Chapter 24 Diabetes Mellitus Exam Study Questions

Chapter 24 Diabetes Mellitus Exam Study Questions
24.1 Classification of Diabetes Mellitus
1. List the organs diabetes affect.
2. Select the correct statement for
1) Type 1 DM
2) Type 2 DM
i) Which type is an autoimmune disease of pancreatic beta cells? ___
ii) Which type is more prevalent? ____
iii) Which type is insulin dependent? ____
iv) Which type is insulin independent? _____
v) Which one shows the presence of antibodies to beta-cell components? ___
vi) Which form dependents more on a familial history?_____
24.2 Acute Effects of DM
1. List the three acute effects of DM.
2. What are the causes of ketoacidosis?
3. What is the cause of hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma?
4. What are the causes of hypogylceric coma?
24.3 Chromic Complication of DW: Early Stages
Explain the three polys of early stages of DM complications and what triggers them.
24.4 Chronic Complications of DW: Advanced Stages
1. List the four adverse effects of hyperglycemia
i) _________________________________
ii) _________________________________
iii) _________________________________
iv) __________________________________
2. All of these adverse effects of hyperglycemia promote ____________ damage.
24.5 Progression of DW to Critical States
Define glycosylation.
2. Glycosylation of what protein is used as a marker for measuring blood glucose levels?
3. Based on Figure 24.7, how does DW causes microvascular damage?
4. List four examples of adverse effect of diabetes mellitus on the microvasculature:
___________________ ____________ _______
24.6 Delayed wound Healing
1. What are the three phases of wound healing (in correct sequence)?
2. Matching
1) Macrophages
These cells start the proliferative phase by laying down new
extracellular matrix and they also secrete chemicals that stimulate
keratinocyte proliferation. ______
2) Neutrophils
These cells are first recruited to the wounding site and they
initiate the inflammatory phase. _____
3) Fibroblasts
These cells arrive 10 hours later. They attack the foreign invaders
by phagocytosis. They also secrete chemicals to attract fibroblast
to the wounding area. _____
3. How does DM delay wound healing?
4. Why do many diabetics have to have a foot amputated?
24.7 Treatment and Management of DM
1. Explain the management and treatment of type 1 DM?
2. Which drug is essential for the treatment of DM 1?
3. Explain the management and treatment of type2 DM?
24. 8. Current Research
1. Summarized the two area of pharmaceutical research on DM treatment.
2. What are some different mechanisms for insulin administration that are being studied?
3. How do you increase the number of beta cells in type 1 DM?