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Complex High 2012-2013
Spanish III
Spanish I AP
Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Objectives:To introduce the preterite tense of the indicative
To listen and grade previously assigned Barrons.
To complete individual projects presentations
Procedures: Saying and word of the day discussion and
Introduce the preterite tense of the indicative mode from
textbook "Encuentros Maravillosos"
Reinforcement exercises from the textbook (preterite)
To listen to short dialogues from Barrons and grade last
week's assignment.
Assessment: Complete projects presentations and evaluate.
Homework: More on preterite tense from supplementary grammar
book, "Una vez mas," pp. 30-33
Saying of the day: A quien cuece o amasa, no hurtes hogaza.
Word of the day: hogaza--- panecillo cocido bajo la ceniza.
Standards: 1.1, 1.2
Objectives: Continuation of preterite tense using stemchanging verbs
Procedures: Warm up with the saying and word of the day
discussion and analysis
Correct homework on the preterite tense
Conjugate stem-changing verbs in the preterite
Assessment: Answer questions from exercise B. The answers
must be in the preterite tense and in complete sentences.
Homework (long term)Journals and work in project based on
Borge's fragment.
Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.2
Objectives:To introduce the passive voice and complete
practice exercises.
Procedures: Warm-up (saying and word of the day.
Review the preterite tense
Introduce the functions and formation of the passive voice,
pp. 14-15, textbook
Practice exercises A, B, and C of the textbook.
Assessment: Reinforcement exercises with the passive voice
using the supplementary grammar source; "Una vez mas"
Homework: Complete the remaining pages of chapter one in
preparation for next day grammar quiz.
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Spanish III
Spanish I AP
Standards: 1.1, 1.2
Objectives: To take grammar quiz on the present, preterite,
and the passive voice.
To review the material presented throughout the chapter in
preparation for chapter test.
Procedures: Review of material including the grammar,
vocabulary, and literature.
Assessment:Answer grammar quiz which will consist of the
indicative tenses and passive voice.
Homework: Study for chapter test
Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1
Objectives: To evaluate knowledge and mastery of the material
Procedures: Warm-up saying and word of the day.
Answer chapter one textbook test.
Assessment: The students should be able to complete the test
on a timely manner and with at least 85% accuracy.
Homework; Barrons' listening and work on project for the
Hispanic Heritage Month and Borge's fragment.
Borge's project- October 9. 2012
Hispanic Heritage Month Showcase- October 12, 2012
Spanish - Manibo
Week of September 24, 2012
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Complex High 2012-2013
Spanish II
Spanish II AP
Standards:1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Objectives: To continue planning of class contribution to
Show Caseand presentation of the Hispanic Heritage Month
class projects which were postponed due to reinforcement of
grammar based on tets results.
Introduce section "A ver si recuerdas," pp. 16-17, textbook.
Procedures: Allow some time to work on their respective
groups to continue the planning of the class project. (20
Continue presentation of individual projects (3 students
daily until completion)
The presentations of projects by the students will continue
throughout the week with three students presenting per day.
Review vocabulary related to classes, supplies rules, related
to school. p. 14 textbook
Assessment: Sttudents copy the vocabulary and meanings.
Homework: athe students write sentences with the vocabulary.
Food for the brain: "How beautiful a day when kindness
touches it."
George Alliston
Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Objectives: To write and speak about topic related to school.
To introduce the verb tener and other irrgular verbs in the
yo form.
Procedures: Review the vocabulary from "A ver si recuerdas"
Introduce the verb tener to show relationship, age, and other
expressions like" tengo hambre", p. 15, textbook
Review other verbs with similar conjugations as" tener" like
"hacer", and "venir"
Assessment: Activity 2, p. 15 textbook
Homework:Activity 3, p. 15 textbook
Food for the brain: "Forget injuries never forget kindnesses."
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Spanish II
Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
Objectives:To use expressions with tener in context.
To introduce the chapter:¿Qué haces en la
To continue students presentations.
Procedures: Correct the homework with the expression "tener."
Read the section "Fondo cultural" p.16 of the textbook.
Discuus the work of the painter Simón Silva and the
meaning of the painting in relation to schools and teachers.
Students continue the Hispanic Month individual projects
Assessment: Page 5 of the Practice Workbook
Spanish II AP
Food for the brain:The smallest good deed is better than the
grandest good intention"
Standards: 1.1, 1.2
Objectives: to mpre4sent vocabulary related to school
activites, rules, and classroom items
To listen for comprehension and recognition of vocabulary
To copy and discuss the classroom and school rules.
Continue individual presentations.
Procedures: Correct homework.
Read the entire section of"A primera vista," pp. 18-19
The students listen and repeat the vocabulary after the
Read and translate sentences.pp. 18-19 textbook
Assessment:Listening Activities 1 and 2, p. 19 textbook
Homework: Practice workbool 1A-1 and 1A-2 of workbook
Food for the brain: " If you light a lamp for somebody, it
will also brighten your path."
Budhist saying
Standards: 1.1, .2
Objectives: To present additional vocabulary to discuss
For comprehension of contextualized vocabulary
To verify comprehension of video
Procedures: Correct homework and review vocabulary
Read the script for Videohistoria as a previewof the watching
of the video.
Present the Videohistoria: "La clase de Esteban"
Answer questions on activity #3,to verify comprehension of
the video.
Assessment: Video exercises on Writing, Audio, Video
workbook, Activies 2-4
Homework: Practice workbook: 1A-3
Spanish - Manibo
Week of September 24, 2012
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