Chapter 7: Alkene reactions – conversion to new functional groups Preparation of alkenes: two common elimination reactions 1. Dehydration of alcohols Dehydration is a common biochemical reaction in carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism and terpene biosynthesis – it’s catalyzed in vivo by specific enzymes. In the lab, dehydration is an acid-catalyzed elimination reaction. The mechanism involves formation of a carbocation intermediate (more on eliminations in Ch. 11) Example: Formation of 2-butene from 2-butanol H3C H H2 C C CH3 OH H2SO4 heat H3C C H C H CH3 + H2O The regiochemistry of elimination leads to the most substituted alkene possible = Zaitsev’s rule 2. Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides Alkyl halides also undergo elimination to produce alkenes: What’s the major alkene product of this elimination, based on Zaitsev’s rule? Heat Addition Reactions of Alkenes A. Additions to produce alkyl halides and halohydrins 1. From Ch. 6, Alkene + HX Æ alkyl halide 2. Halogenation: Br2 and Cl2 can add to alkenes just like HBr, HCl and H2O! Note: Similar reactions do not take place with F2 and I2 H H C Br2 C H3C CH3 H3C H H C C Br Br Product is a “vicinal" dibromide CH3 Where's the electrophile? Br2 makes both electrophile (Br +) and nucleophile (Br -) Mechanism is a little different: the intermediate is a cyclic cation H H C H Br2 C H C C H CH 3 H3 C Br H3C H Br Br H H C C Br Br CH 3 Br- "bromonium ion" *Rearrangements do not occur with the cyclic cation mechanism!* Solvent effects: When planning a synthetic reaction in the lab, solvent should be chosen carefully For halogenation reactions, solvents such as CH2Cl2 & CCl4 do not interfere 3. Halohydrins: Use of a nucleophilic solvent like H2O alters the outcome of the reaction, because both the halogen + water react with the alkene H H C H C CH 3 H Cl2 H2O H C C H H CH3 Cl O H H H C C Cl OH H a halohydrin How would the product change if an alcohol was the solvent? CH3 Stereochemistry of halogenations: Use of NBS to provide a bromine: Some key points about this reaction: 1) Br2 furnished by NBS is the electrophile, water is the nucleophile 2) The organic solvent used (DMSO) doesn’t take part in the reaction 3) The benzene double bonds don’t react: Aromatic C=C do NOT undergo electrophilic addition like alkene C=C! B. More addition on the "Markovnikov" theme: Alcohol formation rxns Alkene Æ Alcohol 1. Acid-Catalyzed Hydration: R R C H 2O C R R R H+ R R C C R H OH Mechanism: similar to addition of H - X: H H C H+ C H H C C CH3 H CH3 H H O H H H C C CH3 H H H H O H H H C C CH3 H OH H+ H Same rules apply as for addition of H - X: 1) The bond is attracted to an electrophile and a new σ bond forms 2) The intermediate is the most stable carbocation 3) The nucleophile reacts with the carbocation to form another new σ bond 4) Markovnikov's rule is obeyed and the OH group ends up on the most substituted C. CH3 Rearrangements can occur: H3C C H C H CH2 CH3 H3O+ mostly H3C H2 C C CH3 OH Another variation on this theme: alkenes Æ ethers when alcohols are present, they become the nucleophile and add a -OR group to the molecule: H CH3 C H C C 2 H5 OH H+ CH3 H H CH3 C C H H CH3 O H H CH3 C CH3 C H H 3CH 2C H O CH 2CH 3 H H C H C CH3 H OCH2CH3 H+ an ether In summary: Alkenes Alkenes Alkenes Alkenes + + + + H-X HX, H2O H2O, H+ ROH, H+ Æ Æ Æ Æ Alkyl halides Halohydrin Alcohols Ethers 2. Oxymercuration-Demercuration: Metal complexes in organic reactions Some organic reactants are sensitive to harsh reagents (can cause decomposition!) How do we avoid this in the case of hydration? A milder reagent for hydration: Mercuric acetate in THF & water A two-step synthetic procedure: H 3C C H CH2 1) Hg(OAc)2, H2O, THF H C H3C 2) NaBH4, OH- CH3 OH THF (tetrahydrofuran) is a cyclic ether; a moderately polar solvent O “OAc” = CH3COONo rearrangements occur with this process due to cyclic cation intermediate: OAc H H C C Hg(OAc)2 H H H C C H3C H H3C Hg O -OAc H3C H H HgOAc C C OH H H + HOAc H Demercuration step: NaBH4 provides a hydride ion, HH H3C HgOAc C C OH H H NaBH4 NaOH H3C H C CH3 + Hg + -OAc OH A similar reaction, alkoxymercuration: Using ROH instead of H2O produces ethers Advantages of this procedure over hydration: 1) No rearrangements can occur 2) Conditions for reaction are less harsh How would you prepare each of these alcohols? 3. 1o alcohols by Hydroboration-Oxidation (“Anti-Markovinikov orientation”) 1) BH3 CH3 – CH = CH2 CH3CH2CH2OH 2) OH-, H2O2, H2O What’s new about this reaction: 1. 2. The electrophile is a Lewis acid, BH3 The nucleophile is a hydride (H-) from the borane…watch this: CH3 – HC = CH2 CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – BH2 alkylborane H – BH2 3. 4. 5. It’s a concerted reaction (one step, no intermediate) and pericyclic Cyclic transition state means no rearrangements Product has “Anti-Markovnikov orientation” but…it only APPEARS to violate Markovnikov’s rule…the nucleophile (H-) still ends up on the most substituted C, because this gives the more stable transition state: Figure from p. 153 here What happens next: The alkylborane reacts with 2 more moles of alkene to produce a trialkylborane. Steric hindrance of alkyl groups promotes further addition to less-substituted C: CH3-CH=CH2 CH3CH2CH2BH2 CH3-CH=CH2 (CH3CH2CH2)2BH (CH3CH2CH2)3B Trialkylborane The trialkylborane reacts with peroxide and hydroxide ion to release 3 moles of alcohol: (CH3CH2CH2)3B H2O2, OH-, H2O 3 CH3CH2CH2OH + BO3- Summary: Hydroboration is an effective route to 1o alcohols C. Alkanes by Catalytic Hydrogenation (the "Crisco" reaction) Suppose you want to prepare alkanes from alkenes? An example from real life: Vegetable oil Semi-solid “shortening” Addition of H2 is catalyzed by Pt or Pd on charcoal, PtO2, or Ni (heterogeneous catalysts): R R C C R R Pt/C R H2 R R C C R H H The H - H bond is particularly strong; requires a catalyst to help bond break. Addition occurs on one side of the molecule (syn addition)…see OWL tutorial H2 adsorbs on the catalyst surface and the reaction occurs there. D. Cyclopropanation by using Carbenes: carbon adds to the C=C in a stereospecific way Carbenes are an electron-deficient, sp2-hybridized species with formula (R)2C: These are reactive species generated “in situ” by deprotonation of chloroform: CHCl3 + KOH -:CCl3 -:CCl2 + Cl- Or generated from similar reagents: Simmons-Smith reaction Zn/Cu :CH2 CH2I2 Ether As electrophiles, carbenes can react with C = C to form a cyclopropane ring: Cl H2C = CH2 + Cl :CCl2 Stereospecific: the original arrangement of groups around C = C bond is retained. H H C H3C C CH3 H CH2I2 Zn/Cu/ether H3C H C C C H2 CH3 E. Oxidation of C = C bonds to produce oxygenated functional groups Oxidation: Reaction resulting in an increased number of bonds from carbon to oxygen, and a decrease in bonds to hydrogen Increasingly oxidized functional groups H R-CH2CH2-R H C C CH3 H3 C alkanes R1 alkenes alkynes C H O O OH R2 R1 alcohols C R2 ketones aldehydes R1 C OH acids esters Oxidation of C-C pi bonds is a versatile way to introduce new functional groups to molecules containing the alkene group. 1. Hydroxylation of alkenes: diol preparation Alkenes can be oxidized by transition metal oxides with a high metal oxidation state H H C H3C cold KMnO4, OH-, H2O C CH3 1. OsO4 2. H2O, NaHSO 3 H3C H H C C OH OH CH3 Stereospecific syn addition occurs to produce vicinal diols The positive charge on the metal attracts electrons and sets a pericyclic reaction in motion; π electrons form σ bonds As the organic functional group gets oxidized, the inorganic reagent gets reduced (by products: MnO2 or OsO3) KMnO4 is cheaper but harsher (can completely oxidize C=C, see next page) OsO4 is expensive, highly toxic 2. Oxidative Cleavage of alkenes: produces carbonyl compounds by breaking both σ and π bonds The 1,2-diols produced by oxidation of alkenes can be further oxidized to carbonyl compounds by a second pericyclic reaction: H3C H H C C OH OH H H HIO 4 CH3 C O O + C + HIO3 CH3 H3C Products may be aldehydes or ketones depending on structure at diol carbons Significant reaction because C - C bonds are not broken easily A similar reaction occurs when KMnO4 is used under acid conditions or heat: R1 R3 C C C H R2 OH R1 KMnO 4 H+ or heat O + O C R3 R2 A disubstituted C= (two R groups attached) becomes a ketone carbon A monosubstituted C= (one H attached) becomes fully oxidized to a carboxylic acid (no aldehydes are produced under these conditions) A =CH2 from a terminal alkene becomes CO2 instead of a carboxylic acid: H3C C H3C O H C C H H3C + O C O CH2 Oxidation of cyclic alkenes opens up the ring resulting in a diacid or a diketone: KMnO4, H3O + HOOC COOH KMnO4, H3O+ O O 3. Ozonolysis: A milder, more efficient, "greener" (?) way to do oxidative cleavage! Problems with transition metal-mediated oxidations: Reagents form toxic metal compounds as by-products (hazardous waste!) Conditions may be rather harsh, require heat, acids, bases Side reactions: KMnO4 will oxidize any OH or C=O groups in the molecule too The solution: Ozone! Cycloaddition of ozone to C=C produces a molozonide which rearranges to an ozonide. Cleavage under oxidizing or reducing conditions to yield different products as shown: R2 R1 R2 R1 O C O C O R3 H O3 C C R3 R1 O O O H O R2 C O Z n, H 3O C O + C R2 R1 O R3 O + H C R3 O 2O 2 H O C R1 H C + R2 R3 OH A C bearing a single R group yields an aldehyde under reducing cond. Terminal alkenes form formaldehyde or CO2 as the second product Tetra-substituted alkenes form only ketones under any conditions Ozonolysis is a useful way to determine the structure of an unknown alkene: React the unknown with ozone under controlled conditions Determine the identity of the oxidative cleavage products (the simpler the molecule, the easier it is to determine structure!) Figure out how the pieces would fit together “Road map” problems! Goal: Piece together information from reactions to figure out structures of unknown compounds. You are given some key pieces of information to help you figure out what is happening to the molecule in each step. Example: Compound A has the formula C10H16. On catalytic hydrogenation over palladium (H2, Pd) it reacts with only one molar equivalent of H2. Compound A also undergoes reaction with ozone (O3), followed by zinc treatment (Zn, H3O+) to yield a symmetrical diketone, B which has formula (C10H16O2). Propose plausible structures for A and B. What reagents would be best to carry out these reactions? (f) KMnO4 H3O+ ? H2O, H+ or 1.Hg(OAc)2 2.NaBH4 1.BH3/THF 2.H2O2, OH- H2/catalyst Cl2 or Br2, H2O Cl2 or Br2, CH2Cl2 1.OsO4, 2.NaHSO3, H2O CH 3 CH2I2, Zn(Cu), ether HBr or HCl Alkene + HX Æ Alkene + X2 (Br2, Cl2) Alkene + X2, H2O Æ Alkene + H+, H2O Æ KMnO4, H3O+ or 1. O3 2. Zn, H3O+ or H2O2 Alkyl halide Æ Alkyl dihalide Halohydrin Alcohol (Markovnikov) Alkene + Hg(OAc)2, NaBH4 Æ Alcohol (Markovnikov) Alkene + BH3/THF, H2O2, OH- Æ Alcohol (Non-Markovnikov) Alkene + H2/ Pd, Pt or Ni catalyst Æ Alkane Alkene + CH2I2, Zn/Cu Æ Cyclopropyl alkane Alkene + OsO4, H2O, NaHSO3 Æ diol + HIO4 Æ aldehydes & ketones Alkene + KMnO4, H3O+, heat Æ carboxylic acids & ketones Alkene + O3, Zn, H3O+ Æ aldehydes & ketones