, and WHEREAS, it is determined that $33.25 to be paid to DeCotiis, FitzPatrick & Cole, LLP (invoice 166924 Period Ending 6/30/15) and $653.25 to Driver Associates, LLC (Invoice 2015-7, Invoice dated 7/14/2015) for services rendered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Finance Officer be instructed to issue a check in the amount listed above from the balance of the escrow deposit on file for Somerset Developers LLC # 7762624992. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-252 AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ISSUE FUNDS FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT – JSM LANDMARK WHEREAS, the Land Use and Development Ordinance of the Borough of Somerville requires a performance guarantee deposit be made for various projects, and WHEREAS, a deposit was received from JSM Landmark and deposited into our Developers Escrow Account, and WHEREAS, It has been confirmed that $601.25 be paid to Driver Associates, LLC (Invoice 2015-7 July 14, 2015), and $880.00 be paid to Cole & Associates, LLC (Invoice 18182015JSM-1, Period Ending 6/30/15) for services rendered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Finance Officer be instructed to issue a check in the amount listed above from the balance of the escrow deposit on file for JSM Landmark # 7760805585. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 312 Somerville, NJ July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-253 AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ISSUE FUNDS FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT – 40 HAYNES STREET REDEVELOPMENT LLC WHEREAS, the Land Use and Development Ordinance of the Borough of Somerville requires a performance guarantee deposit be made for various projects, and WHEREAS, a deposit was received from 40 Haynes Street Redevelopment LLC and deposited into our Developers Escrow Account, and WHEREAS, it is confirmed that $46.25 be paid to Driver Associates LLC (Invoice 2015-7- July 14, 2015) for services rendered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Finance Officer be instructed to issue a check in the amount listed above from the balance of the escrow deposit on file for 40 Haynes Street Redevelopment LLC #7762625015. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-254 AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER TO ISSUE FUNDS FROM ESCROW ACCOUNT – VMD Associates LLC WHEREAS, the Land Use and Development Ordinance of the Borough of Somerville requires a performance guarantee deposit be made for various projects, and WHEREAS, a deposit was received from VMD Associates LLC and deposited into our Developers Escrow Account, and WHEREAS, Colin Driver has confirmed that $1,029.00 be paid to Driver Associat es, LLC (Invoice 2015-7, July 14, 2015) for services rendered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Finance Officer be instructed to issue a check in the amount listed above from the balance of the escrow deposit on file for VMD Associates LLC # 7762624976. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-255 APPROVING THE USE OF BOROUGH OWNED EQUIPMENT OPERATED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ON AUGUST 1, 2015 AT LANOKA HARBOR 75TH ANNIVERSARY PARADE AND OCTOBER 3, 2015 BEACH HAVEN PARADE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Somerville, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey approves the use of borough owned equipment operated by the Fire department on August 1, 2015 at Lanoka harbor 75th Anniversary parade and October 3, 2013 Beach Haven Parade. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-256 APPROVING THE NEW JERSEY STATE FIREMEN’S APPLICATION FOR BRENT HUREVITCH BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Somerville, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey approves the New Jersey Firemen’s Application for Brent Hurevitch. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 313 Somerville, NJ July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-257 APPROVING THE NEW JERSEY STATE FIREMEN’S APPLICATION FOR JUSTIN BIGELOW BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Somerville, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey approves the New Jersey Firemen’s Application for Justin Bigelow. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-258 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY SCHEDULE 5697519 FOR THE LEASE OF TWO 2015 FORD INTERCEPTOR SEDANS WITH POLICE PACKAGE IN THE AMOUNT OF $73,851.00 WHEREAS, the police Department for the Borough of Somerville has a need for two additional police cars; and WHEREAS, the Police Department has identified that that the 2015 Ford Interceptor Sedan with Police Package fits their needs: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Borough Council of the Borough of Somerville, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, hereby authorize the execution of a lease purchase agreement for the lease of two 2015 Ford Interceptor Sedans with police packages in the amount of $73,851.00. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-259 AUTHORIZING A BLOCK PARTY EVENT RECOGNIZING DEPARTURE OF RESIDENT LEAVING FOR UNITED STATES NAVY ON SPRING STREET FROM GROVE STREET TO WALNUT STREET WHEREAS, a resident at 208 Grove Street has requested a block party event; and WHEREAS, the event will recognize the departure of a resident that has joined the United States Navy; and WHEREAS, the event will be held on Spring Street between Grove Street and Walnut Street; and WHEREAS, the property owners at 208 Grove Street are responsible for appropriate detour signs, notification of neighbors, receipt of barricades and placement of barricades. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-260 APPROVING THE NEW JERSEY STATE FIREMEN’S APPLICATION FOR NICHOLAS FABIANO BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Somerville, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey approves the New Jersey Firemen’s Application for Nicholas Fabiano. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-261 APPROVING RENEWAL OF TAXI DRIVER LICENSE FOR CANDIDO ORTIZ BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Somerville, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey approves the renewal of taxi Driver License for Candido Ortiz. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 314 Somerville, NJ July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-262 APPROVING A BLOCK PARTY FOR VAN BUREN STREET BETWEEN EASTERN STATES PARKWAY AND THE EASTERN TERMINUS ON AUGUST 15, 2015 FROM 2:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Somerville, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey approves a block party for Van Buren Street between Eastern States Parkway and the Eastern Terminus on August 15, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (barricades shall be dropped off at 26 Van Buren Street). Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-263 REAFFIRMING SITE CONTROL OF PROPERTIES CONTAINED WITHIN THE STATION AND LANDFILL REDEVELOPMENT AREA - BROWNFIELD DEVELOPMENT AREA WHEREAS, the Borough of Somerville desires to redevelop certain properties within the area designated as The Station and Landfill Redevelopment Area, which is a NJ DEP designated Brownfield development area; and WHEREAS, the properties to be redeveloped are, Block 123, Lots 2.01, 3, 3.01, 4, 5, 12, and 12.01, Block 124, Lots 1, 17, 17.01, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23.01; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body has determined that there has been, a discharge of hazardous substances or a hazardous waste on these Properties; and WHEREAS, the borough either owns and controls the property or if privately owned has obtained control of the property to be redeveloped through agreement with the owners; and WHEREAS, the Borough of Somerville has applied for and received grants from the Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund for the remediation of certain sections of the redevelopment area known as the Green Seam; and WHEREAS, the borough has applied to the NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust Loan Program to fund the borough’s 25% statutory requirement for said remediation; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Somerville that Somerville Borough is committed to the remediation of the above listed properties for the purpose of redevelopment through cooperative action with the property owners. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-264 AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY BEING A MOTOR VEHICLE FROM THE THROUGH GOVDEALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE COOPERATIVE PRICING SYSTEM WHEREAS, the Borough is the owner of certain surplus property which is no longer needed for public use; and WHEREAS, the Borough Council are desirous of selling said surplus property in an “as is” condition without express or implied warranties. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council in the Borough of Somerville, County of Somerset, as follows: (1) The sale of the surplus property shall be conducted through GovDeals pursuant to State Contract A70967/T2581 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the State Contract. The terms and conditions of the agreement entered into with GovDeals is available online at govdeals.com and also available from the Borough of Somerville. (2) The sale will be conducted online and the address of the auction site is govdeals.com. (3) The sale is being conducted pursuant to Local Finance Notice 2008-9. (4) A list of the surplus property to be sold is as follows: 2002 Ford Explorer XLS VIN/ 1FMZU 72E32 U 260 98 (5) The surplus property as identified shall be sold in an “as-is” condition without express or implied warranties with the successful bidder required to execute a Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement concerning use of said surplus property. 315 Somerville, NJ (6) July 20, 2015 The Borough reserves the right to accept or reject any bid submitted. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-265 AUTHORIZING A BLOCK PARTY EVENT AUGUST 15, 2015, (rain date August 16) ON SYCAMORE STREET FROM WILLIAM STREET TO SPRING STREET FROM NOON UNTIL 6:00 P.M. WHEREAS, a resident at 23 Sycamore Street has requested a block party event, in which over two dozen homes have been coordinated; and WHEREAS, the event will be held on August 15, 2015 from Noon until 6:00 p.m.; on Sycamore Street from William Street to Spring Street from noon until 6:00 p.m.; and WHEREAS, the occupants at 23 Sycamore Street are responsible for appropriate notification of neighbors, receipt of barricades and placement of barricade: and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Borough Council of the Borough of Somerville, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, hereby authorize a block party event on August 15, 2015 (rain date August 16) on Sycamore Street from William Street to Spring Street from noon until 6:00 p.m. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION 15-0720-266 APPROVING NATIONAL NIGHT OUT ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2015 FROM 6:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. AT EXCHANGE FIELD BE IT RESOLVED, that the Borough Council of the Borough of Somerville, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, hereby approves National Night Out on Tuesday, August 4, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Exchange Field. Adopted by Borough Council on July 20, 2015 Councilwoman Kobuta made a motion and was seconded by Councilman Utter to approve the aforementioned consent resolutions. The motion was approved by the following vote: Ayes: Councilwoman Kobuta, Councilman Kraska, Councilman Mitchell, Councilman Sullivan Councilman Utter Nays: None Councilman Sullivan, Finance Chairman presented the following vouchers for approval: 316 Somerville, NJ P.O. Id 15001718 15001812 15001863 15001661 15001720 15001808 15001719 15001751 15001751 15001398 15001817 15001801 15001757 15001756 15001854 15001796 15001815 15001803 15001857 15001859 15001867 15001798 15001835 15001835 15001722 15001836 15001816 15001744 15001745 15000991 15001709 15001710 15001703 15001747 15001828 15001831 15001704 15001769 15001829 15001768 15001529 15001530 15001741 15001447 15001604 15001870 15001871 15001420 15001868 15001420 15001464 15001804 15001771 15001813 15001662 15001202 15001287 15001308 15001420 15001637 15001765 15001658 15001659 15000844 15001626 Vendor Name SUMMIT TRUCK & AUTO BODY COURIER NEWS COURIER NEWS AMBASSADOR MEDICAL SERVICES KEVIN SLUKA DELAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVIC ROBERT LYNN COLE & ASSOCIATES LLC COLE & ASSOCIATES LLC MGL PRINTING SOLUTIONS W.B. MASON CO., INC FEDEX ADP VITAL COMMUNICATIONS INC VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS GMIS-INTERNATIONAL QSCEND JAMES LOEWEN, ESQ VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS VERIZON WIRELESS AMANO MCGANN INC COLE & ASSOCIATES LLC COLE & ASSOCIATES LLC AUDREY SUTTON DELAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVIC STATEWIDE INSURANCE FUND DIANE HEIMBERG OFF. COLE FICARRA SOMERSET COUNTY VEHICLE MAINTE AUTOZONE VESPIA'S/MR TIRE SOMERSET CTY ADM. BLDG SOMERSET CTY ADM. BLDG VERSADIAL SOLUTION DELAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVIC OFF. COLE FICARRA FLEMINGTON DEPARTMENT STORE FLEMINGTON DEPARTMENT STORE FORD MOTOR CREDIT CO. U S SECURITY ASSOC., INC U S SECURITY ASSOC., INC U S SECURITY ASSOC., INC EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT SALES LEES EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT OCTAVIO ANGELOZZI THOMAS CALABRESE POST ACE HARDWARE VERIZON WIRELESS POST ACE HARDWARE DEMARCO BATTERIES PLUS LINCOLN HOSE CO # 4 AMERICAN WATER BOB SMITH & ASSOC. STAVOLA ASPHALT COMPANY CENTRAL JERSEY TRAILER HITCH D CENTRAL JERSEY TRAILER HITCH D CENTRAL JERSEY TRAILER HITCH D POST ACE HARDWARE INTERNATIONAL SHEET METAL SOMERSET COUNTY VEHICLE MAINTE GEORGE CONSTANTINO FERDINAND COLLAZO NORTHERN NURSERIES CENTRAL JERSEY TRAILER HITCH D July 20, 2015 Item Description legal ads legal ads drug testing July lease agrmt Traffic Studies VITAL STATISTICS SUPPLIES supplies for A/E shipping charges PAYROLL SERVICES TAX COLLECTION SYSTEM JULY internet charges membership dues website hosting prof services-July FIOS charges internet charges repairs to meters BOROUGH OF SOMERVILLE GENERAL PLANNING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES workers comp SALARY 2 USB THUMB DRIVES VEHICLE REPAIRS - MAY 2015 ADHESIVE VEHICLE REPAIRS - CAR #7 500 NO PARKING SIGNS 1500 SPD ENVELOPES SERVICE MAINTENANCE RENEWAL SHARP COPIER MAINTENANCE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE UNIFORMS - SGT. BRATTOLE UNIFORMS - OFF. SULOUFF 2ND YEAR OF THREE YEAR LEASE CROSSING GUARDS CROSSING GUARDS CROSSING GUARDS ladder repair repairs to Engine 3 hours worked hours worked supplies for Fire Dept fire dept tablet charges supplies for Fire Dept remotes for ladder truck July rent Fire Hyd service prof services-July asphalt May 2015 bills Curb guard edge henderson drag chain supplies for PW-Roads TUBING maintenance meal ticket 5-24;5-25-15 meal ticket 5-25-15 bricks,mound,cover sign parts Amount 625.08 92.40 17.16 116.00 4.50 335.00 88.09 270.00 1,552.50 460.00 24.09 69.98 200.59 331.50 144.99 75.00 1,200.00 375.00 134.99 119.99 105.26 781.85 337.50 1,923.75 2,405.00 204.12 176,869.25 756.00 45.99 283.41 5.65 376.98 46.03 54.09 960.00 163.80 89.96 28.99 89.99 37,989.46 4,059.71 3,358.11 783.88 899.00 13,727.04 601.25 749.25 119.98 96.30 121.36 421.17 1,300.00 12,187.50 1,000.00 86.78 65.15 3,034.00 864.15 232.23 550.00 100.00 20.00 10.00 3,281.00 296.84 317 Somerville, NJ 15001420 15001817 15001799 15001664 15001420 15001507 15001678 15001385 15001420 15001663 15001817 15001770 15001420 15001832 15001283 15001420 15001420 15000844 15001624 15001677 15001725 15001728 15001772 15001623 15001725 15001728 15001772 15001740 15001746 15001838 15001839 15001840 15001841 15001842 15001843 15001851 15001852 15001853 15001855 15001856 15001862 15001866 15001867 15001660 15001771 15001765 15001767 15001860 15001860 15001805 15001794 15001777 15001756 15001420 15001826 15001735 15001793 15001730 15001731 15001732 15001733 15001749 15001738 15001778 15001779 15001781 POST ACE HARDWARE W.B. MASON CO., INC CIPOLLINI CARTING & RECYCLING SOMERSET COUNTY RECYCLING PROG POST ACE HARDWARE SCOTT BECKER PLUMBING & HEATIN SERVICE EXPERTS NJ PLUMBING LL CONSOLIDATED PLASTICS CO POST ACE HARDWARE DEER PARK W.B. MASON CO., INC VIKING TERMITE & PEST CONTROL POST ACE HARDWARE SOMERSET COUNTY HEALTH DEPT STORR TRACTOR CO POST ACE HARDWARE POST ACE HARDWARE NORTHERN NURSERIES SOMERSET SOLAR 1 LLC SUPREME ENERGY INC. PSE&G CO. SUPREME ENERGY INC. SUPREME ENERGY INC. PSE&G CO. PSE&G CO. SUPREME ENERGY INC. SUPREME ENERGY INC. VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS VERIZON VERIZON VERIZON VERIZON VERIZON VERIZON VERIZON VERIZON VERIZON BUSINESS VERIZON VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS VERIZON VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS VERIZON WIRELESS AMERICAN WATER AMERICAN WATER SOMERSET COUNTY VEHICLE MAINTE ALLIED OIL LLC STATE OF NJ PENSIONS & BENEFI STATE OF NJ PENSIONS & BENEFI BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP ANN LANEVE COLE & ASSOCIATES LLC VITAL COMMUNICATIONS INC POST ACE HARDWARE YANNETTA'S SERVICE LLC INTERNATIONAL DOWNTOWN ASSOC DOWNTOWN NEW JERSEY, INC. EXPRESS SERVICES INC EXPRESS SERVICES INC EXPRESS SERVICES INC EXPRESS SERVICES INC EXPRESS SERVICES INC VERIZON NEW JERSEY DPT OF COMMUNITY AF BOROUGH OF SOMERVILLE BOROUGH OF SOMERVILLE July 20, 2015 supplies for PW-Shop supplies for PW garbage removal 44.51 15.99 12,046.00 Recycling 2nd qtr. 2015 supplies for B&G repair repair rubber mat 116444 (3x5) supplies for June water supplies for B&G pest control supplies for B&G JULY 2015 INVOICE Tires supplies for parks supplies for Parks infield mix energy bill utility bill June bills BOS account energy bills 7-2-2015 energy bills 7-8-2015 May 2015 bills June bills BOS account energy bills 7-2-2015 energy bills 7-8-2015 TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE FIOS - 6/28/15 - 7/27/15 phone charges phone charges phone charges phone charges phone charges phone charges phone/FIOS charges phone charges email charges-July phone charges internet charges phone charges FIOS charges cell/pager charges water bills water bills 21,891.56 25.44 95.00 218.75 159.50 143.77 116.62 27.96 68.00 3.85 8,792.47 256.46 325.43 87.27 3,602.72 70.74 2,022.96 7,483.70 862.42 4,194.54 13.71 2,388.59 345.27 47.55 893.38 144.99 99.34 34.19 359.99 122.74 32.68 139.26 155.45 504.00 67.50 332.82 119.99 766.08 119.99 1,036.29 789.06 371.72 fuel fuel Jan delinquent transmittal Jan delinquent transmittal 3RD QUARTER COURT HOURS WORKED JULY engineering services SEWER UTILITY BILLING JULY supplies for Sewer Pick Up Trash For Street Fair Trending Topics Webinar 2015 Annual Conference DSA PT Program Coordinator DSA PT Program Coordinator DSA PT Program Coordinator DSA PT Program Coordinator DSA PT Program Coordinator Office Phone Charges DCA Loan - Parking Lots Loan Repayment - Principal Debt Service Interest Payment 6,909.90 1,313.69 33.05 116.57 46,620.58 2,325.00 2,558.75 255.00 98.35 90.00 35.00 85.00 756.00 798.00 798.00 798.00 798.00 50.56 40,000.00 25,520.00 1,480.00 318 Somerville, NJ 15001820 15001739 15001826 15001826 15001737 15001734 15001823 15001823 15001826 15001826 15001826 15001766 15001773 15001783 15001821 15001825 15001822 15001819 15001819 15001775 15001784 15001824 15001825 15001184 15001795 15001777 15001777 14002531 15001721 15001850 15001858 15001863 15001750 15001702 15001715 15001727 15001676 15001681 15001681 15001685 15000867 15001336 15001420 15001620 15001620 15001665 15001830 15001834 15001752 15001806 15001325 15001797 15001814 15001711 15001837 15001800 15001807 15001664 INTERNATIONAL DOWNTOWN ASSOC NORTHERN NURSERIES YANNETTA'S SERVICE LLC YANNETTA'S SERVICE LLC YO ANTHONY LLC SPITBALL, LLC SPITBALL, LLC SPITBALL, LLC YANNETTA'S SERVICE LLC YANNETTA'S SERVICE LLC YANNETTA'S SERVICE LLC GENE COOPER MATTHEW RUNCIMAN AARON LEONOVICH BOB CIANCI SPITBALL, LLC SPITBALL, LLC MARK ROGER MARK ROGER FEDEX SPITBALL, LLC SPITBALL, LLC SPITBALL, LLC HOLT/MORGAN/RUSSELL ARCHITECTS SOMERSET COUNTY IMPR AUTHORITY COLE & ASSOCIATES LLC COLE & ASSOCIATES LLC ARCADIS US INC DECOTIIS,FITZPATRICK,COLE & WI DRIVER ASSOCIATES LLC DECOTIIS,FITZPATRICK,COLE & WI COURIER NEWS COLE & ASSOCIATES LLC KAPLAN GAUNT DESANTIS ARCH,LLC MMP PRINTING & GRAPHICS SOMERSET CTY ADM. BLDG DIFRANCESCO BATEMEN COLEY YOSP PERSONALIZED PARAPHERNALIA PERSONALIZED PARAPHERNALIA STRENGTH & HONOR FITNESS BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP GARDEN STATE LABORATORIES POST ACE HARDWARE RECREONICS RECREONICS PREFERRED POOL MANAGEMENT, INC COLE & ASSOCIATES LLC COLE & ASSOCIATES LLC COLE & ASSOCIATES LLC BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP W.B. MASON CO., INC SOMERSET CTY RD & BRIDGE DIV GLENN THORNE NATIONAL NIGHT OUT PERSONALIZED PARAPHERNALIA GRANICUS INC HERBERT A. HALL SOMERSET COUNTY RECYCLING PROG July 20, 2015 2015 National Conference Giardina Walkway Landscaping Clean and Organize Division St Sidewalk Cleaning for June Garage Quarterly Rent July 2015 Monthly Retainer FB App for Contest-Easy Promos Social Media Contest Posters Cruisers Meter bags/barricades FM Setup and Breakdown Hand Truck for Farmers Market 2015 Summer Stage Performance 2015 Summer Stage Performance 2015 Summer Stage Performance 2015 Summer Stage Summer Stage Posters/AFrames Cruisers Boosted FB Page April Photo Shoot Holiday Jubilee Deposit Delivery of JF art to Spitball 2015 JF Artwork Rendering Summer Stage 2015 Scrim Banner Starlit Cinema Posters/AFrames 775.00 805.00 660.00 2,750.00 1,800.00 1,025.00 175.00 130.00 120.00 120.00 40.00 350.00 300.00 350.00 300.00 332.50 41.00 175.00 250.00 24.73 750.00 55.00 332.50 Grant Preparation NJ State 2,950.00 2012 DEBT SERVICES engineering services engineering services DPW GARGE SITE REMEDIATION Professional legal services legal ads reimbursables format mailer for printing print clean community flyer Legal Feed Basketball tshirts Logo screening 2015 Summer Adult Boot Camp 2015 Spring Soccer Fees 2015 Pool Water Analysis (x2) supplies for Recreation Umbrellas- Lifeguards Freight Pool Management Services PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HOURS WORKED - RAQUEL COURT office furniture-Fire Official signs for Fire Safety hours worked NATIONAL NIGHT OUT MERCHANDISE POLICE YOUTH ACADEMY July maint agrmt-VilleTV reimbursement for VilleTV Recycling 2nd qtr. 2015 4,500.00 540.00 4,930.00 3,993.66 2,363.59 13,000.00 1,636.65 116.40 4,200.00 119.00 36.00 99.40 799.80 250.00 30.00 3,090.00 1,510.00 1,215.00 96.84 176.94 50.46 16,000.00 7,085.00 160.00 835.00 1,596.00 648.62 308.64 200.00 683.57 455.00 218.00 2,852.08 9,342.82 Councilman Sullivan made a motion and was seconded by Councilman Mitchell to approve the aforementioned vouchers. The motion was approved by the following vote: 319 Somerville, NJ July 20, 2015 Ayes: Councilwoman Kobuta, Councilman Kraska, Councilman Mitchell, Councilman Sullivan Councilman Utter Nays: None Mayor Gallagher announced that there would be no August 4, 2015 Borough Council Meeting. At this time, there being no further business, Councilman Sullivan made a motion and was seconded by Councilman Mitchell to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by the following vote: Carried unanimously The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm. Respectfully submitted, Paul Allena Secretary