Algonquin College Fundamentals of Information System Security Risk Management School of Advanced Technology Course Number: CST8881 Contribution to Program: Vocational Prepared By: Applicable Program(s): AAL: 1 Approval Date: Information Systems Security Officer Hugh Wright, Program Coordinator Approved By: Andrew Pridham Academic Chair, ICT Andrew Pridham Digitally signed by Andrew Pridham DN: cn=Andrew Pridham, _____________________________ Prerequisites: N/A Course Hours: Normative: 45 Co-Requisites: N/A o=Algonquin College, ou=Computer Studies Department, email=andrew.pridham@algonquinco, c=CA Date: 2014.01.14 09:55:07 -05'00' Approved for Academic Year: 2013/2014 COURSE DESCRIPTION With today's dynamic threats to IT assets, an IS security risk management process must be established to manage risks associated with the exposure of those assets to the compromise of their confidentiality, availability and integrity. Students identify and analyze industry best practices, tools and techniques to develop and strengthen their understanding. Through self-study using online distributed learning, students develop IS security orders and an IS security awareness plan in response to a given scenario. RELATIONSHIP TO VOCATIONAL LEARNING OUTCOMES This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Vocational Learning Outcomes: 1. Interpret, develop and align vital Information System security documents including IS Security Orders, Statements of Sensitivity (SOS) and Harmonized Threat Risk Assessments (HTRA). (T, A) 2. Formulate and maintain the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) of a network or information system. (T, A) 3. Monitor and evaluate network or system security to ensure compliance with Government policies, directives, guidelines and best practices. (T, A) 4. Derive and implement an Information System (IS) security awareness program and IS security awareness training. (T, A) T: Teach A: Assess CP: Culminating Performance 1 © Algonquin College Algonquin College ESSENTIAL EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS The course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Essential Employability Skills: N/A T: Teach A: Assess CP: Culminating Performance COURSE LEARNING REQUIREMENTS/EMBEDDED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS COURSE LEARNING REQUIREMENTS When you have earned credit for this course, you will have demonstrated the ability to: EMBEDDED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS 1. Identify and describe IS security orders and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's). 2. Interpret and develop security orders and SOPs. 3. Analyze IS security order to ensure compliance with Government policies, directives, standards, procedures, guidelines and best practices. 4. Identify the required elements of an IS security awareness and training program. 2 © Algonquin College x Outline the key components of an Information System (IS) security program with discipline-specific language. x Identify the applicable compliance requirements and Government standards associated with IS security. x Monitor national associations and agencies for changes in legislation, policies, and standards. x Explain what the role of IS security orders and SOPs mean in terms of how it supports an IS security program. x Produce IS security orders and SOPs according to IS security risk management best practices. x Review IS security orders with key Government policies, procedures, and best practices documentation to prevent any gaps in compliance. x Revise IS security orders, if required, to fulfill compliance requirements. x Outline the required components of an IS security awareness and training program. x Describe the role that each component plays in creating and maintaining an IS security awareness and training program. Algonquin College LEARNING RESOURCES No required texts. Resources will be electronic and web-based documents and websites. LEARNING ACTIVITIES During this course, you are likely to experience the following learning activities: x x x x Classroom lecture (1/2 day class) Online reading assignments with review questions. Online review quizzes Reflective writing about readings and information security scenarios via Blackboard’s Journal tool. EVALUATION / EARNING CREDIT The following will provide evidence of your learning achievements: This activity validates the following Course Learning Requirements and/or Essential Employability Skills: x Identify and describe IS security orders and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's). [CLR 1] x Analyze IS security order to ensure compliance with Government policies, directives, standards, procedures, guidelines and best practices. [CLR 3] x Identify the required elements of an IS security awareness and training program. [CLR 4] x Identify and describe IS security orders and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's). [CLR 1] x Interpret and develop security orders and SOs. [CLR 2] IS Security Orders Assignment 25% x Identify the required elements of an IS security awareness and training program.[CLR 4] IS Security Awareness Training Program Assignment 25% x Identify the required elements of an IS security awareness and training program.[CLR 4] Final Exam 20% x Identify and describe IS security orders and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). [CLR1] x Interpret and develop security orders and SOs. [CLR 2] Journal 20% Quiz 10% 3 © Algonquin College Algonquin College COLLEGE GRADING NUMERICAL EQUIVALENT SYSTEM LETTER GRADE % GRADE NUMERIC GRADE Course learning outcomes are met in a consistently outstanding manner A+ A A- 90 - 100% 85 - 89 % 80 - 84% 4.0 3.8 3.6 Course learning outcomes are met in a consistently thorough manner B+ B B- 77 - 79% 73 - 76% 70 - 72% 3.3 3.0 2.7 Course learning outcomes are met satisfactorily C+ C C- 67 - 69% 63 - 66% 60 - 62% 2.3 2.0 1.7 Course learning outcome objectives are met at a minimal level of achievement D+ D D- 57 - 59% 53 - 56% 50 - 52% 1.4 1.2 1.0 Course requirements are not met F 0 PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT Students who wish to apply for prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) need to demonstrate competency at a post-secondary level in all of the course learning requirements outlines above. Evidence of learning achievement for PLAR candidates includes: Please seem Program Coordinator. RELATED INFORMATION If you are a student with a disability please identify your needs to the professor and/or the Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD) so that support services can be arranged for you. You can do this by making an appointment at the CSD, Room C142, Ext. 7683 or arranging a personal interview with the professor to discuss your needs. Students, it is your responsibility to retain course outlines for possible future use to support applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions. 4 © Algonquin College Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology The following information is course specific: In order to pass this course, at least 50% or 'D-' (i.e. 20/40) must be achieved on the assignments and final exam. This is an intense course where learning activities and assessments occur within a very tight timeframe. All students are required to complete all assessment activities. If you aren’t able to complete an assessment activity due to unforeseen circumstances, you must alert the course professor as soon as possible. Whether an arrangement can be made will be determined on a case by case basis. The student is required to attend the introductory ½ day in-class session for this course. The following information is college-wide: Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD) If you are a student with a disability, it is strongly recommended that you identify your needs to the professor and the Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD) by the end of the first month of the semester in order that any necessary support services can be arranged for you. Academic Integrity* & Plagiarism Adherence to acceptable standards of academic honesty is an important aspect of the learning process at Algonquin College. Academic work submitted by a student is evaluated on the assumption that the work presented by the student is his or her own, unless designated otherwise. For further details consult Algonquin College Policies AA18. and AA20 Student Course Feedback It is Algonquin College’s policy to give students the opportunity to complete a course assessment survey in each course that they take which solicits their views regarding the curriculum, the professor and the facilities. For further details consult Algonquin College Policy AA25. Transfer of Credit Students, it is your responsibility to retain course outlines for possible future use to support applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions. Note: College policies (previously called directives) are under review and redesign. The term directives is being retired. Students, it is your responsibility to refer to the Algonquin College Directives/Policies website for the most current information available at 5 © Algonquin College CST8881 Algonquin College Information System Security Incident Handling School of Advanced Technology Course Number: CST8882 Contribution to Program: Vocational Prepared By: Applicable Program(s): AAL: 1 Approval Date: Information Systems Security Officer Hugh Wright, Program Coordinator Approved By: Andrew Pridham Academic Chair, ICT Andrew Pridham Digitally signed by Andrew Pridham DN: cn=Andrew Pridham, _____________________________ Prerequisites: CST8881 Course Hours: Normative: 18 Co-Requisites: N/A o=Algonquin College, ou=Computer Studies Department, email=andrew.pridham@algonquin, c=CA Date: 2014.01.14 09:54:15 -05'00' Approved for Academic Year: 2013/2014 COURSE DESCRIPTION A critical component of IS security risk management is proper handling of, and response to IS security incidents. Students focus on trend analysis as well as industry best practices, tools and techniques to identify and analyze IS security incidents. Through a combination of lectures and case studies, students develop incident response procedures and other appropriate documentation. With the practical examination of incident handling, students develop and strengthen resolution strategies that contribute to more consistent and predictable incident outcomes. RELATIONSHIP TO VOCATIONAL LEARNING OUTCOMES This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Vocational Learning Outcomes: 5. Anticipate, predict and respond to simulated security incidents/threats and prepare the relevant reports and returns. (T, A) T: Teach A: Assess CP: Culminating Performance ESSENTIAL EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS The course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Essential Employability Skills: N/A T: Teach A: Assess CP: Culminating Performance 1 © Algonquin College Algonquin College COURSE LEARNING REQUIREMENTS/EMBEDDED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS COURSE LEARNING REQUIREMENTS When you have earned credit for this course, you will have demonstrated the ability to: EMBEDDED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS 1. Categorize and respond to IS security incidents.. x Identify applicable categories of IS security incidents according to industry best practices, tools, and techniques. x Prepare responses to IS security incidents that reduces the risk of such incidents happening in the future. x Produce IS security incident response documentation that clearly explains the "who, what, when, where, and how" details of the specified incident. x Present summary data from IS security reports clearly to stakeholders such that appropriate action can be taken to prevent incidence recurrence. x Investigate and interpret IS security report data to understand potential risks and their level of urgency. x Prepare an action plan that clearly outlines what immediate, short-term, or long-term remediation activities are required. x Aggregate IS security incident data that is complete and timely. x Analyze IS security incident data using trend analysis methodology to identify potential patterns. x Present summary trend analysis findings and recommended remediation activities clearly to stakeholders. 5. Evaluate IS security response and create strategy to minimize damage to networks, data and equipment. x Develop recommendations for potential changes to the security response process to minimize the frequency of security risk incidents. 6. Develop an IS security incident program. x Design and implement an IS security incident program based on industry best practices, tools, and guidelines. 2. Prepare IS security reports and returns. 3. Analyze IS security reports and returns in order to minimize damage to networks, data and equipment. 4. Conduct trend analysis on IS security incidents. 2 © Algonquin College Algonquin College LEARNING RESOURCES No required texts Resources will be electronic and web-based documents and websites.. LEARNING ACTIVITIES During this course, you are likely to experience the following learning activities: x x x x x Classroom lecture Online reading assignments with review questions. Online review quizzes Online discussion with classmates about information security scenarios and reports via Blackboard’s Discussion Board tool. In-class time for individual assignment work. (An opportunity to confer with professor and classmates). EVALUATION / EARNING CREDIT The following will provide evidence of your learning achievements: This activity validates the following Course Learning Requirements and/or Essential Employability Skills: x Categorize and respond to IS security incidents. [CLR1] x Analyze IS security reports and returns in order to minimize damage to networks, data and equipment. [CLR 3] x Conduct trend analysis on IS security incidents. [CLR4] Information System Security Incident Program Assignment 25% x Design and implement an IS security incident program based on industry best practices, tools, and guidelines. [CLR 6] Information System Security Incident Response Assignment 25% x Prepare IS security reports and returns[CLR2] x Analyze IS security reports and returns in order to minimize damage to networks, data and equipment. [CLR 3] x Evaluate security response and create strategy to minimize incident frequency. [CLR 5] x Analyze IS security reports and returns in order to minimize damage to networks, data and equipment. [CLR 3] x Conduct trend analysis on IS security incidents. [CLR4] Quiz 10% Online Discussion 20% Participation 20% 3 © Algonquin College Algonquin College COLLEGE GRADING NUMERICAL EQUIVALENT SYSTEM LETTER GRADE % GRADE NUMERIC GRADE Course learning outcomes are met in a consistently outstanding manner A+ A A- 90 - 100% 85 - 89 % 80 - 84% 4.0 3.8 3.6 Course learning outcomes are met in a consistently thorough manner B+ B B- 77 - 79% 73 - 76% 70 - 72% 3.3 3.0 2.7 Course learning outcomes are met satisfactorily C+ C C- 67 - 69% 63 - 66% 60 - 62% 2.3 2.0 1.7 Course learning outcome objectives are met at a minimal level of achievement D+ D D- 57 - 59% 53 - 56% 50 - 52% 1.4 1.2 1.0 Course requirements are not met F 0 PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT Students who wish to apply for prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) need to demonstrate competency at a post-secondary level in all of the course learning requirements outlines above. Evidence of learning achievement for PLAR candidates includes: Please seem Program Coordinator. RELATED INFORMATION If you are a student with a disability please identify your needs to the professor and/or the Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD) so that support services can be arranged for you. You can do this by making an appointment at the CSD, Room C142, Ext. 7683 or arranging a personal interview with the professor to discuss your needs. Students, it is your responsibility to retain course outlines for possible future use to support applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions. 4 © Algonquin College Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology The following information is course specific: In order to pass this course, at least 50% or 'D-' (i.e. 20/40) must be achieved on the assignment and final exam. This is an intensive course where learning activities and assessments occur within a very tight timeframe. All students are required to complete all assessment activities. If you aren’t able to complete an assessment activity due to unforeseen circumstances, you must alert the course professor as soon as possible. Whether an arrangement can be made will be determined on a case by case basis. The following information is college-wide: Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD) If you are a student with a disability, it is strongly recommended that you identify your needs to the professor and the Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD) by the end of the first month of the semester in order that any necessary support services can be arranged for you. Academic Integrity* & Plagiarism Adherence to acceptable standards of academic honesty is an important aspect of the learning process at Algonquin College. Academic work submitted by a student is evaluated on the assumption that the work presented by the student is his or her own, unless designated otherwise. For further details consult Algonquin College Policies AA18. and AA20 Student Course Feedback It is Algonquin College’s policy to give students the opportunity to complete a course assessment survey in each course that they take which solicits their views regarding the curriculum, the professor and the facilities. For further details consult Algonquin College Policy AA25. Transfer of Credit Students, it is your responsibility to retain course outlines for possible future use to support applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions. Note: College policies (previously called directives) are under review and redesign. The term directives is being retired. Students, it is your responsibility to refer to the Algonquin College Directives/Policies website for the most current information available at 5 © Algonquin College CST8881 Algonquin College Certification and Accreditation (C&A) School of Advanced Technology Course Number: CST8883 Contribution to Program: Vocational Prepared By: Applicable Program(s): AAL: 1 Approval Date: Information Systems Security Officer Hugh Wright, Program Coordinator Approved By: Andrew Pridham Academic Chair, ICT Andrew Pridham Digitally signed by Andrew Pridham DN: cn=Andrew Pridham, _____________________________ Course Hours: Normative: 45.5 Prerequisites: CST8881, CST8882 Co-Requisites: N/A o=Algonquin College, ou=Computer Studies Department, email=andrew.pridham@algonquin, c=CA Date: 2014.01.14 09:53:19 -05'00' Approved for Academic Year: 2013/2014 COURSE DESCRIPTION An integral component of IS security risk management is Certification and Accreditation (C&A). Applying the knowledge and experience from previous courses, students focus on creating relevant support documentation to achieve C&A of an IS. Through a combination of lectures and group work, students apply the Information Technology Security Guidance (ITSG-33) and HTRA process to create a plan that strikes a balance between the implementation of security controls and the levels of acceptable residual risk. RELATIONSHIP TO VOCATIONAL LEARNING OUTCOMES This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Vocational Learning Outcomes: 1. Interpret, develop and align vital Information System security documents including IS Security Orders, Statements of Sensitivity (SOS) and Harmonized Threat Risk Assessments (HTRA). (CP) 2. Formulate and maintain the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) of a network or information system. (CP) 3. Evaluate network or system security to ensure compliance with Government policies, directives, guidelines and best practices. (CP) 4. Develop and implement an Information System (IS) security awareness program and IS security awareness training. (CP) 5. Anticipate, predict and respond to simulated security incidents/threats and prepare the relevant reports and returns. (CP) 1 © Algonquin College Algonquin College T: Teach A: Assess CP: Culminating Performance ESSENTIAL EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS The course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Essential Employability Skills: N/A T: Teach A: Assess CP: Culminating Performance COURSE LEARNING REQUIREMENTS/EMBEDDED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS COURSE LEARNING REQUIREMENTS When you have earned credit for this course, you will have demonstrated the ability to: EMBEDDED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS 1. Formulate and maintain the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) Plan. x Identify organizational components to be included in a Certification and Accreditation (C&A) plan as outlines by industry best practices. x Develop comprehensive organizational policies, procedures and documentation required to adhere to and maintain a Certification and Accreditation C&A plan that are based on industry best practices. 2. Produce a Statement of Sensitivity (SOS) to establish the level of assurance of security. x Write a document that clearly sets the standard level of security assurance for an organization. 3 Design an Accreditation Maintenance Plan to ensure ongoing compliance with the policies and processes. x Develop comprehensive processes and documentation to support continuous organizational compliance with the Accreditation Maintenance Plan. 4. Develop a Contingency Plan so the IS can recover from a major system failure. x Produce comprehensive organizational policies, procedures and documentation required to establish an Information Security (IS) Contingency Plan that is based on industry best practices and incorporates organizational practices. 5. Anticipate and conduct IS security surveys to identify areas of security concerns. x Create and deploy a survey tool with clear questions that identify current and potential security risks within an organization. x Analyze survey results to identify areas of security concern within an organization. x Develop a tool to categorize the risk threat status within an organization’s Information Security system based on industry best practices. 6. Create a Harmonized Threat Risk Assessment (HTRA) in preparation for system compliance. 2 © Algonquin College Algonquin College 7. Submit a C&A package that guarantees baseline security standards. Present the C&A (Certification and Accreditation) package to key stakeholders credibly to ensure its adoption and support across the organization. 8. Maintain a current C&A (Certification and Accreditation) to certify continued compliance. x Plan and coordinate a process for conducting an annual review of the C&A (Certification and Accreditation) to ensure organizational compliance. x 9. Develop an IS security awareness training program for the relevant stakeholders within the organization. x Identify trainee groups according to the organizational role that they play in terms of Information Security. x Prepare training materials that are customized for the Information Security role that they play within the organization. x Develop tracking processes and tools to ensure timely and continuous Information Security Awareness training of the organization’s employees. LEARNING RESOURCES No required texts Resources will be electronic and web-based documents and websites.. LEARNING ACTIVITIES During this course, you are likely to experience the following learning activities: x x x Online review quiz Independent Assignments Group Assignments EVALUATION / EARNING CREDIT The following will provide evidence of your learning achievements: This activity validates the following Course Learning Requirements and/or Essential Employability Skills: Quiz 10% x Formulate and maintain the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) Plan. [CLR 1] Statement of Sensitivity (Independent Assignment) 20% x Produce a Statement of Sensitivity (SOS) to establish the level of assurance of security. [CLR 2] Harmonized Threat Risk Assessment (Independent Assignment) 20% x Anticipate and conduct IS security surveys to identify areas of security concerns. [CLR 5] 3 © Algonquin College Algonquin College x Create a Harmonized Threat Risk Assessment (HTRA) in preparation for system compliance. [CLR 6] Contingency Plan (Group Assignment) 10% x Develop a Contingency Plan so the IS can recover from a major system failure. [CLR 4] C&A Maintenance Plan (Group Assignment) 10% x Design an Accreditation Maintenance Plan to ensure ongoing compliance with the policies and processes. [CLR 3] x 8. Maintain a current C&A (Certification and Accreditation) to certify continued compliance. [CLR 8] Configuration Control Plan (Group Assignment) 10% x Submit a C&A package that guarantees baseline security standards. [CLR 7] Recommendations Proposal (Group Assignment) 10% x Develop an IS security awareness training program for the relevant stakeholders within the organization. [CLR 9] Participation (10%) x Formulate and maintain the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) Plan. [CLR 1] COLLEGE GRADING NUMERICAL EQUIVALENT SYSTEM LETTER GRADE % GRADE NUMERIC GRADE Course learning outcomes are met in a consistently outstanding manner A+ A A- 90 - 100% 85 - 89 % 80 - 84% 4.0 3.8 3.6 Course learning outcomes are met in a consistently thorough manner B+ B B- 77 - 79% 73 - 76% 70 - 72% 3.3 3.0 2.7 Course learning outcomes are met satisfactorily C+ C C- 67 - 69% 63 - 66% 60 - 62% 2.3 2.0 1.7 Course learning outcome objectives are met at a minimal level of achievement D+ D D- 57 - 59% 53 - 56% 50 - 52% 1.4 1.2 1.0 Course requirements are not met F 0 PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT Students who wish to apply for prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) need to demonstrate competency at a post-secondary level in all of the course learning requirements outlines above. Evidence of learning achievement for PLAR candidates includes: Please seem Program Coordinator. © Algonquin College 4 Algonquin College RELATED INFORMATION If you are a student with a disability please identify your needs to the professor and/or the Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD) so that support services can be arranged for you. You can do this by making an appointment at the CSD, Room C142, Ext. 7683 or arranging a personal interview with the professor to discuss your needs. Students, it is your responsibility to retain course outlines for possible future use to support applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions. 5 © Algonquin College Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology The following information is course specific: In order to pass this course, at least 50% or 'D-' (i.e. 20/40) must be achieved on the assignment and final exam. This is an intensive course where learning activities and assessments occur within a very tight timeframe. All students are required to complete all assessment activities. If you aren’t able to complete an assessment activity due to unforeseen circumstances, you must alert the course professor as soon as possible. Whether an arrangement can be made will be determined on a case by case basis. The following information is college-wide: Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD) If you are a student with a disability, it is strongly recommended that you identify your needs to the professor and the Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD) by the end of the first month of the semester in order that any necessary support services can be arranged for you. Academic Integrity* & Plagiarism Adherence to acceptable standards of academic honesty is an important aspect of the learning process at Algonquin College. Academic work submitted by a student is evaluated on the assumption that the work presented by the student is his or her own, unless designated otherwise. For further details consult Algonquin College Policies AA18. and AA20 Student Course Feedback It is Algonquin College’s policy to give students the opportunity to complete a course assessment survey in each course that they take which solicits their views regarding the curriculum, the professor and the facilities. For further details consult Algonquin College Policy AA25. Transfer of Credit Students, it is your responsibility to retain course outlines for possible future use to support applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions. Note: College policies (previously called directives) are under review and redesign. The term directives is being retired. Students, it is your responsibility to refer to the Algonquin College Directives/Policies website for the most current information available at 6 © Algonquin College CST8883