Chem 110L - Mole Calculations Worksheet (WS-7)

Chem 110L - Mole Calculations Worksheet (WS-7)
Mass ↔ Moles
↔ Atoms
Using the Atomic Masses and Avogadro’s Number NA= 6.022 x 1023
Mass of Sample
0.307 kg
Moles of Sample
8.71 mol
3.79 x 1026 atoms
Atoms in Sample
6.82 x 10-2 kg
5.78 mol
4.92 x 1021 atoms
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Worksheet-110L-MoleCalcs.docx, Page 1 of 6
Chem 110L - Mole Calculations Worksheet (WS-7)
Calculate the Molar Mass (g/mol) for each of the following:
Ammonium Carbonate
Sulfurous Acid
Sodium Phosphite
Diphosphorus Heptoxide
Copper (II) Nitrate
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Chem 110L - Mole Calculations Worksheet (WS-7)
Calculate the Mass Percent for each element in the compound, ammonium carbonate
1. How many moles of oxygen are in 9.85 g of (NH4)2CO3?
2. How many hydrogen atoms are in 0.546 lb of (NH4)2CO3?
3. How many grams of nitrogen are in a mass of (NH4)2CO3 that contains 1.32 x 1023 carbon atoms?
4. How many grams of (NH4)2CO3 are in the previous problem?
Worksheet-110L-MoleCalcs.docx, Page 3 of 6
Chem 110L - Mole Calculations Worksheet (WS-7)
Calculate the Mass Percent for each element in the compound, sodium phosphate
1. How many atoms of oxygen are in 5.55 grams of Na3PO4?
2. How many grams of phosphorus are in a mass of Na3PO4 that contains 3.69
moles of oxygen?
3. How many grams of sodium are in a sodium phosphate molecule?
4. How many oxygen atoms are in 1.75 moles of sodium phosphate?
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Chem 110L - Mole Calculations Worksheet (WS-7)
Turquoise = CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O
1) What is the total number of atoms in a 5.00 gram sample of turquoise?
2) How many water molecules are there in a sample of turquoise with a mass of 10 grams?
3) What mass of turquoise (in milligrams) contains 3.75 x 1022 atoms of hydrogen?
4) How many phosphate ions are in a sample of turquoise that contains 435 micrograms of oxygen?
5) What is the mass of oxygen in a sample of turquoise that contains 3.50 milligrams of hydrogen?
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Chem 110L - Mole Calculations Worksheet (WS-7)
Acetaminophen, C8H9O2N, is the pain-relieving ingredient in Tylenol products
1) What is the molar mass of acetaminophen?
2) How many hydrogen atoms are in 25.99 grams of acetaminophen?
3) How many grams of carbon are in 12.55 grams of acetaminophen?
4) What is the % composition by mass of hydrogen and oxygen in the molecule?
5) How many grams of nitrogen are in a sample of acetaminophen that contains 9.64 x 1026 carbon atoms?
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