Assessment of the precision and accuracy of laser ablation-ICPMS analyses in the Fluids Research Laboratory within the Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA U.S.A. The following document describes results of laser ablation ICP-MS analyses of several standards of known composition conducted using the LA-ICPMS system installed in the Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech to evaluate the precision and accuracy of analyses. The values reported here apply in general to analyses of solid materials in which ablation starts at the sample surface, and do not necessarily apply to analyses of fluid inclusions where the accuracy and precision are related to inclusion size and depth beneath the surface, among other factors. To asses the accuracy and precision of analyses, NIST standard 610 was used as the reference, and then each of several other standards were analyzed as “unknowns”. Accuracy was assessed by comparing the elemental abundances predicted by our analyses with the “known” values. Each standard (USGS standards BCR-2G, BHVO-2G, BIR-1G, NKT-1G and NIST standards NIST612 and NIST614) was analyzed five times according to the specifications indicated in Table 1. USGS standards BCR-2G, BHVO-2G and BIR-1G are natural basalt glasses distributed by the USGS. NKT-1G is a natural nephelinite glass distributed by the USGS ( NIST 612 and 614 are commercial standard reference materials obtained from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The data were reduced using the AMS software (Mutchler et al., 2008), using NIST610 glass as external standard and assuming that the elements analyzed represent 100 % of the sample (as oxides). The average concentration in ppm, average limit of detection in ppm, standard deviation in ppm and number of analyses above the detection limit (n) of the 5 analyses for each element are reported in Table 2. The precision of the measurements is reported as percent relative standard deviation (%RSD) for each element, which is calculated as the standard deviation divided by the average concentration. The %RSD provides an estimate of the consistency of the analyses of the same standard, or in other words, the reproducibility of the measurement. 1 The relative standard deviation is mostly within 5-10 percent (Fig. 1) indicating that repeated analyses of the same material give results that are consistent to within 5-10 %. The accuracy of the measurement is reported as the average percent error for each element, and is calculated as the average of the differences between each individual analysis and the known concentration for the standard. The known concentrations used to evaluate the accuracy of the LA-ICPMS analyses are the preferred concentrations in the standards reported by the Max-Plank-Institut für Chemie at The average percent error provides an estimate of the difference between the calculated and known concentration. The average percent error is mostly within 515% (Fig. 2) indicating that the measured concentrations agree with the known concentrations within 5-15 %. Mutchler SR, Fedele L & Bodnar RJ (2008) Analysis Management System (AMS) for reduction of laser ablation ICPMS data. In Laser-Ablation-ICPMS in the Earth Sciences: Current Practices and Outstanding Issues (P. Sylvester, ed.) Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course Series, Vol. 40, 318-327. The following data are the result of work conducted in the LA-ICPMS laboratory in the Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. These data are provided as a mean to evaluate the basic analytical performance of our laboratory. Please reference this report in your publications using this link: .pdf. If you use this site as a reference for the accuracy and precision of your data, please email the information regarding your publication to Dr. Robert Bodnar ( Raw data are available upon request. Please email Luca Fedele ( 2 LA−ICPMS instrument and data acquisition parameters Excimer 193−nm ArF laser GeoLasPro Output Energy 150 mJ Energy Density on sample ~ 7 − 10 J/cm2 Repetition Rate 5 Hz Pit Size Between x and x µm Ablation Cell Volume ~ 1.5 cm3 Cell Gas Flow (He) ~ 1 L/min Agilent 7500ce quadrupole ICP−MS Auxiliary gas flow RF power Detector Mode Quadrupole Settling Time Data acquisition parameters Sweeps per reading Reading per replicate Replicates Dwell time per isotope Points per peak External Standard Spot size Isotopes Analyzed 1.03 l/min Ar 1500 V Dual 8 orders of magnitude linear dynamic range 2 ms 1 200 − 300 1 10 ms 1 per measurement NIST610 glass 60 µm Li (7), Be (9), B (11), Na (23), Mg (25), Al (27), Si (28), K (39), Ca (40), Sc (45), Ti (49), V (51), Cr (52), Mn (55), Fe (56), Co (59), Ni (62), Cu (63), Zn (66), Ga (69), As (75), Rb (85), Sr (88), Y (89), Zr (90), Nb (93), Ag (107), Sn (120), Sb (121), Cs (133), Ba (138), La (139), Ce (140), Pr (141), Nd (143), Sm (147), Eu (153), Gd (157), Dy (163), Er (166), Yb (172), Lu (175), Hf (178), Ta (181), Au (197), Pb (208), Th (232), U (238) 3 RSD % 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 BCRT2G BHVOT2G BIRT1G NISTT612 NISTT614 NKTT1G Li*(7) Be*(9) B*(11) Na*(23) Mg*(25) Al*(27) Si*(28) K*(39) Ca*(40) Sc*(45) Ti*(49) V*(51) Cr*(52) Mn*(55) Fe*(56) Co*(59) Ni*(62) Cu*(63) Zn*(66) Ga*(69) As*(75) Rb*(85) Sr*(88) Y*(89) Zr*(90) Nb*(93) Ag*(107) Sn*(120) Sb*(121) Cs*(133) Ba*(138) La*(139) Ce*(140) Pr*(141) Nd*(143) Sm Eu*(153) Gd*(157) Dy*(163) Er*(166) Yb*(172) Lu*(175) Hf*(178) Ta*(181) Au*(197) Pb*(208) Th*(232) U*(238) Precision Fig. 1 - Precision of the analyses reported as relative standard deviations (RSD %) for each of the elements that had concentrations above LOD in standards BCR-2G, BHVO-2G, BIR-1G, NKT-1G, NIST612 and NIST614. The blue area corresponds to an RSD of <5 %, and the red box corresponds to RSD ≤10 %. 4 Average % Error !40.0 !30.0 !20.0 !10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 BCR!2G BHVO!2G BIR!1G NIST!612 NIST!614 NKT!1G Li*(7) Be*(9) B*(11) Na*(23) Mg*(25) Al*(27) Si*(28) K*(39) Ca*(40) Sc*(45) Ti*(49) V*(51) Cr*(52) Mn*(55) Fe*(56) Co*(59) Ni*(62) Cu*(63) Zn*(66) Ga*(69) As*(75) Rb*(85) Sr*(88) Y*(89) Zr*(90) Nb*(93) Ag*(107) Sn*(120) Sb*(121) Cs*(133) Ba*(138) La*(139) Ce*(140) Pr*(141) Nd*(143) Sm Eu*(153) Gd*(157) Dy*(163) Er*(166) Yb*(172) Lu*(175) Hf*(178) Ta*(181) Au*(197) Pb*(208) Th*(232) U*(238) Accuracy Fig. 2 - Accuracy of the analyses reported as the average percent error for each of the elements that had concentrations above LOD in standards BCR-2G, BHVO-2G, BIR-1G, NKT-1G, NIST612 and NIST614. The blue area corresponds to an average percent error of ±5 %, and the red box corresponds to an average percent error of ±15 %. 5 Measured / STD ,', (3) (5) (--) (./) (.1) (.3) (.4) (/5) (0,) (01) (05) (1-) #(1.) !(11) (12) "(15) (2.) %(2/) !(22) (25) $(31) (41) #(44) (45) #(5,) (5/) (-,3) !(-.,) (-.-) $(-//) (-/4) (-/5) (-0,) #(-0-) (-0/) (-03) %(-1/) (-13) &(-2/) #(-22) (-3.) %(-31) (-34) (-4-) %(-53) (.,4) (./.) (./4) ,'. ,'0 ,'2 ,'4 -', -'. -'0 -'2 -'4 .', Fig. 3 – Ratios of Measured over reference values for USGS Basaltic glass BCR-2G. Shaded area represents ±10% variation. Red box represents ±20% variation. Reference values are from GeoReM ( Some ratios were not plotted either because the element was not detected or a reference value was not available (cfr. Table 1). 6 Measured / STD ,', (3) (5) (--) (./) (.1) (.3) (.4) (/5) (0,) (01) (05) (1-) #(1.) !(11) (12) "(15) (2.) %(2/) !(22) (25) $(31) (41) #(44) (45) #(5,) (5/) (-,3) !(-.,) (-.-) $(-//) (-/4) (-/5) (-0,) #(-0-) (-0/) (-03) %(-1/) (-13) &(-2/) #(-22) (-3.) %(-31) (-34) (-4-) %(-53) (.,4) (./.) (./4) ,'. ,'0 ,'2 ,'4 -', -'. -'0 -'2 -'4 Fig. 4 – Ratios of Measured over reference values for USGS Basaltic glass BHVO-2G. Shaded area represents ±10% variation. Red box represents ±20% variation. Reference values are from GeoReM ( Some ratios were not plotted either because the element was not detected or a reference value was not available (cfr. Table 1). 7 Measured / STD ,', (3) (5) (--) (./) (.1) (.3) (.4) (/5) (0,) (01) (05) (1-) #(1.) !(11) (12) "(15) (2.) %(2/) !(22) (25) $(31) (41) #(44) (45) #(5,) (5/) (-,3) !(-.,) (-.-) $(-//) (-/4) (-/5) (-0,) #(-0-) (-0/) (-03) %(-1/) (-13) &(-2/) #(-22) (-3.) %(-31) (-34) (-4-) %(-53) (.,4) (./.) (./4) ,'. ,'0 ,'2 ,'4 -', -'. -'0 -'2 -'4 .', .'. .'0 .'2 .'4 /', Fig. 5 – Ratios of Measured over reference values for USGS Basaltic glass BIR-1G. Shaded area represents ±10% variation. Red box represents ±20% variation. Reference values are from GeoReM ( Some ratios were not plotted either because the element was not detected or a reference value was not available (cfr. Table 1). 8 Measured / STD ,'0 (3) (5) (--) (./) (.1) (.3) (.4) (/5) (0,) (01) (05) (1-) #(1.) !(11) (12) "(15) (2.) %(2/) !(22) (25) $(31) (41) #(44) (45) #(5,) (5/) (-,3) !(-.,) (-.-) $(-//) (-/4) (-/5) (-0,) #(-0-) (-0/) (-03) %(-1/) (-13) &(-2/) #(-22) (-3.) %(-31) (-34) (-4-) %(-53) (.,4) (./.) (./4) ,'2 ,'4 -', -'. -'0 -'2 -'4 .', Fig. 6 – Ratios of Measured over reference values for USGS Nephelinite glass NKT-1G. Shaded area represents ±10% variation. Red box represents ±20% variation. Reference values are from GeoReM ( Some ratios were not plotted either because the element was not detected or a reference value was not available (cfr. Table 1). 9 Measured / STD ,'0 (3) (5) (--) (./) (.1) (.3) (.4) (/5) (0,) (01) (05) (1-) #(1.) !(11) (12) "(15) (2.) %(2/) !(22) (25) $(31) (41) #(44) (45) #(5,) (5/) (-,3) !(-.,) (-.-) $(-//) (-/4) (-/5) (-0,) #(-0-) (-0/) (-03) %(-1/) (-13) &(-2/) #(-22) (-3.) %(-31) (-34) (-4-) %(-53) (.,4) (./.) (./4) ,'2 ,'4 -', -'. -'0 -'2 -'4 .', Fig. 7 – Ratios of Measured over reference values for NIST glass NIST612. Shaded area represents ±10% variation. Red box represents ±20% variation. Reference values are from GeoReM ( (cfr. Table 1). 10 Measured / STD ,'0 (3) (5) (--) (./) (.1) (.3) (.4) (/5) (0,) (01) (05) (1-) #(1.) !(11) (12) "(15) (2.) %(2/) !(22) (25) $(31) (41) #(44) (45) #(5,) (5/) (-,3) !(-.,) (-.-) $(-//) (-/4) (-/5) (-0,) #(-0-) (-0/) (-03) %(-1/) (-13) &(-2/) #(-22) (-3.) %(-31) (-34) (-4-) %(-53) (.,4) (./.) (./4) ,'2 ,'4 -', -'. -'0 -'2 B (6.6) Sc (55.6) Fig. 8 – Ratios of Measured over reference values for NIST glass NIST614. Shaded area represents ±10% variation. Red box represents ±20% variation. Reference values are from GeoReM ( (cfr. Table 1). 11 Ga69$ Zn66$ Time (s) 40 60 80 100 120 Cu63$ Ni62$ Co59$ Fe56$ Mn55$ Cr52$ V51$ Ti49$ Sc45$ Ca40$ K39$ Si28$ Al27$ Mg25$ Na23$ B11$ Be9$ Li7$ 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 0 20 BHVO-2G 1000000 Counts Fig. 9 – Typical example of LAICPMS signal collected on the USGS basaltic glass BHVO-2G (analyzed as unknown). Shaded areas represent integration regions. Typically we select 50s for background signal and 40s or more for sample signal. (for more details: 12 Table 1 – Data for Fig. 3 to 8 (3) (5) (--) (./) (.1) (.3) (.4) (/5) (0,) (01) (05) (1-) #(1.) !(11) (12) "(15) (2.) %(2/) !(22) (25) $(31) (41) #(44) (45) #(5,) (5/) (-,3) !(-.,) (-.-) $(-//) (-/4) (-/5) (-0,) #(-0-) (-0/) (-03) %(-1/) (-13) &(-2/) #(-22) (-3.) %(-31) (-34) (-4-) %(-53) (.,4) (./.) (./4) 5 .'/ 2 /'./ /'12 -/'0 10'0 -'35 3',2 // .'.3 0.1 -3 ,'., -.'0 /4 -/ .-.1 ./ 03 /0. /1 -40 -.'1 ,'1 .'2 ,'/1 -'-2 24/ .0'3 1/'/ 2'3 .4'5 2'15 -'53 2'32'00 /'3 /'/5 ,'1,/ 0'40 ,'34 -1'5 -'25 $ &! 5'23, -',30 .',/2 ,'441 4'-42 -'/20 /'./1 -',,. /'0.1 ,'52. -0'135 -',44 12'./0 -',/0 -'521 -',51 2'13/ ,'5/1-'31. -'124 .'-/5 ,'50. 0,0'-0,'51-0'03, ,'41,'-41 ,'5.2 --'/4/ ,'5-4 /3'-,5 ,'533 -5'-20 -'030 -4',04 ,'415 -2-'-52 -'.5, 0-'303 -'4-1 ,'5,3 1-',.-',42 /-.'3.0 ,'5-0 .3'4.4 ,'351 -1-'.5. ,'4.. -,'521 ,'433 ,'21, -'.55 -'522 ,'312 ,'02/ -'/./ -'-22 -',,2 204'200 ,'51, ..'152 ,'5-1 05'.,0 ,'5./ 1'53. ,'45.1'53/ ,'455 1'3./ ,'424 -'40/ ,'5/2 1'300 ,'412 1'/,1 ,'4.0 .'51/ ,'354 .'4.2 ,'4/0 ,'0,4 ,'4-. /'5-2 ,'4,5 ,'145 ,'311 ,',01 -,'5-. ,'55. 1'.-,'44/ -'2/4 ,'525 $ &! 0'0 0'1.1 -',.4 -'/ ,'542 ,'314 5'-,/ .'0 .'/,. ,'515 3'-/ 2'524 ,'533 -/'2 -0'353 -',44 05'/ 1-'-5/ -',/4 ,'1,'125 -'--2 --'0 -,'5,5 ,'513 // 1,'3-2 -'1/3 .'35 .'15. ,'5.5 /,4 /,-'/.5 ,'534 .5/ .3-'130 ,'5.3 ,'-3 ,'-20 ,'520 --'/ -,'.01 ,'5,3 00 00'10. -',-. --2 -.4'-2/ -'-,1 -.3 -.5'5,, -',./ -,. -..'-5-'-54 .. .1'52. -'-4, ,'555 5'. 5'42/ -',3. /52 /35',,. ,'513 .2 .,'5-. ,'4,0 -3, -00',21 ,'403 -4'/ -2'-4,'440 ,'1.3 .'2 -'255 ,'21/ ,'/ ,','--/ -'-.3 -/-.4'402 ,'540 -1'. -0'032 ,'51. /3'2 /1'2-1 ,'503 1'/1 0'45, ,'5-0 .0'1 ./'/.,'51. 2'1'152 ,'5-3 .',3 -'524 ,'512'-2 1'4,4 ,'50/ 1'.4 0'2-, ,'43/ .'12 .'-00 ,'4/3 .',-'314 ,'430 ,'.35 ,'.01 ,'434 0'/. /'3.5 ,'42/ -'-1 ,'415 ,'303 ,'/33 -'3 -'5/4 -'-0, -'.. -'-,/ ,'5,0 ,'0,/ ,'0,4 -',-. / ,'- -'41 5'0 -1'1 03'1 ,',/ -/'/ 0/ -',0 /.2 /5. ,'-5 -,'0 1. -34 --5 34 -1 ,'-53 -,5 -0'/ -0 ,'1. .'/ ,'12 ,',,3 2'1 ,'2,5 -'45 ,'/3 .'/3 -',5 ,'1-3 -'41 .'11 -'3 -'20 ,'.04 ,'13 ,',/2 /'3 ,',/ ,',./ # &! /'.4. -',50 ,'.,. .',./ 3',5, -'5,4 -',/5'.32 ,'543 -2'1,0 -',21 04'520 -',/,',.1 ,'40-.'040 ,'5/5 12'1.3 -'/-1 ,'441 ,'41/,3'22/ ,'500 /3-',25 ,'503 ,'-3,'455 5'142 ,'5.. 1/'45-',/2 -35'/,1 -',,3 -.4'212 -',444'1/. -'-/1 -3'-4-'-01 ,'033 .'0-5 -,/',,0 ,'501 -.'025 ,'43. --'525 ,'411 ,'02/ ,'45, ,'.0/ ,'35/ ,'/01 ,'143 -',05 2'./5 ,'52, ,'13, ,'5/2 -'4,4 ,'512 ,'/// ,'455 .'.,/ ,'5.5 ,'52, ,'44,'03/ ,'5-1 -'2,, ,'421 .'-3,'41. -'0.0 ,'4/4 -'/51 ,'41,'.-1 ,'422 ,'03/ ,'4/, ,',/,'43/ ,'0-2 /'24/ ,'551 ,',.2 ,'415 ,',/4 -'224 13 Table 1 – Cont. (3) (5) (--) (./) (.1) (.3) (.4) (/5) (0,) (01) (05) (1-) #(1.) !(11) (12) "(15) (2.) %(2/) !(22) (25) $(31) (41) #(44) (45) #(5,) (5/) (-,3) !(-.,) (-.-) $(-//) (-/4) (-/5) (-0,) #(-0-) (-0/) (-03) %(-1/) (-13) &(-2/) #(-22) (-3.) %(-31) (-34) (-4-) %(-53) (.,4) (./.) (./4) '#$ &! 0,'. 0-'4/3 -',0/3'1 0.'23. -'-/4 /0'/ /5'-30 -'-0. -/'3 -/'1,/ ,'542 24 2.'00. ,'5-4 .',/ .'.52 -'-/3.'3-'0/. ,'552.'/ 2-'/.0 ,'540 --'5 -.'1.1 -',1. /5'5 3.'4.2 -'4.1 00 0,'4,0 ,'5.3 /4'4 /4',-2 ,'54, /2'0 /1'21, ,'535 /4'3 /4'030 ,'550 104'2-2 ,'51/ /1'1 /0'40. ,'54/4'4 /3'./. ,'52, /3'4 /2',.1 ,'51/ /5'/5'-.4 -',,/2'5 /2'312 ,'552 /1'3 /-'521 ,'451 /-'0 /.',.. -',., 34'0 4/'42/ -',3, /4'/ 0.'.42 -'-,0 /3'5 0.',.4 -'-,5 /4'5 /3'1/1 ,'521 .. -5'5/3 ,'5,2 /4'2 /0'1,, ,'450 /0'3 /-'-0,'453 0.'3 0,'315 ,'511 /5'/ 0-'2-3 -',15 /2 /5'3.5 -'-,0 /4'0 /5'51-',0, /3'5 0,'-45 -',2, /1'1 /5'3/0 -'--5 /3'3 0-'3.. -'-,3 /1'2 /4'0., -',35 /3'/ 0.'514 -'-1. /1'1 /5'0,5 -'--, /4 0/'-4-'-/2 /5'. 0/'-., -'-,, /3 0-'.0/ -'--1 /2'3 0,'//3 -',55 /3'2 /1'..3 ,'5/3 0'33 0'.51 ,'5,, /4'13 /4'0.5 ,'552 /3'35 0.'1-5 -'-.1 /3'/4 /4',02 -',-4 '#% &! -'25 -'003 ,'412 ,'31/ ,'211 ,'425 -'05 5'40-/'3 -/'12, ,'55, //'4 /,'/.4 ,'453 .',0 .'..3 -',53.'3-'4,, ,'552 /, .5'-/. ,'53--'5 -.'/4/ -',0,'30 0-'/,3 /'2/'00/ ,'510 -',,'545 ,'535 -'-5 ,'45, ,'304 -'0. -'/13 ,'511 -4'4 -.'2,0 ,'23, ,'35 ,'121 ,'3-1 -'-'//-'.-, -'/3 -'1-3 -'-,3 .'35 .'/32 ,'41. -'/-'-52 ,'5-/ ,'30 ,'45/ -'.,3 ,'411 ,'3-5 ,'4001'4 04'5/, -',24 ,'35 ,'4--',.3 ,'404 ,'404 ,'555 ,'4.0 ,'333 ,'50/ ,'0,'/25 ,'5,, -'24 -'/4. ,'4.. ,'35 ,'2,3 ,'324 ,'220 ,'23. -',-. /'. /'/32 -',11 ,'3. ,'321 -',2. ,'4-/ ,'4./ -',-. ,'324 ,'4-. -',13 ,'31. ,'341 -',00 ,'310 ,'4,0 -',23 ,'33 ,'4.-',23 ,'32/ ,'44-'-11 ,'302 ,'4-, -',42 ,'30 ,'4-. -',53 ,'333 ,'4,2 -',/3 ,'3/. ,'343 -',31 ,'3-,'3/4 -',/3 ,'4,4 ,'3,,'424 ,'04 ,'024 ,'530 .'/. .'1/0 -',5. ,'304 ,'4,4 -',4,'4./ ,'414 -',0. # &! -3'31/ -4'103 -',01 .'222 .'./4 ,'4/5 -0'130 /'41, /'21, ,'504 -0'.,, -0'0/0 -',-2 -,'1,, --'2-/ -'-,2 /4'5,, /5'04/ -',-1 -'.3, -'01. -'-00 -/'0,, -/'/2,'553 ..'0,3 /1'0,/ -'14, /'5., /'35,'523 .5/'2,4 .5,'.-. ,'544 00.'153 0.3',0,'521 ,'.0, ,'.,/ ,'402 -.'.,, --'03,'50, 2-'01/ 22'4-. -',43 ///'.31 05'-3. 10'2,4 -'-- -1/',45 00'45 -'5-3 /.',,, /1'/44 -'-,2 -.32',,, -..2',4,'52/.',,, .3'/,4 ,'41/ .42'-1. .3.',3/ ,'5143'102 4/'503 ,'515 ,'35/ .'1-0 .'/.,'5./ ,'1/, ,'141 -'-,/ 31/',,, 35,'-/, -',05 2/'/,, 20'120 -',., -.2',,, -/,'34, -',/4 -1',,, -1'/23 -',.0 2-'0,, 2/'22-',/3 -.'/,, -.'104 -',., /'31, /'55/ -',21 -,'5,, -,'4.0 ,'55/ 2'25, 2'253 -',,.'10, .'135 -',-1 -'34/ -'3/,'53,'./, ,'.,/ ,'442'1.2'-3, ,'502 0'41. 0',14 ,'4/2 ,'-51 /'-,, /'005 -'--/ 3'/1, 3'/,, ,'55/ .'.31 .'.32 -',,, All elemental concentrations are in (ppm), except in RED -> %oxide [Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, K2O, CaO, FeO]. When the numbers for these elements are in blue then concentrations are expressed as elemental (ppm) due to low amount. ND = Not detected; NR = Concentration not reported in the literature. All reference concentration data are from GeoReM ( Avrg (5) = average of 5 measurements. STD = Reference value 14 Table 2 - Basic Statistic: STDEV = Standard Deviation - %RSD = Relative Standard Deviation LOD = Limits of Detection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