Corvette Club of Iowa

Corvette Club of Iowa
Corvette Club of Iowa
Table of Contents
CCI Board of Directors
Calendar of Events
President’s Report
Board Meeting Minutes
General Meeting Minutes
Governor’s Report
Odds and Ends
CCI Event Flyers
CCI Membership Application
West Region News
2015 West Region Competition Schedule
WR Event Flyers
2015 Board of Directors
Gary Foster, President
Wayne Weidmann, Webmaster
Judi Nikolish, Vice President
Nan Brittain, Points Director
Dave Howard, Secretary & Editor
Paul Wyman, Competition Director
Ken Wilson, Treasurer
Sheila Wyman, Membership Director
Denny Luther, NCCC Governor
Wayne Nikolish, Fundraising Director
Dave Larson, Member at Large
Calendar of Events
Sep 13th
Sep 15th
Sep 19th
Sep 27th
Boone Rail Excursion
General Meeting – Albaugh Headquarters, Ankeny
Bob Brown’s All Chevy Car Show – See Flyer
Felsen Tribute Car Show – See Flyer
Oct 4th
Oct 20th
CCI Fun Day – See Flyer
General Meeting – Chicago Speakeasy
Nov 17th
General Meeting – TBD
From the President…
I’ve gotten old. I see it when I look in the mirror. I feel it too. Sometimes my body refuses to do what
my mind tells it to. Other times it hurts too much to do what I want to do. I often need an afternoon
nap. Reminders of my advancing age are everywhere. At the barber shop it still surprises me when the
shorn hair falling on the floor from my head is all gray. I have my doctor’s phone number on speed dial.
A heating pad is my constant companion. And, they now give me the senior discount on my meal at
restaurants. I’ve gotten old. I fit the demographic of the average Corvette owner, which is 60ish.
Probably like you, I grew infatuated with the Corvette in my childhood. As soon as I was old enough to
afford the insurance premiums and I had the means, I bought my first Corvette. Since then I have
owned Corvettes in five decades. I first joined a Corvette Club in 1979. Most of the members in that
club were around my age, from their mid-20s to mid-30s. As I aged, so did the members of the Corvette
Club. Isn’t it strange that one car, the Corvette, seems to appeal to one generation of people? If young
adults today are even interested in cars, they are more likely to be attracted to a BMW or an Audi than to
a Corvette.
I’ve seen an interesting phenomenon at the Barrett-Jackson auctions I’ve worked over the years. If you
grew up in the 30s, you covet the cars from that era. Same goes if you were a child of the 40s, 50s or
60s. One particular car may have consumed your daydreams. You yearned for that car, but were too
young to drive or you just couldn’t afford it. Now, it’s decades later. You’ve been successful in life,
raised your family and you have a little disposable cash for a collector car. You can now have that car
you wanted so badly when you were younger. Often, the car you want isn’t one from a generation
before you were born. For example, nobody wants a really nice original Model A Ford, anymore.
There aren’t many collectors left who grew up in the 1920s and lovingly owned and restored those cars.
The prices show it. Same goes for most pre-war cars. What will happen to the Corvette market after we
are gone? Will there be Corvette Clubs after our generation?
I wish I was smart. After I cured cancer and ensured world peace, I would try to figure out how to
attract younger people to the Corvette. Maybe I’d create a new TV show about a young and successful
businessman who drove a Corvette. Maybe I would give every new Miss America the keys to a brand
new Corvette. The trouble is, I’m not that smart and I don’t know how to lure younger generations to
Corvettes and Corvette Clubs. Until somebody figures out something we can do to make us more
attractive to younger people, I’ll keep trying to support things that interest us old people, like the
upcoming Boone Rail Excursion, Bob Brown’s All Chevy Car Show, the Felsen Tribute Car Show and
the CCI Fun Day. If you are itching for other excuses to drive your Corvette and hang out with other
like-minded old people, check the NCCC West Region website at
Well, it’s time to go take my Ensure and plug in my heating pad. See you all at the September meeting
at Dennis Albaugh’s on September 15th. Until then, Save the Wave.
Gary Foster
Board Meeting Minutes, August 4, 2015
The August Board meeting was held at Smokey D’s BBQ with VP Judi Nikolish calling the meeting to
order at 6:30PM. Secretary’s report: Dave Howard passed out the July Board minutes and reviewed
agenda items which included approval of his minutes and Ken Wilson’s treasurer’s report, Judi’s update
on social events, Denny Luther’s report on Ankeny and Fun Day scheduled for October 4th, Dave
Larson’s review of meeting locations and reports from Editor, Webmaster, Competition, Membership
and Fundraising. Gary had nothing to report. The Board minutes will be published in Sportsmate.
Motion to approve by Ken, seconded by Denny and passed. Treasurer’s report: Ken reported on July
treasury activity and said most of the income for the month was from sponsors and event registrations.
Disbursements for several Newton expenses, including the balance of the Speedway rental cost and
event t-shirts, resulted in a substantial reduction in the ending treasury balance. He added that we will
see a small loss on the Newton event once the numbers are all in and this led to a discussion of how it
will affect available funds. Ken’s full report will be posted in the Members Only section of the club
website. Motion to approve by Dave L., seconded by Denny and passed.
President’s report: Gary wasn’t present. VP’s report: Judi said the club’s next social event is our
annual progressive dinner on August 29th and Cheryl Weidmann has gotten a commitment from Tim &
Shannon Ford to replace Jim & Sandy Lucas as hosts for the first stop due to Sandy’s sudden illness.
Judi has the train ride out of Boone scheduled for September 13th and she said we will gather at Smokey
D’s BBQ at 11:30AM then depart for Boone. After the train ride, we’ll head to Hickory Park in Ames
to have dinner. Governor’s report: Denny said the Saturday evening activity at Ankeny is up in the air.
The Aviation Heritage Museum has offered a pork chop dinner as an alternative since the tour of Karl
Performance does not include food this year. We decided to opt for the pork chop dinner and skip
Karl’s because most people have done that several times and many have lost interest.
Member at large: Dave L. reported that our August meeting is at Gregg Young Chevrolet in Norwalk
and then we make our traditional trip to Albaugh’s in Ankeny for the September potluck meeting. We’ll
try a new venue for the October meeting – Chicago Speakeasy. The September Board meeting will be
held there as well. Editor: Dave H. had nothing to report. Webmaster: Wayne W. said that Newton tshirts will be ready for distribution at our Ankeny Airport event. Competition Director: Paul said that
course set-up at Ankeny will be done on Friday evening with registration & tech also available. He also
mentioned a desire to step away from his position and move on… he is willing to his replacement for a
year however. Membership Director: Sheila asked about signing up guests as at large NCCC members
at events for the sake of insurance. That is one solution and another is making sure guests know they
don’t have NCCC insurance otherwise (this is stated in the flyer). Fundraising Director: Wayne N. had
nothing to report.
Old Business: none. New Business: Denny reminded everyone that nomination of officers must be
done at the August meeting. We discussed the status of current club officers and all have time
remaining before reaching term limits. All those present are willing to serve another year and most
thought Gary would be as well. These findings will be presented at the upcoming club meeting.
Motion to adjourn was made by Dave L., seconded by Ken and the meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.
Dave Howard – Secretary
General Meeting Minutes, August 18, 2015
The August general meeting was held at Gregg Young Chevrolet in Norwalk, with President Gary
Foster calling the meeting to order at 6:55PM. Gary asked if any guests or new members were in
attendance and Christine Ruggle introduced her son, Blake. Gary then introduced Gary Burton,
Managing Partner from Gregg Young, who welcomed us to the dealership and invited everyone to have
a look around after our meeting. Secretary’s report: Dave Howard reviewed the July meeting minutes
and thanked Larry Mark for standing in for him while he rode RAGBRAI. Brian Ney moved to approve
the minutes as published in Sportsmate, seconded by Jim Lucas and passed. Treasurer’s report: Ken
Wilson said that the club treasury took a hit in early July because of payment to Iowa Speedway for our
June racing event there. He also reported that our Ankeny event held last weekend will easily be the
best financially of our three speed event weekends. Mike Wallace made a motion to approve Ken’s
report, seconded by Wayne Weidmann and passed.
President’s report: Gary commented on the great response he received from participants at the Ankeny
event and thanked Paul Wyman, Denny Luther and everyone else who contributed to a successful event.
Vice President’s report: Judi Nikolish first went over details for the trip to Boone for an excursion train
ride on September 13th. She then turned the floor over to Cheryl Weidmann who gave an update on the
progressive dinner on August 29th. Cheryl asked for feedback on who will bring what type of dish to the
dinner. Flyers for both socials are in Sportsmate. Governor’s report: Denny called out Dave Vance for
his efforts as CCI’s liaison to the Ankeny Airport authorities and said this event would be difficult to
pull off without Dave’s help. Denny mentioned that he is heading to Pennsylvania for the NCCC
convention later in the week. He closed with a request for convertibles to transport the homecoming
court in the ADM Homecoming parade on Friday, September, 18th. See Denny after the meeting.
Member at Large: Dave Larson reminded the group that the September 15 th general meeting will be
held at Albaugh’s in Ankeny and the October general meeting will be held at the Chicago Speakeasy on
Euclid in Des Moines. The September Board meeting will also be held at Chicago Speakeasy. Dave
reported $84 in the 50/50 pot. Mike DeZorzi and Wayne Weidmann split the winner’s share of $42.
Editor: Dave H. said that the results of the NCCC Newsletter Contest will be announced at convention.
Webmaster: Wayne W. said that he has around a dozen Newton t-shirts left to distribute after passing
out most of them during our Ankeny event. Competition: Paul said that “Flying Low” at the Ankeny
Airport was a huge success and thanked everyone who helped out as workers during the event. Paul is
looking for help parking cars at the Felsen Tribute car show on September 27 th in Valley Junction. he
also said all the details are worked out for the club’s “Fun Day” event on October 4th. Look for the flyer
in September’s Sportsmate. He still needs volunteers to take charge of some of the events and several
members raised their hands. Even after that there are still some holes to fill so see Paul after the
meeting. Membership: Sheila had nothing to report. Fundraising: Wayne N. reported that all sponsor
money for the club’s Iowa Speedway event has been received except for Sugar Shack’s commitment.
Old Business: none. New Business: Ken gave the club a rundown of his experiences on the second of
two recent trips to the Detroit area. This time the destination was the Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise.
In conjunction with the Dream Cruise there were a few tours that he was able to take in. An awesome
outing! Jim Lucas thanked all who had offered support to him and Sandy as she recovers from her
stroke. It has helped her immensely to maintain a positive outlook. Nominations for club officers were
presented with all five incumbents putting their names forward for their respective positions. Gary then
asked for nominations from the floor. Hearing none, he asked for a motion for nominations to cease.
Brian Ney so moved, with Ken Wilson seconding and the motion passed. Buy and Sell: none.
A motion to adjourn was made by Ken and seconded by Dave L. and we adjourned at 7:40PM, at which
time the crowd dispersed to browse through the dealership.
Dave Howard – Secretary
A Message from Your Governor…
Three CCI members, Alan & Sharon Heggen and myself, attended the annual NCCC Convention the
last week of August in Lake Harmony, PA. It was held at the Split Rock Resort within 5 miles of the
Pocono Raceway in the Pocono Mountains – what a beautiful area of the country! There were over 350
attendees who I believe would all say they had a delightful week. CCI was recognized multiple times
throughout the week with awards and accomplishments all listed below:
Alan Heggen won first place in his class in both the low and high speed events.
Denny Luther (me) won second place in his class in the low speed event.
The CCI newsletter, Sportsmate, won third place nationally.
Connor Luther (my grandson) was awarded an NCCC Scholarship.
Sharon Heggen won first place at the CCI Miniature Golf tournament but her
championship was protested. After a post tournament review, her score was
supported by the rules and she was awarded the championship.
Hopefully, you can sense from number 5 above that the CCI contingent had a great time competing and
enjoyed the people and sites of the convention (even though I’m still dealing with losing my golf
Don’t forget we have another event called Fun Day coming up on Sunday, October 4 th. Fun Day will be
an all non-speed event including two People’s Choice car shows, two Poker Rallyes and an Economy
Run. If you have never participated in an Economy Run, it is a rallye with the winner being determined
by who used the least amount of fuel. Cars will be divided into classes by age and engine size so it will
be an even playing field no matter what year your Corvette might be. Make sure when you arrive at
Bennigan’s on Merle Hay Road on Sunday morning that your fuel tank can take on at least five gallons
of fuel. The Economy Run will start from a gas station with a full tank of fuel and you will return to the
station at the end of the run and have your tank filled to determine the amount of fuel used.
Thanks to everyone who competed and/or worked our Ankeny weekend! The event was a tremendous
success and received rave reviews by all who attended. It continues to be one of the favorite West
Region events. Once again we had fantastic support from the Iowa Aviation Heritage Museum with
their lunches and a great pork chop dinner on Saturday evening. As we have done in the past, we have
donated $1,000 to the Museum.
See you at the regular meeting on the 15th at Albaugh’s in Ankeny.
Denny Luther
Odds and Ends…
General Meeting Notice
Our September meeting is an indoor picnic meeting! Join us at…
Albaugh, Inc.
1525 NE 36th St, Ankeny
Take the new NE 36th St. Ankeny exit from I-35
& go west. Take the first left & follow the drive
up to the parking lot to the right of the building.
Browse Dennis Albaugh’s collection of antique and classic Chevrolets,
including nearly 30 Corvettes! In exchange for this privilege, we suggest a
donation of $5 per head which will be given to Dennis’ favorite charity, DMACC.
The Club will furnish
All you need to bring is
meat, buns, plates and utensils
a pot-luck dish and your drink of choice
See you there on September 15th!
Dinner @ 6:00pm, Meeting @ 7:00pm
Treasurer’s Report
You will find a financial statement on the club website, Just go to the
Members page and click on the “Members Only” link where you will be prompted for a Username and
Password (both available from any Board member if you don’t remember them).
Member News
Welcome New Members! Sorry, there are no new members to report for August.
Birthdays. Happy Birthday to the following members with September birthdates:
Happy Birthday!!
Paul Wyman
Tom Mertz
Jim Lucas
Joy Wallace
Wayne Weidmann
Jim Carlisle
Larry Noble
Denny Luther
Traci Peters
Mert Howard
Gary Foster
Christine Ruggle
Curt McLeland
Renewal Dues. It’s time for CCI members to renew their memberships for 2016 and a renewal
notice was recently sent out via e-mail to current members to help facilitate the process. Keep in mind
that membership dues must be paid to club Treasurer Ken Wilson by November 1st but you can earn 5
bonus points if he receives your payment prior to October 1st. An easy way to meet that deadline (and
save yourself the cost of a stamp!) is to bring your completed renewal form and check to our upcoming
club meeting at Albaugh’s on September 15th.
Here’s a wrap-up of recently held events along with a description of events on the horizon. Flyers for
upcoming club social events follow the “Odds and Ends” section of Sportsmate.
“Flying Low” at the Ankeny Regional Airport. As always our speed event weekend at the
Ankeny Airport on August 15th & 16th was a tremendous success! CCI saved the best for last with record
attendance, outstanding worker support from racers and non-racers alike and red carpet treatment once
again from the folks at the Iowa Aviation Heritage Museum. Hope everyone had a great time!
Progressive Dinner. CCI’s annual progressive dinner took place during the evening of Saturday,
August 29th with great times and fantastic food at two thoroughly enjoyable locations. Many thanks go
out to Tim & Shannon Ford and Christine & Jerry Ruggle for welcoming us into their beautiful homes!
After our stop at the Fords, we assembled an impressive caravan of around a dozen Vettes for our trip to
the Ruggles in Perry. What fun!
Boone Rail Excursion. At press time our trip to the Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad for an
excursion train ride is just days away on Sunday, September 13th. Because reservations were required 10
days ahead, the group is now set and Judi reports a total of 25 people will make the trip. After gathering
at Smokey D’s BBQ, they will depart for Boone, tour the railroad museum and then ride the train. The
group will round out the day with Dinner at Hickory Park in Ames. Look to the October Sportsmate for
a wrap-up of this event.
CCI Fun Day. Have you made plans yet for CCI’s Fun Day on Sunday, October 4th? This event
offers a variety of activities with two people’s choice car shows, two poker rallyes and a funkhana
sandwiched around an economy run. The latter is type of road rallye that will be a test of your ability to
navigate the designated route on the least amount of fuel. The flyer appears on page 16.
Save the Date!
Mark your calendars and look for more details in upcoming issues of Sportsmate:
Saturday, September 19, 2015. Bob Brown’s Annual All Chevy Car Show takes place at the
dealership this month with no entry fee and free lunch. This has been a popular show for nearly a quarter
century. The flyer appears on page 12.
Sunday, September 27, 2015. Later in September is the 5th Anniversary Henry Gregor Felsen
Tribute Car Show in Valley Junction. All proceeds go towards scholarships in DMACC's automotive
program and you can designate your entry fee to the Dick Mathern Memorial Scholarship. Several CCI
members are actively involved in coordinating this show so a good turnout from CCI members will be
welcomed. You’ll find the flyer on page 13.
Buy & Sell
FOR SALE: 2013 Corvette. 2004 Z06 with 9,595 miles. Black exterior, black interior and
professionally installed 1,200 watt sound system. I’m the second owner, I purchased it with 1,000 miles.
Extremely clean car, stored in a climate controlled environment. Zero modification except the sound
system. Asking $28,800.00. Contact Myron Stine @ 217-520-2264 or
FOR SALE: Misc. 2 ton engine hoist - $225, engine stand - $75, Yokohoma autocross tires
mounted on 2012 Chrome wheels for a C-6 - $1,200. Call Larry Steffen at 641-528-4503.
Advertise Here
Club members can place up to 3 ads per month
in the Buy & Sell section of Sportsmate at no cost
Contact the Editor today at
Corvette Club of Iowa
National Council of Corvette Clubs
Spouse’s name (if joining):
Dependent’s name (if joining):
Street address:
Zip code:
Home phone:
Work phone:
E-Mail address:
Member referred by:
Corvette Information
Special Features:
Reason for joining CCI:
Special interests or skills:
Membership in other car club(s):
Offices held:
Your Signature:
Spouse’s Signature (if joining):
Dependent’s Signature (if joining):
Annual Dues-Must Accompany Completed Application (Checks payable to “Corvette Club of Iowa”)
NCCC National Dues
NCCC Regional Dues
CCI Dues
For club use only
Date application received:
President’s Signature:
Mail completed application to:
Board of Directors approval date:
Secretary’s Signature:
Treasurer, Corvette Club of Iowa
10318 NW 106th Ave
Granger, IA 50109
*Annual dues for membership in NCCC for the year 2016 are $35. $10 of this amount is for a one-year subscription to Blue Bars.
West Region News
2015 West Region Competition Schedule
The 2015 competition season is very nearly at an end! Flyers for this fall’s final few events appear on the
following pages, including CCI’s Fun Day in early October (see the flyer on pages ?? & ??). The events
remaining on the West Region schedule are as follows:
2015 West Region Competition Schedule
Saturday, September 05, 2015
Sunday, September 06, 2015
Sunday, September 06, 2015
Monday, September 07, 2015
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Sunday, October 04, 2015
Event Type
Name of Event
Summer Festival
Council Bluffs, IA
Summer Festival
Council Bluffs, IA
Chance Rallye
Summer Festival
Council Bluffs, IA
Summer Festival
Council Bluffs, IA
Summer Festival
Council Bluffs, IA
Car Show
Bennington, NE
Summer Festival
Pacific Junction, IA
Summer Festival
Pacific Junction, IA
Sept PC
St Joseph, MO
Sep LS Autocross
Joplin, MO
4 State Vettes, Inc
Oct LS Autocross
Joplin, MO
4 State Vettes, Inc
Fun Day
Des Moines, IA
Chance Rallye
Fun Day
Des Moines, IA
Economy Run
Fun Day
Des Moines, IA
Fun Day
Des Moines, IA
Matching Times
Kearney Drags
Kearney, NE
Record Drags
Kearney Drags
Kearney, NE
Kearney Drags
Kearney, NE
Kearney Drags
Kearney, NE
Great Pumpkin
Omaha, NE
Low Speed
Low Speed
Peoples Choice
High Speed
High Speed
Peoples Choice
Low Speed
Low Speed
Peoples Choice
Sunday, October 04, 2015
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Hosting Club
Peoples Choice
ET Bracket
Low Speed
Gimmick Rallye
Corvette Club
Corvette Club
Corvette Club
Corvette Club
Corvette Society
Midwest Early
Corvette Club
Corvette Club
Corvette Society
Glass Express
Corvette Club
Corvette Club
of Iowa
Corvette Club
of Iowa
Corvette Club
of Iowa
Corvette Club
of Iowa
Corvette Club
Corvette Club
Corvette Club
Corvette Club
Midwest Early
Corvette Club
1 Low Speed
6 Low Speeds
1 High Speed
3 High Speeds
2 Peoples Choice Concours
2 Chance Rallyes
2 ET Bracket Drags
7 Low Speeds
Thanks to our Sponsors
City Wide Heating & Air Conditioning
Cottman Transmission Center
Wayne & Cheryl Weidmann
Rocklyn Mobile Home Park
515 Lawn and Landscape
Central Iowa Featherlite
Lauterbach Buick GMC
Paul & Sheila Wyman
Jim & Sandy Lucas
Larry & Nita Noble
McIntire Electric
Van Wall Group
Bankers Trust
Denny Luther
Dave Howard
Sugar Shack
Stine Seed
 Complete Car Care
 Car/ Light Truck Maintenance
 Tires, wheel balancing, & mounting
regular and high performance
 Transmission and drive train repair specialists on location
 Clutches, Axles, Rear Ends, Transfer Cases, and more
 Domestic, Foreign, Performance Cars and Light Trucks
 All CCI members get a 5% discount
(Tell us when you drop off your vehicle)
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Sponsor of CCI’s 50th Anniversary Celebration
Dave Howard
Sportsmate Editor
500 Thornton Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50315