Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme Prepared for: Coles Group Property Developments Pty Ltd Instructed by: Norton Rose Fulbright Site Inspections: Sunday, 20th October 2013 Date of Report: 28th October 2013 STATEMENT TO PLANNING PANELS VICTORIA BY JASON LEE WALSH, TRAFFIC ENGINEER JASON WALSH B.E. (Civil), B.Sc., V.P.E.L.A. AMENDMENT C267 TO THE GREATER GEELONG PLANNING SCHEME ARMSTRONG CREEK TOWN CENTRE Evidence Statement Study Team: Jason Walsh B.E. (Civil), B.SC., V.P.E.L.A. Released By: Document Status: Laura Procter B.A./B.E. (Civil) Hons., Master of Traffic, V.P.E.L.A. 28th October, 2013 Final COPYRIGHT: The ideas and material contained in this document are the property of Traffix Group (Traffix Group Pty Ltd – ABN 32 100 481 570, Traffix Survey Pty Ltd – ABN 57 120 461 510, Traffix Design Pty Ltd – ABN 41 060 899 443). Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Traffix Group constitutes an infringement of copyright. LIMITATION: This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of Traffix Group’s client, and is subject to and issued in connection with the provisions of the agreement between Traffix Group and its client. Traffix Group accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party. Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 2 BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 3 COLES SUBMISSION ................................................................................................................................................. 5 4 LOCALITY & EXISTING CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 6 5 PRECINCT STRUCTURE PLAN CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................................... 9 5.1 6 RELEVANT DESIGN GUIDELINES CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................................................10 6.1 6.2 7 ROAD HIERARCHY AND ENTRIES...................................................................................................................................... 9 PRECINCT ONE .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 PRECINCT TWO ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................................................12 14129panel Page 2 Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre 1 INTRODUCTION I have been commissioned by Coles Group Property Developments Pty Ltd to review the traffic, loading and car parking implications of Amendment C267 in the context of Coles land. In the course of preparing this statement, I have inspected the subject land, reviewed Amendment C267 documentation, and assessed the traffic, loading and car parking implications on the Coles land for implementation of the Armstrong Creek Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan and Amendment C267. My qualifications and experience to undertake the following assessment are set out in Appendix A. 14129panel Page 3 Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre 2 BACKGROUND The Greater Geelong Planning Scheme Amendment C267 proposes to introduce the Armstrong Creek Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) into the Planning Scheme as an Incorporated Document, and to facilitate the use and development of the Armstrong Creek Town Centre Precinct (ACTCP). The ACTCP is one of seven precincts that make up the Armstrong Creek Urban Growth Area (ACUGA). The ACTCP is located on the eastern side of the Surf Coast Highway (also known as Torquay Road and Surf Coast Boulevard) and is centrally located within the ACUGA. The ACTCP land is approximately 92 hectares in area, bounded by Boundary Road to the north, Surf Coast Highway to the east, Barwarre Road to the west and Burvilles Road to the south. Amendment C267 seeks to facilitate the use and development of the ACTCP as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Apply Schedule 5 to the Urban Growth Zone (UGZ5) to support commercial, civic, residential and recreation use and development of the land; Revise the Schedule to Mixed Use and Business 1 Zones to manage commercial land uses; Apply Schedule 6 to the Development Contributions Plan Overlay to support the delivery of key infrastructure in the ACTCP; Apply Schedule 1 to the Parking Overlay to support development of the land; Remove the application of the Vegetation Protection Overlay Schedule 1 from some roadsides; Modify the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) to reflect the sub-regional role of the Armstrong Creek Town Centre and importance of sustainability outcomes in the Armstrong Creek Urban Growth Area; and Incorporate the Armstrong Creek Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan (PSP), Native Vegetation Precinct Plan (NVPP), Development Contributions Plan (DCP) and the Small Lot Housing Code Standards for construction of a single Class 1 building and associated Class 10a buildings on an allotment (authored by the Growth Areas Authority, December 2012). The PSP divides the ACTCP into five precincts in accordance with the applied zone provisions under the UGZ5, including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Precinct 1 – B1Z Business 1 Zone (Central Core) Precinct 2 – B2Z Business 2 Zone (Surf Coast Boulevard – Central Core frontage) Precinct 3 – MUZ Mixed Use Zone (Surf Coast Boulevard) Precinct 4 – MUZ (Central Mixed Use) Precinct 5 – MUZ (Residential Mixed Use) The Precinct Structure Plan is informed by Design Guidelines. The intent of the Guidelines is to ensure that the physical arrangement of buildings, the public realm and their relationship to each other, reflect the vision for the development in the PSP. The Design Guidelines set out Objectives, Standards and Guidelines for each Precinct, that aim to outline successful outcomes. 14129panel Page 4 Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre 3 COLES SUBMISSION The following is a summary of traffic / parking issues raised within the ERM submission, prepared on behalf of Coles. Design Guidelines: • • The Design Guidelines, proposed to be incorporated into the Scheme (as an annexure to the PSP), are overly prescriptive. Coles would prefer the Design Guidelines be implemented as a reference document in the Scheme or prepared to the ‘satisfaction of Council’, via a requirement in the relevant zone. The key issues in the Design Guidelines to be addressed, are as follows: Car Park Access Points: The Design Guidelines dictate where car parking access points should be located – limiting Coles’ flexibility to deliver efficient car park layouts. Activation of Connector Road A: The Design Guidelines dictate where loading should occur, limiting the flexibility of design. Specific Design Standards: The following are specific standards contained in the Design Guidelines, which are of concern to Coles: Built Form: • • BF1-04 – directs loading through the car park. BF4-01 – requirement to sleeve smaller format retail around large premises. Movement and Access: • • MA2-01 – is too prescriptive in how access should be achieved. MA2-04 – requirement to locate car parking and loading areas behind built form creates a conflict. Site Access: • • 14129panel Consideration of right turn access into the east-west parking street from Surf Coast Highway. Consideration of left-in / left-out accesses to the service lane into Precincts 2 & 3 from the Surf Coast Highway. Page 5 Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre 4 LOCALITY & EXISTING CONDITIONS Coles is the owner of approximately 16 hectares of land, known as 500-540 Torquay Road, Mount Duneed, located in the southwest corner of the ACTCP, with frontages to the Surf Coast Boulevard and Burvilles Road. The land is bound by Woolworths land to the north, including in part the future Main Street, future Connector Road A to the east, Burvilles Road to the south, and Surf Coast Highway to the west. The locality of the Coles land and ACTCP is illustrated in Figure 1, whilst Figure 2 shows the Coles land in the context of the Plan 5 Armstrong Creek Town Centre Concept Plan of the PSP. ACTCP Land Subject Land Reproduced with permission of Melways Publishing Pty Ltd Figure 1: Locality Map 14129panel Page 6 Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre Subject Land Source: Armstrong Creek Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan March 2013, Plan 5 - page 19 Figure 2: Armstrong Creek Town Centre Concept Plan The Coles land is contained within Precincts 1 to 4. The Armstrong Creek Town Centre Concept Plan (at page 19 of the PSP) shows the various proposed land uses within the Town Centre. The Coles land includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 14129panel The southern part of Precinct 1 (Business 1 Zone – Central Core), including two retail anchor tenants and car parking. (NB: Main Street is wholly contained within the Woolworths Land, as is part of the land on the south side of Main Street, on the western side of High Street. The southern part of Precinct 2 (Business 2 Zone – Surf Coast Boulevard). The southern part of Precinct 3 (Mixed Use Zone – Surf Coast Boulevard). The southern part of Precinct 4 (Mixed Use Zone – Central). Page 7 Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre Surf Coast Highway is an arterial road linking Geelong to Torquay. Surf Coast Highway operates as a divided carriageway with two traffic lanes in each direction and sealed shoulders. Burvilles Road is a local road providing a connection between Surf Coast Highway and Horseshoe Bend Road. In the vicinity of the subject land, Burvilles Road is a sealed road with gravel / grass shoulders. 14129panel Page 8 Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre 5 PRECINCT STRUCTURE PLAN CONSIDERATIONS Those elements of the PSP that are related to traffic and are of concern to Coles are assessed as follows. 5.1 Road Hierarchy and Entries Plan 10 of the PSP ‘Road Hierarchy and Entries’ illustrates the proposed road network and intersection treatments for the Town Centre. In relation to Surf Coast Boulevard, the Plan shows four (4) signalised access points to Surf Coast Boulevard, including signals at Main Street and Burvilles Road. In reference to Plan 5 Armstrong Creek Town Centre Concept Plan, it seems that service roads are proposed for the remainder of the Town Centre frontage of the Boulevard, and east-west parking streets are accessed from the service road, rather than directly from Surf Coast Boulevard. Parking Street B, is located within the Coles land, and is situated approximately 200 metres to the north of Burvilles Road. I believe that this is sufficient separation to allow direct access to Parking Street B, restricted to left-in / left-out movements, and right turn entry from Surf Coast Boulevard, subject to VicRoads approval. This arrangement would necessitate an effective separation of the service road. The northern section of the service road would be accessed from Surfcoast Boulevard, immediately south of Main Street, with departure to the Boulevard immediately north of Parking Street B The southern section of the service road would be accessed from Surfcoast Boulevard, immediately south of Parking Street B, and departure to the Boulevard would be from immediately north of Burvilles Road. This arrangement would relieve the reliance on the signalised intersections, with motorists able to use the shadow of the side street signal phase of upstream traffic signals to facilitate turns to and from Parking Street B. 14129panel Page 9 Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre 6 RELEVANT DESIGN GUIDELINES CONSIDERATIONS In relation to traffic and transport issues Coles primary concern is the prescriptive nature of the Design Guidelines. In this regard, I have undertaken a review and provide commentary on those parts of the Design Guidelines that could impact on future development of the Coles Land. 6.1 Precinct One Plan 21 Precinct One – Concept Plan is definitive in dictating where access and loading should be provided. The Plan also dictates a strip of retail along the entire length of Connector Road A. Strict regulation of this plan presents potential conflicts between loading, pedestrians and parking, and does not provide any flexibility in how a centre might be developed. Specifically, for the eastern plot in the Coles land, the designation of loading and parking in this arrangement necessitates that loading vehicles and customer vehicles utilise the same access points and loading vehicles travel through the customer car park, and potentially mix with pedestrians to access the loading area. Desirably, parking and loading should be separated. This could be achieved by allowing loading directly from Connector Road A. Allowing such flexibility now does not withdraw the opportunity for Council to assess loading arrangements at a planning application stage. In my experience, strip retail is typically developed to allow a ‘back of house’ area, to facilitate storage and loading activity. In the Precinct One Concept Plan, the strip retail will be difficult to design as it effectively has two frontages, one to a car park where presumably most patrons will be accessing the tenancies, and one to Connector Road A, which Council wants activated. In my view, the Concept Plan should be amended to allow greater flexibility for loading and access. In particular, in relation to the Coles land, access and loading to Connector Road A should not be prohibited, and similarly I can not see a reason to prohibit access to car parking from the service street. Objective Standard Commentary PR1-04 Parking Street Be developed as a priority vehicle access and on-street parking streets generally in accordance with Appendix 7, Cross Section 15. Cross Section 15 illustrates a street type with a reservation of 28 metres, including parallel kerbside parking and a single row of 90 degree centre of road parking. In my view, the reservation would be better used to provide angled parking along both kerbs. This would provide a similar level of parking, whilst removing the centre of the road parking and providing for a safer arrangement. MA1-06 14129panel To ensure all loading and service movements minimise conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles. This seems to be in conflict with the Concept Plan dictating loading access from within the car parking area. Page 10 Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre 6.2 Precinct Two In relation to the Coles land, Plan 22 Precinct Two – Concept Plan illustrates access via a service road frontage to Surf Coast Boulevard, and access via the north-south service road running parallel to Surf Coast Boulevard. The plan designates a sole access to / from the service road. I am of the view that access from the service road need not be limited to a single access. Objective Standard Commentary BF2-01 Small to medium format retail Be setback a maximum of 15 metres from Surf Coast Boulevard or 5 metres off abutting buildings and may include limited at-grade car parking in front of buildings. Regulation of these standards encourages parking to the rear of buildings, where loading is also directed. Mixing commercial vehicles and parking / pedestrian traffic is desirably avoided. Front the primary building entrance to the Surf Coast Boulevard or where applicable Main Street. In my view, parking is best located in the front setback or to the side with direct pedestrian access to the front of the tenancy. This provides the opportunity to separate loading and provide it to the rear of the premises, accessed from the service street. Address Surf Coast Boulevard with built form for a minimum 70% of the width of the site to avoid large car parking areas visible from Surf Coast Boulevard. MA2-04 Car parking areas 14129panel Be provided away from Surf Coast Boulevard frontage, and generally located behind built form. Limited car parking can be provided fronting Surf Coast Boulevard within the setback. A maximum setback of 15 metres (presuming it is from the service road boundary) does not allow a standard parking aisle arrangement with 90 degree parking on both sides. This would require the maximum setback to be in the order of 21 metres. See above. Page 11 Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre 7 CONCLUSIONS Having visited the site, perused relevant documents, and undertaken an assessment of the traffic conditions, it is my opinion that:a) Parking Street B can have direct access to Surf Coast Boulevard, restricted to left-in / leftout, and right turn entry from Surf Coast Boulevard, subject to VicRoads approval. b) The Parking Street cross section should include an option that allows deletion of the centre of road parking, but replaced with 90 degree parking adjacent both kerbs. c) The Design Guidelines should be less prescriptive in relation to access and loading locations for Precinct 1, and less prescriptive in relation to car parking locations for Precinct 2. I have made all the inquiries that I believe are desirable and appropriate and there are no matters of significance which I regard as relevant which, to the best of my knowledge, have been withheld from the Panel. JASON WALSH DIRECTOR TRAFFIX GROUP 28th October 2013 14129panel Page 12 Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre Name Jason Walsh - Director, Traffix Group Pty Ltd Address Suite 8, 431 Burke Road GLEN IRIS VICTORIA 3146 Qualifications My educational qualifications and membership of professional associations are as follows:- Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Monash University Bachelor of Science, Monash University Member, Victorian Planning & Environmental Law Association Experience I have approximately 18 years experience in Traffic Engineering including, 1995-2000 at Turnbull Fenner (now Traffix Group), including short term placements at the cities of Bayside and Whittlesea, 2000-2011 at Grogan Richards Pty Ltd (now Cardno), 2011-present at Traffix Group. Areas of Expertise Car parking and Traffic. Traffic advice and assessment of land uses and development proposals to planning authorities, government agencies, corporations and developers (including major residential, retail, food and drink, commercial, industrial, institutional and mixed use projects. Preparation and presentation of evidence before VCAT and Panels. Expertise to Prepare this Assessment My experience and expertise over the past 18 years, including involvement with varied forms of developments, qualifies me to comment on the traffic implications of the proposed Planning Scheme Amendment. Instructions I was retained by Norton Rose Fulbright Australia on behalf of Coles Group Property Developments Pty Ltd in September 2013 to undertake a traffic engineering assessment and prepare an evidence statement in relation to Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme. Amendment C267 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme: Armstrong Creek Town Centre Facts, Matters and Assumptions Relied Upon Greater Geelong Planning Scheme Amendment C267 Exhibition Documents. Armstrong Creek Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan Armstrong Creek Town Centre Design Guidelines Movement and Access Technical Report, dated 10 December 2012, prepared by Cardno. Council Report. Submissions. Site inspection, and Relevant experience. Documents Taken into Account See above. Identity of Persons Undertaking Work Jason Walsh as per the evidence statement. Laura Procter (Senior Traffic Engineer, Traffix Group) assisted with preparation of the evidence statement. Summary of Opinions See Conclusions section of the evidence statement.