PHILOSOPHY The Modern Languages Department of Belen Jesuit Preparatory School recognizes that, in order to successfully serve others as leaders of society in a multicultural and changing environment, our graduates must understand other cultures as a basic factor of individual growth and be fluent in more than one language. The Department views the students as unique individuals and members of the human race who are endowed with God-given talents to be shared with their brothers and sisters of the world. The Belen graduates are therefore expected to enrich themselves with other culture and close the gap created by misconception and prejudice. The assimilation and comparison of the languages, literatures, cultures and customs of other countries enable the students to have a broader perspective of the world in which they live. A basic premise in order to be "men for others" is that a person can communicate with his fellow human beings. OBJECTIVES 1. To develop the ability to communicate fluently in all language skills in daily and professional situations, particularly in Spanish this is currently the dominant foreign language in the community. 2. To provide a foundation and background of the grammatical structure, literature, customs, history, and current events of the countries in which the target language is spoken 3. To promote cross-cultural awareness and heritage consciousness 4. To facilitate and enhance language learning that is meaningful and relatable to the students' cultural background and cognitive structure by emphasizing individual talents, abilities, and interests 5. To encourage active participation in cultural and artistic events in our community and abroad 6. To promote and develop, through the use of the target language, responsible citizenship and essential Christian values of our Catholic faith by preparing the student to think critically and to act conscientiously in community involvement and service to humanity Mod. Lang., Page 1 Mod. Lang., Page 2 I. COURSE TITLE: SPANISH I COURSE NUMBER: ML 4100 II. DESCRIPTION This course is designed for the beginners of the Spanish language. The main goal is to build Spanish vocabulary, expressions, and knowledge of Spanish grammar in order to practice reading, listening, writing, and speaking in the target language. AREAS OF CONCENTRATION Students receive an intense drill in pronunciation. Dialogues, real life situations, and short narrations enhance the appreciation for the culture and literature of Spain and Spanish speaking countries. GOALS To develop communicative skills, facilitating expression in the target language; to introduce vocabulary and basic grammatical structures to enable the use of the target language since the early stages of learning; to promote skills’ development along with grammatical knowledge, to develop accuracy along with competency continuum that begins with a non-grammatical word phase and leads gradually to a strong sentence phase and, ultimately, to a grammatically correct paragraph phase; to integrate the cultural component of the Spanish language, enhancing an interest in Hispanic current events; to foster student awareness of the interaction of language, culture, and society; to help the student realize that learning to use the Spanish language well will have daily practical applications now and in the future; to encourage Christian values, good study habits, an ability to follow directions well, a sense of punctuality, neatness, responsibility, and honesty. III. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE This course is open for students that study Spanish as a foreign language and have been recommended to this course as a result of the Belen Spanish Placement Exam. IV. TEXTS Samaniego, F.A., Brown, M.C., Carlin, P.H., Gorman, S.E., & Sparks, C.L. (1993). ¡Dime! Uno (Textbook), D.C. Heath and Co., Lexington, Mass Mod. Lang., Page 3 Samaniego, F.A., Brown, M.C., Carlin, P.H., Gorman, S.E., & Sparks, C.L. (1993). ¡Dime! Uno (Cuaderno de Actividades), D.C. Heath and Co., Lexington, Mass V. SUPPLEMENTARY READING VI. Spanish/English Dictionary Spanish/Spanish Dictionary PROCEDURE A. CLASS LECTURE 1. 2. 3. B. WRITTEN/ORAL EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. C. Raise questions Solicit opinions Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate valid answers AUDIO PROGRAM 1. 2. E. Review new information Individual/group written exercises Share and verify responses CLASS DISCUSSION (CULTURAL EVENTS) 1. 2. 3. D. Review New information Summarize and reinforce Listening comprehension activities Pronunciation practice VIDEO PROGRAM 1. Lively visual presentation of language Mod. Lang., Page 4 VII. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS & EVENTS 1. Belen Modern Languages Fair project and other competitions. 2. Miami- Dade County Fair Literary Contest 3. Synonyms contest. VIII. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES a. b. 3. 4. IX. Students participate in the Belen Middle School Invitational Students participate in a synonym contest that reviews the text vocabulary Cultural events as announced. Public performances (drama, music, etc.) AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL Listening comprehension activities and pronunciation practice are accomplished through ¡Dime!'s audio program ¡A escuchar! Lively presentation of the language is accomplished through ¡Dime!'s video program. El Cid and Valentina – movies after school X. COURSE OUTLINE A. LECCIÓN PRELIMINAR B. UNIDAD 1 C. UNIDAD 2 D. UNIDAD 3 E. UNIDAD 4 Mod. Lang., Page 5 XI. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and/or written form the following objectives: F. LECCIÓN PRELIMINAR 1. Speaking -Recognize and name classroom objects and school supplies 2. Grammar -Understand and recognize general rules to classify the gender of nouns -Recognize and distinguish definite and indefinite articles 3. Culture and Reading -Distinguish cultural differences between common Mexican and Puerto Rican foods -Recognize and use cognates B. UNIDAD 1 1. Speaking -Recognize and exchange greetings, say good-bye, introduce oneself and others, respond to introductions -Recognize, identify location, and name Hispanic countries and their capitals -State information about where people are from -Describe people's personality traits and physical characteristics -Respond to simple yes/no questions 2. Grammar Mod. Lang., Page 6 -Identify and use singular forms of subject pronouns -Identify and use singular forms of the verb ser -Identify and use the expressions: Ser de... and ¿De dónde...? -Identify and differentiate gender of nouns and adjectives 3. Culture and Reading In this unit, the student will discover similarities and differences between the United States and Hispanic countries and communities... - When addressing people When referring to "Americans" C.UNIDAD 2 1. Speaking -Tell time -Exchange phone numbers -Describe teachers, friends, classes, class schedules, and afterschool activities -Give the location of people and things -Talk about future activities -List and talk about obligations 2. Grammar -Identify and name numbers 0-30 -Recognize and use the agreement of gender and number between nouns and articles -Identify and use expressions for telling time -Identify and use gender of adjectives -Identify and use subject pronouns -Recognize and recall examples of infinitives (-ar, -er, -ir) -Identify and conjugate the verbs: tener, ser, estar, and ir -Recognize and use the expressions: tener que + infinitive and ir a + infinitive 3. Culture and Reading In this unit, the student will compare and contrast... - School schedules in Hispanic countries with their own Mod. Lang., Page 7 - A report card from Mexico with their own The grading systems used in Hispanic countries with their own Types of schools in the U.S. Addresses of Hispanic pen pals with their own D. UNIDAD 3 1. Speaking -State information about the community and where they are going -Express likes and dislikes -Make polite requests -Discuss everyday activities 2. Grammar -Identify and recognize new uses with the expression: Ir a (Vamos a) -Recognize and use the contraction a + el = al -Identify and use the indefinite article and hay -Identify and conjugate the verbs gustar and encantar to express likes and dislikes -Identify and use polite requests: gustaría, encantaría -Recognize and conjugate singular and plural forms of -ar, -er, -ir ending verbs -Recognize and recall seasons and weather expressions -Recognize and recall indefinite and negative words 3. Culture and Reading In this unit, the student will discover similarities and differences between the United States and Hispanic countries... -while shopping; in pop music; use of public parks; activities teenagers enjoy E. UNIDAD 4 1. Speaking - Identify family members and relatives by remarriage -Describe the family, how people feel, and what is happening at the moment Mod. Lang., Page 8 -Ask information about families, birthdays and age, professional goals, and people they know or want to meet -Ask questions 2. Grammar - Recognize and use possessive adjectives Identify and name numbers 30-100 Identify and recall the months of the year Recognize and use the expression: tener años Identify and conjugate the verbs: conocer, querer, and venir Recognize and use the verb estar with adjectives Recognize and use personal a Recognize question words and use them in sentences Recognize the use of the present progressive and -ndo forms 3. Culture and Reading In this unit, the student will study and compare... V. First and last names and nicknames Use of the phone directory Hispanics in the United States EVALUATION A. SEMESTER WORK 1. 2. 3. 4. Homework / class work Quizzes Tests / projects Final Exam at the end of each semester Mod. Lang., Page 9 20% 20% 40% 20% I. COURSE TITLE: COURSE NUMBER: II. DESCRIPTION SPANISH I-S ML 4102 This course is designed to give the students the necessary communication skills in the Spanish language and to give an overall background of the culture of Spain. Latin American stories are read to give a general insight into literary studies and to enhance reading skills and vocabulary. AREAS OF CONCENTRATION Grammar concepts are presented and practiced orally and in writing through the workbook. Dictations, spelling bees, and the use of the dictionary are emphasized to promote correct spelling. Special projects of Spanish culture, literary and reading contests, and current events are used to develop further interest in Spanish culture. GOALS To develop communicative skills by facilitating expression in the target language; to increase the vocabulary in order to aid in the creative use of language; to learn basic grammar and spelling rules in the Spanish language; to integrate the cultural component of the Spanish language, enhancing an interest in Hispanic history and current events; to help the student realize that learning to use the Spanish language well will have daily practical applications now and in the future; to encourage Christian values, good study habits, and an interest in learning. III. PREREQUISITE OF THE COURSE The student must have placed in the Speaker Program in the Spanish Placement Exam. He must be able to understand a class conducted in Spanish at the sixth grade level. IV. TEXTS Nassi, R.J. (1983). AMSCO Workbook Spanish First Year, AMSCO Publications, New York, NY Rioseco, R., & Ziliani, M. (1990). Yo pienso y aprendo, Editorial Andrés Bello, Mod. Lang., Page 10 Santiago de Chile SUPPLEMENTARY READING V. Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary (2000). El Cid, Glencoe, McGraw Hill. VI. PROCEDURE A. B. C. D. E. F. G. VII. Grammar explanations followed by oral and written classroom exercises. Reading from reader followed by comprehensive exercises. Oral and written competitions Visits to the computer resource center. Frequent use of audiovisual and internet supportive materials. Daily homework that reinforces material learned in class. Weekly quizzes, monthly tests SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, CONTESTS, PROJECTS A. B. C. D. VIII. A. B. C. D. E. Belen Modern Language Fair Project Sixth Grade Literary Contest Spelling Bee Contest for sixth grade Summer Reading Book EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Miami-Dade County Fair Project Miami-Dade County Fair Creative Writing Contest Miami-Dade County Fair Drama Contest Belen Jesuit Middle School Invitational Field trips and other activities as announced IX. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS A. Daily use of the SmartBoard B. Movies after class: El Cid and Valentina. Others as offered by Dept. X. COURSE OUTLINE Mod. Lang., Page 11 FIRST SEMESTER A. GRAMMAR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. B. SPELLING AND VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. C. Present tense of regular, stem changing, and irregular verbs Negative and interrogative verb forms Gender of nouns and articles Plural of nouns and articles Use and omission of definite and indefinite articles Contractions and possession Personal a Agreement and position of adjectives Feminine forms of adjectives Plural forms of adjectives Possessive Adjectives Demonstrative adjectives Shortening of adjectives Adverbs Adjectives - possessive and demonstrative; shortening of adjectives Formation of Adverbs Spanish alphabet and basic Spanish spelling rules Vocabulary, use of the dictionary Speaking skills practiced with reading selections, Summer Reading assignment, and everyday situations Direct and indirect cognates Synonyms and antonyms Punctuation, capitalization Rules for the use of the letters B vs. V, G vs. J, H Syllables; diptongos and hiatos Word classification: agudas, llanas, esdrújulas Main parts of a story Writing a poem, a summary and a report CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION 1. 2. Location of Spanish speaking countries and their capitals General information of Spanish speaking countries in Latin America Mod. Lang., Page 12 SECOND SEMESTER A. GRAMMAR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. B. VOCABULARY/ READING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C. Polite and Familiar Commands Verbs like gustar Uses of verbs ser and estar; saber and conocer Preterit Tense of regular, stem-changing, and irregular verbs Imperfect Tense of regular and irregular verbs Uses of the Preterit and Imperfect tenses Reflexive verbs in the Present, Preterit, and Imperfect tenses Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers (0 - 1,000,000) Days of Week, Months, Seasons, Dates Telling Time and time expressions Negative words Interrogative words Uses of hacer and tener; verbs followed by a preposition Miscellaneous idioms with verbs. Idioms with prepositions a, de, en and por Spelling of words listed on the Sixth Grade Vocabulary; use of the dictionary Speaking skills - practiced with reading selections and class discussions Literary genres: short story, poetry, essay, skit Writing a dialogue and a description Spelling: Use of the letters C, S, Z, CC, X, M, N, R, RR, Y, LL Accentuation of words Diacritical accents Spanish Proverbs Life and works of José Martí and Rubén Darío CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION Unit on Spain: - geography - places of interest Mod. Lang., Page 13 - history - literature, science and the arts - people and customs XI. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and/or written form the following objectives: A. SPELLING - B. Recite the Spanish alphabet Pronounce all the letters correctly Separate words into syllables Identify phonetic stress on words Classify words into agudas, llanas, esdrújulas Identify and recognize one syllable words that take accents. Identify and recognize the words that use H Identify and recognize other important uses for the letter H Distinguish the sounds of C, S Recognize the words that use Z, CC, X Identify the difference and choose the correct spelling between the words that use M or N Identify the difference and choose the correct spelling between the words that use Y and LL Identify the difference and choose the correct spelling between the words that use R or RR Use punctuation marks Capitalize words correctly GRAMMAR/CIVILIZATION FOUND IN THE AMSCO BOOK - - Identify and conjugate regular verbs in the present tense Identify and conjugate verbs that have radical change ("e" to "ie"; “o” to “ue” and “e” to “i”) in 1st, 2nd, 3rd person in singular and 3rd person in plural Identify and conjugate verbs that have (-go; -zco) ending in the first person singular of the present Identify irregular verbs Identify and recognize agreement and position of possessive adjective in the sentences Identify the demonstrative adjectives and their usage Mod. Lang., Page 14 C. Identify idiomatic expressions gustar, hacer, tener in a sentence Identify and recognize two or more words or expressions with the same meaning Identify antonyms, their spellings and their meaning Identify and use the present participle Count numbers from 0 to 99 Identify and use reflexive verbs Identify, conjugate and use of the preterit of regular verbs Identify, conjugate and use of stem-changing verbs in the Preterit tense Identify, conjugate and use of the preterit of irregular verbs Identify, conjugate and use of regular verbs in the Imperfect tense Identify, conjugate and use of irregular verbs in the Imperfect tense Identify and use cardinal number from 100 to 1,000,000 List the days of the week, months, seasons Express dates correctly Tell time and use expressions dealing with time Distinguish and use ser and estar; saber and conocer Form sentences in the affirmative and negative forms Recognize prepositions and use of idioms with prepositions Identify the location of Spanish speaking countries and their capitals Identify the location, of major rivers and mountain ranges of Spain Outline possessions and important products Name and locate all the regions of Spain Name and locate principal cities and points of interest in Spain Identify works of major literary figures, scientists and artists of Spain Describe Spanish customs as covered in the workbook READING Yo pienso y aprendo - Explain the origin of the Spanish language Explain context in the José Martí reading Explain context in the Rubén Darío reading Analyze a sentence morphologically Define vocabulary words. Apply vocabulary words in context Identify interrogative words Form a question with interrogative words Explain context of a reading How to read a narrative story Explain context of all the poems and narrations in the text Write a letter, a summary, a description, and a report Mod. Lang., Page 15 - XII. Explain difference in lyric genre, narration, dialogue Define the degrees of intensity in a short story Find the place and time of a short story Discuss the introduction, conflict, climax and ending of a short story Write the characteristics and describe something Describe elements of humor Define dramatic genre Evaluation A. SEMESTER WORK 1. 2. 3. 4. Tests & Language Fair Project Quizzes Homework, Classwork, Contests Final Exam Mod. Lang., Page 16 40% 20% 20% 20% I. COURSE TITLE: COURSE NUMBER: II. DESCRIPTION SPANISH I-S HONORS ML 4110 This course is designed to give the students the necessary communication skills in the Spanish language and to give an overall background of the culture of Spain. Latin American stories are read to give a general insight into literary studies and to enhance reading skills and vocabulary. AREAS OF CONCENTRATION Grammar concepts are presented and practiced orally and in writing through the workbook. Dictations, spelling bees, and the use of the dictionary are emphasized to promote correct spelling. Discussions, compositions and extra materials are presented to enhance the readings. Special projects of Spanish culture, literary and reading contests, and current events are used to develop further interest in Spanish culture. GOALS To develop communicative skills by facilitating expression in the target language; to increase the vocabulary in order to aid in the creative use of language; to learn basic grammar and spelling rules in the Spanish language; to integrate the cultural component of the Spanish language, enhancing an interest in Hispanic history and current events; to help the student realize that learning to use the Spanish language well will have daily practical applications now and in the future; to encourage Christian values, good study habits, and an interest in learning. III. PREREQUISITE OF THE COURSE The student must have satisfactorily completed the 5th grade with an A or B and/or have received an excellent score in the Spanish Placement Exam. An overall average of 3.4 is required as well as the approval of the Department Chairperson. Parental and student signature of the Honor's Contract is Mod. Lang., Page 17 required. A student may decline the invitation to this course. IV. V. TEXTS Nassi, R.J. (1983). AMSCO Workbook Spanish First Year, AMSCO Publications, New York, NY Rioseco, R., & Ziliani, M. (1990). Yo pienso y aprendo, Editorial Andrés' Bello, Santiago de Chile SUPPLEMENTARY READING Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary Cervantes, de M. (1994). La gitanilla, National Textbook Co., Chicago, Ill. El Cid, Glencoe, McGraw Hill. VI. Procedure A. B. C. D. E. F. F. G. VII. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, CONTESTS, PROJECTS A. B. C. D. E. VIII. Grammar explanations followed by oral and written exercises. Reading from reader followed by comprehensive exercises. Oral and written competitions Visits to the computer resource center. Frequent use of audiovisual and internet supportive materials. Frequent class discussions and analysis of readings Daily homework that reinforces material learned in class. Weekly quizzes, monthly tests Belen Modern Language Fair Project Sixth Grade Literary Contest Spelling Bee Contest for sixth grade Summer Reading Book Compositions or summaries required of Honors course EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT A. B. C. D. Write script and act out play El Cid Perform in the Belen Modern Languages Christmas Show Miami-Dade County Fair Project Miami-Dade County Fair Creative Writing Contest Mod. Lang., Page 18 E. Miami-Dade County Fair Drama Contest F. Belen Jesuit Middle School Invitational G. Field trips and other activities as announced IX. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS A. Daily use of the SmartBoard B. Movies after class: El Cid and Valentina. Others as offered by Dept. X. COURSE OUTLINE FIRST SEMESTER A. GRAMMAR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. B. Present tense of regular, stem changing, and irregular verbs Negative and interrogative verb forms Gender of nouns and articles Plural of nouns and articles Use and omission of definite and indefinite articles Contractions and possession Personal a Agreement and position of adjectives Feminine forms of adjectives Plural forms of adjectives Possessive Adjectives Demonstrative adjectives Shortening of adjectives Adverbs Adjectives - possessive and demonstrative; shortening adjectives Formation of Adverbs Formation of Polite and Familiar Commands of SPELLING AND VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Spanish alphabet and basic Spanish spelling rules Vocabulary, use of the dictionary Speaking skills practiced with reading selections, Summer Reading assignment, and everyday situations Direct and indirect cognates Synonyms and antonyms Punctuation, capitalization Mod. Lang., Page 19 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. D. Rules for the use of the letters B vs. V, G vs. J, H Syllables; diptongos and hiatos Word classification: agudas, llanas, esdrújulas Main parts of a story Writing a poem, a summary and a report CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION 1. 2. Location of Spanish speaking countries and their capitals General information of Spanish speaking countries in Latin America SECOND SEMESTER A. GRAMMAR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. B. Verbs like gustar Uses of verbs ser and estar; saber and conocer Preterit Tense of regular, stem-changing, and irregular verbs Imperfect Tense of regular and irregular verbs Uses of the Preterit and Imperfect tenses Reflexive verbs in the Present, Preterit, and Imperfect tenses Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers (0 - 1,000,000) Days of Week, Months, Seasons, Dates Telling Time and time expressions Negative words Interrogative words Uses of hacer and tener; verbs followed by a preposition Miscellaneous idioms with verbs. Idioms with prepositions a, de, en, and por Future tense of regular verbs Pronouns that follow prepositions Direct and indirect object pronouns VOCABULARY/ READING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Spelling of words listed on the Sixth Grade Vocabulary; use of the dictionary Speaking skills - practiced with reading selections and class discussions Literary genres: short story, poetry, essay, skit Writing a dialogue and a description Spelling: Use of the letters C, S, Z, CC, X, M, N, R, RR, Y, LL Accentuation of words Mod. Lang., Page 20 7. 8. 9. 10. C. Diacritical accents Spanish Proverbs Life and works of José Martí and Rubén Darío La gitanilla: - read novel and answer questions orally - write a summary and description of main characters CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION Unit on Spain: - XI. geography places of interest history literature, science and the arts people and customs COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and/or written form the following objectives: A. SPELLING - Recite the Spanish alphabet Pronounce all the letters correctly Separate words into syllables Identify phonetic stress on words Classify words into agudas, llanas, esdrújulas Identify and recognize one syllable words that take accents. Identify and recognize the words that use H Identify and recognize other important uses for the letter H Distinguish the sounds of C, S Recognize the words that use Z, CC, X Identify the difference and choose the correct spelling between the words that use M or N Identify the difference and choose the correct spelling between the words that use Y and LL Identify the difference and choose the correct spelling between the words that use R or RR Use punctuation marks Capitalize words correctly Mod. Lang., Page 21 B. Recognize prepositions and use prepositional pronouns Identify and use direct and indirect object pronouns Identify, conjugate and use the future tense of regular verbs Identify, conjugate and use future tense of irregular verbs GRAMMAR/CIVILIZATION FOUND IN THE AMSCO BOOK - - Identify and conjugate regular verbs in the present tense Identify and conjugate verbs that have radical change ("e" to "ie"; “o” to “ue” and “e” to “i”) in 1st, 2nd, 3rd person in singular and 3rd person in plural Identify and conjugate verbs that have (-go; -zco) ending in the first person singular of the present Identify irregular verbs Identify and recognize agreement and position of possessive adjective in the sentences Identify the demonstrative adjectives and their usage Identify idiomatic expressions Gustar, Hacer, Tener Identify and recognize two or more words or expressions with the same meaning Identify antonyms, their spellings and their meaning Identify and use the present participle Count numbers from 0 to 99 Identify and use reflexive verbs Identify, conjugate and use of the preterit of regular verbs Identify, conjugate and use of stem-changing verbs in the Preterit tense Identify, conjugate and use of the preterit of irregular verbs Identify, conjugate and use of regular verbs in the Imperfect tense Identify, conjugate and use of irregular verbs in the Imperfect tense Identify and use cardinal number from 100 to 1,000,000 List the days of the week, months, seasons Express dates correctly Tell time and use expressions dealing with time Distinguish and use ser and estar; saber and conocer Form sentences in the affirmative and negative forms Recognize prepositions and use of idioms with prepositions Identify the location of Spanish speaking countries and their capitals Identify the location, of major rivers and mountain ranges of Spain Outline possessions and important products Name and locate all the regions of Spain Mod. Lang., Page 22 Name and locate principal cities and points of interest in Spain Identify works of major literary figures, scientists and artists of Spain Describe Spanish customs as covered in the workbook C. READING Yo pienso y aprendo - Explain the origin of the Spanish language Explain context in the José Martí reading Explain context in the Rubén Darío reading Analyze a sentence morphologically Define vocabulary words. Apply vocabulary words in context Identify interrogative words Form a question with interrogative words Explain context of a reading How to read a narrative story Explain context of all the poems and narrations in the text Write a letter, a summary, a description, and a report Explain difference in lyric genre, narration, dialogue Define the degrees of intensity in a short story Find the place and time of a short story Discuss the introduction, conflict, climax and ending of a short story Write the characteristics and describe something Describe elements of humor Define dramatic genre La gitanilla - XII. Read aloud correctly all readings Orally answer the questions after the readings Write a summary of the stories Read an extra book for the selected list and summarize the book orally to the class EVALUATION A. SEMESTER WORK Mod. Lang., Page 23 1. 2. 3. 4. Tests & Language Fair Project Quizzes Homework, Classwork, Contests Final Exam Mod. Lang., Page 24 40% 20% 20% 20% I. COURSE TITLE: COURSE NUMBER: II. DESCRIPTION SPANISH II ML 4200 SPANISH 4200 is an introductory level Spanish course that is designed to develop and enhance the student’s listening, writing and reading skills in the target language. The course uses a communicative approach to language learning. It concentrates on developing the student’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills so that they will be able to express their own ideas and interact with others meaningfully and for real-life purposes. It emphasizes frequently used vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammatical agreement as tools for effective communication. The course provides a strong emphasis on vocabulary building, and on the understanding of complex grammar structures which facilitate effective and accurate communication in the target language. Finally, because cultural knowledge is an essential part of the process of language acquisition and effective communication, the course introduces the students to the everyday life of Spanish speakers, as well as to the geography, facts and history of the Spanish speaking countries. III. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE This course is open for students that study Spanish as a foreign language and have completed the 4100 or have been recommended to this course by their current Spanish Belen teacher or as a result of the Belen Spanish Placement Exam. IV. TEXTS Beginner’s Spanish Reader, Everyday life experiences of young Spanishspeaking people, Dale,C., & Topping, A., Glencoe-McGraw Hill, New York, New York: 2005. ¡Dime! Uno (Textbook), Samaniego, F.A., Brown, M.C., Carlin, P.H., Gorman, S.E., & Sparks, C.L., Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath and Co., 1993. ¡Dime! Uno (Workbook), Samaniego, F.A., Brown, M.C., Carlin, P.H., Gorman, S.E., & Sparks, C.L., Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath and Co., 1993. Spanish First Year (Workbook Edition), Levy, Stephen, Nassi, Robert J., New York, New York: Amsco School Publications, Inc., 1996. Mod. Lang., Page 25 V. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS Dictionary (Spanish/English, English/Spanish) Binder with dividers Supplementary texts and handouts VI. PROCEDURE AND TEACHING METHODOLOGY A. Interactive class lectures in which grammar concepts are presented in detail followed by oral and visual classroom exercises. B. Written / Oral Exercises developed to enhance the learning process, in which students will apply concepts acquired in vocabulary, spelling, and grammatical structures. C. Class discussion and/or games where students will have the opportunity to practice the material covered in the Unit. D. Cultural presentations, current events and issues related to the Spanish speaking countries. E. Listening exercises and repetition of words. F. Conversational activities in which the students can use the grammatical structures learned in each Unit, the new words acquired, and their background knowledge to create dialogues in real life context situations. G. Written / Oral Presentations in which students can practice the knowledge gained in each Unit and conduct research about the countries and cultures discussed in class. VII. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS AND EVENTS A. Participation in the Miami-Dade County Fair Writing Contest (poem). B. Belen Modern Languages Fair Project (booths representing Hispanics in the US and the growing importance of the Spanish language in the US). C. Belen Jesuit Synonym Contest. Mod. Lang., Page 26 D. Additional reading comprehension exercises. E. Other: oral reports about the different groups of Hispanics living in the United States (Fair), news reports about current events from the countries studied in the “Impacto Cultural” section of each Unit from Dime, among others. VIII. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES A. Movies in Spanish as offered by the Department. B. Other activities as announced. IX. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS A. Power point presentations of Units. B. Transparencies related to Units and culture (Spain and Mexico). C. Movie in class: Valentín X. COURSE OUTLINE 1. First Semester: a. Students will be introduced to the grammatical structures, vocabulary, and cultural Units covered in units 1-4. b. Dime Uno Workbook activities corresponding to units 1-4. c. Spanish First Year Workbook activities corresponding to material covered in Units 1-4. d. The Units will concentrate in the following communicative goals: (1). Identifying origin and nationality. (2). Apply expressions of courtesy. (3). Identify nouns and articles. (gender and number) Agreement. (4). Identify numbers 0-100. (5). Identify and apply the present tense of the verb “to be” by distinguishing between the verbs “ser” and “estar”. (6).Tell time. (7).Recognize cognates. (8).Provide telephone numbers and addresses in Spanish. (9).Identify vocabulary related with greetings, introductions, courtesy expressions. (10).Identify vocabulary related to school and university settings. (11).Write the plural of words. Identify the various forms of plural formation. Mod. Lang., Page 27 (12). Identify the Spanish speaking countries, their capitals and geographical location. (13). Gain knowledge of statistics and cultural information about Hispanics in the United States. (14).Learn how to talk about classes and school life. (15). Discuss everyday activities. (16). Ask questions in Spanish. (17). Describe the location of people and things. (18). Identify the days of the week and months of the year. (19). Turn sentences into negative sentences. (20). Identify, form and conjugate –ar, -er, and –ir ending regular verbs. (21). Identify prepositions and prepositional phrases related to the verb “estar”. (22). Recognize the regions of Spain and Mexico. (23). Recognize important and famous Spanish people. (Artists, writers, etc) (24). Utilize facts about Spain such as population, capital, food, languages, and currency. Also, some historical facts and form of government. (25). Identify places of interest in Spain such as El Prado Museum, La Plaza Mayor, Palacio Real, and la Universidad de Salamanca. (26). Utilize vocabulary related to family and friends. (27). Describe people and things. (28). Express ownership. (29). Create a family tree. Identify relationships using the vocabulary studied in class. (30). Acquire cultural and historical knowledge about Mexico. (31). Identify and use possessive adjectives. (32). Identify and use descriptive adjectives. (33). Identify and use the present tense of the verbs to have “tener” and to come “venir”. (34). Utilize expressions with tener. (35). Identify places in a city. (36). Identify pastimes, weekend activities, and sports. (37). Make plans and create invitations. (38). Conjugate verbs with irregular “yo” forms. (39). Conjugate present tense of stem changing verbs. (40). Utilize the verb “ir”. (41). Identify and use the contraction “al”. (42). Utilize ir +a+ [infinitive] to express future events. (43). Identify and use the verbs "ver" and "oír". (44). Discuss and plan a vacation. Mod. Lang., Page 28 (45). Describe a hotel. (46). Express feelings. (47). Identify and use the seasons and expressions for the weather. (48). Identify ordinal numbers. (49). Use adjectives for conditions and emotions. (50). Utilize the present progressive of regular and irregular verbs. (51). Compare uses of “ser” and “estar”. 2. Second Semester: a. Students will be introduced to the grammatical structures, vocabulary, and cultural Units covered in chapters 5-8. b. Dime Uno Workbook activities corresponding to chapters 5-8. c. Handouts provided by the teacher. d. Spanish First Year Workbook activities corresponding to material covered in Units 5-8. The units will concentrate in the following communicative goals: (1) Identify direct objects & substitute them for the direct object pronouns. (2) Utilize the personal “a” (3) Talk about and describe clothing (4) Express preferences in a store (5) Negotiate and pay for purchased items (6) Identify colors (7) Distinguish between direct and indirect objects and their pronouns. (8) Apply the use of numbers higher than 100. (9)Utilize punctuation and agreement rules pertaining to numbers. (10) Apply the use of the past tense of regular verbs: -ir, -ar, and – er. (11)Utilize vocabulary commonly used with the preterit. (12)Learn to use demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. (13)Understand and use reflexive pronouns and verbs, as well as adverbs. (14)Describe the daily routine. (15)Talk about personal hygiene. (16)Identify reflexive verbs and reflexive pronouns. (17)Distinguish adverbs of time. (18)Describe sequence of events. (19)Predict content from title of readings. (20)Utilize indefinite and negative words. (21)Write descriptions of places. (22)Write a tour itinerary. Mod. Lang., Page 29 (23)Use vocabulary related to daily routine. (24)Apply the past tense of “ser” and “ir”. (25)Apply the use of the verb “gustar” and verbs like “gustar”. (26)Acquire knowledge of the geography, culture, and economy of Perú. (27)Order food in a restaurant. (28)Talk about and describe food. (29)Identify food related terms. (30)Apply the past tense of stem changing verbs. (31)Utilize double object pronouns. (32)Distinguish and use the verbs "saber" and "conocer". (33)Utilize comparatives and superlatives. (34)Create comparisons of equality. (35)Create comparisons of inequality. (36)Utilize irregular comparisons and superlatives. (37)Distinguish absolute superlatives. (38)Express congratulations. (39)Express gratitude. (40)Ask for and pay the bill at a restaurant. (41)Distinguish words for stages of life and interpersonal relations. (42)Use irregular preterits. (43)Distinguish verbs that change meaning in the preterit. (44)Apply pronouns after prepositions. (45)Recognize word families. (46)Use “qué” and “cuál” in interrogatory sentences. (47)Utilize the preterit of "estar". Specific Course Objectives. The student will be able to... Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and/or written form the following objectives: A. First semester 1. Vocabulary a. Unit 1: identify the vocabulary related to greetings, introductions, and expressions of courtesy, and to describe physical and personality traits. School supplies, subjects, schedules, definite and indefinite articles and plurals. b. Unit 2: name vocabulary related to classroom and academic life. Ask and tell time, exchange phone numbers. Identify numbers 030, days of the week and computer lab related vocabulary. Students will be able to describe professors and classes, as well as their academic schedule. Students will learn to conjugate the – Mod. Lang., Page 30 ar ending verbs, and talk about diversions and sports. Verb to go= “ir”. c. Unit 3: define and use words related to likes, places in the city, verbs, use words related to shopping and everyday expressions as well as weather, seasons, words related to going out to the park and pastimes. Also apply words that imply frequency, and use negative and positive words appropriately. d. Unit 4: accurately describe family members and friends, family relationships, family celebrations, numbers 30-100, relatives, interrogatory words, professions, and moods. 2. Grammar: a. Unit 1: to identify nouns and articles, numbers (0-30), the present tense of the verb “ser” and telling time. The students will be able to use greetings, identify themselves and others and use expressions of courtesy. ¿De dónde…? and "ser de… " gender of nouns and adjectives. Apply agreement. Describe personality traits and physical characteristics. Express negative ideas. b. Unit 2: to use appropriately the present tense of the verb "“tener”", nouns and definite articles, adjectives, subject pronouns, singular and plural forms, the verb "estar" and the verb "ser". Form questions in Spanish, infinitives, ir + a + infinitive, “tener que" and "tener". c. Unit 3: to distinguish and use appropriately descriptive and possessive adjectives, present tense of –ar, –er and –ir ending verbs, and the present tense of “tener” and “venir”. The indefinite article and “hay”. The verbs "gustar" and "encantar". Present tense: plural forms and indefinite and negative words. d. Unit 4: to use the present tense of "ir", stem-changing verbs, and verbs with irregular “yo” forms. To use the verb “estar” with conditions and emotions, the present progressive, distinguish between “conocer” and “saber”, and utilize possessive adjectives. 3. Reading / Culture a. Unit 1: to point out and remember important general knowledge about Hispanics in the United States and Canada, for instance: statistics, cultural information and facts. To identify the maps of Central and South America, their countries, location and capitals. b. Unit 2: to talk about students’ life and pastimes in Spanish speaking countries, learn about the difference between a Mod. Lang., Page 31 "colegio" and a university, and private schools in Spanish speaking countries). c. Unit 3: to recall basic geographic, cultural and historical information regarding Mexico and also the students will be able to compare and contrast the characteristics of this country with other Spanish speaking countries. They will also learn how Mexican teenagers spend their free time (weekend activities, pastimes, etc.) and how is shopping in Oaxaca, Mexico. d. Unit 4: to mention and explain the importance of the extended family, Hispanic first names, last names and nicknames. The students will be able to use a Hispanic telephone directory and a Mexico City phonebook. The students will also learn about the Hispanic population in the United States and their influence in this country. 4. Writing a. Unit 1: to recognize nouns, write their plural, identify and write numbers 0-50, use the present tense of the verb ser, write the time using the typical expressions, write greetings, introductions and responses to greeting and salutations. Also, the student will be able to write and identify all of the vocabulary related to identification, description, greetings, time, expressions of courtesy and plurals of nouns and articles. The students will be able to write the Spanish speaking countries and their capitals correctly. b. Unit 2: to recognize and spell correctly all of the vocabulary related to the classroom and academic life. Asking and telling time, exchanging phone numbers. Numbers 0-30, days of the week and computer lab related vocabulary. Students will be able to describe professors and classes as well as their schedule. Students will learn to conjugate the –ar ending verbs, and talk about diversions and sports. Verb to go= ir. The students will also be able to use appropriately the present tense of the verb “tener”, nouns and definite articles, adjectives, subject pronouns, singular and plural forms, the verb “estar” and the verb ser. Students will apply formation of questions in Spanish, use of infinitives, and “ir” + a + infinitive, “tener que” and “tener” structures correctly. c. Unit 3: to locate the main parts of a sentence, spell and use the vocabulary related to likes and dislikes, places in the city, verbs, words related to shopping and everyday expressions as well as Mod. Lang., Page 32 weather, seasons, words related to the going out to the park and pastimes. Also, words that imply frequency, and negative and positive words. Students will be able to write and use appropriately descriptive and possessive adjectives, present tense of –ar, –er and –ir ending verbs, and the present tense of “tener” and “venir”. The indefinite article, “hay”, “gustar” and “encantar”. Apply the present tense: plural forms and indefinite and negative words. d. Unit 4: to utilize, both written and orally, all of the vocabulary related to family members and friends, family relationships, family celebrations, numbers 30-100, relatives, interrogatory words, professions, and moods. To use and write correctly the present tense of ir, stem-changing verbs, and verbs with irregular “yo” forms. To use the verb “estar” with conditions and emotions, the present progressive, distinguish between “conocer” and “saber”, and utilize possessive adjectives. B. Second semester (Units 5, 6, 7, and 8,) Vocabulary The students will be able to: a. Unit 5: recognize and use correctly the vocabulary related to vacations and travel, weather, seasons, days, and months of the year. The students will be able to use ordinal numbers correctly and will be able to give directions, use words related to the city, and learn three and four digit numbers. The students will be able to identify and use vocabulary related to stores, warehouses, shopping, and expressions related to them. The students will learn vocabulary related to food, ordering, restaurants, entertaining, meals, tips, etc., as well as expressions related to them. b. Unit 6: utilize and spell correctly all of the vocabulary related to culture, music, expressions of praise, expressions used to indicate the past tense, more verbs, arts, and Latin American historical vocabulary. The students will learn about transportation and expressions of surprise. c. Unit 7: identify and write the terms related to sports, games, demonstrative adjectives, vocabulary related to football, baseball and expressions related to them. The students will learn vocabulary related to parts of the body, personal hygiene, and medical problems. The students will learn parts of the bedroom, gifts, and vocabulary related to positions either in games or in any case and the expressions related to them. Mod. Lang., Page 33 d. Unit 8: use appropriate terms relating to personal hygiene, daily routine, eating utensils, adverbs, parts of the house, words related to food, food preparation, words used to compare, and expressions related to them. 2. Grammar a. Unit 5: The students will be able to identify, write and substitute direct objects in a sentence with direct object pronouns. To use the present progressive grammatical construction correctly and with the direct object pronouns attached; use affirmative “tú” commands correctly, numbers 100-1,000,000. Review “gustar” and “encantar”, stem changing verbs, and indirect object pronouns. b. Unit 6: The students will be able to conjugate and write correctly the past tense of regular verbs, past tense of ir, hacer, ser, dar, and ver. Preterit of poder, tener, venir, and decir. c. Unit 7: The students will be able to recognize and apply the use of demonstratives, spelling changes in the preterit, direct object pronouns, stem changing verbs in the preterit, irregular affirmative tú commands, and prepositions of location. d. Unit 8: to correctly identify and use the reflexive verbs and pronouns, adverbs, preterit of estar, absolute superlatives, comparatives, and review of the present tense, preterit tense and the present progressive tense. 3. Reading / Culture a. Unit 5: to read and learn about the nightlife in Madrid, various highlights and landmarks of Madrid and the importance of el paseo in Spanish culture. Learn how to shop in a department store, and how to use the directory of a department store. Order from a clothing catalog and learn about the food and dishes of the restaurants in Spain. b. Unit 6: to understand the difference between classical vs. folk dance, learn about the ballet folklórico and the Mariachi music. Learn about bargaining in a market and about the Mexican muralist José Clemente Orozco. Learn and understand the historical and cultural impact of Tenochtitlán, the Aztec capital and read 0an Aztec legend. Mod. Lang., Page 34 c. Unit 7: to learn about popular sports in Latin America, understand dialectical differences and the effect of loud music. The students will be presented a view of contemporary Miami. d. Unit 8: to recognize the confusion caused by lexical differences, learn about the Roman influence in Spain by studying about the Acueducto de Segovia, and variations in names of foods. Learn about mealtimes in Hispanic countries and cross cultural variations in the concepts of time. The students will also learn about the Alcázar de Segovia and gazpacho andaluz and tortilla española, among other dishes. 4. Writing a. Unit 5: to write a travel brochure for a hotel, to create a virtual web page for Puerto Rico, to write a weather report and to write about the political relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States. To use and write correctly all of the vocabulary related to vacations and travel, weather, seasons, days, and months of the year. The students will be able to use ordinal numbers correctly and will be able to give directions, use words related to the city, and learn three and four digit numbers. b. Unit 6: to write an advertisement for a sale in a store, to create a business plan for a store and to describe in detail the products (clothes, shoes, etc.) sold at the store. To utilize and spell correctly all of the vocabulary related to culture, music, expressions of praise, expressions used to indicate the past tense, more verbs, arts, and Latin American historical vocabulary. The students will learn about transportation and expressions of surprise. c. Unit 7: to read e-mails in the target language, to describe someone’s daily routine and to create a travel itinerary. To identify and write the terms related to sports, games, demonstrative adjectives, vocabulary related to football, baseball and expressions related to them. The students will learn vocabulary related to parts of the body, personal hygiene, and medical problems. The students will learn parts of the bedroom, gifts, and vocabulary related to positions either in games or anywhere and the expressions related to them. d. Unit 8: to write their own restaurant review and to develop the menu for a restaurant. The students will be able to write Mod. Lang., Page 35 descriptions of meals, desserts and drinks served in a restaurant of their choice. To use and write appropriately terms relating to personal hygiene, daily routine, eating utensils, adverbs, parts of the house, words related to food, food preparation, words used to compare, and expressions related to them. XI. EVALUATION 1. Semester Work 80% a. Chapter Tests 30% After the completion of a Unit, a chapter test is given which includes: vocabulary, grammar structures, cultural information, and reading comprehension exercises. b. Weekly Quizzes 15% Every week students take a quiz on the material learned that week. It could be either on the vocabulary covered in the chapter or a combination of vocabulary and grammar learned in the featured Unit. c. Participation in class 15% Includes active participation, preparation for class, materials, and constructive comments made during the class. d. Homework 20% Homework consists of workbook, textbook, and handout exercises, as well as readings and reviews of the material covered in class. 2. Final exam + 3. Total = Mod. Lang., Page 36 20% ______ 100% I. COURSE TITLE: COURSE NUMBER: II. DESCRIPTION SPANISH II-S ML 4202 This course is designed to improve the student's skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the Spanish language and to give an overall background of the culture of Latin America. AREAS OF CONCENTRATION Latin American stories are read to give a general insight into literary studies and to enhance reading skills and vocabulary. Grammar is presented in oral and written exercises in the workbook. Dictations, verb competitions, and oral competitions are emphasized to develop listening and speaking skills. GOALS To further develop communicative skills, facilitating expression in the target language; to increase the vocabulary in order to aid in the development of thinking processes, augment an interest in reading, individual research and evaluation of written material; to emphasize personalized and creative use of language; to learn grammar rules in the Spanish language; to integrate the cultural component of the Spanish language, enhancing an interest in Hispanic current events; to foster student awareness of the interaction of language, culture, and society; to help the student realize that learning to use the Spanish language well will have daily practical applications now and in the future; to encourage Christian values, good study habits, an ability to follow directions well, a sense of punctuality, neatness, responsibility, and honesty. PREREQUISITES The student must be able to read and understand basic instructions in Spanish and have passed the Spanish I-S course at Belen. New students are placed in this course if the Spanish Placement Exam designates them as "speakers". III. TEXTS Samaniego, Alarcón, Otheguy, Rodríguez-Pino. Tu Mundo. Heath & Co. Mass. 1997 Samaniego, Alarcón, Otheguy, Rodríguez-Pino. Tu Mundo. Cuaderno de Actividades… Mod. Lang., Page 37 IV. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Gonzalez, Olimpia. Leyendas cubanas. McGraw Hill. N.Y. 1997 English-Spanish Dictionary Spanish Dictionary V. PROCEDURE A. CLASS LECTURE 1. 2. 3. Review New information Summarize and reinforce B. WRITTEN/ORAL EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. Review new information Individual/group written exercises Share and verify responses C. CLASS DISCUSSION 1. 2. 3. Raise questions Solicit opinions Analyze, synthesize, evaluate answers D. REPORTS Written and oral reports in Spanish explaining cultural and literary events and activities VI. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS & EVENTS During the Summer prior to this course, the student will read Leyendas cubanas and prepare a report/questionnaire to be submitted at the beginning of the school year. The student will participate in the Belen Modern Languages Fair. Mod. Lang., Page 38 The student will participate in a verb contest. The student will participate in a drama competition. Other events to be announced. VII. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The student will participate in the Miami-Dade County Fair's writing and drama competitions; the Belen Spanish Invitational and the FLTDC drama competitions. Field trips and other events to be announced. VIII. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL Classroom use: Listening audio exercises from Tu Mundo textbook. After school optional movies: El Lazarillo de Tormes and Don Quijote de la Mancha. IX. COURSE OUTLINE First Semester A. GRAMMAR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Present tense of regular verbs Present tense of irregular verbs Preterit and imperfect tenses Present Subjunctive Commands Gender & number of nouns Ser and Estar Idiomatic Expressions Cognates Personal pronouns Implicit/explicit subject Uses of the infinitive Interrogatives and relatives Subject and object. Personal and object pronouns Mod. Lang., Page 39 B. READING/Culture 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Geography of Latin America & important places History of Latin America Leyendas cubanas (cont.) Refranes SPELLING 1. 2. 3. Syllables/diphthongs Accentuation: agudas , llanas y esdrújulas Orthographic rules: k/c/qu Second Semester A. GRAMMAR 1. 2. 3. 4. Preterit tense of regular verbs and irregular verbs(cont.) Reflexive verbs Verbos ecuativos: Ser y estar Third person direct and indirect object pronouns in the same sentence 5. Idiomatic expressions 6. Definite articles 7. Adjectives and adverbs 8. Prepositional phrases and prepositional pronouns 9. Uses of se 10. Gerund B. READING/Culture 1. 2. 3. 4. C. People and customs of Latin America Latin America poems and short stories Latin American cultural and historical readings Refranes SPELLING 1. 2. 3. Orthographic rules: s/z/c/ces Orthographic rules: ga, go, gu Orthographic rules: I/Y/LL Mod. Lang., Page 40 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. X. Orthographic rules: R/RR Orthographic rules: Q/K Orthographic rules: M/N Orthographic rules: x, ge, gi, j,h Orthographic rules: b/v Compound words and prefix Accent on monosyllables COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and/or written form the following objectives: First Semester A. GRAMMAR 1. Present tense of regular verbs -Conjugate present tense of common regular -ar ending verbs, their negative and interrogative forms -Conjugate present tense of common regular -er and -ir ending verbs -Conjugate present tense of common stem-changing verbs (o to ue), (e to ie), (e to i) 2. Present tense of irregular verbs -Identify and conjugate the present tense of verbs that have irregularities in the first person singular -Identify and conjugate irregular verbs 3. Preterit and imperfect of regular verbs -Conjugate preterit and imperfect tenses 4. Present tense of the subjunctive -Identify and conjugate the present tense of the subjunctive 5. Commands -Use polite commands with regular and irregular verbs -Use familiar commands 6. Gender and number of nouns -Use proper gender and number agreement in sentences: article/noun/verb Mod. Lang., Page 41 7. Ser/Estar -Conjugate ser and estar and difference in uses 8. Idiomatic expressions -Identify and use in a sentence various idiomatic expressions 9. Cognates -Recognize direct and indirect cognates and use them in complete sentence form -Recognize the difference between true and false cognates 10. Personal pronouns -Recognize and use personal pronouns in agreement with verbs 11. Implicit and explicit subject -Recognize the subject in a sentence -Determine the subject of a sentence when understood or implicit 12. Uses of the infinitive -Recognize the different uses of the infinitive Interrogatives and relatives -know the difference between relative and interrogative pronouns -when to accentuate 13. 14. B. Subject and object nouns and pronouns -Recognize the subject and object in a sentence -replace the subject and object with pronouns READING/Culture 1. Geography of Latin America -Identify and recall 5 major cities, 3 major mountain ranges, and 3 major rivers of Latin America 2. History of Latin America -Identify and recall early Indian civilizations -Identify and recall two important things of early civilizations 3. Leyendas cubanas -After practicing aloud reading of 8 Leyendas the student will be able to identify new words, understand their meaning and use them in Mod. Lang., Page 42 oral and written discourse -Identify and paraphrase plot both in writing and orally 4. C. Refranes - Use refranes in everyday conversation SPELLING 1. Accentuation -Apply the rules of accentuation to daily written exercises and long term projects 2. Orthographic rules -Identify and apply the orthographic rules for the use of k,c,qu 3. Syllables/diphthongs -divide words in syllables and recognize a diphthong Second Semester A. GRAMMAR 1. Preterit tense of regular and irregular verbs (cont.) -Identify and conjugate preterit tense of regular -ar, -er and –ir ending verbs; also the irregulars -Difference in uses of the preterit and the imperfect 2. Reflexive verbs -Identify, conjugate, and use in sentences reflexive verbs and corresponding pronouns 3. Verbos ecuativos: Ser y estar -Difference in uses of ser and estar -Recognize sentences without objects when using ser and estar 4. Direct and indirect third person pronouns -Recognize both objects in a sentence -Replace with object pronouns -Change le, les to se 5. More idiomatic expressions Mod. Lang., Page 43 -Recognize and use different idiomatic expressions in every day conversation and writing B. C. 6. Definite article -Identify gender and number of articles -Proper usage of the definite article -Exceptions: la mano, el alma, etc 7. Adjectives and adverbs -difference between and adjective and an adverb -gender and number of adjectives -agreement of adjective and nouns -shortening of adjectives -adverbs ending in mente -two adverbs in the same sentence 8. Prepositional phrases and prepositional pronouns -recognize the prepositional phrase -substitute prepositional phrase with prepositional pronoun 9. Use of se (impersonal) 10. Gerund READING 1. People and customs of Latin America -Identify, relate, compare and appraise several customs of Latin America, such as: family names, Saint's day, la tertulia, la siesta, el Día de los muertos 2. Latin America literature: poems and short stories -Identify and recall at least two writers, and artists of Latin America 3. Latin America cultural and historical readings -Early American civilizations: Incas, Nazcas 4. Refranes (cont.) SPELLING 1. Orthographic rules: s/c/z, ga/go/gu, ge/gi, x/h/j, b/v, z/ces, ll/y, i/y, r/rr Mod. Lang., Page 44 -Identify and apply the orthographic rules that enable us to discriminate against the difficult pairs and consonantal groups foretasted 2. Prefixes and compound words 3. Accent on one syllable words XI. EVALUATION A. SEMESTER WORK 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Homework Class work Quizzes Exams & special projects Final Exam at the end of each semester Mod. Lang., Page 45 15% 15% 20% 30% 20% I. COURSE TITLE: COURSE NUMBER: II. DESCRIPTION SPANISH II-S HONORS ML 4210 This course is designed to give the students the necessary communication skills in the Spanish language and to give an overall background of the culture of Latin America. Latin American stories are read to give a general insight into literary studies and to enhance reading skills and vocabulary. Grammar concepts are presented and practiced orally an in writing through the workbook. Dictations, spelling bees, and the use of the dictionary are emphasized to promote correct spelling. Discussions, compositions, and extra materials are presented to enhance the readings. Special projects of Spanish culture, literary and reading contests, and current events are used to develop further interest in Spanish culture. GOALS To further develop communicative skills, facilitating expression in the target language; to increase the vocabulary in order to aid in the development of thinking processes, augment an interest in reading, individual research and evaluation of written material; to emphasize personalized and creative use of language; to learn grammar rules in the Spanish language; to integrate the cultural component of the Spanish language, enhancing an interest in Hispanic current events; to foster student awareness of the interaction of language, culture, and society; to help the student realize that learning to use the Spanish language well will have daily practical applications now and in the future; to encourage Christian values, good study habits, an ability to follow directions well, a sense of punctuality, neatness, responsibility, and honesty. PREREQUISITE OF COURSE The student must have satisfactorily completed the 6th grade with an A or B Mod. Lang., Page 46 and/or have received an excellent score in the Spanish Placement Exam. An overall average of 3.4 is required as well as the approval of the Department Chairperson. Parental and student signature of the Honor's Contract is required. A student may decline the invitation to this course. III. TEXTS Samaniego, Alarcón, Otheguy, Rodríguez-Pino. Tu Mundo. Heath & Co. Mass. 1997 Samaniego, Alarcón, Otheguy, Rodríguez-Pino. Tu Mundo Cuaderno de Actividades… Heath & Co. Mass. 1997. IV. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Gonzalez, Olimpia. Leyendas cubanas. McGraw Hill. N.Y. 1997 English-Spanish Dictionary Spanish Dictionary Don Quijote. National Textbook Co. El Lazarillo. National textbook Co. V. PROCEDURE A. CLASS LECTURE 1. 2. 3. B. WRITTEN/ORAL EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. C. Review New information Summarize and reinforce Review new information Individual/group written exercises Share and verify responses CLASS DISCUSSION 1. Raise questions Mod. Lang., Page 47 2. 3. D. Solicit opinions Analyze, synthesize, evaluate answers REPORTS Written and oral reports in Spanish explaining cultural and literary events and activities VI. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS & EVENTS During the Summer prior to this course, the student will read Leyendas cubanas and prepare a report/questionnaire to be submitted at the beginning of the school year. The student will participate in the Belen Modern Languages Fair. The student will participate in a verb contest. The student will participate in a drama competition. The student will participate in the Hispanic Heritage Essay Contest. VII. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The student will participate in the Miami-Dade County Fair's writing and drama competitions; the Belen Spanish Field trips and other events to be announced. VIII. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL After school optional movies: El Lazarillo, Don Quijote Other movies after school as offered by the Department. Listening exercises from audio material of Tu Mundo IX. COURSE OUTLINE Mod. Lang., Page 48 First Semester A. GRAMMAR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. B. READING/Culture 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Present tense of regular verbs Present tense of irregular verbs Preterit and imperfect tenses Present Subjunctive Commands Gender & number of nouns Ser and Estar Idiomatic Expressions Cognates Personal pronouns Implicit/explicit subject Uses of the infinitive Interrogatives and relatives Subject and object. Personal and object pronouns Geography of Latin America & important places History of Latin America Leyendas cubanas (cont.) Refranes SPELLING 1. 2. 3. Syllables/diphthongs Accentuation: agudas , llanas y esdrújulas Orthographic rules: k/c/qu Second Semester A. GRAMMAR 1. Preterite tense of regular verbs and irregular verbs(cont.) 2. Reflexive verbs 3. Verbos ecuativos: Ser y estar 4. Third person direct and indirect object pronouns in the same sentence 5. Idiomatic expressions 6. Definite articles 7. Adjectives and adverbs Mod. Lang., Page 49 8. 9. 10. B. READING/Culture 1. 2. 3. 4. C. People and customs of Latin America Latin America poems and short stories Latin American cultural and historical readings Refranes SPELLING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. X. Prepositional phrases and prepositional pronouns Uses of se Gerund Orthographic rules: s/z/c/ces Orthographic rules: ga, go, gu Orthographic rules: I/Y/LL Orthographic rules: R/RR Orthographic rules: Q/K Orthographic rules: M/N Orthographic rules: x, ge, gi, j,h Orthographic rules: b/v Compound words and prefix Accent on monosyllables COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and/or written form the following objectives: First Semester A. GRAMMAR 1. Present tense of regular verbs -Conjugate present tense of common regular -ar ending verbs, their negative and interrogative forms -Conjugate present tense of common regular -er and -ir ending verbs -Conjugate present tense of common stem-changing verbs (o to ue), (e to ie), (e to i) Mod. Lang., Page 50 2. Present tense of irregular verbs -Identify and conjugate the present tense of verbs that have irregularities in the first person singular -Identify and conjugate irregular verbs 3. Preterit and imperfect of regular verbs -Conjugate preterit and imperfect tenses 4. Present tense of the subjunctive -Identify and conjugate the present tense of the subjunctive 5. Commands -Use polite commands with regular and irregular verbs -Use familiar commands 6. Gender and number of nouns -Use proper gender and number agreement in sentences: article/noun/verb 7. Ser/Estar -Conjugate ser and estar and difference in uses 8. Idiomatic expressions -Identify and use in a sentence various idiomatic expressions 9. Cognates -Recognize direct and indirect cognates and use them in complete sentence form -Recognize the difference between true and false cognates 10. Personal pronouns -Recognize and use personal pronouns in agreement with verbs 11. Implicit and explicit subject -Recognize the subject in a sentence -Determine the subject of a sentence when understood or implicit 12. Uses of the infinitive -Recognize the different uses of the infinitive Mod. Lang., Page 51 B. C. 13. Interrogatives and relatives -know the difference between relative and interrogative pronouns -when to accentuate 14. Subject and object nouns and pronouns -Recognize the subject and object in a sentence -replace the subject and object with pronouns READING/Culture 1. Geography of Latin America -Identify and recall 5 major cities, 3 major mountain ranges, and 3 major rivers of Latin America 2. History of Latin America -Identify and recall early Indian civilizations -Identify and recall two important things of early civilizations 3. Leyendas cubanas -After practicing aloud reading of 8 Leyendas the student will be able to identify new words, understand their meaning and use them in oral and written discourse -Identify and paraphrase plot both in writing and orally 4. Refranes - Use refranes in everyday conversation SPELLING 1. Accentuation -Apply the rules of accentuation to daily written exercises and long term projects 2. Orthographic rules -Identify and apply the orthographic rules for the use of k,c,qu 3 Syllables/diphthongs -divide words in syllables and recognize a diphthong Second Semester Mod. Lang., Page 52 A. GRAMMAR 1. Preterit tense of regular and irregular verbs (cont.) -Identify and conjugate preterit tense of regular -ar, -er and –ir ending verbs; also the irregulars -Difference in uses of the preterit and the imperfect 2. Reflexive verbs -Identify, conjugate, and use in sentences reflexive verbs and corresponding pronouns 3. Verbos ecuativos: Ser y estar -Difference in uses of ser and estar -Recognize sentences without objects when using ser and estar 4. Direct and indirect third person pronouns -Recognize both objects in a sentence -Replace with object pronouns -Change le, les to se 5. More idiomatic expressions -Recognize and use different idiomatic expressions in every day conversation and writing 6. Definite article -Identify gender and number of articles -Proper usage of the definite article -Exceptions: la mano, el alma, etc 7. Adjectives and adverbs -difference between and adjective and an adverb -gender and number of adjectives -agreement of adjective and nouns -shortening of adjectives -adverbs ending in mente -two adverbs in the same sentence 8. Prepositional phrases and prepositional pronouns -recognize the prepositional phrase -substitute prepositional phrase with prepositional pronoun 9. Use of se (impersonal) Mod. Lang., Page 53 10. B. Gerund READING 1. People and customs of Latin America -Identify, relate, compare and appraise several customs of Latin America, such as: family names, Saint's day, la tertulia, la siesta, el Día de los muertos 2. Latin America literature: poems and short stories -Identify and recall at least two writers, scientists, and artists of Latin America C. 3. Latin America cultural and historical readings -Early American civilizations: Incas, Nazcas 4. Refranes SPELLING 1 Orthographic rules: s/c/z, ga/go/gu, ge/gi, x/h/j, b/v, z/ces, ll/y, i/y, r/rr -Identify and apply the orthographic rules that enable us to discriminate against the difficult pairs and consonantal groups aforementioned 2. Prefixes and compound words 3. Accent on one syllable words IX. EVALUATION A. SEMESTER WORK 1 2. 3 4. 5. Homework Class work Quizzes Exams & special projects Final Exam at the end of each semester Mod. Lang., Page 54 15% 15% 20% 30% 20% I. COURSE TITLE: SPANISH III COURSE NUMBER: ML 4300 II. DESCRIPTION This course is designed to develop and improve the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills of non-native Spanish speakers in the target language with a strong emphasis on communication. It exposes students to the rich and heterogeneous cultures of Spanish speaking countries through the presentation of Latin American stories and animated narrations that explain the origin of current traditions and commonly used proverbs. Multi-media presentations acquaint the student with real life scenarios and common daily situations. The main goal is to provide the student a solid foundation of the basic grammar skills needed to communicate effectively in Spanish. In addition, special projects, films, and current cultural events are used to promote the student’s interest in the Spanish language. III. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE This course is open for students that study Spanish as a foreign language and have completed the 4200 or have been recommended to this course by their current Spanish Belen teacher or as a result of the Belen Spanish Placement Exam. IV. TEXT Samaniego, F.A., Brown, M.C., Carlin, P.H. Gorman, S.E., & Sparks, C.L., (1994). ¡DIME! DOS, D. C. Heath & Co., Lexington, Mass. Samaniego, Alarcón, & Rojas, (1994). ¡DIME! DOS: ACTIVIDADES, D. C. Heath & Co., Lexington, Mass. CUADERNO DE V. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary VI. PROCEDURE AND TEACHING METHODOLOGY A. ANTICIPATING AND CRITICAL THINKING - (ANTICIPEMOS) 1. Individual or group discussion based on the illustrations. 2. Students are asked to make cross-cultural comparisons as they Mod. Lang., Page 55 discover the theme and the structures introduced in each lesson. Mod. Lang., Page 56 B. COMPREHENSIBLE INPUT: LISTENING TO AUTHENTIC LANGUAGE - (PARA EMPEZAR) 1. A short story or legend is narrated. 2. Meaning is communicated by pointing, acting out, contrasting, and by using the board or overhead transparencies. 3. Comprehension check questions are asked. 4. Frequent repetition of the target language. C. COMPREHENSIBLE INPUT: LISTENING TO AUTHENTIC LANGUAGE - (¿QUÉ DECIMOS?) 1. Students review previously acquired knowledge about the characters in the “fotonovela”. 2. Early production check questions are asked to produce a one-word or short-phrase answer. 2. Students read aloud or act out the dialogues in order to practice the pronunciation. 4. The overhead transparencies are used to have groups of students producing spontaneous dialogues. 5. The video of the lesson video is played without sound and students narrate the action. D. GUIDED PRACTICE: EARLY SPEECH PRODUCTION - (CHARLEMOS UN POCO) 1. Teacher-directed and student-centered communicative pair and group activities. 2. Some of the activities are assigned for additional written practice. 3. Cross-reference to the grammar section while keeping the student focused on meaning and content rather than on the manipulation of grammar. E. APPLICATION AND EXTENSION: CREATING WITH LANGUAGE – (CHARLEMOS UN POCO MÁS y DRAMATIZACIONES) 1. Students interact with each other in real-life situations using the vocabulary and the structures learned in each lesson. 2. Students simulate real-life situations playing different roles and using the target language. F. CULTURE - (IMPACTO CULTURAL) Mod. Lang., Page 57 1. Group reading of the country of focus. 2. Comprehension check questions are asked. G. READING: CRITICAL THINKING AND SKILLS GETTING - (LEAMOS AHORA) 1. Group or individual reading. 2. Discussion of responses to the questions. 3. Students review their predictions about the reading content. H. WRITING: GUIDED PRACTICE 1. Students apply language acquired in a writing task. VII. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, PROJECTS A. Written and oral presentations of countries. B. Creation of a tri-dimensional model of a particular aspect of a Spanishspeaking country for the Belen Modern Language Fair Project. A. Poem in Spanish for the Belen Invitational Contest. B. Synonym contest VIII. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES A. Miami-Dade County Fair Foreign Language Projects. B. Field trips and other activities as announced. IX. AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS A. All audio and video ancillaries that accompany the textbook are used to make classes more stimulating and interactive. B. Movies:In class the students watch the documentary: The Mexican Americans and María C. Students are also encouraged to attend the showing of movies in Spanish after school for extra credit. X. COURSE OUTLINE A. First Semester Mod. Lang., Page 58 1. UNIDAD 1. ¿CÓMO PASAN EL TIEMPO? 2. UNIDAD 2. ¡QUÉ CHÉVERE! 3. UNIDAD 3. QUERIDOS TELEVIDENTES 3. UNIDAD 4. ERA UNA CIUDAD MUY... B. Second Semester 1. UNIDAD 5. RECOMIENDO QUE... 2. UNIDAD 6. ¡HAGAMOS UNA EXCURSIÓN! 3. UNIDAD 7. ¡HAY QUE BUSCAR EMPLEO! 4. UNIDAD 8. ¡VOY A VENEZUELA! XI. COURSE OBJECTIVES. The student will be able to: A. UNIDAD 1. ¿CÓMO PASAN EL TIEMPO? 1. Communicative Objectives a. Use greetings and introductions. b. Discuss likes and dislikes. c. Name their favorite activities. d. Use vocabulary used in shopping scenarios. e. Describe activities, family, school and friends f. Relate information about where they are going, what they are going to do, what they have to do, and how long they have been doing something. 2. Cultural Objectives a. Mention basic information about El Paso, Texas. b. Recall the main ideas about two short stories from New Mexico's Hispanic folklore. c. Interpret a short poem written by a Chicano poet. d. Explain basic information about a New Mexican fiesta called The Whole Enchilada. 3. Reading and Writing Objectives a. Use pre-reading strategies effectively. b. Come up with basic ideas for an article for a school newspaper. Mod. Lang., Page 59 4. Grammar Objectives a. Use correctly the verbs “gustar” and “encantar”. b. Recognize the present indicative of regular verbs. c. Identify question words in Spanish. d. Conjugate the verbs “estar”, “ser”, “tener”, and “ir” in the present indicative. e. Understand the conjugation of stem-changing verbs in the present Tense. f. Use adjectives in Spanish. g. Produce phrases using “hacer” with expressions of time. B. UNIDAD 2. ¡QUÉ CHÉVERE! 1. Communicative Objectives a. Formulate questions about family members. b. Indicate possession with adjectives. c. Discuss cultural stereotypes. d. Talk about past summer vacations in Spanish. e. Identify points of contact with other cultures. f. Tell about the environment and diversity. g. Identify geographical features and locations. h. Establish comparisons. 2. Cultural Objectives a. Recall main ideas about legends from Venezuela, Honduras and Bolivia. b. Remember basic information about Venezuela. c. Use new vocabulary words to talk about geography and cultural perceptions. d. Explain how the rain forest affects our daily lives. 3. Reading and Writing Objectives a. Identify specific information in a reading passage. b. Write about cultural experiences they had the previous summer. 3. Grammar Objective a. Recognize direct object pronouns. b. Use the possessive adjectives. c. Understand the uses of the preterit tense. d. Conjugate frequently used regular and irregular verbs in the preterit tense. e. Use adjectives of nationality. Mod. Lang., Page 60 f. Make comparisons using the comparatives and superlatives. C. UNIDAD 3. QUERIDOS TELEVIDENTES... 1. Communicative Objectives a. Describe past activities. b. Predict and describe the weather. c. Identify characteristics of specific people and things. d. Give advice. e. Give direct commands. f. Talk about the past. g. Describe daily routines. 2. Cultural Objectives a. Recall short stories from South America, Mexico and Peru. b. Mention basic information about Chile. c. Recognize one of Chile's most renowned poets: Gabriela Mistral. d. Explain key information about the mysteries of Chile's Easter Island. 3. Reading and Writing Objectives a. Predict the reading content by focusing first on the titles and the pictures. b. Practice basic writing skills. 4. Grammar Objectives a. Use the preterit tense of irregular verbs. b. Recognize the demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. c. Form affirmative and negative formal commands. d. Conjugate regular verbs in the imperfect tense. e. Use correctly the reflexive verbs. D. UNIDAD 4. ERA UNA CIUDAD MUY... 1. Communicative Objectives a. Talk about what they used to do when they were younger. b. Mention the names of the chores they used to do at home. c. Describe their childhood. d. Refer to events that happened a long time ago. e. Describe past events and situations. f. Ask and answer questions about the past. g. Describe how they used to feel. Mod. Lang., Page 61 h. Narrate a short story about past actions. 2. Cultural Objectives a. Recall main ideas of Guatemalan, Venezuelan, and Peruvian short story. b. Explain basic facts about the Incan Empire and Pachacútec, one of Peru's greatest Incas. c. Identify main events on the history of Peru. d. Recognize the importance of the Nasca lines. 3. Reading and Writing Objectives a. Rephrase the reading selection in his own words. b. Apply the skill of summarizing to writing. 4. Grammar Objectives a. Conjugate the verbs “ser”, “ver” and “ir” in the imperfect. b. Understand the uses of the imperfect. c. Use accurately the expressions with “hacer”. d. Recognize the different uses of the imperfect and the preterit. e. Recall formation of the conjugation in the preterit of stem-changing verbs. f. Narrate a short story using the imperfect and the preterit. E. UNIDAD 5. RECOMIENDO QUE ... 1. Communicative Objectives a. Express hopes and desires using “Ojalá que…”. b. Give advice using the subjunctive mood. c. Recognize opinions. d. Distinguish between facts and opinions. e. Use verbs that express persuasion. e. Formulate suggestions. f. Talk about emotions. g. Make recommendations. 2. Cultural Objectives a. Mention basic information provided in a Guatemalan short story and two Spanish legends. b. Recognize the importance of Arab influences in the history, culture, architecture, language, and education of Spain. c. Compare Spain’s situation under the regime of Franco to contemporary Spain. d. Identify one of Spain's popular young actors: Antonio Banderas. Mod. Lang., Page 62 3. Reading and Writing Objectives a. Be aware of the thinking process that takes place as he reads: predicting, making mental descriptions, and comparing. b. Conduct an interview to collect information needed to write an article. 4. Grammar Objectives a. Recognize and use: the present subjunctive, the regular and irregular forms; impersonal expressions; expressions of persuasion; the present subjunctive of stem-changing verbs; expressions of anticipation or reaction. F. UNIDAD 6. ¡HAGAMOS UNA EXCURSIÓN! 1. Communicative Objectives a. Express doubts and opinions. b. Create original invitations. c. Respond to invitations. d. Give directions. e. Compare and contrast information. f. Tell where things are located. g. Narrate past events. h. Rephrase a story in his own words. 2. Cultural Objectives a. Identify cultural information in two New Mexican short stories and a Brazilian myth. b. Recall basic information about Costa Rica. c. Identify the differences of the "-tico" dialect in Costa Rica. d. Paraphrase a poem by Jorge Debravo. 3. Reading and Writing Objectives a. Use different reading strategy to interpret a poem. b. Write an original poem. 4. Grammar Objectives a. Use expressions of doubt with the subjunctive mood. b. Understand the use of double object pronouns, in the 1st and 2nd persons. c. Conjugate regular verbs in the present perfect tense. d. Use correctly double object pronouns in the 3rd person. e. Recall the different uses of the preterit and the imperfect. Mod. Lang., Page 63 f. Use correctly the adjectives in the shortened form. UNIDAD 7. ¡HAY QUE BUSCAR EMPLEO! 1. Communicative Objectives a. Create speculations in Spanish. b. Formulate a negotiation. c. Explain probability and improbability. d. Identify job requirements. e. Compare job descriptions. f. Explain rules and regulations. 2. Cultural Objectives a. Recall main events from Mexican short stories. b. Understand the meaning of several Mexican proverbs. c. Recall basic information about Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. d. Acknowledge the historical importance of Benito Juárez. 3. Reading and Writing Objectives a. Use different types of questions to understand a newspaper article. b. Write a personal essay narrating an anecdote from his childhood. 4. Grammar Objectives a. Recognize “si clauses” in the present tense. b. Use the prepositions “para” and “por”. c. Understand the use of the words “quizás” and “tal vez” with the present subjunctive. d. Use the present subjunctive in adjective clauses. e. Distinguish between the use of the “impersonal se” and the “reflexive se”. UNIDAD 8. ¡VOY A VENEZUELA! 1. Communicative Objectives a. Talk about future plans and activities. b. Make suggestions, predictions, and speculations. c. Give advice and commands. d. Express emotions and doubts. e. Mention past, present, and future activities. f. Indicate doubt and uncertainty. 2. Cultural Objectives a. Recall main ideas of short stories from Mexico and Argentina. Mod. Lang., Page 64 b. Analyze current situation in Argentina and acknowledge importance of the process of consolidation of democracy. c. Recognize the use of “el voceo” in Argentina. d. Read a poem by the Chicano poet Francisco X. Alarcón. 3. Reading and Writing Objectives a. Analyze the relationship between poetic symbols and their possible meanings. b. Write a poem about the meaning and importance of language using metaphors. 4. Grammar Objectives a. Recognize the future tense. b. Conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the future tense. c. Use the conditional tense of regular and irregular verbs. d. Give commands. e. Distinguish between the present subjunctive and the present indicative. f. Use accurately the preterit and the imperfect tenses. XII. EVALUATION A. SEMESTER WORK 1. Quizzes 2. Homework 3. Tests B. Semester Exam 80% 20% 20% 40% 20% The Final grade is the average of the grades obtained in the first and second semesters. Mod. Lang., Page 65 I. COURSE TITLE: SPANISH III-S COURSE NUMBER: ML 4302 II. DESCRIPTION This course is designed to allow the student to practice and improve the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing the Spanish language and to give an overall background of the culture of the Spanish speaking countries. Grammar is presented through oral and written exercises in context. The use of multi-media presentations helps the student develop a working knowledge of the language through the presentation of the history, current celebrities, culture and literature of countries where Spanish is spoken. Special projects, films, and current cultural events are used to promote interest in the Spanish language. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE Student must have satisfactorily completed the Spanish II-S or 4202 course at Belen or been recommended to this course by his current Spanish teacher or result of the Belen Spanish Placement Exam. VI. TEXTS Samaniego, F.A., Alarcón, F.X., Rojas, N., & Ohara, M. (2005). EL MUNDO 21 HISPANO. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston & New York. Samaniego, F.A., Alarcón, F.X., & Rojas, N., (2005). EL MUNDO 21 HISPANO, CUADERNO DE ACTIVIDADES. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston & New York. VII. SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS AND AUDIOVISULAS Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary Mod. Lang., Page 66 Audio CDs, El Mundo 21 Hispano Video El Mundo 21 Hispano Movies: In class the students watch the documentary: The Mexican Americans and María and others after school as offered by the Department VIII. PROCEDURE A. UNIT OPENER 1. Students are introduced to the three or four countries presented in the unit. Individual or group reading of the country’s brief historical overview. B. READING PROFILES ON PERSONALITIES OF THE COUNTRY 1. Individual or group reading. 2. Comprehension check questions. 3. Students assume the personalities of the people featured. C. ACCENTUATION, PRONUNCIATION AND SPELLING 1. Students practice pronouncing the words and writing them. They also practice correct accentuation. D. IMPROVING COMMUNICATION 1. Students read these mini-dialogues aloud. 2. Students volunteer to role-play using the vocabulary presented. The vocabulary relates to topics such as shopping, the theater, the arts, and world economics. E. HISTORICAL/CULTURAL READING 1. Pre-reading activity – activate student’s background knowledge by asking them what they know about the country. Some of their families are natives of the country being presented. 2. Group reading activity. 3. Comprehensible input techniques: explaining, defining, describing, contrasting and illustrating to clarify new language and usage. Mod. Lang., Page 67 4. Reading comprehension questions in order to acquire a general understanding of major movements that influenced that country's culture. F. LANGUAGE IN USE 1. Students will learn to recognize Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes, to understand how Spanish changed as it came in contact with Arabic and Indigenous languages. 2. Students will think of examples of English words that came directly from Spanish and vice versa. 3. Students interview their parents and grandparents to see if they know old Spanish proverbs and tongue twisters, thus trying to maintain the Spanish oral tradition. G. LITERARY AND JOURNALISTIC READING 1. Students work on pre-reading activities that foreshadow key content and vocabulary and background information on the author. 2. Students describe or identify the illustrations accompanying the reading selection. 3. Reading selection done as a group or individual activity. 4. Post-reading basic comprehension questions encourage students to analyze and discuss points about the plots, characters, themes and styles. H. INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY ANALYSIS 1. Introduce the basic concepts of literary analysis in order to facilitate students’ discussion and understanding of various genres: narratives, short stories, poetry, legends, and essays. 2. Ask comprehension-check questions to make sure the concepts presented are understood. I. LIGHT/CAMERA/ACTION 1. Students are exposed to native speakers in real life situations through the El Mundo 21 Hispano video footage. 2. Students improve their listening comprehension skills by doing the previewing activities and the post-viewing activities. J. EXPLORING CYBERSPACE 1. Students practice with the self-scoring quizzes in the Houghton Mifflin Mod. Lang., Page 68 home page. 2. The multimedia CD-ROM provides additional grammar and vocabulary practice. K. GRAMMAR 1. Explanation of grammar points. 2. Exercises that reinforce the concepts in textbook and workbook. 3. Students check their own work as answers are written on the board by another student or given orally. L. LISTENING SKILLS 1. Students listen with the audio CDs to approximately sixty minutes of materials for each unit. 2. Students work on exercises in the workbook that follow the tapes. IX. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, PROJECTS A. Written and oral presentation of countries. B. Belen Modern Language Fair three dimensional project. X. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT A. Miami-Dade County Fair contests B. Other activities as announced XI. COURSE OUTLINE First Semester A. UNIDAD 1. Crisol de sueños: Los hispanos en Estados Unidos. B. UNIDAD 2. Raíces y Esperanza: España, México, Puerto Rico, la República Dominicana y Cuba Second Semester C. UNIDAD 3. Entre el conflicto y la paz: Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala D. UNIDAD 4. La modernidad en desafío: Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia y Venezuela Mod. Lang., Page 69 E. UNIDAD 5. Camino al sol: Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia F. UNIDAD 6. Aspiraciones y contrastes: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay y Chile XII. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and/or written form the following objectives: UNIDAD 1. Crisol de sueños: Los hispanos en Estados Unidos. 1. Cultural/Communicative Objectives -Relate historical events in the unit. -Acquire knowledge of current political and social issues concerning Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Cuban-Americans, Dominicans and Central Americans. -Recognize Hispanic folklore in the United States. -Recognize today's protagonists in politics, the arts, and entertainment. -Relate the literary selections in the unit. -Tell about famous Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Cuban-Americans, Dominicans and Central Americans. -Formulate opinions or viewpoints about historical events. -Formulate opinions and interpretations of literary and journalistic readings. 2. Grammar Structure Objectives -Recognize and use: the gender and number of nouns, the definite and indefinite articles, the present indicative of regular verbs, stem-changing, spelling change and irregular verbs in the present tense, the descriptive adjectives, the different forms and use of the verbs ser and estar, the comparatives and superlatives and the demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. UNIDAD 2. Raíces y Esperanza: España, México, Puerto Rico, la República Dominicana y Cuba 1. Cultural/Communicative Objectives -Relate historical events. -Summarize current political and social issues. -Recall some of the most important historical figures in Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. -Identify historical and artistic sites. Mod. Lang., Page 70 -Recognize some of today's protagonists in politics, the arts, and entertainment. -Relate the literary selections in the unit. -Tell about historical and contemporary Spaniards. -Formulate opinions or viewpoints about historical events presented 2. Grammar Structure Objectives -Recognize and use: the preterit regular, stem-changing and irregular verbs, the direct and indirect object pronouns, the personal a, gustar and similar constructions, the imperfect of the regular and irregular verbs and negative words and expressions. UNIDAD 3. Entre el conflicto y la paz: Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala. 1. Cultural/Communicative Objectives -Relate historical events. -Recognize historical and artistic sites. -Acquire knowledge of current political and social issues. -Recognize today's protagonists in politics, the arts entertainment in the unit. -Relate the literary selection. -Tell about the important figures in the countries presented. and 2. Grammar Structure Objectives -Recognize and use: the Preterit and the Imperfect, the possessive adjectives and pronouns, the prepositions para and por, the infinitive UNIDAD 4. La modernidad en desafío: Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia y Venezuela. 1. Cultural/Communicative Objectives -Relate historical events. -Acquire knowledge of current political and social issues. -Recognize today’s protagonists in politics, the arts entertainment. -Relate the literary selections. -Rephrase the facts about personalities. -Formulate opinions or viewpoints in Del pasado al presente. Mod. Lang., Page 71 and -Formulate and relate opinions and interpretations of literary and journalistic readings. 2. Grammar Objectives -Recognize and use: the past participle, Present Perfect Indicative, passive constructions, the present subjunctive forms and their use in main clauses, the formal and familiar commands and the subjunctive in noun clauses, the relative pronouns. UNIDAD 5. Camino al sol: Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia. 1. Cultural / Communicative Objectives -Relate historical events. -Acquire knowledge of current political and social issues. -Recognize major protagonists in politics, the arts and entertainment. -Identify internationally recognized legendary figures -Relate the literary selection. -Formulate opinions or viewpoints about historical events -Formulate opinions and interpretations of literary and journalistic readings 2. Grammar Objectives -Recognize and use: the present subjunctive and its use in adjective and adverbial clauses, regular and irregular verbs in the Future tense and in the Conditional tense. UNIDAD 6. Aspiraciones y Contrastes: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay y Chile. 1. Cultural / Communicative Objectives -Relate historical events -Acquire knowledge of current political and social issues -Recognize major protagonists in politics, the arts, and entertainment -Relate the literary selection. -Formulate and express opinions or viewpoints on historical events presented in Del pasado al presente -Formulate and express opinions and interpretations of literary and journalistic readings. 2. Grammar Objectives -Recognize and use: the imperfect subjunctive, and the Si-clauses Mod. Lang., Page 72 the imperfect subjunctive in noun, adjective and adverbial clauses, the present perfect in the Indicative and Subjunctive Mood XIII. EVALUATION A. SEMESTER WORK 1. Quizzes 20% 2. Homework 20% 3. Tests 40% (Projects, presentations and papers are counted under the category of tests with different values) 4. Semester Exam 20% I. The first and second semesters average to Final Grade COURSE TITLE: SPANISH III-S HONORS COURSE NUMBER: ML 4310 II. DESCRIPTION This course is designed to allow the student to improve the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing the Spanish language and to give an overall background of the culture of the Spanish speaking countries. Grammar is presented through oral and written exercises in context. The use of multi-media presentations helps the student develop a working knowledge of the language through the presentation of the history, current celebrities, culture and literature of countries where Spanish is spoken. Literary analysis is emphasized through additional readings and individual oral and written book reports. Special projects, films, and current cultural events are used to promote interest in the Spanish language. This is an Honors course. III. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE Student must have satisfactorily completed the 7th grade with an A or B and have the recommendation of the teacher. New students must have received an excellent score in the Spanish Placement Exam, have an overall average of 3.4 and receive approval of the Department Chairperson. Parental and student signature of the Honor's Contract is required. A student may decline the invitation to this course. IV. TEXTS Samaniego, F.A., Alarcón, F.X., Rojas, N., & Ohara, M. (2005). EL MUNDO 21 HISPANO. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston & New York. Mod. Lang., Page 73 Samaniego, F.A., Alarcón, F.X., & Rojas, N., (2005). EL MUNDO 21 HISPANO, CUADERNO DE ACTIVIDADES. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston & New York. V. SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS AND AUDIOVISUALS Cuentos Latinoamericanos Cuentos de hoy Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary Audio CDs, El Mundo 21 Hispano Video El Mundo 21 Hispano Movies: In class the students watch the documentary: The Mexican Americans and María and others after school as offered by the Department VI. PROCEDURE A. UNIT OPENER 1. Students are introduced to the three or four countries presented in the unit. Individual or group reading of the country’s brief historical overview. B. READING PROFILES ON PERSONALITIES OF THE COUNTRY 1. Individual or group reading. 2. Comprehension check questions. 3. Students assume the personalities of the people featured. C. ACCENTUATION, PRONUNCIATION AND SPELLING 1. Students practice pronouncing the words and writing them. They also practice correct accentuation. D. IMPROVING COMMUNICATION 1. Students read these mini-dialogues aloud. 2. Students volunteer to role-play using the vocabulary presented. The vocabulary relates to topics such as shopping, the theater, the arts, and world economics. E. HISTORICAL/CULTURAL READING Mod. Lang., Page 74 1. Pre-reading activity – activate student’s background knowledge by asking them what they know about the country. Some of their families are natives of the country being presented. 2. Group reading activity. 3. Comprehensible input techniques: explaining, defining, describing, contrasting and illustrating to clarify new language and usage. 4. Reading comprehension questions in order to acquire a general understanding of major movements that influenced that country's culture. F. LANGUAGE IN USE 4. Students will learn to recognize Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes, to understand how Spanish changed as it came in contact with Arabic and Indigenous languages. 5. Students will think of examples of English words that came directly from Spanish and vice versa. 6. Students interview their parents and grandparents to see if they know old Spanish proverbs and tongue twisters, thus trying to maintain the Spanish oral tradition. G. LITERARY AND JOURNALISTIC READING 1. Students work on pre-reading activities that foreshadow key content and vocabulary and background information on the author. 2. Students describe or identify the illustrations accompanying the reading selection. 3. Reading selection done as a group or individual activity. 4. Post-reading basic comprehension questions encourage students to analyze and discuss points about the plots, characters, themes and styles. H. INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY ANALYSIS 1. Introduce the basic concepts of literary analysis in order to facilitate students’ discussion and understanding of various genres: narratives, short stories, poetry, legends, and essays. 2. Ask comprehension-check questions to make sure the concepts presented are understood. I. LIGHT/CAMERA/ACTION 1. Students are exposed to native speakers in real life situations through the Mod. Lang., Page 75 El Mundo 21 Hispano video footage. 2. Students improve their listening comprehension skills by doing the previewing activities and the post-viewing activities. J. EXPLORING CYBERSPACE 1. Students practice with the self-scoring quizzes in the Houghton Mifflin home page. 2. The multimedia CD-ROM provides additional grammar and vocabulary practice. K. GRAMMAR 1. Explanation of grammar points. 2. Exercises that reinforce the concepts in textbook and workbook. 3. Students check their own work as answers are written on the board by another student or given orally. L. LISTENING SKILLS 1. Students listen with the audio CDs to approximately sixty minutes of materials for each unit. 2. Students work on exercises in the workbook that follow the tapes. VII. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, PROJECTS A. Written and oral presentation of countries. B. Belen Modern Language Fair three dimensional project. C. Triatlón contest VIII. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT A. Miami-Dade County Fair contests B. Other activities as announced IX. COURSE OUTLINE First Semester B. UNIDAD 1. Crisol de sueños: Los hispanos en Estados Unidos. C. UNIDAD 2. Raíces y Esperanza: España, México, Puerto Rico, la República Mod. Lang., Page 76 Dominicana y Cuba Second Semester D. UNIDAD 3. Entre el conflicto y la paz: Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala E. UNIDAD 4. La modernidad en desafío: Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia y Venezuela F. UNIDAD 5. Camino al sol: Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia G. UNIDAD 6. Aspiraciones y contrastes: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay y Chile X. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and/or written form the following objectives: UNIDAD 1. Crisol de sueños: Los hispanos en Estados Unidos. 1. Cultural/Communicative Objectives -Relate historical events in the unit. -Acquire knowledge of current political and social issues concerning Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Cuban-Americans, Dominicans and Central Americans. -Recognize Hispanic folklore in the United States. -Recognize today's protagonists in politics, the arts, and entertainment. -Relate the literary selections in the unit. -Tell about famous Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Cuban-Americans, Dominicans and Central Americans. -Formulate opinions or viewpoints about historical events. -Formulate opinions and interpretations of literary and journalistic readings. 2. Grammar Structure Objectives -Recognize and use: the gender and number of nouns, the definite and indefinite articles, the present indicative of regular verbs, stem-changing, spelling change and irregular verbs in the present tense, the descriptive adjectives, the different forms and use of the verbs ser and estar, the comparatives and superlatives and the demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. UNIDAD 2. Raíces y Esperanza: España, México, Puerto Rico, la República Mod. Lang., Page 77 Dominicana y Cuba 1. Cultural/Communicative Objectives -Relate historical events. -Summarize current political and social issues. -Recall some of the most important historical figures in Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. -Identify historical and artistic sites. -Recognize some of today's protagonists in politics, the arts, and entertainment. -Relate the literary selections in the unit. -Tell about historical and contemporary Spaniards. -Formulate opinions or viewpoints about historical events presented 2. Grammar Structure Objectives -Recognize and use: the preterit regular, stem-changing and irregular verbs, the direct and indirect object pronouns, the personal a, gustar and similar constructions, the imperfect of the regular and irregular verbs and negative words and expressions. UNIDAD 3. Entre el conflicto y la paz: Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala. 1. Cultural/Communicative Objectives -Relate historical events. -Recognize historical and artistic sites. -Acquire knowledge of current political and social issues. -Recognize today's protagonists in politics, the arts entertainment in the unit. -Relate the literary selection. -Tell about the important figures in the countries presented. and 2. Grammar Structure Objectives -Recognize and use: the Preterit and the Imperfect, the possessive adjectives and pronouns, the prepositions para and por, the infinitive UNIDAD 4. La modernidad en desafío: Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia y Venezuela. 1. Cultural/Communicative Objectives Mod. Lang., Page 78 -Relate historical events. -Acquire knowledge of current political and social issues. -Recognize today’s protagonists in politics, the arts and entertainment. -Relate the literary selections. -Rephrase the facts about personalities. -Formulate opinions or viewpoints in Del pasado al presente. -Formulate and relate opinions and interpretations of literary and journalistic readings. 2. Grammar Objectives -Recognize and use: the past participle, Present Perfect Indicative, passive constructions, the present subjunctive forms and their use in main clauses, the formal and familiar commands and the subjunctive in noun clauses, the relative pronouns. UNIDAD 5. Camino al sol: Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia. 1. Cultural / Communicative Objectives -Relate historical events. -Acquire knowledge of current political and social issues. -Recognize major protagonists in politics, the arts and entertainment. -Identify internationally recognized legendary figures -Relate the literary selection. -Formulate opinions or viewpoints about historical events -Formulate opinions and interpretations of literary and journalistic readings 2. Grammar Objectives -Recognize and use: the present subjunctive and its use in adjective and adverbial clauses, regular and irregular verbs in the Future tense and in the Conditional tense. UNIDAD 6. Aspiraciones y Contrastes: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay y Chile. 1. Cultural / Communicative Objectives -Relate historical events -Acquire knowledge of current political and social issues -Recognize major protagonists in politics, the arts, and entertainment -Relate the literary selection. Mod. Lang., Page 79 -Formulate and express opinions or viewpoints on historical events presented in Del pasado al presente -Formulate and express opinions and interpretations of literary and journalistic readings. 2. Grammar Objectives -Recognize and use: the imperfect subjunctive, and the Si-clauses the imperfect subjunctive in noun, adjective and adverbial clauses, the present perfect in the Indicative and Subjunctive Mood XI. EVALUATION A. SEMESTER WORK 1. Quizzes 20% 2. Homework 20% 3. Tests 40% (Projects, presentations and papers are counted under the category of tests with different values) 4. Semester Exam 20% The first and second semesters average to Final Grade XII. HONORS CONTRACT Mod. Lang., Page 80 I. II. COURSE TITLE: SPANISH SPEECH & WRITING COURSE NUMBER: 4350 DESCRIPTION This course is designed to immerse the students of Spanish as a foreign language in the target language by emphasizing oral and written communication. Dictionary use is practiced to enhance spelling and vocabulary usage in summaries, letters, compositions, and creative works. Library skills are introduced and practiced in the research, footnotes and bibliographies of their assignments. Various readings serve as models for the students to imitate in their own literary creations. Speeches, oral interpretations, recitations, debates and short performances are utilized to develop fluency. Participation in special projects and current cultural events are encouraged to promote interest in the culture and language. The teacher will conduct the class in both English and Spanish depending on the level of proficiency of the students. III. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE This course is a requirement of all eighth grade students, but it is specifically designed for students of Spanish as a foreign language. IV. TEXTS Leyendas Latinoamericanas Leyendas de Puerto Rico Los cuentos del conde Lucanor ¿Cómo se hace…? V. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary VI. PROCEDURE A READINGS 1 Scan readings and prepare new vocabulary lists. Mod. Lang., Page 81 2 After exhausting the footnotes references, the use of cognates and the context to gather the meaning of words listed, students get in groups to help one another to get meaning of words still pending. As a last resource the group chooses someone to look up in the dictionary the words still unknown (dictionary words are normally assigned to the student with most linguistic limitations). 3 Read out loud and answer questions as they read to promote understanding. 4 Do written exercises at end of readings, outline and summarize readings. 5. Students will read their compositions out loud. 6. Read many representative works of a literary type and are assigned to create their own. 7. Visit the language lab every two weeks. 8.Students' productions are published or represented in the school literary magazine, short performances, debates, dramatic readings and different kind of speeches. 9. Students make frequent use of audiovisual material. 10. Weekly quizzes and monthly tests evaluate their progress. B. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Belen Literary Contests Belen Modern Language Fair Summer Reading Christmas Production End of the year contest EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Miami-Dade County Fair Creative Writing Contest Miami-Dade County Fair Drama Contest Foreign Language Teacher Association contest Nova and Hispanic Heritage essay contests Field trips to the theater, opera, lectures, etc. D. AUDIOVISUAL 1. Movies in class: The Puerto Rican American Story 2. Other movies as offered after school by the Department VII. COURSE OUTLINE A. VOCABULARY Mod. Lang., Page 82 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. 1 11. 12. J. K. VIII. OBJECTIVE SUMMARY LITERARY SUMMARY PROVERBS AND SAYINGS LIBRARY LEYENDAS DE PUERTO RICO/LEYENDAS LATINOAMERICANAS LETTERS POEMS ORAL EXPOSITION Commercial Video Riddles Individual Speeches NEWSPAPER ARTICLES WITH OPPOSING SIDES PANEL COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and/or written form the following objectives: H. VOCABULARY -Identify new words from English cognates -Acquire meaning of new vocabulary from footnotes and marginal notes -Infer the meaning of new words from context -List a minimal amount of words to be looked up in a dictionary -Use new words in their writing and speaking assignments B. OBJECTIVE SUMMARY -Distinguish between objective and literary writings -Identify the title sentence and title paragraph -Write down the main ideas in a paragraph -Organize the main ideas, eliminating the least important -Create a limited summary of the readings C. LITERARY SUMMARY -Distinguish between direct and figurative language -Outline for interpretation the who, when, where, what, how and why -Write a summary from the outline, using details to support the main ideas. An introduction, body and conclusion are to be included -Identify the purpose of the author -Recognize the organization and structure of the work, i.e. narrative, short Mod. Lang., Page 83 story, essay D. PROVERBS AND SAYINGS -Recognize Spanish sayings and proverbs -Compare English semantics of sayings and proverbs conveying the same meaning -Rephrase in direct language the meaning of the saying or proverb -Apply the right proverb or saying to a given situation -Pair proverbs or sayings with similar meaning or message E. LIBRARY -Distinguish between the different catalogue files -Employ the different library sources in order to get information: Encyclopedia/Computer -Organize a bibliography -Use a bibliography in a written assignment F. LEYENDAS LATINOAMERICANAS/LEYENDAS DE PUERTO RICO -Tell briefly what the story is about -Recall important things in the story -Analyze character/outcome -Recognize foreshadowing/climax -Identify the purpose of the author -Recognize the relation between the theme and the structure -Identify literary devices -Deduce implied message -Compare with other stories G. LETTERS -Recognize the different parts of a letter -identify the four different group of letters and their characteristics -Recall four groups of famous letters -Formulate a business/intimate letter H. POEMS -Recognize at least three types of poems -Identify the characteristics of each type -Recognize the different techniques of the poet to convey emotions, create Mod. Lang., Page 84 moods, describe things -Create a poem imitating those read I. ORAL EXPOSITION -Recognize punctuation pauses and tone when reading out loud -Recognize vocabulary -Interpret character emotions and state of mind -Recite by memory poems, proverbs and sayings, and songs -Relate personal experiences or give oral summaries of events and situations -Illustrate how something is done or talk about something he is interested in 1. Commercial Video -Produce an attention grabbing piece of work -Use attention getting techniques: verbal and visual -Convince others of the advantage of a product -Show the uniqueness of the product by comparison or antithesis -Organize material leaving the best for last (impacting message) -Create a piece of work that appeals to a general audience -Acquire poise and confidence in public speaking 2. Riddles -Create a fun composition about a person or an object -Use the descriptive technique of "desfamiliarización" -Acquire poise and confidence when facing an audience 3. Individual Speeches -Prepare for outside audience -Organize and summarize orally a given topic: self, hobby, how to do something -Use attention grabbing techniques: a prop, a saying, a joke, etc. -Relate topic to a general audience -Use library skills in research -Write a bibliography if researched J. NEWSPAPER ARTICLES WITH OPPOSING SIDES -Write a summary of the article Mod. Lang., Page 85 -Interpret and criticize author's point of view -Justify his own conclusion about the topic -Acquire poise and confidence in dealing with a controversial issue K. PANEL -Differentiate among the different kinds of group discussions; i.e. speeches, debates, conferences -Summarize the "history" of his topic -Appraise and criticize different points of view -Support with documentation his own point of view -Use library skills in researching topic -Produce a bibliography IX. EVALUATION Upon completing the stated objectives of this course, the following evaluative methods will be used to measure the student's level of proficiency: A. SEMESTER GRADE 1. 2. 3. 4. Quizzes Exams, Projects Classwork, Homework Final Exam 20% 30% 30% 20% B. EXTRA CREDIT Non-speakers have the opportunity to excel and compete with speakers by taking advantage of all extra curricular and extra credit activities offered such as: attending cultural events related to the course, illustrating rather than writing difficult tasks, attending language lab extra sessions, and/or doing extra written assignments and reports. Mod. Lang., Page 86 I. COURSE TITLE: SPANISH SPEECH & WRITING COURSE NUMBER: 4352 II. DESCRIPTION This course is designed to immerse the students in the Spanish language by emphasizing oral and written communication. Dictionary use is practiced to enhance spelling and vocabulary usage in summaries, letters, compositions, and creative works. Library skills are introduced and practiced in the research, footnotes and bibliographies of their assignments. Various readings serve as models for the students to imitate in their own literary creations. Speeches, oral interpretations, recitations, debates and short performances are utilized to develop fluency. Participation in special projects and current cultural events are encouraged to promote interest in the culture and language. III. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE This course is a requirement of all eighth grade Spanish-S students. IV. TEXTS Leyendas Latinoamericanas Leyendas de Puerto Rico Los cuentos del conde Lucanor ¿Cómo se hace… V. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary VI. PROCEDURE A. READINGS 1. Scan readings and prepare new vocabulary list 2. After exhausting the footnotes references, the use of cognates and the context to gather the meaning of words listed, students get in groups to help one another to get meaning of words still pending. As a last resource Mod. Lang., Page 87 the group chooses someone to look up in the dictionary the words still unknown (dictionary words are normally assigned to the student with most linguistic limitations). 3. Read out loud and answer questions as they read to promote understanding. 4. Do written exercises at end of readings, outline and summarize readings. 5. Students will read their compositions out loud. 6. Read many representative works of a literary type and are assigned to create their own. 7. Students' productions are published or represented in the school literary magazine, short performances, debates, dramatic readings and different kind of speeches. 8. Students make frequent use of audiovisual material. 9. Weekly quizzes and monthly tests evaluate their progress. B. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Belen Literary Contests Belen Modern Language Fair Summer Reading Christmas Production Triatlón - end of the year contest EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Miami-Dade County Fair Creative Writing Contest Miami-Dade County Fair Drama Contest Foreign Language Teacher Association contest Nova and Hispanic Heritage essay contests Field trips to the theater, opera, lectures, etc. E. AUDIOVISUAL 1. Movies in class: The Puerto Rican American Story 2. Other movies as offered after school by the Department VII. COURSE OUTLINE A. VOCABULARY B. OBJECTIVE SUMMARY C. LITERARY SUMMARY Mod. Lang., Page 88 VIII. D. PROVERBS AND SAYINGS E. LIBRARY F. LEYENDAS DE PUERTO RICO/LEYENDAS LATINOAMERICANAS G. LETTERS H. POEMS I. ORAL EXPOSITION 1 2 3 Commercial Video Riddles Individual Speeches J. I. NEWSPAPER CONTROVERSIAL ARTICLES K. J. PANEL COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and/or written form the following objectives: K. VOCABULARY -Identify new words from English cognates -Acquire meaning of new vocabulary from footnotes and marginal notes -Infer the meaning of new words from context -List a minimal amount of words to be looked up in a dictionary -Use new words in their writing and speaking assignments B. OBJECTIVE SUMMARY -Distinguish between objective and literary writings -Identify the title sentence and title paragraph -Write down the main ideas in a paragraph -Organize the main ideas, eliminating the least important -Summarize using appropriate transition words and punctuation C. LITERARY SUMMARY Mod. Lang., Page 89 -Distinguish between direct and figurative language -Outline for interpretation the who, when, where, what, how and why -Write a summary from the outline, using details to support the main ideas. An introduction, body and conclusion are to be included -Identify the purpose of the author -Recognize the organization and structure of the work, i.e. narrative, short story, essay D. PROVERBS AND SAYINGS -Recognize Spanish sayings and proverbs -Compare English semantics of sayings and proverbs conveying the same meaning -Rephrase in direct language the meaning of the saying or proverb -Apply the right proverb or saying to a given situation -Pair proverbs or sayings with similar meaning or message E. LIBRARY -Distinguish between the different catalogue files -Employ the different library sources in order to get information: Encyclopedia/Computer -Organize a bibliography -Use a bibliography in a written assignment F. LEYENDAS LATINOAMERICANAS/LEYENDAS DE PUERTO RICO -Tell briefly what the story is about -Recall important things in the story -Analyze character/outcome -Recognize foreshadowing/climax -Identify the purpose of the author -Recognize the relation between the theme and the structure -Identify literary devices -Deduce implied message -Compare with other stories G. LETTERS -Recognize the different parts of a letter -identify the four different group of letters and their characteristics -Recall four groups of famous letters -Formulate a business/intimate letter Mod. Lang., Page 90 H. POEMS -Recognize at least three types of poems -Identify the characteristics of each type -Recognize the different techniques of the poet to convey emotions, create moods, describe things -Create a poem imitating those read I. ORAL EXPOSITION -Recognize punctuation pauses and tone when reading out loud -Recognize vocabulary -Interpret character emotions and state of mind -Recite by memory poems, proverbs and sayings, and songs -Relate personal experiences or give oral summaries of events and situations -Illustrate how something is done or talk about something he is interested in 1. Commercial Video -Produce an attention grabbing piece of work -Use attention getting techniques: verbal and visual -Convince others of the advantage of a product -Show the uniqueness of the product by comparison or antithesis -Organize material leaving the best for last (impacting message) -Create a piece of work that appeals to a general audience -Acquire poise and confidence in public speaking 2. Riddles -Create a fun composition about a person or an object -Use the descriptive technique of "desfamiliarización" -Acquire poise and confidence when facing an audience 3. Individual Speeches -Prepare for outside audience -Organize and summarize orally a given topic: self, hobby, how to do something -Use attention grabbing techniques: a prop, a saying, a joke, etc. -Relate topic to a general audience Mod. Lang., Page 91 -Use library skills in research -Write a bibliography if researched J. NEWSPAPER ARTICLES WITH OPPOSING VIEWS -Write a summary of the article -Interpret and criticize author's point of view -Justify his own conclusion about the topic -Acquire poise and confidence in dealing with a controversial issue K. PANEL -Differentiate among different group discussions; i.e. speeches, debates, conferences -Summarize the "history" of his topic -Appraise and criticize different points of view -Support with documentation his own point of view -Use library skills in researching topic -Produce a bibliography IX. EVALUATION Upon completing the stated objectives of this course, the following evaluative methods will be used to measure the student's level of proficiency: A. SEMESTER WORK 1. 2. 3. B. Quizzes Exams, Projects Classwork, Homework Final Exam 20% 30% 30% 20% Mod. Lang., Page 92 I. COURSE TITLE: COURSE NUMBER: II. DESCRIPTION SPANISH IV ML 4400 SPANISH 4400 is an introductory level Spanish course that is designed to develop and enhance the student’s listening, writing and reading skills in the target language. The course uses a communicative approach to language learning. It concentrates on developing the student’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills so that they will be able to express their own ideas and interact with others meaningfully and for real-life purposes. It emphasizes frequently used vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammatical agreement as tools for effective communication. The course provides a strong emphasis on vocabulary building, and on the understanding of complex grammar structures which facilitate effective and accurate communication in the target language. Finally, because cultural knowledge is an essential part of the process of language acquisition and effective communication, the course introduces the students to the everyday life of Spanish speakers, as well as to the geography, facts and history of the Spanish speaking countries. III. PRE-REQUISITES OF THE COURSE Students registered in ML 4400 must have satisfactorily completed ML 300 during the previous academic year, or have placed accordingly in the Spanish Placement Exam provided by the Modern Languages Department of Belén Jesuit Preparatory School. In case that a student is placed in the course and has not had a previous academic exposure to the language, the student must complete an introductory level course during the previous summer offered by the Belén Jesuit Preparatory School Modern Languages Department. IV. TEXTS Vistas: Introducción a la lengua española, 2nd edition, Blanco and Donley, Boston, Massachusetts: Vista Higher Learning, 2005. Vistas: Workbook/Video Manual, 2nd edition, Blanco and Donley, Boston, Massachussets: Vista Higher Learning, 2005. V. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS Mod. Lang., Page 93 Dictionary (Spanish/English, English/Spanish) Binder with dividers Supplementary texts, and hand outs. VI. PROCEDURE AND TEACHING METHODOLOGY H. Interactive class lectures in which grammar concepts are presented in detail followed by oral and visual classroom exercises. I. Written / Oral exercises developed to enhance the learning process, in which students will apply concepts acquired in vocabulary, spelling, and grammatical structures. J. Class discussion and/or games where students will have the opportunity to practice the material covered in the lesson. K. Cultural presentations, current events and issues related to the Spanish speaking countries. L. Listening exercises and repetition of words. M. Conversational activities in which the students can use the grammatical structures learned in each lesson, the new words acquired, and their background knowledge to create dialogues in real life context situations. N. Written / Oral Presentations in which students can practice the knowledge gained in each lesson and conduct research about the countries and cultures discussed in class. VII. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES A. Participation in the Miami-Dade County Fair Writing Contest (poem). B. Belen Modern Languages Fair Project (booths representing Hispanics in the US and the growing importance of the Spanish language in the US). C. Additional reading comprehension exercises. D. Other: oral reports about the different groups of Hispanics living in the United States (Fair), news reports about current events from the countries studied in the “Panorama Cultural” section of each lesson from Vistas, among others. E. Belen Jesuit Synonym Contest VIII. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS A. The “Fotonovela” from Vistas. Mod. Lang., Page 94 B. C. IX. Foreign movies in Spanish after school: La Celestina, Butterfly, etc. Powerpoint presentations of lessons. COURSE OUTLINE 1. First Semester: a. Students will be introduced to the grammatical structures, vocabulary, and cultural lessons covered in chapters 1-5. b. Vistas Workbook activities corresponding to chapters 1-5. c. The lessons will concentrate in the following communicative goals: (1). Identifying origin and nationality. (2). Apply expressions of courtesy. (3). Identify nouns and articles. (gender and number) Apply agreement. (4). Identify numbers 0-100. (5). Identify and apply the present tense of the verb “to be” by distinguishing between the verbs “ser” and “estar”. (6).Tell time. (7).Recognize cognates. (8).Provide telephone numbers and addresses in Spanish. (9).Identify vocabulary related with greetings, introductions, courtesy expressions. (10).Identify vocabulary related to school and university settings. (11).Write the plural of words. Identify the various forms of plural formation. (12). Identify the Spanish speaking countries, their capitals and location. (13). Gain knowledge of statistics and cultural information about Hispanics in the United States and Canada. (14).Learn how to talk about classes and school life. (15). Discuss everyday activities. (16). Ask questions in Spanish. (17). Describe the location of people and things. (18). Identify the days of the week and months of the year. (19). Turn sentences into negative sentences. (20). Identify, form and conjugate –ar, -er, and –ir ending regular verbs. (21). Identify prepositions and prepositional phrases related to the verb “estar”. (22). Recognize the regions of Spain. (23). Recognize important and famous Spanish people. (artists, writers, etc) (24). Utilize facts about Spain such as population, capital, food, languages, and currency. Also, some historical facts and form of government. (25). Identify places of interest in Spain such as El Prado Museum, La Plaza Mayor, Palacio Real, and la Universidad de Salamanca. (26). Utilize vocabulary related to family and friends. (27). Describe people and things. Mod. Lang., Page 95 (28). Express ownership. (29). Create a family tree. Identify relationships using the vocabulary studied in class. (30). Acquire cultural and historical knowledge about Ecuador. (31). Identify and use possessive adjectives. (32). Identify and use descriptive adjectives. (33). Identify and use the present tense of the verbs to have “tener” and to come “venir”. (34). Utilize expressions with tener. (35). Identify places in a city. (36). Identify pastimes, weekend activities, and sports. (37). Make plans and create invitations. (38). Conjugate verbs with irregular “yo” forms. (39). Conjugate present tense of stem changing verbs. (40). Utilize the verb “ir”. (41). Identify and use the contraction “al”. (42). Utilize ir +a+ [infinitive] to express future events. (43). Identify and use the verbs ver and oír. (44). Acquire knowledge about Mexico’s geography, history and culture. (45). Discuss and plan a vacation. (46). Describe a hotel. (47). Express feelings. (48). Identify and use the seasons and expressions for the weather. (49). Identify ordinal numbers. (50). Use adjectives for conditions and emotions. (51). Utilize the present progressive of regular and irregular verbs. (52). Compare uses of “ser” and “estar”. 5. Second Semester: a. Students will be introduced to the grammatical structures, vocabulary, and cultural lessons covered in chapters 5-9. b. Vistas Workbook activities corresponding to chapters 5-9. c. Handouts provided by the teacher. The lessons will concentrate in the following communicative goals: (1) Identify direct objects and substitute them for the direct object pronouns. (2) Utilize the personal “a” (3) Acquire knowledge about the geography, history and culture of Puerto Rico. (4) Talk about and describe clothing (5) Express preferences in a store (6) Negotiate and pay for purchased items (7) Identify colors (8) Distinguish between direct and indirect objects and their pronouns. (9) Apply the use of numbers higher than 100. Mod. Lang., Page 96 (10)Utilize punctuation and agreement rules pertaining to numbers. (11) Apply the use of the past tense of regular verbs ending in -ir, -ar, and – er. (12)Utilize vocabulary commonly used with the preterit. (13)Learn to use demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. (14)Acquire knowledge about the geography, culture, and economy of Cuba. (15)Describe the daily routine. (16)Talk about personal hygiene. (17)Identify reflexive verbs and reflexive pronouns. (18)Distinguish adverbs of time. (19)Describe sequence of events. (20)Predict content from title of readings. (21)Utilize indefinite and negative words. (22)Write descriptions of places. (23)Write a tour itinerary. (24)Use vocabulary related to daily routine. (25)Apply the past tense of “ser” and “ir”. (26)Apply the use of the verb “gustar” and verbs like “gustar”. (27)Acquire knowledge of the geography, culture, and economy of Perú. (28)Order food in a restaurant. (29)Talk about and describe food. (30)Identify food related terms. (31)Apply the past tense of stem changing verbs. (32)Utilize double object pronouns. (33)Distinguish and use saber and conocer. (34)Utilize comparatives and superlatives. (35)Create comparisons of equality. (36)Create comparisons of inequality. (37)Utilize irregular comparisons and superlatives. (38)Distinguish absolute superlatives. (39)Acquire knowledge of the geography and culture of Guatemala. (40)Express congratulations. (41)Express gratitude. (42)Ask for and pay the bill at a restaurant. (43)Distinguish words for stages of life and interpersonal relations. (44)Use irregular preterits. (45)Distinguish verbs that change meaning in the preterit. (46)Apply pronouns after prepositions. (47)Recognize word families. (48)Use “qué” and “cuál” (49)Acquire knowledge about the geography, culture and economy of Chile. X. SPECIFIC COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: Mod. Lang., Page 97 A. First semester 1. Vocabulary: e. Lesson 1: to identify the vocabulary related to greetings, introductions, and expressions of courtesy. f. Lesson 2: to name vocabulary related to classroom and academic life. g. Lesson 3: to define and use words related to family and friends as well as identifications for people, professions and occupations. h. Lesson 4: to accurately describe pastimes, sports and places in the city. i. Lesson 5: to identify vocabulary related to traveling and vacations. Students will distinguish and communicate in the target language using the months, days, seasons and weather, as well as the ordinal numbers. 2. Grammar: e. Lesson 1: to identify nouns and articles, numbers (0-30), the present tense of ser and telling time. The students will be able to use greetings, identify themselves and others and use expressions of courtesy. f. Lesson 2: to use appropriately the present tense of regular –ar ending verbs, formation of questions in Spanish, present tense of “estar” and numbers (31-100). g. Lesson 3: to distinguish and use appropriately descriptive and possessive adjectives, present tense of –er and –ir ending verbs, and the present tense of “tener” and “venir”. h. Lesson 4: to use the present tense of ir, stem-changing verbs, and verbs with irregular “yo” forms. i. Lesson 5: to use the verb “estar” with conditions and emotions, the present progressive, distinguish between “ser” and “estar”, and utilize direct object nouns and pronouns. 6. Reading / Culture e. Lesson 1: to point out and remember important general knowledge about Hispanics in the United States and Canada, for instance: statistics, cultural information and facts. f. Lesson 2: to talk about España, its capital, population, economic activities, main cities, population, etc., and the student will be able to relate basic cultural information about this country with other subjects (History, Social Studies, Economics, Geography). g. Lesson 3: to recall basic geographic, cultural and historical information regarding Ecuador and also the student will be able to compare and contrast the characteristics of this country with other Spanish speaking countries. Mod. Lang., Page 98 h. Lesson 4: to mention and explain important basic geographic, historical and cultural information about Mexico. Students will also be able to explain importance of this country in Latin America. i. Lesson 5: to understand the relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States, its geography, culture and history. 7. Writing d. Lesson 1: to recognize nouns, write their plural, identify and write numbers 0-50, use the present tense of the verb ser, write the time using the typical expressions, write greetings, introductions and responses to greeting and salutations. Also, the student will be able to write and identify all of the vocabulary related to identification, description, greetings, time, expressions of courtesy and plurals of nouns and articles. The students will be able to write the Spanish speaking countries and their capitals correctly. e. Lesson 2: to recognize and spell correctly all of the vocabulary related to the classroom and academic life, as well as create sentences describing these items using the verb ser. At the same time the student will know how to spell the days of the week, languages, fields of study and the conjugations of the verb estar. The students will be able to distinguish using capital letters and lower case according to the word used. f. Lesson 3: to locate the main parts of a sentence, spell and use the vocabulary related to the family members, their relationships to each other, identification of people, professions and occupations. At the same time the students will be able to write the conjugations of the regular -ar, -er, and –ir ending verbs. The students will also be able to write and apply in sentences the conjugations of the verbs tener and venire. g. Lesson 4: to utilize, both written and orally, all of the vocabulary related to pastimes, sports and places in the city. The students will practice the conjugation of stem changing verbs and verbs with irregular “yo” forms. h. Lesson 5: to utilize, both orally and in writing, all of the vocabulary related to traveling and vacations. The students will be able to spell correctly the months of the year, seasons, weather expressions and ordinal numbers. The students will know and apply the use of lower case for these words instead of the usual capitalization used in the English language. B. Second semester (Lessons 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) Vocabulary Mod. Lang., Page 99 The students will be able to: e. Lesson 5: recognize and use correctly the vocabulary related to vacations and travel, weather, seasons, days, and months of the year. The students will be able to use ordinal numbers correctly. The students will be able to identify, conjugate and distinguish between the verbs “ser” and “estar”. The students will be able to recognize, identify and use the adjectives that describe emotions and conditions. f. Lesson 6: to utilize and spell correctly all of the vocabulary related to clothing and shopping, as well as negotiations of prices, colors, and more adjectives. g. Lesson 7: to identify and write the terms related to daily routine, personal hygiene, and time expressions. h. Lesson 8: to use appropriate terms relating to food, food descriptions and meals. i. Lesson 9: to recognize and use appropriate terms related to parties and celebrations, personal relationships and stages of life. 2. Grammar e. Lesson 5: The students will be able to identify, write and substitute direct objects in a sentence with direct object pronouns. To use the present progressive grammatical construction correctly and with the direct object pronouns attached; to identify, conjugate and distinguish between the verbs “ser” and “estar”. f. Lesson 6: The students will be able to conjugate and write correctly the past tense of regular verbs, demonstrative adjectives, use regular pronouns, and indirect object pronouns. g. Lesson 7: The students will be able to recognize and apply the use of reflexive verbs, indefinite, affirmative and negative words, sequence words, and the preterit of the verbs “ser” and “ir”. The students will be able to identify the use of the verb “gustar” and verbs similar to the verb “gustar”. h. Lesson 8: to correctly identify and use the preterit of stem changing verbs, double object pronouns, distinguish between the verbs “saber” and “conocer” and comparisons and superlatives. i. Lesson 9: to identify and use correctly irregular preterits, verbs that change meaning in the preterit, uses of “qué” and “cuál” and pronouns after prepositions. 3. Reading / Culture e. Lesson 5: to identify basic cultural, geographic, historical and economic information regarding Puerto Rico and to understand the political relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States. f. Lesson 6: to make inferences and to recall important cultural, historical, political, and economic information regarding Cuba, the taíno culture and the origins of salsa music. Mod. Lang., Page 100 g. Lesson 7: to understand historical, cultural, economic, geographic, and political information regarding Perú, Machu Picchu, and the Nazca lines. h. Lesson 8: to point out important cultural, geographic, economic, political and historical information relating to Guatemala and the Mayan civilization. They will also be able to read a menu and restaurant review. i. Lesson 9: to recognize the chronological order in a text and to recall basic cultural, geographic, political and historical information regarding Chile and Easter Island. They will also be able to read a society page from a newspaper or magazine and write about various celebrations. The students will also learn about Winter sports in the Andes and Chilean wine. 4. Writing e. Lesson 5: to write a travel brochure for a hotel, to create a virtual web page for Puerto Rico, to write a weather report and to write about the political relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States. f. Lesson 6: to write an advertisement for a sale in a store, to create a business plan for a store and to describe in detail the products (clothes, shoes, etc.) sold at the store. g. Lesson 7: to read e-mails in the target language, to describe someone’s daily routine and to create a travel itinerary. h. Lesson 8: to write their own restaurant review and to develop the menu for a restaurant. The students will be able to write descriptions of meals, desserts and drinks served in a restaurant of their choice. i. Lesson 9: to write an essay about celebrations as well as an article about a Chilean holiday. XI. EVALUATION 1. Semester Work 75% a. Chapter Tests 30% After the completion of a Lesson, a chapter test is given which includes: vocabulary, grammar structures, cultural information, and reading comprehension exercises. b. Weekly Quizzes 15% Every week students take a quiz on the material learned that week. It could be either on the vocabulary covered in the chapter or a combination of vocabulary and grammar learned in the featured lesson. c. Participation in class 15% Includes active participation, preparation for class, materials, and constructive comments made during the class. Mod. Lang., Page 101 d. Homework 15% Homework consists of workbook, textbook, and handout exercises, as well as readings and reviews of the material covered in class. 3. Final exam + 3. Total = Mod. Lang., Page 102 25% ______ 100% XIV. COURSE TITLE: SPANISH IV-S COURSE NUMBER: ML 4402 XV. DESCRIPTION This course is designed for Spanish speakers. The main goal is enhance all communication skills through the study of grammar and the culture and literature of Spain. In this course the history, geography, art, music, and many customs are studied. Much emphasis is placed on the survey of the history and literature of Spain. Grammar and spelling are studied in the workbook with many written and oral drills. Study skills and organization are emphasized. Daily oral participation, written work, lectures, movies and extracurricular events are among some of the activities used to aid in the practice of reading, writing, speaking and understanding Spanish. XVI. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE Students must have satisfactorily completed ML 4302 or 4310 or been placed in this course through the results of the Spanish Placement Examination and/or current Belen Jesuit Spanish teacher. XVII. TEXTS Couch, J.H., et al. Una Vez Más. White Plains: Longman, 1993. León, Gisela. Cultura, Civilización y Literatura de España, Miami: Belén, 2004. Barlow, Genevieve and William N. Stivers. Leyendas de España. Lincolnwood: National Textbook, 1999. XVIII. SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, MATERIALS Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary XIX. PROCEDURE A. Grammar explanations followed by oral and written classroom exercises Mod. Lang., Page 103 B. Reading from text followed by comprehension exercises C. Lectures and Note taking supported by illustrations projected in Smartboard followed by comprehension questions D. Frequent use of audiovisual materials E. Daily homework assignments, weekly quizzes, monthly tests XX. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, CONTESTS, PROJECTS,... A. Summer Reading B. Group Project - Oral Presentation and Visual on Spain Region or Early Settlers C. Video/Play project based on Spain literature or historical event D. Belen Modern Language Fair Illustrated Slogan E. Grade level Jeopardy – Sabelotodo Competition XXI. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT A. Miami-Dade County Fair Creative Writing – Short Story B. Field trips and other cultural activities as announced XXII. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS A. Movies after school: La Celestina, Butterfly B. Other movies and play readings as offered by Dept. XXIII. COURSE OUTLINE A. GRAMMAR: 1. VERBS – All Tenses of the Indicative Mood 1. Present tense of regular, stem-changing, spelling change, and irregular 2. Preterit tense of regular, stem-changing, spelling change, and irregular 3. Imperfect tense of regular and irregular 4. Uses of the Preterit and Imperfect 5. Future of regular and irregular 6. Conditional of regular and irregular 7. Reflexive Verbs 8. Compound Tenses a. Progressive Tenses b. Perfect Tenses 9. Personal Pronouns (Subject and Object) 10. Uses of Ser/Estar Mod. Lang., Page 104 2. OTHER GRAMMAR POINTS 1. Spelling: Use of the letters g, j, c, z, s, q 2. Use of the accent 3. Use of capital and lower case letters 4. Nouns - Plural and gender 5. Articles - Use and Omission 6. Adjectives and Adverbs 7. Comparison and Superlatives 8. Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns 9. Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns B. CIVILIZATION 1. The Importance of Studying Spanish 2. Origins and Development of Spanish 3. Geography of Spain 4. Early Settlers of the Iberian Peninsula 5. Art and Architecture in Spain through the Middle Ages 6. History of Spain - XVI Century – Spanish Empire 7. History of Spain – XVII Century – Decadence of the Empire 8. Spanish Painters of the Golden Age 9. History of Spain – XVIII Century – The Bourbon Dynasty 10. Painting in the Neoclassic Period – Francisco de Goya 11. History of Spain – XIX Century a. The War of Independence b. The Restoration of the Bourbon Dynasty 12. History of Spain – from Alfonso XIII through Franco to the Present 13. Spanish Art of the XX Century C. LITERATURE 1. Literary Art - Genres 2. Narrative – Short Story - Matute, Ana M., “Bernardino” 3. Literature in the Middle Ages 4. XI Century – Las jarchas 4. XII Century -El mester de juglaría - Poema del mío Cid 5. El mester de clerecía – Gonzalo de Berceo - Milagros 6. XIII Century – Prose - Alfonso el Sabio. Calila e Dimna excerpt Mod. Lang., Page 105 7. XIV Century – Prose Don Juan Manuel. El conde Lucanor excerpt 8. XIV Century – Poetry – Arcipreste de Hita – Buen Amor excerpts 9. XV Century – Prose 10. XV Century – Romances 11. XV Century – Poetry - Manrique, Jorge. Coplas excerpts 12. XVI Century – Renaissance - Poetry a. Garcilaso de la Vega – A Sonnet b. Fray Luis de León – Oda excerpt 13. XVI Century –Renaissance - Prose Picaresque novel - El Lazarillo de Tormes tratados 1 and 3 14. XVII Century – Baroque - Prose Cervantes, Miguel de- Novelas ejemplares y Don Quijote excerpts 15. XVII Century – Baroque – Poetry a. Quevedo de, Francisco – Two Sonnets b. Góngora, Luis – A Sonnet 16. The Theatre and its Origins a. Lope de Vega, Félix – Fuenteovejuna excerpt and film b. Molina de, Tirso – El burlador de Sevilla excerpt c. Calderón de la Barca – La vida es sueño - excerpt 17. The Enlightment – Neoclassicism a. Fernández de Moratín, Leandro –El sí de las niñas excerpt b. Iriarte, Tomás and Samaniego, Félix - fables 18. The Romantic Period a. Espronceda, José, “La canción del pirata” b. Duque de Rivas, Don Álvaro - excerpt c. Zorrilla, José, Don Juan Tenorio d. Bécquer, Gustavo 1. Rimas 2. Leyenda “Los ojos verdes” 19. Realism and Naturalism a. Valera, Juan Pepita Jiménez - excerpt b. Pérez Galdós, Benito, “Un extraño personaje” c. Alas, Leopoldo “Clarín” – “Adiós, cordera” XXIV. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: A. GRAMMAR: VERBS Mod. Lang., Page 106 -Define a verb, state and define 2 voices, 5 moods, all grammatical persons and number in verbs -Define an infinitive and state the 3 conjugations -Recognize, conjugate and use in sentences regular, stem-changing, spelling-changing, and irregular verbs in all the simple and compound (perfect and progressive) tenses of the indicative mood -Identify, conjugate and use reflexive verbs - Compare, contrast and apply the uses of the preterit and imperfect tenses -Compare, contrast and apply the uses of SER and ESTAR - Recognize, conjugate and use in sentences the future tense of regular and irregular verbs - Recognize, conjugate and use in sentences the conditional tense of regular and irregular verbs -Recognize, conjugate and use in sentences the compound tenses -Recognize, conjugate and use in sentences the progressive tenses B. GRAMMAR: OTHER POINTS - Recognize the words by their stress classification - Apply the written accent to words according to rules - Apply the diacritic accent to homophone words - Distinguish the uses of c, s, z -Distinguish the uses of g,j -Distinguish the difference in sound and apply the spelling changes of the letters G and C -Define a noun and the 2 grammatical accidents of gender and number -List the endings that define the gender of a noun -Define, use orally and spell correctly the nouns presented in the chapter -Change nouns from singular to plural and from masculine to feminine -Recognize, define and distinguish between definite and indefinite articles -Apply the use and omission of articles as needed within the context of an oral or written sentence -Define and recognize an adjective, its classifications, its types and its position in relation to the noun -Change the gender and number of an adjective to agree with the noun -Define, recognize and form an adverb -Define and use in sentences the adjectives and adverbs presented in the chapter -Distinguish the different meanings of certain adjectives depending on their position before or after a noun -Distinguish between the degrees of comparison of adjectives -Recognize and form the absolute superlatives of adjectives and adverbs Mod. Lang., Page 107 -Define possessive adjectives and pronouns -Distinguish between possessive adjectives and pronouns and use correctly in sentences -Define demonstrative adjectives and pronouns -Distinguish between demonstrative adjectives and pronouns and use correctly in sentences -Define, identify and use in sentences all personal pronouns (subject, object, reflexive and prepositional) -Use correctly in sentences double object pronouns C. CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION a. The Language(s) of Spain -List the reasons for the importance of speaking Spanish today and the advantages of being bilingual -Relate Spanish to English words -Summarize the important facts of the three major Hispanic groups living in the U.S. today -State the number of people that speak Spanish in the world today and name the most numerous 5 Spanish speaking countries (The U.S. is 5th!) -Define "language" and explain the origin, components and development of Spanish -List the Romance languages and identify where each is spoken -Recognize the languages that have contributed vocabulary to the Spanish language today -List the four most recognized languages of Spain b. The Geography of Spain -Locate the Iberian Peninsula and name all the oceans, seas and countries around Spain -Identify all regions of Spain and their respective characteristics -Locate and name the 5 most important rivers and mountain ranges -Complete a map of Spain with 5 mountain ranges, 5 rivers and all regions -Match special features, agricultural, industrial and cultural characteristics to its respective regions c. The Early Settlers of Spain -Name all settlers and invaders of Spain from its beginnings to 1492 -Identify and name contributions of each group to Spain today -Identify and characteristics of art and architecture of these groups -Recognize and name examples of these monuments -Illustrate contributions of groups in a slogan Mod. Lang., Page 108 d. The Middle Ages -Differentiate characteristics of medieval architecture -Explain and identify the characteristics of the feudal system as a social, political and economic system -Identify characteristics in the various monuments of the Middle Ages -List six events that occurred in 1492 and explain their importance -Name and describe the reign of Fernando and Isabel, the importance of the end of the Reconquista and the strategies for unification and expansion of the Reyes Católicos -Identify the reasons for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain e. XVI and XVII Century – The Hapsburg Dynasty -List the major problems that Carlos I (V) faced, especially the Reformation of the Church which led to his abdication -Name the phrase associated with his reign -Describe the reign of Felipe II -Locate and define vocabulary -Name the major battles fought during his reign, and the victory that created the Escorial -Name the phrase that characterizes this monarch -Identify characteristics of Renaissance Art as exemplified in the Escorial -List and explain the causes for Spain's decadence as signaled by the year 1588 with the defeat of the Spanish Armada -Identify the monarchs of the 17th century -Locate and define vocabulary -List details and characteristics of their reigns -Explain the reason for the end of the Hapsburg dynasty f. Painting in the Golden Age -Identify characteristics of Baroque Art -Identify the major Baroque Spanish painters a. El Greco b. Diego de Velázquez c. Bartolomé Esteban Murillo d. José Ribera e. Francisco de Zurbarán -Locate and define vocabulary -Name and give biographical details of these painters -Identify outstanding characteristics of their art -Name what their paintings reflect -Identify two major works of each painter Mod. Lang., Page 109 g. XVIII –XIX Century -The Bourbon Dynasty -Explain how the Bourbon dynasty started -Locate and define vocabulary -Name the monarchs of the 18th century -Recall the characteristics of their reigns -Identify the country that had the strongest influence on Spain -Explain why this was so -Recall the consequences of this influence -Define “Enlightened despotism” -Recall the main historical events of the end of the 18th century -Name characteristics of the Spanish War of Independence -Identify Cortes de Cádiz and their importance -Identify José I and explain the consequences of his reign -Name de monarchs of the XIX Century -Recall the main events of their reigns -Identify Francisco de Goya and the characteristics of his paintings as they reflect the different periods of his life -Explain the political conditions in Spain during the XIX Century -Identify Amadeo I and explain the problems he confronted -Relate the problems of the First Republic -Explain the Restoration of Alfonso XII and identify the problems he confronted h. The XX Century -List the difficulties that Alfonso XIII faced -Relate the events that led up to Spain's Civil War -Recall details of the Civil War Explain the Post-Civil War Period through today's present government D. LITERATURE - GENERAL -Define what literature is and list its 5 main genres -Explain the difference between verse and prose -Explain the narrative and distinguish between the novel and the short story _Explain and identify the elements of the narrative – distinguish between the narration, the description and the dialogue -Explain the elements of a short story and identify them as a short story is read -Describe the importance of Ana María Matute in contemporary fiction of Spain Mod. Lang., Page 110 -Read and analyze the structure of her story "Bernardino" -Answer comprehension questions on the story -Define stoicism and give an example as presented in story -Compare and contrast between appearance and reality as presented in the story -Write a short story, incorporating all the elements that have been studied E. LITERATURE - THE MIDDLE AGES -Describe the origin of literature in Spain as it developed from the oral to the written tradition -Identify the characteristics of Spanish literature of the Middle Ages -Define and identify the characteristics of the “jarchas” -Describe characteristics and purpose of the literature of this period 1. Poema del Cid -Define “mester de juglaría” -Identify the work and purpose of the “juglares” -Define an epic poem -Describe verse structure of the poem -Explain why oral literature was in verse form -Compare and contrast between el Cid and other epic heroes -Re-tell the story of el Cid -List the main characters of the poem -Identify characteristics of the feudal system illustrated in the poem -Explain the concepts of loyalty and valor as presented in the poem -Locate and define vocabulary words -Read excerpt from the poem -Demonstrate comprehension through interpretation of verses -Demonstrate comprehension by answering questions on its content 2. Gonzalo de Berceo - Los Milagros de Nuestra Señora excerpt -Define “Mester de clerecía” -Identify the work and purpose of the “clérigos” -Explain what didactic literature is -Locate and define vocabulary words -Describe verse structure of the poem -Read excerpt from the poem -Demonstrate comprehension through interpretation of verse -Demonstrate comprehension answering questions on its content -Identify theocentric world view as illustrated in the poem -Compare and contrast “mester de juglaría” and “mester de clerecía” Mod. Lang., Page 111 3. Alfonso X el Sabio -Describe the importance of Alfonso X el Sabio -List five of his major contributions -Explain the importance of Calila e Dimna in Spanish Literature -Describe the structure and origin of the book -Explain the plot of the story studied from Calila e Dimna -Explain the meaning of the moral of the story -Discuss its relevance today, and apply to personal lives -Define and describe the Primera crónica general de España 4. Don Juan Manuel -Describe the importance of don Juan Manuel -Give details about the author's life -Describe the content and structure of El conde Lucanor -Explain why the "morals" often rhymed -Locate and define vocabulary words -Read Example to be studied -Demonstrate comprehension by re-telling the plot -Demonstrate comprehension by answering questions about the story -Explain the meaning of the moral -Apply its relevance in our personal lives today 5. Juan Ruiz – Arcipreste de Hita -Describe the importance of Juan Ruiz -Give details about the author's life -Describe the content and structure of El libro de buen amor -Explain the supposed purpose of the book, and why it is not clear -Distinguish between the “buen amor” y el “amor malo” -Recognize peculiarity of the title -Locate and define vocabulary words -Read Examples to be studied -Demonstrate comprehension by re-telling their content -Demonstrate comprehension by answering questions on the content -Explain the lesson of each poem and its relevance in our personal lives today 6. Prose of the XV Century -Identify the different novels and recognize their characteristics -Identify the “novela de caballería” and the structure of the novels -Recognize the most important novel of this type – Amadís de Gaula -Explain the importance of “caballeros andantes” -Identify their values and outlook on life Mod. Lang., Page 112 -Explain the structure and importance of Celestina -Identify the author -Explain the content of Arte de la lengua castellana -Identify author purpose and importance of this work 7. XV Century – The Romances -Identify what is a Romance -Explain its origins, characteristics and types -Locate and define vocabulary words -Read Examples to be studied -Demonstrate comprehension by re-telling their content -Demonstrate comprehension by answering questions on the content -Explain what each of the studied romances illustrate 8. Jorge Manrique – Las coplas por la muerte de su padre, fragment -Describe the important facts about the author's and his father's life -Describe the content and structure of Las coplas -Explain what pie quebrado verse is -List and explain metaphors throughout the poem -Identify the three lives mentioned in the poem -Explain personification and illustrate with verses in the poem -Explain Medieval world view as exemplified by the poem -Give example of Spanish stoicism as presented in the poem F. LITERATURE – XVI CENTURY - THE RENAISSANCE -List the aesthetic values of this period -Identify the sources of influence in the art of this period -Explain the characteristics of the literature of this period -Explain the anthropocentric world view illustrated in the literature of this period -Identify the reasons that brought about the change in world view -Contrast with the world view of the Middle Ages 1. Garcilaso de la Vega – Lyric Poetry -Describe importance of the author and its contributions to Spanish literature -Give details of his life and what he embodies -Locate and define vocabulary -Describe the structure of the sonnet -Describe the types of verse Garcilaso introduces -Describe a hyperbaton – illustrate with verses from “Sonnet XXIII” -Explain the philosophy illustrated in the sonnet studied Mod. Lang., Page 113 2. Fray Luis de León – Lyric Poetry -Oda a la vida retirada- excerpt -Give details of author’s life -Describe how author combines world vision with religious beliefs -Describe his style -Locate and define vocabulary -Explain author’s view of nature -Explain author’s view of power and riches -Illustrate the hyperbaton with verses -Explain the philosophy illustrated in the sonnet studied -Explain how his poem combines both the Anthropocentric viewpoint and the ascetic life 3. The picaresque novel - El Lazarillo de Tormes Tratados 1 and 3 - Explain the structure of the novel -List the characteristics of the pícaro -Distinguish between the novel of “caballería” and the picaresque -Explain the anti-héroe and contrast with the “caballero andante” -Distinguish between these two types of character and the motivation for their actions -Explain why the novel is narrated in autobiographical style -Locate and become familiar with vocabulary -List the main ideas of the story -Analyze the main characters of the story -Demonstrate comprehension through questions on reading excerpts G. LITERATURE – XVII CENTURY - THE BAROQUE -Identify characteristics of the Baroque -Explain the world view depicted in literature of this period -Recognize reasons for change of world view -Distinguish the differences with the Renaissance 1. Miguel de Cervantes -Review values and outlook on life of "caballeros andantes," the characteristics and structure of the novels of “caballería,” and describe how they influenced Cervantes -Describe the importance of Miguel de Cervantes and list biographical details, naming the major events of his life -Identify some of the characteristics of the two main characters of Don Quijote -Summarize and re-tell the excerpts from Don Quijote, "Los molinos de viento," "Los galeotes," "Los leones," and "El retablo de Maese Pedro;" and from Novelas ejemplares, "Cipión y Berganza" Mod. Lang., Page 114 -Answer comprehension questions -Identify setting, characters, events and problems of each story -Identify the main idea and sequence of events -Evaluate message content 2. Baroque Poetry -Define conceptism and culteranism -Distinguish between the characteristics of the two styles of poetry -Identify poets associated with each style -Describe importance and biographical details of Francisco de Quevedo -Describe importance and biographical details of Luis de Góngora -Locate and define vocabulary in the sonnets -Analyze metaphors in the poems -Demonstrate comprehension through questions on content -Evaluate message content -Locate and recognize similarities between Góngora’s “Sonnet CLXVI” and Garcilaso’s “Sonnet XXIII” -Identify the points where they differ -Explain how the message depicts the “carpe diem” from the Baroque viewpoint 3. Theater of the Golden Age a. Origins of the theater - Identify the elements of the theater -Identify the origins and purpose of the theater -Name the two forms of the classic theater -Explain the concept of the three units in the classical theater as proposed by Aristotle -Identify the first theatrical form intended only for entertainment -Name de Spanish work that is not possible to represent due to its length -Name the author that establishes the basis for the national theater in Spain -Name the short plays he created -Identify an “entremés” -Name the work where Lope de Vega lays the precepts of the national theater -Define “Comedia” according to Lope de Vega -Explain why this author thought the two theatrical forms should be mixed b. Lope de Vega -Describe his importance and list biographical details Mod. Lang., Page 115 -Summarize and re-tell plot of Fuenteovejuna -Locate and define vocabulary -Explain the significance of collective force as presented in the play -Identify the themes contained in the play -Explain the significance of the verses in the excerpt studied -Explain what the “Comendador” exemplifies -Explain what the Catholic king and queen represent in the play and illustrate with verses from the text c. Tirso de Molina -Describe his importance and list biographical details -Summarize and re-tell plot of El burlador de Sevilla -Locate and define vocabulary -Explain don Juan’s attitude towards death -Explain why this attitude reflects the viewpoint of the Renaissance -Identify the theme of the play d. Pedro Calderón de la Barca -Describe his importance and list biographical details -Summarize and re-tell plot of La vida es sueño -Locate and define vocabulary -Distinguish the differences between Calderón and Lope de Vega -Explain the philosophical questions contained in the play G. LITERATURE – THE XVIII CENTURY – NEOCLASICISMO / THE ENLIGHTENMENT -Locate and define vocabulary -Identify the name that is given to this period -List major characteristics of this literary period -Explain the emphasis on form rather than content -Explain the reason for the scarcity of artistic production of this period -Name the ideal vehicle of literary expression of this period -Identify the concerns of the enlightened man -Explain the objectives of these men and why they did not succeed -Name the authors that excel during this period a. Leandro Fernández de Moratín -Describe his importance and list biographical details -Summarize and re-tell plot of El sí de las niñas -Locate and define vocabulary -Review the three units of the classical theater as proposed by Aristotle Mod. Lang., Page 116 -Explain how it limited the neoclassical theater -Explain the teachings of Moratín regarding the education of women in El sí de las niñas -Identify quotes from text that illustrate these teachings b. Tomás Iriarte and Félix de Samaniego -Define a fable and distinguish its main characteristics -Distinguish between Iriarte and Samaniego as fable writers -Re-tell plot and of the four fables -Identify the moral lessons in Samaniego’s fables -Identify the literary styles criticized or promoted in Iriarte’s fables H. LITERATURE - ROMANTICISM -Explain their importance in the Romantic Movement -Identify its major characteristics in Spanish literature -Explain the late arrival of this movement to Spain -Locate and define vocabulary -Compare and contrast between Romanticism and Neoclassicism -Explain the romantic view of nature -Identify the two directions the Romantic movement takes in Spain a. José de Espronceda – “La canción del pirata” -List biographical details of Jose de Espronceda -Identify the aspect of the Romantic movement he represents -Locate and define vocabulary -Identify romantic characteristics illustrated in poem -Illustrate these characteristics with the verses in the poem b. Duque de Rivas – Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino -List biographical details of Duque de Rivas -Explain his importance in the Romantic movement -Locate and define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the plot of the play -Identify romantic characteristics illustrated in the excerpt -Illustrate these characteristics with textual references c. José Zorrilla – Don Juan Tenorio -List biographical details of José Zorrilla -Locate and define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the plot of the play -Identify romantic characteristics illustrated in the excerpt Mod. Lang., Page 117 -Illustrate these characteristics with textual references d. Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer -List biographical details of Bécquer -Explain his importance in the Romantic period 1. “Las rimas” -Locate and define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the theme of the four “rimas” studied 2. "Los ojos verdes" -Locate and define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the theme of the leyenda -Demonstrate comprehension through answers to questions -Identify the romantic elements in the story -Recognize and explain metaphors in textual references I. LITERATURE - REALISM AND NATURALISM -Identify major characteristics of realist literature in Spain -Explain the importance of this movement -Explain the reaction it represents -Identify writers of this period and their importance and contributions Fernán Caballero, Pedro Antonio de Alarcón a. Juan Valera – Pepita Jiménez - excerpt -List biographical details of Juan Valera -Explain his view on realism -Locate an define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the plot of Pepita Jiménez -Demonstrate comprehension through answers to questions b. Benito Pérez Galdós – excerpt “Un extraño personaje” -List biographical details of Galdós -Explain his importance in the literature of Spain -Recognize the most important works of this author -Locate an define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the story -Demonstrate comprehension through answers to questions -Identify the senses of the character that are described -Draw the character according to the description given by the author J. LITERATURE – NATURALISM -Identify major characteristics of naturalist literature in Spain -Explain the importance of this movement -Explain the values it emphasizes Mod. Lang., Page 118 -Identify writers of this period and their importance and contributions Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Emilia Pardo Bazán -Recognize the most important works of these authors Leopoldo Alas “Clarín” – “Adiós, Cordera” -List biographical details of Clarín - Recognize the most important works of this author -Locate an define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the story -Demonstrate comprehension through answers to questions K. LITERATURE / CIVILIZATION - SPECIAL SKIT/VIDEO -Write a script for a skit presenting an adaptation of history or literature -Use Spanish to an audience -Interact with other members of the class _Use acting and filming techniques Mod. Lang., Page 119 XXV. EVALUATION Upon completing the stated objectives of this course, the following evaluative methods will be used to measure the student's level of proficiency: A. CLASS ASSIGNMENTS 1. Vocabulary definitions and exercises 2. Comprehension questions 3. Workbook exercises 4. Worksheets 5. Summaries B. ORAL PRESENTATIONS C. QUIZZES AND TESTS 1. Objective Questions a. True-false b. Multiple choice c. Fill-ins d. Matching 2. Subjective questions a. Short answers b. Outlines c. Essays 3. Comprehensive Semester Exam D. SEMESTER GRADE 1. Weekly quizzes 2. Homework 3. Tests 4. Classwork & Notebook 5. Semester Exam 20% 15% 30% 10% 25% (Projects, presentations, papers and summer reading are included in the test category) E. FINAL GRADE The first and second semesters average the final grade Mod. Lang., Page 120 I. COURSE TITLE: SPANISH IV-S HONORS COURSE NUMBER: ML 4410 II. DESCRIPTION This course is designed for Spanish speakers. The main goal is enhance all communication skills through the study of grammar and the culture and literature of Spain. In this course the history, geography, art, music, and many customs are studied. Much emphasis is placed on the survey of the history and literature of Spain. Grammar and spelling are studied in the workbook with many written and oral drills. Study skills and organization are emphasized. Daily oral participation, written work, lectures, movies and extracurricular events are among some of the activities used to aid in the practice of reading, writing, speaking and understanding Spanish. This is an Honors course which will require more in-depth work and extra readings. III. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE Student must have satisfactorily completed ML 4310 and/or have been placed by the recommendation of the current Spanish teacher at Belen. New students must have received an excellent score in the Spanish Placement Exam, have an overall average of 3.4 and receive approval of the Department Chairperson. Parental and student signature of the Honor's Contract is required. A student may decline the invitation to this course. IV. TEXTS Couch, J.H., et al. Una Vez Más. White Plains: Longman 1993. León, Gisela. Cultura, Civilización y Literatura de España, Miami: Belén, 2004. Barlow, Genevieve and William N. Stivers. Leyendas de España. Textbook, 1999. Lincolnwood: National Brooks, Nancy, et al. Ocho siglos de cuentos y narraciones de España. New Cork: Regents, 1977. V. SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, MATERIALS Spanish Dictionary with Definitions English to Spanish Dictionary Rojas, Fernando de. La Celestina. Illinois: National Textbook, 1994 Lope de Vega, Félix. Fuenteovejuna. Illinois: National Textbook, 1994 Handouts of supplementary materials Mod. Lang., Page 121 VI. PROCEDURE A. Grammar explanations followed by oral classroom exercises B. Reading aloud from reader followed by comprehension exercises C. Minimum of two visits per month to the language laboratory D. Frequent use of audiovisual supportive materials E. Lectures and note-taking followed by comprehension questions F. Daily homework assignments, weekly quizzes, monthly tests VII. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, CONTESTS, PROJECTS,... F. Summer Reading B. Group Project - Oral Presentation and Visual on Spain Region or Early Settlers C. Video/Play project based on Spain literature or historical event D. Belen Modern Language Fair Illustrated Slogan E. Grade level Jeopardy competition F. Written reports and oral presentations on additional course-related readings VIII. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT G. Miami-Dade County Fair literary and drama contests H. Field trips and other activities as announced IX. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS A. Movies after school: La Celestina, Butterfly B. Other movies and play readings as offered by Dept. X. COURSE OUTLINE A. GRAMMAR: VERBS – All Tenses of the Indicative Mood 1. Present tense of regular, stem-changing, spelling change, and irregular 2. Preterit tense of regular, stem-changing, spelling change, and irregular Mod. Lang., Page 122 3. Imperfect tense of regular and irregular 4. Uses of the Preterit and Imperfect 5. Future of regular and irregular 6. Conditional of regular and irregular 7. Reflexive Verbs 8. Compound Tenses c. Progressive Tenses d. Perfect Tenses 9. Personal Pronouns (Subject and Object) 10. Uses of Ser/Estar OTHER GRAMMAR POINTS 1. Spelling: Use of the letters g, j, c, z, s, q 2. Use of the accent 3. Use of capital and lower case letters 4. Nouns - Plural and gender 5. Articles - Use and Omission 6. Adjectives and Adverbs 7. Comparison and Superlatives 8. Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns 9. Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns B. CIVILIZATION 1. The Importance of Studying Spanish 2. Origins and Development of Spanish 3. Geography of Spain 4. Early Settlers of the Iberian Peninsula 5. Art and Architecture in Spain through the Middle Ages 6. History of Spain - XVI Century – Spanish Empire 7. History of Spain – XVII Century – Decadence of the Empire 8. Spanish Painters of the Golden Age 9. History of Spain – XVIII Century – The Bourbon Dynasty 10. Painting in the Neoclassic Period – Francisco de Goya 11. History of Spain – XIX Century a. The War of Independence b. The Restoration of the Bourbon Dynasty 12. History of Spain – from Alfonso XIII through Franco to the Present 13. Spanish Art of the XX Century C. LITERATURE Mod. Lang., Page 123 1. Literary Art - Genres 2. Narrative – Short Story - Matute, Ana M., “Bernardino” 3. Literature in the Middle Ages 4. XI Century – Las jarchas 4. XII Century -El mester de juglaría - Poema del mío Cid 5. El mester de clerecía – Gonzalo de Berceo - Milagros 6. XIII Century – Prose - Alfonso el Sabio. a. Calila e Dimna excerpt b. El caballo del rey don Sancho 7. XIV Century – Prose Don Juan Manuel –El conde Lucanor a. “Doña Truhana” b. “El labrador y su hijo” 8. XIV Century – Poetry – Arcipreste de Hita – Buen Amor excerpts 9. XV Century – Prose Amadís de Gaula - “Amadís combate con Angriote” La Celestina – graded novel 10. XV Century – Romances 11. XV Century – Poetry - Manrique, Jorge. Coplas excerpts 12. XVI Century – Renaissance - Poetry a. Garcilaso de la Vega – A Sonnet b. Fray Luis de León – Oda excerpt 13. XVI Century –Renaissance - Prose Picaresque novel - El Lazarillo de Tormes excerpts Tratados 1-3 14. XVII Century – Baroque - Prose Cervantes, Miguel de –Novelas ejemplares a. El licenciado Vidriera b. El casamiento engañoso 15. XVII Century – Baroque – Poetry a. Quevedo de, Francisco – Two Sonnets b. Góngora, Luis – A Sonnet 16. The Theatre and its Origins a. Lope de Vega, Félix – Fuenteovejuna a. excerpt from text and film b. Graded version of the play b. Molina de, Tirso – El burlador de Sevilla excerpt c. Calderón de la Barca – La vida es sueño - excerpt 17. The Enlightment – Neoclassicism a. Fernández de Moratín, Leandro –El sí de las niñas excerpt b. Iriarte, Tomás and Samaniego, Félix – fables 18. The Romantic Period a. Espronceda, José, “La canción del pirata” b. Duque de Rivas, Don Álvaro - excerpt Mod. Lang., Page 124 c. Zorrilla, José, Don Juan Tenorio d. Bécquer, Gustavo 3. Rimas 4. Leyenda “Los ojos verdes” 19. Realism and Naturalism a. Valera, Juan Pepita Jiménez - excerpt b. Pérez Galdós, Benito, “Un extraño personaje” c. Alas, Leopoldo “Clarín” – “Adiós, cordera” XI. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: A GRAMMAR: VERBS -Define a verb, state and define 2 voices, 5 moods, all grammatical persons and number in verbs -Define an infinitive and state the 3 conjugations -Recognize, conjugate and use in sentences regular, stem-changing, spelling-changing, and irregular verbs in all the simple and compound (perfect and progressive) tenses of the indicative mood -Identify, conjugate and use reflexive verbs - Compare, contrast and apply the uses of the preterit and imperfect tenses -Compare, contrast and apply the uses of SER and ESTAR - Recognize, conjugate and use in sentences the future tense of regular and irregular verbs - Recognize, conjugate and use in sentences the conditional tense of regular and irregular verbs -Recognize, conjugate and use in sentences the compound tenses -Recognize, conjugate and use in sentences the progressive tenses B. GRAMMAR: OTHER POINTS -Recognize the words by their stress classification -Apply the written accent to words according to rules -Apply the diacritic accent to homophone words -Distinguish the uses of c, s, z -Distinguish the uses of g,j -Distinguish the difference in sound and apply the spelling changes of the letters G and C Mod. Lang., Page 125 -Define a noun and the 2 grammatical accidents of gender and number -List the endings that define the gender of a noun -Define, use orally and spell correctly the nouns presented in the chapter -Change nouns from singular to plural and from masculine to feminine -Recognize , define and distinguish between definite and indefinite articles -Apply the use and omission of articles as needed within the context of an oral or written sentence -Define and recognize an adjective, its classifications, its types and its position in relation to the noun -Change the gender and number of an adjective to agree with the noun -Define, recognize and form an adverb -Define and use in sentences the adjectives and adverbs presented in the chapter -Distinguish the different meanings of certain adjectives depending on their position before or after a noun -Distinguish between the degrees of comparison of adjectives -Recognize and form the absolute superlatives of adjectives and adverbs -Define possessive adjectives and pronouns -Distinguish between possessive adjectives and pronouns and use correctly in sentences -Define demonstrative adjectives and pronouns -Distinguish between demonstrative adjectives and pronouns and use correctly in sentences -Define, identify and use in sentences all personal pronouns (subject, object, reflexive and prepositional) -Use correctly in sentences double object pronouns C. CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION a. The Language(s) of Spain -List the reasons for the importance of speaking Spanish today and the advantages of being bilingual -Relate Spanish to English words -Summarize the important facts of the three major Hispanic groups living in the U.S. today -State the number of people that speak Spanish in the world today and name the most numerous 5 Spanish speaking countries (The U.S. is 5th!) -Define "language" and explain the origin, components and development of Spanish -List the Romance languages and identify where each is spoken -Recognize the languages that have contributed vocabulary to the Spanish language today -List the four most recognized languages of Spain b. The Geography of Spain -Locate the Iberian Peninsula and name all the oceans, seas and countries around Mod. Lang., Page 126 Spain -Identify all regions of Spain and their respective characteristics -Locate and name the 5 most important rivers and mountain ranges -Complete a map of Spain with 5 mountain ranges, 5 rivers and all regions -Match special features, agricultural, industrial and cultural characteristics to its respective regions c. The Early Settlers of Spain -Name all settlers and invaders of Spain from its beginnings to 1492 -Identify and name contributions of each group to Spain today -Identify and characteristics of art and architecture of these groups -Recognize and name examples of these monuments -Illustrate contributions of groups in a slogan d. The Middle Ages -Differentiate characteristics of medieval architecture -Explain and identify the characteristics of the feudal system as a social, political and economic system -Identify characteristics in the various monuments of the Middle Ages -List six events that occurred in 1492 and explain their importance -Name and describe the reign of Fernando and Isabel, the importance of the end of the Reconquista and the strategies for unification and expansion of the Reyes Católicos -Identify the reasons for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain e. XVI and XVII Century – The Hapsburg Dynasty -List the major problems that Carlos I (V) faced, especially the Reformation of the Church which led to his abdication -Name the phrase associated with his reign -Describe the reign of Felipe II -Locate and define vocabulary -Name the major battles fought during his reign -Identify the battle in honor of the Escorial was built -Name the phrase that characterizes this monarch -Identify characteristics of Renaissance Art in the Escorial -List and explain the causes for Spain's decadence as signaled by the year 1588 with the defeat of the Spanish Armada -Identify the monarchs of the 17th century -Locate and define vocabulary -List details and characteristics of their reigns -Explain the reason for the end of the Hapsburg dynasty f. Painting in the Golden Age Mod. Lang., Page 127 -Identify characteristics of Baroque Art -Identify the major Baroque Spanish painters a. El Greco b. Diego de Velázquez c. Bartolomé Esteban Murillo d. José Ribera e. Francisco de Zurbarán -Locate and define vocabulary -Name and give biographical details of these painters -Identify outstanding characteristics of their art -Name what their paintings reflect -Identify two major works of each painter g. XVIII –XIX Century -The Bourbon Dynasty -Explain how the Bourbon dynasty started -Locate and define vocabulary -Name the monarchs of the 18th century -Recall the characteristics of their reigns -Identify country and reason why it had a strong influence on Spain -Recall the consequences of this influence -Define “Enlightened despotism” -Recall the main historical events of the end of the 18th century -Name characteristics of the Spanish War of Independence -Identify Cortes de Cádiz and their importance -Identify José I and explain the consequences of his reign -Name de monarchs of the XIX Century -Recall the main events of their reigns -Identify Francisco de Goya and the characteristics of his paintings as they reflect the different periods of his life -Explain the political conditions in Spain during the XIX Century -Identify Amadeo I and explain the problems he confronted -Relate the problems of the First Republic -Explain the Restoration of Alfonso XII and identify the problems he confronted h. The XX Century -List the difficulties that Alfonso XIII faced -Relate the events that led up to Spain's Civil War -Recall details of the Civil War Explain the Post-Civil War Period through today's present government D LITERATURE - GENERAL Mod. Lang., Page 128 -Define what literature is and list its 5 main genres -Explain the difference between verse and prose -Explain the narrative and distinguish between the novel and the short story _Explain and identify the elements of the narrative – distinguish between the narration, the description and the dialogue -Explain the elements of a short story and identify them as a short story is read -Describe the importance of Ana María Matute in contemporary fiction of Spain -Read and analyze the structure of her story "Bernardino" -Answer comprehension questions on the story -Define stoicism and give an example as presented in story -Compare and contrast between appearance and reality as presented in the story -Write a short story, incorporating all the elements that have been studied E. LITERATURE - THE MIDDLE AGES -Describe the origin of literature in Spain as it developed from the oral to the written tradition -Identify the characteristics of Spanish literature of the Middle Ages -Define and identify the characteristics of the “jarchas” -Describe characteristics and purpose of the literature of this period 5. Poema del Cid -Define “mester de juglaría” -Identify the work and purpose of the “juglares” -Define an epic poem -Describe verse structure of the poem -Explain why oral literature was in verse form -Compare and contrast between el Cid and other epic heroes -Re-tell the story of el Cid -List the main characters of the poem -Identify the characteristics of the feudal system illustrated in the poem -Explain the concepts of loyalty and valor as presented in the poem -Locate and define vocabulary words -Read excerpt from the poem -Demonstrate comprehension through interpretation of verses and questions at the end of the reading 2. Gonzalo de Berceo - Los Milagros de Nuestra Señora excerpt -Define “Mester de clerecía” -Identify the work and purpose of the “clérigos” -Explain what didactic literature is -Locate and define vocabulary words Mod. Lang., Page 129 -Describe verse structure of the poem -Read excerpt from the poem -Demonstrate comprehension through interpretation of verses and questions at the end of the reading -Identify theocentric world view as illustrated in the poem Compare and contrast between “mester de juglaría” and “mester de clerecía” 6. Alfonso X el Sabio -Describe the importance of Alfonso X el Sabio by listing five of his major contributions -Explain the importance of Calila e Dimna in Spanish Literature -Describe the structure and origin of the book -Explain the plot of the story studied from Calila e Dimna -Explain the meaning of the moral of the story and its relevance today, and how it can be applied to our personal lives today -Define and describe the Primera crónica general de España -Explain the plot of the “El caballo del rey don Sancho” -Describe the legal system illustrated in this excerpt 7. Don Juan Manuel -Give details about the author's life and describe his importance -Describe the content and structure of El conde Lucanor -Explain why the "morals" often rhymed -Locate and define vocabulary words -Demonstrate comprehension of examples by a. Re-telling the plot b. Answering questions about the story -Explain the meaning of the moral and the its relevance in our personal lives today 4. Juan Ruiz – Arcipreste de Hita -Describe the importance of Juan Ruiz -Give details about the author's life -Describe the content and structure of El libro de buen amor -Explain the supposed purpose of the book, and why it is not clear -Distinguish between the “buen amor” y el “amor malo” -Recognize peculiarity of the title -Locate and define vocabulary words -Read Examples to be studied -Demonstrate comprehension by a. Re-telling their content b. Answering questions on the content -Explain the lesson of each poem and its relevance in our personal lives today Mod. Lang., Page 130 5. Prose of the XV Century -Identify the different novels and recognize their characteristics -Identify the “novela de caballería” and the structure of the novels -Recognize the most important novel of this type – Amadís de Gaula -Explain the importance of “caballeros andantes”, their values and outlook on life -Read excerpt from novel “Amadís combate con Angriote” -Demonstrate comprehension by answering questions on story -Explain the structure and importance of Celestina -Identify the author -Read graded novel -Demonstrate comprehension by answering questions on the novel -Explain the content of Arte de la lengua castellana -Identify author purpose and importance of this work 6. XV Century – The Romances -Identify what is a Romance -Explain its origins, characteristics and types -Locate and define vocabulary words -Read Examples to be studied -Demonstrate comprehension by a. Re-telling their content b. Answering questions on the content -Explain what each of the romances studied illustrate 7. Jorge Manrique – Las coplas por la muerte de su padre, excerpt -Describe the important facts about the author's and his father's life -Describe the content and structure of Las coplas -Explain what pie quebrado verse is -List and explain metaphors throughout the poem -Identify the three lives mentioned in the poem -Explain personification and illustrate with verses in the poem -Explain Medieval world view as exemplified by the poem -Give example of Spanish stoicism as presented in the poem F. LITERATURE – XVI CENTURY - THE RENAISSANCE -List the aesthetic values of this period -Identify the sources of influence in the art of this period -Explain the characteristics of the literature of this period -Explain the anthropocentric world view illustrated in the literature of this period -Identify the reasons that brought about the change in world view -Contrast with the world view of the Middle Ages Mod. Lang., Page 131 8. Garcilaso de la Vega – Lyric Poetry -Describe importance of the author and its contributions to Spanish literature -Give details of his life and what he embodies -Locate and define vocabulary -Describe the structure of the sonnet -Describe the types of verse Garcilaso introduces -Describe a hyperbaton – illustrate with verses from “Sonnet XXIII” -Explain the philosophy illustrated in the sonnet studied 2. Fray Luis de León – Lyric Poetry -Oda a la vida retirada- excerpt -Give details of author’s life -Describe how author combines Renaissance vision with religious sentiments -Describe his style -Locate and define vocabulary -Explain author’s view of nature -Explain author’s view of power and riches -Illustrate the hyperbaton with verses -Explain the philosophy illustrated in the sonnet studied -Explain how his poem combines both the Anthropocentric viewpoint and the ascetic life 3. The picaresque novel - El Lazarillo de Tormes - Explain the structure of the novel -List the characteristics of the pícaro -Distinguish between the novel of “caballería” and the picaresque -Explain the anti-héroe and contrast with the “caballero andante” -Distinguish between these two types of character and the motivation for their actions -Explain why the novel is narrated in autobiographical style -Locate and become familiar with vocabulary -List the main ideas of the story -Analyze the main characters of the story -Read tratados 1-3 -Demonstrate comprehension through questions on reading excerpts G. LITERATURE – XVII CENTURY - THE BAROQUE -Identify characteristics of the Baroque -Explain the world view depicted in literature of this period -Recognize reasons for change of world view -Distinguish the differences with the Renaissance Mod. Lang., Page 132 1. Miguel de Cervantes -Review values and outlook on life of "caballeros andantes," the characteristics and structure of the novels of “caballería,” and describe how they influenced Cervantes -Describe the importance of Miguel de Cervantes and list biographical details, naming the major events of his life -Identify some of the characteristics of the two main characters of Don Quijote -Summarize and re-tell the story of Don Quijote -Identify setting, characters, events and problems of each story -Identify the main idea and sequence of events -Evaluate message content -Read Novelas ejemplares -El licenciado Vidriera -El casamiento engañoso -Demonstrate comprehension through questions on content 2. Baroque Poetry -Define conceptism and culteranism -Distinguish between the characteristics of the two styles of poetry -Identify poets associated with each style -Describe importance and biographical details of Francisco de Quevedo -Describe importance and biographical details of Luis de Góngora -Locate and define vocabulary in the sonnets -Analyze metaphors in the poems -Demonstrate comprehension through questions on content -Evaluate message content -Locate and recognize similarities between Góngora’s and Garcilaso’s Sonnet XXIII -Identify the points where they differ -Explain how the message depicts the “carpe diem” from the Baroque viewpoint 3. Theater of the Golden Age a. Origins of the theater - Identify the elements of the theater -Identify the origins and purpose of the theater -Name the two forms of the classic theater -Explain the concept of the three units in the classical theater as proposed by Aristotle -Identify the first theatrical form intended only for entertainment -Name de Spanish work that is not possible to represent due to its length -Name the author that establishes the basis for the national theater in Spain -Name the short plays he created Mod. Lang., Page 133 -Identify an “entremés” -Name the work where Lope lays the precepts of the national theater -Define “Comedia” according to Lope de Vega -Explain why this author thought the two theatrical forms should be mixed b. Lope de Vega -Describe his importance and list biographical details -Read excerpt and graded version of the whole play -Summarize and re-tell plot of Fuenteovejuna -Locate and define vocabulary -Explain the significance of collective force as presented in the play -Identify the themes contained in the play -Explain the significance of the verses in the excerpt studied -Explain what the “Comendador” exemplifies -Explain what the Catholic monarchs represent in the play -Illustrate it with verses from the text c. Tirso de Molina -Describe his importance and list biographical details -Summarize and re-tell plot of El burlador de Sevilla -Locate and define vocabulary -Explain don Juan’s attitude towards death -Explain why this attitude reflects the viewpoint of the Renaissance -Identify the theme of the play d. Pedro Calderón de la Barca -Describe his importance and list biographical details -Summarize and re-tell plot of La vida es sueño -Locate and define vocabulary -Distinguish the differences between Calderón and Lope de Vega -Explain the philosophical questions contained in the play H. LITERATURE – THE XVIII CENTURY – NEOCLASICISMO / THE ENLIGHTENMENT -Locate and define vocabulary -Identify the name that is given to this period -List major characteristics of this literary period -Explain the emphasis on form rather than content -Explain the reason for the scarcity of artistic production of this period -Name the ideal vehicle of literary expression of this period -Identify the concerns of the enlightened man -Explain the objectives of these men and why they did not succeed -Name the authors that excel during this period Mod. Lang., Page 134 a. Leandro Fernández de Moratín -Describe his importance and list biographical details -Summarize and re-tell plot of El sí de las niñas -Locate and define vocabulary -Review Aristotle’s three units of the classical theater -Explain how it limited the neoclassical theater -Explain the teachings of Moratín regarding the education of women in El sí de las niñas -Identify quotes from text that illustrate these teachings b. Tomás Iriarte and Félix de Samaniego -Define a fable and distinguish its main characteristics -Distinguish between Iriarte and Samaniego as fable writers -Re-tell plot and of the four fables -Identify the moral lessons in Samaniego’s fables -Identify the literary styles criticized or promoted in Iriarte’s fables I. LITERATURE - ROMANTICISM -Explain their importance in the Romantic Movement -Identify its major characteristics in Spanish literature -Explain the late arrival of this movement to Spain -Locate and define vocabulary -Compare and contrast between Romanticism and Neoclassicism -Explain the romantic view of nature -Identify the two directions the Romantic movement takes in Spain a. José de Espronceda – “La canción del pirata” -List biographical details of Jose de Espronceda -Identify the aspect of the Romantic movement he represents -Locate and define vocabulary -Identify romantic characteristics illustrated in poem -Illustrate these characteristics with the verses in the poem b. Duque de Rivas – Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino -List biographical details of Duque de Rivas -Explain his importance in the Romantic movement -Locate and define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the plot of the play -Identify romantic characteristics illustrated in the excerpt -Illustrate these characteristics with textual references c. José Zorrilla – Don Juan Tenorio -List biographical details of José Zorrilla Mod. Lang., Page 135 -Locate and define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the plot of the play -Identify romantic characteristics illustrated in the excerpt -Illustrate these characteristics with textual references d. Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer -List biographical details of Bécquer -Explain his importance in the Romantic period 1. “Las rimas” -Locate and define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the theme of the four “rimas” studied 2. "Los ojos verdes" -Locate and define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the theme of the leyenda -Demonstrate comprehension through answers to questions -Identify the romantic elements in the story -Recognize and explain metaphors in textual references J. LITERATURE - REALISM AND NATURALISM -Identify major characteristics of realist literature in Spain -Explain the importance of this movement -Explain the reaction it represents -Identify writers of this period and their importance and contributions Fernán Caballero, Pedro Antonio de Alarcón b. Juan Valera – Pepita Jiménez - excerpt -List biographical details of Juan Valera -Explain his view on realism -Locate an define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the plot of Pepita Jiménez -Demonstrate comprehension through answers to questions b. Benito Pérez Galdós – excerpt “Un extraño personaje” -List biographical details of Galdós -Explain his importance in the literature of Spain -Recognize the most important works of this author -Locate an define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the story -Demonstrate comprehension through answers to questions -Identify the senses of the character that are described -Draw the character according to the description given by the author K. LITERATURE – NATURALISM Mod. Lang., Page 136 -Identify major characteristics of naturalist literature in Spain -Explain the importance of this movement -Explain the values it emphasizes -Identify writers of this period and their importance and contributions Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Emilia Pardo Bazán -Recognize the most important works of these authors Leopoldo Alas “Clarín” – “Adiós, Cordera” -List biographical details of Clarín - Recognize the most important works of this author -Locate an define vocabulary -Summarize and re-tell the story -Demonstrate comprehension through answers to questions L. LITERATURE / CIVILIZATION - SPECIAL SKIT/VIDEO -Write a script for a skit presenting an adaptation of history or literature -Use Spanish to an audience -Interact with other members of the class _Use acting and filming techniques XII. EVALUATION Upon completing the stated objectives of this course, the following evaluative methods will be used to measure the student's level of proficiency: A. CLASS ASSIGNMENTS 1. Vocabulary definitions and exercises 2. Comprehension questions 3. Workbook exercises 4. Worksheets 5. Summaries B. ORAL PRESENTATIONS C. QUIZZES AND TESTS 6. Objective Questions a. True-false b. Multiple choice c. Fill-ins d. Matching 7. Subjective questions a. Short answers Mod. Lang., Page 137 b. Outlines c. Essays 8. Comprehensive Semester Exam D. SEMESTER GRADE 9. Weekly quizzes 10. Homework 11. Tests 12. Classwork & Notebook 13. Semester Exam 20% 15% 30% 10% 25% (Projects, presentations, papers and summer reading are included in the test category) E. FINAL GRADE The first and second semesters average the final grade Mod. Lang., Page 138 I. XII. COURSE TITLE: SPANISH V COURSE NUMBER: ML 4500 DESCRIPTION SPANISH 4500 is the continuation of ML 4400. This course utilizes a communicative approach to language learning. It concentrates on developing the student’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by exposing them to everyday situations and real life problem solving exercises. There is a strong emphasis on vocabulary, cultural knowledge of the Spanish speaking world, and on the understanding of complex grammar structures which enable effective and precise communication in the target language. XIII. PRE-REQUISITES OF THE COURSE Students registered in ML 4500 must have satisfactorily completed ML 4400 during the previous academic year, during which Lessons 1 through 9 of the Vistas textbook were covered, or they must have been recommended to this course by a teacher from the Modern Languages Department with the approval of the Chairperson. XIV. TEXTS Vistas: Introducción a la lengua española, 2nd Edition, Blanco And Donley, Boston, Massachusetts: Vista Higher Learning, 2005. Vistas: Workbook/Video Manual, 2nd edition, Blanco and Donley, Boston, Massachussetts: Vista Higher Learning, 2005. XV. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS Dictionary (Spanish/English, English/Spanish) El principito Binder with dividers Supplementary texts, articles, hand outs, and verb drills, etc. XVI. PROCEDURE AND TEACHING METHODOLOGY A. Class lectures in which grammar structures will be addressed followed by the illustration of sufficient examples and practice exercises. B. Written / Oral exercises in which students will practice vocabulary, spelling, and the correct placement of accents, among other topics. Mod. Lang., Page 139 C. Class discussion and/or debates of current events and issues related to the Spanish speaking countries. D. Listening exercises and repetition of words with difficult pronunciations. E. Conversational activities in which the students can use the grammatical structures learned in each lesson, the new words adopted, and their background knowledge to create dialogues in real life context situations. F. Written / Oral Reports in which students can practice the knowledge gained in each lesson and conduct research about the countries and cultures discussed in class. XVII. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS AND EVENTS A. Participation in the Miami-Dade County Fair Writing Contest (poem). B. Belen Modern Languages Fair Project (booths representing Hispanics in the US and the growing importance of the Spanish language in the US). C. Belen Literary Contests. D. Additional Reading Comprehension Exercises. E. Other: oral reports about the different groups of Hispanics living in the United States (Fair), news reports about current events from the countries studied in the “Panorama Cultural” section of each lesson from Vistas, among others. XVIII. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES A. Foreign movies in Spanish. B. Other activities as announced. XIX. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS A. B. C. D. XX. The movie: La ciudad y los perros. The documentary film: The Cuban Americans. The “Fotonovela” from Vistas. The movie: El Norte. COURSE OUTLINE 1. First semester: a. Review of the basic grammar structures covered in Lessons 1-9. b. Thorough study of Lessons 10, 11, 12, and 13. c. The lessons will concentrate in the following communicative goals: (1). Mention and name in Spanish the different parts of the body. Mod. Lang., Page 140 (2). Talk about health and various medical conditions. (3). Activate prior knowledge in order to guess meaning and to identify key information when listening and reading in Spanish. (4). Listen for specific information and instructions. (5). Deliver a short speech regarding one of the Spanish speaking countries studied in class. (6). Talk about technology and electronic products. (7). Learn common expressions used on the phone and the Internet. (8). Give instructions. (9). Recognize words borrowed from other languages. (10). Figure out the meaning of new words by looking carefully at the context. (11). Use visual cues when listening to guess meaning. (12). Talk about cars and their parts in Spanish. (13). Welcome people into their homes. (14). Describe their houses or apartments. (15). Talk about the typical household chores. (16). Give instructions and simple direct commands. (17). Discuss issues regarding the environment. (18). Express their beliefs and ideas about different issues. (19). Give indirect commands in the shape of advice to peers. 8. Second semester: a. Lessons 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. Lessons 14 to 18 will concentrate in the following communicative goals: (1). Talk about health, well being and nutrition. (2). Talk about physical activities and sports. (3). Describe their future plans relating to their studies and work. (4). Practice preparing for a job interview. (5). Express agreement and disagreement. (6). Talk about the arts. (7). Express hesitation and certainty using the adequate grammatical structures (indicative mood vs. subjunctive). (8). Express their likes and dislikes. (9). Talk about and describe their travel plans and past experiences. (10). Discuss current events and relevant issues. (11). Discuss the media and express their opinions about current controversial issues. XXI. SPECIFIC COURSE OBJECTIVES Mod. Lang., Page 141 Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: A. First semester 1. Vocabulary: j. Lesson 10: to identify the parts of the body and to use in context health related terms. k. Lesson 11: to name home electronics and to use terms related to the Internet, as well as cars and their accessories. l. Lesson 12: to define the parts of a house, to identify the names of common household objects and chores. m. Lesson 13: to accurately describe nature, the environment, conservation efforts and recycling in Spanish. 2. Grammar: j. Lesson 10: to use the imperfect tense and the impersonal constructions with “se”. The student will be able to create adverbs using the ending “-mente”, and to use correctly common adverbial expressions. k. Lesson 11: to use appropriately the familiar “tú” commands, to distinguish between the correct uses of the prepositions “por” and “para”, and to use reciprocal verbs, possessive adjectives, and pronouns in real life contexts. l. Lesson 12: to use relative pronouns and formal commands correctly, to link object pronouns with formal commands, to understand the present subjunctive tense, and to use of the subjunctive mood with expressions of will and influence. The students will also be able to locate the main parts of the sentence. m. Lesson 13: to use the subjunctive mood with expressions of emotion, doubt, disbelief, and denial. The students will also learn about which verbal mood should be used with expressions of certainty and when to use the infinitive with conjunctions in adverbial clauses. 9. Reading / Culture j. Lesson 10: to point out and remember important general knowledge about Costa Rica, for instance: the name of its capital, currency, main cities, geographical location, main economic activities, characteristics of its population, etc. k. Lesson 11: to talk about Argentina, its capital, population, economic activities, main cities, population, etc., and the student will be able to relate basic cultural information about this country with other subjects (History, Social Studies, Economics, Geography). Mod. Lang., Page 142 l. Lesson 12: to recall basic geographic, cultural and historical information regarding Panamá and also the student will be able to compare and contrast the characteristics of this country with other Central American countries. m. Lesson 13: to mention and explain important basic geographic, historical and cultural information about Colombia. Students will also be able to explain importance of this country in Latin America. 10. Writing i. Lesson 10: to write about an illness or a specific health related problem using the simple past tenses and the new vocabulary (body and health). j. Lesson 11: to create an advertisement to be posted on a cybercafé, to practice giving instructions in an email, and to list key words before writing. k. Lesson 12: to locate the main parts of a sentence, to use linking words, and to practice writing a lease agreement and a letter to a contractor regarding a house, using new vocabulary. l. Lesson 13: to consider the audience and the purpose before writing. They will also be able to write a persuasive letter, an article assuming the role of an environmental activist and using in that context the new vocabulary acquired. B. Second semester (Lessons 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18) 1. Vocabulary j. Lesson 14: to talk about commercial establishments and to use banking terminology. k. Lesson 15: to name nutrition and exercise terms, to identify health related vocabulary, and to use it in appropriate contexts. l. Lesson 16: to identify the terms for professions, occupations and work related vocabulary. m. Lesson 17: to use appropriate terms relating to the arts and the television and film industries. n. Lesson 18: to recognize and use appropriate terms to talk about current events, political contexts, and social issues. 2. Grammar j. Lesson 14: to correctly use the subjunctive mood with adjective clauses and the “nosotros” commands. The student will also be able to form the past participles, and to recognize the correct irregular past participles. k. Lesson 15: to use the present perfect tense, the past perfect tense, and the present perfect subjunctive tense in context. Mod. Lang., Page 143 l. Lesson 16: to recognize the future tense, the irregular future tense verbs, the future perfect tense, and the past subjunctive tense. m. Lesson 17: to correctly use the conditional tense, the conditional perfect tense, and the past perfect subjunctive tense. n. Lesson 18: to use “si” clauses in the subjunctive mood and “si” clauses with the indicative mood. They will also review the different uses of the subjunctive mood, its forms and its uses in complex sentences. 3. Reading / Culture j. Lesson 14: to identify basic cultural, geographic, historical and economic information regarding Venezuela and to link that information with current events. k. Lesson 15: to make inferences and to recall important cultural, historical, political, and economic information regarding Bolivia. l. Lesson 16: to recognize similes and metaphors, and to understand historical, cultural, economic, geographic, and political information regarding Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. m. Lesson 17: to point out important cultural, geographic, economic, political and historical information relating to El Salvador and Honduras. They will also be able to find biographical information in different texts. n. Lesson 18: to recognize the chronological order in a text and to recall basic cultural, geographic, political and historical information regarding Paraguay and Uruguay. 4. Writing j. Lesson 14: to avoid redundancy in writing, to write an e-mail in Spanish, and to create a brochure for a model community in Venezuela. k. Lesson 15: to organize information logically, to write a personal fitness plan, and to write a tourist brochure for traveling in Bolivia. l. Lesson 16: to use notes in preparation for writing and to develop a career plan in written form, as well as to create a composition about his personal career goals and plans for the future. m. Lesson 17: to summarize a text in his own words, to write a composition, and to draft a report on a Honduran or Salvadorian artist. n. Lesson 18: to write strong introductions and conclusions, to write a composition about how to improve certain problems in the world, to recognize different genres, to take notes while listening, and to write a news article about an important current event regarding either Uruguay or Paraguay. XXII. EVALUATION 1. Semester Work a. Chapter Tests 75% 30% Mod. Lang., Page 144 After the completion of a Lesson, a chapter test is given which includes: vocabulary, grammar structures, cultural information, and reading comprehension exercises. b. Weekly Quizzes 15% Every week students take a quiz on the material learned that week. It could be either solely on Vocabulary or a combination of vocabulary and cultural information about a country. c. Participation in class 15% d. Homework 15% Homework consists of workbook and textbook exercises, as well as readings and reviews of the material covered in class. 4. Final exam + 3. Total = Mod. Lang., Page 145 25% ______ 100% I. II. COURSE TITLE: SPANISH V-S COURSE NUMBER: ML 4502 DESCRIPTION This course is designed to allow the Spanish speaking student to improve the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing with specific emphasis placed on bilingual interference, such as false cognates, borrowed words, etc. In addition, the subjunctive mood will be presented and practiced in detail. The course will give the students a general knowledge of the culture and history, past and contemporary, of each of the Spanish speaking countries in the New World. History and current events are enhanced with oral presentations given by each of the students. The study of the Latin American culture is expanded by selected readings in short stories and a survey of Latin American literature. GOALS To develop communicative skills, facilitating expression in the target language; to integrate the cultural component of the Spanish language, enhancing an interest in Hispanic current events; to foster student awareness of the interaction of language, culture, and society; to help the student realize that learning to use the Spanish language well will have daily practical applications now and in the future; to encourage Christian values, good study habits, an ability to follow directions well, a sense of punctuality, neatness, responsibility, and honesty. III. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE The student must have satisfactorily completed the Spanish IV-S course and/or have been recommended by his current Spanish teacher at Belen. New students must have placed accordingly in the Spanish Placement Exam. IV. TEXTS Marqués, Sarah. (2005). La Lengua que heredamos, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY Sainte-Exupéry, A. (1984). El principito, Alba, S.A., Spain V. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary Use of various newspapers and magazines to Mod. Lang., Page 146 prepare current events for the presentations on countries VI. PROCEDURE • CLASS LECTURE 14. 15. 16. • WRITTEN/ORAL EXERCISES 17. 18. 19. • VII. Review new information Individual/group written exercises Share and verify responses CLASS DISCUSSION 20. 21. 22. • Review New information Summarize and reinforce Raise questions Solicit opinions Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate valid answers EVALUATIONS SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, CONTESTS, PROJECTS • • • • • Written and oral group presentations of countries Belen Modern Language Fair Project Belen Literary Contest Miami-Dade County Fair Summer Reading Book VII. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS • Powerpoint presentations on grammar, history and literature • Class movies: El norte, La ciudad y los perros, Los cubanoamericanos • Movies afterschool: Lost city and others as shown by the Dept. VII. COURSE OUTLINE Mod. Lang., Page 147 FIRST SEMESTER: Chapters 1 thru 6 • • • History and culture of Spain, Mexico, Mexican-Americans, Hispanic groups of the United States, Puerto Rico and Cuba Grammar: Alphabet, pronunciation, cognates, diphthongs, trypthongs, division of syllables, types of words, suffixes and prefixes, homonyms, articles, contractions, nouns, accentuation, capitalization, augmentatives and diminutives, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Literature: Selected authors and readings from the Renaissance to the Romantic SECOND SEMESTER: Chapters 8 thru 22 • • • VIII. History and culture of the rest of the Spanish American countries Grammar: Review of the Indicative mood and all the verb forms, pronouns and their variants, adjectives, punctuation signs, etc. as covered in previous courses. The structure of the sentence and the subjunctive mood are introduced and fully covered. Continued study of vocabulary through the use of synonyms, cognates and idiomatic expressions Literature: A survey of major works and authors as of the 18th century until the movement of the Boom in the 20th. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: CAPÍTULO 1. GRUPOS HISPANOS EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS. Grupos hispanos en los Estados Unidos. Cognados con c. Otros cognados. Gramática: El alfabeto. Sonidos de las vocales y las consonantes. Letras sencillas y dobles. Letras mayúsculas y minúsculas. CAPÍTULO 2. ESPAÑA. Los préstamos de la lengua. Cognados falsos. Gramática: Diptongos y triptongos. División de palabras en sílabas. Mod. Lang., Page 148 Recomendaciones generales en cuanto al silabeo. Los signos de puntuación. CAPÍTULO 3. MÉXICO. Lectura: Juana de Asbaje: su vida antes del convento. Distintas traducciones del verbo to take. Traducciones de la palabra key. Cognados falsos. Gramática: Pronunciación de palabras. Clasificación de las palabras por su acento. CAPÍTULO 4. LOS MEXICOAMERICANOS. Cognados falsos. Gramática: Palabras simples, derivadas, compuestas y parasintéticas. Familia de palabras afines. Sufijos y prefijos. Otras reglas de la acentuación. Uso de la s las terminaciones -sión y –xión. Homófonos de c y s, de s y x. CAPÍTULO 5. PUERTO RICO. Semejanzas y contrastes: back y to back. Cognados falsos. Gramática: El artículo. Uso del artículo definido. Omisión del artículo definido. Concordancia del artículo con el sustantivo. Contracción del artículo definido el. El artículo neutro lo. Los indefinidos unos, unas. Omisión del artículo indefinido. Expresiones idiomáticas. Aumentativos. Diminutivos. Despectivos. Uso de la z. CAPÍTULO 6. CUBA. Distintos significados en español de right. Otros cognados. Gramática: El verbo. El infinitivo. Usos del infinitivo. Mod. Lang., Page 149 Raíz del verbo. Verbos regulares e irregulares. El gerundio y el participio usos. El verbo auxiliar haber. El modo indicativo. Cambios ortográficos e irregularidades en el presente. Homófonos de s y z. CAPÍTULO 7. LA REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA. Uso del singular y del plural. Gramática: Verbos con participios irregulares. Verbos con dos participios: regular e irregular. El futuro: regular e irregular. Otros usos del futuro. Uso de la b y de la v. CAPÍTULO 8. GUATEMALA. Cognados. Gramática: El modo subjuntivo. Formas del presente del subjuntivo. Cambios ortográficos para mantener el sonido en el presente del subjuntivo. Irregularidades en el presente del subjuntivo. Verbos con irregularidades propias en el presente del subjuntivo. El imperfecto del subjuntivo. Uso del imperfecto del subjuntivo. Irregularidades en el imperfecto del subjuntivo. Usos de la v. CAPÍTULO 9. EL SALVADOR. Equivalentes en español de the former y the latter. Cognados. Gramática: El modo imperativo. Irregularidades de ciertos verbos en los mandatos directos con tú. Los mandatos indirectos y los mandatos impersonales. La forma let’s y sus equivalentes en español. Los tiempos compuestos del subjuntivo. Homófonos de b y v. CAPÍTULO 10. HONDURAS. Cognados. Gramática: La oración. Estructura de la oración. Oraciones impersonales. Mod. Lang., Page 150 Los núcleos de la oración. Concordancia de sujeto y verbo. Oraciones simples y compuestas. El orden de los elementos en la oración. La oración principal y la subordinada. La voz activa y la voz pasiva. Uso de la d. CAPÍTULO 11. NICARAGUA. El verbo to raise y sus diferentes equivalentes en español. Gramática: El pretérito. Uso del pretérito. Formación del pretérito de los verbos regulares. Verbos que cambian la ortografía en el pretérito. Verbos irregulares en el pretérito. Verbos terminados en –ear. El imperfecto. Uso del imperfecto. Cambio de significación de algunos verbos. Uso de la h. CAPÍTULO 12. COSTA RICA. Las traducciones de than. Los adjetivos terminados en -ing en inglés y sus equivalentes en español. Los adjetivos compuestos en inglés y sus equivalencias en español. Cognados falsos. Gramática: El género de los sustantivos. Los gentilicios (nacionalidades). Homófonos con h y sin h. Parónimos con h y sin h. CAPÍTULO 13. PANAMÁ. Traducciones de because (of). Gramática: El número de los sustantivos. Los apellidos. Palabras que se usan sólo en plural. Palabras que cambian de significación según se usen en singular o en plural. El plural de los nombres compuestos. Los nombres colectivos. Uso de la r y de la rr. CAPÍTULO 14. COLOMBIA. El verbo to become y sus distintos equivalentes en español. Mod. Lang., Page 151 Gramática: El adjetivo. Apócope de algunos adjetivos. Posición invariable del adjetivo en frases hechas. Uso de la g y de la j. CAPÍTULO 15. VENEZUELA. Equivalentes de to save, to move, to ask. Gramática: Los participios pasados (-ado, -ido) usados como adjetivos. Comparación de los adjetivos. Comparativos irregulares. Los superlativos en español. Uso de la j. CAPÍTULO 16. ECUADOR. Gramática: El condicional. Las probabilidades en el pasado. Los tiempos compuestos del indicativo. Traducciones de would. El verbo tratar y sus diferentes traducciones en inglés. Uso de la ll. CAPÍTULO 17. PERÚ. El verbo to run y sus diferentes equivalentes en español. Expresiones idiomáticas con to run. Cognados. Gramática: Los pronombres. Las variantes pronominales. Los complementos directos e indirectos. Los complementos circunstanciales. La estructura de gustar. Pronombres usados con verbos reflexivos. Usos especiales de los pronombres reflexivos en español. Los verbos recíprocos. Ortografía: Uso de la y. CAPÍTULO 18. BOLIVIA. Expresiones con time. Gramática: Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos. Los pronombres relativos. El relativo-adjetivo cuyo. Los pronombres indefinidos. CAPÍTULO 19. CHILE. Mod. Lang., Page 152 El verbo to fail y sus equivalentes en español. Gramática: El adverbio. Abreviación de los adverbios. Diminutivo de los adverbios. Comparación irregular de algunos adverbios. Frases adverbiales. Palabras que se prestan a confusión. CAPÍTULO 20. PARAGUAY. Gramática: Las preposiciones. Preposiciones compuestas. Usos de para y por. Expresiones idiomáticas con preposiciones. Homófonos de ll y y. CAPÍTULO 21. URUGUAY. Equivalencias en español de to turn. Gramática: Las conjunciones. Conjunciones de subordinación y de coordinación. Usos de pero, sino y sino que. Las cláusulas con si. Las abreviaturas. La correspondencia comercial: elementos básicos. Parónimos. CAPÍTULO 22. ARGENTINA. El verbo to get y sus distintos equivalentes en español. Gramática: La interjección. IX. LITERATURE Students will be taught throughout the year the history of Latin American literature, from pre-colombian times to the 20th Century Boom, as follows: • FIRST SEMESTER Before Columbus Renaissance Baroque Neo-classical Romanticism Costumbrism La gauchesca Mod. Lang., Page 153 • XII. SECOND SEMESTER Realism Naturalism Modernismo The Vanguard The Boom EVALUATION A. SEMESTER WORK 1. 2. 3. 4. Quizzes 4 Homework 1 Tests 8 (Projects and presentations papers are counted under the category of tests with different values) Final & Semester Exams 25% The first and second semesters average to Final Grade Mod. Lang., Page 154 I. COURSE TITLE: A.P. SPANISH LANGUAGE COURSE NUMBER: ML 4550 II. DESCRIPTION This course is designed to allow the Spanish speaking student to improve the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing with specific emphasis placed on bilingual interference, such as false cognates, borrowed words, etc. In addition, the subjunctive mood will be presented and practiced in detail. The course will give the students a general knowledge of the culture and history, past and contemporary, of each of the Spanish speaking countries in the New World. History and current events are enhanced with oral presentations given by each of the students. The study of the Latin American culture is expanded by selected readings in short stories and a survey of Latin American literature. Honor students lead the oral presentation groups of all the Spanish V-S courses. GOALS To develop communicative skills, facilitating expression in the target language; to integrate the cultural component of the Spanish language, enhancing an interest in Hispanic current events; to foster student awareness of the interaction of language, culture, and society; to help the student realize that learning to use the Spanish language well will have daily practical applications now and in the future; to encourage Christian values, good study habits, an ability to follow directions well, a sense of punctuality, neatness, responsibility, and honesty. Students should receive a passing grade on the AP Spanish Language exam. III. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE The student must have satisfactorily completed the Spanish IV-S Honors course and/or have been recommended by their current Spanish teacher at Belen.. New students must have placed accordingly in the Spanish Placement Exam. Students must take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Parental and student signature of the Honor's Contract is required. A student may decline the invitation to this course. IV. TEXTS Marqués, Sarah. (2005). La Lengua que heredamos, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY Varona-Lacey, Gladys M. Introducción a la literatura Hispanoamericana. Sainte-Exupéry, A. (1984). El principito, Alba, S.A., Spain V. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Mod. Lang., Page 155 Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary Use of various newspapers presentations on countries VI. and magazines to prepare current PROCEDURE a. CLASS LECTURE 23. 24. 25. • WRITTEN/ORAL EXERCISES 26. 27. 28. • VII. Raise questions Solicit opinions Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate valid answers Research vocabulary in daily newspaper clippings EVALUATIONS SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, CONTESTS, PROJECTS • • • • • VIII. Review new information Individual/group written exercises Share and verify responses CLASS DISCUSSION 29. 30. 31. x) • Review New information Summarize and reinforce Written and oral group presentations of countries Belen Modern Language Fair Project Belen Literary Contest Miami-Dade County Fair Summer Reading Book AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS • Powerpoint presentations on grammar, history and literature Mod. Lang., Page 156 events for the • • VII. Class movies: El norte, La ciudad y los perros, Los cubanoamericanos Movies afterschool: Lost city and others as shown by the Dept. COURSE OUTLINE FIRST SEMESTER: Chapters 1 thru 6 • • • History and culture of Spain, Mexico, Mexican-Americans, Hispanic groups of the United States, Puerto Rico and Cuba Grammar: Alphabet, pronunciation, cognates, diphthongs, trypthongs, division of syllables, types of words, suffixes and prefixes, homonyms, articles, contractions, nouns, accentuation, capitalization, augmentatives and diminutives, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Literature: Selected authors and readings from the Renaissance to the Romantic period SECOND SEMESTER: Chapters 8 thru 22 • • • X. History and culture of the rest of the Spanish American countries Grammar: Review of the Indicative mood and all the verb forms, pronouns and their variants, adjectives, punctuation signs, etc. as covered in previous courses. The structure of the sentence and the subjunctive mood are introduced and fully covered. Continued study of vocabulary through the use of synonyms, cognates and idiomatic expressions Literature: A survey of major works and authors as of the 18th century until the movement of the Boom in the 20th. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: CAPÍTULO 1. GRUPOS HISPANOS EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS. Grupos hispanos en los Estados Unidos. Cognados con c. Otros cognados. Gramática: El alfabeto. Sonidos de las vocales y las consonantes. Letras sencillas y dobles. Mod. Lang., Page 157 Letras mayúsculas y minúsculas. CAPÍTULO 2. ESPAÑA. Los préstamos de la lengua. Cognados falsos. Gramática: Diptongos y triptongos. División de palabras en sílabas. Recomendaciones generales en cuanto al silabeo. Los signos de puntuación. CAPÍTULO 3. MÉXICO. Lectura: Juana de Asbaje: su vida antes del convento. Distintas traducciones del verbo to take. Traducciones de la palabra key. Cognados falsos. Gramática: Pronunciación de palabras. Clasificación de las palabras por su acento. CAPÍTULO 4. LOS MEXICOAMERICANOS. Cognados falsos. Gramática: Palabras simples, derivadas, compuestas y parasintéticas. Familia de palabras afines. Sufijos y prefijos. Otras reglas de la acentuación. Uso de la s las terminaciones -sión y –xión. Homófonos de c y s, de s y x. CAPÍTULO 5. PUERTO RICO. Semejanzas y contrastes: back y to back. Cognados falsos. Gramática: El artículo. Uso del artículo definido. Omisión del artículo definido. Concordancia del artículo con el sustantivo. Contracción del artículo definido el. El artículo neutro lo. Los indefinidos unos, unas. Omisión del artículo indefinido. Expresiones idiomáticas. Aumentativos. Diminutivos. Despectivos. Uso de la z. Mod. Lang., Page 158 CAPÍTULO 6. CUBA. Distintos significados en español de right. Otros cognados. Gramática: El verbo. El infinitivo. Usos del infinitivo. Raíz del verbo. Verbos regulares e irregulares. El gerundio y el participio usos. El verbo auxiliar haber. El modo indicativo. Cambios ortográficos e irregularidades en el presente. Homófonos de s y z. CAPÍTULO 7. LA REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA. Uso del singular y del plural. Gramática: Verbos con participios irregulares. Verbos con dos participios: regular e irregular. El futuro: regular e irregular. Otros usos del futuro. Uso de la b y de la v. CAPÍTULO 8. GUATEMALA. Cognados. Gramática: El modo subjuntivo. Formas del presente del subjuntivo. Cambios ortográficos para mantener el sonido en el presente del subjuntivo. Irregularidades en el presente del subjuntivo. Verbos con irregularidades propias en el presente del subjuntivo. El imperfecto del subjuntivo. Uso del imperfecto del subjuntivo. Irregularidades en el imperfecto del subjuntivo. Usos de la v. CAPÍTULO 9. EL SALVADOR. Equivalentes en español de the former y the latter. Cognados. Gramática: El modo imperativo. Irregularidades de ciertos verbos en los mandatos directos con tú. Los mandatos indirectos y los mandatos impersonales. La forma let’s y sus equivalentes en español. Los tiempos compuestos del subjuntivo. Mod. Lang., Page 159 Homófonos de b y v. CAPÍTULO 10. HONDURAS. Cognados. Gramática: La oración. Estructura de la oración. Oraciones impersonales. Los núcleos de la oración. Concordancia de sujeto y verbo. Oraciones simples y compuestas. El orden de los elementos en la oración. La oración principal y la subordinada. La voz activa y la voz pasiva. Uso de la d. CAPÍTULO 11. NICARAGUA. El verbo to raise y sus diferentes equivalentes en español. Gramática: El pretérito. Uso del pretérito. Formación del pretérito de los verbos regulares. Verbos que cambian la ortografía en el pretérito. Verbos irregulares en el pretérito. Verbos terminados en –ear. El imperfecto. Uso del imperfecto. Cambio de significación de algunos verbos. Uso de la h. CAPÍTULO 12. COSTA RICA. Las traducciones de than. Los adjetivos terminados en -ing en inglés y sus equivalentes en español. Los adjetivos compuestos en inglés y sus equivalencias en español. Cognados falsos. Gramática: El género de los sustantivos. Los gentilicios (nacionalidades). Homófonos con h y sin h. Parónimos con h y sin h. CAPÍTULO 13. PANAMÁ. Traducciones de because (of). Gramática: El número de los sustantivos. Los apellidos. Palabras que se usan sólo en plural. Mod. Lang., Page 160 Palabras que cambian de significación según se usen en singular o en plural. El plural de los nombres compuestos. Los nombres colectivos. Uso de la r y de la rr. CAPÍTULO 14. COLOMBIA. El verbo to become y sus distintos equivalentes en español. Gramática: El adjetivo. Apócope de algunos adjetivos. Posición invariable del adjetivo en frases hechas. Uso de la g y de la j. CAPÍTULO 15. VENEZUELA. Equivalentes de to save, to move, to ask. Gramática: Los participios pasados (-ado, -ido) usados como adjetivos. Comparación de los adjetivos. Comparativos irregulares. Los superlativos en español. Uso de la j. CAPÍTULO 16. ECUADOR. Gramática: El condicional. Las probabilidades en el pasado. Los tiempos compuestos del indicativo. Traducciones de would. El verbo tratar y sus diferentes traducciones en inglés. Uso de la ll. CAPÍTULO 17. PERÚ. El verbo to run y sus diferentes equivalentes en español. Expresiones idiomáticas con to run. Cognados. Gramática: Los pronombres. Las variantes pronominales. Los complementos directos e indirectos. Los complementos circunstanciales. La estructura de gustar. Pronombres usados con verbos reflexivos. Usos especiales de los pronombres reflexivos en español. Los verbos recíprocos. Ortografía: Uso de la y. CAPÍTULO 18. BOLIVIA. Mod. Lang., Page 161 Expresiones con time. Gramática: Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos. Los pronombres relativos. El relativo-adjetivo cuyo. Los pronombres indefinidos. CAPÍTULO 19. CHILE. El verbo to fail y sus equivalentes en español. Gramática: El adverbio. Abreviación de los adverbios. Diminutivo de los adverbios. Comparación irregular de algunos adverbios. Frases adverbiales. Palabras que se prestan a confusión. CAPÍTULO 20. PARAGUAY. Gramática: Las preposiciones. Preposiciones compuestas. Usos de para y por. Expresiones idiomáticas con preposiciones. Homófonos de ll y y. CAPÍTULO 21. URUGUAY. Equivalencias en español de to turn. Gramática: Las conjunciones. Conjunciones de subordinación y de coordinación. Usos de pero, sino y sino que. Las cláusulas con si. Las abreviaturas. La correspondencia comercial: elementos básicos. Parónimos. CAPÍTULO 22. ARGENTINA. El verbo to get y sus distintos equivalentes en español. Gramática: La interjección. XI. LITERATURE Students will be taught throughout the year the history of Latin American literature, from pre-colombian times to the 20th Century Boom, based on the readings from Intro. a la literatura hispanoamericana, and they will demonstrate the ability to recognize authors and their respective works and characteristics, as follows: Mod. Lang., Page 162 • FIRST SEMESTER Before Columbus Renaissance Baroque Neo-classical Romanticism Costumbrism La gauchesca • SECOND SEMESTER Realism Naturalism Modernismo The Vanguard The Boom XII. EVALUATION A. SEMESTER WORK 1. 2. 3. 4. Quizzes 4 Homework 1 Tests 8 (Projects and presentations papers are counted under the category of tests with different values) Final & Semester Exams 25% The first and second semesters average to Final Grade XIII. HONORS CONTRACT Mod. Lang., Page 163 I. COURSE TITLE: SPANISH VI COURSE NUMBER: ML 4600 II. DESCRIPTION The goal of this course is to help the student deepen his knowledge of the Spanish language while, at the same time, to introduce him to the literature of the Spanish Speaking world. It intends to teach the student to better understand a Spanish text with which he may not be familiar or that may be difficult in its nature. Through the six collections studied in the textbook, the student will be exposed to the culture, the different literary genre, and the review of the general vocabulary and grammar that he has learned in order to reach his present level of understanding and achievement in the Spanish culture. III. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE The student must have satisfactorily finished the objectives required of ML 500 or have placed accordingly in the Spanish Placement Exam. IV. TEXTS ¡ Ven conmigo! Nuevas Vistas. Published by Holt, RineHart and Winston © 2003 ¡ Ven conmigo! Nuevas Vistas- Cuaderno de Práctica. Published by Holt, RineHart and Winston V. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary VI. PROCEDURE A.Grammar explanations followed by oral classroom exercises B. Reading aloud followed by comprehensive exercises C. Oral repetition of vocabulary followed by usage exercises D. Frequent use of audiovisual supportive materials E. Daily reading or written homework assignments, weekly quizzes, unit tests VII. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, CONTESTS, PROJECTS,... Mod. Lang., Page 164 A. Minimum of six written compositions, short stories or essays B. Oral reports on historical or literary figures of their choice. C. Belen Modern Language Fair Project representing famous historical or literary figures. D. Modern Language Fair Poster and Slogan contest as extra credit VIII. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT A. Miami-Dade County Fair reading, literary, and other contests B. Field trips and other activities as announced IX. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS A. Movies in class: Camila B. Other movies after school as shown by the Dept. XXVI. COURSE OUTLINE XXVII. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: A. SPELLING -Spell all words from the “ Ortografía” sections in each collection B.GRAMMAR -Identify the tenses and conjugate regular and irregular verbs as per exercises in the book in all tenses of the Indicative and Subjunctive moods -Identify and use the present and past participles -Identify and recognize agreement and position of possessive adjective in the sentences -Identify the demonstrative adjectives and their usage -Identify and use reflexive verbs -Identify, form and conjugate stem changing verbs -Distinguish and use Ser and Estar -Form sentences in the affirmative and negative forms -Identify and use direct and indirect object pronouns -Recognize and use the past participle of regular verbs -Recognize, form, and use irregular past participles Mod. Lang., Page 165 C. READING/WRITING -Explain context of literary selections in text - Become familiar with a few known Spanish and Latin-American authors -Write three to four compositions per semester -Write personal opinions on journal topics -Write answers to respective text exercises - Identify key cultural elements D. SPEAKING -Give to the class a seven minute oral presentation -Give 2 min. impromptu speeches -Use words in sentences correctly. Match words with definitions -Understand words in context in a story -Demonstrate comprehension -Translate words for easier identification -Match words with definitions -Comprehend words in context of a story -Define the vocabulary words -Apply words in the context of sentences -Create sentences applying new vocabulary -Apply vocabulary in writing -Use the words in sentences and exercises correctly -Match words with definitions -Demonstrate comprehension by answering questions -Use the present subjunctive in nominal clauses -Distinguish between the use of the subjunctive and the infinitive -Apply the proper form of the present subjunctive in sentences -Use the present subjunctive with impersonal expressions -Substitute the direct object with the pronouns emphasizing position of pronouns -Use the present subjunctive with special verbs -Recall the indirect object pronouns and its position with verbs -Use the subjunctive with stem changing verbs -Use the subjunctive with expressions of doubt -Demonstrate comprehension of words in reading material -Recall how to form the future of regular and irregular verbs -Recall how to form the conditional of regular and irregular verbs -Recall the preterit - its regular and irregular forms -Use verbs in the imperfect subjunctive -Follow the correct sequence of verbs between main clause and subordinate clause -Use the subjunctive with adverbial clauses -Distinguish between the use of the present and imperfect subjunctive -Recall negative words and transform sentences from the affirmative to the negative forms Mod. Lang., Page 166 -Distinguish between the use of the subjunctive and the indicative in relative clauses -Recall the familiar and formal commands of regular and irregular verbs XXVIII. EVALUATION Upon completing the stated objectives of this course, the following evaluative methods will be used to measure the student's level of proficiency: A. SEMESTER WORK Quizzes Homework Class Work Tests Semester Exam 20% 10% 10% 35% 25% Mod. Lang., Page 167 I. COURSE TITLE: A.P. SPANISH LANGUAGE/LITERATURE COURSE NUMBER: ML 4650 II. DESCRIPTION This course studies Spanish as a language in both semesters through a comprehensive review of the basic rules and use of grammar, spelling, syntax, etymology with some comparisons to the English language. The Spanish American Short Story is studied from its origins to its current authors. Literary movements are covered in detail through various selected stories from each period, and four additional authors. The course will acquaint the students with vocabulary that deals with literary criticism and techniques. Analysis of numerous short stories is designed to prepare the student to define, criticize and write short stories. The second semester is intended to highlight masterpieces of all genres from Spanish Peninsular literature as of the Generation of 1898 until the present. Major authors are studied through lectures dealing with their biographies, literary works, techniques, themes, and criticism. Students are expected to read and analyze numerous works of well-known 20th century authors. Writing essays and giving oral presentations on the themes and styles of these pieces are part of the course. Creative writing of all genres and participation in literary activities offered in the community are expected. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE The student must have satisfactorily completed the Honors 4410 with an excellent grade or the 4502/4550 with the recommendation of the teacher. New students must have received an excellent score in the Spanish Placement Exam, have an overall average of 3.4 and receive approval of the Department Chairperson. Parental and student signature of the Honor's Contract is required. This course may be taken as a dual credit course. III. TEXTS Jiménez, Beatriz L. (2006). Atajos gramaticales y literarios, Belen Jesuit, Miami, FL. Menton, S. (1986). El cuento hispanoamericano, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico. Patt & Nozick. (1960). The Generation of 1898 and After, Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, NY. IV. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Mod. Lang., Page 168 Spanish to Spanish Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary Buero Vallejo, A. El tragaluz Unamuno, de M. Abel Sánchez V. PROCEDURE A. B. C. D. E. F. G. VI. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, CONTESTS, PROJECTS,... A. B. C. D. E. F. VII. Lectures followed by class discussions Daily reading followed by frequent surprise evaluations Class discussions analyzing readings Compositions on literary analysis Creative writing, readings of student literature, competitions Frequent use of audiovisual supportive materials Daily homework assignments, weekly tests Written report about extra author and book Class presentation on extra stories Belen Modern Language Fair Project Involvement in editing and publishing literary magazine Dramatic readings (optional) Summer Reading Book EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT A. Frequent attendance at plays, operas, literary lectures B. Miami-Dade County Fair literary and drama contests C. Field trips and other activities as announced VIII. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS A. During class – Movies: Camila, History of Spanish Literature, Machado poetry songs B. After school movies: Pedro Páramo and others as offered by the Department IX. COURSE OUTLINE A. First Semester Spanish language: Its origin and importance, rules of spelling, accents, begin parts of speech with the noun and continue with the article, adjectives and pronouns. Survey of latin american literature from romanticism to 20th cent Mod. Lang., Page 169 1.Characteristics of Latin American Literature and definition of the short story and its development 2. Detailed lectures on characteristics and main works of Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Modernism, Existentialism, Criollism, Vanguardism, Cosmopolitism, Magic Realism, Cubism, and the New Narrative 3. Readings of all short stories contained in the Seymour Menton textbook in the light of characteristics of movements and elements of the short story 4. Writing a short story 5. Presenting a short story to the class in a tertulia 6. Literary analysis, terms, and techniques B. Second Semester Spanish Language: Continue the parts of speech with a complete review of the verb in all moods, tenses, etc., preposition, conjunction and interjection until all parts of speech are finished. Review syntax and etymology of words with special review on important roots for vocabulary. Study of the biography, works & characteristics of: 1.Juan Rulfo, Julio Cortázar, Jorge Luis Borges and Gabriel García-Márquez 2. Literary terms and analysis as presented in the A.P. 3. Book followed by practice exercises. Included are "figuras estilísticas" and versification 4. Definition of essay, poem, novel, drama 5. "How to analyze" drama, the novel, essays, poetry 6. Writing: critiques and creative writing 7. Analyzing drama through the use of El tragaluz 8. Analyzing a novel through the use of Abel Sánchez 9. Survey of Spain's Literature and historical background up to 1898 10. Main authors and movements of Spain in the 20th century as presented in the Patt and Nozick anthology. These include: Angel Ganivet, Miguel de Unamuno, Ramón María del Valle-Inclán, Pío Baroja, Azorín, Antonio Machado, José Ortega y Gasset, Ramón Pérez de Ayala, Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Federico García Lorca, Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillén, Camilo José Cela, Carmen Laforet, and Miguel Delibes X. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and/or written form the following objectives: -List the characteristics of Latin American literature in general Mod. Lang., Page 170 -Describe the development of Latin American literature from pre-colombian times until the Romantic period -Define the literary terms in the special list -Identify the characteristics of the short story -Tell the different parts of a short story -Apply these parts and characteristics to all selected readings Read a short story in one sitting -Outline a short story ("El matadero") and write a summary of the plot -Identify the Romantic elements in this story -Compare and contrast the Romantic elements in "El Matadero" with those in "El amor secreto" -Recognize the most important characteristics of the Romantic Period (costumes of the land, nationalism) -Contrast between the short story and the novel in the Romantic period -Outline a short story ("Amor Secreto") according to the outline given in class -Identify "the impossible and ideal love" as a very important characteristic of the Romantic Period -Recall the characteristics of the Romantic Period -List the Romantic characteristics of Camila -Identify the characteristics of Realism (materialism, middle class) -Distinguish between the two periods (social issues and detailed descriptions) -Summarize the plot of "Reloj sin dueño" orally -Analyze "Reloj sin dueño" by using the theme section of the outline given in class -Illustrate the characteristics of Realism with parts of "Reloj sin dueño" -Compare the Romantic and the Realistic periods giving examples and contrasting the differences -Read "El Clis de Sol" out loud and recognize rationalistic words -Identify the characteristics of Naturalism in the story "Los amores de Bentos Segrera" -Outline the same story according to the format given in class -Relate Realism and Naturalism -Write a summary of "La Compuerta Número 12" -Compare the Naturalistic characteristics of "La Compuesta Número 12" to those of "Los amores de Bentos Sagrera" -Recognize and distinguish the characteristics of Modernism -Identify and recognize the Modernistic characteristics in "Después de las carreras", "El rubí", and "Justicia India" -Classify paragraphs from different short stories into Romantic, Realistic, Naturalistic or Modernistic -Identify and recognize the characteristics of Criollism, i.e. regionalism, refined popular language, needs of the people -Distinguish the characteristics of Criollism from one country to the other in Latin America -Identify the "machete" as a character in "El hombre muerto" -Recognize the setting, the plot and the theme of "El hombre muerto" as typically American and, therefore, Criollo -Recall main works dealing with the Mexican Revolution Mod. Lang., Page 171 -Apply his knowledge about the "cristeros" to the story "Dios en la Tierra" -Categorize positive and negative images in the story -Relate the symbols of "rock", "water", "thirst" to "God", "life", and "hatred" in "Dios en la Tierra" -Identify the death of the teacher as the death of Christ at the end of the story and compare the two concepts -Rephrase the local Ecuatorian language with common Spanish expressions in "Era la mamá" -Analyze the short story according to outline format given in class -Apply the local expressions learned in "Era la Mamá" to his reading of "El cholo que se venom" and his understanding of the story -Recognize the relationship between the road and the woman in the structure of the story of "La career" -Explain the various possible reasons why a woman would allow her husband to hit her (at least three) and apply them to the plot and theme of the story -Deduce that the main character in "La botija" works more because he is lazy -Relate the local language in "La bovina" to expressions he has learned from other local vocabularies -Distinguish between the concepts of surrealism, magical realism, existentialism and Cubism -Relate them and organize them as part of Cosmopolitism -Recognize basic Freudian Psychology as basis for Surrealism in "El árbol" -Read "La mujer" out loud -Recognize the relationship between the woman and the road in the story -Write out the different personifications by Juan Bosch in "La Mujer" -Distinguish between the concepts of Surrealism, Magical Realism, Existentialism and Cubism -Contrast Criollism with Cosmopolitism -Recognize Jorge Luis Borges as Master of Cosmopolitism -Recognize the labyrinth-like structures of "El Jardín de los senderos que se bifurcan" -Analyze the concepts of time and space in Borges -Recognize the many Freudian influences in "El árbol" -Divide "El árbol" in three parts symbolized by water and by music -Assess the psychological condition of the main character in "Cita a las nueve" -Recognize Cuban expressions in "Cita a las nueve" -Contrast the psychological situations of the main characters in "El árbol" and "Cita a las nueve" -Read "El guardagujas" at home and relate its vocabulary to Cosmopolitism -Categorize the three different levels of criticism found in "El guardagujas" -Recognize the different style used in "Fire and Ice" -Interpret the various meanings given by the author of this story as he uses punctuation and capitals for emphasis and theme -Differentiate between points of view, chronological time, mixture of time and stream of consciousness -Distinguish levels of symbolism as they pertain to the microcosm and macrocosm in each story -Present to the class an explanation and interpretation of an additional short story -Recognize and prove by examples the literary movement of any short story from the Romantic period until the present Mod. Lang., Page 172 -Explain major characteristics of the following authors and relate them to the texts studied in the Coleman anthology: Borges, Cortázar, García-Márquez and Rulfo -Define terms used in literary analysis and recognize literary techniques in the readings -Write a five-paragraph essay regarding topics studied -Write a critique and/or review of events attended such as: plays, movies, opera, lecture,... -Analyze any literary text by using the components studied for prose and verse -List the characteristics of Peninsular literature in general -Define the essay, poem, novel, and drama -Analyze each genre according to its nature -Write critiques, essays, poems and short stories -List the characteristics and major authors of Spain's literary movements -Recognize and prove by examples in which movement a work has been written -Associate literary themes to historical and sociological events -Describe and list major characteristics and themes of all the authors studied in the Patt & Nozick anthology -Read an additional book as chosen by the student from the reading list -Write a three-page paper about a specific theme from said book and obtain at least 3 sources related to it -Define terms and explain the philosophy of major thinkers as expressed in the "History of Philosophy Handout" -Recite at least one poem -Give an impromptu 2 minute speech on previously prepared subjects -Participate successfully in a dramatic reading or in a dramatic production -Complete files that include biographical data, characteristics, major works with summaries, and bibliographies of the authors to be tested in the A.P. Literature Exam GRAMMAR -list most important uses of the Spanish language today -describe its global importance in relation to other languages -name the countries with highest Spanish population -describe the origin and development of the Spanish language -write the names and letters of the alphabet, their uses, phonetics and characteristics -recite and use the essential rules of spelling and accentuation -name, define and use the parts of speech -name, define and use the subgroups and classifications of each one -name, define and use the grammatical “accidents” of each one -describe and use rules of pluralizing and grammatical agreement -describe and use the entire verbal system with its regularities and irregularities -describe the function of a sentence and its parts -give the meaning of frequently used Latin roots in Spanish and English -list important differences and equations of Spanish and English prefixes and suffixes -recognize and use Spanish and English cognates in vocabulary building Mod. Lang., Page 173 XI. EVALUATION B. Short answer questions on daily reading: 2 comp. pts. C. Graded outline summaries, essays, paper: 10-20 comp. pts. D. Weekly evaluations on material include matching, recognition of quotes and short answer questions: 10 comp. pts. E. Tests given on one or several movements or authors are based primarily on literary interpretation and importance of style in relation to the content: 40 comp. pts. F. Other special assignments such as fair project: 20 comp. pts. G. Semester Exam and Final Exam each count 25% of the semester Ample opportunity of Extra Credit is given through optional trips to quality movies, plays, conferences... in Spanish. XII. HONORS CONTRACT Mod. Lang., Page 174 I. II. COURSE TITLE: SPANISH VII COURSE NUMBER: ML 4700 DESCRIPTION The objective of this course is to help the student deepen his knowledge of the Spanish language while, at the same time, to introduce him to the literature of the Spanish Speaking world. Through the six collections studied in the textbook the student will be exposed to the culture, the different literary genre, and the review of the general vocabulary and grammar that he has learned in order to reach his present level of understanding and achievement in the Spanish culture. III. GOALS This course continues with the review of vocabulary, and at the same time allows the student to express himself in Spanish both in oral and written presentations and literary discussions. The student will become familiar with the history, culture, society and language of different Hispanic countries. He will discuss topics that are currently important to Hispanic young people throughout the world, and find out a number of career opportunities for the Spanish speaker in the XXI century. It intends to teach the student to better understand a Spanish text with which he may not be familiar or that may be difficult in its nature IV. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE The student must have satisfactorily completed Spanish VI or have been recommended by his current Spanish teacher at Belen. V. TEXTS Roca, Ana, Schon, Isabel, Treviño, Maria (2003).¡Ven conmigo! Nuevas Vistas Curso Avanzado Dos (Textbook), Holt, Rinehart and Winston Fajardo, Karin, Madrigal, Sylvia, Tugendhat, Marcia (2003). ¡Ven Conmigo! Nuevas Curso Avanzado Dos (Cuaderno de práctica) Holt, Rinehart and Winston. VI. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS Spanish to Spanish Dictonary Mod. Lang., Page 175 English to Spanish Dictionary VII. PROCEDURE Grammar explanations followed by oral classroom exercises Frequent group repetition of vocabulary Original sentences using the vocabulary both written and oral Reading aloud the stories in each chapter followed by comprehensive exercises Frequent use of audiovisual supportive materials Daily homework assignments, weekly quizzes and tests after finishing each Colección VIII. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, CONTESTS, PROJECTS… Written reportsa. Episodio autobiográfico b. Cuento c. Artículo informativo d. Ensayo sobre problemas y soluciones e. Evaluación f. Ensayo de especulación sobre causas o efectos Belen Modern Language Fair- Participation in the Live Museum IX. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES , COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Miami-Dade County Fair literary contests Field trips and other activities as announced X. AUDIOVISUAL PROGRAM Movies in class- A Day Without A Mexican Other movies as offered after school by the Dept. Mod. Lang., Page 176 XI. COURSE OUTLINE Colección 1- Esfuerzos heroicos Lecturas- Autobiografía de un esclavo a. En la noche b. Trabajo de campo c. Soneto 149 Cultura y lengua: Cuba Panorama cultural Elementos de literatura-Biografías, autobiografías, ensayos y artículos Comunidad y oficio Vocabulario esencial Vocabulario en contexto Mejora tu vocabulario- sinónimos i. Tono y registro Gramática- Pronombres- personales 1. de sujeto 2. de complemento directo e indirecto 3. de complemento preposicional 4. reflexivos 5. posesivos 6. demostrativos Comparación y contraste- Complemento indirecto en español y sus 7. equivalentes OrtografíaLetra y sonido: El uso de mayúsculas d. La acentuación: El acento diacrítico 1. La diéresis Taller del escritor- La narración (Episodio autobiográfico) Colección 2- Lazos de amistad Lecturas Cadena rota e. Una carta a Dios f. La muralla Cultura y lengua: Los mexicoamerianos Panorama cultural Elementos de literatura-Cuentos Comunidad y oficio Vocabulario esencial Vocabulario en contexto Mejora tu vocabulario- anglicismos Mod. Lang., Page 177 Gramática- El adjetivo g. El adverbio h. El comparativo Comparación y contraste- Los diminutivos y aumentativos Ortografía- Letra y sonido: Los sonidos /r/ y /rr/ 1. El sonido /y/ i. La acentuación: Las palabras agudas, llanas, j. esdrújulas y sobreesdrújulas Taller del escritor- La descripción (Semblanza) Colección 3- El frágil medio ambiente Lecturas de La fiesta del árbol k. Árbol adentro l. Paisaje m. Meciendo n. Las abejas de bronce o. Dicen que no hablan las plantas Cultura y lengua: Chile Panorama cultural Elementos de literatura:Poesía Comunidad y oficio Vocabulario esencial Vocabulario en contexto Mejora tu vocabulario- el lenguaje figurado GramáticaLos usos de SE p. La voz pasiva Comparación y contraste- La voz pasiva y activa en español e inglés OrtografíaLetra y sonido- Las letras B y V q. La acentuación: Los diptongos y los hiatus Taller del escritor- La exposición (Artículo informativo) Colección 4- Pruebas Lecturas- El anillo del general Macías r. Cajas de cartón s. Los dos reyes y los dos laberintos Cultura y lengua: México Elementos de literatura- Drama Comunidad y oficio Vocabulario esencial Mod. Lang., Page 178 Vocabulario en contexto Mejora tu vocabulario- los regionalismos GramáticaLas cláusulas de relativo y los pronombres relativos t. Los usos de los pronombres relativos Comparación y contraste- Las cláusulas de relativo en español e 1. inglés OrtografíaLetra y sonido: Las letras m y n u. La acentuación: El cambio de acentuación por medio a. de sufijos Taller del escritor- La persuasión (Ensayo sobre problemas y ii. soluciones) Colección 5- Mitos Lecturas- del Popul Vuh v. Tres mitos latinoamericanos w. La historia de Quetzalcóatl x. El casamiento del Sol y. Los primeros incas z. El corrida de Gregorio Cortez Cultura y lengua- Los mayas Elementos de literatura- Mitos, leyendas y cuentos populares Comunidad y oficio Vocabulario esencial Vocabulario en contexto Mejora tu vocabulario- las voces indígenas GramáticaRepaso des la cláusulas de relativo aa. El modo en las cláusulas de relativo bb. El subjuntivo en las cláusulas adverbials Comparación y contraste- Las cláusulas de relativo con antecedentes i. indefinidos en español e ingles OrtografíaLetra y sonido: el sonido /s/ cc. La acentuación: Formas verbales Taller del escritor- La persuación (Evaluación) Colección 6- Perspectivas humorísticas Lecturas- de Don Quijote de la Mancha dd. El libro de talonario ee. El soneto Cultura y lengua- España Elementos de literatura- La novela Mod. Lang., Page 179 Comunidad y oficio Vocabulario esencial Vocabulario en contexto Mejora tu vocabulario- Las palabras cultas GramáticaEl aspecto: Repaso y ampliación ff. Los aspectos perfectivos e imperfectivos gg. El aspecto progresivo Comparación y contraste- El imperfecto y el pretérito progresivo i. en español y sus equivalentes en inglés OrtografíaLetra y sonido: Los verbos que terminan en –ear hh. La acentuación: Los pares mínimos Taller del escritor- La exposición (Especulación sobre causas o i. efectos) XII. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon the completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: COLECCIÓN 1 a. Communication i. -be able to express emotions and actions in the past ii. -evaluate a written essay iii. -recognize synonyms b. Grammar i. -identify and use the subject and demonstrative pronouns c. Culture and reading i. -get acquainted with the history, culture and modism of Cuba ii. -recognize the difference between a biography, autobiography,essay and articles COLECCION 2 d. Communication i. -know how to write a letter ii. -identify anglicisms, false cognates iii. -recognize the uses of /r/, /rr/, and /y/ e. Grammar i. -identify and use adjectives and adverbs Mod. Lang., Page 180 f. Culture and reading i. -discover the contributions of mexicanamericans to society ii. -recognize the characteristics of a short story XIII. EVALUATION Semester Work Grade- 75% i. 15% Quizzes ii. 20% Homeworks iii. 40% Tests, Language Fair participation, Written reports Semester Exam/Final Exam 25% Mod. Lang., Page 181 I. COURSE TITLE: A.P. SPANISH LITERATURE COURSE NUMBER: 4750 II. DESCRIPTION This course is designed as a preparation for the Advanced Placement Spanish Literature Examination. The AP Spanish Literature course is designed to provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that of a third-year college course in Peninsular and Latin American literature. The course is designed to introduce students to the formal study of a representative body of Peninsular and Latin American literary texts. The authors are extensively examined through their biographies, literary works, and criticism. Students are expected to be familiar with the most relevant publications of each author. Critical essays dealing with the main ideas of these authors and creative writing of all genres are practiced. A panoramic view of the Spanish and Latin American literatures is studied through the presentation of literary terms, library research, oral and written reports, and characteristics of literary movements. Involvement in literary activities offered by the community is expected. III. PRE-REQUISITE OF COURSE Students must have satisfactorily completed the MDL 610 Course with an A or B and have the recommendation of the teacher. Parent and student signature of the Honor's Contract is required. IV. TEXT Rodríguez, Rodney, T. Momentos cumbres de las literaturas hispánicas. NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004. V. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Works of all authors required for the AP Course as stated in the official reading list Critical essays on the works of these authors English-Spanish Dictionary Spanish-English dictionary Additional texts, articles and periodicals related to this course available in the internet and other electronic sources Mod. Lang., Page 182 VI. PROCEDURE A IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES 1.General presentation by teacher's lectures of the panoramic view of the literature through the centuries 2.Presentation of the authors (biography, themes and works) in three different round during the two semesters 3.Presentation of audiovisual media of the life and works of authors 4.Oral and written presentations of novels, short stories, essays and poems of the authors by the students of the course 5.Discussions on the main topics treated by the authors and relationship to contemporary society are followed by the presentation of these themes 6.Daily oral evaluations of the notes from the prior class; frequent reports on themes and readings are included. 7. Weekly reflexive writings (reaction papers) on the topics discussed in class. B SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS 1.Students of AP Spanish literature are expected to research on different topics of the authors studied. Oral presentations as well as written essays are made during the academic year 2.Projects or 3-dimensional works are made by the students for the School Modern Language Fair 3.Students are also expected to attend lectures conducted by guests speakers and to attend plays acted by the same Spanish students 4.AP Spanish students participate with original writings at the Belén Literary Contest held at the end of the second semester C EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 1.Spanish students take part every year in the Miami Dade County Fair in the literary and performing arts 2.It is compulsory for the entire class to contribute in the area of Creative Writing by submitting essays, short stories or poems to the MDCF 3.Students are encouraged to attend any of the public presentations by professional speakers or renown writers 4.Professional or amateurs plays in public theaters are also offered to the AP Spanish students for extra credit D. CLASSROOM MATERIALS (BOOKS, AUDIOVISUALS, INTERNET, ETC.) Mod. Lang., Page 183 1. Electronic resources – available through the internet A media voz Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Poesía Short stories / literary resources 2. Movies- Yerma, The Dissapearance of Lorca 3. Documentaries – Based on the lives and works of the following authors: Gabriel García Márquez, Federico García Lorca, Ana María Matute, Jorge Luis Borges, and other representative authors. 4. Books Alvar, Manuel, et al. Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana. 2 vols. Madrid: Cátedra, 1998. Amorós, Andrés, ed. Antología comentada de la literatura española: Siglo XIX. Madrid: Castalia, 1999. González Echevarría, Roberto. Myth and Archive: A Theory of Latin American Narrative. Durham: Duke UP, 1998. Hirigoyen, María O. Guía para los estudios de español (Advanced Placement), Miami, FL: Ediciones Universal, 1994. VII. COURSE OUTLINE a) LITERARY TEXT AS AN ACT OF COMMUNICATION b) PANORAMIC VIEW OF CULTURE & LITERATURE THROUGH THE CENTURIES c) MEDIEVAL TIME AND GOLDEN AGE LITERATURE d) LITERARY ANALYSIS AND TECHNICAL LITERARY VOCABULARY Mod. Lang., Page 184 e) NINETEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE f) TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERATURE g) FINAL REVIEW OF AUTHORS IN PREPARATION FOR THE EXAM VIII. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course and the study of the assigned readings, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: a- understand lectures in Spanish and to actively participate in discussions in Spanish on literary topics; b- perform a close reading of literary texts of all genres in Spanish; c- analyze critically (both orally and in writing using appropriate terminology) the form and content of literary works; d- identify the characteristics and name examples of literary movements; e- recognize and become acquainted with literary analysis terminology used to engage in discussions about literary criticism; f- recognize the main themes and stylistic techniques of the representative authors studied; g- learn the major literary movements, writers, trends, and ideas that have shaped Hispanic peoples; h- learn modern literary theory and its application in literary analysis; i- practice and refine speaking and writing in Spanish; j- refine critical thinking skills. A. UNIT A - LITERARY TEXT AS AN ACT OF COMMUNICATION - Roman Jackobson - Model of communication B. UNIT B - PANORAMIC VIEW OF LITERATURE -Classic epoch: Naturecentrism (500 BC - 500 AC) -Middle Ages: Theocentrism (800 AC -1453) -Renaissance: Anthropocentrism (c. XVI) -Barroc: Christcentrism (c. XVII) -Neoclassicism: Nooscentrism (c. XVIII) Mod. Lang., Page 185 -Romanticism: Egocentrism (c. XIX) -Modernism: Sociocentrism (c. XIX) -Ultramodernism: Cosmocentrism (c. XX-XXI) C. UNIT C- MEDIEVAL TIME AND GOLDEN AGE LITERATURE Anónimo, “Romance de la pérdida de Alhama” (“Ay de mi Alhama”) Anónimo, “Romance del Conde Arnaldos” (Versión de 26 versos) Anónimo, Lazarillo de Tormes: Tratados 1, 2, 3, 7 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, El ingenioso hidalgo, don Quijote de la Mancha: Primera parte, Capítulos I, II, III, IV, V y VIII Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la, “En perseguirme, Mundo, ¿qué interesas?” (Quéjase de la suerte: insinúa su aversión a los vicios, y justifica su divertimiento a las Musas), “Hombres necios que acusáis” (Sátira filosófica: Arguye de inconsecuentes el gusto y la censura de los hombres que en las mujeres acusan lo que causan) Góngora y Argote, Luis de, Soneto CLXVI (“Mientras por competir con tu cabello”) Don Juan Manuel, Infante de Castilla, Conde Lucanor: Exemplo XXXV. (“Lo que sucedió a un mozo que casó con una mujer muy fuerte y muy brava”) Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar, Naufragios: Capítulo XII (“Cómo los indios nos trajeron de comer”), Capítulo XX (“De cómo nos huimos”), Capítulo XXI (“De cómo curamos aquí unos dolientes”), Capítulo XXII (“Cómo otro día nos trajeron otros enfermos”) Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco de, Heráclito cristiano: Salmo XVII (“Miré los muros de la patria mía”) Téllez, Gabriel (Tirso de Molina), El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra Vega, Garcilaso de la, Soneto XXIII (“En tanto que de rosa y de azucena”) D. UNIT D- LITERARY ANALYSIS AND TECHNICAL LITERARY VOCABULARY TECHNICAL & LITERARY VOCABULARY - NOMENCLATURE OF POEMS -Glossary of literary terms -Descriptive, logic, pathetic and oblique literary figures Mod. Lang., Page 186 -Stylistic terminology -Nomenclature of poems: pareados, tercetos, cuartetos, lira, décima, soneto, etc. E. UNIT E- NINETEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE Alas, Leopoldo (Clarín), “Adiós, Cordera” Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo, Rima IV (“No digáis que agotado su tesoro”), Rima XI (“Yo soy ardiente, yo soy morena”), Rima LIII (“Volverán las oscuras golondrinas”) Darío, Rubén (Félix Rubén García Sarmiento), Cantos de vida y esperanza: Otros poemas, VI (“Canción de otoño en primavera”), Cantos de vida y esperanza: Otros poemas, XLI (“Lo fatal”), Cantos de vida y esperanza, VIII (“A Roosevelt”) Espronceda, José de, “Canción del pirata” Heredia, José María, “En una tempestad” Larra, Mariano José de, “Vuelva Ud. mañana” Martí, José, “Dos patrias” (“Dos patrias tengo yo: Cuba y la noche”), Versos sencillos, I (“Yo soy un hombre sincero”) Palma, Ricardo, “El alacrán de Fray Gómez” Pardo Bazán, Emilia, “Las medias rojas” F. UNIT F- TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERATURE Allende, Isabel, “Dos palabras” Borges, Jorge Luis, “El sur”, “La muerte y la brújula” Burgos, Julia de, “A Julia de Burgos” Castellanos, Rosario, “Autorretrato” Cortázar, Julio, “Continuidad de los parques”, “La noche boca arriba” Fuentes, Carlos, “Chac Mool” Mod. Lang., Page 187 García Lorca, Federico, La casa de Bernarda Alba, Two romances chosen from Romancero gitano García Márquez, Gabriel, Three short stories chosen from the following list: “Un día de éstos” “El ahogado más hermoso del mundo” “La prodigiosa tarde de Baltazar” “Un señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes” “La viuda de Montiel” “La siesta del martes” Guillén, Nicolás, “Balada de los dos abuelos”, “Sensemayá” Machado, Antonio, “He andado muchos caminos”, “La primavera besaba”, “Caminante, son tus huellas” Martín Gaite, Carmen, “Las ataduras” Neruda, Pablo (Ricardo Neftalí Reyes Basoalto), “Oda a la alcachofa”, Residencia en la Tierra 2, “Walking around”, Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada, Poema 15 (“Me gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente”) Quiroga, Horacio, “El hijo” Rulfo, Juan, “No oyes ladrar los perros” Storni, Alfonsina, “Peso ancestral”, “Tú me quieres blanca” Ulibarrí, Sabine R., “Mi caballo mago” Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de, San Manuel Bueno, mártir Vodanovic, Sergio, El delantal blanco * ADDITIONAL READINGS Besides the works listed above which are required readings according to the Collage Board reading list, the following literary texts are also included in the course and presented within their appropriate timeframe: MEDIEVAL TIME AND GOLDEN AGE LITERATURE Berceo, Gonzalo de, Fragments from Los milagros de Nuestra Señora Mod. Lang., Page 188 Cervantes, Miguel de, “El retablo de las maravillas”; Rinconete y Cortadillo Manrique, Jorge, “Coplas por la muerte de su padre” Rojas, Fernando de, Fragments from La ceslestina Ruiz, Juan, Fragments from Libro de buen amor Selected poems from the following mistic poets: Fray Luis de León San Juan de la Cruz Santa Teresa de Jesús Selected readings from the following Cronistas de Indias: Cristóbal Colón, Diario de viaje Bartolomé de las Casas, Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias Bernal Díaz del Castillo, Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala, El buen gobierno Vega, Lope de, El caballero de Olmedo NINETEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE Gómez de Avellaneda, Gertrudis, “Al partir”; “A un cocuyo” González Martínez, Enrique, “Tuércele el cuello al cisne” Lloréns Torres, Luis, Martí, José, ”Mi raza” Pérez Galdós, Manuel, Selections from Doña Perfecta Zeno Gandía, Manuel, Fragments from La charca Zorrilla, José, Fragments from Don Juan Tenorio TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERATURE Alonso, Dámaso, “Insomnio” Mod. Lang., Page 189 Baroja, Pío, “El reloj”; “Médium” Benavente, Jacinto, “El nietecito” Carpentier, Alejo, Fragments from “Lo real maravilloso” Fuertes, Gloria, “Sale caro ser poeta” Huidobro, Vicente, “Arte poética”; “La poesía es un atentado celeste” Jiménez, Juan Ramón, Selected poems Mistral, Gabriela, “Sonetos de la muerte” Palés Matos, Luis, “Mulata Antilla”; “Majestad negra” Parra, Violeta, “Gracias a la vida” Poniatowska, Elena, “Cine Prado” Quiroga, Horacio, “La gallina degollada” Rulfo, Juan, “La noche que lo dejaron solo” Unamuno, Miguel de, Nada menos que todo un hombre G. UNIT G- FINAL REVIEW OF AUTHORS IN PREPARATION FOR THE EXAM IX. EVALUATION Upon completing the stated objectives of this course, the following evaluative methods will be used to measure the student's level of proficiency: A. SEMESTER WORK Tests & Special Projects Quizzes Weekly reflexive writings (Reflexiones literarias) Semester Exam 30 % 25 % 20 % 25 % Mod. Lang., Page 190 I. COURSE TITLE: FRENCH I COURSE NUMBER: ML 4620 II. DESCRIPTION This course is designed for the beginners of the French language. The main goal is to build French vocabulary, expressions, and knowledge of French grammar in order to practice reading, listening, writing, and speaking in the target language. AREAS OF CONCENTRATION Students receive an intense drill in pronunciation. Dialogues, real life situations, and short narrations enhance the appreciation for the culture and literature of France and French speaking countries. GOALS To develop communicative skills, facilitating expression in the target language; to introduce vocabulary and basic grammatical structures to enable the use of the target language since the early stages of learning; to promote skill's development rather than grammatical knowledge alone (to develop accuracy along a competency continuum that begins with a nongrammatical word phase and leads gradually to a strong sentence phase and, ultimately, to a grammatically correct paragraph phase); to integrate the cultural component of the French language, enhancing an interest in France’s current events; to foster student awareness of the interaction of language, culture, and society; to help the student realize that learning to use the French language well will have daily practical applications now and in the future; to encourage Christian values, good study habits, an ability to follow directions well, a sense of punctuality, neatness, responsibility, and honesty. III. TEXTS Valette, Jean-Paul, Valette, Rebecca. (2005). Discovering French Nouveau! Bleu (Textbook). Mc Dougal Littell, Evanston, Illinois Valette, Jean-Paul, Valette, Rebecca. (2005). Discovering French Nouveau! Bleu (Activites pour tous, Workbook). Mc Dougal Littell, Evanston, Illinois. Blume, Eli, Stein, Gail, (1996) French First Year Workbook. Amsco Publications, New York. IV. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Mod. Lang., Page 191 Selected clippings in French from current French newspapers and magazines. French /English Dictionary French/French Dictionary V. PROCEDURE H. CLASS LECTURE 1. 2. 3. I. WRITTEN/ORAL EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. J. Champs Elysées magazine Public performances (drama, music, etc.) AUDIO PROGRAM 1. 2. M. Raise questions Solicit opinions Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate valid answers CURRENT EVENTS 1. 2. L. Review new information Individual/group written exercises Share and verify responses CLASS DISCUSSION (CULTURAL EVENTS) 1. 2. 3. K. Review New information Summarize and reinforce Listening comprehension activities Pronunciation practice VIDEO PROGRAM 1. Lively visual presentation of language Mod. Lang., Page 192 VI. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS & EVENTS Students will participate in the Belen Modern Languages Fair. Students will learn a poem. Other events to be announced. VII. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The student will participate in the Miami-Dade County Fair's with a 3D project exhibit. Field trips and other events to be announced. VIII. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL Listening comprehension activities and pronunciation practice are accomplished through Discovering French's audio program Lively presentation of the language is accomplished through Discovering French's video program. The students will view the movie Jean de Florette. IX. X. COURSE OUTLINE A. FIRST SEMESTER - UNITÉ 1 through 4 B. SECOND SEMESTER - UNITÉ 5 through 8 COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: A. UNITÉ 1 1. Speaking -Recognize and exchange greetings, say good-bye, introduce yourself and others, respond to introductions. Mod. Lang., Page 193 -Count and tell time -State information about where people are from. -Respond to simple yes/no questions. -Exchange information about age. 2. Grammar -Identify and use singular forms of the indefinite article. -Identify and use singular forms of the definite article. -Recognize gender of nouns. -Use possessive adjectives. 3. Culture and Reading -Distinguish cultural differences between France, French-speaking countries and the United States. -Recognize and use cognates B. UNITÉ 2 1. Speaking -Ordering food at a restaurant. -Asking about prices and paying a bill -Identify French currency and relative value to -Review telling time. Talk about date and days of the week -Talk about the weather 2. Grammar -Identify and use singular forms of subject pronouns -Identify and differentiate gender of nouns . 3. Culture and Reading -Discover the culture of the French “café.” C. UNITÉ 3 1. Speaking Mod. Lang., Page 194 -Describe daily activities. -Express likes and dislikes -Give the location of people and things -Invite friends to engage in activities. -Accept and turn down invitations 2. Grammar -Recognize and use the agreement of subject and verb. -Gender and number between nouns and articles - Identify all subject pronouns -Introduce and identify the first conjugation of French ( “er” verbs) and the verb “être.” -Identify and conjugate the verb “faire.” -Ask questions -Respond in the negative. 3. Culture and Reading -Learn about leisure time and teen activities -Learn about some French-speaking countries. -Use the Internet. -Identify terms used for Internet and computers. - Learn about the Vietnamese immigration to France D. UNITÉ 4 1. Speaking -Describe people: teachers, friends and yourself. -Describe a bedroom -Recognize and name classroom objects and school supplies. 2. Grammar -Identify and conjugate the verb “avoir.” -Recognize gender and agreement of some nouns.and all articles. -Recognize and use agreement between adjectives and nouns. Mod. Lang., Page 195 -Identify and use impersonal expressions with “c’est” and “il est.” 3. Culture and Reading -Compare the use of free time in France and in the United States. -Learn how to obtain a driver’s license in France -Learn about transportation ”mobylettes et scooters.” -Understand Haitian history and culture. E. UNITÉ 5 1. Speaking -Describe a city, building or place of interest. -Describe a house or apartment. -Ask for and give directions -Talk about points of interest in a French city -Discuss future plans 2. Grammar -Identify and use the verbs “aller and “venir.” -Recognize and use of “aller+verbe” to express the future -Use the preposition “à”, “de” , contractions and “chez.” -Identify and use stressed pronouns. -Identify and use possessive adjectives. -Recognize and use ordinal numbers. 3. Culture and Reading -Learn about the best known French cities. -Recognize names of characters in French cartoons. -Identify some classical French films. - Understand Belgium and its particular multilingual situation. F. UNITÉ 6 1. Speaking -Describe and name clothes. -Recognize and use vocabulary to buy clothes. -Recognize and use comparison structures. Mod. Lang., Page 196 2. Grammar -Recognize and use spell-changing verbs: “acheter” and “préférer” -Recognize and use the demonstrative adjectives -Recognize and use the verb “mettre.” -Recognize and use regular “-ir” verbs. -Identify and use exception in adjective morphology. -Recognize and use verbs in “-re.” -Identify and use commands 3- Culture and Reading -Learn about French shopping habits and “les soldes.” -Learn the names of the main Department Stores. -Learn about Algeria -Learn about the French icon of Algerian descent Zinédine Zidane G. UNITÉ 7 1. Speaking -Discuss week-end activities. -Discuss the most popular French sports. -Discuss vacation and travel plans. -Discuss your activities in the past tense. 2- Grammar -Identify and use the “passé composé.” -Recognize and use expressions with the verb “avoir.” -Identify and use the verb “voir.” -Identify and use the “passé compose” with the auxiliary “être.” -Recognize and use negative expressions and the use of “de.” 3- Culture and Reading -Learn about the most liked French sports. -Learn about music festivals and the most popular songs in the Hit Parade. -Learn about Moroccan culture. H. UNITE 8 1- Speaking Mod. Lang., Page 197 -Talk about your favorite foods. -Describe the different meals of the day. -Prepare a shopping list of groceries. -Order a meal in a restaurant. -Set the table. 2- Grammar -Identify and use the verbs “vouloir”, “prendre”, “boire,” “pouvoir, « devoir « « connaître , » « dire » and « écrire. » -Identify and use the « article partitif. » -Identify and use personal pronouns direct and indirect object pronouns. -Identify and use reflexive and reciprocal pronouns. 3- Culture and Reading -Learn about French meals. -Learn about French and créole cuisine. XI. Evaluation A. SEMESTER WORK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tests & Language Fair Project Quizzes Homework Classwork Final Exam Mod. Lang., Page 198 35% 20% 10% 10% 25% I. COURSE TITLE: COURSE NUMBER: II. Description FRENCH II ML 4720 FRENCH 4621 is an introductory level French course that is designed to develop and enhance the student’s listening, writing and reading skills in the target language. The course uses a communicative approach to language learning. It concentrates on developing the student’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills so that they will be able to express their own ideas and interact with others meaningfully and for real-life purposes. It emphasizes frequently used vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammatical agreement as tools for effective communication. The course provides a strong emphasis on vocabulary building, and on the understanding of complex grammar structures which facilitate effective and accurate communication in the target language. Finally, because cultural knowledge is an essential part of the process of language acquisition and effective communication, the course introduces the students to the everyday life of French speakers, as well as to the geography, facts and history of the French speaking countries. III. Prerequisites of the course Students registered in ML 4621 must have satisfactorily completed ML 4620 during the previous academic year, or have placed accordingly in the French Placement Exam provided by the Modern Languages Department of Belen Jesuit Preparatory School. IV. TEXTS Valette, Jean-Paul, Valette, Rebecca. (1997). Discovering French Blanc (Textbook). DC Heath and Co., Lexington, Massachusetts Valette, Jean-Paul, Valette, Rebecca. (1997). Discovering French Blanc (Activités pour tous, Workbook). DC Heath and Co., Lexington, Massachusetts, Blume, Eli, Stein, Gail, (1996) French First Year Workbook. Amsco Publications, New York. V. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Selected clippings in French from current French newspapers and magazines. French /English Dictionary Mod. Lang., Page 199 VI. PROCEDURE N. CLASS LECTURE 1. 2. 3. O. WRITTEN/ORAL EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. P. Champs Elysées magazine Public performances (drama, music, etc.) AUDIO PROGRAM 1. 2. S. Raise questions Solicit opinions Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate valid answers CURRENT EVENTS 1. 2. R. Review new information Individual/group written exercises Share and verify responses CLASS DISCUSSION (CULTURAL EVENTS) 1. 2. 3. Q. Review New information Summarize and reinforce Listening comprehension activities Pronunciation practice VIDEO PROGRAM 1. Lively visual presentation of language ii) Manon des Sources VII. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS & EVENTS Students will participate in the Belen Modern Languages Fair.. Other events to be announced. Mod. Lang., Page 200 VIII. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The student will participate in the Miami-Dade County Fair's with a 3D project exhibit. Field trips and other events to be announced. IX. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL Listening comprehension activities and pronunciation practice are accomplished through Discovering French's audio program Lively presentation of the language is accomplished through Discovering French's video program. X. XI. COURSE OUTLINE A. FIRST SEMESTER - UNITÉ 1 through 4 B. SECOND SEMESTER - UNITÉ 5 through 9 COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: A. UNITÉ 1 1. Speaking -Recognize and exchange introductions. -Provide personal data - Talk about family - Talk about professions. -Learn how to make a phone call in France -Describe looks and personalities -Talk about age -Describe feelings and needs -Talk about coming and going. -Talk about future actions 2. Grammar -Identify and use the verbs “être,” “avoir,” “faire,” “aller,” and “venir.” Mod. Lang., Page 201 -Expand on the plural of adjectives: exceptions to the rule of plural. -Review inverted questions. -Recognize and use the present tense with “depuis.” a. Culture and Reading -Discover additional information on the diversity of France and around the world. the French culture B. UNITÉ 2 1. Speaking -Describe weekend plans in the city. -Plan a visit to the French countryside -Narrate past weekend activities 2. Grammar -Review and expand on verbs in the present such as :”mettre,” “permettre,” “promettre.” -Review on “partir,” “sortir,” and “dormir. -Recognize and use the verb “voir. -Review of the passé composé avec “avoir” and “être.” -Identify and use impersonal expressions. 3. Culture and Reading -Learn to move around using the subway system in Paris -Read and interpret a plan of the “Métro de Paris.” C. UNITÉ 3 1. Speaking -Plan a meal -Order in a café -Discuss preferences in foods -Express what you want -Learn how to shop for food in an open-air market: interact with vendors, ask for quantities and prices. Mod. Lang., Page 202 2. Grammar -Review and expand on verbs “boire,” “préférer,” “vouloir,” “acheter,” “payer,” “devoir,” and “pouvoir.” -Recognize and use the impersonal expression “il faut.” -Recognize and use the partitive article. -Review and expand on expressions of quantity 3. Culture and Reading -Learn about the typical dishes of the Quebec cuisine D. UNITÉ 4 1. Speaking -Expand vocabulary on leisure activities -Talk about cultural events: concerts, theater, movies. -Describe places and people in detail -Ask others for assistance -Describe services you need -Discuss what you like to read -Talking about losing and finding things 2. Grammar -Recognize and use the verb “savoir.” -Review and expand on the verbs “connaître,” “écrire,” “lire,” and “dire.” -Recognize and use all direct and indirect object pronouns. -Recognize and use double object pronouns in the present and past tenses, and in command forms. 3. Culture and Reading -Discuss cultural activities such as the “ciné-club,” museums, and movies. Mod. Lang., Page 203 popular French E. UNITÉ 5 1. Speaking - Describe the sports you like and practice Talk about the places where you practice sports. Describe your exercise routine Talk about health: describe pains and illnesses. Give advice to others Inquire about future plans Talk about your daily routine of hygiene Mod. Lang., Page 204 2. Grammar -Recognize and use the pronouns “en” and “y.” -Identify and use the verb “courir.” -Recognize and use reflexive verbs in infinitive constructions, and in the present and past tenses.” -Recognize and use the expressions “avoir mal à” and “faire du.” 3. Culture and Reading -Reflect on the countless possibilities France offers to sport lovers. F. UNITÉ 6 1. Speaking -Describe the location of your house or apartment -Express what your house or apartment looks like. -Ask about a rental learning how to read a classified ad -Describe ongoing past actions -Give background information on specific past events 2. Grammar -Identify and use the verb “vivre.” -Recognize and use relative pronouns “qui” et “que.” -Recognize and use the imperfect tense. -Contrast imperfect and passé compose. 3- Culture and Reading -Learn how the French live at home. G. UNITÉ 7 1. Speaking -Describe clothes and accessories people wear. -Express opinions -Rank items in a series. Mod. Lang., Page 205 command forms, -Express comparisons -Recognize who and what is the best. -Describe and compare how things are done 2- Grammar -Recognize and use comparisons with adjectives and adverbs. -Recognize adverbs in “ment.” -Recognize and use of pronouns “lequel,” et “celui.” 3- Culture and Reading -Learn about buying trends and “la mode” in the French world. H. UNITE 8 1- Speaking -Talk about a camping trip -Talk about buying tickets, checking schedules and asking questions about traveling. -Talk about future probabilities and conditions 2- Grammar -Identify and use the verbs “recevoir, » and « apercevoir. » -Identify and use prepositions with names of countries, provinces and cities. -Recognize and use the conditional to make polite requests. -Learn and use the future tense -Learn and use the conditional 3- Culture and Reading -Learn about the tradition of the summer vacation and the “rentrée.” I. UNITE 9 1- Speaking -Describe cars and car servicing -Talk about getting a driver’s license and the rules of the right of way Mod. Lang., Page 206 -Express how you feel about certain events. -Describe simultaneous actions -Describe necessity and obligation Mod. Lang., Page 207 2- Grammar -Recognize and use the present subjunctive in regular and irregular verbs. -Recognize and use the present participle in constructions -Recognize and use the construction of preposition+ infinitive. 3- Culture and Reading -The cult of the car: cars the French prefer and ways the French drive. -How to avoid a ticket in France: parking, speed limits and the “code de la route.” XI. Evaluation A. SEMESTER WORK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tests & Language Fair Project Quizzes Homework Classwork Final Exam Mod. Lang., Page 208 35% 20% 10% 10% 25% COURSE TITLE: Portuguese I COURSE NUMBER: ML 4720 I. DESCRIPTION This course is designed for the beginners of the Portuguese language. The main goal is to build Portuguese vocabulary, expressions, and knowledge of Portuguese grammar in order to practice reading, listening, writing, and speaking in the target language. AREAS OF CONCENTRATION Students receive an intense drill in pronunciation. Dialogues, real life situations, and short narrations enhance the appreciation for the culture and literature of Brazil and Portuguese speaking countries. GOALS To develop communicative skills, facilitating expression in the target language; to introduce vocabulary and basic grammatical structures to enable the use of the target language since the early stages of learning; to promote skill's development rather than grammatical knowledge alone (to develop accuracy along a competency continuum that begins with a nongrammatical word phase and leads gradually to a strong sentence phase and, ultimately, to a grammatically correct paragraph phase); to integrate the cultural component of the Portuguese language, enhancing an interest in Brazilian current events; to foster student awareness of the interaction of language, culture, and society; to help the student realize that learning to use the Portuguese language well will have daily practical applications now and in the future; to encourage Christian values, good study habits, an ability to follow directions well, a sense of punctuality, neatness, responsibility, and honesty. II. TEXTS Tolman, Jon, Paiva, Ricardo, Jensen, John, Parsons, Nivea. (1988). Travessia Volume I: Units 1-6 (Textbook). Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C. Tolman, Jon, Paiva, Ricardo, Jensen, John, Parsons, Nivea. (1988). Travessia Volume I: Units 1-6 (Caderno de Exercícios). Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C. Tolman, Jon, Paiva, Ricardo, Jensen, John, Parsons, Nivea. (1988). Travessia Volume I: Units 1-6 (Manual de Laboratório). Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C. . III. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Mod. Lang., Page 209 Selected clippings in Portuguese from current Brazilian newspapers and magazines. Portuguese /English Dictionary Portuguese/Portuguese Dictionary IV. PROCEDURE A CLASS LECTURE 2. 3. 4. B WRITTEN/ORAL EXERCISES 5. 6. 7. C CCLS publication magazine Public performances (drama, music, etc.) AUDIO PROGRAM 13. 14. F Raise questions Solicit opinions Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate valid answers CURRENT EVENTS 11. 12. E Review new information Individual/group written exercises Share and verify responses CLASS DISCUSSION (CULTURAL EVENTS) 8. 9. 10. D Review New information Summarize and reinforce Listening comprehension activities Pronunciation practice VIDEO PROGRAM 15. Lively visual presentation of language V. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS & EVENTS Students will participate in the Belen Modern Languages Fair. Students will memorize a poem in Portuguese and recite it. Mod. Lang., Page 210 Other events to be announced. VI. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The student will participate in the Miami-Dade County Fair's with a 3D project exhibit. Field trips and other events to be announced. VII. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL Listening comprehension activities and pronunciation practice are accomplished through Travessia's audio program Lively presentation of the language is accomplished through Travessia's video program. Presentation of the movie Central Station. VIII. COURSE OUTLINE A. UNIDADE PRELIMINAR B. UNIDADE 1 C. UNIDADE 2 D. UNIDADE 3 E. UNIDADE 4 F. UNIDADE 5 G. UNIDADE 6 IX. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the procedures of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate in oral and written form an understanding of the following objectives: Mod. Lang., Page 211 A. UNIDADE PRELIMINAR 1. Speaking -Recognize and exchange greetings, say good-bye, introduce yourself and others, respond to introductions. -Count from 1-10. -State information about where people are from. -Respond to simple yes/no questions. -Describe yourself and others -Recognize and use the days of the week -Recognize and use the parts of the body. -Describe and use vocabulary for clothing. -Describe and use vocabulary for objects in classroom. 2. Grammar -Identify and use singular forms of the definite article. -Recognize gender of nouns and adjectives -Use simple commands. 3. Culture and Reading -Distinguish cultural differences between Brazil, Portuguese-speaking countries and the United States. -Recognize and use cognates B. UNIDADE 1 1. Speaking -Recognize and use negative sentences. -Ask about different activities by stating who does what. -Identify and use vocabulary for family members -Review and expand on greetings. -Talk about people, their professions and nationalities. -Count up to 100. -Recognize and use vocabulary for meals and table. 2. Grammar -Identify and use subject pronouns -Identify and use the verbs of the three regular conjugations in the present tense. -Identify and use definite and indefinite articles. Mod. Lang., Page 212 -Recognize and use the verb to be. -Recognize and use the most common contractions of preposition and articles. 3. Culture and Reading -Discover the Portuguese- speaking world. -Learn through readings of the different regions in Brazil. C. UNIDADE 2 1. Speaking -Describe where he lives. -Express where and how different places are -Give everyday commands in language. -Talk about basic needs. -Describe things inside a house. -Give more physical descriptions of himself and others. -Count to a million. 2. Grammar -Recognize and use the agreement of words in the plural form. -Identify and use the difference in the verbs “ser” and “estar” - Identify and use the verbs “ir”, “ and ter. -Recognize and use the commands. 3. Culture and Reading -Read and learn about Portuguese music -Read and learn about Portuguese culture. - Read and learn about Portuguese history. -Read and learn about Lisbon. D. UNIDADE 3 1. Speaking -Describe who is who in the family and how they are related - Identify possession of objects. Mod. Lang., Page 213 -Identify and use vocabulary for birthdays and special events. -Talk about special dates, and astrological signs. -Identify and use vocabulary for writing letters, telegrams and addressing people over the telephone. 2. Grammar -Identify and conjugate the verbs “saber,” “poder,” ”querer,” “ver,” “fazer,” “dizer,” “trazer.” -Recognize and use the compound future. -Recognize and use possessives. -Identify and conjugate the irregular “ir “ verbs. -Expand on commands. -Expand on contractions with the preposition “por.” 3. Culture and Reading -Read and learn about the colonization in the Portuguese history. -Learn about special occasions and what is done to celebrate. E. UNIDADE 4 1. Speaking - -Recognize and use vocabulary for a hotel. -Recognize and use ordinal numbers. -Talk about events in the past. -Narrate events in the past. 2. Grammar -Identify and use the verbs “pôr,” “dar,”and “vir.” -Recognize and use adverbs. -Identify and use contractions with prepositions and demonstrative pronouns. -Identify and use demonstrative pronouns. -Identify and use the preterit. -Recognize and use the imperfect. -Recognize and use the imperfect of irregular verbs. -Recognize and use the verbs “sair,” “cair,” “sorrir,” rir,” “perder,” ler.” 3. Culture and Reading Mod. Lang., Page 214 -Read and learn about the Portuguese-speaking African countries. -Recognize and listen to music from Moçambique and Angola. -Identify African instruments. F. UNIDADE 5 1. Speaking -Describe how you feel. -Recognize and use vocabulary to give directions. -Review how to ask questions -Recognize and use vocabulary needed for traveling. 2. Grammar -Recognize and use “todo” versus “tudo.” -Recognize and use “saber” versus “conhecer.” -Recognize and use the construction “estar com.” -Review and expand on the preterit and its use. -Identify and use irregular forms of certain verbs in the preterit. 3- Culture and Reading -Read and learn general information about Brazil. -Read and learn about the transportation system in Brazilian cities. -Listen and learn about Brazilian music. -Read and learn about holidays in Brazil and how they affect everyday life. G. UNIDADE 6 1. Speaking -Tell time. -Recognize and use vocabulary for shopping. -Recognize and use vocabulary to compare. 2- Grammar -Identify and use the idiomatic expressions with “dar.” -Recognize and use the direct and indirect object pronouns. Mod. Lang., Page 215 -Identify and use comparison structures. -Recognize and use irregular forms of verbs in the preterit. 3- Culture and Reading -Read and learn about the different backgrounds found in Brazil. -Read and learn about Brazilian tv. -Read and learn about the concept of time for a Brazilian. -Listen and learn about Brazilian music. XI. Evaluation A. SEMESTER WORK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tests & Language Fair Project Quizzes Homework Classwork Final Exam Mod. Lang., Page 216 35% 20% 10% 10% 25%