using the course - Roger CPA Review

A step-by-step guide to successfully studying with your Roger CPA Review course
Step 1.
Start with a plan and stick to it! In your student account, choose between the 3, 6, 9, or 12month “Study Planners,” whichever best suits
your projected timeline for exam completion.
Then, customize your planner to help build a personalized agenda that meets your individual
study needs.
Courses are broken into sections and topics. Worksequentially through the course and start with the first section. Cover all
topics within the first section before mov
ing on to the second section.
Step 2:
Watch one lecture at a time in full, without frequent stops, and simultaneously follow along in
your course textbook.
Step 3:
As you proceed through all topics in a section, also watch the Class Question lectures and
follow along with the Class Questions covered at the end of each section of your course
textbook. Make sure to read the solution descriptions in order to understand why each
answer option is correct or incorrect.
Step 4:
After watching the lectures for the section, go back to your course textbook and thoroughly
read all corresponding pages, making notes as needed. Helpful Note-taking and Video
Bookmark functions are available in your course online. You can also follow along, highlight,
and take notes in the physical textbooks if you prefer.
Step 5:
Move to the Study Questions assigned in the back of each section for independent practice.
Take your time! Work one question at a time, checking your answers and reading the
rationales. Circle and mark difficult questions, or make notes within your course online, as a
reminder to review these questions again later. Many students use the Study Questions as a
pretest before challenging themselves with quizzes in the Interactive Practice Questions
Step 6:
Use your Interactive Practice Questions (IPQ) software to reinforce and practice applying the
concepts in each section of your course. Every 2-3 sections, log into the IPQ and create
quizzes from the previous 2-3 sections. Working through each question in the online format
will both orient you to taking the exam online and expose you to new and repeat questions,
including the Study Questions from your book. Work through each question with the same
care – it takes repeat exposure to each question to fully comprehend the concepts taught.
Try to get through ALL of the Study Questions and Interactive Practice Questions at
least 2 to 3 times!
Step 7:
Review any lectures that you bookmarked or noted to revisit. Use the Interactive Practice
Questions software for extra practice and to quiz yourself on multiple sections’ material at
once in full three-testlet format to simulate the exam and work on your time management
skills. Continue with as many multiple choice questions and TBS/Written Communications as
time allows, especially in the topics you find the most challenging.
Need help as you study?
Not sure why a question solution is either correct or incorrect, even after double checking in your course
textbook? Take advantage of the Homework Help Center found in your Student Account online.