Whct Is CoId es In Cqns? Findthe surfaceareaoleach answer.Whenyoufinish,write spacesat thebottomof thepage. =|{tru? I I I I ' l< 11 | I 7?L-- a , a L -'L:-- SA 2 2'l'-'t @ 10 in. - $?:? qo \ri"A ',litfr tbo. ,#, 6in. 30 mm 6.4cm 5.2cm @? (c q6- * ?to Ll\ Irr .^s;'?l to , tl' t ..i?:*" -SF' bo y'/ 4.3cm , t t aL - - _ _ 'sA . 7. ,/ !5m'.. 12m CH 3,120mm2 MIDDLE€CH@LMATHWITHPI?JAI BOOKD @€reatira Publications D-65 TOPIC5{: SurfaceArea of prisms and pyramirls What Is Big, Gray,and Lives in California? Findthevolumeof eachprism.Writetheletterof theexercisein theboxabovethe answerat the bottomol thepage. (o?4 I f- -_- 5.8cm \V?i ,".|i'... 4.5 cm 10m I lr", 5 tt 6.4cm ,t-t'Jg"r- 8 cm 3'1* i59-r ----_ l.3 3qo 4.3cm 7.5 m h--r /..1.f i^-,, B = 19.7cm2 mY,fr KN w{x{{fr frY% {fr w 6*'("t 6t6i MIDDLESCHOOLMATHWITHP]ZM] @CreativePublications BOOKD D-69 TOPIC5-f: Volumeof Prisms a*"".r"r, whyDidHumptyDur@"e Do eachexerciseandfindyouranswerin the answercotumn.Writethe letterof the Use3.14lor n' the numberof the exercise. answerin eachboxcontaining *#*];1,o,", surface thelateral Find "r;il;r;1iil:: r 5cm \ O I I I 12cm 803.84in.2 m2 @ zsz.16 I a-- - - - a zs1.2tt2 ln t0 ft 3-1(r.b .."3 Od","ral area: 533.8 @,rtot"larea: c'*.2 : -4 5 \2:g" Cs\l"t.,al area b5\ 'bB Ptz @a,ot",area: 9m 20 cm h 6.5 m q9@ s04.s2ft2 c 861.6cmz @ 367.38m2 @ 376.8cm2 244.92cmz @ tts.18ft2 70 cm area:8JqZ .'.3 @trtarerat t t,3CA @Kro,.t area:e "'.3 0t2.18ft2 3b-1.i8"^z @g",.rd area: *^z @jiotal area:8-1(o'Ob cm2 11,304 €@ e42cm2 351.68ft2 @ 775.14in.2 r.5.{ 2++[" @@ 533.8cm2 ( r- ein.sc'Bl @ d = 1 0 . 8m (Q r=3cm : o A h=2.6m Y h= 1 0 cm h=8i n. @ 271.296m2 * 2 - 1 \ . lq b lll. Solve. @ 876.06m2 12,412cm2 juiceis a cylinder witha radiusof @ n canof tomato @ olo.o!^?lr$*'5:f" *=e4z E l;:i#"lxffiffi c'l @ 8,792cm? '?# ll. Findthe totalsurfaceareaof eachcylinder. r{\ of 12ft witha diameter fD n steeloiltankis a cylinder ."tc'i.12tt z feet Y anda heightof 18ft. Howmanysquare of steel to makethetank? -t wereneeded b.. TOPrc 5-c:SurfaceAreaof CYlinders D-66 o 3 1 1 . 0 4m 62 MIDDLESCHOOLMATHWITH PITZAZZIB@K D @CreativePublicalions w++5_|++++++++ 1. Whatls theBestWaY to Painta Rabbit? 4 Eat 2. WhatCandyDo Kids onthePlayground? 1++++++ s+++++, Do eachexerciseand findyouranswerin the answercolumn. write the leilerof the answerabovethe exercisenumber eachtimeit appearsin the code.Use3.14 torr. l. Findthevolumeof eachcylinder. oP @ 6-15 c-i T 9c m mL @ oet . 36 3.5m \^ t t:.t{ 1 4 1 . 3c m 3 @ t4.Bmg '-.,' I 602.88in.3 , @ ozscms m3 @ z,+so a- - - - - - \ \ \B= 4.4m2 B =75c m2 @ A 3 3cm r @ w c'^ t4\ 'b 5c m \ -----\ @ t_ 1,177.5mm3 I I I I t 452.16mL z/2ko'e)"tt3 l.tBsor^ cm3 @ sae.8 10 m 15.4m3 7 cm @ l3 2,260.8tn.3 x 20 in. I Y I 5.5cm ar------t\\ t 8{b.2\ t c^..' 25m @ r=2.5mm @ ,= I in.602.8B,^3 }A h=60mm 3 l L h = 3in. I \1-1 'S ** ll. Solve. @ i=io ' h=7.2m L StoS'L "^' 846.23cm3 @ tt7.8in.3 376.8cm3 mm} @ t ,224.s rs @ ote.e hasa A mugin theshaPeof a cYlinder basewitha radiusof 4 cm.HowmanY of liquiddoes.i! ftoldif filledto milliliters of 9 cm? tlSZ.\bc^' a height (Hint:1 cm3holds1 mL.) Shawnis makinga candleusinga moldwitha radiusof 2 cm cylindrical anda heightof 30 cm. Howmany of wax are needed cubiccentimeters forthecandle? gnb.\ ,j TOPIC5-g:Volumeof Cylinders Answers cm3 @ t t 4. 13 D-70 w3[ MrDDLEscHooLMArH r::ffifi ,?rr5"?