Fact file/Kuwait Fact File State of Kuwait Fact file/Kuwait Introduction: Kuwait got the independence from Great Britain in 1961. Before that from 1899, being a colony of British Empire, it was under the dynasty of Al-Sabah dynasty. The dynasty’s foreign policy and defense was totally looked after by the British Empire. Al-Sabah dynasty lost control of Kuwait for a shot span of time after the invasion of Iraq in August1990, but returned in power in 1991 after the defeat and withdrawal of Iraqi forces by the coalition forces led by America. After regaining the power the dynasty established an elected legislator. Again in 2010-11, fascinated by the Arab uprising, stateless Arabs, known as bidoon, staged protests demanding citizenship, jobs and all other benefits, available to the Kuwaiti nationals. In May 2011, youth activist group, supported by the opposition legislator and Prime Minister’s rivals within the ruling party, staged protests, rallies and strikes and demanded for an end to corruption and resignation of Prime Minister. These protests remained continue till September 2011. Fact file/Kuwait Geography: Kuwait is situated in Middle East. Shaped roughly like a triangle, it is located at the far Northwestern corner of Arabian Gulf. It shares borders with the Persian Gulf and oriented between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The total land boundary of Kuwait is 462 km, 240 km of which it shares with Iraq and 222 km with Saudi Arabia. Its total costal expansion is 499 km. The total land area of Kuwait is 17820 sq km. Its maritime claims expand 12 NM in Persian Gulf. The most important feature of Kuwait’s geography is Kuwait Bay which indent its shoreline for about 40km which not only provide the natural protection to Kuwait port but also accounts for nearly one half of the its shoreline. Climate: Dry desert, intensely hot summer, and short cool winter. Natural Resources: Petroleum, fish, shrimp, natural gas. Society: According to July 2012 estimate by CIA, total population of Kuwait is 2,646,313. The nonnationals among the total population are about 1,291,354. Ethnic demographical estimates show that there are about 45% Kuwaitis, 35% Arabs, 9% South Asians, 4% Iranians and 7% Fact file/Kuwait Demography 7% 4% 9% Kuwaiti 45% Arabs South Asian Iranian others 35% Kuwait spends about 6.9 percent of its GDP (2009 est.). Currently Kuwait is spending about 2.6% of its GDP on health care sector (World Bank and IMF). Government and Politics: Government: Kuwait’s constitution was approved and promulgated on 11 November 1962. The constitution specifies "hereditary emirate" and fixes succession among male "descendants of the late Mubarak Al Sabah." Ruler in 1994 was Jabir al Ahmad al Jabir Al Sabah, who became Amir in 1977. Sixty-member (fifty elected, ten appointed) National Assembly created in 1963, suspended from 1976 to 1980 and again in 1986; replaced in 1990 with partially elected National Council. National Assembly reconstituted by October 1992 elections. Opposition and independent candidates-- including some nineteen Islamists--won thirty to thirty-five seats. There are six governorates Muhafazah; Al Ahmadi, Al 'Asimah, Al Farwaniyah, Al Jahra', Hawalli and Mubarak al Kabir. Governance consists of three main branches; the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch. Executive Branch: The Executive Branch consists of Amir as the head of the state and its cabinet. Amir is heredity and he appoints Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.Cabinet consists of council of Fact file/Kuwait ministers appointed by Prime Minister with the approval of Amir. The New cabinet formed in February 2012. Legislative Branch: consists of unicameral National Assembly, which has total 66 seats, out of which 50 are selected by popular voting system and 16 are appointed by the Prime Minister with the consent of Amir. The last election was held in February 2012. Judicial Branch: The Judicial Branch consists of High Court of Appeal. Politics: Al Sabah family dominates political events, but several prominent merchant families also powerful. Opposition, independent and Islamist elements becoming stronger in early 1990s. There is no political party in Kuwait because formation of political party is illegal according to the constitution. Among the political pressure groups there are Islamists, merchants, political groups, secular liberals and pro-governmental deputies, Shia activists and tribal groups. Amir Prime Minister National Assembly Cabinet Deputy Prime Minister Fact file/Kuwait Kuwait, an OPEC member country, is one of the world’s top producers and exporters of crude oil. Kuwait has the world’s sixth largest oil reserves and is one of the ten largest exporters of total oil products. Market Opportunities: The country’s crude oil reserves are estimated at nearly 101.5o billion barrels, approximately 9% of the world’s reserves, and account for nearly half of Kuwait’s GDP, 95% of export revenues, and 90% of government income. Kuwait’s economy has benefited from the sharp rise of oil prices in recent years. Given that oil is the country’s main natural resource, Kuwait’s industries are dominated by oil refining and downstream petrochemical processing. The non-petroleum related manufacturing and agriculture sectors are limited, consisting of a switch gear manufacturer for power sub stations and factories for building materials, furniture, and food packaging. In 2003, after the demise of Saddam government in Iraq, Kuwait’s economic and security situation improved rapidly. In 2010, the Kuwaiti government passed a five year development plan and allocated $104 billion for the development of infrastructure and diversification of economy beyond the oil and gas industry. Main imports are capital equipments, processed foods manufacturing equipment, and consumer goods. Over 40% of imports originate from US, Germany and Japan, while Chinese and Indian goods increasingly dominate low-end imports. Facts and Figures of Kuwait’s Economy: 2011. Population million inhabitants Land area 1000 sq km GDP per capita dollars GDP at market prices billion dollar Value of exports billion dollars Value of imports billion dollars Current account balance billion dollar Value of petroleum exports billion dollars Proven crude oil reserves 1000 b/d Natural gas reserves billion cu m Crude oil production 1000 barrels per day Natural gas marketed production billion cu m Refinery capacity 1000 b/d Oil consumption 1000 b/d Crude oil export 1000 b/d Export of petroleum products 1000 b/d Natural gas exports billion cu m 3.70 18 47787 176.67 103.49 25.27 73.87 96.72 101.50 1784.00 2659 13.53 936 361 1816 629.2 -- Fact file/Kuwait Exchange rate national currency/$ 0.3 Kuwait’s Mid Year Population (1000 inhabitants): 5000 4000 3000 4300 2000 4385 3442 3582 3697 2010 2011 1000 0 0 2007 : 2008 2009 GDP Record at Current Market Price (m $): Country Kuwait 2007 114,559 2008 147,544 2009 105,933 2010 124,247 2011 176,667 GDP Record at Current Market Price (m $): 200000 150000 100000 176667 147544 50000 114559 105933 124247 0 2007 2008 2009 2008 87446 2009 53974 2010 2011 Values of Exports (m $): Country Kuwait 2007 62498 2010 67036 2011 103490 Fact file/Kuwait 103490 87446 67036 62498 2007 53974 2008 2009 2010 2011 Value of Petroleum Exports (m $): Country Kuwait 2007 59006 2008 82672 2009 48914 2010 61754 2011 96724 120000 100000 80000 60000 20000 96724 82672 40000 59006 48914 61754 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Value of Imports (m $): Country Kuwait 2007 21313 2008 24872 2009 20340 2010 22413 2011 52267 Fact file/Kuwait 60000 50000 40000 30000 52267 20000 10000 21313 24872 20340 22413 2007 2008 2009 2010 0 2011 Record of Current Account Balance: Country Kuwait 2007 41307 2008 60310 2009 25783 2010 36796 2011 73870 80000 60000 40000 73870 60310 20000 41307 25783 36796 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Active Oil Rigs Record: Country Kuwait 2007 11 2008 19 2009 28 2010 56 2011 49 Fact file/Kuwait 60 50 40 30 56 49 20 10 0 28 19 11 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Oil Wells Completed in Past Five Years Country Kuwait 2007 73 2008 88 2009 83 2010 230 2011 295 350 300 250 200 150 295 230 100 50 73 88 83 2007 2008 2009 0 2010 2011 Producing Wells in Kuwait: Country Kuwait 2007 1103 2008 790 2009 1286 2010 1286 2011 1417 Fact file/Kuwait 1500 1000 500 1103 1286 1286 1417 2009 2010 2011 790 0 2007 2008 Cumulative Crude Oil Production up to and Including Year: Country Kuwait 45000000 40000000 35000000 30000000 25000000 20000000 15000000 10000000 5000000 0 1960 4,333,049 1970 13,028,906 1980 21,993,164 1990 25,857,094 2000 32,092,887 2011 41,518,527 41518527 21993164 25857094 32092887 13028906 4333049 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2011 Fact file/Kuwait Defense and Security: Defense Expenditures: (million US$) Year M$ 2005 4725 2006 3789 2007 3986 2008 7089 2009 6783 2010 3910 2011 4050 Defense Expenditure m $ 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 Defense Expenditure m $ 3000 2000 1000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Kuwait Defense Expenditures % of GDP: Country Kuwait 2005 4.3 2006 3.6 2007 3.6 2008 3.0 2009 3.9 2010 3.6 2011 3.2 Fact file/Kuwait 5 4 3 2 4.3 1 3 3.6 3 2006 2007 2008 3.9 3.6 3.2 2009 2010 2011 0 2005 Some Facts and Figures: Main Battle Tanks (MBTs): 368 Fixed Wing Combat Aircrafts: 66 Military Man Powers: 15500 Military Man Power by Service: Military Man Power by Service 2000 Army 2500 Air Force 11000 Paramilitary Men Power: 7100 Land Force Combat Units: Navy Fact file/Kuwait SPECIAL FORCES 1 SF unit (forming) MANOEUVRE Reconnaissance: 1 mech/recce bde Armored: 3 armd bde Mechanized: 2 mech inf bde Light: 1 cdo bn Other 1 (Amiri) gd bde Total Armored Fighting Vehicles: MBTs: 293 AIFV/RECCE/LT TNK: 463 APCs: 357 Total Operational Other Armored Vehicles: 820 Total Operational Artillery: Mortars: 78 MRLs: 27 Self-propelled: 106 Multiple Rocket Launchers 300 mm: 27 Fact file/Kuwait Operational Combat Aircrafts: 66 Armed and Attacked Helicopters: 29 Multirole Combat Aircrafts: 39 Anti-ship and ASW Helicopters: 13 Warships with anti-ship missiles: 10 Amphibious Warfare Ships: 4 (Landing Crafts) Land Based Air Defense System: Country Kuwait Major SAM 40 PAC-2 Patriot 20-MIM-23B 1 Hawk Phase III 12 Skyguard/ Aspide Light SAM AA Guns 12 Aspide 12 +oerlikon 35 mm 48 startbrust/FIM 92A Stinger Naval Ships by Category: 43 45 40 35 30 Amphibious 25 Petrol and Costal Combatant 20 10 Support 2 15 Support 4 5 Petrol and Costal Combatant Amphibious 0 Naval Ships by Category Fact file/Kuwait Pakistan and Kuwait Joint Ventures in Trade and Development: There are almost 160 thousand Pakistanis in Kuwait. The cordial relations between both countries become exemplary especially after the principled position adopted by Pakistan in Gulf conflict. Pakistan sent almost 11600 troops to support American led coalition. After the conflict Pakistan Army played an important role in de-mining operation. In 2004, at a very important meeting of the Pak-Kuwait Joint Ministerial Commission, representatives from both sides agreed to enhance bilateral trade from $800 million to 41billion by encouraging private sector investment. In 2005, Kuwait extended the assistance of $100 million for earthquake victims in Pakistan. Major Sources of Imports from Kuwait to Pakistan are oil and petroleum products, organic chemicals, plastic iron and steel articles, boiler machinery and its related applications. Major sources of export from Pakistan to Kuwait are Rice; made up textile articles, cotton yarn and woven fabrics, telecommunication appliance and equipments and boiler machinery and related equipments. Major items of Exports from Pakistan to Kuwait: (m $): Commodity Description Rice Textile Cotton Yarn and Woven fabrics Telecommunication Boiler machinery & appl. 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2.888 20.135 6.776 19.276 15.741 7.282 24.13 10.195 5.389 28.00 11.81 6.24 49.973 14.940 5.242 4.210 2.014 6.945 3.165 1.732 1.855 2.02 2.10 15.540 7.61 Major items of Import from Kuwait to Pakistan: (m $): Commodity Description Petroleum products Organic chemicals Plastic products Iron & Steel Boiler 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 885.844 795.544 1563.92 1590.83 1958.063 70.019 90.464 90.045 91.43 156.73 18.21 28.977 28.676 29.12 55.62 6.754 14.006 10.433 10.59 21.70 0.311 1.948 1.927 1.956 1.962 Fact file/Kuwait machinery & mech. Appl. Imports record from Kuwait since 2001: (percentage share): Year % in total import s share 2001 2002 -02 -03 7.09 6.59 2003 2004 2005 2006 -04 -05 -06 -07 6.35 4.56 5.96 5.66 2007 -08 7.50 2008 2009 -09 -10 6.6 6.9 2010 2011 -11 -12 8.2 8.4 9 8.2 8 7 8.4 7.5 7.09 6.59 6 6.6 6.35 5.96 6.9 5.66 5 4.56 4 3 2 1 0 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Exchange Rate Position (Pakistan Rupee in Terms of One Unit of Dinar) Year 200203 Rupe 194.56 77 es 200304 194.36 81 200405 202.38 16 200506 205.32 58 200607 209.81 18 200708 228.29 54 200809 281.27 42 200910 291.66 04 201011 304.41 59 2011 -12 319.7 528 Fact file/Kuwait 350 300 0.00 281.2742 0.00 291.6604 0.00 304.4159 0.00 319.7528 250 0.00 228.2954 200 209.8118 205.3258 0.00 202.3816 0.00 0.00 194.5677 0.00 194.3681 0.00 150 100 50 0 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Record of workers Remittance from Kuwait: (m $ and % share) Year 199192 Million 44.24 $ % 3.53 Share Year 2001 -02 Millio 89.6 n$ 6 % 3.83 Share 199293 60.22 199394 47.85 199495 57.86 199596 45.43 199697 38.38 199798 52.40 1998- 1999- 200099 2000 01 106.36 135.25 123.39 4.86 4.38 4.39 3.70 3.56 4.23 12.15 200203 221.2 3 5.28 200304 177.0 1 4.63 200405 214.7 8 5.17 200506 246.7 5 5.38 200607 288.7 1 5.26 200708 384.5 8 5.96 200809 432.0 5 5.53 200910 445.0 9 5.00 14.81 201011 445.1 9 4.42 12.08 201112 431.9 8 4.44 Fact file/Kuwait 500 450 0 445.19 445.09 0 432.05 0 400 384.58 0 350 300 288.71 0 250 246.75 0 221.23 0 200 214.78 0 0 177.01 150 135.25 0 123.39 0 0 106.36 89.66 0 100 50 60.22 0 57.86 0 52.4 0 47.85 0 45.43 0 44.24 0 38.38 0 0 Workers’ Remittances Record: (% Share) 0 Fact file/Kuwait 16 14.81 0 14 12.15 0 12 12.08 0 10 8 6 5.96 0 4.39 0 4.38 0 4 3.53 0 5.38 0 5.26 0 5.17 0 5.28 0 4.86 0 4.23 0 3.7 0 3.56 0 4.63 0 5.53 0 5 0 4.42 0 3.83 0 2 0 0 Fact file/Kuwait References used in Fact-file: Ministry of Finance Kuwait Ministry of Commerce Kuwait Library of Congress Country profile sheets World Bank Statistics International Monetary Fund Statistics CIPRI Year Book 2010-2011 National Bank of Kuwait’s Report on Economic Overview IEA, Department of Energy United States US Commercial Service Kuwait, State Department US. Global Investment House WTO Trade data base, World Development Indicators, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Pakistan Revenue State Bank of Pakistan CIA fact book 2012