HOMINID EVOLUTION In a nutshell The Stage: The Great Rift Valley K-Ar Dating Dates new rock formation lavas, tufts, pumice Potassium (K) - great abundance in earth’s crust K-39 93.2% K-41 6.8% K-40 0.0118% (radioactive) K-40 decays to Ca-40 (89%) and Ar-40 (11%) long half-life, 1.3 billion years Ar-40 – inactive gas, diffusion during rock form. Ratio of K-40 to Ar-40 denotes the moment of rock formation Lines of Evidence Fossils DNA DNA Nuclear DNA mtDNA Y Chromosome Fossils Pongids and Hominids Pongidae (pongids) Modern pongids include: Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) Common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Bonobo chimpanzee (Pan paniscus) Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) Hominidae (hominids) Modern hominids are represented by a single species: Homo sapiens sapiens Pongid/Hominid Split: The Fossil Perspective There are no fossil remains of pongids or hominids between 15-6mya. Paleontologists theorize that the hominid lineage evolved from the pongid lineage 15-17 mya. This would provide hominids enough time to evolve from the pongids observed at 17 mya: Ramapithecus, Sivapithcus, Gigantopithecus, Proconsul, Dryopithecus Pongid/Hominid Split: The Fossil Perspective Possible Hominid Ancestors: Ramapithecus Gigantopithecus Proconsul Sivapithecus Dryopithecus Physical Characteristics: large-bodied, typical primate characteristics, not well understood Pongid/Hominid Split DNA Perspective Nuclear and mtDNA evidence from modern humans and pongids indicates that they are very similar genetically – chimps are 99% the same as humans Therefore, not much time is needed for the hominids to evolve from the pongids – estimate is 6-7 mya First Hominids Ardipithecus Maeve Leakey Lake Turkana 4-6 mya Pongid Physical Characteristics: small brained curved phalanges prognathic large canines divergent toe Bipedal pelvis, femur, foot Australopithecines Australopithecus afarensis; 3-4 mya cranial capacity 450-530cc, “Lucy”, bipedal, primitive condition Robust lineage Gracile lineage Robust Australopithecines Australopithecus robustus A. boisei (Zinjanthropus) A. aethiopicus (The Black Skull) 1.8-3mya Sagittal crest Large brow ridge Huge cheeks Prognathic Large molars/small incissors (herbivorous) Cranial capacity 500-700cc Gracile Australopithecines Australopithecus africanus 1.5-3mya No saggital crest Small, dish-shaped face Small molars/larger incissors (omnivorous) Cranial Capacity 500-750 cc Early Homo Lineage Homo habilis Homo rudolfensis Homo ergaster 1.8-1mya Evolved from Australopithecus africanus What makes this species Homo and not Australopithecus? Cranial Capacity 750-850cc Tools: Oldowan Homo erectus 1.5-.3mya Large brained (1000-1250 cc) Out of Africa Fire Tools: Acheulian Homo sapiens “Archaic” Homo sapiens 400,000-100,000 ya Modern Homo sapiens sapiens 150,000-present Neanderthals, 120,000-32,000ya Homo neanderthalensis? OR Homo sapiens neanderthalensis Neanderthals Europe and Middle East Large boned Large face Large brow ridge Large molars Large nasal cavity Occipital bun Mousterian tool tradition Modern Homo sapiens Diverse Paleolithic Tool Tradition Fossil Evidence Different Species Multiregional Hypothesis DNA Evidence mtDNA Y Chromosome Fossil Evidence Modern Homo sapiens Separate Species: H. sapiens evolved from H. erectus 400-500,000ya H. habilis H. erectus Multiregional Hypothesis Homo sapiens H. sapiens neanderthalensis H. sapiens DNA Evidence Modern Homo sapiens mtDNA, modern populations 120,000 years ago out of Africa Y Chromosome, modern populations Two lines of migration out of Africa: 50,000 and 40,000 BP Neanderthals, mtDNA of fossils Not in direct lineage with humans Hominid Evolution: The Simplified Version Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Orangs 100,000 ya H. sapiens H. neanderthalensis? H. erectus 1mya Homo habilis A. robustus A. boisei 3mya A. aethiopicus Australopithecus afarensis 5mya Ardipithecus sp. 7mya 10-15mya A. africanus Pongidae Hominidae