DensityWord Problems On o seporate sheetof paper,solveeachof the problemsbelow. Showyour work includingwriting the formulc,callingout eachvariobleond pluggingthe numbers into the formulo. Your onswarshouldincludeunits of meqsureond be rounded accordingto significontfigures. Referencedensitiesand formuloslisted below maybe helpfulin someProblems. 1.Whot is the densityof onobject with o mossof t20g onda volume of 7mL? 2.What is the volumeof ?2Ogromsof on object with o densitYaf 55g/cm3? ondo volumeof 3.We hoveon objectwith a densityof 6?A9/cm3 75cm3.Whot is the msssof this object? 4. What wouldbe the mossof #3 in kilogroms? 5.A blockof woodhoso mossof 180groms.It is 10.0cmlong,6.0cm wide,ond4.0cmthick. Whot is its volumeonddensity? 6. A 5OOgrompieceofmetolhaso vofumeof 2.75cm3.Whot is its density? of benzene. 7.Findthe volumeof 2A.Og 8. Findthe mossof ether whichcanbe put intoo beokerholding 130m1. 9. Findthe volumeof LOgof gosoline. 3.0cmoneachsideondhaso mossof 759. 10.A cubemeosures Whot is the densityof the cube? 11.Wiffthe cubein#tO float in water?Will it float inbenzene? t2. An iregulorfy shopedstonewosloweredinto o groduotedcylinder of wotereguolto 20.0mL.Theheightof the holdingo volume woterroseto 30.2mL.If the mqssof the stonewos25.09,whot wosits density? ff hoso 13.A solidobject listedbelowhosa volumeof 10.0cm3. mossof 869. What is its density? Whot moteriqlis the object? CommonDensities: ra-rtt-t-a-r-a- d= mlV V = m/ d m = d. V lmL = 1cm3 Benzene Gasoline Ether Brass Copper 0.88g/ml, 0.79/mL 0.71glmI8.6glcm' 8.9glcm3