emergency lesson plans


emergency lesson plans

for theatre teachers


Original Playscripts

PO Box 1064

Crystal Beach, ON, L0S 1B0, Canada

1-866-245-9138 www.theatrefolk.com

Emergency Lesson Plans for Theatre Teachers

Copyright © 2012 Lindsay Price & Theatrefolk

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Published by:


PO Box 1064

Crystal Beach, ON, L0S 1B0


Tel 1-866-245-9138

Fax 1-877-245-9138 e-mail: tfolk@theatrefolk.com website: www.theatrefolk.com

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Plans for his or her class for educational purposes.

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emergency lesson plans

for theatre teachers

Here is a collection of Emergency Lesson Plans, perfect for enhancing your drama toolbox, to leave with a substitute teacher, or to liven things up on a rainy day.


What is a Playwright? ............................................................5

Match the Quotes ...................................................................7

Letters .....................................................................................11

Finish the Thought ...............................................................13

Fictional Prompts .................................................................15

Character Collage .................................................................17

Blocking .................................................................................19

Create a Playbill ....................................................................23

Elements of Greek Tragedy .................................................25

Playwriting Exercise: Define the Conflict .........................29

Types of Stages ......................................................................31

The Globe Theatre.................................................................35

Parts of the Stage ..................................................................39

Flats ........................................................................................43

Stanislavsky ...........................................................................47

Reader’s Theatre: Edgar Allen Poe’s

The Bells


Create Your Own Superhero ...............................................57

Commedia dell’arte ..............................................................59

Compare and Contrast ........................................................65

Sample from Scene Spurs ....................................................69


EmErgEncy LEsson PLan

InstructIon shEEt

Types of Stages

Lesson Overview

Learn about the different types of theatrical stages.


To create awareness of the different types of theatrical stages.

To reinforce this knowledge through a practical exercise.


» Read the Types of Stages Handout.

» Review the Types of Theatre questions.

» Answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper.

» Review the Invent Your Own Theatre.

» Using the box provided, create your own theatre space.

» On the separate piece of paper, answer the questions regarding your theatre space.

» Write your name at the top of each sheet.

» Hand in your work at the end of class.

Materials Needed

» Types of Stages Handout.

» Pen.

» Paper.


Original Playscripts

PO Box 1064

Crystal Beach, ON, L0S 1B0, Canada

1-866-245-9138 www.theatrefolk.com

Types of Stages




Proscenium : The audience directly faces the playing area.

Audience Audience


Audience Audience

Arena/Stadium : The playing area is in the center of a large open space which usually seats thousands of people.



Audience Audience

Theatre in the round : The playing area is surrounded by audience seating on all sides.


Traverse : The elongated playing area is surrounded by audience seating on two sides.


Audience Audience

Thrust : The playing area protrudes out into the house with the audience seating on more than one side.


Black Box : Usually a large room with black walls and a flat black floor. The stage and the audience can go wherever you like!


Original Playscripts

PO Box 1064

Crystal Beach, ON, L0S 1B0, Canada

1-866-245-9138 www.theatrefolk.com


Types of Stages Response Sheet Name:_________________________________

Use the back if necessary.


Consider the six main types of theatres described on the previous sheet. Answer the following for each type of theatre:

•  List three advantages to this setup.

•  List three disadvantages to this setup.

•  Can you name a play that would be well-suited for this setup? (If you can’t think of a specific play, describe a type or style of play that would be well-suited to this setup.) Why would this play/type of play work well with this setup?

Invent Your Own Type of Theatre

Imagine that you have a large black box theatre that you can configure however you like. Use it to invent a whole new layout. Clearly show the space allotted for the stage and audience.

•  What is your theatre type called?

•  Answer the questions above for your theatre type.


Original Playscripts

PO Box 1064

Crystal Beach, ON, L0S 1B0, Canada

1-866-245-9138 www.theatrefolk.com
