1 PROMENADE MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR MEETING – February 10, 2015 Peter Lind, Chair 1. Peter Lind called the meeting to order at 8:30am, Hill Club, 25 Cassandra Boulevard. 2. Members present: Peter Lind, Chair; Ed Voorhees, 25CB; Lou Fleisher, 60CB; Bob Kennedy, Carol Fitzpatrick, secretary. Guests present: Lisa Simon, Simon’s Cleaning; Anne Bochniewicz, Susan Cerciello, Mary Lynn Cozza, Bob Guthrie & Ken Stern all from 25CB. 3. The January 2015 minutes were approved. They may now be posted on bulletin boards and Elite may post to the website. 4. Due to recent weather events, Vic de Jong, Treasurer, was unable to attend; 2014 final budget performance will be discussed in March. 5. Lisa Simon reported that minor corrections were required to finalize her contract, nothing of substance. She is awaiting a revised copy to sign. In Paul Silversmith’s absence, she offered to post the minutes & meeting announcement in 15CB. Lisa left the meeting at the completion of her presentation. 6. Property Manager’s Report. Due to recent weather events, Ken Kohnle, Elite, was unable to attend. Jim Foular, Readco, was unable to attend because he was checking a leak in 65CB’s garage. Ken’s report was included in the pre-meeting packet and the committee members discussed some of them; the secretary will email Ken on any items requiring action: Overhead Door: Following extensive review, discussion and cost-benefit analysis, the committee now recommends that no further work be done on the issue of replacing or modifying the existing garage doors, their operating mechanisms or structural openings. The committee rescinds its’ request for the Board to submit a $500 planning fee to the town. Lou Fleisher recommended and the committee agreed to re-visit the pros and cons of storing onsite one replacement spring per door. Inspection Reports: The committee requests that Elite email a copy of Jim’s January inspection report.. Electric Rate: The next set of bills from Eversource (formerly CL&P) is due mid-February; at which time the secretary will check to see if the Viridian rate change has been implemented for all buildings. Telephone Bills: Ed Voorhees believes there are still two phone lines in question at 25CB and he will submit a work request for Jim to contact Carol Fitzpatrick for another visit to the phone room. The Treasurer and Elite must determine the length of commitment with Frontier and secure lower phone rates. Smoke Detector Replacement: In the pre-meeting packet Ken had submitted a draft letter to 15CB, 60CB & 65CB owners; following discussion Bob Kennedy will re-draft and submit to Ken and the committee members. The committee affirmed that if owners decline to use the firm chosen by the management company, they must submit documentation that the detectors within their units are in compliance with manufacturer guidelines. Bob recommended and the committee agreed that competitive price quotes are needed before letters are sent to the owners. Also, will the detectors be dual-type (ionization/photoelectrical)? Bob reported that LJ Electric will be replacing the common-area smoke detectors in 65CB. The committee recommends that when common-area work is scheduled for 15CB & 60CB, multiple bids are solicited rather than assuming LJ Electric will do the work. 60CB water damage: Lou proposed and the committee agreed that the PMC will conduct a straw-poll of Promenade owners in the summer of 2015, presenting the issue of amending the 1401 documents to redefine unit boundaries and establish that (barring negligence on the part of owners, their guests or their employees or contractors) the maintenance, replacement and repair of elements located within the building walls and within walls in units be the responsibility of the association. Lou will prepare a draft for the committee’s review. 2 7. Open Items: Ed Voorhees removed no items from the list; revisions are noted in bold (see attached pgs 3-5). Lou left the meeting at the completion of this discussion. 8. Building Reports: Reports were submitted in advance (see attached pgs 6-9), no elaboration or discussion occurred. 9. New Business. Several issues were raised by owners from 25CB. Bob Guthrie, #110, reported that the two light timers had not yet been properly set, so that it is dangerously dark in the front entry, sidewalks, and parking lot. Discussion centered on this being a matter of safety and security and one that is seemingly an easy fix rather than being an outstanding item for many weeks. Ed reported that Ken was aware of the problem & had discussed with Jim. Peter Lind offered to follow-up with Ken this week. Anne Bochniewicz, #103, reported that the garage doors continue to cycle up-and-down periodically and that the noise is extremely disturbing and affects their quality of life. Ed Voorhees said he went to their apartment and verified the sound was quite distinct. Ed will forward the work order material to Peter. Ken was aware of the earlier problem and Anne was asked to send an email update to Elite, letting them know it was still happening. Peter will follow-up with Ken following the meeting. Ken Stern, #306, had requested that, following the recent fire in Edgewater NJ, the association determine the existence & location of fire walls in each of the Promenade buildings and that emergency plans be developed and implemented (see his email attached, pg 10). Carol Fitzpatrick reported that an emergency preparedness team had previously submitted recommendations to the PMC in 2011 (see copy attached pgs 11-12 and included in Ed’s email response to Ken) but that no action had followed. This will be added to the open items list and team members will be assembled by Peter. 10. Peter thanked the guests and committee members. Meeting adjourned at 10:00am. 11. The next PMC meeting will be Tuesday, March 10, 8:30am, 25 Cassandra. Members will post the meeting notice on their bulletin boards. 3 Draft for internal use by PMC and Treasurer: Potential unresolved/open items from recent Promenade Maintenance Committee meetings & work orders, updated as of February 2015: : All Buildings 1. Replace common-area smoke detectors per manufacturer’s recommendation, currently every ten years. When common-area replacement is scheduled for 65CB this year, obtain multiple bids and offer to replace the detectors within units in 15CB, 60CB & 65CB, with materials & labor billed-back to the owner. Should such replacement be declined, require from owners documentation that the smoke detectors within individual units are in compliance. Bob Kennedy will redraft Ken Kohnle’s memo to owners. Replacement for 60CB was due in 2014; 15CB due in 2015; 25CB due in 2017. Whenever common-area detectors are replaced, repeat the offer to owners. All detectors in 25CB are maintained by the association. 2. Add rule requiring that all privately-owned equipment and appliances in units or storage areas connected to electric outlets, water supply lines or gas supply lines be serviced, repaired or replaced by unit owners in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines. (to be incl in rules & regs project). 3. Assemble time-line to service, repair or replace all common-area building elements per manufacturers’ or accepted industry guidelines and include in maintenance calendar (management company task). 4. Assess feasibility of maintaining a replacement spring for all garage doors. 5. Contract with Simon’s Cleaning Service needs minor changes and then signing 6. Revise Rules & Regulations; building rep task in progress, co-chaired by Bob Kennedy & Paul Silversmith. Draft scheduled for February 2015. 7. Identify and implement ways to reduce consumption of natural gas and electricity; building rep/owner task in progress chaired by Paul Silversmith (awaiting CL&P-vendor assignment). 8. Prepare and implement a plan to ensure that common-area trees, shrubs or plantings do not touch, encroach, block or overhang any Promenade buildings; Grounds Committee task, status unknown, some pruning begun in July 2014. 9. Review of all entry door codes in 2015 and thereafter every five years; or earlier if there are security concerns (last done in 2011); management company added task to annual maintenance calendar. Lou Fleisher will redraft Ken Kohnle’s memo to owners. 10. Purchase a new exercise bike for 60CB Promenade exercise room; updated quote awaiting authorization by Treasurer. 11. Research and implement a strategy to better maintain paint on all garage doors’ Elite to explain to all owners why the doors look the way they do . Readco/Elite task. 12. AT&T phone bills were reviewed for accuracy; awaiting explanation for two numbers at 25CB and awaiting decision from Treasurer and Elite on length of commitment with Frontier.(in progress, awaiting Elite/Readco assistance). 13. Water Committee formed; Bob Kennedy to report status to PMC monthly & Ken to get check-for-leaks estimate from Farrelly. 14. Spot-cleaning of all carpets deferred until after the snow season. 15. Inspect & replace all weather stripping as needed; has been requested since the first quarter of 2014. 16. Verify rate change has been implemented by electric supplier Viridian (Paul Silversmith). 17. Check thermostat settings and re-set to energy-saving temps as necessary (WO1889). 4 15CB 1. Identify and implement strategies to eliminate water leaks into electric service panel (WO1659) (first visit by engineering firm on 8/1). 2. Identify and implement strategies to eliminate water leaks into sprinkler equipment room (first visit by engineering firm on 8/1). 3. Identify and implement strategies to eliminate water leaks into garage over sprinkler (first visit by Connecticut Property Engineering on 8/1). 4. Remove tripping hazard caused by channeling in electrical room (installed by Readco). 5. In the first quarter of 2015, identify and implement strategy to stop cold-weather pipe-rattle in unit 104 (WO1517). 6. Repair and insulate holes through outside walls & repair holes in outside mechanical closets made during January 2014 access to frozen pipes for units 201, 304 & 306; management company target date end of August (reviewed by Readco). 7. Immediately patch recurring tripping hazard gap between top of north side cement stairs and walkway. 8. Repair or replace two broken windows in the 2nd floor elevator lobby. 9. Repair leaking water line for trash chute cleaner. 10. Replace catch basin top outside garage doors (schedule with similar work elsewhere at 1401). 11. Repair and repaint as necessary trash room walls and install protective paneling (WO1500). 12. Finish painting of garage elevator lobby (WO1642). 13. Touch-up paint throughout building (WO1644). 14. Request pest control for silverfish; management company to consider vendor other than Guardian. 15. Re-visit “permanent” use of handicapped space at March Board meeting 16. Offer charge-back smoke detector replacement to all unit owners. 25CB 1. North-side owners requested to monitor for ice dams and water damage within units (following recent work by Roofs by Welch). 2. Readco & owners should monitor for icing which blocks-shut both stairwell emergency exit doors (following review by Connecticut Property Engineering and recent work by Roofs by Welch). 3. Inspect side emergency exit doors and repair/replace as necessary (north door reported to be out-of-true by Readco). 4. Inspect and replace as necessary weather stripping on all common-area doors and windows (WO1721 & 1725 & 1730). 5. Repair a screen slider door in unit 302 (WO1743) 6. Repair and repaint as necessary trash room walls and install protective paneling (WO1500). 7. Identify and implement strategies to control energy consumption at Laurel Hill. 8. Check ceiling water stains in unit 307, may be hold-over from previous owner (WO1742). 9. Pest control needed for mice within unit 101. 10. Interior repairs to north stairwell walls (1st-3rd floors), stairwell carpet (3rd floor) & 3rd floor interior hallway ceiling; damage followed recent work by Roofs by Welch (following review by Connecticut Property Engineering). 11. Repair garage door weatherstripping (WO1850), open since Nov 2014. 12. Inspect and reprogram or replace two light timers (WO1899). 5 60CB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Inspect and replace as necessary weather stripping on all common-area doors and windows (WO1723). Purchase a new exercise bike, for use by all Promenade owners (quotes received & awaiting approval). Repair and repaint as necessary trash room walls and install protective paneling (WO1500). Complete ceiling repairs, #108 wallboard. Change entry security codes. Repair leaking pipes in garage. Inspect and determine why there is no water in utility sink in 1st floor trashroom. Offer charge-back smoke detector replacement to all unit owners. 65CB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Replace broken window in the 3rd floor elevator foyer (WO1562). Paint 1st floor door for rear stairwell (WO1567). Replace cracked floor tiles in 1st floor trash room (WO1566). Inspect and replace as necessary weather stripping on front doors. Repair and repaint entry benches by July 31 (WO1750). Replace window sash in unit 202. (WO1846) Replace all common-area smoke detectors & offer charge-back replacement within unit (WO1804) Replace thermostat front stairwell (WO1852). Repair drywall in utility closet unit #103 (WO1861). Inspect and repair water leak, garage storage unit #101 (WO1882). Inspect and repair leaking kitchen skylight in unit 304 (WO1901). Repair loose baseboard at top of rear stairway. 6 Promenade Maintenance Committee Report for 2/10/15 Meeting - 15 Cassandra Blvd. No report submitted by Paul Silversmith 7 PMC PRIORITY LIST FOR #25CB (2/10/2015 PMC meeting) Carry over work orders (8) added (14) completed (10) The following work orders are in priority order Priority HIGH (1) 1. The repair of the water damage caused by the roofer to the wall board and carpets on the 3rd floor and the stairwell on the 1st,2nd and 3rd floors Priority MEDIUM (6). 1 2 3 4 5 6 WO 1500 (11/2013) Repair & repaint if needed & protect the trash room walls. This item was raised to Medium because it is now 2 years old. WO 1850 (11/10) Vinyl strip on in Garage door is ripped (trash hauler responsibility) WO 1889 (1/14) Check the temperature / heating settings for all stair wells WO 1899 (1/20) Outdoor lights not coming on when needed WO 1902 (1/28) Front entry door not locking sometimes WO 1903 (1/30) Light is out in 1st floor trash room Priority Low (4) 1 WO 1742 (6/24) There are water stains on the ceiling in unit 307. 2 WO 1743 (7/22) The screen on the slider door needs repair in unit 302. 3 WO 1870 (12/10) Water leakage in garage 4 WO 1907 (2/3) Light replacement on 2nd floor wrong color 5 WO 1908 (2/3) Light replacement on 3rd floor wrong color 8 Building 60 Change security entrance codes Repair pipes leaking in the garage Complete ceiling repairs in 108 Inspect and replace as necessary weather stripping on all common-area doors and windows (WO1723 & 1727 & 1731) Purchase a new exercise bike (for use by all Promenade owners). Repair and repaint (as necessary) trash room walls and install protective paneling (WO1500). Possible repair of sink in first floor trash room. Plumbing may be connected to Unit 108 9 Report for 65 Cassandra Blvd – PMC Meeting February 10, 2015 A. Carry-Over Work Orders (10) 1. WO#1562 Upper window sash frame broken. Third floor elevator foyer window near stairway door. 2. A number of first floor trash room floor tiles are cracked 3. WO# 1567 Paint interior rear stairway door on first floor, near 105. 4. WO#1750 Repaint/revarnish bench in front of building. 5. WO#1804 Common area smoke detectors. 6. WO#1846 Repair bedroom window Unit 202. 7. WO# TBD.Repair weather-stripping front entry door. 8. WO # 1852 Replace thermostat front stairwell 9. WO# 1861 Unit 103. Repair drywall in utility closet. 10.WO# 1882. Water is leaking into garage level storage unit #101. Source ? B. New Work Orders – (2) 1. WO#1901 Determine cause and repair leaking kitchen skylight in unit 304. 2. WO TBD. Repair loose baseboard top of rear stairway left side going up. C. Future Requests (1) Install motion sensors for garage lighting to conserve electricity. Submitted 2/5/15 by Bob Kennedy (860) 521-3172. rjkennedyjr@comcast.net 10 On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 5:57 PM, <EVoorhees@aol.com> wrote: fyi, Ken Stern works in NJ and can't make it to PMC meetings, see his email below. 4-5 years ago, a team from 25CB recommended several issues involving emergency procedures incl fire (see attached). Nothing was done with their report. From: k.a.s.81681@gmail.com To: shanda@epmllc.com CC: evoorhees@aol.com Sent: 2/4/2015 3:05:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Promenade comm agenda I would like to suggest, given the recent fire at the Avalon in Edgewater, NJ, that we look into what kind of construction exists in out 4 buildings. While we may not be able to do anything about the construction now, it would be good to know if it is this light wood construction, and if and where firewalls do exist. I would recommend that we institute fire-drills for each building, and if our buildings are of similar construction to the Avalon that we emphasize over and over how quickly a fire can spread and how massively destructive it can be. Time is of the essence in reporting a fire and in getting out of the buildings. Even if our buildings are of better construction, fire-drills and an evacuation plan aren't a bad idea! Kenny Stern Unit 306 25 Cassandra Sent from my iPhone So please forgive any typos, words or phrases that seem nonsensical = 11 Emergency Preparedness (submitted at PMC meeting in 2011) Following August’s Tropical Storm Irene, Lonnie Brick, Carol Fitzpatrick, Judy Goodman and Dan Kingman met in September and October to discuss emergency preparedness and opportunities for improvement. This is a rough summary of our recommendations. Issue: Emergency preparedness plans for management company, Board, and owners. Proposal: Assemble a team of “true believers” – owners who feel strongly about the need to have emergency plans. Develop plans for each hazard and establish triggers for what-to-do. The most likely hazard faced by 1401 is fire (#1 throughout the U.S.). Thereafter, CT’s Dept. of Emergency Management lists our most common weather risks as thunderstorms, winter storms & extreme cold and hurricanes. The history of 1401 & the Promenade would add water damage and power outage. Make emergency planning and preparedness part of the association’s culture. Issue: Detail required to prepare emergency plans can be overwhelming and lead to inaction. Proposal: Rather than starting from zero, obtain existing emergency plans from various sources and edit to fit 1401 & the Promenade buildings (samples available). Keep the plans simple. After drafts prepared by the team, distribute to a diverse group of owners to solicit feedback and revise as needed. DO NOT attempt to re-create or copy FEMA, state, or city guidelines which are best maintained by these governmental authorities. Issue: When the power is out, there is no way to open the Promenade garage doors. Proposal: Assign this issue the highest priority. Either locate the keys to the exterior boxes holding the emergency release chains or re-key. Put those keys in an unlocked key box by one of the garage door opener pads in each garage. Obtain the manufacturer’s instruction manuals and place a copy by each garage door. Obtain an appropriately-sized ladder and place nearby each garage door. Provide instruction on how to open the doors in case of emergency to at least three able-bodied full-time residents. Post a large-format set of instructions near the garage doors. Issue: When the power is out, the elevators stop Proposal: Assign this issue a high priority. Determine if existing generators can be used to bring an elevator to the nearest floor and open doors. Spec and cost dedicated generators that could be used for this purpose. Issue: Formal seasonal guidelines for owners Proposal: Identify and prepare a concise checklist covering owner responsibilities. For example, minimum cold-weather thermostat settings, clear furniture and miscellany from decks/balconies (wind events), clear snow and ice from decks/balconies, etc. Develop management guidelines for what to do to protect the association assets if/when owners don’t do/can’t do something. Distribute seasonally-appropriate checklists on regular basis and add to the website. Issue: Specific owner education for emergency shut-off controls/emergency alerts. Proposal: For each building identify the location of individual apartment shut-off controls for water, power, gas. Identify the location of each fire alarm box and fire extinguisher. Prepare a concise checklist and add to the website. Schedule building-specific education sessions. 12 Issue: General owner education Proposal: Include all plans on the website. Distribute seasonally-appropriate reminder checklists. Distribute stormappropriate checklists. Hold different education/drill sessions in varied formats throughout the year, perhaps in conjunction with regularly scheduled events. Actively encourage owners to sign up for CT’s emergency alert system. Issue: Evacuation Plan Proposal: Prepare a simple evacuation plan for each building, including an emergency assembly point. Post on each floor in an area regularly visited by owners and include on the website. Issue: Communication & owner involvement Proposal: Develop phone trees or robo-calls to supplement email. Use the website. Issue: Once finished, keeping everything up-to-date Proposal: Add review of emergency plans to annual 1401 to-do calendar. Create a standing Board-appointed emergency preparedness committee. Include emergency preparedness as a topic for all existing committees.