Wesley College Newsletter: Headmaster's Message & School Events

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Message from the Headmaster
Message from the Headmaster
Congratulations to all boys who represented the College at the recent Head of the River Regatta. Both
Year 10 Rowing crews performed well at the event, with the 10B VIII finishing first in their race. Their
success augurs well for the future of the Rowing Shed. Thank you to Mr James Bracey, Director of
Rowing, and Mr Matt Cureton, Health & Physical Education teacher, for their coaching, mentoring and
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support to Wesley Rowing. Mr Bracey accompanied the Year 10A crew to Penrith in Sydney this past
weekend where our rowers competed in the National Championships. Well done on a great
Thank you, too, to Mr Paul Sexton and Mr David Townsend for supporting the swimming season that
resulted in Wesley finishing a very close and creditable fifth place in the Inters at HBF Stadium. My
grateful thanks to all the other participants, coaches, managers and supporters of summer sports: you
are all an important part of the teamwork at Wesley College.
During this holiday break, a number of tours will take place:
• There'll be a Rugby Tour to the Gold Coast for senior players (Years 11 and 12, plus
selected Year 10 students) with a focus on challenging and improving the boys'
physical abilities, as well as increasing their knowledge about nutrition and recovery
for peak performance by providing them with a 'professional tour' experience. The
boys will undertake a number of training sessions and play two matches to prepare
the 1st and 2nd XV teams for the forthcoming season. The Runaway Bay Sports Super
Centre will provide accommodation, meals, a training field and access to a gym and
pool, all in one venue. As with previous tours, senior boys will room with younger
boys (four to a room) in order to facilitate team building and the development of
interpersonal skills. Also as part of the tour, the boys will visit one of the Gold Coast's
theme parks, watch an NRL game and tour the Queensland Reds facility.
• The Hockey team will compete in Melbourne Grammar School's International Cup
against teams from New South Wales, Victoria, the ACT and New Zealand. This will
expose the boys to the different playing styles of other teams in a condensed
competition. Again, this tour will also develop team building and interpersonal skills.
While in Melbourne, the boys will also experience some of Melbourne's cultural
attractions, including a Comedy Festival Show and the Easter Monday AFL match at
the MCG.
Congratulations to Wesley's Formula 1 in Schools team on their award of Best Aerodynamic Car in the
National Championships, held recently in Melbourne. Wesley College has dominated State level
competitions since the program's inception. Thank you to Mr Kyal Rees and Mr Alan Drakesmith for
accompanying the students to Melbourne.
I've just completed my Year 12 lunchtime meetings with students. Barbecuing 200 steaks and chicken
kebabs in eight days was no mean feat! However, I enjoy cooking for the boys in my backyard and
hearing their thoughts about the school as it is right now, as well as their ideas and suggestions for the
future. I've also hosted afternoon tea for two groups of Year 7 and Year 8 boarding students and very
much enjoy getting to know these young men as they commence their journey through the College.
Tomorrow is the last day of Term 1 and the annual Boarders' Market Stall will be open from 8.00am. This
stall is located in Swan Street, adjacent to the entrance to the Boarding Link Building. Our country
parents provide some wonderful farm produce and homemade jams, chutneys, cakes and slices - and
much more.
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This is followed by Easter and the holiday break. These holidays are not only a time to relax and
revitalise, it's a valuable opportunity for students - and particularly, senior students - to revise their
schoolwork so far this year, and to develop and maintain a regular study pattern. Our Year 12 students,
for instance, only have two more terms before they start their final exams.
Easter is a time of new beginnings and renewal and I encourage all families to reflect on the importance
of the Easter story these holidays. It is a commemoration of Jesus' ultimate gift of love for mankind, of
new life and of hope for the future.
I wish you safe travels and a happy holiday. See you next Term!
David Gee
Whole of College
Boarders' Stall Features Baked Goods and More
Don't leave campus at the end of term without stopping by the annual Boarders' Stall, set for an 8.00am
start tomorrow, Thursday 2 April on Wood Quad. Boarding families are busy baking and making things
for the stall, which is a popular event each year. Homemade treats, plants, vegetables and much more
will be available.
Pre-orders for the following items are now being taken, and can also be made at the Boarders' Stall:
• Composted barley straw, great for the garden, $5 per bale
• 2nds Wheat, great for chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs, $5.00 per 5kg bag
• Sheep manure, great for the garden, $10 per bag
Orders may also be placed by e-mailing Sharyn Lynch at Sharyn.lynch@wesley.wa.edu.au.
We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning at the Boarders' Stall.
A Wesley College Connection to Gallipoli
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As we prepare for ANZAC Day celebrations later this month, it's an appropriate time to reflect on the
meaning of the day. ANZAC Day, recognised each 25 April, honours the men and women who
participated in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations around the world, including the ANZACs
(Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I.
Wesley College has its own connection to Gallipoli, through its relationship with Old Wesleyan Ric
Throssell ('32, '35-'39). For a look back on history and how the Throssell Sword came to be a part of the
Wesley College archival collection, please read on.
Hugo Vivian Hope Throssell was born on 22 October 1884, the youngest of 12 children. The son of George
Throssell, a former Premier of Western Australia, Hugo Throssell volunteered to join the Imperial
Australian Force, which shipped to Gallipoli in 1915.
Hugo was educated at Prince Alfred College in Adelaide (1896 - 1902), where he excelled at sport. After
school, he and his brother Ric worked on cattle stations and as farmers.
In response to the outbreak of war in Europe, the 10th Light Horse Regiment was raised in Western
Australia in October 1914. Both Hugo and Ric immediately joined.
In early 1915, the regiment sailed to Egypt and later moved and dismounted, to relieve Australian and
New Zealand troops on the Gallipoli Peninsula.
Hugo's first action was in the charge at The Nek on 7 August 1915. Heavy losses and injuries ensued,
including injury to Ric Throssell, but the battle for the heights continued. Just three weeks later, those
who survived The Nek faced equal carnage at Hill 60.
By 28 August 1915, 160 men of the 10th Light Horse had taken up position on Hill 60. The charge in the
early hours of 29 August resulted in many more casualties. Of the 160 men, less than 100 could continue;
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of the 24 men who Hugo led in the charge, only he and one other were left after the assault, although
both were badly injured.
Hugo Throssell was awarded the Victoria Cross 'for most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty
during operations on Hill 60 in the Gallipoli Peninsula, on 29th and 30th August 1915'. He was decorated
and awarded the dress sword by King George V at Buckingham Palace on 4 December 1915.
After recuperating in England and Australia, Hugo returned to serve in the Middle East before being
finally discharged in 1918.
Hugo's dress sword was presented to Wesley College by his son, also named Ric. It will be on display in
the foyer of the Kefford Wing during the last week in April, as part of Wesley College's recognition of the
ANZAC centenary.
Barbara van Bronswijk
College Archivist
Prawira Performs at 'Rising Stars' Concert
The first in a series of 'Rising Stars' lunchtime concerts featuring the musical talent of Wesley students
was held on Thursday 19 March in Goatcher Auditorium.
Year 11 WACE Music student Jeremy Prawira (11D) presented a recital on the College's beautiful
Steinway grand piano to an appreciative audience of Junior, Middle and Senior School students, Wesley
College staff, parents and friends. The six-piece program was varied and included music by Mozart and
Chopin. The audience especially enjoyed Jeremy's performance of Liadow's The Music Box, which
represented the tinkling sounds of a music box as the mechanism wound down to a complete stop at the
end of the piece.
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Jeremy presented an interesting talk about his pieces, which he is preparing for an upcoming AMEB
The Rising Stars concerts are free and open to the public, held at 1.15pm on Thursdays once each month,
and are a platform to provide Wesley music students with enrichment and help them set performance
goals. You are welcome to enjoy your lunch while watching and be prepared for something delicious to
be handed out to all audience members.
Wesley's next 'Rising Stars' concert will be held at 1.15pm on Thursday 23 April 23 in Goatcher
Auditorium. The concert will feature students from Years 5 to 12 on instruments including the flute,
violin, piano and bass clarinet. We look forward to seeing you at the next 'Rising Stars' concert.
Stephanie Nicholls
Director of Piano and Keyboards
Service Learning and Leadership Update
It's been a busy couple of weeks in the Service Learning and Leadership area, and we wanted to share
some of the things we have been working on. For a look at all that has been happening in the
department, please read on.
College Celebrates Harmony Day
A big thank you to the staff and students who supported Harmony Day earlier this month. Harmony
Day celebrates Australia's cultural diversity, promoting inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging
for everyone. If you'd like to take a look at how we celebrated Harmony Day at Wesley College, please
click here to view event day photos.
Students Participate in Poverty Immersion Effort
Wesley students Scott MacLean (10D), Josh Li (11D) and Fraser Patten (10C) were terrific participants in
the three-day Poverty Immersion Program during Week 8. The boys volunteered in a range of
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community organisations and hope to plan and implement a follow-up project of their own in the near
future. They are completing a SCSA Endorsed Unit as part of this program.
'Be Brave and Shave' Program Update
Approximately 45 Students and Mr Rob Berwick have raised approximately $5,500 to date for the
Leukaemia Foundation by shaving their heads for the 'Be Brave and Shave' campaign. If they haven't
already done so, students participating in this effort are asked to please return their money and
booklets to Ms Pam Clausen as soon as possible.
Claux to Participate in Young Leaders Program
Congratulations to Ethan Claux (10G) who was successful in gaining a place in the very competitive Sir
Charles Court Young Leaders Program. Ethan will participate in the program in the upcoming school
SRC Day Supports Local Charities
The Wesley College Student Representative Council (SRC) held a very successful SRC Day last Thursday.
Through their gold coin donations, students were able to indicate which charity they would like to
support. Funds raised from the day are still being tallied and will go proportionally to Autism Australia,
the Cyclone Pam Fund and Radio Lollipop. Great job SRC!
Students Plan Senior School Blood Drive
Tom Churchward (12H) and Cael Stockley (12G) attended a training session with Red Cross during Week
9 to help them organise a blood drive for Senior School students and staff later this year. Watch this
space for more information about the upcoming blood drive.
College Hosts Film Screening
Thank you to the approximately 50 staff members, students and parents who supported the screening of
the film, Beyond Right and Wrong, a fundraiser for CASE for refugees, during Week 9. It really was a film
that made you think about the notion of forgiveness on a day-to-day basis, framed by some
extraordinary individuals.
Wesley Sailors Prepare for Holiday Event
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A group of Wesley sailors has been training all term in preparation for the upcoming 2015 Yachting
Western Australia Schools Team Racing Championships. The event, to be held from Wednesday 8 to
Friday 10 April at Point Walter, is perfect for spectators and sailing enthusiasts. A team of seven boys
will be selected to represent Wesley against a range of private and state schools. The team's racing
format of sailing means that teams of three boats compete with one other team in a very short race
(from six to 10 minutes in length) and accrue points in a 'Round Robin' series held over the first two days
of the regatta. Teams with the highest number of points then sail a final series on Friday 10 April.
Come down to Point Walter any time between 9.00am - 3.00pm on the first two days of racing to catch
the action, enjoy the beautiful location and be a part of the vibrant atmosphere that goes along with any
school sporting event. Look out for Evelyn Doernberg, Wesley College Team Manager, or Bradley
Luketina ('06-'13), Team Coach, to view the race schedule and find out when Wesley will race next in the
Evelyn Doernberg
Senior School Mathematics Teacher
Book Tickets Now for Mother's Day High Tea
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Tickets are now available for one of the most popular events on the Wesley College calendar: the
Parents' & Friends' Association's Mother's Day High Tea. Celebrate Mother's Day at the High Tea, set for
2.00 - 5.00pm on Saturday 9 May in the Staff Room of the Joseph Green Centre. Indulge in a decadent
High Tea and celebrate in style with friends. Tickets cost $60 each and include champagne on arrival,
delicious sweet and savoury treats, gourmet tea and coffee and even a few special surprises on the day.
Book your tickets now by clicking here. Tickets are limited, and tables of 10 may be arranged.
College Hosts April Event in Singapore
Wesley College is heading north - to Singapore, that is! The College is excited to announce its first visit to
Singapore in several years. The College has a long history of welcoming students from Singapore and
Southeast Asia, and strong ties to Old Wesleyans in the region.
Headmaster David Gee will host a Cocktail Reception from 6.00 - 8.00pm on Friday 17 April at the
Orchard Parade Hotel in the central CBD, Singapore. The event will provide the Headmaster with an
opportunity to reconnect with Old Wesleyans, catch up with current Wesley families and welcome
potential new families to the Wesley community. In addition to the Headmaster, the College will be
represented by Ms Debra Reinecke, Director of Community Relations; Mrs Kelli Henning, Enrolments
Manager; and Mr Ian Fowler, Alumni Manager.
If you are living or working in Singapore, or have friends in the region who would like to know more
about Wesley College, please plan to attend the 17 April event. For more information or to RSVP, please
contact Mrs Kelli Henning at +61 08 9368 8000 or send an e-mail to kelli.henning@wesley.wa.edu.au.
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College Endowment Fund AGM is 23 April
The Wesley College Endowment Fund is hosting is hosting its 31st Annual General Meeting at 4.00pm on
Thursday 23 April in the Readhead Room, Level 3 of the Joseph Green Centre. All parents of current
Wesley College students are invited to attend the Endowment Fund AGM. For more information, please
contact Geoff Searle, Director of Finance, at 9368 8000 or via e-mail at Geoff.searle@wesley.wa.edu.au.
Save the Date: Biggest Morning Tea is 22 May
Australia's Biggest Morning Tea is an opportunity for the Wesley Community to come together, share a
'cuppa' and some delicious food, and help those affected by cancer. The event, hosted by the Wesley
College Senior School House Representatives, is set for 8.30 - 11.00am on Friday 22 May and will be held
in the Staffroom of the Joseph Green Centre. There is a $5 entry fee, to be paid at the door.
The event features amazing culinary delights each year, thanks to our generous parent community. If
you are able to provide a savoury or sweet plate on the day, we would love to hear from you. Please
e-mail Julie Rogers at koeppler@aapt.net.au if you are happy to make and donate something for the
We also would like to hear from any parents or businesses able to donate prizes for the event. We will
have a Silent Auction and fun raffles at the event. Every donation - large or small - is important, as we
combine goods to make beautiful hampers. Donations of new items can be left at Middle School
Reception, Junior School Reception or Central Reception (located in the Kefford Wing). Please note that
alcoholic beverages may not be dropped off at Middle School Reception. For more information or to
arrange for collection, please e-mail Celeste Hilmer at celeste@hilmer.biz . We are very grateful for any
items donated to this great cause, and will do our best to advertise all businesses contributing to the
day's success.
If you would like to volunteer your time on the day ('many hands make light work'), please e-mail
Yasmeen Badat at yasmeenbadat@yahoo.com or Peta-Ann Congerton at petaannc@gmail.com.
Save the date and make plans now to attend this popular, fun event!
Wesley WACE Revision Seminars Set for July
Wesley College will again host WACE Revision Seminars during the July school holidays, with review
courses set for Monday 6 July through Friday 10 July on the Wesley College campus. With these
seminars occurring during the three-week holiday period, our students will have an opportunity to find
a greater balance between further academic support, private study and rest at a time of the year when
the College believes it is most needed.
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However, due to declining attendance numbers in recent years, compounded by clashes with WACE
practical examinations and other schools holding their Mock Examinations at the same time, the College
has decided to discontinue its October WACE Revision Seminars.
Bookings for the July seminars will open in Term 2. Parents who would like information on alternative
seminars in April and October should frequently check the 'Community' section of the @Wesley
newsletter for details regarding alternative review courses.
Parents Reminded to Keep 'My Data' Current
As we start the new school year, Wesley College parents are reminded to please keep the College up to
date on changes to your personal and medical details via the College Portal.
You can access medical details as follows:
• Go to the Parent's Page on the Portal;
• Click on 'Synergetic Portal';
• Make sure you are in the 'My Details' tab, and update each constituents' profile (listed
in the top right corner);
• Submit an update for each constituent.
Once your changes are submitted, relevant administration staff are automatically notified and can
update your records in the Wesley College database. Changes will be made by Wesley College as soon as
possible after your lodgement of new details. Keeping your details up to date ensures the College is able
to reach you throughout the year.
If you encounter difficulties with this process, please contact Wesley ILT support.
Junior School
Message from the Head of Junior School
The end of the term has come so quickly! It seems like just yesterday that we were welcoming families
back for the start of the year. In just one term, so much has happened and a great deal has been
achieved. All of the Junior School students should feel proud of their efforts, whether they were achieved
by developing in academic, sporting or social domains this term. It has been an exciting term in the
Junior School and an absolute pleasure to share in the children's individual journeys. They all certainly
deserve some time to rest and relax over the holiday break. I hope that all families have a lovely Easter
holiday break and look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday 21 April.
Cate Begbie
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Head of Junior School
JS Event Promotes Awareness of Bullying
'Stand Up, Speak Out' to Take Action Against Bullying
Recently, the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence celebrated its fifth year. Whilst we
have programs in place to support children's social and emotional development at Wesley College, an
estimated 200 million children and young people worldwide are being bullied by schoolmates or peers.
Many people assume that bullying is only an issue for students in their Middle and Senior School years,
however, a survey of schools in 40 countries recently revealed that Australian primary schools were
amongst those with the highest reported incidence of bullying around the world, with 25 percent of Year
4 students affected by bullying. These findings are consistent with the 'Kids Helpline' experience which
reported that school-related bullying is among the top four concerns of children aged 15 and under.
The Wesley College P&F, in conjunction with Wesley Junior School, has decided to make the last day of
Term 1 a day to highlight the importance of bringing an end to bullying and violence worldwide. We
invite the children to wear their favourite colour to school (for a gold coin donation). We have
intentionally let the children select the colour of the clothing they choose to wear, so that we can
demonstrate that the acceptance of diversity and differences enriches us all. All monies raised will be
passed on to the 'Kids Helpline'.
With the message of 'Stand Up, Speak Out', we all have a role to play in ensuring that our children's
school years are some of the best of their lives.
Sausage Sizzle Celebrates End of Term 1
It's end-of-term time again and the Junior School P&F is putting on a lunchtime 'Sausage Sizzle'. This
year, the special end-of-term events will be run by Houses rather than year groups to encourage a 'cross
community' feel.
This term's event is proudly brought to you by the families of Dickson and Hardey Houses. We are
looking forward to seeing all Junior School families (including grandparents and other favourite folk) on
Hanton Quad from 12.00pm onwards on the last day of term, Thursday 2 April. It's also our 'Wear Your
Favourite Colour to School Day' (for a gold coin donation) in supports of 'Kids Helpline'.
Along with the sausage sizzle, we will again also offer a limited amount of 18cm sushi rolls, including a
vegetarian option, so first in first served. All proceeds from the picnic go to 'Kids Helpline'.
From your friendly neighbourhood Junior School P&F Parent Group
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Soccer Program Offered During April Holidays
Wesley College will again host Pro Football Training during the upcoming Easter school break. The
program has been very successful and students are invited to attend a fun-filled, engaging and
energetic environment for six hours of professional soccer coaching. The program will be offered
Tuesday 7 April through Thursday 9 April at Wesley College. Please click here for more information on
program cost, session times and registration details.
JS Soccer Program Moves Indoors in Term 2
The Junior School Soccer Program moves indoors during Term 2 with the focus still on development of
the whole player. Students will participate in a number of Futsal activities which integrate into the
skillsets worked on throughout Term 1.
Term 2 Dates
Students in Year 3 and Year 4
• Tuesday, 28 April to Tuesday, 23 June
• 7.00 - 8.00am, Transition Building
• Cost: $180 ($20 per Session)
Students in Pre-Primary to Year 2
• Friday, 1 May to Friday, 26 June
• 7.00 - 8.00am, Transition Building
• Cost: $180 ($20 per Session)
Chess for Life Continues in Term 2
The Wesley College Chess Club is inviting new members to join in Term 2. The Chess for Life Chess Club
will recommence for new and current members on Tuesday 21 April from 3.30 - 4.30pm in Room M7.
Junior School students are asked to please pay their club registration fees prior to the first club day.
Thank you to all of the parents for their support in making the club a success. For more information,
please contact Mr Jack South, Chess for Life program co-ordinator, at (08) 9271 1006. We hope to see you
all on the first day back of Term 2.
Jack South
Chess for Life Program Co-ordinator
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Calling All Runners: Club Begins in Term 2
The Junior School Running and Fitness Club will commence during Week 1 of Term 2. The purpose of the
club is to give students in Years 3 and 4 the opportunity to participate in fun fitness activities and cross
country running preparation. The emphasis is on participation and personal improvement, rather than
After the Junior School Inter-House Cross Country competition on Thursday 21 May, an Inter-school
squad for students in Years 3 and 4 will be selected. Training will take place on the foreshore for selected
runners only.
Running Club Details
• Who: Any interested students in Years 3 and 4.
• When: Tuesday and Friday mornings, beginning 21 and 24 April.
• Time: 7.30 - 8.00am.
• What to Wear: Wesley House sport uniform.
• What to Bring: Water bottle, personal medication, if required (e.g., asthma 'puffer').
• Venue: Rossiter Oval. Please meet Mr Craig Bell or Ms Kahlia Bailey at the shade
shelter above the tennis courts. Be prompt as each session will begin promptly at
Playing it Safe: Term 2 Mouthguard Reminder
During Term 2, students in Years 3 and 4 will participate in a number of team sports, including Minkey
Hockey, Soccer, AFL and Walla Rugby during PE and Sport. These modified sports are designed to be
safe and age appropriate. During Term 2, we highly recommended that each child has a mouth guard
available for each PE and Sport session. Children will be reminded to wear their mouth guards when
required, but will not be excluded from participating if they do not have one.
Craig Bell
Junior School Physical Education and Sport
GirlPower Announces 2015 Program Schedule
GirlPower is delighted to announce its 2015 schedule for community parent-daughter workshops.
'Fuzzies and Friends' is for parents and girls in Years 1 and 2. The highly-acclaimed 'Language of
Friendship' workshop is for girls in Years 3 to 6, along with their parents. We welcome all community
members to attend these events, held in the Founders Centre for Early Learning at Perth College. For
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more information on the 'Fuzzies and Friends' class dates and times, please click here. To see the list of
program dates and times for the 'Language of Friendship' events, please click here.
Calendar Check: Upcoming Junior School Events
Week 10 (B)
• Thursday 2 April
Wear Your Favourite Colour to School Day, Gold Coin Donation
• Thursday 2 April
End-of-Term Sausage Sizzle, Hanton Quad, 12.30pm onwards
• Thursday 2 April
Term 1 Concludes, Dismissal times as follows:
Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten, 12.30pm
Pre-primary, 12.40pm
Years 1 to 4, 12.50pm
Week 1 (A)
• Monday 20 April
Staff Day, No students
• Tuesday 21 April
Term 2 Commences
Parents Reminded to Keep 'My Data' Current
As we start the new school year, Wesley College parents are reminded to please keep the College up to
date on changes to your personal and medical details via the College Portal.
You can access medical details as follows:
• Go to the Parent's Page on the Portal;
• Click on 'Synergetic Portal';
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• Make sure you are in the 'My Details' tab, and update each constituents' profile (listed
in the top right corner);
• Submit an update for each constituent.
Once your changes are submitted, relevant administration staff are automatically notified and can
update your records in the Wesley College database. Changes will be made by Wesley College as soon as
possible after your lodgement of new details. Keeping your details up to date ensures the College is able
to reach you throughout the year.
If you encounter difficulties with this process, please contact Wesley ILT support.
Middle School
From the Head of Middle School
As part of our Social and Emotional Learning program, we held a parent presentation on Tuesday, 24
March for the parents of our Year 5 to 7 students, highlighting the 'Rock & Water' Program. The
presentation was run by Mr Paul Stein, the principal consultant for this outstanding program. Parents
were able to learn about the philosophy and strategies used by their child's tutors to provide the social
skills-focussed program grounded in current educational research. The evening proved to be a highly
successful event, with many parents requesting a further workshop later in Term 2. We will provide
more details about the workshops later next term. Thank you to the more than 120 parents who
attended this event.
What a wonderful way to finish off the end of term with the Inter-House Athletics Carnival on Tuesday!
The expected showers stayed away and the cooler weather allowed students to showcase their athletic
talents. Congratulations to all our boys and girls, not only for the fantastic endeavour and achievements
but, most importantly, for their 'have a go and do my best' attitude. It was impressive to see such
positive sportsmanship. As we go to 'press' today, final scores are still being tallied! Watch for an
announcement regarding the winning house in the next issue of this newsletter. Thank you to the
parents and families who came along and cheered on their sons and daughters.
da Vinci Decathlon News
Congratulations to our Year 7 and 8 da Vinci Decathlon team who is representing Wesley College in the
West Australian Intermediate da Vinci Decathlon competition, hosted by Wesley College, today. The
students participated in academic competitions covering 10 different events. The teams will be
travelling to Knox Grammar, NSW, for the National Competition, with the Middle School also sending a
team to compete in the highly-prized International da Vinci Decathlon in Milan. Well done to all our
teams and congratulations to Mr John Mirosevich for preparing, organising and running the day for all
21 schools competing in the event.
May I take this opportunity to wish all our Middle School families a very safe and happy holiday and we
look forward to seeing our students back at school on Tuesday 21 April.
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Peter Dunning
Head of Middle School
Assembly to Recognise Term 2 Leaders
Congratulations to the following students who have been voted by their peers to represent them as
House Captains and Student Representative Council members in Term 2. Badges of Office will be
presented at the assembly at 1.50pm on Wednesday 22 April in the Goatcher Auditorium. Parents and
family members are welcome to attend.
Student Representative Council
Jack Bariss (504), Isaac Beattie (502), Rowan Edwards (702), Connor Fitzgerald (704), Oliver Forrest (603),
Will Galli (801), James Gibson (604), Josh Gordon (806), Sachin Hart (804), Mitchell Hartland (503), Angus
Luers (706), Zac Negus (701), Blake Nielsen (705), Raghav Ravikumara (703), Rhys Solomons (501), Connor
Sutton (805), Sam White (602), Bailey Williams (601).
House Captains
Hugh Ashworth (805, Mofflin), Sebastian Clegg (804, Hardey), Blake Gillett (806, Grove), Sumit Goel (804,
Hardey), Jack Grayden (806, Jenkins), Charles Huggins (805, Walton), Harrison Hynes (801, Dickson),
Brian Joo (804, Grove), Lachlan Jukes (805, Jenkins), Kris Parsons (806, Mofflin), Stuart Smith (804,
Dickson), Cameron Wright (801, Walton).
P&F Meeting Provides Portal Tutorial
Thank you to the Middle School parents who took time out of their busy schedules to attend the P&F
Parent Meeting on Tuesday evening 31 March. Thank you to Mr Peter Klemm, Head of Wesley College
ILT, who was the guest speaker, providing parents with a tutorial on the College Portal. The next P&F
Parent Meeting is on Monday 4 May at 7.00pm in Room M9.
Student Led Conferences Set for Term 2
In Term 2, Weeks 5 and 6, the Student Led Conferences will take place for students in Years 5, 6 and 7,
and students in Classes 804, 805 and 806. Letters will be sent to parents in Week 1 with further
information and instructions on how to book interviews.
Kang Is Runner-Up in Badminton Competition
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Earlier this month, Theodore Kang (601), competed in the Bunbury Badminton Open Championship.
Theodore played exceptionally well against the men and placed runner-up in a hard-fought finals
match. This is only the second time Theodore has competed in the men's division against players much
older and more experienced. Well done, Theodore!
College Celebrates Grandparents, Friends
We invite all Grandparents and Special Friends of Year 8 students to a service and morning tea
beginning at 9.00am on Thursday 23 April in the Goatcher Auditorium. Invitations will be e-mailed to
parents by the end of this week.
The dates for the Grandparents and Special Friends Days for other Middle School Year groups are as
• Year 5 - Wednesday 6 May
• Year 6 - Wednesday 29 April
• Year 7 - Wednesday 27 May
Mofflin Families Plan Sundowner in Week 10
Middle School Mofflin families are hosting a Sundowner from 5.30 - 7.00pm today (Wednesday 1 April) on
the South Perth Foreshore, in the grassed area east of the Wesley College Rowing Shed at the end of
Coode Street. Mofflin families are invited to bring their own chips, chairs, picnic rugs and drinks and
enjoy the beautiful sunset with Wesley friends. Please note: should inclement weather set in, the event
will be postponed.
WRUFS Plans 'Night Out' for Term 2
The WRUFS (Wesley Rugby Union Friends and Supporters) Parent Support Group is planning a 'Night
Out' from 6.00 - 8.30pm on Thursday 23 April in the Middle School Atrium. All Rugby players in Years 5 to
12, along with parents, coaches and supporters, are invited to attend this celebration of the upcoming
Rugby season.
Tickets are $25 per person (including for players) and include hot roast meat rolls, jacket potatoes,
various salads, a can of soft drink and an ice cream. Players are asked to come in smart, casual dress. If
desired, parents may BYO wine and beer. For more information or to forward any special dietary
requirements, please e-mail Amanda Panetta at amandap888@icloud.com.
Tickets should be purchased before Thursday 23 April. To purchase your tickets, please click here.
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Save the date: Term 2 Mofflin Coffee Morning
Middle School Mofflin parents are planning a coffee morning catch-up from 8.30am onwards on Friday
24 April at the Boatshed Kiosk, at the end of Coode Street on the South Perth Foreshore. Save the date
and make plans now to join Middle School Mofflin parents at the end of the first week of Term 2.
Year 5 Families Prepare for Campus Sleepover
The Year 5 families are busy planning a Father-Child Camp, set for a 5.30pm start on Friday 1 May on
Hanton Quad. The camp features:
• A BBQ dinner of beef sausages (gluten, nut and dairy free), and Brumby buns.
• Breakfast selection of cereals and assorted fruit juices.
• Tea and coffee will be available for fathers, with bottled water also available for all
camp participants.
• Special entertainment will be provided.
Campers are asked to submit their registration no later than 21 April, by completing a registration form
and placing it in the P&F Mailbox located outside of Middle School Reception. Families are reminded
that grandfathers, uncles and guardians are also welcome to participate if fathers cannot attend on the
night. For more information on this fun event, please click here.
Build a Burger: Mofflin Lunch is 6 May
Mofflin parents are planning their second Burger Lunch this year, set for lunchtime on Wednesday 6
May in Wood Quad. No pre-orders are necessary for this popular event. The Burger Lunch is open to all
Middle and Senior School Moffln boys, as well as all other houses until burgers are sold out! All proceeds
from the event go to the Mofflin charity, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Cost for the Burger
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Lunch is $5.50 and includes a Clayton's Big Burger and salad in a bun, plus a juice box. For more
information or to help with the event, please contact Julie Brown at perry.brown@bigpond.com, or
Jenny Williams at jbandj.williams@bigpond.com.
Homework Club Set For Year 7 and 8 Students
After-school tutoring and additional support for all students in Years 7 and 8 is available each Tuesday
and Thursday afternoon in Mathematics and Science, and English and HASS (Humanities and Social
Sciences, formerly S&E) in the Trenaman Library. Some students may be directed to attend these
sessions by their classroom teachers, particularly if the student is in need of organisational support,
'catch up' or intervention, or has not completed homework or assessment tasks. In all instances, parents
or guardians will be contacted, and a request will be made for their child to attend.
Each Tuesday from 3.30 - 4.30pm, Mrs Mia Sullivan will run English/HASS tuition, and Ms Wendy White
will provide Mathematics/Science tuition. From 3.30 - 4.30pm each Thursday afternoon, Mr Glen Innis
will lead English/HASS tuition, while Mr Clive Dawkins will lead Mathematics/Science tuition. On both
days, Ms Eileen George will run sessions specifically aimed at Middle School students who wish to
improve their literacy skills. This may include the use of scaffolding to assist in the planning and
completion of homework and assessment tasks.
For more information about the Middle School Homework Club, please click here.
Parents Reminded to Keep 'My Data' Current
As we start the new school year, Wesley College parents are reminded to please keep the College up to
date on changes to your personal and medical details via the College Portal.
You can access medical details as follows:
• Go to the Parent's Page on the Portal;
• Click on 'Synergetic Portal';
• Make sure you are in the 'My Details' tab, and update each constituents' profile (listed
in the top right corner);
• Submit an update for each constituent.
Once your changes are submitted, relevant administration staff are automatically notified and can
update your records in the Wesley College database. Changes will be made by Wesley College as soon as
possible after your lodgement of new details. Keeping your details up to date ensures the College is able
to reach you throughout the year.
If you encounter difficulties with this process, please contact Wesley ILT support.
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Senior School
Wesley Sailors Prepare for Holiday Event
A group of Wesley sailors has been training all term in preparation for the upcoming 2015 Yachting
Western Australia Schools Team Racing Championships. The event, to be held from Wednesday 8 to
Friday 10 April at Point Walter, is perfect for spectators and sailing enthusiasts. A team of seven boys
will be selected to represent Wesley against a range of private and state schools. The team's racing
format of sailing means that teams of three boats compete with one other team in a very short race
(from six to 10 minutes in length) and accrue points in a 'Round Robin' series held over the first two days
of the regatta. Teams with the highest number of points then sail a final series on Friday 10 April.
Come down to Point Walter any time between 9.00am - 3.00pm on the first two days of racing to catch
the action, enjoy the beautiful location and be a part of the vibrant atmosphere that goes along with any
school sporting event. Look out for Evelyn Doernberg, Wesley College Team Manager, or Bradley
Luketina ('06-'13), Team Coach, to view the race schedule and find out when Wesley will race next in the
Evelyn Doernberg
Senior School Mathematics Teacher
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Parents Reminded to Keep 'My Data' Current
As we start the new school year, Wesley College parents are reminded to please keep the College up to
date on changes to your personal and medical details via the College Portal.
You can access medical details as follows:
• Go to the Parent's Page on the Portal;
• Click on 'Synergetic Portal';
• Make sure you are in the 'My Details' tab, and update each constituents' profile (listed
in the top right corner);
• Submit an update for each constituent.
Once your changes are submitted, relevant administration staff are automatically notified and can
update your records in the Wesley College database. Changes will be made by Wesley College as soon as
possible after your lodgement of new details. Keeping your details up to date ensures the College is able
to reach you throughout the year.
If you encounter difficulties with this process, please contact Wesley ILT support.
After-School Support Offered in Key Subjects
After school tutoring and additional support for all Year 9 to 12 students is available this year in
Mathematics and English, with additional support in Year 12 Physics available during Independent
English and Literacy Support
• Year 9 - Mrs Claire Crooks will run English tuition from 3.30-4.30pm each Tuesday
and Thursday afternoon. These sessions, held in Room W2, are open to any student
wishing to improve their English skills.
• Year 10 to 12 - Mrs Gerry Walsh will hold English tuition and support sessions from
3.30 - 4.30pm each Monday and Wednesday afternoon in Room W2.
• Years 9 to 11 - Ms Anna Hardy, Head of English, will offer sessions specifically aimed
at students sitting NAPLAN and OLNA who wish to improve their reading and
writing skills. While these sessions are open to all Senior School students, certain boys
will be notified and invited to attend. These sessions will occur from 7.45 - 8.20am on
Tuesdays (with a focus on reading), and from 7.45 - 8.20am on Wednesdays (with a
focus on writing). All sessions will be held in W2.
Mathematics Support
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• The Mathematics Homework Group will meet from 3.30 - 4.30pm every Monday
through Thursday afternoon in the Archimedes Room (K12). Mr Andrew Pateman
and Mr Simon Purdue will lead these sessions, which may include point-of-need
assistance and test or examination revision. In addition, study technique assistance
will be provided, where appropriate.
• Masterclasses, in particular topics for small groups, will occur as needed. Boys are
reminded that they may attend for any or all of each one-hour session. Last year, a
few boys were discouraged to attend, thinking they had to attend for the full hour.
Feel free to stop by and stay for as little or as long as it helpful.
Physics Support
• Year 12 students studying Physics may take advantage of additional support with Dr
Sarah Harrison. This support will be offered on a rotational basis during the three
Independent Learning classes each fortnight. Students will be notified by e-mail in
advance, providing the support schedule in order to maximize the effectiveness of
each session.
Wesley WACE Revision Seminars Set for July
Wesley College will again host WACE Revision Seminars during the July school holidays, with review
courses set for Monday 6 July through Friday 10 July on the Wesley College campus. With these
seminars occurring during the three-week holiday period, our students will have an opportunity to find
a greater balance between further academic support, private study and rest at a time of the year when
the College believes it is most needed.
However, due to declining attendance numbers in recent years, compounded by clashes with WACE
practical examinations and other schools holding their Mock Examinations at the same time, the College
has decided to discontinue its October WACE Revision Seminars.
Bookings for the July seminars will open in Term 2. Parents who would like information on alternative
seminars in April and October should frequently check the 'Community' section of the @Wesley
newsletter for details regarding alternative review courses.
WRUFS Plans 'Night Out' for Term 2
The WRUFS (Wesley Rugby Union Friends and Supporters) Parent Support Group is planning a 'Night
Out' from 6.00 - 8.30pm on Thursday 23 April in the Middle School Atrium. All Rugby players in Years 5 to
12, along with parents, coaches and supporters, are invited to attend this celebration of the upcoming
Rugby season.
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Tickets are $25 per person (including for players) and include hot roast meat rolls, jacket potatoes,
various salads, a can of soft drink and an ice cream. Players are asked to come in smart, casual dress. If
desired, parents may BYO wine and beer. For more information or to forward any special dietary
requirements, please e-mail Amanda Panetta at amandap888@icloud.com.
Tickets should be purchased before Thursday 23 April. To purchase your tickets, please click here.
Prawira Performs at 'Rising Stars' Concert
The first in a series of 'Rising Stars' lunchtime concerts featuring the musical talent of Wesley students
was held on Thursday 19 March in Goatcher Auditorium.
Year 11 WACE Music student Jeremy Prawira (11D) presented a recital on the College's beautiful
Steinway grand piano to an appreciative audience of Junior, Middle and Senior School students, Wesley
College staff, parents and friends. The six-piece program was varied and included music by Mozart and
Chopin. The audience especially enjoyed Jeremy's performance of Liadow's The Music Box, which
represented the tinkling sounds of a music box as the mechanism wound down to a complete stop at the
end of the piece.
Jeremy presented an interesting talk about his pieces, which he is preparing for an upcoming AMEB
The Rising Stars concerts are free and open to the public, held at 1.15pm on Thursdays once each month,
and are a platform to provide Wesley music students with enrichment and help them set performance
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goals. You are welcome to enjoy your lunch while watching and be prepared for something delicious to
be handed out to all audience members.
Wesley's next 'Rising Stars' concert will be held at 1.15pm on Thursday 23 April 23 in Goatcher
Auditorium. The concert will feature students from Years 5 to 12 on instruments including the flute,
violin, piano and bass clarinet. We look forward to seeing you at the next 'Rising Stars' concert.
Stephanie Nicholls
Director of Piano and Keyboards
Junior School Music News
During Week 10, the Junior School Chapel service was an Easter Celebration of God's love and sharing
the gifts of musical talent. Musical items were presented by Jeanne Marie Marais (102) on piano, Joshua
Young (402) on saxophone, Shihan Tan (302) on keyboard, Aaron Ooi (302) on violin and the Manning
Chan Participates in WACE Perspectives Event
Congratulations to Joseph Chan (12D), Vice-Captain of School, who performed the first movement of the
Grieg Piano Concerto in A Minor at the WACE Perspectives concert on 12 and 13 March, accompanied by
Mrs Vivien Ling. Held at His Majesty's Theatre, this concert showcases the top talent in music, dance and
drama across WA. As a current Year 12 student, Joseph was one of the youngest performers
participating in the event, as most of the other performers had just graduated from high school. His
dramatic performance of the Grieg Piano Concerto was received with thunderous applause.
Music News: Stage Band Performs at Assembly
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Last Thursday the Stage Band, directed by Mr Mark Underwood, performed the James Bond Theme and
Funky Monkey by Rick Stitzel for the Middle School Assembly.
Sawyer Sings at Senior School Chapel Service
Jake Sawyer (701) treated students in Senior School Chapel services last week, singing Jealous by
Labyrinth, accompanied by Mrs Stephanie Nicholls.
A Closer Look: Wesley's Amazing Music Tutors
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Wesley College is fortunate to have an amazing team of talented music professionals on its staff. Read
on for a list of the concerts, performances and CD recordings our instrumental tutors have recently
been involved in, or are currently working on:
Mrs Stephanie Nicholls (Piano and Oboe)
• Les Miserables at the Crown
• Playing with Olivia Newton-John and John Farnham with the Perth Symphony
• Fremantle Chamber Orchestra on Saturday 11 April at the Fremantle Arts Centre.
Miss Rachael Aqulina (Violin)
• Toured with London Grammar throughout Australia for 1 ½ weeks in March.
• Performing with John Farnham and Olivia Newton-John this week at Sandalford
Winery in Margaret River.
Mr Matt Bartel (Guitar)
• TopKats (corporate band), played the Golf Gala Ball at the Astor Ballroom, Crown.
• Johnny Cash Tribute Band, played a sell-out show in the Perth Hills.
• 2Five:Soul (acoustic duo), played at Urbon restaurant/pub in Burswood.
• Topkats played Brad Hogg's (cricketer) wedding at Darlington Estate.
• 2Five:Soul playing a corporate show in the Museum Gardens for approximately 1000
• 2Frets Down (acoustic duo) playing at The Ball & Chain on the Esplanade in
• 2Five:Soul playing at Urbon in Burswood.
Mr Rex Carr-White (Violin)
• Leeuwin Estate Concert with the Perth Symphony.
Steve Richter (Percussion/Drum Kit)
• February 2015: Flamenco performance with international Flamenco Artists La Chica
and Andrej Vuvijic (Puerto Flamenco).
• February 2015: PIAF Performance at Fremantle Arts centre with Finnish musicians
Felix Zenger and Tuomo Prattala.
• March 7: Perth Symphony Orchestra at Leeuwin with Bryn Terfal, Lisa McCune and
Rochelle Durkin.
• March 21: Fremantle Arts Centre offBEAT festival with Mathas, and Joni in the Moon.
• March 30: Lecturing at WAPAA.
Mr Raul Torres (Brass)
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• Conducted workshop for Clarinet Choir University of Toronto for original
• Leading the City of Perth Marching Corps at the Blues Concert in Cannington.
• The Wychwood Clarinet Choir will be playing Raul's original composition The Italian
for Clarinet Choir.
• City of Perth Marching Corps at the Varsity Bar for American Independence Day.
• Concert of Raul's original works to be played at the Western Australian Academy of
Performing Arts (WAAPA).
Ms Iwona Staniszewski (Organ/Piano)
• December 2014 Ross Memorial Uniting Church in the City.
• May 2015 at St Augustine's Uniting Church in Bunbury.
Mr Mark Underwood (Trumpet)
• Elvis Tour.
• Llewyn Concert.
• Olivia Newton-John and John Farnham at Sandalford Winery.
• The Wiz - Iona College.
Linda Charteris (Bassoon)
• Played with WASO for their first Master Series for the year.
Miss Erin Royer (Saxophone)
Erin Royer, College saxophone tutor, is currently raising funds via Pozible, to help release her first
album entitled After The Moment. Erin then intends on touring her CD through the UK and Europe in
July 2015. She will be performing at the World Saxophone Congress in Strasbourg, and needs assistance
in raising funds to print, produce and Master her CD. If you would like to help Erin make this possible,
and help kick-start her solo career, please visit her website at www.erinroyer.com. Alternatively, if you
would like to know more about Erin's work, feel free to contact her via email at info@erinroyer.com. Erin
will launch her CD on 4 July.
For all of Erin's upcoming gigs, please visit her website at www.erinroyer.com. You might like to visit the
Ellington Jazz Club on 16 June where you can listen to the Perth Saxaphone Assault!
PLC Marks Centenary With Pipe Band Event
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In honour of the Presbyterian Ladies' College Centenary and pipe band tradition, an All Schools Pipe
Band March and Competition will be held over the Easter weekend. Seven schools from around
Australasia will perform and compete over two days. There will be an All Schools Pipe Band March in
the city on Saturday 4 April and an All Schools Pipe Band Competition and Mini Easter Fair at the Scotch
playing fields the following day, on Easter Sunday April 5. Everyone is warmly invited to attend these
free family events. For details, please visit the PLC Centenary website at http://www.plc100.info or click
here to view the program flier.
Set Sail: Local Club Offers Holiday Courses
The South of Perth Yacht Club Sailing Academy is offering 'Learn to Sail' courses during the upcoming
April school holidays. Participants will be sailing Optimist and Pacer Class dinghies, and with courses
offered at Levels 1 and 2. Classes will be offered from 9.00am - 1.00pm from Tuesday 7 through Friday 10
April, and again from Monday 13 to Thursday 16 April. The club also offers after-school sailing programs
from 4.00 - 5.30pm each Wednesday afternoon, beginning on 22 April and continuing for 10 weeks. For
more information or to register, please contact the 'On Water' Group Office at (08) 9364 5844, or e-mail
training@sopyc.com.au. To check out the South of Perth Yacht Club's website, please click here.
'Top Marks' Offers April Study Skills Courses
Top Marks Learning Centres is offering three-day Study Skills courses at two different locations during
the April school holidays. The seminars are targeted for students in Years 10, 11 and 12, and cost $395.
Courses will be offered from 9.00am - 3.pm on April 8 to 10 at Edith Cowan University, Joondalup
Campus; and from 9.00am - 3.00pm on April 13 to 15 at Edith Cowan University, Mt Lawley Campus. The
course outline includes stress management, memory strategies, effective note-taking, essay writing,
speed reading, mind mapping, time management, revision program and reading comprehension. For
more information, please phone (08) 9091 7374, or visit Top Marks' website at www.topmarks1.com.
GuitarWorks Offers Free Holiday Courses
GuitarWorks is holding free School Holiday Guitar Workshops for anyone interested in learning guitar.
The 1½ hour demonstrations cover all aspects of guitar playing and styles. Bookings are essential. For
more information, please call Stefan Cutri at 0414 448 907 or send an e-mail to
Academic Task Force Offers Revision Courses
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Academic Task Force is offering an April WACE and ATAR Revision course, featuring six hours of subject
revision at one of three locations: Rossmoyne Senior High School, Churchlands Senior High School and
Perth Modern School. Enrol now online at www.academictaskforce.com.au, call 9314 9500 or e-mail
Academic Associations is offering April WACE and ATAR Revision Courses, through 10-hour courses,
available at the University of Western Australia and the University of Notre Dame. Enrol online at
www.academicassociates.com.au, call 9314 9500 or e-mail info@academicassociates.com.au.
Academic Task Force is also offering an April Skills Development Program for students in Years 7 to 10.
The course feature skills development in English, Essay Writing, Maths, NAPLAN preparation and
Learning Skills, and is available at one of three locations: Rossmoyne Senior High School, Churchlands
Senior High School and Perth Modern School. Enrol now online at www.academictaskforce.com.au, call
9314 9500 or e-mail learn@academictaskforce.com.au.
South Perth Plans Drainage Works Project
As part of the 2014/2015 Capital Works Program, the City of South Perth will undertake drainage
improvement works along Victoria Street between Coode Street and Rose Avenue later this month.
Construction works are due to start the week commencing 13 April and take approximately two weeks,
weather permitting. During this time there will be traffic management in place. The road will be closed
to traffic at certain times and detours will be in place to provide for through traffic. Local traffic will be
permitted, but some delays may occur. On-street parking will also be restricted to facilitate works. Work
will generally be confined to the hours of 7:00am and 5:00pm.
The work may involve the removal and replacement of kerbing. If you have reticulation along the kerb
line, it will be cut, capped and replaced where the new kerb is placed and backfilled. To assist the City
with this matter, it is requested that residents fully test their systems within two weeks of the
completion of the project and advise of any problems in writing. Unfortunately, after this period, the
City cannot take responsibility for repairs.
The City appreciates your support and cooperation during these works and our staff will make every
effort to reduce the inconvenience. If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to call 9474 0777.
Help 'Knock Out' Cancer on 26 April
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Come down and support the fighters, admire the survivors, whilst honouring the taken, at the familyfriendly 'Knock Out Cancer' community event on Sunday 26 April at the Como Bowling Club. The event,
to be held at 99 Hensman Street in South Perth, features a 'KnockOut Fashion' extravaganza from
10.00am - 4.00pm, offering both new and 'recycled' clothing and accessories for sale. If you're looking to
be active, plan to join in the 'KnockOut Barefoot Bowls' event from 3.00 - 7.00pm. A gold coin donation
and all proceeds from the day go to the Spirit of Life Team for The Cancer Council's Relay For Life 2015.
Throughout the day, there will be food and entertainment, craft, art and fashion stalls and exciting
activities for all. The fun begins at 10.00am. For more information on this event, please e-mail
TheKnockOutEvent@gmail.com, or search TheKnockOutEvent on Facebook.
GirlPower Announces 2015 Program Schedule
GirlPower is delighted to announce its 2015 schedule for community parent-daughter workshops.
'Fuzzies and Friends' is for parents and girls in Years 1 and 2. The highly-acclaimed 'Language of
Friendship' workshop is for girls in Years 3 to 6, along with their parents. We welcome all community
members to attend these events, held in the Founders Centre for Early Learning at Perth College. For
more information on the 'Fuzzies and Friends' class dates and times, please click here. To see the list of
program dates and times for the 'Language of Friendship' events, please click here.
Community Service
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Service Learning and Leadership Update
It's been a busy couple of weeks in the Service Learning and Leadership area, and we wanted to share
some of the things we have been working on. For a look at all that has been happening in the
department, please read on.
College Celebrates Harmony Day
A big thank you to the staff and students who supported Harmony Day earlier this month. Harmony
Day celebrates Australia's cultural diversity, promoting inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging
for everyone. If you'd like to take a look at how we celebrated Harmony Day at Wesley College, please
click here to view event day photos.
Students Participate in Poverty Immersion Effort
Wesley students Scott MacLean (10D), Josh Li (11D) and Fraser Patten (10C) were terrific participants in
the three-day Poverty Immersion Program during Week 8. The boys volunteered in a range of
community organisations and hope to plan and implement a follow-up project of their own in the near
future. They are completing a SCSA Endorsed Unit as part of this program.
'Be Brave and Shave' Program Update
Approximately 45 Students and Mr Rob Berwick have raised approximately $5,500 to date for the
Leukaemia Foundation by shaving their heads for the 'Be Brave and Shave' campaign. If they haven't
already done so, students participating in this effort are asked to please return their money and
booklets to Ms Pam Clausen as soon as possible.
Claux to Participate in Young Leaders Program
Congratulations to Ethan Claux (10G) who was successful in gaining a place in the very competitive Sir
Charles Court Young Leaders Program. Ethan will participate in the program in the upcoming school
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SRC Day Supports Local Charities
The Wesley College Student Representative Council (SRC) held a very successful SRC Day last Thursday.
Through their gold coin donations, students were able to indicate which charity they would like to
support. Funds raised from the day are still being tallied and will go proportionally to Autism Australia,
the Cyclone Pam Fund and Radio Lollipop. Great job SRC!
Students Plan Senior School Blood Drive
Tom Churchward (12H) and Cael Stockley (12G) attended a training session with Red Cross during Week
9 to help them organise a blood drive for Senior School students and staff later this year. Watch this
space for more information about the upcoming blood drive.
College Hosts Film Screening
Thank you to the approximately 50 staff members, students and parents who supported the screening of
the film, Beyond Right and Wrong, a fundraiser for CASE for refugees, during Week 9. It really was a film
that made you think about the notion of forgiveness on a day-to-day basis, framed by some
extraordinary individuals.
What's On
Upcoming Events
This Month at Wesley
• Wednesday 1 April, 5.30 - 7.00pm
Mofflin Middle School Family Sundowner
South Perth Foreshore (Grassed area East of Wesley College Rowing Shed at the end of Coode Street)
• Thursday 2 April, 8.00am onwards
Boarders' Stall, Wood Quadrangle
• Friday 24 April, 8.30am onwards
Mofflin Middle School Parent Coffee Morning, The Boatshed Kiosk
Coode Street, South Perth
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Kang Is Runner-Up in Badminton Competition
Earlier this month, Theodore Kang (601), competed in the Bunbury Badminton Open Championship.
Theodore played exceptionally well against the men and placed runner-up in a hard-fought finals
match. This is only the second time Theodore has competed in the men's division against players much
older and more experienced. Well done, Theodore!
Wesley Sailors Prepare for Holiday Event
A group of Wesley sailors has been training all term in preparation for the upcoming 2015 Yachting
Western Australia Schools Team Racing Championships. The event, to be held from Wednesday 8 to
Friday 10 April at Point Walter, is perfect for spectators and sailing enthusiasts. A team of seven boys
will be selected to represent Wesley against a range of private and state schools. The team's racing
format of sailing means that teams of three boats compete with one other team in a very short race
(from six to 10 minutes in length) and accrue points in a 'Round Robin' series held over the first two days
of the regatta. Teams with the highest number of points then sail a final series on Friday 10 April.
Come down to Point Walter any time between 9.00am - 3.00pm on the first two days of racing to catch
the action, enjoy the beautiful location and be a part of the vibrant atmosphere that goes along with any
school sporting event. Look out for Evelyn Doernberg, Wesley College Team Manager, or Bradley
Luketina ('06-'13), Team Coach, to view the race schedule and find out when Wesley will race next in the
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Evelyn Doernberg
Senior School Mathematics Teacher
WRUFS Plans 'Night Out' for Term 2
The WRUFS (Wesley Rugby Union Friends and Supporters) Parent Support Group is planning a 'Night
Out' from 6.00 - 8.30pm on Thursday 23 April in the Middle School Atrium. All Rugby players in Years 5 to
12, along with parents, coaches and supporters, are invited to attend this celebration of the upcoming
Rugby season.
Tickets are $25 per person (including for players) and include hot roast meat rolls, jacket potatoes,
various salads, a can of soft drink and an ice cream. Players are asked to come in smart, casual dress. If
desired, parents may BYO wine and beer. For more information or to forward any special dietary
requirements, please e-mail Amanda Panetta at amandap888@icloud.com.
Tickets should be purchased before Thursday 23 April. To purchase your tickets, please click here.